Out of Water - Part XIV

Story by Felldewan on SoFurry

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#17 of Out of Water

Welllllllllllll, here we go. I think I managed to update this faster than I did last time and I hope to get around to posting chapters for this rather good tale every month. Life has been getting in my way along with more. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Life, school, work, it all eventually gets into someone's way and make them slow down unwillingly. Ugh. Anyway, hey, I managed to not only get Part Fourteen up and running for you but I also added a Prologue to this tale that I hope you might enjoy just as much. Both of these chapters I did as best as I could, ignoring the ways of Writer's Block, avoiding trolls on the internet trying to discourage me and finding free time where I could bring this story further to life.

In this chapter, we go over the possible danger of... whatever is now in the area with both Ivan and Nyrina. The human was spooked, the she-otter was curious. Before being interrupted by whatever, Ivan and Nyrina were actually growing closer together and the human was in fact opening himself up a bit. So that's the next challenge for me to bring you all into; start revealing who Ivan - who humanity - really is in the world of Felldew. There is always a cost to something. What does mankind pay to be the keepers of the world? What do humans do to be so strong, so spirited? I will do my best to begin to explain that. Just give me some patience.

There is a plan. I'm really excited here, truth be told. We're getting to where the emotions rise, the action comes into play, more characters are introduced. X)

This is Part Fourteen of Out of Water. Thank you very much for coming this far with me, with Nyrina and with Ivan! Them and the others too; the Urchinhide Family and all. :)

Favs would be great, votes would be appreciated, watchers would be awesome and reviews - no matter the rarity - would be excellent!

Aw, Cover Art is by Rainbow Moose: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rainbow-moose

P** art Fourteen: "Facing the Unknown"**


Although Nyrina was hurting a bit at the moment, although she knew she shouldn't go off running through the wilderness after her disapproving human friend leaving her in the dust, the she-otter's mind was set. Truly, as she did her best to trail after her friend through the forestland, as she followed the words of her goddess's warning, as she did her best to not be disheartened by uncertainty, she knew that she wasn't going to turn around and head back home for anything! Not after what she'd seen fly through the heavens a moment ago. Not when she sensed that Ivan could possibly place himself in danger; danger that she could maybe help him out of.

Honestly, how could he, Ivan, want her - a growing friend of his - to leave his side so abruptly after what they'd seen fly overhead? How could he suddenly be so against her following him when they'd made it this far into the woodlands around them? How could he, even though he was impressive to behold, feel like he could take on the world by himself without some help? Nyrina maybe was a bit disabled but she wasn't helpless. She wanted to be here to help him.

Well, actually, as she pursued her best friend as best as she could through the undergrowth around her, as she ignored his constant telling her to "go back", the questions of Ivan's actions were a bit of an easy thought for the Urchinhide daughter to figure out; the reason for his sudden not wanting her with him and why he acted like he could do everything on his own now.

Firstly, having seen whatever threat that'd flown over their heads only seconds ago, the human warrior was clearly looking out for the she-otter's safety at the moment. Why he did so, why he was so firm all of sudden, was because she clearly meant something to him. That truth she was coming to realize. Of course, whether she was a friend or more than that to him, she couldn't tell just yet; even after the near intimate moment they'd shared a heartbeat ago.

On a side note, again, the otter girl really was in no real position to be journeying with him. No matter how stubborn she was about it at the moment, no matter what she thought of herself, she was still recovering from the shark attack from last week. Her energy was not the same, her body throbbed a bit, her breaths hurt a little. However, thinking back her dream with Gaia, she just... couldn't leave him. She couldn't ignore the goddess's prophetic words.

Secondly, after having gotten to know him for the previous week up to now, she had gathered the hint that Ivan - like the rest of his kind - was no mere Felldewan. Since the day he'd been born in the northern lands where all of humanity treaded, he'd never been a mere Felldewan. Why? If any Felldewan knew their world well enough like Nyrina's family did, the reason was simple if not impressive to see.

Ivan was a Norlinthian, a human, a person whose life had been through much conflict already; a life of battling, military, wisdom. As a pilgrim too, he knew better of what was at hand. He knew full well that danger was present. And he, as a said human, could more than likely handle himself with whatever was to come.

Truly, as Nyrina had come to learn from her parents over the years, the humans whom guarded the world of Felldew were not push overs in any way. After hundreds of years of triumphing over their enemies, of triumphing over their own ill emotions, they weren't known for their military capabilities for nothing. An example of the capabilities of humanity's powerful armies that most everyone knew full well was this; during the terrible war over the Valley of Ruin some centuries back, mankind - outnumbered three to one, facing overwhelming odds - had fought off the bandit armies of the ursine warlord, "Pollo". Both by land as well as sea.

