An Ill-Informed Interruption

Story by Lost Soul on SoFurry

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A fierce dragon hears word of a gryphon King living in a nearby castle. He departs with the intention of taking the fortress for himself, but finds himself rather unprepared for the consequences...

Many thanks to GryphonWings for his help with the writing and title. Enjoy :)

Hard, gleaming dark red scales scraped against the rock floor as the large, bulky beast rolled over. A long scaly tail swinging idly as large, leathery wings spread wide, stretching before folding back in as a rumbling yawn echoed throughout the enclosed walls of the cave. The sound bounced off the cave walls, echoing and amplifying before finally settling down and the large maw that had emitted the sound closed with a snap, hiding the sharp, gleaming canines. A paw reached up and scratched idly at the bared, scaley belly with thick, dagger like claws as the creature's eyelids opened revealing strong, dark green eyes.

Soulrend glared balefully at the mid-morning sun and yawned again. He wasn't happy about being woken up so early by something as simple as light and he rolled over, back onto his stomach with a growl before slowly walking to the entrance of his cave and looking down into the valley below him. His cave was situated on one of the steeper faces of the long winding valley and gave him a clear view of the lush, fertile forest that filled it.

After looking at the valley for a while he collapsed to his belly with a frown. The few human villages that dotted the valley, following the river that twisted and curved through it, as well as the few towns within a short flight, were all under his control. He took what he wanted from them yet he knew enough not to lay waste to the settlements because he'd lose his source of fun. Or at least it used to be fun. What had used to be an enjoyable raid against the occasional caravan or to put down a group of humans who put it in their minds to rise up against him had turned it a chore. It was so repetitive he could almost predict when the next idiot would attack his lair. Which path the caravan with gold or meat would take. He'd seen the human's ingenuity before, their warlike nature that sometimes could rival that of the dragons, but his valley seemed devoid of them. He was completely bored.

With a sigh he stood up, stretching his legs while he extended and furled his wings. There was a caravan that carried some of the villages' taxes which would pass by his lair soon. He'd asked for tribute several times from those villages - it saved on the effort of having to chase it down later - but they'd decided to ignore him as usual. They really did have short memories to use one of the older roads through the valley in hope from staying hidden from him. The old road linked two of the villages, but the reason it had become abadnoned was that it was also the sole road that lead close to his lair, not because everyone had forgotten about it as the tax collectors thought.

Spreading his wings he crouched slightly before jumping upwards, his wings beating powerfully as he took to the air. Cold, frigid morning air rushed around him as Ren flew forwards and up, soaring into the clouds and ignoring the low temperature. He hadn't truly experienced cold since he first began to breathe fire when he'd reached maturity, and even in the snow he could ignore it almost completely.

Floating among the clouds, his wings spread wide and flapped occasionally to support himself. He lowered himself enough to see down to the ground and ran his gaze along the old road, barely discernible except for the newer, light green vegetation from new growth that stood out against the older, dark green trees. A slow moving flicker, a flash of brown and the glint of metal was enough for Ren to pinpoint the caravan.

His wings snapped closed and the heavy weight of his body dropped like a stone, even as he steered slightly with brief flickers of his tail and wings so he was arrowing down through the sky like an osprey after its fish. Wind whistled past his head as he dove, dive-bombing towards the increasingly visible caravan. He could see a dozen knights escorting the caravan which was pulled by two horses. Even as he closed the distance rapidly he smirked; humans thought the slabs of metal protected them from dragons claws or fire yet it was no more thana hinderance. The metal absorbed the heat of the flames cooking them alive, while his jaws and claws had no problem piercing the armour. All it meant was that they were less edible unless they particularly displeased him, so he would take the time to peel the armour off.

They were also completely useless since he had no intention of wasting time with them either. The horses were more alert than the humans and started neighing urgently, bucking in their harnesses, and it took several lengthy seconds for one of the humans to look up and sound a call of alarm by which point it was too late for anything they could have planned.

Wings snapped open, stretching Ren's muscles painfully as the wind buffeted against the large, leathery wings, rapidly reducing his momentum. Claws outstretched he landed heavily on the wagon roof, wood creaking and cracking underneath his weight, splintering as his claws clenched and dug in to the roof. Even as he landed, his wings were flapping again and before the scrambling, noisy humans could do anything, he and the caravan began to lift up off the ground. His tail snapped to the side, cutting through the harnesses and setting the horses free from the rising caravan. The horses promptly bolted, disrupting the already shaky horses the human guards were riding.

"Stop! Stop you stupid beast!" A shrill, piercing voice sounded from the caravan and Ren looked down, surprised to see that what sounded like a screaming woman's voice came from a fat, gaudily dressed man who was shaking his fist at him while clinging desperately to the front of the swinging, air borne caravan. For a moment Ren thought the man was surprisingly brave for a human until the high pitched voice continued to hurl abuse at him, and he changed his mind to bone dead idiocy. The man probably didn't even realise that the dragon he was insulting was contemplating whether biting the man's head off would give him indigestion and whether it was worth the silence or not.

Then he began to register what the fat human was screaming in between insults and name calling that could be better done by a child. "We've sent word to our neighbours and their king has promised to rid us of you. He's a gryphon you fat monster! He'll tear you to shreds!" Souldrend actually surprised himself by mis-beating his wings, juddering the cart and causing the hairless monkey to shriek at an even high note. He momentarily considered whether the human was a particularly fat banshee before returning to his main train of thought. "A gryphon king you say?" he asked curiously. He knew his valley in the humans opinion belonged to a human king, who, after losing several companies of knights had decided to pretend he didn't exist. He'd never bothered to find out much about the neighbouring kingdoms though, except to know he lived close to the borders of another one. There was no point in raiding another kingdom. Attacking and living already in this one was like jabbing an anthill. Annoying, weak insects but there were a lot of them and they could make life annoying. A second source of annoyance wasn't worth the effort... or so he thought. The humans normally ruled themselves, and he'd never considered that a dragon... or a gryphon could rule them. Mostly because they were so annoying and stupid enough to repeatedly keep lying that most of them would end up eaten. "Yes!" the fat human crowed happily, seeming oblivious to his situation now, "The king of gryphons and his gryphon court will kill you and we'll never have to deal with you monsters ever again!"

Soulrend considered this for a moment, intrigued by the idea that someone had actually managed to bother ruling these humans... and created a court with his own species. The more he thought about it the more he liked the sound of it, and suddenly he didn't care about the caravan he held in his claws. "Thank you for the information bald monkey," Ren said, grinning at the human who never seemed to run out of air for curses, "I think I'll let you live instead of eating you for it." The Fat man drew in breath to reply, probably more insults or threats about the gryphon but instead let out a piercing shriek as Ren promptly let go of the caravan. He hadn't flown that far from the road, nor that high and the caravan crashed through the treetops with a racket, silencing the scream. The human would live. Probably. Not that he really cared either way

Flapping his wings he gained altitude so that he was near the cloud layer before turning and started making his way towards the gryphon kingdom. He often flew away from his lair but he never had needed to go very far before. The valley was rich with game, and the villages were in a prime position on a trade route for several gold mines and, despite his take from them, it was still cheaper to go through the valley. Flying further and further from his lair he wondered what exactly was the reason he was suddenly eager to fly out and see this gryphons castle. He could just as easily await any attacks they made from his lair, a land where he knew the best places to ambush or defend against others from. Ren wondered just how truly bored he was, eager for something new in his life.

Yet he was also slightly annoyed. Gryphons were one of the few creatures that could naturally be a threat to dragons; their claws and beak, if they were strong enough, could actually puncture his scales. Yet of the few gryphons he met, none had been bigger than him, and Soulrend was aware he wasn't the largest dragon there was, although he was confidant in his own strength to defeat any gryphon. Feathers and fur were hardly a good defense against fire after all, and Ren had tested himself against older dragons and come through victorious.

As he flew across the land and finally left the valley, the rich forests gave way to large, grassy plains and fields of wheat, barley and other crops. The humans change over the natural landscape created a bizarre mix of colour dotting the mostly green, rolling hills and plains. He flew for nearly an hour, flying high above villages and towns until he began to make out a particularly large, stone paved road that was fairly busy with traffic. Following it even deeper Ren flew slightly higher so that he could maintain sight of the road enough to not lose its track while remaining hidden. He wasn't so worried about the humans sounding an alert. He could fly faster than a horse could gallop after all, yet if a gryphon spotted him and sounded an alert, any advantage he had over gryphons individually would be ruined by the numbers of foes.

Finally he caught his first sight of a gryphon, quickly followed by another and another until there was easily a dozen spread out in the air, all above the largest castle Ren had ever seen. Citadels and towers of dark grey stone mixed to form a strange amalgamation, all easily triple the size of what a human would normally use, though Ren considered it was necessary to accommodate the gryphons size. One tower in particular rose above them all and Ren grinned at what had to be the king's tower and pumped his wings, gaining more altitude. He ignored the thinning air and growing cold as the castle disappeared from sight beneath the clouds.

Soulrend kept a mental picture of the towers location, the place of the large glass panel - almost a wall - that he'd seen in the side. He wasn't so sure anymore he was coming here to just deal with a possible threat. After seeing the castle; large, luxurious, made not for humans but beasts of his size he was starting to think that his lair which comprised of a network of caves with only one entrance, was shamefully small. He didn't want to just put down a threat suddenly. He wanted this castle for his own.

Finally he was in position and hovered for a moment considering what he was about to do. He knew next to nothing about this king he was about to fight and possibly kill. Then again, he only had two options if what the babbling human had said was true. Wait at home and deal with an unknown number of gryphons, and no matter how good he was, he wasn't foolish enough to think he could win against a large amount of the feathery hybrids at once. Or take the trouble out at the source. He almost shrugged to himself as he made up his mind for certain after the momentary hesitation. He was a dragon, small but heavily armoured with healthy, hard scales and able to breathe fire. He was fast and strong, and had never lost a one on one fight before. One gryphon stood between him and a castle.

Grinning, feeling settled now he peered through a gap in the clouds, confirming his position, then mimicked the move he'd performed barely a few hours ago, closing his wings to his side and diving, rapidly picking up momentum. He'd barely broken the cloud layer before the harsh caws of alarm sounded from several gryphons. Half a dozen gryphons flocked together and beat their wings, heading towards him but it was little use. Unlike the caravan, he didn't need to plummet from the sky all the way to the ground to meet his target. Indeed, the tower was so high up he was already preparing to spread his wings as he dove towards the growing glass window.

He flung his wings back and braked hard as he neared the window, furling them back across his body at the last moment as he tucked his in head protectively, crashing through the window and a loud storm of exploding glass. He rolled across a surprisingly lush, creamy carpet absorbing the last of his momentum before emerging at the end of the roll on his feet. Wings flared and teeth bared he spoke out, "I'm taking... your...." he trailed off, the words disappearing from his mind and speech as he finally took in the room and its two occupants.

The room he'd broken into was massive and more lavishly furnished than he'd imagined. Plush carpets filled most of the floor. Spread out throughout the room were massive couches, built to suit several beasts Ren's size and more. Most of the walls were large, singular panels of glass like that which he had just broken through, and in several places balconies jutted out, offering easy access compared to the entrance he'd just used. The view was spectacular, being able to look out across most of the castle and vast swathes of the surrounding land. Yet it was none of the obviously expensive furnishings that halted his speech and locked his gaze.

Situated in the center of the room was a bed the size of several of the couches put together and covered with rich, creamy sheets, thick mattresses and dozens off plump pillows, and on top of it all was a gryphon. The gryphon. Ren had expected a large gryphon - no small gryphon could have ruled over so many others after all - but the sheer size of the hybrid on the bed astounded him. He'd never seen one so large, likely even bigger than him. Lush golden brown fur covered his heavily muscled body. The folded wings were full of rich, golden brown and immaculately groomed feathers. The lion like tail swished slowly even as the world seemed to freeze momentarily. From the gryphons head came a sharp, deadly hawk like beak, and above those a strong piercing gaze stared at Ren.

On top of it all, or rather beneath the gryphon and in between the dagger like predator claws was a human male on his hands and knees. A human who had half the gryphons cock hidden inside his rear. Even from the sideways view on the pair Ren could see enough to see that the gryphon was almost scarily well endowed. A large, furry ball sack swung slightly with a slowing momentum and the king had a matchingly large fluffy sheath from which emerged the bright red, glistening cock.

Soulrend wasn't sure exactly what held his tongue or if it was the accumulation of surprises. He couldn't but help blush at how he'd interrupted what should have been a private moment, yet the gryphon didn't seem upset. Instead, those narrowed eyes staring at him looked pissed, which made Ren have to suppress a shiver. Any ordinary creature, him included would be more worried about being caught in what should have been a vulnerable position, unprepared and distracted. Yet all the king of the gryphons looked was ticked off about being stopped mid fuck. There was no fear, no wariness either about facing a dragon and that made Ren hesitate longer than he wished and almost forget why he'd barged in there at the first place. Some part of him wanted to apologise, back up and get away from the embarrassing situation and the surprisingly predatory gryphon, yet he remained rooted to the spot.

The gryphon didn't wait for Ren to recover but slowly, almost casually pulled his hips back, dragging out a moan and his shiny red cock from the human who seemed almost oblivious to the situation. Ren suspected that if the gryphon hadn't stopped in the first place, the human wouldn't have even noticed that something had changed. He stared at the large, thick cock that slipped free of the human's arse, bobbing heavily beneath the furry belly. "Daryl, go tell the guards to stand down. It seems our guest doesn't have the manners to use the front door," the hybrid spoke with a strong, commanding voice. There wasn't any waiver or hint that he would brook any objections and the human scrambled off the bed, any disappoint he had hidden beneath his urgency to obey his king's commands. "Inform them I am not to be disturbed, then offer yourself to them." Any suppressed disappointment vanished and the human practically skipped up to two, large heavy oaken doors that had just begun opening, slipping through the gap and a moment later the doors closed once more, sealing Ren alone with the gryphon king.

"I understand that since you can fly you think you have no need to use the front door," he spoke calmly, his voice not hinting at the anger Ren was sure he must feel. "In which case I wouldn't have minded you knocking on the glass by the balcony. However to fly through the window like a one-winged hatchling says a lot about your mentality." The odd freezing effect from the moment Ren had laid eyes on the gryphon seemed to melt off with the surge of heated anger at those words and he opened his mouth to speak only for the gryphon king to continue speaking over him. "You broke into my room. You interrupted me breeding a pet who had begged very nicely for my cock. So I'm wondering if I should hear what reason you could have for angering me before or after I break your skull open."

With his anger washing away the stunlock of surprise from earlier Ren found the growing seed of doubt vanishing. The gryphon was larger than he'd expected, or possibly believed, he admitted, but the reason he'd come here hadn't changed. "I've come to take your castle since you threatened to take my lair" he growled out, ignoring how he'd cut down a dozen reasons to one that wasn't entirely based on boredom and selfish desires. His claws dug into the plush carpet in anticipation as he breathed in deeply. He'd never seen a gryphon, or even a dragon move as fast as the hybrid did then. In the second it took for the fire in his belly to build up, ready to exhale, the gryphon snapped those feathery wings open and leapt forwards with a pump of them, closing the distance between them in a instance. Sharp, unrelenting claws snapped around his maw, holding it closed and almost making Ren almost choke and burn his own throat as he struggled to swallow the fire that filled his throat. Dragons' insides were fireproof, but only to an extent, and trying to breathe fire with a blocked mouth was one of the most painful ways to die that most dragons knew of.

Soulrend pulled back, using his legs to force himself away from a second slashing claw even as he lashed out with his own, missing as the gryphon dodged nimbly. He didn't bother trying to breathe fire again but surged forwards, trying to bodyslam the gryphon only for the unexpectedly heavier, stronger gryphon to withstand him. Before he could blink he was thrown onto his back and the gryphon was straddling him, not bothering to hold his weight off Ren's body. The gryphon's right hand claws were pressing indelicately against his throat, the tips digging through his scales just enough to draw blood. Just above his claw the sharp, deadly beak was likewise clamped around Ren's throat, eyes staring unblinkingly into Ren's.

Soulrend's anger sank like a stone and he froze once more. Any thoughts he had of resisting dissipated like mist. He'd never been so outclassed in a fight before, and now his headlong rush had put the choice of his living or dying in the claws and beak of another. One who he had just attacked and before that severely pissed off. Suddenly he registered something odd he'd been feeling, lost in the moment until now and stared not just in fear but in shock as he felt, alongside the heavy warm furry body resting on his chest, the gryphon's rock hard cock pressing against his groin.

