Torvik's Journal: Part three

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#3 of Torvik's Journal

Well I've had this for a while and since I'm working on more figured I'd finally go and post it.

Complications, and then Complications. Poor Torvik doesn't know what to do.

"How is it?" Mrs. Flast asked as he was swallowing his first bite. Torvik nodded his head taking another bite to avoid talking while he looked around her office.

He had been here several times before, bookcases along the wall and the big desk with two nice leather chairs on each side. That part never changed but the statures, pictures, and knickknacks around the room were constantly changing.

She watched closely zeroing in on the items that caught the young dragon's attention. The last was the four foot plush dog that was only half able to fit into the bottom shelf with the head and paws resting on the floor.

Of course he would show some interest in that, his mother had several allergies and one of the things he had hoped for was a pet after his mother had passed, but the camera had been a good idea by his father to get him more involved in the world. "Torvik are you still taking pictures or did you already give that up?"

He shook his head choking on the food as he tried to swallow. "No, er *gulp * Dad says all the memory sticks are full."

"Take any good pictures lately?" Mrs Flast followed up.

"Some." Was the quiet reply before he stuffed his mouth full. She smiled politely waiting, it wouldn't be long at this rate before the hamburger would be gone and she could find out what was going on.

"So I heard you collapsed in class.. is something wrong?"

"I got dizzy. I was tired." She could see him winding down looking over the fries and the last bite of his meal.

"People just don't get dizzy just from being tired. Are you getting enough to eat at home?" Only getting his nod she probed for more. "You had a good breakfast today?"

Torvik stopped dropping the fry he had picked up. "I only had some toast and a granola bar today."

"Well that sounds fine. Did you get a good meal last night?" She watched him shove one handful of fries in his mouth while he held a second one ready. The counselor waited watching as the fries disappeared before asking again. "Did you?"

"I forgot to eat dinner last night... I, I wasn't at home." He finished.

"Oh did you have a good evening?" She watched as his eyes again wandered the room and made the jump to what she thought several young men might doing if they were away from home that would actually make them miss a meal. "You know I won't tell your father if you answer this question alright. Was last night anything like what happened at lunch today?"

Torvik's mouth opened slightly but he just wasn't sure what to say. Mrs. Flast gave a little laugh at his reaction. He probably got his first sexual encounter last night and Lacy had heard about it and pushed him into doing something else. She quickly thought of the reaction from Crysta and wondered if she needed to worry about him being pulled between the two. "It's perfectly natural and normal Torvik, although you should be a bit more discrete maybe. Does your father know what happened last night?"

Torvik listened to her surprised then worried. Did everyone know what happened last night? He thought. "Yes." He answered looking down at his knees.

"Well I'm sure he can tell you all you need to know as well as give you some guidelines." She watched as he nodded his head. In her mind this was a good thing. Not that she wanted students fooling around under the cafeteria tables but with a little attention from Lacy Torvik might become a little more popular and that would be a good boost to the shy dragon. "Just remember one thing Torvik. If a girl says no you should stop. It's wrong to force her to do something she doesn't want. Men should always be aware of what a woman wants and should not make or force others for their own pleasure... do you understand?" That got another nod. "Well class has already started so you can stay here for now and I'll check in with the attendance secretary. You can play with the stuff around the room just remember to be careful." Mrs. Flast reminded him as she got up and left her office.

She would have bet heavily on the dog getting pulled out first but she could check the camera later. Walking several steps down the hall she opened the next door and slipped into a small room that held a monitoring system and her computer. She typed out a short summary before clicking over to the camera views smiling as she watch Torvik sitting in the chair hugging the over sized plush with both arms and wings.

He still obviously had problems that would have to deal with, along with his mothers death, but maybe awaking to girls would help him come along. She felt a discrete word with his father might help with any extra problems or potential pregnancies. It wasn't until after school was out did she come across the email he had sent that morning and started to worry some. Maybe she had to have a serious discussion with his father, how could he have done something so stupid. At least she hoped she had cleared up some of his problems about things feeling good and being bad and decided she needed to speak with him again soon.