During those terrible years, the said bandits invading Norlinth had intended to quash the Norlinthians firsthand. Quickly and brutally. For if Norlinth fell, the rest of Felldew would be an easy target. The villains then had numbered close to ten thousand during the warfare, where humans had been half in number. However, at the end of the said conflict, with the Valley of Ruin left charred if not bloodied by the battles over Norlinth's/Felldew's future, the bandits numbers had literally been reduced to a third of their original portion.

And the humans? The trained, determined, organized protectors of the world? They had lost a third of their troops; each one of their own having been worth four of the enemy. Off in Onyx Bay, humanity's fleet of fifty ships - armed with armaments, so called "cannons", that shot fire and steel - had been reduced to ten where the pirate lord's, "Clyne's", own one hundred had been sunk altogether. Humans, by land and sea, had shown great courage, strength along with genius. They had proven to be messengers of Gaia, through and through.

Yes, back during the days of the making of that which was the Valley of Ruin today, it'd been a terrible age filled with bloodshed, darkness if not anger. War had been truly devastating then, leaving the lands as well as people in a dire state of injury. However, just as they'd done during the times of the Reckoning War, Ivan's people during that war had once again stood up to the darkness... and their bravery, their strength, their light had overcome the evil that'd been spreading throughout the world.

It'd in fact been after the very making of the Valley Ruin too that Norlinthians had decided once more to become the faithful guardians of Felldew; to keep an eye on the northern realm of Tundran so that no more brigand armies could be possibly raised to bring about such terrible days. They encouraged pilgrims to journey into the world outside of Norlinth, to keep order in other lands and establish a bit of control elsewhere in many places including the Southern Valleys, the Great Plains, Summerdine even.

And to this day, with their military stronger than ever, with their navy back to being the rulers of the Waiting Sea again, Norlinth had done well in being the wall that separated the southern lands - Nyrina's homeland - from the raiders of the northern realms where the wolves, bears, beasts one and all, fought for a living every day of every year. Beasts that could and would hurt innocents without a second thought if able. That was if humanity wasn't always in their way every day, which they were. Thank the goddess.

Getting back to the point of the moment, knowing that she was being foolish by following her human when he could obviously handle anything thanks to his heritage as well as blood of his battle born ancestors coursing through his veins, knowing that perhaps she was maybe being more of a burden to him than a help, Nyrina was aware that Ivan could very well look out for himself. No matter what laid ahead, no matter what could possibly come his way, the human was evidently trained for the ways of combat.

He'd shown that when he'd rescued the otter girl from the shark. Yes, he'd easily shown patience, coolness, valor, strength along with so much more. He'd shown the true colors of any Norlinthian out there, for sure. He'd made Gaia proud as he'd hoisted the otter girl out of harm's way, up the muddy slope into his waiting arms.

However, just by how fast he was now, just by how easily he traversed through the foliage around him without slowing, looking at the way he boldly carried himself as well as held his weapons at the utmost ready, it was clear that Ivan was no stranger to this event. He had been through plenty in the ways of handling danger. He was presently light on his feet, cautious in his actions. He shined with an aura of determination, complete bravery, as he moved further ahead.

Most impressive of all, his eyes always glowed with a resolution. Nyrina saw his resolve in his said blue eyes whenever he looked back over his shoulder, saw her trailing him still and order her to turn away from him every time.

"Nyrina! This isn't a game anymore! Honestly, you can't keep coming after me like this. You need to go back to where it is safe. You need to head back to your family before anything happens to you." The Norlinthian kept on saying aloud, standing in place for a moment as his she-otter fellow ignored his words. As she stubbornly kept coming, he shook his head, bolted off again and said sharply as he speeded away, "Don't do this, Nyrina! Don't be a child! Listen to my words and obey them. You are strong, make no mistake. But this is nothing that you are familiar with. Please, turn back. I will find Sunseed, do not worry. Just go, please."

"I can't do that, Ivan! I'm sorry but I can't leave you out here alone, I just can't. I have my reasons." Nyrina wanted to desperately say back every time she was told off, watching her human ally moving away downhill through the bramble, the leaves, the plants all around. However, for whatever reason, feeling like maybe it would be odd on her part to say she'd dreamed of the goddess telling her to stay at his side, she never spoke. Rather, quietly keeping to herself, she just kept on following him as she murmured under her breath, "I know this isn't game, Ivan. Don't be silly. I'm no child. But I can't just turn around now. I have just as much reason to be out here like you. If you're going to find Sunseed, no matter what, then I'm going to find him with you. That's that."

The she-otter nodded to herself, looking ahead with boldness as she went on walking, "I owe it to Sunbeam to help find her little mouse brother. Let me do that, Ivan. You just keep going and I'll do my best to keep up. I won't be in your way."

