My Red-Haired Asian Lover

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#30 of A Real Animal Lover

              You know, thinking about Koko got

me thinking about some of my detractors out there. I don't normally engage in

philosophical matters, because neither side has anything much to back them up

with in the way of facts. Feelings are not morals. Being a vegetarian, for

example, is a choice. We as humans have canine teeth, and they are part of the

dental assembly of a meat eater. So choose to eat vegetables if you wish to,

but there is nothing to back it up as being natural to our kind. We are

omnivores plain and simple.

    The same might be said for sex with

animals. True, in the basic biology of creatures, like sticks to like. But it

isn't completely limited to that, but again, I'm not here to get on my soapbox

about interspecies relationships. What I am going to discuss here is a case

where human morality, or the lack of it, really comes into play. So here is the


                Can you

rape an animal? The answer is yes.

                You can

also beat one, starve one, and of course, kill one. Thousands die on the

highway in any given week, from mice to moose. People get pets and then don't

take care of them or abuse them. So then, how does sex fit into the picture? If

the animal is into it, what difference does it make? And the difference, for

those unable to find the answer, is that a human is having fun in a way not

morally recognized by the greater population, and often based purely on

religious reasons.

                I have

crossed these boundaries from time to time, but in the end, no real harm came

to the animals. But what if harm did come to an animal? Where does a person

draw the line?


me to enlighten you on what is wrong when it comes down to this little fetish.


name was Pony, though since her name wasn't in English, it is more of a

translation. Pony is still alive, but she is living proof of taking something

way too far. She's evidence that humans can be total bastards. Sometimes

killing is a far better thing for an animal than the stuff we can think of to put

it through.

                Pony is

an orangutan.  She was born in the wilds

of Borneo, and when still a babe was removed from the carcass of her murdered

mother. She eventually fell into the hands of a madam who ran a brothel in the forests

where there were lumberjacks felling tropical trees. Despite there being a fair

number of human girls, Pony became a favorite with the men because she was so



right, the men preferred screwing a distant cousin over a normal girl.


being said, I don't necessarily disagree with their tastes. But here's the

thing. Pony was shaved every other day to look more "human", and was chained to

a corner with a dirty mattress. There were no records kept, but she was so used

to the constant attention that when she saw a man, she would gyrate on the floor

as an enticement to draw their attention.

                It was

all she knew.


this breaks my heart.


are limits to which such things should be taken. Playing around with an animal

that has some concept of its own existence is one thing, but putting an

intelligent creature such as an orangutan through something like that is just awful.


males are known to perpetuate rape within their own hierarchy, but that is not

for me to judge. But I can judge my fellow humans who do something as awful as

this. The poor girl never had a choice in the matter.


if you will how many times a day she might have been used, and multiply it over

a span of years. The folks in the region were so dead set on keeping her that

they would overpower the police sent to free her. It literally took a small

army equipped with assault rifles to free her. And that is a terrible thing if

you set your mind to it.

                So. Now

that I've depressed you, allow me to go on a lighter note. Like gorillas,

orangs are very gentle creatures, except for the aforementioned ability to

rape. But in that case, studies seem to find that it is the only way for the

lesser males to make their mark, so one can chalk it up to evolutionary bias,

nothing more.


what happens when, like Koko, you restrict a female from others of her kind?

Simple. They yearn for companionship.


second job, at a bigger zoo than my first, was such a case. They had an orang

female named Lucille, after the lively television actress and comedian. I was

drawn to her right away just for her solitary life. Too many animals have been

forced by budgets and such financial reasons to be mere display pieces and not

part of a greater experience.

                She was

nervous around me at first, which was completely normal, but when I started to

spend time in her cage, bringing her food and even cleaning in there, she

relaxed. We soon were very good friends, largely because I saw her as more than

simply a dumb animal.


attachment grew quickly, because unlike the other handlers, I was more than

willing to engage in physical contact with her. It wasn't sexual, not at first,

but just simple grooming and hand holding. Everyone else thought it was weird

until she started to react more. Hell, depression can set in even with animals

like cats and dogs. People are so damn arrogant when it comes to stuff like

that. Most of the time I think that such shortsighted idiots should just go jump

off a cliff; or as mom used to say, take a long walk off a short pier.


can be much more vibrant and aware than we were ever allowing that they could

be. That has changed some in the past decade or so, but back in the day, it was

still just us versus them.


to say, Lucille got to be very friendly, largely because I was open to giving

her more emotion in return for that which she showed me. Any relationship worth

its weight is a matter of compromise. It got to the point where she was looking

forward to my visits, even if it meant getting a shot, which she hated.


