Distant Earth CYOA part 14

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#17 of Distant Earth text adventure

Well I had a lot of fun writing this one, mainly because i got to stream it and there were some cool people chatting to me as i did. Anyway, I hope people enjoy, the theme of this one got a little outside my comfort zone, I rarely do any kind f incest, so even mild incest is crossing into new waters for me.

Option d again and another close run thing,

As Zack stood pondering what to do he felt a presence beside him, he turned and acknowledged Reggie. The hyena had grabbed a tray of food while the rabbit had been talking to Daisy. Reggie glanced over at the table, where Qerry was pushing himself back into his chair and trying to stop himself pushing forward into the groping paws of two aggressively lustful wolves. "You want me to break that up, just say the word."

The rabbit smiled and couldn't help but think of what a good friend he had made in the hyena. However, while it was tempting, it would make Reggie even less popular and he would look like someone who needed other people to fight his battles. Now he had no illusions about being a physical match for any of the pack, however, he could probably out think or talk them. "No thanks, I think i'll just go say hello."

"Alright, well if you need me I'll be over here, watching your back... and enjoying a view of your arse, but mostly." The hyena said with a smirk as he slipped into a chair and put his tray down. "Seriously though, I got your back."

Zack thanked the hyena and turned around, as he took his first step towards the pack, the red panda finally caught sight of him and the smile of relief on his face warmed the rabbit's heart. It certainly warmed up parts of the rabbit lower down as well. He hadn't done anything with anyone in what seemed like an eternity, almost forty eight hours no sex despite several offers, he couldn't help but think of just what he wanted to do with the cute panda.

As he wandered over he was cut off by the black furred back of Qeith stepping in front of him with a tray. For just a moment the rabbit felt his ire rising, however, as he opened his mouth to give the wolf a snarky word, inspiration struck."Hey, Qieth how's things?"

The black wolf turned and snarled at him,"I'm fine, why do you ask?" The wolf's brown eyes burned a hateful look right through him. The rabbit couldn't help but wonder what he could have done to piss the lupine off so badly.

"Just being friendly, you know to a shipmate,"he replied as sweetly as he could, trying to give as reassuring a smile as he could.

"Seriously? You really think we're shipmates? I don't know you, I don't trust you. I damn sure don't want you hanging around my brother." Snarled the wolf putting his tray down on the table by the pack and turning to face the rabbit, folding his arms and clearly blocking the rabbit from seeing Qerry.

As Zack opened his mouth to reply, he was interrupted by the sound of chair feet screeching on the floor, followed by an indignant and high pitched, "Qeith, you don't get to pick my friends for me. Zack's a nice guy and he is my friend." The wolf turned and Zack saw the red panda standing up at the table two confused wolves looking up at him.

Qieth shook his head, "listen little brother, I know what's best and..."

"If that was true you'd know to stop talking right now, you have NEVER picked my friends for me!" Qerry moved as he talk walking around the table until he stood right in front of his brother. The panda a good half a foot shorter than his brother, however, the panda showed no fear and no signs of backing down. "Apologise to Zack right now or I will make you wish you had."

Qieth took a bit of a step back, his eyes flashed to Roy and Digsy who were both looking on grinning as only a wolf can grn. "I... don't have... to."

"Roy did you know that Qieth used to wet the bed until he..."

"I'm SORRY!" Squealed the wolf his ears down his tail still and down behind his back.

"That's better," snorted the red panda. "Now, why don't you me and Zack go somewhere and you can get to know my friend?"

Eyes downcast the black wolf nodded his acquiescence, "alright, " the wolf's ears perked up as an idea hit. "Hey, you're an engineer right?"

"Yeah, why?" The rabbit asked, he'd watched the encounter between the brothers silently, and had loved seeing how quickly the younger brother broke Qieth. The look on the black wolf's face as Qerry made him back down would keep him smiling for hours.

"Kelo is too bogged down, my gun turrets kinda squeaky," the wolf muttered. "I don't suppose you could take a look at it?"

Zack shrugged and nodded, the technician graft inside him wincing at the wonderful diagnosis of 'kinda squeaky'. "Sure, if we swing by the engine room I can get a few tools, shouldn't be too hard to pull the mouse out of the works."

"Great, thanks!" The wolf enthused, Zack couldn't help but feel bitter that his mouse joke had fallen on deaf ears.

The black wolf made for the exit to the mess as quickly as he could, trying to ignore the rest of the crew sniggering at him, as far as he was concerned the last few minutes had never happened and he would pretend that until everyone stopped teasing him. Roy and Digsy looked amused right up until they realised the red panda they had been touching up was walking out the door with Zack and Qieth.

