Silverine and Cetacean

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#3 of Exploration sidework.

The seas tossed and turned under a gentle breeze, curling the waves gently as they rose and fell. The sky was a beautiful blue, not a cloud to either side of the horizon, in the far distance it was difficult to tell where the sea ended and the sky began. The sun shone down brilliantly on the ocean, dazzlingly wonderful. Then there was the island.

It was not a large island, not more than a hundred metres in width, and the same in length. There was a small ridge in the middle, and on top a solitary palm tree. The entire island was made out of golden sand, and the palm had wide leaves and thick trunk, suggesting it's exceptional health. There is nothing else on the island, it is completely deserted. The only sound is the wind whistling through the tree, and the waves lapping on the beach.

But all of this suddenly changes. There is a loud bang, and suddenly a figure stands on the island. This is decidedly not human, and certainly not suited to it's position on a deserted island.

It is tall, this creature. Easily seven foot tall, it is heavy set and muscular suggesting it's life involved lifting and running, in other terms an outdoor life. This would also be borne by the scars criss crossing the creature's body. This creature is a wolf, but no ordinary wolf. Silverine they call him.

His dark fur is ragged and tired, his claws razor sharp with frequent use. He wears a skirt like item, but heaven help anyone who claims he is feminine for wearing one. His wolfish head shoots back and forth, glaring at the terrain, ever suspicious from attack. The black pupils give the impression of minute investigation, as though he was boring a hole in everything he looked at.

The crowning jewel was the magnificent wings. A normal wolf did not have these, but Silverine was not technically a wolf. His species was the Lupogriff, half eagle, and these huge wings unfolded with relief after the teleportation.

If there had been anyone watching, they might have been surprised with what happened next. The wolf lowered his camera glasses, and spoke to himself.

"Right, I am here, I suppose this fella's around here somewhere, Abigail?"

There was a voice on the head set, replying to him. It was female, and would have been rolling her eyes, her tone was weary with having to repeat her self.

"He's in the water, straight ahead of you, and eight fathoms down. Alduin put a tracker on him."

"Just as well, dolphins all look alike to me." Silverine took out a mouth organ shaped device and slipped it into his mouth. He took off his backpack, and took off into the air. He flew forwards, off shore, and to about ten metres in height. He looked down into the water, selecting a setting on his glasses. He swept the X-ray function around for about ten seconds, and then, apparently satisfied, dived.

He fell quickly, his wings propelling him down. The water rose up to meet him, and he dived straight in with a huge explosion of water. The water stung a bit, and was quickly dissipated.

The dolphin was surprised, he was not expecting Silverine. The dolphin back pedalled, keeping it's eyes on the descending Lupogriff as he fell through the water. The Lupogriff stared at the dolphin, arms folded, and he stopped falling with a gentle flick with his wings. The two surveyed one another, and the reactions on both were quite readable. The dolphin looked surprised, scared even, and the Lupogriff was emotionless, cold even.

"You are Cetacean, correct?"

The dolphin gently kept level, surprised at the fact the wolf creature had spoken in it's own language, and furthermore it was a land creature speaking under water.

"Who are you?" it asked curiously, but this did not satisfy the wolf hybrid at all.

"You didn't answer my question. You are Cetacean, correct?"

The dolphin looked warily." I am, now can I ask you?"

Silverine rolled his eyes behind the glasses.

"Alduin made a suggestion to me which I believe is a good idea, Cetacean. I am led to believe you like the idea of exploring, is that right?"

"Um, well..." the dolphin began.

"Is that right?" Silverine repeated, slightly louder, beating his wings in irritation.

"Yes, sir." the dolphin nodded. This creature was obviously not into swaying from the point.

"Very well, Cetacean, The Centralite Exploration Outfit is prepared to accept your services, for we do not have an aqua scout amongst our team. Alduin recorded some footage of your ability in the water, and it has been decided you are good enough."

"Where is Alduin?" the dolphin asked. Inwardly he was thinking Alduin was a lot more fun than this blunt creature. Alduin had a sense of humour, and was prepared to talk about mostly anything.

"That is of little consequence, Cetacean. Are you prepared to join us?"

"I'd like to know your name before I agree to that." Cetacean figured two could play this game, and Silverine's arms unfolded and removed his glasses, placing them on the top of his forehead, staring at the dolphin.

"My name is Silverine, I am the Chief Scout of Central. I will not ask again, are you prepared to join us?"

Ah, so this was Silverine. The rumours of him did him no justice. The dolphin smiled, and nodded.

"Yes, Silverine, I would be honoured. How are you speaking under water, I thought land creatures couldn't do that?"

"Abigail designed the technology which allows us to breathe and speak as though we were on land. This is a prototype device, and frankly the quicker this is done the sooner I can take it off, lest it melt in my mouth."

So that was why. Alduin had always said Silverine was blunt to strangers, but there was a second reason too, the prototype.

"Shall we go to the surface then?" Cetacean asked.