Having had to concentrate on other things, Soulrend now remembered that even though the fight was brief, the gryphon hadn't seemed to lose his erection the entire time. That large cock now trapped between their bodies hadn't even flagged slightly. "What is your name?" The gryphon growled out through his bite hold and Ren wondered if it was a good sign the gryphon hadn't just killed him straight off. "Soulrend," He whispered, his voice almost coming out as a croak. Slowly the gryphon pulled his beak back from Ren's neck but never relinquished a single millibar of pressure from his claw's grip. "Soulrend..." he said quietly, rolling the name on his tongue as if tasting his name. On top of him, the gryphon took his time observing Ren's body before continuing, "You're quite strong for a small dragon but I have to wonder whether coming to fight me was a case of terminal stupidity or inexperience." Ren had to admit to himself it was probably both but he kept quiet as he recognized the tone of voice of that of a rhetorical question and he really didn't want to push the gryphon any further.

"Now I have a few choices with how to deal with you," the gryphon continued, "I can't release you after you made such a scene. That might have been an option after some punishment if you had used the front door and offered a formal challenge but alas, you didn't. It would be such a shame to kill you. Such a waste of possibilities, which leaves finding some suitable punishment. Prison is boring. Manual labour... still a waste of your possible talents I believe." Ren shivered as the hybrid so casually crossed out item after item on an imaginary list of possible punishments. Some part of him wanted to reject it all, to still try and fight. To refuse any punishment, yet he knew deep down if he acted so, the gryphon would not be lenient a second time. "Hmm. You eluded the guards and interrupted one of my pets having such fun. Maybe I should have you tied up in the barracks for the next ten years. Legs spread, tail tied permanently to your back and every time the guards finished their shift, they would line up and proceed to fuck you, leaving their loads in your rear, your mouth, your stomach, and over every inch of your body."

Soulrend looked up in a mix of shock and horror at the gryphon. Victory between dragons, gryphons and a large amount of the top food chain members didn't always come down to who killed who. Instead a stronger dragon would dominate the weaker, sometimes by force. Sometimes by sex, so he wasn't unaccustomed to the idea of one male being taken by another. Indeed, he'd bred a few dragons that were younger than him when they hadn't learnt to leave his territory fast enough. However he'd never met a dragon more dominant or stronger than him and so had never been taken. To be used like a slut, a breeding tool was like a nightmare come to life.

"Please no," Ren begged weakly, his own voice sounding weird to him with the fear that filled it. He also had no doubt that if that was what the gryphon chose he wouldn't be able to resist or get away. He'd be confined to his fate. The gryphon smiled, seemingly pleased that he'd drawn a response with that option. "While that's always fun to use for a disobedient pet for a day or two, you would be ruined within a month. So again, maybe its a bit of a waste to ruin such a... magnificent specimen of a dragon," The hybrid said, licking his lips as he looked over Ren's body. Ren blinked in surprise. Whatever he'd been expecting the gryphon to say, it wasn't to compliment him. "As their beloved king, all I have to do is ask and any of my subjects, from the lowliest worker to a noble will raise their tails and beg for my cock. I also have several pets whose sole job is to satisfy me sexually. However," the gryphon ran his spare claws delicately across Ren's chest, "I've never had a pet dragon before, so I think I'll keep you as mine." "What?!" Ren yelped, then cut off with a whimper as the claw around his throat tightened warningly. "All my pets are willing. It's so much more enjoyable when a pet begs for my cock, for me to gift them the honor of being between my legs and a body full of my seed," the gryphon smirked, "You have three options, and being the benevolent king I am, I'll allow you to choose which one I gift you; Death, the guards slut for 10 years, or my pet for life or until I gift you freedom."

Soulrend shook, his mind hazy as he began to realise it wasn't much of a choice the gryphon was offering him. "The guards are all nicely endowed and all, but they have nothing on me," the gryphon chuckled, and Ren gasped as the hot, hard cock that had been motionless against his groin began to move. He could feel the wet heat of it, the tip spurting pre against his belly as the massive cock dragged back and forth over him. The tingling sensation even stronger when the rigid length slid over his slit. "All my pets beg for me. They love being taken by me. Bred by me. None complain of their position," he spoke, grinding his gryphonmeat against Ren, marking his belly with a growing layer of hot, sticky pre, "It will take some getting used to your new lifestyle, but you will never regret being my breeding slut."

Soulrend shivered as the gryphon continued to grind against him mercilessly, the air filling with the musky scent of the gryphon. He knew what he should choose, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. He'd always been independent, strong and dominant. To submit completely shook him to his very core. The gryphon pulled back slightly and Ren gasped as a claw trailed delicately around his slit. "I don't have forever to wait for your answer," the hybrid murmured, moving the claw in little circles, each one getting closer and closer to the slit. "I'd regret killing you if I must, but that won't stop me. I will treat you much better than the guards would as well. Just submit to me and do anything I want..." The claw dipped suddenly into Ren's slit and he could not hold back the gasp of pleasure before it withdrew. "No..." Ren whispered weakly. What the gryphon wanted was simply too much for him. He couldn't bring himself to say yes. "What was that?" The gryphon asked quietly, voice full of a quiet threat. "No," repeated Ren, his voice surer and more steady, "I won't be your pet."

The gryphon stared silently at him for a long moment, not smiling but not showing the anger Ren was sure he must feel. Finally the gryphon nodded solemnly, "Let it not be said I went back on my word. Since you don't seem to be the type to take the easy route, I'm going to call the guards in. You'll have a few hours tied up before their shift ends. While you have a big, thick gryphon cock pounding you rear, filling you with their seed, think on this. It will all end when you beg my name. Beg for your Master to save you and you will then only serve my cock and not every guard in the castle," The gryphon smiled darkly before adding, "My name is Talos but before this is over you will call me Master."

Sitting back Talos casually shifted his rear forwards until the tip of his cock was poking the underside of Ren's jaw. He couldn't see the thick, heavy shaft that rested against his neck, but he could feel it spurting pre against his bared throat. He could feel the gryphon's sheer, daunting size laid against him and he couldn't but help shiver at the thought of the gryphon mounting him, filling him with that cock. Part of him chided himself, was submitting to one male really worse than being a female for dozens? However he couldn't bring himself to submit to Talos. He could accept punishment if it meant his life being spared. To ask, beg even, to be bred was too much for him. He would take what the gryphon would throw at him and work for his freedom... no matter the humiliation. He would then return home and be happy with his boring life.

"Guards." Talos called out casually and one of the doors opened, letting a gryphon poke his head through. "You called, my king?" The guard's eyes respectfully stayed mostly on Talos but even from his prone position, Ren could see those eyes looking him over, pausing at the sight of the erect shaft pressed against his throat. Ren had to wonder just how uncommon this situation was that the guard didn't even look surprised. "Bring a restraining harness for our guest. He's opted to stay in the barracks instead of my quarters. At the end your your shifts I expect every guard to welcome him to his new home for the next decade. Or until he calls out, begging to be my pet," Talos chuckled and the guard grinned as well. "Gladly my king!" The head disappeared and the door closed swiftly, though with enough care not to slam it. Ren lay there in an awkward silence as the gryphon watched the door lazily, though Ren was sure if he moved it wouldn't have gone unnoticed. Barely a minute later there was a knock at the door and Talos called out, "Come in."

The guard from before appeared, bringing in a large leather harness carried upon his back. Ren couldn't but help glance between the gryphon's hind legs, at the pair of swaying, heavy testicles and the plump sheath from which several inches of a bright red cock peeked out. The gryphon wasn't as large as the endowment Talos boasted, but he was by no means small, and Ren had to wonder if this guard was going to be one of the first to fuck him.

Talos turned back to Ren, "You understand what will happen if you resist?" He asked and Ren nodded slowly. "The will to live is such a strange thing," the gryphon mused before his gaze sharpened, ""As is your stubbornness. You are happy to be a slut to a dozen gryphons but not my pet." The guard gasped but Ren ignored him even as he felt his lips curl back slightly, reflexively baring his teeth even as he answered angrily, "Happy? Of course not, except I want to live. I may be..." Ren's words caught slightly as he struggled to say it, "be... fucked by them, but I won't submit to them. I won't submit to you. I'll serve my sentence and leave." The gryphon king stared at him silently for a moment before shaking his head, "So you say. When you feel like serving only my cock and not a dozen you will call for me. You will beg for a second chance and I will consider it. So try not to break Soulrend, I'm looking forwards to savouring a dragon's ass soon, and I don't keep broken pets."

Soulrend blinked as the gryphon used his name for the first time and shivered at the picture he had painted. Especially as Talos emphasised his speech by dragging his cock back slowly, leaving a slimy, musky trail of pre down Ren's neck and body until the gryphon stepped off of him. Slowly Ren rolled over and got to his feet, noting as he did so that both gryphons had a hungry look in their eyes.

"Sire?" the guard asked, dropping the restraints gently to the floor. Talos nodded in reply, "Put them on him. He won't resist, will you?" he directed the question at Ren who shook his head slowly. The guard approached Ren who couldn't but help smell the smaller gryphon's arousal. "You will keep your wings folded in please," the guard asked as he separated out a long, leather strap, tossing one end over Ren's side before crouching beneath him and joining the ends together. "The straps should be tight enough that you won't be able to move your wings, while being comfortable," The guard continued while moving onto several metal anklets connected by steel chains. Ren hesitated then nodded and he tried to flex his wings slightly. He wouldn't be able to unfurl them at all, yet it was comfortable enough that he wouldn't get cramps. Ren hadn't seen a beast like him or the gryphons chained before, but he recognised the effectiveness. He couldn't fly away, and he wouldn't be able to do more than a fast walk with his chained legs, let alone fight anyone. The guard paused as he lifted up the final piece of the harness, a slight grin crossing his beak. "With your Majesty's permission I'll forgo tying the dragon's tail back. It'll give us guards something to play with and teach him to raise it." Ren shivered at the king's smirk in reply, "Good idea. Now take him and..." Talos licked his beak, a gleam of hunger in his sharp eyes, "Have fun. You can be as rough as you like as long as you do no permanent damage to him." The guard grinned happily before motioning to Ren as he turned around, "Please follow me."

Ren sighed softly as he felt himself sinking lower as he reluctantly followed the guard towards the doors of the room without complaint or resistance. The room opened up into a large corridor that ended in a wide, winding staircase, all of which was lushly carpeted. Ren was slightly distracted however by the second guard that stood by the door as they walked past them. The gryphon smirked at him unabashedly as Ren stared at the human on his knees, bobbing his head greedily on a thick, shiny bright red cock.

The stairway was empty of others as Ren followed the guard down floor after floor in silence before the gryphon finally broke it, "You're a fool," Whatever Ren had expected him to say, it wasn't that and he almost stumbled in shock. "King Talos has several pets of several different species, yes, but he makes the offer very rarely and you are the first to turn him down. If he offered it to any guard or even one of the nobles we would all jump at the chance to be his pet. To regularly serve him. To be bred by him again and again. Did that human look unhappy at his position?" he asked Ren who was looking at him wide eyed and took a second to answer, "No." "Our male nobles, who let none mount them, would gladly give up their virginities to King Talos. Whatever pride, however dominant you think you are is pointless compared to him. Although I can't deny being happy you were stubborn enough to turn him down. I've never fucked a dragon before, and I can't wait to pound your tailhole." Ren glared at him but the guard just laughed merrily.

A short while later they exited onto the ground floor of a maze of corridors and rooms that were bustling with creatures of every species, though primarily gryphons. They all looked at him with intense curiosity as the guard led him happily through the castle, through a courtyard and finally into a new wing of the castle. They entered into a large foyer at the end of which were several doors that were plain compared to the rest of the castle. "This is the guards wing of the castle," the gryphon commented, before leading him to a corner of the room where a long chain was attached to the wall, as well as a pile of plush cushions and blankets. "We aren't monsters," The gryphon stated dryly at seeing Ren's surprised look, "You aren't the first the king has sent down here for our pleasure. He doesn't mistreat you beyond what's necessary. We will fuck you again and again but you'll get sleep, food and otherwise be comfortable." The smirk returned, "It wouldn't do to have you collapse from exhaustion or become ill from malnutrition. We want a healthy, fit dragon to fuck after all," he chuckled, attaching the end of the chain to one of Ren's. "You'll get adequate sleep, and whatever food you need on top of the liters of gryphon spunk you'll swallow." Ren shivered and felt a twinge of despair but shoved it to the side with sheer determination. He would survive, and no matter how many... gryphons fucked him he would not break. He would not give in to Talos. "You should get some rest. The current guard shift ends in a few hours and you'll have several very horny gryphons eager for your arse and mouth around their cock. Talk to you later," the guard said happily and Ren watched him walk away, a nearly fully erect cock swinging between his legs.

Soulrend watched the guard walk away, closing the doors behind him and sighed, walking over to the cushions and lying down. He didn't like admitting it to himself but the cushions were incredibly comfortable compared to the mixture of random pillows, blankets and mattresses he had in his lair. He wasn't sure how he'd react when the first gryphon fucked him. When he was told to suck one off. He didn't want to... but despite the utter destruction of his pride and humility by what he'd been told to do, he still had his honor. He would take the punishment, and try to be... willing, but he wouldn't beg. He curled up, thankful that the restraints weren't uncomfortable and closed his eyes, falling asleep quickly.

Soulrend's eyes snapped wide open as a claw on his shoulder shook him awake and he looked into the face of the guard who'd escorted him here, grinning at him. "Wakey wakey dragon," he grinned. "How long have I been asleep?" Ren grumbled, flexing his half asleep muscles. "A few hours now. My shift just ended and the king has granted me permission to be the first to fuck you. To plant my seed in your belly, and make you swell" he smirked happily. Ren blinked and shuddered as he got to his feet and finally looked around. There were a dozen gryphons relaxing around the foyer, and every single one of them was watching him with various levels of erections. "Now off the bed so we don't ruin those lovely cushions when we fuck you. Over and over." Ren couldn't prevent the slight snarl that escaped his lips although he obeyed, the slack in the chain letting him move a good distance away from his 'bed' and keep a bit of spare chain available. He turned to face the gryphon and this time didn't resist the urge to look down, between the hybrids legs. He wasn't sure if the guard was fully erect or not but there wasn't anything small about the bright red cock that emerged from a furry sheath and the large, swaying balls. His gaze lingered on it for a moment as he thought he recognised what seemed to be barbs on the head and a slight bulge of a as yet to fully form knot. He wasn't as large as the king but he still dreaded the thought of what was about to happen to him.

The guard smirked and circled Ren who remained still, but kept his tail lowered even as the guard stopped behind him. "I wonder... how many males have you taken under your tail dragon?" Ren actually felt himself blush and his reply came out muffled. "Say again?" Ren growled and practically bit out the word, "None." The guard blinked, genuinely surprised, "Wow. You're a virgin," he grinned suddenly, "I wonder if that's why you're so resistant to letting a gryphon fuck you. " Ren glared at him as the gryphon paced slowly up to him, "I'll do you a favor since it's your first time and..." the gryphon licked his lips, "prepare you."

Soulrend yelped as the gryphon grabbed his tail midway and yanked it up, revealing his virgin ass. The gryphon purred happily and Ren struggled between blushing and snarling as the guard stared at his exposed anus. "Oh that is a nice looking hole" the gryphon commented, "fits that a good looking dragon has a good looking tail hole. I wonder how you taste?" Before Ren could could react the guard leaned in and ran his broad, wet tongue over his puckered hole, the rough texture scraping against his vulnerable fleshy hole. Instead of an angry growl Ren surprised himself by letting out a pleasured hiss as the gryphon lapped at his rear again and again. He could feel the wet saliva the tongue left in its wake, rubbing as it did so against his surprisingly sensitive rear. The licking stopped and the gryphon leaned in closer, nuzzling Ren's now glistening rear with his beak and breathing deeply. "Mmm," the gryphon murred happily, "King Talos definitely found a treat in you. You taste delicious and smell so good."

The gryphon began licking again as Ren blushed but didn't answer. This time the guard began to apply pressure, parting his hole slightly as the tongue lapped at his rear. Ren's tail twitched within the gryphon's grasp and he couldn't hold back the building moan anymore as the tongue finally slipped inside him. He could hear and feel the gryphon purring happily behind him. The wet tongue began to lick against his insides, spreading hot saliva against his anal walls, pushing the self made lubricant deeper. The tongue twirled inside his rear and Ren thought he could feel his tight, virgin entrance beginning to loosen as the guard rimmed him.

The tongue began press deeper, spreading his never before touched passage wider. He could feel the gryphon's warm saliva, comparatively cool against his fire heated body being pushed deeper and deeper into his body. The rough, sandpapery tongue rubbed against his soft, vulnerable walls as the gryphon prepared him, lubed him up for the gryphon's cock. Finally the avian withdrew, his tongue slipping from Ren's wet hole with a slurp. Licking his beak the guard murred happily, "It's a shame, you are quite delicious, but I can't spend all day rimming you."

