A Love Suicide

Story by JinTheBunny on SoFurry

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A short piece based on the title theme from the game "Rule of Rose"

A Love Suicide‾

Say where is my shame When I call your name?

"Andrew!" The young white rabbit called out to someone nearby. The dark haired wolf looking up breifly from the parkbench before pretending not to notice the rabbit. "Andrew!" The rabbit shouted louder, still getting no response. "I know you can hear me! Stop ignorring me like this!" The rabbit screamed, people stopping to watch, Andrew looking horrified.

So please don't set me free I'm as heavy as can be

"God damn it Dan! Don't you understand that I just want you to go away?!" Andrew shouted at the rabbit in front of him. "For Fuck sake QUIT STALKING ME!" Dan's ears drooped slightly as Andrew's words hit him. "No... PLEASE NO... Don't say things like that!" Dan grasped at Andrews jacket sleeves as he cried out. "Please! I need you Andrew! You're the only person I've ever loved! Don't leave me like this!" Dan fell to his knees as he begged. "Shit... have a little self respect, we spoke three nights ago at a bar, how the fuck could you love me? We didn't even get along that well! We argued over politics for half the time! Just go home, forget about me and move one" Andrew pushed off the bunny as he walked away. "I-I can't be alone... I can't lose him..." Dan Muttered as the wolf vanished into a crowd.

I will do you harm I will break my arm

"Northwood police department what's your emergency?" a voice asked from across the phone. "Y-yes, I'd like to report domestic abuse..." Dan sniffed as he walked into a wooded area of the park. "Alright, are you the victim of this abuse sir?" the woman asked "Yes ma'am... I was in the park and my boyfriend shoved me down and threatened me, he pretended to walk away after some people saw us! Oh no! He heard me! He's coming back!" The rabbit dropped his phone as he slamed himself into a tree. "Gah" he cried out as he continued to throw himself into things around him. "Please Andrew stop!" he returned to his phone "P-please... send help..." he groaned out in pain. "We've located your position, officers have been dispatched."

I'm a victim of your charms

"He'll give in... He'll love me or he'll go down with me!" the rabbit talked to himself while sitting propped against a tree, his ribs bruised and his arm dangling limp at his side. "Sir we're here, is the culprit still nearby?" a woman in a police uniform asked in an authoritative tone. "No ma'am, he ran when I got my phone back... h-he said he'd kill me if I tried to leave him! I should have known better!" the rabbit said in a panicked tone. "I promise we won't let that happen." the officer said. "Medics are clear for entry." she spoke into a radio.

I want to be dead When I am, I lament

"Why'd you do it huh?" an officer asked Andrew as he sat across a table. "What? Wasn't putting out enough? You figured 'hey he's smaller than me, I can beat 'im till he does me' that it?" Andrew's look turned to one of fear and confusion "I swear I never hit him! He's been stalking me! After I walked out of the park today!" Andrew exclaimed. "Sure kid, and his arm just broke itself!" as the officer spoke a paramedic entered and handed him a clipboard. "Oh... my... I'm sorry to have brought you in son... you're free to go" the officer re-read the report "self-inflicted injuries"

"Oh hello officer! Thank you so much for helping me today!" Dan said in a concerned tone as the officer from the park entered his hospital room. "Daniel Metz, you're under arrest for the false accusation of Andrew Goellar." Dan's ears dropped and his jaw went slack as he realized he had been caught.

I can be so mean You can beat me

"Yes your honor, he had been staking me for a few days before the incident in the park. I had politely asked him to leave me alone and he had agreed. I assumed we were done with the whole problem but then all this happened" Andrew spoke to a judge while Dan sat quietly looking terrified in the courtroom. "With the evidence presented, I find the defendent guilty, and sentence him to six months house arrest with mandatory therapy sessions every week." Dan listened to the verdict and realized he had lost.

I would like to shame you I would like to blame you

"He did this to me..." Dan spoke through the phone to his friends, "He drove me to all this! He led me on and then broke me... Yeah I'll be ok, six months isn't that long, and I already went to therapy anyway so not much will be different!"

_Just because of my love to you

And love itself is just as innocent as roses in May I know nothing can drive it away_

"No, it's not like that doctor! We're in love, no force on earth will change that! He just doesn't realize it yet!" the doctor wrote in his notepad "I feel these delusions are taking control of your life, look at the awful things they've made you do to yourself and that poor boy." the doctor attempted to reason. "No, you're wrong, it's love! He's the only one who ever loved me and I'm the only one who loves him! This is all just a test to make us stronger! I need him! I need him!" we'll be together forever!"

Though love itself is just as brief as a candle in the wind And it's greedy just like sin

"Restraining... order...?" Dan asked quietly to himself... "He-he got a restraining order against me? Why would he do this to me? WHY?! He loves me... w-why would he throw that away over something so... so pointless?!" he began throwing things across the room. "How could he do this!? How could he pretend there's nothing between us?! I'll show him! I'll show everyone! I'll let them all rue the day they did this to me!"

Alone but sane I am a love suicide

Dan stood atop the stool pinning an evelope to the front of his sweater. "You'll regret this Andrew, every day of your life... You'll wish you had loved me! You'll all wish you would have seen the truth and helped us be together!" He kicked the stool from beneath his feet and the rope tightened around his neck. He gasped for air, a brief panic and regret entering his mind as he slowly faded, his body twitching as he drew a final breath.

'Cause love itself is just as brief as a candle in the wind It is pure white just like sin

"No... I didn't like the guy but I never wanted this..." Andrew clutched at a newspaper, reading through the obituaries. "Why wouldn't he just get over me... I didn't want this..." his thoughts drifted to the white rabbit who only a few weeks earlier had met him in that tiny bar. Sure he was unstable, but he didn't deserve this. Andrew wondered if maybe things would have gone differently if he had just talked to him that day instead. What would be different if he had given him a chance, maybe taken him to get help sooner... but now it was too late, that time had passed and Dan was gone.

Alone but sane I am a love suicide


I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to be loved. If I could have been better, maybe cuter, or sweeter, maybe you'd have cared. But you don't have to worry about me anymore, IU'll be out of your life soon, forever. Don't blame yourself, it's my fault for being so useless. It's MY fault for falling for you. It's my fault for thinking anyone would ever want someone like me. Goodbye, I'll always love you

Forever yours, Dan." Andrew choked back tears as he read the note, everyone assured him it wasn't his fault, but he still felt guilty. He stood in the cemetary, leaving flowers at a small grave near the back. "I'm sorry..."

'Cause love itself is just as innocent as roses in May It is pure white just like sin

A few random updates!

Heya meowsters! I've been away for a while ya? doesn't matter to most people, I don't have many fans or readers after all. To those of you it DID affect I am beyond proud to say I've been practicing with a few unrelated writing projects; and as SUCH I...

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"Are you... sure it's a good idea to set up camp here?" Cuervus asked looking at the imposing woods surrounding the trio. "Yeah, it's fine... we found a clearing, so we camp here, we'll keep watch in shifts, Drovas first, then myself. After all, he...

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Left In His Wake- Part 1

Left in His Wake Chapter 1 It had been two months already... Kurt still hadn't gotten out of bed, every moment of every day the image was burned into his mind... If he and Clay had gotten there just a few minutes earlier then Brett would still be...

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