Torvik had been allowed to head home early after his father had been contacted and agreed skipping his final class. The young dragon wasn't surprised to see him waiting just inside the front door. "That's twice now I've had calls from the school, at least this time I didn't have to go and pick you up."

Torvik couldn't think of anything to do but stand there and apologize. "You're Sorry?! What about lunch? Are you sorry about that too!" Torvik flinched with the angry voice of his father hunching down and staring at the floor. "You think I wouldn't find out that you were getting a blow job at school? How many times have you allowed someone to suck you off and how often are you waisting your seed!" He could only try to stammer back under the demand.

"I, I didn't... she made me. I didn't want to." Flashes of light and color exploded before him as pain and blackness sent him crashing into the floor. He let out a whimpering cry as he gripped his cheek and muzzle curling up on his knees from his father's backhand.

"You didn't want to do that?" the question came quietly bringing a good dose of fear to Torvik as he shivered on the floor. "You didn't want one of the best looking girls in your school paying attention to you? Are you going to try and tell me you didn't like it too?!!"

He wasn't kicked but it was a hard prod from his father's foot nearly pushing him over. "Get UP!" Torvik tried to comply but not moving fast enough his father gripped his arm firmly and helped drag him to his feet. The hand tightened as he was now pulled through the house towards the back door. "I don't care how many girls fawn over you or what they want but you damn better well make sure you get something out of it. Money, favors, I don't care but NO Freebies!"

Torvik cried out as he hit the concrete ground after his father pushed him out the back door and he stumbled off the steps. "At least she is willing to trade to be next so you better not disappoint her!" The back door slammed shut and the younger dragon was left trying to crawl back to his feet feeling new aches and pains that seem to awake his injuries from that morning.

"I was supposed to be next. I don't appreciate having to agree to your father's terms just to get what I want." He didn't recognize the hand helping him up until he looked at Crysta clearly seeing her very upset. "Come on." the hand that took his wrist had a far stronger grip than his father and the first tug nearly took him off his feet as she pulled him off the patio area and onto the patchy grass.

"Um wait I don't..." The growl that the lynx let loose was more than enough to silence him as her paws worked quickly to disrobe him.

"Lay down!" The command was given with a shove that nearly sent him backwards. As his eyes continued to dart around the neighboring yards his wings and paws tried to cover his body. There was no way the four foot mesh fence was going to hide anything but again that loud oppressive yowl had him quaking to obey as he went to his knees. "Wait that's perfect." Crysta stated as her hand caught his head.

She had already slipped off her skirt and panties and when she stepped forward she was able to grind his muzzle across her crotch. "Lick." She said in the same harsh tone pushing his muzzle between her legs before letting him slide back. "Stop playing." came the response after his first few hesitant licks.

Allowing his wings to drop and cover most of his body Torvik tried to start pleasing her placing his hands against her hips and leaning in to lick against her privates. Less than a minute later she grabbed his muzzle pulling his head up and forced his jaws apart until he cried out in pain.

He stared up at the lynx who's mouth was already open and drooling with saliva. The thick fluid seemed to cling and dangle off her front teeth and lips before it dropped down to land on his face or in his mouth. Twice he tried to twist away only to be answered by having his mouth pried open wider until he thought she was going to yank him apart, all the while dripped like a leaky faucet.

He could do nothing as she closed her mouth licking her lips before spitting out a large wad that flew to the back of his mouth. Now holding his aching jaws closed Crysta ordered him to swallow locking eyes with the young dragon to keep any thought of resistance buried beyond his reach.

She knew it was to much, probably more than a triple dose but her anger at being denied having her father and the fact that Lacy had taken something she shouldn't even have, made her more upset than she had been in a long time. Added to that his father who forced her to agree to his terms and her own deeper hunger had Crysta not bothering to care if she left him broken beyond use.

