Tricky Treat

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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A vore story based on this image

I normally don't put Luther in stories but this was an exception, it seems X3

Tricky Treat

By Luther

It was late October, nearing that witching night, and a trio of mischief-makers were out late and up to whatever sort of devilry held their attention. However, they were still subject to the whims of nature and sleepiness eventually set in, forcing them to bow to the end of their night. Though their time spent had been great fun, it had to eventually come to a close. They were doing the time-honored 'tricking' part of the season (bless them for it, someone had to) yet they themselves had mortal bodies that grew tired. They resolved to return home.

However, their carousing and revelry and impishness had ultimately put them on a far end of town somewhat unknown to them.

It was strange how the darkness of the night and isolation of the streets began to work on the nervousness of their natures now that they no longer had the spirit of trickery to buoy them up with fiendish courage. Now they too were growing more lamb-like, only later than everyone else who had the sense to go inside and shut the doors against the late hour of this unnatural night. The devil was done working through them and had left them all alone there.

In hushed whispers they colluded on how best to get back home. Ultimately it was Val who offered up the most decisive solution: they could take a shortcut through a small stretch of woods that partly bisected the town. Roads winded around the hilly area but those on foot could easily cut through. It was really just the equivalent of a large park. He, being a ferret, or at least ferret-like, was known for having a nose for this sort of thing. He could leverage that to work for him and take them on his short cut and right where they needed to go.

Yeah, the wooded path was spooky but so was everywhere else tonight and the little trail was one they at least knew of. There was some familiarity to it and the promise of a shorter path was worth it. The other two with him, Drake and Leaf, could only agree when presented with such confidence and unpleasant alternatives.

Of their number, Leaf was perhaps the most obviously unfazed by it, a fox of unusual green coloration. Though, all that was truly known was that he was adept at not letting himself appear unnerved on the outside. Inside may have been a far different story judging by his pursed lips and the eagerness of his step. He hung around to the side of their group, perhaps wanting to move faster but not wishing to appear so cowardly.

Bringing up the rear was a bluish fellow of mixed canine and draconian descent: Drake. Easy enough, right? It was likely a strange tale but with most he dismissed speculation. After all, he was far from the only hybrid creature out there and had no obligation to prove anything either way. He had the horns, tail, and wings of a dragon . . . plus hair, ears, and a muzzle closer to that of a wolf. For his own part, his hands were constantly wringing together in habit and his head was on a swivel to always check if that branch was indeed just a branch. More than once did his ears perk in alarm at a passing small creature or snapping twig.

Val abruptly stopped in the middle of the path, looking upward at an angle. The reason for that was soon clear. Up ahead, standing in their way, was a colossal bipedal silhouette, like that of a giant. It was bat-like with long, pointed ears and a pair of spreading wings that caught moonlight in the membranes. There was something so unearthly that gripped at them and held their voices in their throats and neck hairs on end at seeing it. The only overruling aspect in the primitive parts of their brains took control and they bolted back down the path as fast as their legs could carry, making distressed yelping sounds they would be embarrassed of at any other time.

But everywhere they ran, they found the looming shape of the bat straight ahead as if they had not turned away at all. They reversed direction only to run into it again! Off the path they went, but it was no use. Every time they encountered him, he seemed a little bigger than previously before. In their panic they thought they saw more of him, as what was immensity held suspended between his legs would suggest. It was a giant of other giant proportions yet it failed to click in their brains.

When next the giant 'caught' them, if he ever actually moved in this seemingly distorted place, he towered among the treetops as a nightmarish shadow above them. It was scarcely made better when the massive bat loomed and leaned in, details of glinting eyes and teeth revealed in the pale light. With alarming and preternatural speed he seized two of them in his massive clawed hands.

They could see him clearly now: fur running the gamut of reddish to orange to tan, and fifteen or possibly even twenty feet tall! It was hard to accurately judge what with the fear, adrenaline, and darkened environs. Their previous assumption was correct, the bat monster was massively hung down below and they couldn't fail to notice even with their immediate and other pressing concerns. However, a more objective view would note that roughly a quarter of its massive body mass was in its enormous prideful package. It twitched and swayed below them as the behemoth seemed to ponder what to do with them next, his member was perceptibly enlarging, filling out and surging upward. Excitement, perhaps?

Looking down, it was difficult not to refer to this creature as a 'he' though its imposing and monstrous nature made pronouns interchangeable with 'it'. Around that time both Drake and Leaf made the mental distinction that the monster had grabbed them yet not Val, who was still standing below it on the ground, unharmed.

"Good boy, Luther!" Val called out up to the giant. Mouths were held slightly open, uncertainty gripped them. "Now . . . eat that one!" Val said, pointing at Leaf.

"Bw-what? Do what?!" The green fox's eyes went wide, the whites of them in stark relief to the darkness surrounding them. "You! It was your idea to use this path home, wasn't it? You knew this would happen! This -thing- is yours somehow!"

It was true. Val had led them straight into the den of lions, definitely worse than lions. He had led them exactly where they needed to go, as he saw fit.

The fox's face changed to a mask of apprehension and bewilderment as he recalled the command Val issues. He looked up to see the bat's mouth already opening a crack, a long and thin tongue slipping between the lips to dart outward. Thin was relative, it was still as thick as leaf's leg and slithered its way forward and onto the fox to drape across his shoulders and wind around him. It was simultaneously slick and sticky, warm and ropy but misleadingly strong, even for its size. With scarcely little effort, Leaf's struggling form was bound and contained and passed from claw to tongue as the dexterous prehensile thing wrapped around him like a vine.