"That would be better for me, yes." Silverine nodded, and his wings unfolded to their fullest. He closed his eyes, and began turning on the spot, propelled by his wings. They angled one way, and Silverine began to rise, spinning at a speed that would make people dizzy.

But it wasn't stupid, he took off at a frightening rate. Cetacean quickly swum upwards after the Lupogriff, and Silverine broke the water and bobbed on the surface. It said something for his constitution that he was not slightly off balance by what he had just done, and he turned to face Cetacean as the dolphin broke the water.

"So how long can you spend on land?"

"A while, but no more than a day at a time." Cetacean said.

"Very well, we will bring Arachno down here to implant you with an ABM. As I am led to believe, the good doctor is currently working on a device that will allow you to breathe any pH of water, so you should have no problems there."

"Implant?" the dolphin said, confused.

"It's a two hour operation, you will be unconscious for it, but relatively painless."

"O.K.," Cetacean nodded slowly, comprehending. He gave a flick and disappeared underwater. Silverine turned, confused, looking for where he had gone, and replaced his prototype water breather. He dived underwater, looking for where the dolphin had shot off to.

"What are you doing?" he called.

"Do you enjoy yourselves with sex as much as Alduin and Draco?" Cetacean said over his shoulder. His flippers had taken hold of Silverine underneath the armpits, and the voice was right next to his ear.

"Cetacean, fucking me only results in one thing, me doing it back to you, harder." Silverine threw back his wings, pushing the dolphin off his back, and turning. Cetacean quickly swum out of reach, and rocketed skywards over Silverine.

"So? I asked if you enjoyed it."

"You remind me a lot of me. I don't let many fuck me."

"I will fuck you." Cetacean said, diving down and underneath, and Silverine tried to keep his eye on the fast moving dolphin.

"Really?" Silverine sounded amused.

"You are in my terrain." the dolphin said gaily," It would be too easy."

"Doubtless you would be surprised. If I wanted to stop you while staying here, I am armed. Or I could teleport."

"Then why don't you?"

Silverine smiled. "Well, I want to see how good you are against me."

The dolphin stopped, and smiled. "On land I am helpless, Silverine, but down here, there is no better."

"We shall see."

The dolphin dived directly at the Lupogriff, but at the last second the Lupogriff swum backwards, his wings sending him back at high speed, like a jellyfish.

Cetacean turned like a homing missile, but Silverine went up and over as Cetacean rushed him. Cetacean flicked upwards, changing direction like a fly, and successfully whacked his tail on the bottom of Silverine's leg.

A dolphin slap can hurt considerably, but this is Silverine, no further explanation needed. He let himself float sideways, watching Cetacean's progress, and grabbed the dolphin as he tried for another run. Cetacean suddenly felt the bone breaking strength Silverine possessed, but he gave a huge effort, and sprung upwards, the slippery skin of the dolphin sliding out of the Lupogriff's hands.

"I almost had you!" Silverine called cheerfully. Cetacean bobbed ten metres above him.

"You are good." Cetacean replied, "Draco wasn't half as good under water."

"I am Silverine, I have learnt a lot, including aqua fighting."

The dolphin sprung to the attack, and flashed over head the Lupogriff. Silverine turned, but Cetacean flicked back underneath him, clouting his legs with his tail. Silverine winced, but turned back, only to grapple at nothing, Cetacean had retreated to a safe distance.

"Although, granted, you are better than me down here." The Lupogriff nodded. The dolphin nodded, accepting the compliment.

"So do I have to beat you into submission, or will you let me fuck you?" the dolphin asked, and Silverine laughed.

"If your tail strikes are all you have, than I hope you brought a book. I am resistant to pain, they do not hurt."

Cetacean sighed. "This could take a while." he said, looking at the seven foot monster in front of him.

Silverine chuckled, and beckoned him down. The dolphin looked suspicious, but gently descended to Silverine's level. The Lupogriff removed his skirt and tucked it into his centralite belt. Then he opened his legs a bit, and Cetacean was not slow to respond.

With a quick dart forwards, he thrust his cock hard against Silverine, and into the Lupogriff's ass. There was a stream of bubbles, and a howl, before Silverine looked back down at the dolphin.

"That actually did hurt, you know. What happened to being polite?"

Cetacean thought very quickly, hurting Silverine was past stupid, and going deep into total idiot territory.

"Sorry." he apologised, and began gently thrusting back and forth, as the pair were swept in the currents.

Cetacean held onto the Lupogriff with his flippers, but Silverine placed both his lanky arms around the dolphin's back, gently rising and falling on the dolphin's member. Cetacean sighed, and the dolphin fucked a little harder.

Silverine moaned, the aquatic creature's rate was naturally fast as Draco, many dolphins enjoyed going so fast, and he held tight to Cetacean. Habit kept his claws off, the dolphin's skin would be pierced by them, and he sighed.

"You're good at this." he breathed. Cetacean chuckled, his merry laugh causing a stream of bubbles.

"This is how we all do it." he said, and then sighed as he felt a prickle of pleasure. He could feel his orgasm coming, and he thrusted a little harder.

The story of the glowers Pt4

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