It had been more than a year since she had a really filling meal and dragons, especially one which had such a high grade made her yearning unbearable. "Screw father, Lacy, and all the rest!" She nearly shouted at him watching as his eyes started to glaze over and watched as his nose stated to twitch seeking out her scent. She placed a hand firmly against his forehead. "I don't care if you end up dead I'm taking all you can make."

The part that was still Torvik stared up at this creature quaking, while the small amount of his conscious left so did his terror. "Now lick!" Several tears slipped from the corner of his eyes even as his head pushed forward against her palm. His tongue stretched out to its fullest running over her moist lips before wriggling inside once his head was allowed closer. "That's it." Crysta purred out as she adjusted her grip pulling him closer to grind against his muzzle. He was going to please her until she was satisfied or he broke and he better hope he lasted long enough otherwise he wouldn't survive her anger.


It was already dark as Crysta sat playing with the little bit of floppy orange that still peeked out of his vent. She could still feel his fathers staring out a window at them just like he had nearly the entire time. The older dragon had been foolish enough to try and interrupt them once but luckily had been fast enough to avoid her bite otherwise she might have ended up with two dragon play toys.

Torvik though had been enough. His first two ejaculations had bee plentiful and filling, the next two were fairly average, and the final, three jets of thicker cream which she had enjoyed licking off his stomach had left her full and sated. This had been something she had missed since the last time she was with her father.

Dragons were a rare meal indeed, tasting far better than any other, she even had to admit he almost rivaled their father in taste only lacking the abundant output that none could match. Now finally satisfied she felt a small amount of guilt checking Torvik over for any serious injury. She knew she had ridden him rough forcing his rear to make indentations into the dirt below them but all his bones seemed intact at least.

It would still be hours before her 'venom' would wear off but she was more than sure he wasn't going to wake in that time. Either way she decided to spend the night just in case, to be sure, she told herself thinking of waking in the morning and possibly getting just a bit more. Sighing she got up slowly, a little surprised to feel a bit sore and several of her own muscles started to protest. Maybe, if they could train him, Torvik would make a good pleasure toy. True he might not last long with everyone trying for their turn but she was sure that she and her sisters would enjoy every encounter.

Reaching down she covered the dragon with his own wings before lifting him up. After a very short conversation at the back door she carried Torvik to his room. Crysta locked the door and pulled the covers up before she crawled in next to him curling up against his chest with a possessive arm over his stomach as she fell asleep.

"Where have you been? We haven't seen you for days!!" Jade's voice grew as he gripped harder on Torvik's arm to the point of being painful. "Your dad said you fell of the back steps. I've seen your backyard... did he hit you?"

"NO no no, he actually... hasn't touched me since last time." He replied quietly. The truth was he was still felt shaky today and he had only been out of bed for half the day yesterday.

With an irritated noise the wolf hybrid let go. "What really happened and don't try to tell me you hurt yourself falling off two steps."

"It's true." Torvik tried to protest already having spent time thinking up excuses the day before. "I was already hurt remember. Dad says I fell hard and he had to carry me to bed."

"He probably pushed you!" Jade exclaimed turning away frustrated glaring at Exisho hoping the other would help him out.

"We don't have any more time." The fox stated. "We will catch up at lunch." he could see the relief plastered across his friends face knowing that what Torvik had told them was untrue. Except he seemed honest saying his father hadn't touched him. Exis walked away watching as the young dragon rushed past him trying not to be late, at least this way Jade wouldn't keep at him making him more upset.

It wasn't that the fox didn't understand his friend wanting to help, it was just that Torvik seemed more and more helpless since his mother passed and the protective older brother routine wasn't helping at the moment. They needed to get him to relax and tell what's going on not force him to talk, he thought that would only end up make him weaker. Exisho continued to ponder the problem even through lunch especially with the fact that Torvik had disappeared.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Lucky." ~ "Hey Mr. Lucky how's it going." Torvik flinched with the two hardy slaps to his back. The bell had just rang for lunch and two of the ever present football team, who seemed intent on harassing him, stood next to his desk, the young dragon didn't respond. They had been calling him Mr. Lucky all day even though he had asked them to stop. Worse was the other students who were now curious and asking questions.