A quick stop by the engine room and Zack was escorted to a gun turret, it was just a tiny box with a seat, probably designed with just one occupant in mind. Three was definitely pushing the limits of it's occupancy. Zack sat in the seat for a moment and then tried rotating the turret, the blast shield on the turret retracted just a think sheet of transparent metal surrounded the room. outside the cold blackness of space surrounded them. Not that the rabbit had a chance to appreciate the view of sitting atop the ship watching the stars fly by. As the turret rotated a loud squealing filled the room.

"You see! You have no idea how annoying that is in the middle of a firefight!" Shouted Qieth over the din.

Zack stopped the turret rotating and muttered,"yeah I can imagine. It's probably just a problem in the bearings. It'll not take long to fix."

The rabbit got down on his knees and pulled open an access port, sticking his head and torso through he began to work, his ass wriggling in front of the other two. "Yeah your bearings are shot, I can fix it."

"Oh thank you soooo much, I owe you one," crowed the wolf with a grin.

"Well I'll remember that you need to give me one then," replied the rabbit and then covered his mouth as he realised what he had said. he pulled his head out of the access port agast and blushing, "I mean... I... sorry."

Qieth leaned back against the transparent metal window, "oh don't apologise, I'm seriously considering taking you up on that..." The wolf stopped his eyes turning to the red panda, three bodies crammed into the tiny room had made it rather stuffy and all three could scent the sweaty musk of three overheated males. "Sorry bro, I just mean... oh come on he's sticking his ass up like that and wiggling his tail, who wouldn't be thinking of..."

"That's ok,I mean I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking of... repeating what we did the other morning." Qerry replied with a bit of a smirk, the normally shy panda feeling his own lust bleedthrough start to take effect. Almost two days of two sexy wolves trying to seduce him and suddenly he found crammed into a tiny room with two musky males and one of them waving his ass at him. even his normally shy personality was starting to have some seriously disturbing thoughts.

"You mean getting naked and then answering a vid call so I could see you both?" Asked the black wolf with a smirk, "got to say it was a nice call to get."

"Err... you guys know you are brothers right?" Zack asked with a gulp, his own lust bleedthrough was definitely enjoying the conversation and the naughty thoughts it was bringing, his sheath had swollen in his jumpsuit and he couldn't help but note the musk in the room was so thick it was hard to breath.

"Yeah well... our mother taught us to share our toys,"sniggered Qieth and as he did so he swatted the rabbit's ass playfully.

Zack yelped and there was a clang as he hit his head, and yet he couldn't deny the swat had definitely not helped his swelling sheath. "I am not a toy!" He retorted and yet even as he did so he began to wiggle his ass, this time it wasn't an accident, he was definitely feeling playful. Plus as Qerry was there, it couldn't count as cheating.

"No, but you are a lot of fun to play with," Qerry positively purred and unlike his brother he didn't swat at the rabbit's ass, he took a long slow firm grope of both cheeks, instead.

There was nothing for the rabbit to do but moan inside the small dark access port, he lustful moan echoing around him and out to the brother's who smirked at each other, drunk on lust and musk.

The panda didn't take his paws away, he kept rubbing, pressing lower and then around. Before Zack knew what was happening he could feel eager paws groping and squeezing on his hot length through his jumpsuit. The tools slipped from the rabbit's hands and bounced into the dark and out of the rabbit's mind. He pressed his crotch against the wandering paws wantonly. His lusts taking over his mind, he didn't flinch as he felt another set of paws on his ass. He stayed in the dark for a few seconds just enjoying the feeling of being caressed, and squeezed. Then he felt four paws pulling him back out of the access port.

Four paws pulling him eagerly led to Zack coming out of the port quickly, he almost fell back into the panda's arms. Before he could mutter anything warm panda lips pressed to his and he returned the kiss passionately. His paws grasping at the panda, stroking down his soft and plump body. As he kissed he felt someone pulling down the zip on his jumpsuit, the air in the turret was stilted and warm, muggy with the heat and condensation off three horny bodies. Yet it still felt cooler to the rabbit. He wriggled out of his jumpsuit willingly, before returning his lips to the panda's.

Qieth stripped quickly behind them, his lupine cock fully erect and dripping, a swollen knot the size of a fist resting at the base of the red spear. The wolf watched the other two until he could take no more and reached out grabbing the rabbit's shoulders he pulled Zack out of the kiss, "hey, share little bro!" He snorted indignantly before pressing his lips to Zack's, his lupine tongue pressing deep into the rabbit's maw.