Soulrend shivered as the gryphon stepped forwards and up, mounting him. He couldn't help but feel nervous as for the first time he felt another male's heavy, warm body pressing down on him, his tail trapped between them. The guard's forepaws wrapped around him as the guard shuffled forwards slightly and Ren felt the heat of the hybrid's erection against his slit before the gryphon pulled his hips. He gasped lightly as the hot, hard tip pressed against his virgin hole. "Oh, I am so going to enjoy popping your cherry," the gryphon said loudly, playing to the audience, "being the first male of dozens you will take under your tail. The countless loads of gryphon cum that will fill your rear." the hybrid emphasised this by gently teasing forwards and and back, poking Ren's entrance and smearing it with pre on top of the saliva. Ren found himself growling slightly, not liking how much teasing the gryphon was doing. He wanted to get it over with already. "Just do it already," he growled quietly and the guard chuckled, "You want a cock under your tail that badly? Well, it'll be a pleasure to oblige."

Within a blink Ren's world was filled with sharp pain and undeniable pleasure as the gryphon thrust forwards none too gently. The pointed tip speared into his freshly lubed hole, taking his virginity in one violent thrust. The thick gryphon cock spreading Ren painfully wide yet it felt unbelievably good. Ren's cry of mixed pleasure and pain mixed the with the hybrid's pleasured squawk, the furry, feathery body above him shivering at the sensation. Ren's rear hurt at the intrusion but he hated that he couldn't deny actually how good it felt. The hot, hard shaft filled him, pressing pleasurably against his sensitive inner walls. "Oh lord..." Ren groaned, while above him the gryphon panted slightly before replying, "You are so... fantastically... tight," the gryphon got out, "but we have only... just started."

Ren cried out again as the gryphon withdrew, the barbs on his cock's head flaring and scraping against his soft anal walls. the sensation was so sharp and electric, only to be drowned out by the member thrusting back into him. The gryphon didn't waste any more time letting Ren adjust to being mounted and began to fuck him. "Do you like my barbs, dragon?" the gryphon taunted him as the hips pumped back and forth, the bright red cock sinking deeper and deeper into Ren's crimson red body. Ren could feel the member within him, filling his tail hole so completely, stretching unused anal muscles as it sank deeper and deeper into him. He could feel the texture of the barbs going in, every throb of pre spurting inside his never before touched passage. The initial, sharp pain of the intrusion had become a dull throb, punctuated by the burning rake of barbs with every withdrawal. Ren wasn't crying out with pain anymore but groaning with pleasure

A second gryphon appeared in front of him and Ren looked at him slightly confused, with his mind lost in the haze of sensation of being fucked for the first time in his life. "For a virgin who turned down being our king's pet you certainly seem to be enjoying have a cock stuffed beneath your tail," the gryphon smirked and Ren opened his muzzle to reply only to be cut off with a moan as the guard behind him rammed his cock deeper and harder than ever before. "It seems such a waste to leave a good, working maw unused," the gryphon continued padding closer and Ren looked beneath the gryphons legs at the bobbing cock, drooling pre. It swayed almost mesmerizingly as it it shifted with every footstep and Ren almost whimpered at knowing what else he'd be asked to do. It wouldn't be the first time he'd sucked off another male, but he'd always been in a position of power, being a merciful dom and pleasuring them back.

"You're going to open your maw wide dragon, and if I feel any teeth, you will feel my beak," the gryphon growled dominantly, stepping forwards and on top of Ren, joining the first gryphon on top of him.. He stared at the barbed cock head bobbing in front of him, a thick bead of clear pre drooling from the cock slit. "Now dragon, suck me off now," the second gryphon commanded. Ren gave an exasperated growl but relented, opening his maw and closing it carefully around the hybrid's cock head. The hot cock tip immediately spurted a thick wad of musky, bitter pre that Ren found himself swallowing automatically. His tongue rubbed along the underside of the cock in his mouth, feeling barbs identical to those raking his rear pluck against his tongue. The first gryphon's purrs and groans of pleasure were joined by the second's as they both thrust into his holes. The second gryphon's actions caught Ren off guard and he almost choked as the gryphon's pride pushed deep into his maw, and at the same time the first gryphon hammered his hips forwards, driving Ren deeper onto both gryphon cocks.

Ren struggled to find a easy way to breath as the second gryphon's demanding cock filled his maw, pushing almost into his throat before pulling back, liberally spurting pre all over the inside of his mouth. He had no control whatsoever of the two feathery hybrids fucking him, not even of giving one of them a blowjob. Instead the gryphon was fucking his mouth with almost as much vigour as the one who'd taken his virginity. All he could smell, all he could taste was gryphon musk and pre as the gryphonmeat pumped in and out of his maw, not letting him have any control in pleasuring it with his mouth.

"Damn," the second gryphon grunted, "he's got a great mouth, so hot and wet, like that of an eager slut." The first gryphon chuckled in reply, "Oh yes. If I didn't believe he was a virgin I would think he loved a good cock. He's so damn tight back here, so hot and soft, it's like fucking a young hen in heat." Ren felt himself burning in humiliation as the gryphons talked about him degradingly, all the while they thrust those large, barbed cocks of theirs into him. "In fact, I think he's loose enough to not worry about breaking him, so I don't have to hold back anymore."

Ren's eyes widen at those words; he was struggling to think straight as it was already,. The thick, hot member spreading his untouched inner depths wide open, spurting heavy wads of pre inside inside him even as those barbs flared again and again over his incredibly sensitive inner walls. It hurt yet felt so good at the same time as the gryphon worked his cock deeper and deeper, somehow stretching Ren's tight anal passage open around it. The shaft withdrew agonisingly slowly, the barbs plucking at his passage filling his mind, almost completely distracting him from the gryphon face fucking him. He groaned and shook, his voice muffled by the dick filling his maw, and he struggled to ignore the unwanted sensation of emptiness within his rear as the gryphon stopped with just the tip lodged inside him.

The gryphon behind him snarled and slammed his hips forwards, spearing his cock almost to the hilt inside Ren in one thrust before yanking back hard and thrusting back in. Ren's whole body rocked forwards under the gryphon's momentum, meeting the matching thrust from the other dragon. His shocked cry of intense pleasure was almost completely cut off as the cock pushed into and down his throat before pulling back again.

Soulrend became lost to the sensations of the flesh; the gryphon behind him was thrusting relentlessly into his no longer virgin ass, hammering the cock hard and deep into him. He could feel it throbbing inside his passage, his raw, sensitive inner walls being coated by the soothing, warm pre cum the gryphon's pride was spurting liberally. The pre also served as lubricant, slightly easing the passage of the shaft, although Ren still felt that each thrust was stretching him to his limits and beyond.

The other hybrid had also picked up the pace and Ren was learning on the spot how to try and breathe while erratically deepthroating the barbed member. The gryphon was thrusting hard into his maw, the tip and inch after inch working its way down his throat. He was also having to swallow often as the bitter pre began to fill his mouth. Beyond the pain of being bred for the first time, the humiliation of being fucked like a bitch from both ends in front of a crowd, Ren found himself hating was he was finding out, despite it all, he was starting to enjoy it.

From the moment the guard had taken his virginity he not been able to deny himself that, beyond the pain, it actually felt good. He was moaning, at least trying to around his stuffed gob of cock, from being topped by another male, by being fucked rather than fucking someone. Then there was the second gryphon, ramming the other cock down his throat; he wouldn't have thought it before , but he was actually liking the large amount of pre spurting into his maw. He liked the bitter taste and he was swallowing less to clear his throat and more to swallow something he regretfully found himself liking. He could see the slowly forming knot getting large before his muzzle, and behind it, the almost rhythmic heavy swaying of the beast's ball sack. He didn't have to look to know the guard's knot behind him must be just as large or even bigger and he shuddered even as the knot suddenly slammed against his tightly spread tail hole.

The snarls and groans of pleasure of the gryphon fucking him went deeper as his thrusts grew shorter and managed to get ever harder, the knot pounding against his hole. Ren didn't know how on earth the gryphon would knot him, he was stretched so far already, barely seeming to fit the shaft thrusting inside his raw, pre covered insides. "I think I'm falling in love with your ass, dragon," the gryphon growled, "You have the tightest ass I've ever fucked, and I can't wait to feel you squeezing around my knot." "You should try his mouth next," the other gryphon chuckled, "he's almost taking my entire cock down his throat." "Well, he'll be hanging around for a while. I hope you don't break too early dragon, I want to fuck you again and again, as I'm sure does every guard in the keep. Be a shame if you only took a few loads and not. Every. Single. Guard." The gryphon punctuated the last words with particularly hard thrusts and Ren could feel his tautly stretched hole somehow beginning to widen even further as the knot tried to enter.

The gryphon behind him gripped him tighter, the feathery, furry body pressing tight against his scales as the hips jackhammered the cock into his rear. Ren shook with each forceful thrust, moaning loud and long around the matching shaft thrusting into his maw.. Thrust by thrust the knot slamming into his tail hole spread him wider and wider. Ren knew, as his body rocked with each thrust, that the hard bulge was going to slam inside him and there was no use hoping the gryphon was going to be lenient and not tie him. Finally, with a particularly violent buck of the furry hips, the knot slid inside Ren making him cry out, the muffled sound mixed with the gryphon's squawk of extreme pleasure and lust. Moments later the occasional throb of the hot shaft lodged within him intensified, and began to pulse thick, heavy ropes of creamy gryphon spunk into his rear. Ren's mind was a daze from the shock of the entry of the knot but he could still tell that the gryphon fucking his mouth was growing erratic with his thrusts.

The hot, creamy seed spurted deep into Ren's insides, unable to go anywhere from the shaft that barely fit inside him and the knot sealing the other end. So with each ejaculation of rich, egg-seeking sperm it began to force itself deeper, filling Ren's insides with cum as one pair of balls emptied their contents. The second pair seemed on the verge of pumping their load as well as the second gryphon thrust forwards, his knot bumping against Ren's snout as the shaft lodged deep in his throat.

A few short thrusts later and the gryphon came,shooting his own load of white, creamy spunk directly down Ren's throat. He had sucked off a few males before, and even for those who'd served him extremely well swallowed their loads. But never in his life had he had a cock ejaculate the owners seed directly into his gullet, barely needing him to swallow. Thankfully for Ren the gryphon pulled back slightly so Ren didn't start choking on the cum, and instead he began to taste the thick, hot cum that was filling both his holes. Almost sweet and intensely rich Ren found himself almost savouring each mouth load of cum before he swallowed, longing for the next few ropes of seed to drink down.

Soulrend worked at keeping his maw clear of ejaculate from the throbbing gryphon meat even as he felt the cock tied inside him throb weaker and less, pumping smaller wads of seed inside him him. Eventually the throbbing reduced to the occasion twitch, drooling small wads of cum inside Ren's cum filled passage, and the cock within his maw seemed to run dry as well. The gryphon that had fucked his mouth pulled back slowly, the tip slipping from Ren's lips as the softening cock flopped beneath the hybrid's legs. Ren watched the gryphon take several steps backwards and clear of him, watching the cum slickened cock begin to retreat into its furry sheath.

He was struggling to fully comprehend what had just happened to him, his fiery anger and determination to stand strong suddenly quieted by the ferocious breeding he'd received. He'd actually liked being fucked, something he'd never understood about before from those he'd bred himself. He also found himself liking the taste of the gryphon's cum, his tongue licking the inside of his maw clean and exercising its sudden freedom. He felt bloated, his stomach full as if from a large meal except all he'd had was gryphon spun, pumped into him from both ends. His no longer virgin tail hole ached painfully from the severe stretching the hard bulge lodged within him caused. Yet it still felt good. He found himself enjoying the sensation of the gryphon tied to him, the furry body pressing heavily against him so he could hear his heavy breathing.

"That was fantastic," the gryphon in front of him commented, the catch in his breathing obvious in his voice, "he even swallowed my load like a good little bitch. I can't wait to fuck him again." The gryphon on top of him took a second to answer and chuckled quietly, "I agree. His ass is like a clamp on my knot. He's so tight I think he milked me dry." The gryphon lowered his head and whispered none too quietly, "I think you enjoyed being my female more than you want to admit dragon. It's a shame; if you'd taken the king's offer and worked hard you might have gotten a ass, or even a vagina of your own to fuck as a reward. But this is a punishment," the gryphon spoke louder, "I wonder how many knots it will take for you to cum without a single claw touching you?"

Soulrend blushed heavily as he realised the pleasure he'd felt had been deeper than he had realised and his own, aching erection was standing at full attention beeah him, drooling pre and slit juices onto the ground. A third gryphon walked into view as the second entered his view, a hard, bright red shaft bobbing between the hybrid's legs. "He's going to be stuck there for a while before his knot deflates, and not all of us can wait for a turn breeding your ass so why don't we put your mouth back to work." The gryphon sauntered forwards grinning happily, not wasting any time in replacing the second gryphon by mounting Ren, the erect shaft swaying in front of Ren's muzzle. He still couldn't smell anything but gryphon musk or the scent of musky ejaculation but he found himself breathing deeper as a fresh source arrived in front of him. "Go on now," the gryphon cooed, "You can hardly complain about taking my member into your mouth after drinking down a load already like a good slut." Ren's familiar fiery anger roused slightly and he sneered at the gryphon's furry belly, unable to look at the hybrid's face itself but still opened his maw, taking the hot rod into his mouth. Unlike the other gryphon's this one showed no restraint or mercy and the moment Ren's maw closed around the tip, pre spurting onto his tongue, the feathery creature rammed his hips forwards, sinking half his cock into Ren's mouth in one thrust. The gryphon wasted little time in picking up a fast past, fucking Ren's maw and groaning audibly with pleasure. Ren found his tongue licking the underside of the pumping member weakly, barely able to move his tongue about as the shaft pressed it down, barbs plucking at it and the rest of his maw.

Minutes passed by with the gryphon fucking Soulrend's mouth while the cock knotted inside him twitched and shifted occasionally, causing Ren to groan through his stuffed maw. Finally the gryphon humping his maw groaned heavily, "Damn dragon. You put on such a good show before, I'm already getting close." The hips thrust a fe more times, a familiar sight of the bulging knot bumping against his snout before with a shudder the hybrid came. The furry beast didn't even bother to stop fucking Ren's face as he climaxed, swapping between spurting thick, sticky ropes of virile seed into his mouth or down his gullet. Ren swallowed each mouthful hungrily, enjoying the taste of more, fresh, musky sweet semen even on top of his full feeling stomach. Then without warning, as the gryphon pulled his throbbing shaft back, instead of thrusting back into Ren's cum filled maw, he kept pulling back.

The bright red cock pulled free of Ren's mouth and he had a instant of shocked horror in recognition of what was about to happen before the barbed head shot a large, steamy rope of thick, white spunk over his muzzle. He closed his eyes as creamy white seed splashed over his face. It didn't stop at the one pulse, as the gryphon reached beneath himself with a claw, wrapping it around his shaft and pumping it, coaxing rope after rope from his balls to shoot against Ren's face. Ren shivered as he felt the sticky seed covering his muzzle heavily until all he could smell was the gryphon's cum.

After the ejaculation died down, Ren braced himself against the weight of the first guard relaxing on top of him and wiped his eyes clear. In front of him the gryphon was smirking at his cum covered head, his cum stained cock drooling a few weak drops of white sperm onto the ground as it softened. "I think you look good now with a nice coating of cum," the gryphon chuckled, "Don't expect us to pump every load of sperm into your eager body. I could feel you swallowing happily. You like the taste of my cum don't you?"

Ren felt his lips curling back in a snarl of disagreement but he couldn't deny it to himself. He had enjoyed the taste of the avian's cum, though he wasn't happy at the layer of thick, sticky seed that was on his face now. The gryphon gave a quick laugh at his expression and walked away, his slowly retreating cock dripping cum onto the floor. The guard who'd remained mostly silent throughout it all except from purring in post-coital bliss, chuckled heartily. "Indeed dragon. There was nothing stated that we actually had to cum inside you, though that does have its own intense pleasures. I myself think I'll be putting most of my loads under your tail in this fantastically tight hole." he sighed, "However that will have to be another day as I'm sure there's a queue eager to breed you waiting and I've held them up long enough." Ren groaned loudly as the gryphon began to pull back, his throat free to sound his pleasure for the first time in a while. The knot within him had deflated somewhat, but it was still thicker than the shaft that Ren felt stretched him to his limits. It tugged steadily against his sealed anuss, the sensation aking Ren groan louder until with a loud pop that filled the room. With a surprising suddenness the rest of the gryphon's shaft slid out of him as the hybrid dismounted backwards. He couldn't help the low moan of relief as his aching asshole tried to relax from the unbelievable stretch from having to accommodate the knot. He could feel a warm trickle of seed dripping from his rear as his body took its time trying to return his tail hole to it's normal size. What he felt was worse though, than suddenly standing in the middle of a crowd of horny gryphons, head covered in seed and a gaping hole leaking cum was the sudden emptiness he felt. It was like his body had grown used to having a cock tied inside him despite the stretch and wanted it back.