"Hey not so fast Mr. Lucky." One of them had actually grabbed his wing as they stepped into the hall pulling him to the side.

"That's right. Mr. Lucky has to go this way." Torvik looked over the two canines. One was far larger than the other and the smaller one was now pointing in the opposite direction that he wanted to go. "Let him go Rick he's not going to run away. He's far to slow for that."

Torvik looked desperately around the hall and between the two players but could see there was neither help nor hope as the larger male turned him around and gave him a push forward. They picked up three more jocks as he was guided towards the gym then all the way to the back area where the mat room was.

"See Mr. Lucky good thing you came, it's not nice to keep a lady waiting." Looking away from the bodies that blocked the main door he could see Lacy was sitting on a folded mat pile with her friend while Arcoos, the captain of the football team, stood close by.

"That the one?" He demanded already knowing the answer.

"Yep that's Mr. Lucky." One of the males behind him answered. The young dragon stumbled forward from the push as the strong lean shepherd strode forward. He let out a shocked gasp as the canine paw suddenly darted forward latching onto his throat.

"You know most necks are about the size of a football?" The paw was firm around his neck but did nothing more than leave a threat of what could be. "I don't care!!" Arcoos shouted back at Lacy riding over whatever she was starting to say. Her small growl was ignored as the team captain continued. "I don't care what... or why she and the others are interested in you, all I know is that you _ are _a problem."

Torvik's whine was followed by his wings dropping trying to submit as the paw gave a very tight twitch. "Good." The other said quietly as he watched the averted eyes of the dragon. "You will do _ exactly _what I say and you will find this a great deal less painful. Now get over there!" He was turned and flung by his neck towards the pair of girls only to try and backpedal away from the anger that seemed to blast his direction from the wolfess he had been tossed towards.

The second girl who Torvik had seen yesterday but still didn't know also stood up and helped him off to the side and over to another stack of mats. His problem was he was to shocked to protest when she popped the button on his pants giving them a little tug. It wasn't until her hands reached around behind him trying to free his tail did he start to stop her. The paws that grabbed his wrist made him look back up at one of the jocks and in just those few seconds he felt his pants sliding down his legs leaving his lower half covered with a pair of tight boxers.

"Quit glaring at me Lacy. You want him here and you want our help, then you better expect me to get something out of this, and since you're not fucking him it shouldn't be a problem." Arcoos stated.

"I'll get into trouble if he get hurt and if that happens you better believe you and your boys won't get anything else, Ever!"

Arcoos gave an arrogant smirk as he spoke. "Not even you could stop all the girls, but as long as he does what he's told then we won't have a problem will we." Torvik was given a push that caused him to sit on the stack of mats behind him.

"Lacy we've only got until the end of lunch." The young dragon watched as the human teen dropped to her knees rubbing her hands across his leg then up his covered vent hooking one of her fingers against the waistline. "She's not the only one who's hungry to try you." He gave a small shiver as more of her fingers worked their way inside his underwear wiggling against the top of his vent as she grinned at him.

His mind suddenly jumped with worry thinking about the demand his father put on him yesterday. What was he supposed to tell his father and how was he supposed to get something out of this. "Don't look so upset Torvik, you are going to get a lot more attention but we won't bite."

The way she giggled was lost on him as Lacy stepped up turning his head and kissing him hard on the lips. He tried stammering out an objection or at least a sentence as she pushed him onto his back and helped her cohort wiggle off his tight boxers.

He finally sat back up when their tongues began to dance around his vent which was already beginning to spread apart. "Can you... I need." Torvik finally had enough courage to put a hand on each of their heads hoping to get them to stop for a moment.