shots were eventually deleted from her routine after I restructured their

dietary program, which was pretty lame. I showed them more appropriate foods

for her, and added oral supplements instead of injectables as being less

stressful to her and also less beneficial. This girl associated the drastic

changes with me I think, and was therefore quite fond of everything associated

with my presence. Heck, I wasn't all that happy when it came to getting

immunized, so I could hardly blame her.


the day there was little I could do outside of the socially acceptable patterns

I had established. She was getting very friendly, often making me sit and get

examined for parasites. Since I was free from them, I would often sprinkle some

cooked rice into my hair just to make her happy.

                Hey! It

was only rice!


fact was, we got very close. But unlike my earlier job, there was no constant

staying overnight at this zoo. I had a house a few miles distant, but there was

no one but a security guard who patrolled the place during the off hours.

                A few

months into the job I had to leave for a week to attend a conference, and upon

returning Lucille was in a sad state. She thought I had left for good and had

refused to eat. I made a bigger deal out of than I should have, but I figured

if I threw everyone into a scare, I might be able to get away with whatever I

wanted. And what I wanted was some time alone with her.

                I told

them I'd stay overnight with her to make sure she ate. I ordered a pizza and

had it delivered for me, and one of the guys got me a six pack of beer, so I

was set for the night. Everyone thought I was some sort of saint for going out

of my way like this.


joke was on them.


was of course overjoyed at my return, and that night we shared her food and

groomed to our hearts content. I was feeling pretty good after a couple of

beers, even giving her one when she showed some curiosity towards the yellow

liquid. It was pretty amusing watching her pour it into her outstretched lip.  She swished it around in her mouth before

swallowing, apparently satisfied with its taste, or else not about to be shown

up by the likes of me. Whatever I could drink, so could she!


decided to strip down, knowing that if I was going to get anywhere with her, it

was going to have to be as natural as possible. It wasn't like they wore

clothing after all. My undressing was a point of amusement for her, and she

took each item of clothing and examined it as it hit the floor of her cage. She

sniffed them, and at one point put my undershorts on her head and hooted.

                Yes, I

laughed. It was funny!

                I think

she might have been a touch drunk too.


that however, she got a bit more serious, checking me over and finding my

crotch to be supremely interesting. To be honest, I had come straight from the

airport to the zoo after I got word of her condition, so I was smelling less

flowery than my shampoo normally allowed. So to her, she was analyzing me as I

really smelled, which wasn't that strong compared to her normal aroma. But the fact was, I normally bathed daily, and

her showers were about once every month.

                In her

curiosity she even licked my cock a few times, coming up from my crotch with a

bit of a smile on her face. She got excited, and from the looks of it, not for

any reason she was aware of. It was just a sort of silly grin like; well like

this is a new game that she hadn't played before!

                I was

pretty sure she hadn't had an opportunity as of yet for this game.

                She had

been an acquisition from another zoo when she was young, to reduce their

population a little, and I was very sad she wasn't in a breeding program. Of

course back then, there wasn't such a severe decrease in their numbers as

happened in later years, but still.

Being proactive is what zoos are

supposed to be about.

                She was

acting very excited before she instinctively dropping to the floor on her

belly. Her limbs were spread out and she was wiggling ever so slightly. That

position was going to be a bit problematic. It might work well for another ape,

but the skeletal proportions of an orang didn't translate over to human all

that well. Missionary would have been fine, and even on her side, but this had

her cunt too close to the ground.


didn't fret about it. I figured I'd start things with a little more hands on

foreplay, so to speak, and I gently scratched her rump and legs. I made my way

down to her ass, checking it out before working lower. There was no question as

to her desires, for she was leaking fluid quite rapidly. I almost thought she

was peeing, but it was very slick. It was her very own natural lubrication

kicking it. I slipped in a finger, and then two, before finally forcing in a



held totally still while I did, except for some grunts as I pushed in to the

knuckles. She was going to take a little stretching before I invaded that hole,

or there was going to be a whole lot of pain going down in the cage tonight.