When it had fully entwined around his midsection, the bat let go and held him in the air by power of his tongue alone. He hung there for a time, rocking back and forth as it continued to tighten around him, never crushingly so but with a firmness that soon pinned his arms to his body as if he were being captured by a slippery anaconda that slowly drew him towards the open maw.

Drake was held in the other hand, helpless but to only watch and fruitlessly push against his captor's paws or pound away at the fingers. But they were impervious and the grip was like a vise. Somewhere below a great heat rose up and came from the stiffening pillar of flesh that erected there. It just kept rising higher and higher, up into Drake's field of vision, giving him the closest look yet. It was almost as big as he was! Yet despite the shining tautness of the ruddy-rose colored obelisk, it still stretched larger. Was he really that excited?

No, the big bat wasn't growing more aroused, or at least wasn't -just- growing more aroused, that maleness was actually growing! Mass and heft and weight that wasn't there before was added to it, defying physics and scientific law. At this rate, there would be just as much cockflesh as there was bat attached.

As Leaf was brought higher, Drake found himself being lowered. He was already at the mercy of one hand, what could happen now? It was difficult to tell if the absurd growth in endowment was intentional on the bat's part or not. How could it be? But the big creature needed some way to hold Drake in place if he were going to distract himself with Leaf. That paw alone might not work to keep the dragon-wolf there as he enjoyed his snack and those massive pillow-like balls provided the perfect answer as the giant tucked Drake beneath and let them fall and spread onto his body.

It was a much less perfect situation for Drake who found the huge masses piled on top of him like a duo of bean bag chairs with a gorilla sitting on top of them. They were forceful but soft, entrapping but yielding enough not to crush him outright.

Leaf thrashed but to little avail in his new cocoon, his head was the only thing free of the insanely long appendage entangling him. He yipped and howled as the wide open jaws came closer and closer, eyes wide as he could practically see down that throat, his destination. He was quickly turned over. Feet first, it would seem, the giant wanted to drag things out. He felt his legs slide in first, over the rough base of the tongue and scarcely grazing the teeth. He was to be swallowed whole. He was up to his thighs now.

It was so wet! Like a tunnel pressing in around him, the tongue loosened only enough to allow the throat to take over in a seamless transition. He fought again, thinking this might be his chance, but still nothing. He continued to sink in up to his crotch, the bat's lips effortlessly allowing the fox's malehood to pass by with utmost gentleness.

He was up to his chest now. This was it, then? Soon enough Leaf's head would pass down into the throat of the beast along with the last of the moonlight, gone. He made ready to hold his breath . . .

"Trick!" shouted Val. Almost immediately the bat stopped swallowing and Leaf stayed put right where he was, halfway down the throat of the beast but no more. The bat's mouth smiled widely around his body as that tongue reaches up to gently pat Leaf on the head. The fox had the most flabbergasted look on his face. Anything he expected was completely blown out of the water. What the hell was going on?

The ferret offered little in the way of direct answer, however. Instead he cackled gleefully and performed a running leap onto that towering shaft. He had held back this long but was unable to further resist.

"Is . . . does that mean . . . so am I not going to be e-eaten?" Leaf stammered out.

"And I won't be smashed?" Drake added.

"Nope! The trick is on you!" replied Val at length and giggled. "But I might just keep you there for a bit longer". He was happily wrapping his arms and legs around the bat's throbbing pole, engaging in a full-body hug. The thing was like a tree trunk but the ferret enjoyed it immensely, pressing everything against, nuzzling the warmth it provided. "This is mine right now!" he joked as he rode the upright standing cock as it bounced back and forth in springy fashion.

The fox was still dumbstruck, all of this was still breaking on him. Slowly he started to realize that he was in less danger than he thought.

The dragony-wolf fellow shifted and squirmed beneath the oppressive weight. Despite having heard the news he remained a prisoner. His fingers twitched, pushed into the velvety soft fur of the tremendous testicles, but found no purchase that would free him. He at last managed to get his entire head out in the open where cooler air was, the deep musk that was previously invading his nostrils was cleared yet had a lasting effect on him. Drake shivered a bit but not from the cold, he felt flushed and warm in the cheeks as his mind buzzed about, blinked heavily and sighed at his predicament. He wasn't getting out. Any attempt at escape was fairly useless here.

Above him, Val was still clinging tightly to the huge bobbing shaft and was at the perfect height to allow his own swollen ballsack to drift and rest gently on Drake's head. And so he resigned himself to whatever fate awaited him smooshed beneath the giant testicular prison. It was hard to say if the view was much better, given that it was more or less filled by the balls of his deceiver. What was more: the lingering and pervading aroma was causing blood to rush to his own crotch and he could feel his thick cock growing hard as well. And here he was, trapped underneath one pair with another in his face. Talk about adding insult to injury!

Ever the optimist, Drake was sure things could somehow be more humiliating than this. He was just having a hard time thinking of how. "Well -yep. Stuck here," Drake said. He'd shrug if he had the range of motion for it.

The four of them formed an odd tableau in the woods, all together like that. The huge creature bore them no true ill-will. He was just a fellow like them who was in on this whole prank. Though . . . how he got so big was another matter entirely.