the past, the present

Story by Hidden Heart on SoFurry

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#4 of An Honored Promise

The next day was a sore one for Janet. She got up a bit late Draken having gone out already in the morning and hadn't returned yet. She made herself breakfast and sat at the table looking out over the back yard and the tree line wondering about things. Everything had been moving so quickly, in less than a week she went from a normal life to one full of magic, mystery, and confusion.

First she learned of her fathers death, it had saddened her greatly, he had raised her alone and she had asked so much about her mother yet his answers never mentioned her life with the wolves. He had never told her about his origins, she had of course met many of her cousins and relatives but they had also kept the secrets of the pact. She still wondered if this was how it always was how it had always been. She had so much to learn but she doubted that this run of events was normal. Learning of so much from the device left from her in his will had been so frightening and yet revealing at the same time.

She went to her bag and pulled out the crystal like stone carved and marked by ruins which at the time she didn't know but as time went on became clearer to her. It seemed so much a dramatic concept to tell her like this and yet at the same time she completely understood its purpose. having been raised without any mystic training or knowledge and without any understanding for werewolf society if she had been left a letter or even a film she never could have believed it but to have him show up in her mind when she had activated the device having heard his voice as he left his final message to her she came to terms with everything quick.

Putting the device on the mantle to remind her of her father she sat back down and took a sip of her coffee. The bitter liquid so soothing and yet so fitting to the situation she was now in. A magi and now told she was technically an elder, a both honorable and yet considering her age a bit of an insulting concept. Now she had duties to her line, to her pack? god that sounded strange. She loved her father and was actually pretty glad she had been allowed to grow up without all this on her plate. The question still remained why though, she had to believe this was not normal if for no other reason than the council members annoyance that she was not told sooner.

Her rage built for a moment at the council, who were they to tell her who and when to marry. This wasn't the middle ages nor was she in fear of becoming some old maid, the nerve, the audacity of them to assume they had the right. A sigh left her as she calmed, it was there way of life and if she had been raised with it she knew she would have no issue with it but she wasn't and now it was all so unfair. After what Draken told her she really didn't look forward to meeting any of the candidates, all were bound to be arrogant and presumptuous and more then likely after her as nothing more than a trophy wife. It was humiliating to think she would be treated like an object especially after being told how important and how honored she was, it was such hypocrisy.

Then there was Draken, everything she had learned about him and werewolves, most of it seemed so wrong, again her anger flared at how horribly she felt he had been treated and yet she was overjoyed he had been put in the assignment anyone else in the clans would have felt was just boring. He was so kind, so loving, he showed none of the signs of arrogance that others of his kind seemed to have, in fact he was wonderfully modest and totally loyal to her.

Despite being treated like some lowly mutt who was nothing but a shame to his clan as far as they were concerned he took his duty seriously in every regard, when he had mounted her and realized he had lost control his first thought was to protect his kind offering his life as long as she hadn't sought revenge on her kind. He cared for her deeply, not the magi but her Janet the woman. He had no interest in dominating her, no interest in trying to claim a prize or even bragging rights. His only thoughts were of weather she was happy with him, if he had made her life easier or better, he was far more a mate than anyone she was going to meet but, he couldn't be and he accepted that. She could see it in his eyes no matter who she ended up with no matter how hard it would be to see some other male claim her and mate her he would always be there for her to protect her, to comfort her, love her.

She began to sniffle as tears ran down her cheek. He told her how no one had ever treated him so well, with so much respect and here she was dooming him to watch her mate with someone else and left to an internal hell of always knowing he could never have had the chance to court her. She quickly stifled her feelings she didn't want him to see her like this when he returned he needed to see her strong not whining like a child.

It was shortly after she had cleaned up he returned and she smiled to him watching him pad up to her, "how are things out in the forest Draken?"

Draken had been out hunting this morning, the weather had been nice and he didn't want Janet to feel she had to feed him nor did he want to become complacent like some house pet. When he had entered he had enjoyed the first few sniffs of the air having come to truly love Janets scent nothing he had ever smelt was so intoxicating but then he had smelled her tears and sadness. do to how they met it was an easy distinction to make and he was worried but he hid it as she appeared to be hiding why she had been crying.

"Things are quiet out in the woods nothing is out of order, the rabbits are tasty still," he moved around to her side and sat down, "how are things here Janet? did you sleep well?"

She chuckled and reached down to scritch between his ears, "i slept wonderfully but i am a bit sore at the moment it might be a day or two before i am up to another good mounting."

The thought made his cock tip peak out of his sheath as he looked down blushing under his fur and his ears folding back, "i umm... sorry Janet."