Another gryphon came from behind him and didn't bother warning him before mounting him, paws wrapping around his hindquarters and slamming a thick, hard cock into his gaping tail hole with a loud squelch. Ren cried out in pleasure as the member rammed halfway into his raw, aching passage before yanking back out. The noise was leud as the cock displaced the cum that filled his tunnel. The barbs raked back some of the thick spunk, and unlike last time Ren found himself thankful for the first gryphon's load as it helped to soothe the pain while also acting as lubricant.

The gryphon meat hammered back and forth messily inside Ren, wasting no time in picking up a fast pace in breeding him. Ren moaned freely as the hybrid fucked him relentlessly,, quickly working the entire shaft into his loosened ass. He began losing track of time as he rocked with each buck of the furry hips, groaning loudly at every squelch and pound of the thick, hard bulge against his tail hole. At some point a fourth gryphon appeared in front of him and dove right into fucking Ren's muzzle.. The next thing Ren was consciously aware of was a knot slamming itself inside him, followed by a flood of pent-up gryphon spunk. His slightly bloated belly began to fill out even more as the trapped semen was forced deeper inside him. The second knot was too much for him and his own, untouched shaft began to throb powerfully, shooting great, steaming ropes of draconic seed onto the floor, splashing against Ren's legs and underside.

Soulrend couldn't remember cohesively what happened after that, as his mind fell to the sensations of pleasure and the slow, bloated feeling of having several large loads of gryphon semen pumped inside his body. He remembered swallowing the entire load of the gryphon fucking his mouth. Another gryphon appeared shortly after and didn't even bother using Ren's maw, but instead wrapped a claw around his throbbing cock and jacked off his full load directly into Ren's face. He remembered that one gryphon fucking his ass didn't knot him and pulled back to shoot his wad of hot spunk all over Ren's hindquarters. Eventually he collapsed, his legs weakened from having to support so many gryphon's while they ravaged his body. They stopped fucking him at that point by some unheard of agreement and he watched, eyes half closed as the remaining gryphons circled him, paws working their cocks' furiously before one by one they began to climax. Ren shuddered weakly as the guards painted his crimson scaled body white with large spurts of seed.

When their balls were empty they walked away, laughing and talking among themselves and Ren dragged his heavy body to his pile of cushions. At that point he didn't care how cum dripped off his body, leaked out of his rear onto the plush blankets as he closed his eyes and fell instantly into an exhausted sleep.

The process repeated itself the next day at the end of the latest shift to finish their work. A unfamiliar gryphon shoved him roughly awake, and with only a mild protest Ren made his way away from his makeshift bed to the center of the room. Then the gryphons wrenched his tail high and began to fuck him all over again, taunting him and humiliating him by describing how tight and slutty his body was. Again when he collapsed whatever gryphons he hadn't serviced masturbated onto his prone body and he crawled into his bed, trailing spent seed.

Again he woke to a gryphon shoving him, again his tail was pulled up and a dozen gryphons worked their loads into his sore, barely recovered ass, his mouth and over every inch of his body. They never touched his own cock yet he still cummed at least once per shift of gryphons. He lost track of time entirely, barely seeming to close his eyes before he was shoved awake again. There was no day or night for him, just the few hours of sleep he managed into between breedings. Bit by bit he was growing more exhausted. His stubbornness, his self-denial of how much he liked being fucked weakened, until one day they didn't need to tug it aside as Ren curled it back himself. The next time he broke down and begged them to fuck, yet he couldn't manage to beg for King Talos's mercy yet.

Several days later of near constant abuse and breedings, when Ren opened his eyes to a shove and the familiar sight of a leering beak and a fully erect cock waiting to pound into him, Soulrend just broke. He was completely exhausted. He'd nearly fallen unconscious before he'd even serviced half the gryphons from the last shift. He was completely, heavily bloated. His once beautifully shiny, crimson scales were now dull and stained white where there wasn't layers of dry cum covering it. Then there was his rear that ached painfully, and his sore entrance that even after several hours worth of sleep hadn't fully recovered. "Please... no more," He spoke, his weak voice no more than a whisper. The gryphon looked slightly disappointed for a second before suddenly becoming serious. "You know what you have to do for us to stop, dragon, and there is no changing your mind once you take that route. You disappoint the king and he won't show any mercy. You will die." Ren shivered and nodded. He didn't know how much more he could take of the constant sex before his mind snapped. He didn't hate it, but he could feel himself slipping away into a dull, monotonous slut whose only purpose was to raise his tail for others. He wanted to truly live, and if he had to prostrate himself in front of another male and beg forgiveness. If he had to wake up every day, raise his tail, and beg for his... Master to fuck him he would do so. Anything would be better than the slow death of his self he was suffering at the hands of the castle's guards.

"Please... I beg for a second chance. I'll be, or whatever he wants me to be. I'll do whatever he wants, just... no more... please." "So tell me," An amused voice said, cutting through the room like a knife and the guards in front of Ren moved aside quickly, leaving Ren to stare up at the sole beast whose very presence seemed to suddenly swamp his senses. "Tell me," King Talos repeated, "that you will be my pet. You won't ever complain to me, and will always be eager to follow my every command not matter how degrading my wish is." Ren blinked and stared up at him, before he answered, ""I'll be your pet, king. I'll do whatever you want; I'll suck you off, raise my tail for you, I'll beg for you to breed me." King Talos stared at him for a long moment before nodding regally, "You have your final chance Soulrend. I will keep you as a pet and," he smirked, "If that's all you think you'll be doing between my legs I'm in for some fun times teaching you to be a good pet. From now on you will call me Master and you will serve my every whim." He turned to one of the guards, "Take off his restraints and escort him to one of the empty guest rooms. This time tomorrow have him escorted to my rooms." Again, Talos addressed Ren who was staring wide eyed in surprise, "A taste of my mercy for choosing to be my pet," he licked his lips, "Make sure you wash thoroughly. I want only my seed to coat your scales, my scent to be the one others smell on you, my semen to fill your belly."

Soulrend shivered as he remembered the feel of the king's cock pressing against his body from what seemed almost an eternity ago. He wondered if, even after so many times being fucked, he could take him. "Yes... Master," he answered, tasting the word and act of submission he'd held off from for so long.. His Master smiled at the reply and nodded, "Good dragon. You have 24 hours grace to bathe and relax. I'll have some proper food sent up to your room as well. Use the time to get back your strength, you'll need it." The large hybrid turned and walked out of the room as a guard moved forwards with a keyring and began to unlock Ren's manacles, tossing them to the side with their chains before he moved onto the leather straps that tied his wings down. When they fell off Ren resisted the urge to stretch in case they cramped badly after not moving for so long. The guard who removed his restraints motioned for Ren to follow him through the crowd of dispersing gryphons towards the exit as he commented, "It's a shame you had to give in before we'd had our fun." Ren didn't bother trying to answer. since he wasn't entirely sure he even could answer coherently. It was taking a tremendous amount of his willpower and concentration to follow the gryphon with wavering all over the hallways. They followed the path Ren had taken down, stopping a floor down from the king's room and into a corridor lined by a dozen doors. "Food will delivered in 8 hours, and a light breakfast an hour before we bring you to the king. I advise you not to leave your room as his mercy won't stretch far enough to save you from wondering about when you're still untrusted." The hybrid said as he approached a door halfway down the corridor and opened it for Ren.

He stepped into the room slowly in wonder, ignoring the door closing behind him as he looked around the room. It was an incredible work of of trying to satisfy every possible species in one room. A massive bed able to comfortably carry two or more dragons, or gryphons. Intricately carved wardrobes and dressers dotted the room for those who needed clothes as well as several large couches. A large window allowed a morning sun to brightly light the room. It wasn't as large or as plush as King Talos's room but it was still opulent enough to astound Ren. A open door to the side gave Ren a view of a matching sized bathroom; he walked towards it almost in a daze, letting out a breathy sigh at the sight of steaming hot water that filled a pool sized bath.

Ren barely paid attention to the rest of the room as he almost ran to the bath, water splashing everywhere as he dove in with a happy cry that he didn't know he could still emit. He could have bathed in boiling water without worry but the hot water was fantastically soothing against his scales and sore muscles. He lay in the pool, head barely above the water as he let the heated water wash away the dry, spent semen that covered most of his body. After a while he slowly began to spread his wings out underwater, feeling them twinge and ache from lack of movement as he let them relax, fully unfurled.

After a while he began to move, picking up a sponge from the side and scrubbing his scales, smiling faintly as his usual crimson began to show beneath the dulled colour. He didn't know how long it would remain that way. The gryphon... his Master... he found himself tasting the word, slightly saddened at the knowledge he was going to submit, to beg for his Master. Before, the thought would have drove him furious, but now it was with a tinge of regret at how he'd taken such a step. Yet he couldn't really complain. He'd enjoyed being fucked, at least a few of the times before his memory blurred on what happened and also found himself liking the taste of cum. It wasn't the worst fate he could suffer he told himself; he'd only have to serve one gryphon, not dozens, and hopefully he'd be able to recover a lot more between the times Talos... no, Master, used him.

The water retained its heat as Ren lounged about it, idly scrubbing himself clean, including ducking his head under the surface to wash his muzzle clean. Eventually he moved to cleaning his sore, raw tail hole. He had a feeling his Master was being kind to him when he hadn't made cleaning himself inside and out an order, not that he needed one to wash himself properly.

When he finally dragged himself out of the bath he wasn't sure how long he'd spent in there since his internal clock had been so heavily screwed up but he estimated from the way the sun had moved significantly he'd been in it for a few hours. He made his way straight to the bed, letting his internal heat dry his wet scales quickly as he jumped onto it, almost collapsing into the soft bed. The soft, warm blankets pressed against his body as he closed his eyes, letting himself catch up on sleep he'd been missing out on.

A knock on the door awoke him but by the time he had opened his eyes whoever it was had come and gone, leaving behind large platter of food on a nearby table and a large jug water. Ren felt himself drooling at the sight of plates full of succulent meat of half a dozen different species. He'd managed to subsist on just gryphon spunk for days, and although he didn't feel like he was suffering from malnutrition. Rolling off the bed he padded towards the meat and before he knew it he was swallowing the last slice of juicy, succulent meat having quickly devoured the rest. Feeling full he made his way back to the bed and flopped onto into, feeling happy and peaceful for the first time in a long while.

Again Soulrend woke to the knocking on the door to find a smaller platter of meat and water waiting for him. This time as he managed to take his time with the meal, managing to savour the incredibly delicious breakfast without eating it all in a blink before he could properly taste it. He knew he didn't have long, but he didn't feel like going back to bed. He was well rested now and full and he was beginning to get nervous about what he would soon do. With a shrug to himself he headed back for the bath, unsurprised to find the water heated again. Evidently the castle also had well made plumping to supply so much hot water.

Several hours later he was relaxing on a couch, trying to brace himself mentally for what he was about to do. It wasn't so much of letting someone fuck him like before.He was going to actively have to pleasure someone. To be his submissive pet and raise his tail whenever ordered. The knock he'd been expected finally sounded and he slid off the couch as a gryphon guard opened it, smiling, "It's time dragon. Your Master is waiting for you." The gryphon led him up the stairs and towards the large double doors of the king's bedroom where the other member of the pair of guards that kept watch stood. "Your Master awaits," the guard chuckled, opening the door for him and closing it behind him.

In front of Soulrend stood every resplendent inch of Talos. Perfectly trimmed feathers and groomed fur, not a single strand or feather out of place as he stood imperiously staring at Ren with a slight smile on his sharp beak. "You look a lot healthier now that you've had some rest," the gryphon observed as he began to take a slow walk around Ren, "You looked rather cute when you were sleeping. I had to resist the urge to jump on and sleep on top of you. That or pull your tail up and wake you up with a nice thick cock slamming inside you." Talos chuckled at Ren's shocked and embarrassed look. He'd never been called cute before and he realised it must have been Talos delivering his meals and had to wonder how long he'd watched him before knocking on the door and waking him up. "Of course, you also looked quite nice with a coat of cum on your scales and a seed filled ass. You certainly put on a good show several times a day," the gryphon's chuckles turned into a laugh as Ren blushed and wilted slightly in humiliation, and Talos answered his unasked question, "Yes, I watched occasionally when time permitted. You know how long you spent in the barracks? How many gryphons fucked you in that time?"

Soulrend shuddered as the vivid memories of the first few days and the blurs of everything after that, "Weeks, Master?" he hazarded and Talos smilied, "It's good you remembered how to address me pet. It would be a poor start if I had to teach you basic manners before anything else, and no. It wasn't weeks," the large gryphon leaned in with a smirk, "You lasted only 7 days, and in that time just over one hundred gryphons emptied their balls inside you." Ren stared shocked and dismayed. He couldn't believe he'd only lasted a week before breaking down so completely, and the time he'd been expected to serve was 10 years? Not to mention the hundred gryphons... Talos breathed in deeply and sighed, seemingly ignoring Ren's quivering body. "You've bathed well. I can't even smell their scent on you anymore and you seem fully recovered. So don't worry my pet, If you really were broken I would have no use for you," the piercing gaze locked onto Ren's as the gryphon seemed to read his mind, "You did well to last as long as you did without breaking down completely. However you did and now here you are here my new pet, and I have to start teaching you your duties as my pet. You can start by rolling over onto your back my little dragon."

He blinked but obeyed, steeling himself as he did so. He didn't know what the gryphon was going to ask of him next but he didn't doubt that he would soon be pleasuring the hybrid. What he hated about it wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he wasn't sure whether he would refuse or not even if it was a simple request, not a order. He rolled over, flat on the ground looking up at Talos's beak as the gryphon grinned down at him. "Relax dragon. As long as you obey me and please me you will find yourself loving your new life. When I don't require your attentions you have free reign and can do what you like... within reason of course, and you will have to work hard to earn those permissions. Now I believe it's time to introduce you to your new owner's body."

The gryphon began to walk forwards and Ren watched in trepidation, unsure of what to expect as he watched the golden furred belly passed over him, the the thick, plump sheath. The large, swaying ball sack passed so close to his face that when he breathed in his nares flooded with his Master's incredibly strong, musky scent, the smell of sweat and arousal. Yet the gryphon moved even further forwards until Ren was looking up, wide eyed at a dark, puckered, fleshy tail hole uncovered by the hybrid's tail. "A good pet knows his Master's taste inside and out. Consider it your first real instruction when I tell you to rim me, pet. I want you to pleasure your Master's ass."

Soulrend stared up at the hybrid's asshole as it lowered towards his muzzle and hesitated for a second before the gryphon made his decision irrelevant by pressing his furry rump down onto Ren's muzzle. He almost choked on the thick musk that filled his his mouth as the tail hole pressed against his mouth.The thought of wondering what it tasted like had barely flickered into his mind before his long, wet tongue flickered out and ran across the puckered hole. His Master purred appreciatively and spoke, "Yes, that's a good pet. Lick your Master's tail hole. Savour your Master's taste." Ren blushed but where mere days ago he would have been apocalyptically furious at the comment he instead began to properly licked the dark flesh. His mouth filled with a incredibly rich, dark earthy musk He liked the taste more than he could have believed before now. His tongue ran across the puckered flesh, He could feel the the gryphon purring as the hips and hole pressed harder against his muzzle.

His tongue began to press into the musky rear, spreading the puckered hole open and slipping inside to the moan of Talos. The earthy taste intensified, becoming richer and darker as his tongue dove inside. He felt the soft, hot walls clamping tightly around his invading muscle as he licked at the inner walls. He could feel the gryphon's purring vibrations against his tongue as he pressed deeper inside him. "That's a good pet," Talos murred, "Good to feel you digging in, licking your Master's ass like a eager slut." Ren blushed but didn't stop licking, pushing his tongue fully inside the hybrid's tight, hot ass. His wet muscle curled and straightened, spreading his saliva inside his Master as he rimmed the gryphon.The heavy smell of musk filled his nostrils as the gryphon's taste coated his tongue before with a sigh and wiggle of his hips the gryphon lifted his rear off of Ren's muzzle and stepped off of him.