                I pulled

back and shoved again, getting a little deeper, until after a few minutes I was

pretty sure she was opened up as far as she was going to go. As it was, she was

a wiggle mess on the floor from just my fingers. I had no idea what she was

going to do when the full force of what was essentially an oversize penis came

gate crashing to the party.


had been fine, and my little bonobo too, but this one was going to be an

interesting challenge. I spit and rubbed the tip, got on my knees with my legs

a bit splayed, and pulled her back and up onto my lap. She seemed to take

direction well, which was good. I got her positioned and worked the head of

cock in, pulling back and shoving in repeatedly to help loose her up some more.


locked her toes against me hips, showing the remarkable flexibility and dexterity

of her kind, all the while I was slowly inching my way in. She turned her head

to look at me from time to time, but otherwise she seemed remarkably peaceful

and content. I was making my way inside at a painstakingly slow pace. I was

grateful she was so patient, because if not, I could see where this might have

gone terribly wrong. But after about five minutes of firm in and out action, I

was finally up tight against her red-haired backside.


hooked my fingers onto her legs, making sure those long rust-colored hairs

weren't unnecessarily tangled in them and started fucking her. I did it not by

moving me, which was almost impossible from my present position, but by pulling

her against me. She quickly figured out the moves and began doing the moving

herself, which made my life immensely easier.

                Using both

of her feet where they were anchored, and with her hands pressed against the

floor, Lucille was grinding into me, occasionally looking back to see if I was

approving of her audacity. I smiled at her reassuringly and that seemed to be

enough for her. She lifted up a little and began rising and lowering her butt,

slipping off maybe half way before plummeting again. I wasn't clear how they

did it in the wild at the time, but I found out later that the males are pretty

much the ones in charge. Then again, I think she had a lot more to work with

with me, and a male of her own species would never have stayed inside for the

range of motion she was going through.

                She was

happily grunting and chirping as her hips moved faster and faster. They reached

a peak before she settled down again, and from the brief, increased tightness,

I was guessing she had had her first orgasm. I resumed where she left off,

pulling her back as she went a bit limp on the floor. I was wishing that I

could roll her over, and I disengaged her feet to try.


complied, and without slipping all the way out, I got her on her back and

resumed doing her hole. Her face had a bemused look on it, like what I was

doing was weird, but her arms latched together behind my back and she was quite

happy to give me a hug and a kiss.

                Yes a


                It was

an orangutan kiss, but it was every much a kiss as any human could give. I'm

sure she had seen plenty of couples kissing from within her cage, and apes can

learn, as we have seen, from witnessing others doing tasks. I returned her kiss,

and she smacked me right on the lips again. I had to lean in to do it, she

being shorter in the trunk than me, but we still did it.


her on her back now, all I had to worry about was my knees. I let my weight

down gently until I was sure she could tolerate it, and then let my hips do

their thing. I plowed her for the next ten minutes, and at one point she got

her feet into position again and was helping. It was like having two giant

hands holding you by t he hips and forcing you to fuck. Of course there was no

force involved here at all, but the effect was the same. I finally relaxed,

holding myself up on my arms, but letting her do the work with the lower half.

It was pretty intense, let me tell you.

                I ended

up coming in the middle of her body-shaking, cock-driving antics. It was weird

to be moving, and yet not in control of that movement. It's one thing to do it

yourself, and another for your partner to be moving, but when your partner is

moving you, now that's a strange experience. My orgasm hit me off guard, and I

was left only with her thrusting my body into hers. I wanted to cut loose, but

that would have thrown off her groove. Even as I was ebbing away, she was

building up speed, apparently feeling another need for release.


she finished before I got flaccid, because I would never have stayed inside her

with the motions she was going through. It was like the San Andreas fault had

sudden sprung to life inside her.  Her

face was a contorted mask of mixed emotions, but when she came again, it was

with much more gusto than the previous one. I could feel her convulsing around

me as her body reacted to the intrusion inside her.

                By the

time she settled down, I was soft, but still inside her. She still had her feet

locked again my side, and her arms around my back. I was praying for another

erection, but I had a feeling I was out for the night. I stayed there as long

as I could, but eventually I slipped out. She made pouty lips at me, and I

smiled and brushed my hand across her face.


girl. This fellow is done for the night. But maybe, if you don't eat tomorrow, the

perhaps we can do this again."


crawled over and got my clothing, pulling it on and then heading for the door.

But I paused and came back.


because I'm too tired for more sex doesn't mean I have to leave, now does it?"


just cooed and pulled me close.


before I drifted off, I opened my eyes and whispered to her, "Thanks Lucile.

Tonight was a Ball."


didn't get the joke of course.

   They found us sleep together the

next day. I got yelled at for it, but nothing came of it in the end. What could

they do? I had their old girl back to normal, and no one was going to argue that

point. And since no one asked how, I never felt the need to lie.

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