Lucario and Mark's School chapter three

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#3 of Mark's and Lucario's school

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 or you are offended by pokemon/human relationships then do not read further.

Chapter 3: The Final Grade

Three days later me and Lucario was sitting at or seats and Nana said, "Ok tomorrow I give you the grade I told you about. The one where I watch your relationship with your pokemon."

I totally forgot about the grade and I got worried. After class we sat down at dinner and I looked at Lucario and asked, "Do you think we will pass?"

Lucario blushed, "I think so, Well I mean since Nana knows about our relationship then we should get a good grade."

I sighed in relief and said, "Yea our relationship couldn't get closer unless we had kids."

Lucario blushed wildly and she said, "I didn't know you wanted kids."

I almost fell out of my seat as I said, "No, no, no, I just meant that it couldn't get closer unless we did."

Lucario looked disappointed as she then asked, "So you don't want kids?"

I sat back down as I sighed, "Maybe one day Lucario."

Lucario grabbed my hand as we headed to out room. When I locked the door Lucario pined me with a kiss. I lifted her and held her against the wall as I pushed my growing shaft into her entrance. She moaned as her legs wrapped around my hips. I thrusted back and forth as I went all the way out and pushed back in. Lucario moaned, "Faster Mark."

I went as fast as I could as I felt her juices run down my shaft. I thrusted my hips and she bit my neck as I shove my shaft as hard as I could into her snatch and I could fell that I was close. I yelled, "Lucario I'm cumming."

Lucario panted as she licked my neck. I thrusted into her one last time as I came. I slowly moved back and forth as I shot load after load. I let her legs fall to the ground as we stood there. After a moment of kissing Lucario got onto the floor on all fours. I got on my knees and she looked back and asked, "Mark do it in this hole."

She pointed at her anus at the base of her tail and I slowly pushed my way in. She gritted her teeth as the pain shot through her. I started thrusting and the pain was replaced with pleasure. I thrusted in and out not wasting any time. She rocked back and forth with each thrust. I could feel Precum ooze out and I gasped for air. I forced my shaft deep into her as came. I seemed to cum harder than before. I panted as I slowly pulled out. Lucario turned around and kissed me. I stood up and laid her on the bed. I kept kissing her as I pushed two fingers into her clit. I then whispered in her ear, "I love you so much Lucario."

Lucario swallowed and replied, "I love you to Mark."

I laid down next to her and we fell asleep.

We awoke the next day to that same damn clock. Lucario picked it up and threw it across the room breaking it into pieces. I laughed gently as Lucario laid back down resting her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her shoulder and said, "Well I guess we should go to class."

Lucario sighed. I then got up and got dressed and said, "You stay here and rest I will go to class ok."

Lucario rolled over and I left for the showers. After the shower I sat down at my desk and the first thing Nana asked, "Where is Lucario Mark?"

I looked at her and replied, "I let her sleep in."

She then looked a little confused, "Didn't the alarm clock wake her up?"

I laughed and explained, "It did but the threw it when it came on and broke it."

Everyone laughed except the teacher and she said, "Oh well I will give out your grade now."

She handed me a paper with an A on it. I smiled as John taped my shoulder and said, "I got a B what did you get?"

I showed the paper and it seemed that everyone got a B except me. The teacher then looked at me and said, "You have passed our school in just a week Mark and it seems that you know more about Pokemon's feelings than anyone here. Your free to leave after going to the Principal and getting you diploma."

I smiled and ran to the Principal's office. I ran in and handed him the A. He smiled and laughed. "I guess you deserve this then."

He handed me a diploma and I ran to Lucario. I shook her awake and I said, "Lucario I have graduated from the school."

Lucario sat up rubbing her eyes and she asked, "Are we leaving then?"

I smiled as I replied, "Yes I guess so."

We grabbed our stuff and started to walk up route 212 to Hearthome City as we heard a familiar voice, "Hey wait up."

I looked to see who it was, "John why are you here?"

John panted and replied, "Can I travel with you?"

I laughed and answered, "Sure but why?"

He caught his breath and said, "Since you passed I want to travel with you and learn everything you know."

I smiled and said, "Well ok follow us."

Lucario, John, and I all traveled the world becoming the best of friends. As for Lucario's and my relationship we continued to be together and hopefully going to start a family after our journey.

this was one of my older stories and i wanted to put it on yiffstar for everyone to enjoy. if their are grammar or spelling issues then you know why. it is an older story.

Lucario's and Mark's school chapter two

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 or you are offended by pokemon/human relationships then do not read further. Chapter 2: The Garden of Emotions I sat down in my chair and I looked at Lucario. Her tears had dried and she looked over to me. Our...

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Lucario's and Mark's School Chapter one

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