Legacy of Hunters chapter 2

Story by DarkPrinceRiku on SoFurry

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I finally managed to get this done, and I had to type it all twice because the computer decided to cut itself off. XC

I hope you're enjoying the story, and that you look forward to more.

Chapter II

As Ryo left the bar, he circled around into the alley he came out of some time ago. He hopped on to his bike and drove off further back until he came into a large open area. The only thing in sight was a large star ship, though it was only large enough for a few people. It was a solid, metal black, and it's shape resembled a wolf's head. Two wings expanded from both sides, and it possessed a twin exhaust near the top of the rear side. The hatch in the back opened up and formed a ramp for him so he could get inside. He drove the bike and parked it inside the small hanger.

Shortly after, he came to the front in the cockpit to meet with the pilot, his avian friend, a phoenix with bright red feathers that seem to have a fire-like, orange glow. Just like Ryo, he also wore a black vest, but thicker, like it was bulletproof, and a pair of blue jeans that had holes burned through the legs. Feathered quills stuck out from behind his head like a mo-hawk. He stared at Ryo intently with his glowing orange eyes, as if waiting for him to say something.

"Okay, you were right," Ryo finally blurted,"I should've listened to you." The avian turned around and hit a button that brought up a holoscreen towards the pilot window. It showed a building in fire, smoke, and ruins with the word 'live' in red at the top right corner. He knew right away it was the same building he'd fled from earlier.

"They're calling it the biggest disaster of the century. Nobody in the building survived, and the damage has set the planet back about fifty years."

"And now everyone thinks I'm the cause of it." He sat in the co-pilot's seat, and gave a huge, depressing sigh with a hand over his face."Just get us out of here."

Moments later, the ship's hanger closed, and it finally began to lift off and slowly disappear into the skies. Eventually the sky changed into blackness with the only light being that of the distant stars. Ryo gazed out the window to his right, as though mesmerized by the scenery. The sound of a sudden thud averted his attention, the pilot's as well.

"Did you hear something?" the phoenix asked. They heard the thud again. Ryo stood up and drew a pistol from his belt and left to investigate. He came into the hanger where his bike was parked. It looked like some things had been knocked over, name some cans off a table and a few oxygen tanks. Another thud caught his ear. It came from an opened metal crate. He approached with his gun ready, finally standing over the crate. It's content was covered with a white sheet. He yanked it out, and was surprised to see a familiar blue figure. It was the blue cat he had met moments earlier.

"You!" He helped her out, but was a bit rough about it, finally letting her fall flat on her face on to the hard floor, giving a thud and grunt."What are you doing?"

"You didn't think I was going to let a cute thing like you get away so easily, did you?" she said playfully as she picked herself up and dusted off.

"So you stowed away?"

"I just wanted to stay hidden until you took off." She was trying to make herself look cute and innocent in hopes that he would let it slide. It didn't work however, as she was quickly grabbed and dragged by the hair."Ow, ow! Not so rough!" She suddenly got closer and more playful,"Well, not unless you like it rough." She was thrown into another room, almost losing her balance. The room was cold, vacant, and empty.

"I oughta throw you off the ship, but I'm already in enough trouble as it is," he firmly stated,"Do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into?"

"Hey, why'd you throw me in here?" she pouted,"And what trouble?" Ryo sighed, and pressed a button on the wall, which made a holoscreen like the one before, showing the same image. She watched for a moment.

"The planet's economy is crippled, and hundreds are dead now. I'm wanted all over now, and as of today, I'm a fugitive, and anyone who joins me now will be considered a threat to the public."

"Why do they think you did it?" Seeing that he was stuck with her, he felt it only fair to explain the situation. He told her about the message he received, and the explosion that followed shortly after."So much danger and excitement. I like that."

"This is serious, Chrys," he uttered with disdain in his voice,"You shouldn't have followed me here. We're all fugitives now."

"As long as I get to be near you,"she purred,"I could care less."

"You don't even know me," he argued.

"I know, but," she began to blush,"something about you is familiar to me." He began to grumble, as it seemed to be impossible to reason with her.

"I hope it was worth leaving home for, because we won't be going back anytime soon."

"Yeah, yeah, space cowboy, now let me out of here." She tried to leave the room, but was quickly stopped when he stepped in front of her.

"Not so fast. I have one more thing to say. If you start crying and beg me to take you home, I won't think twice about spacing you."

"I don't have a home to go back to, though," she sadly confessed.

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't had a home for as long as I can remember. Most of my childhood is foggy. I just remember waking up to nothing. No building, no people, just me."

"I see.." Ryo began to feel bad for her, and about his behavior towards her."Maybe I was a little harsh. If you really insist on staying, I can have a room made for you."

"Really?!" Chrys jumped with excitement,"That would be great!"

"Just try to behave yourself, okay? Don't make me regret this more than I already have." she startled him with a pounce and nuzzle, pinning him against the wall. She giggled a little before answering.

"Don't worry. You won't even know I'm here."