"I did some research on you pet. I should have realised before now that you were the dragon we'd been requested to deal with. It's rather interesting actually," The gryphon pondered, "Here I am teaching you to be a pet, and being rather kind about it I feel, whereas I'd planned on flying down myself to meet you anyway," the hybrid smirked, "I'd wanted an excuse to pin a dragon down and pound his hole full of my seed for a while now. For some reason, dragons tend to avoid my land and I can hardly dominate the few draconic nobles who visit without seeming a barbarian." The gryphon hopped onto the bed, rolling over with his back and head supported by a pile of pillows so he was looking at Ren while his large, furry genitals were exposed.

"Instead, you came to me and I get to have you beg for my cock instead of fucking you after a tussle. Unless you still think you can take me?" "No Master," Ren admitted quietly. "Good. Now join your Master on the bed, it's time to introduce you to the cock you serve." "Yes Master," Ren said hesitantly moving towards the bed and slowly climbing onto the massive bed, eyeing the thick sheath nervously. He had no idea how the gryphon had so much control to not even be showing signs of arousal except for a slight plumping of the furry tube. If he'd been rimmed and was expecting a blowjob he wouldn't be able to hold it back in.

Slowly, trying not to seem so obvious with his nervousness the crimson dragon joined stepped up to the bed and climbed on, feeling his body sink into the soft, smooth duvet and mattress. He didn't like feeling nervous, but with his muzzle still full of the gryphon's musky taste and those sharp, studying eyes watching his every movement he couldn't help it as he approached the other male's spread out body. Those large, furry balls beneath that plump sheath and the memory of that bobbing shaft even as they had fought made him shiver. He remembered enough from his week long experience that he knew just how much larger his new Master was endowed compared to the guards whom hadn't felt small in the slightest.

The royal gryphon looked down at Soulrend imperiously for a moment before speaking, "Take a good long look pet. You'll spend most of your time with your muzzle here tasting and cleaning your Master's genitals or your maw wrapped wrapped around my cock," the hybrid smirked in evident enjoyment at how Ren shivered in response, "or my balls will be slapping your rump as I breed you raw. Now show your Master who's slutty pet you are and lick my balls."

Soulrend looked at the large, furry sack apprehensively, not liking how he licked his lips and moved forwards automatically at the order. Part of him snarled at his unusual submissiveness yet he didn't back off and barely hesitated as the growing side of him that wanted to taste those balls, to honor his deal and not just act but be the pet. Soon he was up close to his Master's rump and he leaned in, smelling the less dark, purer scent of the gryphon with the smell of sex and cum. "Lick them pet, suck them" The hybrid urged softly but sternly, "Feel their weight and know their contents will soon fill you."

Ren's mind flashed back to the thick cocks pumping cum down his throat or filling his rear even as he ran his tongue against the short, golden brown and yellow fur. He could taste the large gryphon's powerful musk from the soft, fluffy fur covered ball sack as he licked at it again and again. He liked the taste of the musk, the hint of spent cum and he found himself happy that he could feel the slow, rumbling purrs through the brief contacts of his licks. He was dampening the fur as he licked across the sack, layering it with his saliva as he began to think on the size of the balls. They shifted slightly under his licks and he began to feel through the sack just how impressively large each orb was. How heavy each one was. He curled his tongue slightly around one orbs feeling it settle and weigh down against it before moving to the other, trying to imagine just how large a load of cum awaited him.

Opening his maw he gently took one furry testical into his mouth, letting it fill his mouth as he licked at it again and again. His Master's taste, his scent covered his wet muscle as it worked at cleaning the fluffy sack. The gryphon's growing purrs were punctuated by a light moan as Ren began to suck on the large nut, "Damn pet," his Master growled lustfully, "Your surprisingly talented at sucking someone's balls for someone who was a virgin a week ago," Ren blushed but his only other response was to swap testicals,sucking and licking the neglected ball, "and so eager. you are. I feel it's time for you to move onto my sheath now, pet."

Soulrend let the orb slip carefully out of his maw, looking up past the darkened furry sack, matted with his saliva. The thick tube of a sheath was plump though there was still not even a hint of the gryphon's cock emerging.from the entrance. He moved slowly up, his tongue running in one long lick up from the furry sack to the lip of the sheath. The slow, deep contented purrs grew louder and felt stronger against his tongue as Ren licked up and down the sheath slowly.. The taste of sex and musk was stronger than before and he could feel the hot, hard shape of his Master's cock through the soft fur and sheath. Compared to the king's jewels the sheath was hotter and he could feel it firming under his turn as he pleased the gryphon, running his tongue along the length and back.

The hybrid's scent was growing stronger as his arousal grew and Ren could see the first tinge of a bright red cock peeking out from the entrance. He moved closer to the slowly emerging tip, licking up the shaft as he eyed it, watching it grow slowly larger. The thick, musky smell of the gryphon's arousal was growing stronger as he neared the erecting pride.

Without being asked to his tongue flicked out across the first inch of the exposed, pointed cock tip. The gryphon gave a light growl of pleasure in response, the bright red cock tip spurting a glob of pre onto his tongue. Ren swallowed the clear, bitter pre delightfully, his tongue flicking out again to llick the firming cock. The first barbs lining the head began to pluck at his tongue as he licked across the hot, red surface of it.

"Good pet," his Master purred, "Taste the cock you'll serve and suck and be bred by." Ren went with the observation, curling his tongue around the first inch of gryphon meat even as he shuffled forwardsm closer to the furry groin. Bending his neck he angled his head as he took the slowly emerging erection into his maw. The gryphon groaned audibly as Ren's hot, wet mouth mouth suckled gently on the hot, pre drooling cock tip.

Ren licked at the cock's slit, savouring the sticky pre that his Master was spurting onto his tongue. He could feel the beginnings of the cock throbbing gently as it pressed against his tongue, spurting more and more pre-seed into his awaiting maw. This was nothing like before where the guards had simply used and abused his mouth with their cocks, fucking it like they bred his rear. He was actively seeking to pleasure his Master, sucking and licking on the barbed, pointed cock head as slowly inch after inch began to fill out behind it.

Soon he had a good, large mawful of gryphon cock in his mouth and was beginning to bob his head up and down the hot, hard shaft. His tongue licked along the growing length of delicious, musky cock as he bobbed up and down along it. The tip was spurting pre vociferously all over his tongue and against the back of his throat even as he swallowed the bitter, sticky pre hungrily.

The gryphon let out a moan before commenting, "If I'd known you'd be this slutty after being a cum dump for a week I might have had you chained up in my room and fucked you myself, every day until you collapsed, bloated with my seed. Who knows, I might still do it. Maybe I'll have you beg me for it ." Soulrend shuddered visibly, a spike of dread filling him at the thought of going through it again, yet he never stopped moving his head along the large, thick cock even as his Master continued talking, "Those guards would pump one or two loads into you before getting soft. If I felt like it I could knot you and fill you with my seed fifty times without stopping, although I doubt you'd be the same after being so thoroughly used."

This time Soulrend couldn't stop himself from pausing midway down on the hot, gryphon cock in shock. He couldn't fathom just what sort of creature could climax 50 times without rest or stopping or what it would do to him. He'd been destroyed both mentally and physically by his experience in the guards barracks and even after a full days rest, where he would have violently refused he was now happily sucking off a gryphon.

A firm paw gripped the back of his head as the gryphon spoke, his voice suddenly stern, "I didn't tell you to stop, bitch. If you stop again or disobey me I'll pin you down and rut you so hard all you can think about from then on is my cock filling your ass." Ren couldn't reply even if he wanted to as Talos pushed down on his head, taking any control he had away from him. The gryphon guided Ren's head up and down the long, hot shaft even as he resumed his licking along of the length. He soon had the barbed tip prodding against the back of his throat even as he looked down at yet more bright red maleness and a slowly forming knot.

Ren felt slightly unnerved by the sheer size of his Master's endowment as he bobbed his head along its length. "All of it my little cock sleeve," Talos growled rathly draconically, pushing firmly down Ren's head as he bobbed down. He just managed to avoid choking as the barbed tip was forced down his throat, spurting hot pre as it went. Each bob of his head, now out of his control as the gryphon controlled his movements, sent him deeper onto the hybrids feline shaft. The knot grew closer and closer to his snout as he took more and more of the hard, hot pride down his throat.

"Mmm," Talos murred as Ren took the gryphon's entire length into his maw and down his throat. All the while Ren was sucking on it, licking the hard, throbbing shaft as the bitter, musky flavor of his Master filled his mouth. The vibrations of the hybrid's purring were growing stronger, the throbbing more intense as Ren found himself being pushed down harder and faster, his snout bumping against the large, bulging knot. He didn't want to but he could feel his own arousal growing as his Master controlled him, pushing his head up and down, beyond his own control. He never could have imagined that he would actually like being dominated. "Much better pet," his Master purred, "such a slutty, eager mouth you have. So warm and wet, and your throat... Mmm... I'm going to enjoy having you suck me off again and again, pumping my load down your throat, feeding you my seed. And you will swallow my seed. Every drop of cum as I shoot my load into your mouth, and I will very soon pet. Very soon you will have your first taste of your Master's spunk and you will swallow every, single drop."

Ren felt the grip on his head tightening as the gryphon pushed his head down harder and harder, grinding his face into the knot as his jaws began to ache from stretching around the malehood. He could feel it throbbing harder and more erratically as those furry hips began to buck slightly in time with Talos pushing down on his head. The tip lodged deep down his throat was spurting heavy amounts of pre straight down to his stomach.

With a loud growl Ren found his head pushed down roughly as the throbbing cock within his mouth and throat began to pulse violently. Even f Ren had wanted to pull back, to not swallow His Master's cum he couldn't even budge his head against the gryphon's rock hard grip, locking the ejaculating cock within his throat.

Thick, powerful ropes of hot, creamy cum shot straight down his throat again and again. The taste of rich, musky bitter sweet sperm filled his mouth as he struggled to swallow the sheer amount of spunk the gryphon was pumping into his mouth, rapidly filling his stomach. He could barely find time to breathe in between the massive ropes of seed the gryphon was ejaculating, his head locked against the furry groin, unable to pull off the throbbing meat lodged down his throat.

He'd thought the guards might have been pent up before with the amount of steamy sperm they made him swallow then splattered all over his face, but Talos was beating them easily. The sheer quantity of the undeniably delicous cum shocked Ren as the barbed length continued to pump cum down his gullet. His stomach quickly began to feel full and even bloat as it filled with fresh, virile gryphon sperm.

Eventually, when Ren was sure if he had to swallow any more thick, creamy spooge he would burst , the flow of musky seed began to falter, yet the large gryphon never relaxed his iron grip. Ren moaned with relief when the meaty shaft reduced to just a weak, occasional spurt of seed and Talos finally relented, pulling Ren's head off his spent pride with a happy sigh. "I haven't spent such a large load in such a long time," Talos murred happily, scratching the top of Ren's head idly, "You have such a wonderful mouth my pet... I can't wait to feel that hot, tight ass of yours."

Soulrend shivered, but for the first time not in fear but in anticipation as he looked down at the slightly softened maleness. long and red is glistened wetly in front of him with a sheen of spent seed and saliva and the slowly shrinking knot. It truly was an impressive shaft and Ren looked down at his red scaled belly that now looked slightly bloat and fat, all from that single load of cum He'd tried not to enjoy the taste of the guards' cum yet he had, and he found himself loving the musky, strangely bitter sweet taste of his Master's essence.. He wondered what it would feel like, to have that massive shaft filling him, pumping that massive load of egg-seeking sperm into his rear like he was a fertile hen in heat.

"Now pet. Roll over onto you back and spread your legs." Talos ordered calmly. Soulrend blinked but complied slowly, nervously stepping back from his Master, turning round and rolling over so he was looking down his chest at the watching gryphon. Talos rolled to his feet as Ren watched on nervously, gulping as he spread his hind legs wide, revealing his tail hole clearly. The spent, wet cock dangling beneath the furry body didn't show any sign of softening in the slightest, but Ren watched on in trepidation as it seemed to firm up instead.

"Do not shake so much my little cock slut," Talos chuckled softly, "I'm not going to fuck you...yet." The gryphon smirked as he walked slowly forwards, pointedly looking at Ren's erection, "certainly seems you enjoy sucking cock. It is always good when the pet enjoys serving his Master."

Ren gasped loudly in shock as a the gryphon's sharp claws grasped his stiff erection. The slightest squeeze changed the gasp to a moan of pleasure as Talos smirked in delight at his reaction. "Mmm," the gryphon murred, "Such a hot cock you have my pet." The smirk grew wider as Ren moaned with the slight movement of his claws running up the hard length. "A creature of fire... a good trait to have in a pet. A hot cock, and a hot ass to ram my own hard inside," Talos began to pump his grip along the Ren's sensitive shaft slowly, "I'm looking forwards to it. Feeling those tight, hot walls clamping around my cock."

Soulrend's only response was to groan loudly as his Master slowly jacked him off. the soft paw gripping his cock tightly as it ran over his ridges. The gryphon stroked his cock slowly, smirking the entire time as Soulrend tilted his head back and groaned loudly, shuddering with pleasure. "Interesting," Talos murred, squeezing his grip lightly as it ran over a ridge, causing Ren's groan to spike, "Ridges instead of barbs, must be a fun difference."

Talos leisurely pumped his malehood a few more times before continuing, "I expect my pets to actively seek to pleasure me. To obey my orders eagerly. However I'm not an unfair Master, if you perform excellently, or please me greatly I will reward you. You will never mount me, but as a reward I can see to it that you have someone to pound this hot, hard cock into. I'm also not above getting you off myself."

Soulrend groaned deeply in pleasure as he looked on in surprise when Talos lowered his sharp, smirking beak towards his exposed cock and very slowly ran a wet, rough tongue along its length. "Mmm," the gryphon purred, "I wonder if all dragons taste as delicious as you do. You did such a good job for your first time pleasuring your Master I feel like giving you a reward." The warm tongue licked slowly up his shaft, the sandpapery texture incredibly stark and clear against the pleasure of the contact. Talos moved slowly up his shaft, leaving the shiny, wet trail of steaming saliva on his dark red shaft.. The wet muscle curled and lapped luxuriously along his cock, expertly making him moan with pleasure as Talos worked up to his tip. Those sharp eyes gazed into his own as the tongue flick over his cock tip, collecting a bead of pre before the muscle retreated back into the beak.

"Quite a taste you have pet, but if you want more you know what you are going to have to do."" Ren shivered as his Master pulled back, letting his slickened shaft throb needily as it was left suddenly unattended, "Please..." Ren groaned weakly. "Please... what?" Talos asked pointedly. "Please Master, suck me off. Take my cock into your beak, lick my shaft and please bring me to release Master."

Talos tilted his head in consideration then sighed, "We're going to have to work on your begging, pet. However I am not a malicious Master and you asked nicely enough..." Ren watched with a mixture of amazement and anticipation as the gryphon leaned forwards, opening his beak up wide and within a blink took half of his throbbing, pre spurting shaft into his maw. A sharp, loud groan tore out of his throat as his cock was engulfed in the hot, wet mouth.

The gryphon's tongue licked slowly along the underside of his needy shaft expertly, pressing harder against each of his three, prominent ridges. Soulrend moaned loudly and felt his cock sprt an extra large wad of hot pre down the hybrid's gulping throat. He forgot all about his position, how he was now subservient to the large gryphon and instead lost himself in the sensational blow-job his Master was giving him.

He didn't know how such an incredibly dominant creature was so good at what he would normally a submissive act. Yet Talos managed to still maintain that air of superiority as he bobbed his head lower and lower onto his spire. He shivered alongside his groans as first his tip then inch after inch of throbbing dragonmeat slid into his Master's throat.

Ren quickly fell in love with the feel of the avian's tight, wet throat as the gryphon bobbed his head along's Ren's pride. Slowly the gryphon took more and more of Soulrend's cock down his throat and he began to groan even louder as more of his hard shaft was massaged by that tight throat.

Even as his Master sucked him off, that long, rough tongue of his worked Ren's shaft. He had to resist the temptation to let his head drop back, tongue flopping out as the gryphon worked his cock expertly, seeming to know exactly how to maximise his pleasure. Those sharp eyes, seemingly full of knowledge never left Soulrend's own as the beak bobbed lower onto his shaft, nearly taking Ren's entire length now down his gullet, the tight muscles massaging his needy cock pleasurably.

It had been so long since something, anything had deliberately pleasured him Ren found himself quickly approaching his peak. He couldn't manage the words in between his groans to warn the gryphon, yet his Master seemed to know this. Talos held back minutely, perfectly timing the downward motion of his head so that every single inch of the dark red shaft, right up to the engorged knot was hidden inside the gryphon maw as it began to throb.