"What's the matter Mr. Lucky? Hurry up, I'm hungry." One of the males spoke.

"Maybe he's hungry too." Arcoos laughed. The young dragon stared in shock as the team captain strode forward unbuttoning his jeans. As he stepped close, he allowed his pants to fall showing a thick brown sheath and a big handful of balls. "Since it takes to long to tie one of these bitches during lunch you're going to help me out." Lacy grunted but instead of protesting she slithered her tongue into his vent and finished pulling out the upper part of his member. Even as she slurped him up sucking in more of his shaft Arcoos grabbed one of his hands and ground himself against it.

"Listen dickwad, you're only here because she wants your cum and I was nice enough to allow it. So, you better start showing some appreciation or I promise you'll end up bent over screaming like a little girl on her first knot." Torvik wasn't sure if he was shaking because of the dominating male and his threat or the mouth that popped off his shaft before the next took its place. When the canine curled the dragon's hand around his sheath and thrust into it Torvik did the only thing he could by squeezing and moving his hand up and down in compliance.

The young dragon had completely forgotten about his father's warning, in fact he wasn't able to think about anything in the storm of emotions. Terror and Embarrassment as the dog growled out orders moving his hand faster over the bright red rod that now leaked over this hand. Embarrassment and Shame as the other players had gathered around making lewd and degrading comments about how well or poor Mr. Lucky was doing. And finally even more Shame over the Pleasure he was feeling as two females serviced his shaft sucking, licking, teasing, and exploring every inch of his privates inside and out.

"Open your mouth and lick it! Don't STOP!!" The order was barked as Torvik's wrist was crushed in a strong grip making his paw continue to jack the other male off. "Open your mouth and lick it. And make sure you use your other hand on my knot."

Slowly he complied gently rubbing over the bulb of flesh that wasn't even twice the thickness of the shaft. There was a very menacing growl before he leaned forward enough to swipe the very end of his tongue over the tip of the shaft before he quickly drew back in reaction.

There was a thrust against his hands as he was ordered again not to stop. "Listen dickwad, either you start licking, or I'm gonna, make sure you get, the face fucking of a lifetime!" The young dragon knew why he was shaking this time as those words were panted out.

It was a quite subjugated whine that escaped him as he leaned forward again to play with the tip of the canine shaft. "That's right." Arcoos encouraged giving thrusts with his hips now and again nearly bumping against Torvik's lips as he continued to please the other.

Even though his body was being pleased by the two females below, the complete humiliation was holding up his release. "Squeeze... The knot stupid!" Torvik's paw was yanked behind the knot pressing against the base while his other was forced to move faster up and down the shaft. With a growl his lower hand was pushed aside and the next order was given. "Open your mouth! OPEN!"

The command was barked again just as the first spatter of warm goo squired across his nose and face. Torvik leaned away even as he opened his mouth, not that it helped. Warm cum jetted out in strong spurts as Arcoos humped his paw aiming several warm globs across his muzzle, teeth, and tongue.

As he began to slow down the canine pulled Torvik's hand to the tip coating his fingers with seed. After one last thrust from his hips Arcoos used the slimed hand to slap the dragon across the face. "Next time you grab the knot from behind and squeeze."

Torvik was hit once more before the captain turned away disgusted. His mind got just a few seconds to try and process through his cum splattered vision and musk filled nose before a nip behind the head of his shaft made him yelp. Lacy was glaring at him when he looked back down and he could feel her paw move as two fingers dug into his vent while her companion went back down. His whine of pain feeing those fingers dig in to his tender insides pushing towards his seed sacks changed to a gasp as they finished priming and started to fire. Feeling the shaft twitch the wolfess counted to two before she pulled her friend back and slurped up his shaft without seeming to spill a speck.

He sat shuddering through his strongest orgasm ever and produced so much that Lacy had slipped off and the two were splattered with a firm stream of cum before the other female was able to latch on again drawing on him until the last bit came out. Through the after haze of release he could feel them cleaning off his shaft and all around his privates gently licking and rubbing all over. In moments the two teen girls had cleaned not only him but themselves as well, leaving him still to addled to realize they had just walked out and left him after straightening their clothes.