Still, despite her said words, knowing that her own human's words were truer than hers, that he was telling her to head back the way they'd come not because he was looking to hurt her feelings in any way but because he didn't want her to perhaps come to any further harm than she'd already been in, Nyrina knew she was more than likely acting very immature. Immature and perhaps stupid.

For all she knew about anything at this moment, she might be getting herself into an unknown mess, following after her best friend like this. She might be getting them both into a fix without knowing it. Who else but the goddess knew what lay ahead, what dangers there were in this wilderness?

Still, back earlier before this suddenly stressful event at hand, hadn't Ivan claimed that he'd been in this realm of the world before back in the past? Yes, hadn't he said that this place was safe enough for them to not really worry about any big threats?

Well, hey, even though it had been a bit shocking, maybe whatever had flown overhead wasn't such a big deal, after all? Maybe the pair of friends were simply overreacting to their gut feelings? Gut feelings could be proved wrong, of course. Apart for all knowing Gaia, no mere mortal of knew exactly how the world of Felldew worked. Every day was an adventure, every adventure had its turns and curves. There could be danger at the moment and there could not be.

Only time would tell in the end. Hopefully, no harm would come to anyone here in the woodlands in the near future. This place seemed too gentle, too serene for grim things like death to take place. If not for the tension in the air now, the beauty of these woodlands had truly been heavenly.

Regardless, as she managed to make her way to the top of a hill where she started to run forth after her human friend with newfound strength, Nyrina came to a dead if not unsure halt. For you see, she didn't need to keep running after her best friend anymore. He himself had stopped running ahead on his desired route. Rather than proceeding with his plan in his head, looking at her with intent purpose, Ivan was now standing on a fallen oak tree with his bow as well as arrow put away.

Standing proudly before her, eyes shining brightly, the Norlinthian's face was set sternly, his strong arms were crossed over his chest, his aura radiated with firmness if not determination. However, where he might have appeared intimidating to others currently, the she-otter knew otherwise. She could see through his guise. She knew he was being tough on her... because he cared about her.

At seeing her best friend looking at her so firmly though, at feeling the stern air he was giving off in this rather serene if not beautiful forestland around them, Nyrina was instantly made aware what was about to happen between them as friends; their first actual argument. And that was going to be a first for them. Up to this point, day after day, the human had allowed the she-otter to do as she'd seen fit. They'd not butted heads nor was it thought that they would need to. They'd gotten along with much laughter, smiles, friendship.

Then again, their actions, their choices, hadn't been foolish ones back on the Dynamic. They'd been them doing their chores, soaking their feet in the water, bonding all of the time through gossip. They had been with family, friends, allies in an open environment; not alone in a maybe unknown forest without anyone's knowledge.

Either way, with silence settling in the forest air between them, with the random bird singing out into the stillness to break the charming serenity around them, caring Ivan looked down upon stubborn Nyrina to try to figure out what was the point of her following him. He knew she was smarter than this, that she understood the dire feeling of the situation at hand.

What had flown over them had not been a good sight but an intimidating one; feathered, predator like, much too big to be a regular bird of prey in this area. And now that he was giving a sense of urgency, now that he felt like they maybe needed to be careful, the human wanted his friend to go where she would be safe.

So why didn't she obey him like he wanted her to? Why didn't she listen to his wise words and leave this place before anything happened to hurt her more than she was already hurt?

If Nyrina suffered more due to following him, if she came to harm once more only under his care this time, his friendship with the Urchinhide family would more than likely be a bit damaged in turn. And the Norlinthian didn't favor that thought. He truly cherished this otter family he'd been included in. Within less than week, out of all of the loved ones he'd gained during his travels as a pilgrim of the north, Ivan loved Clampter as a little brother.

He respected Hudder like a father figure if not teacher of the river ways.

He adored Mistdrop's grand personality as a caring mother, grand host and blessed wife.

But out of all of them, having spent the most time if not miraculous moments with her, having broken some walls since they'd met no more than seven days ago, having helped her regain some of her former courage to someday swim again in the waters she loved so much, Ivan truly treasured the girl whom was Nyrina standing before him. They'd been developing a bond of friendship that was so very hard to find in the world; a friendship that might - and would - stand the tests of time for years to come.

Thus, that was the reason for Ivan wanting his handicapped, recovering, grand she-otter companion to turn around and head back home as soon as he'd sensed trouble. He didn't want her to walk into a situation where she might get hurt. Or... suffer a worse fate.

And as for worse, if it possibly came to Nyrina because of his foolish decision making, the human did not want to have to return to the Urchinhides with such terrible news. He didn't want to come back to them with naught but her body. He wanted to come back with her for the better; alive and well.

The death of another best friend. Thinking to himself intently, Ivan didn't want that kind of guilt on his mind... for he - unknown to the Urchinhide daughter at the moment - already had had enough of that kind of guilt weighing on his mind, body, soul.