Soulrend groaned long and low as he climaxed; his thick, reptilian cock throbbing powerfully within the avian's beak and throat as it began to pump Ren's thick, hot load into his Master. Incredibly rich ropes of fertile dragon sperm began to pump into the gryphon's awaiting maw. Thick and creamy it flooded the hybrids throat and beak with the first ejaculation, barely disappearing as Talos swallowed it all in one gulp before the next throb and pulse of sperm filled it again.

Ren moaned deeply as his Master swallowed his seed without breath or pause, never pulling off his shaft as he came. He could feel the gryphon's throat undulating around around his tip as Talos swallowed his ejaculate again and again. Ren felt his eyes glaze over slightly in orgasmic bliss, his shaft throbbing with each massive rope of spunk. He saw a light trickle of cum leak out from the beak around his cock as the furry throat bulged slightly with each swallow..

Time passed slowly for him as the large gryphon sucked him off, drinking down his spunk without pause. Slowly Ren felt himself coming down from his orgasm, panting lightly as his cock softened within that fantastically warm, wet maw. He could feel Talos's lickening his shaft clean even as the gryphon pulled slowly off him until with a wet slap his shaft fell against his belly scales.

Talos licked his beak as he sat back fro Soulrend and met his gaze, raising a eyebrow in expectation. Ren blinked as his mind slowly kicked back into gear and managed to say, slightly breathlessly, "Thank you... Master. That was fantastic and you... are really skilled." Talos smirked, "Of course I am. I would be a poor Master if all I could do was take pleasure from my pets, never giving the pleasure back." Those large eyes turned to ponder Ren's softened, half erect shaft, now slick with saliva. "It was quite enjoyable, hearing you moan so eagerly from a simple blowjob. It's always a bonus when the pet tastes good as well, hot and thick... However," Talos frowned, "We'll have to work on your stamina. No pet of mine should be soft or this tired after cumming just once. I would have thought my guards would have made you a bit more lively, but it seems I'll have to work slower at building it up."

Soulrend watched nervously as the gryphon slowly stepped forwards, forelgs stepping over and past his hindlegs. Now that Talos's head had moved Ren could see clearly down both their bodies towards that furry groin. Fully hard and pointing at him like a like a lethal arrow., the barbed tip drooling a considerably large amount of viscous pre. He could feel the excess drooling off and splattering against the underside of his tail as he shivered and stared at it in anticipation, feeling with certainty he knew what would happen next.

"It is not a entirely one way relationship, being my pet," Talos spoke softly, smiling slightly as Ren dragged his gaze off the bobbing shaft back to his Master's eyes. "I will fuck you often, demand you suck me off almost daily, however I am not harsh. You will find yourself enjoying it when I mount you like a female. You will start begging for me to fuck you of your own free will. I won't always rut you like a gryphon in mating season either, and when you perform well you will find some very enjoyable surprises in store."

Soulrend nodded meekly, holding back a light gasp as the cock tip hovered over his exposed tailhole, dripping pre steadily onto his soft, puckered flesh. "I will admit," Talos continued, the soft smile turning to a smirk, "that while I was a bit disappointed at not being the one to take your virginity, the show you put on made up for it. However no matter how well you adjusted for the guards' sizes, you won't have adjusted for mine. Will you pet?" The directed question made Ren hesitate momentarily, distracted as he was by blushing and trying not to remember his experiences in the barracks. Yet Ren knew the truth of the big, dominant gryphon's words, that it wasn't a simple case of a king's overinflated opinion of himself. Talos was indeed much larger a gryphon and more heavily endowed than any of the guards he'd been made to serve. A endowment that he was going to have to take.

"N-no Master," Ren stammered. Indeed, he didn't know if he was even capable of taking the entirety of that formidable length. Talos leaned closer before asking in a silky whisper, "And do you want this cock inside you?" Soulrend blushed at the question, a part of him tempted to say no, just to see what the response would be. "Yes... Master. I... I want your c-cock inside me." It came with a odd realisation as Soulrend found that he hadn't had to lie either. Somewhere between first meeting the gryphon and now, he had lost his distaste of being bottom. He genuinely wanted to feel his Master take him. To feel that fullness and pleasure of being mounted once more.

Talos grinned widely at him, startling Ren slightly as the avian began to laugh softly. "It seems my guards did a better job than I believed at teaching you the pleasures of being bottom. I am glad you said yes," he smirked once more, "Because I don't have to punish you, and can fuck you like I'd wanted to." Ren's eyes widened and he gasped lightly as the tip of the feline cock poked lightly against his tail hole, smearing the warm pre against his puckered entrance. Then with a strange gentleness that didn't match the image of the big, fierce, dominant gryphon, Talos slowly eased inside him. Ren moaned lightly as his rear was spread open by the pointed tip. He was thankful for the sheer amount of pre the hybrid was producing that it made the penetration so smooth.

Soulrend was surprised at just how gentle Talos was being. He'd expected the dominant to simply ram inside him. Instead, the gryphon merely smiled softly at him, head hovering over his, watching him as the barbed shaft pushed in a constant motion gently inside him. He moaned uncontrollably as he felt himself spreading open slowly around the hot, hard member. "Oh pet...." Talos groaned lightly, finally halting the forwards push of those furry hips, "Your ass defies expectations... So damned tight and hot. If I hadn't watched I would call on the guards for taking it easy on you."

Slowly Talos pulled back and Ren shook as the barbs that lined the cock head flared, stroking his insides gently until just the tip remained, spurting cool pre-seed against his hot insides. Once again Talos surprised Ren as his Master continued to fuck him gently, pressing back inside with amazing restraint.It was completely different to anything Ren had experience in the barracks.

Ren barely shifted on the ground as the gryphon fucked with with a gentleness unbecoming the powerful dominant. That the large dominant beast could above him hold back so much, defying what Ren could have sworn should be the gryphon's nature. The slow thrusts gradually spread him open, letting him adjust easily to the formidable shaft as it worked deeper inside him. Those barbs, unlike the guards', barely hurt him; stroking his insides more pleasurably than he'd ever believed possible.

"Such a snug, tight pet you are," Talos purred, nuzzling Ren's neck, "So fantastically hot as well. I'm glad I'm taking it easy on you now.. I can stretch you out properly so you won't break when I pin you down and breed you raw." Soulrend blinked in surprise even as he moaned from the latest thrust, reaching deeper than before. While Talos had spoken his purr hadn't faltered nor had that silky strong voice changed even slightly. The gryphon just fuckked him consistently, only speeding up minutely as those muscular, furry hips rolled non-stop. Never stopping, never slowing as Ren felt inch after inch of that unbelievably thick rod filled him.

He'd seen that bright red cock at full mast. He'd tasted it, sucked upon it's length yet the girth was beyond imagination. He couldn't tell just how much of the royal dick was now slowly thrusting into his ass. It already felt like he was taking the equivalent of one of the guard's knots into him he was so widely stretched., yet the incredible gentleness Talos was using meant it barely hurt.

He shuddered with a strange, new happiness as his Master made love to him. He didn't just like the feel of being bottom, being the equivalent of a female for his Master. He loved it. He loved the feel of his his Master's maleness filling his rear. Leisurely thrusting in and out of his tight anal passage as Talos spread him open. He was loving the feel of the smooth, hot shaft against his sensitive insides. Those normally worrisome barbs just seemed to amplify his pleasure, and above all, he didn't just want all of his Master's gryphonhood, he wanted that enormous knot the king bore. To feel that massive bulge lodge within him, tying them together.

"P-please Master..." Soulrend moaned quietly. "Hmm?" Talos purred, nuzzling Ren's scaly neck, "Does my bitch want something?" "Please... please knot me Master," Ren panted as Talos never let up on those gentle, deep thrusts, "I need you to knot me, to fill me completely Master." Talos pushed his hard beak against Ren's throat, forcing him to tilt his head back so he was staring at the ceiling.. That rough, sandpapery tongue licked against his bared throat as Talos murmured, "Say it again pet. Say it again and I'll fulfill your wish." Ren almost flinched when, with the next thrust, his object of desire bounced up against his tailhole. An indomitably wide knot pressed up against his massively stretched ass before retreating. He could feel the heavy, furry weight of Talos's testicals rubbing against the underside of his tail every time the knot pressed against his rear. "Please tie me Master!" Ren almost begged, feeling his once soft shaft throbbing at full mast from the fucking. "Slam your massive knot inside your pet Master, and fill me with your seed!"

Soulrend blinked as a black leather collar was waved above his eyes was waved above his snout for a second before deftly attaching it to his neck with one claw. "Good pet," Talos replied and Soulrend gasped as the thick bulge bounced against his rear with enough force to cause him to stretch slightly around it before retreating, "Always remember your place," the knot pressed deeper, "that you are-" the gryphon thrust forwards a final, forcing the large knot inside Ren even as he growled draconically, "-Mine." Ren cried out loudly as he was stretched to unbelievably wide by his Master. That massive hybrid cock reached so deep inside him, stretching him almost to the breaking point as the gryphon tied with him. It hurt more than any of the numerous times the guards had fucked him, but it felt so fantastically good he'd happily beg for it again and again.

Those heavvy, furry testicals weighing down on his tail began to immediately shudder and contract as the cock deep within him throbbed powerfully. Ren groaned loudly to the gryphon's deep seated purr as the first heavy pulse of cum flooded his insides.He was astounded at just how powerful the first jet of ejaculate felt, quickly seeing to fill his rear with that thick, creamy seed.

With his tailhole completely sealed by his Master's knot and filled so completely by the hot, thick shaft, the rich, fertile sperm had nowhere to go but further into Ren's body as the seemingly endless ejaculation continued to pump more and more into him. He didn't know how but his Master's orgasm seemed several times more powerful than before. Thick ropes of hot, potent cum into his vulnerable body. Even after Talos had stopped fucking him, Ren still found himself groaning pleasurably as the pressure built within him; with every fresh wave of seed was pumped into him it forced the previous load even deeper inside him. "Listen to you moan like a slut," Talos chuckled, "Squeezing my cock like you're trying to milk me dry. Can you feel me filling you my crimson hen? My semen flooding your insides, your stomach beginning to bloat like a pregnant bitch?" Ren blushed from the taunts but nevertheless found himself nodding to what was probably a rhetorical question anyway. He'd swallowed a colossal amount of cum before and he could feel his gut swelling as Talos pumped even more into him. Talos smirked and ran a claw down Soulrend's blossoming, scaley chest as he continued in a surprisingly seductive voice, "It's almost a pity your male, to spend so much of my royal seed inside you. Billions of egg-seeking sperm and not one single egg to fertilize.If you were female, no matter whether or not you were in season, you'd be bearing my clutch."

Those burningly fierce eyes gazed into Ren's and he found his groan somehow pause for a moment, despite the gradually slowing ejaculation into his rear stimulating him. He didn't doubt those words for a moment, although at the moment the only difference between him and a female was parts. He was on his back, legs spread, knotted and being filled by another male and he wanted to do it again. "That was... amazing," Ren said softly, "You're so much bigger than the guards." Talos began to purr heavily and smirked back at him, "Which is why I am your king and Master and not one of them. Though from the way you writhed in pleasure as they fucked you I wonder if you liked my size more or simply having a cock in your ass," Talos emphasised his point by tugging back slightly and Ren couldn't hold back his groan even as he blushed heavily. "Well you're in the right place my slutty tail raiser. You only need to beg, to raise your tail for me and I'll happily pound a load into you."

Soulrend didn't trust himself to manage a coherent reply so he simply nodded weakly. Talos's member had finally stopped twitching in him, and his stomach had finally settled; well rounded as if he'd recently feasted from all the spunk the gryphon had ejaculated into him. He could feel the furry creature's purring through the shaft filling him.that strangely calming feeling from the claw stroking his cum bloated belly. "Hmm," Talos pondered out loud to himself, "I have a decision to make now pet, and how you respond will greatly influence the option that will surely benefit you more." Ren looked up at Talos inquisitively, "What decision Master?" "While I will always find the time necessary to ensure my pets are thoroughly satisfied, I still have my duties as a king to attend to," Talos snorted, "So while I deal with the petty politics involving a human and some land that is not his, I will have to leave you to your own bidding." "I won't leave the room Master," Ren promised truthfully. Like his submission he found it an interesting self revelation that he didn't want to leave the castle anymore. To return to his old, raiding lifestyle.

Talos grinned down at him and Ren smiled weakly back, "That's a good response my pet, but that wasn't the situation I was considering," A claw reached out and tugged lightly on Ren's new collar, "I don't collar pets who I think are stupid enough to want, let alone believe they can still escape from my clutches. What I was thinking over was what to do with you for the few hours I'll be away." The gryphon let go of the collar and used the claw to trail down Ren's bared scales as he continued, "You see, there is a grand feast in a few hours' time and I plan to take you along. You will have to obey my every command eagerly, without hesitation or I will be forced to punish you publicly and very harshly. Normally I would have liked to spend the few hours until then getting to know your body more intimately, however now I can't. So instead, I'm offering you a deal where I pay you in advance. You promise to obey me without pause or complaint, and I'll let you get off in a very pleasurable way," Talos finished his promise by gripping Ren's rock hard shaft gently, eliciting another moan before Ren could reply properly.

"I'll behave Master," Ren promised, almost begged as his hips bucked slightly from the grip on his needy length. He hadn't gotten off once when his Master had fucked him, and now with the massive knot lodged inside him every slight twitch sent sparks of pleasure through him. He would have behaved anyway from just the warning of punishment, but his Master was offering him... something for his promise anyway, "I'll do whatever you ask of me Master. I'll raise my tail, I'll suck you off, I'll beg in front of everyone if that's what you want Master." "So eager you little cock slut. Don't worry, you'll get all you can take of your Master's pride at the feast and I won't be holding back. You may be my pet now, but you still invaded my territory, and I think the Nobles who'll be there need to understand that I'm not simply rewarding you by making you my pet." Soulrend nodded, "I understand they need to see me beneath you Master, not simply hear the stories from the barracks."

"Good pet," Talos approved, before placing his left claw on the bed while the right pressed firmly down on Ren's lower belly, holding him against the bed. "Shame we can't stay tied longer. My cock feels right at home in your incredibly hot rear, bathed in my seed." The slow, steady pressure as Talos began to pull back made Ren groan loudly. His sore ass stretching once more to accommodate the size of the knot as it slowly made it to halfway before with a loud pop it slipped free. The odd feeling of that massive shaft slipping free of him made Ren blink as the new feeling of emptiness filled his senses, despite that large amount of spent cum filling him. He looked down between his legs, past his own dripping member and stared in amazement at the gryphonhood dangling beneath that large furry body. If he hadn't felt that massive stretching he would never have believed that the long shaft, let alone the partially deflated knot could have fit inside him. Even after having orgamsed the cock still seemed at full peak, and was covered with spent seed, dripping freely onto the bed. Indeed, he could feel it leaking from his gaping rear even as his hole tried pitifully to close back up.

"Such a beautiful sight," Talos smirked looking down at Ren's splayed out body before turning and jumping down from the bed. With a groan Soulrend rolled over, a bit surprised at the effect of his heavy, cum filled belly on his balance. Hesitating slightly as the gryphon approached the doors to his bedroom, spent cock swaying between those legs he plucked up the courage to ask, "Are you going to the meeting without... cleaning up Master?" Talos chuckled and looked back at him, "While I would normally let you do your role as my pet and make you clean my shaft I would like to avoid being late for my meeting as the humans will likely stupidly raise a complaint at being held up. It will also save me from having to clean up twice if I feel like one of them needs to be shown their place," He reached the doors and opened them, and Ren could see two guards beyond, one of which seemed very familiar. "I believe you remember Neyr," Talos said with a smirk, "He had the pleasure of taking your virginity. I asked Neyr to be at the door in case I felt he was needed... such as a second gryphon to mount you if you were naughty, or in this case, a reward for being such a good cocksleeve." Talos then turned to Neyr whom Ren recognised as the first guard who had mounted him. "You certainly enjoyed having my pet down in the barracks," Talos continued, "However I noticed you forgot one of the more useful features of having a male all to yourselves. So when I leave you in this room alone with my newly collared pet I would advise you raise your tail willingly for him. Experience the pleasurable side you neglected."

Neyr bowed to Talos before replying, rather smoothly, "A unfortunate mistake on my part my king. We may have taken your orders to bit too strictly to punish him to consider using any assets other than those that we could thrust our cocks into." "Well spoken. Oh and Ren." Talos chuckled before passing through the door and calling out, "You have my permission to be rough." Soulrend could see Neyr flinch ever so slightly even as the larger gryphon disappeared from view. Neyr paused for a moment, before nodding to the other guard who Ren could also see was grinning at the situation, and walking into the bedroom. The second guard winked at Ren with a surprising amount of familiarity before closing the door behind Neyr, leaving the two alone.