She slid down to her knees and smiled as she rubbed his sides and leaned in to nuzzle his muzzle affectionately which he quickly returned licking her cheek softly, "never apologize for that honey, it was everything i ever thought it would be and so much more because i shared it with you."

He leaned back and tilted his head looking into her eyes, "was it really so wonderful because it was me."

Janet giggled and blushed a bit, "matter of fact yes Draken, you see i always thought if i had done that with an animal they would be just instinctually breeding and they wouldn't care afterwards not to mention only after their own pleasure but with you," Janet sighed and shivered, "with you i get the body of a wolf to breed with but i get the love and care of an intelligent wonderful werewolf who loved it and wants to pleasure me and make me happy, its more than i could ever have wanted in the experience which is why i bet you can smell how much i want you again."

Draken had been so caught up with what she was saying and how wonderful it sounded that until she finished talking he hadn't even noticed the ambrosia like scent coming from between her parted thighs, he pushed his head in between her legs and under her dress and took a deep whiff of her scent from her swollen folds his tongue sliding out gently over her sex making her grip the fur of his back in both hands as she gasped.

" naughty boy i wish i had the time to feel that tongue do everything to excite me again like you did yesterday but i need to get going to the Rugas clan so i can make them some caves," she smiled and slid to her feet on slightly shaky legs.

He whined softly but smiled up at her, "I was feeling so enthusiastic about your scent and flavor too."

She chuckled, "oh don't worry that tongue is getting a workout as soon as i get home and so are your balls i love your flavor too."

Janet finished up cleaning and sat with Draken a while just cuddling and loving his fur before she got up and got ready to go wearing more rugged clothes, Draken took the time to settle in for a nap as he watched her wondering what a different life he could have had if only he was more like the rest of his clan.

Draken fell asleep thinking of a different life one where he was born human one where even if he couldn't transform he could hold Janet, carry her, hug her. It was a warm summer morning, his eyes opened and he rolled over to see Janet's bare back before him, the sheet just covering her rear as he leaned in and nibbled her shoulder lightly. She moaned softly in her sleep stretching her arms above her head as a smile appeared on her lips. She turned over onto her back and opened her eyes slowly looking up at him with a smile. He leaned in and kissed her softly and with growing passion before sliding back to his elbows as she leaned up and bit his ear softly making him shutter, "its too bad your not a wolf i don't like humans that much." he woke suddenly with a start quickly getting up to his paws and shaking his head. What a dream he thought to himself, he looked around the house a bit, he hadn't really explored it much he also noticed the boxes on the floor near the entrance some of the personal items Janet hadn't unpacked.

Draken nosed his way into the box, he was curious about her life more so now after the dream then ever. There were clothes in this box interesting clothes, he had never thought much of clothing having always been a wolf and frankly he loved Janets natural look but he had to admit the dress she had been wearing that morning had looked nice on her. as he pulled out some things he found most of the stuff in the box odd, it was underwear but it seemed to small or without material enough to cover her and he found a few other things they had her scent on them strongly and it made him really want to know what she did with them. some were long and thin others were just round and one metal thing even had what looked like prongs. At the bottom he found another box, it took a little work to get it out but eventually he was able to drag it out of the box and he recognized it as a shoe box. He flicked the lid off with his nose and looked at the contents, they were pictures of Janet, with someone else a very male someone else and it was obvious from the pictures they had been intimate, apparently in very interesting and unconventional ways.

The dream came back to Draken and he huffed, he imagined himself as the male in the picture, the male that had her and made her happy. A male she would have chosen for herself. A male she could have said she loved and married. He growled, for the first time in his entire life he felt anger, anger at being what he was anger that he wasn't like all the others...anger and disappointment that for the first time he was not good enough for what he wanted in life. He padded out of the house and into the forest and went up to the cliffs looking out over the forest and howled his pain.

My Perfect Master

I guess you might say my story started about three years ago, I had been looking for a lot of things back then maybe I was confused on what I wanted, maybe I just didn't know what I wanted. I am very confused now as to what I want. but what scares me...

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Confessions of Intimacy

Janet got up the next morning and smiled as she hugged the furry male her arm was already around. Darken was still relaxed and resting and Janet was really starting to enjoy sleeping next to him. He was warm and soft and feeling his breathing slow and...

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Chapter 14: A Recording to Remember

Holis gave Alesta a long slow warm kiss as his paws rubbed her back, he slowly pushed her back till she was leaned against the sink making her giggle and grip the side of the sink for support. He slowly pulled away from her lips a murr emanating from...

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