The young dragon sat there naked coated with drying dog seed trying to accept or process what had happened. It wasn't until the clock on the wall buzzed and the far off sound of the school bell ringing did Torvik finally show signs of reaction. He grabbed up his clothes and streaked across the gymnasium aiming for the boys locker room wondering if the next second was going to be the one where the doors burst open and students poured in.

It was a good forty minutes later before Torvik made it back to his own locker with every intention of going home right then. He had spent most of that time in the shower trying to wash away what had happened. The problem was he had begun to get firm again thinking over what had happened, and worse he couldn't understand why his thoughts kept skipping between Arcoos jerking off on him and the powerful orgasm he had. In the end he had shut the hot water off and shivered there for the next few minutes under a cold stream before stepping out.

"Torvik." The young dragon nearly jumped into the open locker startled by the paw on his shoulder. Turning he looked surprised for several seconds before he could make a response. "Jerome?" The young dragon quickly looked up and down the halls still not quite believing that he was there. Second later he was again looking back at the slick looking blue hide of the other dragon again wanting to somehow be more grown up, stronger, better, like the other one.

"We were looking for you. Why weren't you in class where you should be?" The tone wasn't harsh but held a mild disappointed rebuke that made the younger dragon almost fall apart. Watching the wings sag and head sag further looking horribly dejected Jerome quickly added. "Hey calm down, it's only one class right, and you don't do it often right?" He moved his other hand to Torvik's shoulder trying to straighten him up so he could look at him but was shocked as the other gripped his middle squeezing hard and shaking against him.

More than a little troubled and somewhat embarrassed he allowed the younger dragon to hug him for a minute before he pushed them apart and directed Torvik down the hall where he told them they could talk. Jerome tried to asses the other as they walked. It was never easy to lose a close family member but Torvik seemed even more delicate than a kid his age should be. Add to that Mrs. Wayne who had showed up at lunch time just like he did looking for Torvik made him worry just a bit more.

"Ah Torvik. It's so good to see you again." The younger dragon was startled as the female hawk strode up and hugged him going as far as to wrap her feathery wings all the way around him. "You don't remember me." She said sounding disappointed feeling him struggle to get away. "I'm Diane and I worked with your mother a lot. I know we haven't really seen each other since you were about seven when you're mom and I used to study together." Torvik vaguely remembered his mother having to study hard for tests with other ladies, including one with big wings, but all he really remembered was having to play extra quiet in his room.

"Listen I want to tell you that no matter what happens you can always call me anytime. I owe our mother a great deal for all the help she's given me." The truth was she had heard an odd rumor floating around about dragon sperm being sold and one of those names lead back to Torvik's father something she knew his mother would not be happy with. Although concern did play it's part finally checking in on the young dragon, as an assistant to the district attorney she felt prompted to try and check things out.

As the silence started to become awkward Jerome spoke. "Torvik, have a seat. I wanted to ask you a few questions." When all three were comfortable he continued. "I needed you to tell me why you wrote that email and what it means. I also want you to know that you can tell me anything you want and just like I said before, if there's anything you need I'll help you out as best as I can."

The silence moved forward hammering out each second until it seemed like ages as Torvik tried to think of what to say. So much had happened that he wasn't even sure what he had written in the email. "Is there something wrong?" Diane finally asked to which she got a shrug in reply.

"Torvik what happened to make you write that email?" The dragon asked.

"I had sex." He spoke softly knowing somehow that was where this was leading. As the two adults looked at each other Jerome had to suppress a small bark of laughter seeing the anger in the others face.

"Who did you have sex with?" She quickly asked.

"Some girls." The reply came, aimed at the floor.