Evidently Ren must have shown something or the guard hadn't been quite as inconspicuous as it seemed as Neyr laughed softly, "Don't be surprised if some of the guards seem quite formal with you... Ren. The king gives his pets a lot of freedom when they've been with him for a while, and when he feels like rewarding, or punishing a pet we are often called so we tend to get quite well acquainted with you," he shook his head with a grin, "Though I think you're one of the most memorable, and popular already. Very rarely do the guards get free reign over a pet, let alone everyone being actually ordered to fuck one for a week." Ren felt himself blush at the recollection of those events. While he had been angry during those first few days he didn't feel any hatred towards Neyr now. "I think I remember it quite well," Ren said dryly walking towards the gryphon., "Although the last few days do become a bit of a blur." Neyr smirked back, "And I bet you're glad for the stretching out we gave you. Very few guards here have not experienced our king mounting them at least once. I'd have worried about your health if you were still as tight as you were when I first pressed inside you when the king took you to his bed chambers." Ren smiled back, feeling his lips curl back slightly to reveal his sharp teeth. "I seem to recall it was a bit more forceful than a 'press,'" he replied, feeling a bit of his old fiery self come back, except it wasn't making him angry, but horny at the thought of what he was going to do to the gryphon. "Fair enough," Neyr replied with a grin, "Though King Talos did have a good point. While it's a lot of fun to be top, there's also a good deal of pleasure in being the bottom as you've experienced."

The guard turned around and looked over his shoulder at Ren, winking slyly. Ren felt a surge of lust fill him as the guard raised his tail, revealing the dark, puckered tail hole a set of furry testicals swaying beneath it. "You're the first dragon to stay here at this castle, and until you came I've never seen a shaft with ridges on it before. I'll admit," he continued, his voice becoming seductively silky to Ren's ears, "that several times when I was thrusting into your hot tunnel I was imagining those ridges thrusting inside me. So why don't you show me how inadequate my imagination is dragon, and fuck me." Soulrend didn't bother holding back his lusty growl as he quickly closed the distance between them. "I think I'll return the favor from when you took my virginity and be just as gentle as you were," he growled softly, feeling his needy pride throb in anticipation.

Soulrend grinned as the gryphon shuddered in response. He certainly planned to have some fun with the smaller beast, but Neyr had been at least somewhat gentle by preparing him first then not simply rutting him. Leaning forwards he dragged his tongue roughly across the avians rear with a loud murr. Neyr let out a soft gasp and began to purr slightly as Ren lapped softly at the puckered, fleshy entrance. "Oh Ren," Neyr groaned softly, "I must have been kinder than I thought..." Ren murred softly to himself as he breathed in, his muzzle pressed into the gryphon's raised and bared rump. The gryphon's musky aroma filled his nostrils even as his long, wet tongue pushed into the puckered hole. Spreading it wide as the thick muscle pressed inside, accompanied by the sound of the guard's moans. The dark, earthy musk that flooded his taste buds filled him with arousal as he worked at preparing the rear for his needy cock. The gryphon's taste wasn't as strong as Talos, but it served well enough to make his shaft spurt a large wad of pre onto the ground in anticipation. "Damn Ren," Neyr moaned, "I guess you learned a thing or two about using your tongue." Ren ignored him, instead concentrating on the soft anal passage squeezing around his tongue. The dark flavour getting stronger the deeper he pressed his tongue, pulling it out occasionally to wet it again. The gryphon was nowhere near as tight as Talos either and Ren assumed from what Neyr had mentioned early, that this wasn't the first time the guard had bottomed. Indeed, it sounded like he'd been mounted by Talos himself at least once.

Feeling suddenly a bit mischievous Ren pulled his tongue out with a slurp and said cheekily, "For a male who seemed so eager to jump me before you certainly seem very loose yourself." Neyr smirked back, "Says the dragon with a bloated belly and a cum leaking hole. It's a lot of fun and honour to be asked to bottom for King Talos so most of us aren't as tight as you were." Ren smiled back, feeling strangely more comfortable in this strange situation than he had in a long time. He gave the now saliva slickened hole a last, long lick before replying, "Indeed. Being Master's female is very pleasurable, as was being fucked by you I'll admit."

Neyr looked a bit taken back by surprise at his words but grinned, "Then it seems you're in a good place. So why don't you show this birdy what being the bottom to a dragon is like compared to another gryphon?" Ren grinned toothily, "Oh, I'm sure you'll be begging for more when I'm done. Maybe Master can give me some time off occasionally to fulfil your essential need to be pounded." The guard winked and wiggled his rump slightly and Ren responded by almost jumping straight onto him, wrapping his forelegs around the soft, furry body. His own scaley body pinned the folded wings while he lined his hips up, angling the tip of his shaft so that is was prodding against the tailhole. "Ooh," Neyr moaned softly, "Damn you really are a hot beast, dragon. I can feel the heat coming off your shaft already. "Well you certainly seemed to like my heat wrapping around your cock last time. It's a lot better when that heat fills you instead, trust me." Ren crooned softly, "All that hot, fresh seed filling your insides. You'll beg for more."

Soulrend adjusted his angle minutely until he felt the very tip of his maleness almost slipped into the gryphon without the need to press forwards. He could feel his shaft spurting a vast amount of pre already, splattering the entrance with hot, slick pre-seed. He paused then, relishing the situation he was in, mounting a gryphon instead of being the bottom once again. The week long stint in the barracks and given him a better appreciation of both sides, more than he'd considered about ever before. Taking a deep breath he growled as he thrust forwards none too gently, making the guard squawk loudly as the first several inches sank into the tight tunnel. His first ridge easily slipped into the gryphon's passage and sliding a further good inch inwards before Ren halted his thrust. His growl became a groan, matching that of Neyr's as he drank in the feeling of at long last having those hot, tight fleshy walls gripping around his cock. "Oh Lord, Ren," groaned Neyr, "You weren't kidding about how hot you are." "Indeed," Ren growled softly, dragging his length back slowly, loving the feel of his ridge dragging against the warm insides before plucking the entrance on its retreat, "And you feel soft on the insides. So delightfully fuckable." Pulling his body tight against the gryphon's he rammed forwards, feeling his first then second ridge slip easily into the male's body as his gradually widening shaft spread the warm passage open. The gryphon's cries of pleasure were music to his ears as he didn't wait this time instead continuing his thrust in a rolling motion, pulling back then thrusting back in again.

Neyr wasn't the tightest, or even loosest male or female Ren had fucked, but his new appreciation for being bottom seemed to heighten his pleasure of once more being top. He could feel his shaft throbbing often, spurting more and more of his pre-cum into the passage, lubing the way for his shaft. Already there was a leud, squelching sound as Ren thrust into the upraised, begging rump, forcing his pre even deeper with each pump. His claw dug slightly in the furry belly getting a better grip on his female as he sank his groin against his bitches again and again. While he had climaxed multiple times during the breedings in the barracks and his new Master had sucked him off, he still felt pent up. So long on the bottom and it was like his cock needed this. Needed to feel the tight warmth of another ass or cunt wrapping around it as Ren fucked someone.

Soulrend's tail lashed out behind him, his wings fluttering as his hips pistoned his dragonhood into the eagerly awaiting rear. His growls of pleasure filled the room as he thrust harder and faster. He leant in and nuzzled the back of the gryphon's neck softly as he worked his third and final ridge into the tight anus. Neyr cried out joyfully as Ren dragged his trio of ridges the soft, squeezing walls. Each thrust that was harder and faster than the last caused the individual, sloppy pops of his draconic ridges seem like one continuous leud sound. "So how do you like my ridges my little birdy?" Soulrend growled into the gryphon's ear, "Being a dragon's hen as he pounds your slutty rear?" Neyr moaned loudly beneath Ren, occasionally squawking when Ren slammed his full length into the hybrid or his claws bit into the furry belly. "Wonderful," Neyr moaned, "Those ridges are fantastic, and you're so damned hot..." "Indeed," Ren growled lustily, drawing all the way back before thrusting in again, his knot thumping against the widely spread hole for the first time. "For a gryphon who took so much pleasure in mounting me, all it seems to take to turn you into a moaning, slutty female is a fire breathing dragon with a cock." "Mmm, and you had such a fantastic ass," Neyr reminisced dreamily before squawking loudly as Ren yanked the gryphon's rump backwards at the same he he thrusted, his knot spreading Neyr slightly around it before he pulled back once more. "Unfortunately for you, it is no longer yours to fuck though. One thing I do share with you gryphons is a knot and I'm going to enjoy ramming it inside you and watching you swell with my seed."

He was unsurprisingly close already as his knot hammered against the gryphon's entrance. He hadn't ejaculated once as his Master had fucked him, and now he was breeding the gryphon who'd taken his virginity. His long, repetitive thrusts became short and irregular, but even harder as Ren worked at loosening the gryphon's tailhole up. Bit by bit his knot got deeper until with a roar that almost silenced Neyr's cry, he powered his large knot into the male's ass. The hot, soft interior clamping down hard around his invading knot was too much for him and his long awaited orgasm finally occurred. Despite his previous ejaculation, his internal testicals were nearly back to full capacity of his well heated seed. His shaft, locked inside the male's rear throbbed powerfully as the first rope of thick, creamy white semen shot deep into the male. Rope after rope of the rich, draconic sperm flooded the gryphon's comparatively cool insides. Neyr groaned loud and long as Ren climaxed inside him, "Your cum is so hot," the guard groaned pleasurably, "I've never felt anything like it." "And it's all going inside you," Ren growled even as his cock continued to throb, never letting up the rush of spunk into the male. Already Ren could feel the gryphon's belly beginning to swell within his grip, "I wonder how the other guards will treat you when you turn up with a belly full of dragon cum and reeking of my scent. Maybe after so long fucking me they'll smell you, pin you down and breed you one after the other."

Neyr purred beneath Ren, smiling despite his taunts, "And I'd enjoy being their bitch, feeling them mount me one after the other while I'm still full of your wonderful cum," The gryphon waggled his hips slightly as Ren's shaft throbbed weaker and weaker, the rapid, heavy ropes becoming weak spurts of seed into the bloated gryphon. "Hmm, King Talos is lucky to have such a... vigorous pet. I'm sure if he doesn't think you're getting off enough he'll ask for one or more of us to help you out." Ren rubbed the gryphon's engorged belly, "I wonder if I can get you all to act like my own bitches after a good rut or two. See how many of you come begging my Master to be his pet's hen." Neyr looked over his shoulder with a sudden smirk, "Might have to wait a day or two first. I think you may not fully understand just how hard the king can pound your ass."

Soulrend pondered this for a moment, before thrusting his hips slightly, shifting the knot on purpose to change Neyr's grin into a pleasured moan, "I suppose I may not fully appreciate yet how hard Master can fuck me, but I am not fearing it," he hesitated before admitting, both to himself and the guard, "In fact. I'm looking forwards to it." The hybrid began to purr again, and Ren shivered in delight as he felt the powerful vibrations against his shaft, making the slightly softening length immediately reharden. "If you want me to pull out anytime soon you might have to stop purring," he chuckled, pulling back slightly, feeling the strong resistance to any movement his enlarged knot was causing. It didn't seem to have shrunk in the slightest yet. "We have some time yet, and I rather like the feel of your hot dick inside me," Neyr said grinning, "Just relax and enjoy the feeling of being knotting me. You'll soon have plenty of memories of being a cum filled pet."

Soulrend relaxed lazily on top of the gryphon, smirking slightly as the guard let out a surprised "Ooph." "Well, if you insist," Ren drawled softly, sighing as he loosened his bunched up muscles from having fucked the gryphon. He had to admit, Neyr did have a point. Despite their banter, he didn't honestly expect to be able to fuck anyone that often. While his Master seemed generous, it wouldn't say much of his abilities to manage his pets if they were breeding others as often as they pleasured the king. He wasn't sure how much time passed as he lay on top of the softly purring gryphon, but eventually he felt himself soften enough that it only took a light tug to pull out, the pair of them groaning in unison. His soft shaft slipped free and flopped beneath Ren, dripping with spent cum as the avian's rear leaked the same spent spunk as it tried to close up after the rigorous stretching from his knot.

The birds groan of relief made Ren smirk as he slowly stepped backwards and off of the guard, "I hope I can get you to raise your tail again for me some other time," he smirked, "I certainly enjoyed fucking your lovely ass." Neyr got up on slightly shaky paws, a pool of still warm draconic seed forming on the floor beneath his rear, "Indeed, though I think some of the other guards will want to have their turns beneath you after they have some fun with me," he replied with a grin. Stretching his legs slightly the guard began to move to the door even as he called out behind him, "I probably won't make the banquet which is a shame. I'm sure the show is going to be spectacular," he finished with a laugh. Soulrend couldn't come up with a retort as he had a feeling that if he was his normal self and spectating he would find it highly enjoyable as well, especially if he could join in as a top. Instead, Ren had a growing idea of just how hard he was about to be fucked shortly. He was slightly worried of course; his first time being Talos's bottom had only proven to him just how massively endowed the king was, and the gentle fuck had hurt him. To be truly bred, and hard was going to hurt a lot, but unlike his old self he was strangely looking forwards to it, to the pleasure of being the male's hen.

Neyr opened the door and Ren watched, smirking, as the standard two guards at the doorway turned and froze and the sight of the stiffly walking gryphon passing through the door. Thick, hard cock swaying between his legs, a large, rounded belly full of cum and a spunk leaking tail hole. "I'll be at the barracks if anyone wants me," Neyr called out behind him, once more surprising Ren at just how flexible the guard's attitude to sex could be. The two guards watched in a strange mesmerising silence before one of them shook his head and closed the door to the room behind Neyr. Ren looked at the closed door for a moment before stepping carefully away from the large splashes of spent cum that splattered the floor and moved to a clean part of the room before curling up on the floor. He still felt slightly full, his belly distended from his Master's load, but his aching rear had ceased throbbing a while ago and he couldn't feel any more of the gryphon's load trickling down the back of his legs anymore.

He guessed that not much more than an hour had passed before the doors once more opened and Talos walked through them. Those large, sharp eyes glinted with amusement as the gryphon took in the new mess on the floor. "I hear you enjoyed my guard. Seems he's still feeling a bit submissive. Quite a few guards have shuffled their shifts to take their break now it seems." Ren smiled nervously. He couldn't predict if that would annoy the king, or simply amuse him. "Thank you very much for letting me fuck him Master," He said, "It was a lot of fun." "Indeed. I am glad you didn't abuse the gift of my guard too much. He is a loyal gryphon and has served me many years, so it is good to see he also enjoyed himself," Talos smiled and Ren breathed a small sigh of relief. He hadn't really considered until that moment whether or not he had gone too far, even though he had held back from completely ravaging the guard. "You were also wise to take the opportunity to rest," the smile became a smirk and Ren almost flinched as the devilish humour the gryphon spoke with, "I doubt you'll be able to sleep properly tonight so you need all the sleep you can get. Now get your lazy butt up, it's time for the rest of the castle to see your induction as my pet."

Soulrend shivered but obeyed and got to his feet. He barely had to look past Talos to see that the guards were looking at him with smirks through the still open door. "Now then. A leash for fun and games when we're alone, but if I have to use one to drag you to the hall it will also show I don't have full control over you. Do I have to use a leash pet?" Talos asked, without a hint of threat in his voice, but Ren didn't need to hear the words or the sound of one. "I will be yours completely Master. I won't disobey you," Ren promised and Talos nodded, satisfied. "Good. Then follow me, and unless I ask of it, do not speak. Do not ask questions." With that the large gryphon turned around and Ren got a good view of his large, plump testicles swaying heavily beneath him. Ren had a feeling that the gryphon had already reproduced all of the cum he'd spent in the two orgasms Ren and drawn out of him. After a hesitant second Ren followed his Master out of the room and down the corridor. He felt quite tense as he followed the king through the castles corridors, some which were surprisingly busy with all manner of species wondering them. He realised quite quickly it was the anticipation. The guards had been rough with him, but he knew they had never gone as far as they could. There was no permanent damage scratches or bite marks. The only physical change he knew of was the unavoidable loosening of his rear.

His Master had pretty much admitted there would be no holding back this time, and he was looking forwards to it. To feeling the gryphon unleashed on him, truly rutting him. After a good 15 minutes of walking they finally approached a set of doors with one of the usual pair of guards either side of it. "The back entrance to the hall," Talos explained, "The nobles and other guests enter through the front. When we enter we will be approaching the head of the table. I have ordered the throne to be moved back to make room for us," Ren felt himself shiver slightly at the image the word 'us' brought to his mind even as the gryphon continued with his orders, "You will approach the head of the table and sit to the right. Do not even think of eating anything yet. For this feast at least, depending on how well you perform you will eat in my room. When I order you to, you will move to the middle... and then the fun begins." Ren nodded, "Yes Master, I will do as you command." "Good. Just remember the simple rule and you will find you have a lot more freedom as my pet than you think you do. Good pets get rewarded. Bad pets get punished." With that the gryphon turned to the doors and the guards opened them for him. Ren followed Talos and tried hard not to stare in wonder as he entered the great hall.