Qerry moaned in frustration as the rabbit was pulled away from him, he stripped out of his own clothes to join the other two in the freedom of nudity. The musk in the room growing far more intense with three fully naked aroused males. Zack moaned deeply into the lupine's maw as he felt the red panda pressing up behind him, a paw grasped at the rabbit's dripping cock and stroked it gently. Zack gasped breaking the kiss, pressing back into the arms of the panda. Qieth leaned forward, biting playfully at the rabbit's shoulder as his paws stroked down the rabbit's flanks.

Zack's entire body felt on fire with the heat of his lust, caught between the two males. His need to be dominant was ever present in his mind and he found himself biting and nipping on the black fur of the wolf's neck. He thrust into the paw around his cock and the need it mate rising, he found himself pushing at the wolf.

To his surprise and wonder Qieth didn't resist, in fact he fell back willingly onto the gunners chair. The wolf finding himself face to crotch with the rabbit had only one reaction, Zack moaned deeply as a warm eager muzzle surrounded his cock and started to suckle firmly. He found himself locked in an embrace from the panda behind him, turning his head his lips met Qerry's and his mouth was filled with eager tongue.

Reaching behind him he began to stroke Qerry's erect maleness, squeezing the turgid length and making the panda cry out into his muzzle. The mouth around his cock bobbed rapidly and he found himself fucking the wolf's face wantonly, his balls smacking off the lupine's chin. Qerry broke away from the kiss with a desperate gasp and looked into the rabbit's eyes, Zack could see the lust burning brightly there. There was no doubt they were both lost to the wants and needs of their new bodies.

The panda leaned up to kiss his ear's softly and whisper, "please... t..take me." Zack didn't need to be asked twice, excitement rising he spun around, pulling his cock free from the eager wolf muzzle, eliciting a cry of disappointment from the wolf. Qerry had turned too, placing his paws on the window, he gazed out at the stars as he spread his legs wide and pushed out his rear, his fluffy tail curling up his back leaving him fully exposed.

The rabbit moved himself into position quickly, he couldn't believe he was about to take his first male. Part of him thrilled at the idea, and the rest just thrilled at the thought of finally being with the panda fully. He guided his cock, dripping with a mixture of pre and Qerry's brothers spit, to the panda's pucker. He let it rest there for a moment, enjoying the warm feeling, however, his hormone soaked body was demanding he take action and more importantly that he take the panda's anal cherry.

Taking a deep breath the rabbit thrust forward, the panda's tight ring contracted for a moment and it was only his uncontrolled lust that drove the rabbit to power his cock past the squealing panda's defences. Zack thrust forward with savage almost bestial need until he felt his hips press triumphantly to Qerry's. He paused to catch his breath, as the pleasurable sensations surrounding his cock almost overwhelmed him.

Zack leaned forward to kiss the panda's neck and shoulders tenderly, a twinge of guilt running through him for being so rough. Qerry moaned softly, arching his back as he abused rear began to relax around the thick, drooling, invader. The rabbit pulled his hips back an inch or two, gasping as the panda's ass clenched up again, he paused and continued to kiss and caress the panda, his paws stroking Qerry's soft tummy fur. As he felt the ring of muscle relax again he thrust forward, this time more gently, slowly sinking his meat into the tight warm depths. This time he got to enjoy a slow wave of pleasure that ran up his cock and spread out throughout his body. He heard Qerry moan softly, the more gentle thrusting not hurting the young former virgin, but starting to feel pleasurable.

The rabbit tried a second gentle thrust and then a third, gasping as the panda slowly opened up to him, by the fourth thrust Qerry actually pushed back into his cock. The two moaned in unison, lost to their lust and the pleasure of their union. Growing bolder with each passing second, the rabbit thrust faster and faster, his pre flowing quickly, making their mating far smoother. So lost were they both to their pleasure that they forgot for a moment that they were not alone. Qieth sat in the gunner's chair, watching the rabbit slowly mating his brother, he gulped softly, he had dealt with his lust for long enough to know that the two young lovers had gone without sex for too long. He stroked his cock and grinned, he knew that their naivety in abstaining had led them to get lost to their lust and allowed them to do something they would never have done in their right minds.

The tiny gunners pod was so stuffy that each breath was almost nothing but heat and musk. every breath seemed to drive the lovers to new heights of desire. The rabbit's hips were moving much faster, his balls smacking off the panda's taint with a lewd slap at the end of each satisfying thrust. Zack could feel his orgasm starting to build inside him and he was far too gone to his own needs to even think of holding back. However, it was at that point that Qieth decided he had enough of watching, he got to his feet and stepped up behind the rabbit. Before Zack even knew what was happening a wolf cock was pressed to his pucker and then he felt the strength of the lupine as Qeith thrust forward hard. This time it was the rabbit who squealed as ten inches of thick wolf cock spread his unprepared insides.