"Torvik that's natural and something that will likely happen again. A young strong dragon like you will probably get lots of girls who wanna be with you." He shivered from Jerome's words thinking about how that would be, the only problem was he couldn't stop shaking.

All of them winched at the scraping of metal across the floor as Diane pushed a desk next to Torvik and sat down comforting him with a wing. The school bell rang interrupting the words she started to speak and the three of them sat quietly during the next ten minutes until the hallways quieted down. The young dragon had returned to normal during that time and even went so far as to push a little distance between them staring at Jerome every few moments.

"Why don't you start with what happened, who are these girls and what happened?" She finally asked when thing quieted down. Torvik had to explain several times how he had been grabbed and woke up somewhere different jumping back and forth trying to explain that he guessed he was kidnapped but that they had taken him home afterwards.

After a few sharp sentences Jerome finally agreed to be quiet and Torvik started again from the beginning. He slowed to a stop when his father was waking him up but when pressed by Jerome he kept talking, skipping over why his father was mad, until he finished with his father destroying his Journal.

"So your father wants you to make money? AND he said you had made money the night before? By having SEX with two Children and it's all on TAPE!" Each question had gotten a continual nod from Torvik even to the point of him hunching down in the desk from her raised voice.

"Enough!" Jerome stated sharply. He moved over and helped the younger dragon to stand up. As the two stared at each other the older dragon gave him the advice he was first seeking. "Things in this life can feel both good and bad. Usually that is because something is Wrong. You shouldn't have to have sex with anyone unless you want to. Your father probably shouldn't have read your journal but whatever was in it to make him mad, he certainly should Not have destroyed it. Listen, go ahead and head home..." The dragon stopped glaring over at the avian who had sputter as he told her to wait. "There is Nothing Torvik needs to do now! Except go home, and I promise I will help you out."

"WE!" Diane quickly interjected.

"I don't want you to worry or feel bad. I promise we'll talk again tomorrow and every day if we need to until you feel better. None of this is your fault, do you understand?" Torvik nodded giving a hug to the older dragon which was fully returned.

Honestly he hadn't felt like any of this was his fault. I twas just stuff that happened and it wasn't like he could have done anything different. These thoughts occupied his entire walk home. All the events that happened from beginning to end had been just things that happened, nothing he could do about it, which did actually make him feel a little better.

Meanwhile Jerome and Diane had called the Under-aged Welfare office reporting the entire incident. After which Diane reported the crime to her office and they began deciding how exactly they should proceed. "There is something else we have to consider in all of this. I don't want to be to... well blunt but you have realized he seems a little slow." She stated to the dragon after she had hung up. Jerome twitched a lip at the comment angry that she would jump to such a conclusion while she continued. "He is likely going to require some special help mentally...."

"That has NOTHING to do with this. There is nothing more he needs than some help and support!" He interrupted her. "I hate how everyone wants to analyze, psycho-analyze, and medicate teens who have problems. His mother died and now he's confused sexually and being used by his father. All we need to do is help and teach him what is right."

Jerome let out a hard gruff as he turned and left. "You don't realize his mother dieing is the problem. I don't think his father knows what he really needs anymore." She told the closing door. It had been a while since she had actually discussed Torvik's problem with his mother but she doubted his father was taking the time needed to help the younger dragon understand life and help him grow up.

Torvik's Journal: Part four

Torvik hurried to the front door wondering who was knocking so loudly. The door opened to reveal Alexander standing there staring at him. "Torvik?" "Uh... Hi." The skunk let his backpack drop off his back and stepped into the house as the other...

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Split Souls: Issues

Jared woke disoriented the next morning. He was outside, sitting down, and suddenly liquid was poured into his muzzle. His shock almost made Cassie spit out the hot sweet tea, as it was she did end up choking because he started to interfere. 'Sorry. I,...

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Split Souls: Weaving

Jared was up early and freely wandering the house for the first time. He had spent the rest of the previous day in bed recovering. He had been given some strengthening magics and medication for a horrible headache but even with a full nights rest Jared...

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