He'd not fully taken into consideration how much larger a room had to be to fit in a beast several times larger than a human in equal numbers. The ceiling arched high above him, plenty of space to fly and not instantly crash into the roof or clip your wings on the walls. The table ahead of them stretched an unbelievable distance down the hall, covered with steaming hot platters of freshly cooked food of what had to be more than a dozen varieties of meat. The table was lined almost entirely by gryphons, though there were some richly dressed people of various species down near the end that Ren recognised as nobles. As for the gryphons, like dragons, they didn't wear clothes. However they were immaculately clean and preened. They had the proud aloof air about them that reminded Ren of the few arrogant rich humans he'd come across. However, all of them, across all the species, the moment Talos entered the room they bowed to him, remaining with their heads low until Talos reached the head of the table. Soulrend walked around the oddly shaped throne - making a seat like dignified while able to seat a massive creature turned it almost into the size of a bed - and sat down to the side of the gryphon, slightly behind. He could already feel the eyes of most of the hall looking at him either in curiosity or anticipation. At least some of them had probably heard of him, and if they knew Talos well enough, especially with him being there, they probably knew what to expect. "Rise," Talos commanded softly, his voice managing to fill the entire hall anyway. After a moment to give the guests time to raise their heads he continued, his strong voice almost echoing within the hall as none dared talk over him, "Welcome Ladies and Nobles to my hall. I am sure most of you are feeling tempted by the food in front of you so I will ease the burden of your minds and tell you that you will feast to your hearts content shortly, complete with a dinner show."

Talos waved a paw in Ren's direction and he felt most of the halls attention once more rivet on him even as Talos continued, "As I'm sure most of you have heard about by now, there was recently an intruder in my private rooms. It seems Soulrend here heard that some humans had contacted us about running him out of their territory, and was, rightly so, angry about it. However he made the mistake of coming to stop me and not the humans, thinking he could actually defeat me," at that there were a lot of grins and a few quiet laughs. "It's not often that a young dragon enters my domain. Mostly because none are stupid enough to do so without diplomatic reasons, so I made him an offer. Become my pet, or serve a 10 years pleasuring the guards. After serving a week in the barracks as the guards' personal slut he begged for mercy. To be my bitch," Talos laughed and Ren felt himself blushing once more, "He's proven to be quite skilled with his tongue and is a right submissive hen. Obedient, slutty and a delightful fuck. "As you can see from his rounded belly I have already had my first pleasurable romp with his hot rear. However," the gryphon's voice became dark and deadly for a brief moment before returning to simply strict, "This dragon invaded our kingdom. Attacked me. Interrupted my time with one of my pets. Soulrend becoming my pet was not punishment. I had planned on that the moment I was contacted about him. The week he spent having every guard in the castle fucking him was merely because he interrupted me fucking my other pet. His punishment for attacking me is this," Talos turned to Ren and stepped back, creating enough room for the dragon at the head of the table, "Stand in front of me bitch, facing towards the guests."

Soulrend remembered the previous instructions and didn't reply, but obediently got up and moved in front of the large gryphon. He could visibly see the beast's package, the thick cock standing at attention above the fat, furry sheath. It was an odd feeling for him that he could almost feel the eyes of everyone on the room following him as he got into position and turned so he was facing everyone. With a dominant, fully erect gryphon right behind him. "Raise your tail pet, like the slut you are," Talos ordered and Ren hiked his tail back, baring his barely recovered rear to the gryphon even as his scaley tail curled against his spine. "See how quick the dragon is to raise his tail for me," Talos jeered, "So eager now for a male to fill his needy ass," The gryphon stepped forwards and with a light jump landed on Ren's back. He almost collapsed as the heavy body landed on his back without warning, his legs shaking for a moment as he tensed up him muscles to support his Master. Those strong fore-claws wrapped around his hindquarters and Ren could feel the heat from the king's groin emanating against his bared rear, his tail and wings trapped between them. "Who would have thought that a little dragon with the overconfidence to dare attack me would turn out to be such a cock sucking whore, desperate to be filled by another male," Talos continued to taunt Ren loudly, "He needs to be rutted and hard, to be punished for his arrogance. So my little pet, why don't you tell all these good people how badly you want my cock up your ass? Beg for it slut. Beg for the honour of being fucked by me, to have my royal cock spread you wide and fill you with my precious seed."

The thunderous voice of the gryphon echoed through the cavernous hall for a moment as Ren shivered at the thought of what was about to happen to him before, taking a deep breath, he spoke out loudly, "Please Master. I need to feel the gloriousness of your mighty cock thrusting into my lowly hole. Your pet needs to be bred by you Master, to feel his owners claim spreading wide as you pound his slutty hole. Fuck me Master, breed me Master I beg of you. Make me your cock sleeve, use my body to get off and make me swell with your delicious, rich cum. Make me your female Master and slam your knot into me, please Master. Rut me Master, please." As he finished a heavy silence descended on the hall. None of the guests dared speak as they waited with bated breath on the response of Talos. Even Ren didn't know what the gryphon would do if the avian didn't like his begging, and the thread of fear about displeasing his Master was strong in his mind as they all waited on the king. Finally Talos spoke, his calm voice sounding clearly throughout the hall, "Such a needy pet you are. Begging like a hen in heat for a male to satisfy her craving for cock. If you were female, my little pet, you would be leaving this hall bloated and full of my clutch," the words made Ren relax infinitesimally as it signalled to him he had at least met his Master's expectations, though it was going to be a very rough time soon. Turning his attention back to the hall Talos spoke out loudly, "Dig in. Enjoy the feast and the show while I knock up this desperate, slutty hen."

Those final, descriptive words formed the last cohesive thought Ren had for a long time, as with a sudden, draconic growl Talos slammed inside him. Ren hadn't felt Talos's cock tip poking at his entrance, lining the shaft up so hadn't fully prepared himself for the onslaught of sensation as the gryphon rammed forwards with perfect accuracy inside him. His vision instantly unfocused as he cried out loudly with a mixture of pain and joy as his sore tail hole went from almost closed to feeling like he'd had a knot hammered into him. The king's claws tightened hard around his lower torso and he could feel them scratching the scales as without pause the gryphon pulled back out. Unlike before, the gentle motion of the barbs against his insides became a blinding moment of shock as in less than a second the fat length pulled completely out of him. He barely had time to take note that it felt like that almost a third of that magnificent royal pride was pulling out of him before it thrust home once more. His Master's lusty growls of pleasure filled the hall, drowning out the background chatter of the few guests' conversations that he could hear above his own gasps and moans. This was almost an entire world away from the almost loving, gentle fuck from when his Master had first claimed him. There was no easing, no smooth, soft thrusts. The gryphon held him tight against his furry body as those hips slammed back and forth without rhythm, the large, barbed length pistoning in and out of Ren's anal passage.

It was a side Soulrend had only seen when he'd first broken through those castle windows and fought against the gryphon. There was no holding back, no gentleness or caring for Ren on his Master's part. The claws scraped and scratched his slightly rounded belly as Talos pulled Ren's hips back in time with his own thrusts, ensuring the royal cock sank deeper and harder with each thrust. It hurt more than anything Ren had ever experienced before, but the growing submissive side of him loved it all. Delighted in every single hot inch of the massive gryphonhood that filled him. The complete lack of control he had over the gryphon that wasn't making love to him, but using his body like a simple tool to get off. There was no thinking he was a male in their relationship; for all that was happening to him he may as well have a vagina for the way the male was ravaging his body. Except for the fact as his Master had pointed out, he'd more than likely leave the hall heavily impregnated by the king.

"Yes Master!" He found himself calling out joyously as the gryphon pounded his rear relentlessly. "Good bitch," Talos growled into his ear loudly, "Give our guests a good show why don't you," the gryphon reinforced his words with a particularly savage thrust making Ren cry out loudly. "Tell them how much you love being bred by me. Tell them how often you want to feel your Master pull your tail up and fill your cunt with his cock." Ren didn't care about being humiliated anymore. He didn't care if it made it seem like a slut. He loved being pinned down by his Master and being taken so hard and fast, and despite the pain he wanted to do it again and again. "You're so big Master," Ren cried out as the male thrust almost two-thirds of the large cock into his tight ass, "I love the feel of your magnificent cock filling me. So hot and hard Master." "Not as hot as your ass," Talos replied, "And so tight. You would think a cock hungry slut like you would be looser."

Ren felt himself hiking his rump higher into the air, angling for a better angle for the gryphon to fuck him. In front of him he could vaguely make out out the majority of the guests, and the mixture of reactions to their entertainment. Some of the gryphons were almost ignoring him as they ate and talked, as if this wasn't an uncommon occurrence for them. Some were watching him with grins while eating, even as they held their own conversations.. He could also easily identify every male as they were all sporting erections, with several of the guests seemingly almost abandoning their meal in favor of wrapping a paw around their shafts and fapping off to Ren's breeding. They evidently hadn't gone unnoticed by Talos either as he was quick to point them out to Ren, "See how they are getting off to you being a tail raiser? These are the richest, the most powerful creatures of my kingdom and they are masturbating to the sight of my cock fucking your tight ass." Ren could only manage a moan in reply as his Master seemed to reinforce that viewpoint by yanking back hard, the barbs raking his inside as the tip spurted large wads of pre inside him. Then without pause Talos thrust back in hard, spearing Ren upon the entire length of the royal shaft, the unstoppable force only halting when the knot banged painfully against Ren's tail hole. He could barely believe that he'd already taken the entire shaft inside him to have the knot demanding entrance. Yet there was no denying the feeling of that hot meat spreading him wide open, the soothing lube of the vast amounts of pre-seed being pumped into his passage barely making a difference. As he got looser with each pump of those furry hips it seemed to only spur the king on to fuck him harder. He didn't know what it looked like to everyone else but Ren could feel the strong, furry body of the gryphon pressing down on him, the thunderous heartbeat of his Master through his back scales. There was no predicting the avian's thrusts except they were fast and hard. Talos would swap without warning between long thrusts, pulling almost all the way out before hammering back into Ren's eager rear and the short, rapid thrusts were he would pull out at most a few inches before thrusting in once more. More and more Ren got the feeling of being used by the gryphon like a pet as Talos never let up. Hunched over him, snarling with pleasure into his ear, hips a blur as the bright red dick pounded into Ren's abused arse. It was almost feral the way Ren panted and moaned in lust as the male bred him. The fact that he was being rutted in such a public location didn't shame him. He loved it. He enjoyed the fact that all these rich and important people could see his Master taking him. The fearsome knot was pounding against his rear repeatedly now and Ren's cries got louder as the large bulge forced him wider and wider. He wasn't sure but it felt like the gryphon was even larger than before, the impressive malehood reaching incredibly deep inside him, spreading him wider than ever before. The gryphonhood was a constant motion inside his anal passage, the barbs scraping backwards harshly, yet if still felt good despite that. The roughness of it all, the uncaring rut as his Master truly fucked him, Ren felt like he was being rewarded, not punished.

As the knot began to widen his heavily stretched hole, forcing it once more open to that gaping size from last time, Soulrend felt his Master begin to lick the back of his right shoulder. "I'm going to make you fat with my seed, you cock hungry bitch," Talos growled, Ren gasping in reply as he felt the knot almost slip into him before pulling back once more, "No-one will be mistake my scent on your body, inside your rear. The scratches and bites on your scales marking you as a submissive bottom. A male who prefers to be fucked rather than fuck." Ren couldn't reply. Every time he opened his maw to reply he was forced to moan pleasurably from the gryphon inside him. A few thrusts later and Soulrend almost screamed with the mixture of pain and pleasure as Talos opened his beak wide and in a flash bit down on Ren's shoulder. The beak sliced through Ren's scales, leaving what would be a permanent mark as Talos pulled back one final time before thrusting forwards with all his might. The knot slammed against his hole and get going, forcing its way inside him with no grinding. A single, powerful thrust and the massive knot sank inside him, swelling slightly even as his shocked rear pitifully tried to close behind it.

Talos wasn't done yet though as the gryphon began to shift the knot inside him with short, sharp bucks of the furry hips. Ren tried to blink his clouded vision clear as his Master's knot ground against his insides heavily, almost making him black out from the electric sensation. His Master hadn't let up on his mating bite either, so only Ren's cry roared throughout the room, momentarily blanking out all other conversation. He could almost feel the sudden silence as everyone stopped talking, stopped eating and instead began to watch the final moments of Ren's breeding with a strangely powerful intensity. The intense humping continued as Talos continued to thrust, barely moving his shaft more than an inch or two within Ren. That few inches however felt more incredible than anything before as the giant knot bucked and shifted within his tight passage. There wasn't any sign at all of how close his Master was to the edge before the first immense wave of royal cum flooded his insides. Freshly churned, hot sperm fired from the gryphon's cock slit to push the previous load deep down Ren's anal passageway. Soulrend groaned loudly as he felt Talos thrust a final few times, somehow making the first few jets of spunk even more forceful than the ones before. His legs shook slightly as he felt the soothing, hot creamy cum spreading against his raw insides even as it pushed deeper into him. It didn't take long for Ren to feel himself swelling again as the new load met the old, spent semen that still filled his belly.

The king finally pulled off of his shoulder and Ren gave an extra groan of relief, shivering as the gryphon's long, wet tongue danced out, cleaning his wound. Ren knew his scales would be permanently marked in the shape of a beak bite, and would forever be visible no matter how well his natural regeneration dealt with the wound. The scratches on his belly near his groin would also be visible though less so. He didn't doubt that his own natural scent would, even at its strongest, be forever tinted by that of his Master's. The guests just watched the pair of them, the occasional paw reaching out for something to nibble, while others ejaculated their own loads onto the table, or in one case, the maw of another gryphon. All the while the maleness within him continued to throb heavily, shooting pulse after pulse of potent spunk into his already cum filled stomach. "Such a good little dragon you are," Talos cooed softly and Ren felt the gryphon purr quietly, "You beg like a proper pet should, and raise your tail high for your Master proudly." "Of course Master," Ren managed to finally articulate, "I love being beneath your legs, feeling you mount me. Taking me. The feeling of your glorious cock filling me." "Indeed," the gryphon replied, a paw rubbing Soulrend's enlarging belly, "and you make such a good cum bag. So stretchy and hot inside. My seed is probably going to be even hotter inside you than my own royal seed-makers." "A good place to empty your balls so they aren't pent up," Ren commented with a demure smile, "Master should never feel his balls are full."

"Too true, too true," Talos chuckled, "As is the duty of being my pet. I need to think up a new punishment for you my bloated hen. It seems you feel like me fucking you is a reward." Ren chuckled to himself lightly, knowing how true that statement was. The cock within him began to throb weaker and weaker until it was just occasionally spurting a light dribble of um into him. His belly was heavily round, as if he was a pregnant female about to lay a massive clutch. "However," The gryphon drawled, running a claw across the rounded shape of his stomach until it brushed over Ren's painfully erect shaft, making him groan lightly, "I think you haven't considered yet that the king does not leave a feast early. In fact, a king leaves the feast last, when every guest has filled their stomachs to their satisfaction and is fully content." Soulrend struggled to think about what his Master was hinting at, but the claw that suddenly gripped his leaky, sensitive shaft only made him groan with pleasure and unable to think beyond his cock, and the cock tied inside his ass. "I see my pet needs a bit of training in multi-tasking if he can't think beyond the sensations of a pawjob. So let me explain it to you," Talos smirked, speaking loudly so the hall could hear him, "I would be a poor king if I was truly spent after a few loads, and our guests have only just started eating. I expect they'll finish in a few hours, however that means we'll be giving them a few hours' worth of entertainment as well." Ren blinked, the words finally sinking in. How many times could the gryphon fuck him and keep going? He'd only ever gone three rounds at his horniest, and he was pent up before that. He was going to be fucked again, and again, and again. He didn't know if his stomach could even handle all the ejaculate that his Master would pump into him. Would he even be conscious by the end of it? "Relax pet," Talos purred loudly, "You have maybe ten minutes before we go at it again. So rest up. You'll need your strength." The only thing that came to Ren's mind wasn't disappointment or fear. It was anticipation as he replied, "Thank you so much Master, I'm looking forwards to it."

How To Train Your Dragon - Dragonsluts

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