"Fuck yeah... your rabbit is one tight fuck brother!" Qieth exclaimed with a chuckle as he began to pull his cock out of the young rabbit. Zack could barely think as the pain flooded his mind, the second thrust was almost as painful, but the third hit something and a spark of pleasure made him moan out. With each thrust the wolf drove the rabbit's cock deeper into his brother, the wolf was only too happy to set the pace of their mating, smirking as he felt the rabbit submitting to his wishes.

With each thrust Zack moaned louder, the wolf's cock seemed to find and hit his prostate harder. Qieth was an experienced top and he knew how to make bitches, even reluctant ones, moan at the feel of his cock inside them. For the rabbit it was almost too much, the feel of Qerry's ass clenching around him and the thrust of Qieth's cock on his prostate brought his need to orgasm screaming back to him. the dominant part of him tried to fight it, desperate not to be another male's bitch, not to cum from being bred. However, as he fucked forward into the moaning panda and felt the thrust of wolf cock reaming him tighter, he knew he couldn't win the fight for long.

The wolf's black hips smacked off his ass faster and harder as Qieth took every pleasure he could in the rabbit's ass. Zack gasped as he felt Qieth's knot pressing against his pucker. He tried to clench down, to prevent himself being tied to the wolf. The clenching only served to spur the amorous wolf on, he drove his hips home faster and harder, his cock pounding rapidly into the rabbit's prostate, sending shockwaves of pleasure tingling into every fiber of the rabbit. Zack could feel himself losing control, the pleasure was just too much and then with a sudden cry he came. His cock pulsing inside the panda and spraying jet after jet of his seed deep inside the moaning male.

Qieth howled as he felt the rabbit's ass clenching down around his cock tightly. The sudden tightness proved his undoing as well, his cock throbbed inside the rabbit as he coated the bunny's insides with thick wolf spunk. After the first three jets he pulled out, spraying his seed over the rabbit's ass, smirking as his pearly white cum ran down over the Zack's lightening marked ass, as he marked the rabbit himself. the the wolf sat down in the chair, panting heavily as his spent cock dripped cum onto the floor.

Zack pulled out and practically fell onto his knees, his mind reeling with the thoughts and feelings from what he had just done. That left poor Qerry standing up tremblings, cum dripping from his abused ass, his cock painfully erect and dripping, so close to his orgasm he could feel himself dancing on the edge. He turned to face the other two, his cock pointing out at them, it was Qieth who reacted first, "Let me help you with that bro, looks like your bunny friend needs to learn how to give a reacharound." The wolf snigger as he reached out and took hold of his brother's cock. Stroking it quickly before the panda could protest, it took only a few seconds before Qerry cried out, his cock jumping in his brother's paw, spraying his seed out over Qieth's arm, the pearly white fluid in stark contrast to the black fur.

Qerry slipped to the floor, his softening cock pulling out of the wolf's messy paw, his eye's passed over the the rabbit and they shared an embarrassed smile at what they had just done. The three sat in silence, panting softly as their energy and senses returned to them. it was the wolf who recovered first, he grabbed his clothes and pulled the one, giving the other two a smirk, "I guess you two might want to talk or something, don't forget to fix the squeak before you go." Having lived with a lust bleedthrough for many years the wolf had no problem with what he had just done, or who he had done it with. in his years since he became the new him he had done many things that were far less acceptable and yet enjoyed them all.

With the wolf gone Zack found himself looking at the panda, his mind spun at what they had just done. He couldn't believe he'd just, as Daisy had so eloquently put it, 'scored the brother combo'. All the control he had exerted on himself over the last two days, turning down offer after offer, it had took something out of him without him even noticing. Once Qerry had put a crack in his defences he had crumbled, he knew right then he would have done anyone, anything. For the first time he really understood that living with the lust bleedthrough might be more difficult than he had first thought.

Looking at the panda he could see the same thought and realisation was running through Qerry's mnd. He knew they needed to talk, he tried to think of something intelligent to say. How was he supposed to handle his life, what was this relationship going to be?

Ok well you all know the drill by now, please vote by clicking thumbs up on the comments i will place below.

A: A relationship and the lust is too much to handle, just be fuck buddies and keep away from the love stuff

B: Try staying together, they can find the right balance and maybe a group of friends to play with to keep their lust in check.

C:Screw what his body is doing to him, they should be a couple and try to control their urges, try for a closed relationship.