Truly, if there was a race that believed so, humans knew full well that reality was different than the story books. Reality was cruel, where heroes died more often than thought. And Ivan was aware, as he stood on his fallen tree in the forest, he had lost many heroic allies.

That, him having lost many allies in his past, was a thought that shined in the human warrior's eyes as well as made his she-otter feel ever more curious if not worried for him. She'd seen him look unsure at the thought of her dying in some way in the near future. She hadn't understood his thoughts but she'd guessed he was feeling torn at the moment.

One way or the other, with the tranquil stillness of the woodlands remaining as such around them, with the birds lightly chirping in song to one another, the human shook his head at Nyrina. He did his best to not come off as harsh but he spoke the truth to his stubborn girl of a friend, trying to understand her reasons for not following his words of wisdom.

"You can't go any further than here, Nyrina. There's no way. I will not allow it." He said firmly, his eyes serious and is expression resolute, "You need to go back home right now, not run after me into what could possibly be a dangerous situation. You need to rest, not be journeying into the unknown. You know that as well as I do. Neither of us are empty headed here."

Nyrina, who knew that his words were true but didn't want to leave him either, felt torn about how to reply to her friends words. She knew he meant the best for her, standing in her way right now. He wanted to protect her, not lecture her.

Nevertheless, clutching her hands nervously together, she replied as bravely as she could, "Ivan, I... Look, I know that you're looking out for me and all. I know that this tough guy act of yours is meant to turn me around so that I'll head back home. And yes, I really should head home where it'll be safe, where I'll be looked after..." She hesitated, her eyes looking away from his as she whimpered, "But... I..."

"But you won't head back home, hm? Is that what you're going to tell me? Is that what you really believe is the right course of action to take? Come now, we're grown-ups here, aren't we?" The Norlinthian interjected, shaking his head again. Truth be told, he was honestly impressed with the way that Nyrina was so eager to come along with him. He really did enjoy her company. She gave off an aura of strength. However, he valued her safety more. He really did. "Grown-ups know better than to head into situations that might leave them worse off than they were before. You and I, we both came out here to find a little mouse boy that needs to be returned home. We have to be smart about all of this."

The human brushed his hair back out of his eyes next, looking a bit weary. He sighed, admitting gently to his companion, "Before this, we were making good progress, Nyrina, don't get me wrong. I... I appreciate everything we discussed earlier, truly. About your family, about the mouse boy, about me even. However, the walking and talking, it's over. This is serious now."

The human stepped down off of the log, standing right in front of his she-otter friend. He loomed over her, looking down into her green eyes with his blue own. She lost herself in those eyes, gasping a little as he held her shoulders in his firm grip and explained further with his wisdom, "I will come to the point here. There's something in this area now that I feel may hurt you, my friend. And if you got hurt, if you got... well, if I lost you, I would not be able return to your family with the bad news. I wouldn't be able to face your loved ones."

He looked away for a moment, his expression one of hurt this time. His sorrow made his she-otter feel actually touched as he admitted gently, "I would have failed as a human, as a guardian of this world. If you get hurt, I could not forgive myself. Know that and believe it."

"Ivan... my friend, you don't have to be so dramatic. I know that we're maybe in danger but are we really?" The otter daughter wondered, actually placing a gentle hand on her human's cheek. She caressed his skin, feeling a thrill when he held her arm next.

They were growing closer. That was plain. He really... did care about her a lot, didn't he? As a friend right now, true. But what about in the future though? Would they be more? There was certainly something growing, what with the way they now making physical contact on a regular basis.

"I mean, Ivan... I know about the ways of your people. My parents had a human friend during their younger days and she told them plenty about Norlinth. And my parents told me what she said." The otter daughter explained to her unsure friend, very much enjoying his holding her arm. She couldn't get enough of it. He was suddenly very handsome to her. "I know that you are born as warriors and that you are made to be this way about danger but are you not made to also listen to the words of your friends too? Can you not let me help you?"

"Nyrina, when human children turn ten, they are volunteered by their families to take part in the military academies of their homeland of Norlinth. From the time I was ten to sixteen, I was brought up learning that there is no greater honor for a human to have then to die for his world, for his people, for his friends." The human suddenly replied, his eyes shining into Nyrina's own. She felt a little shocked by this information. This was not something her parents had told her about. Funny, she knew a bit about humanity but clearly not all. Children at ten were trained? Curious, she listened intently as he added gently, "That's right. Since I was ten years old, for the last fourteen years of my life, I have believed in the idea that I am the sword as well as shield of this world. I serve the goddess, first and foremost, by defending the peace of Felldew, by honoring my people, by protecting people like you."

The Norlinthian, leaned closer to his she-otter as he revealed next, "And by me thinking of the worst, by preparing for it, I am protecting you, Nyrina."

"You... are?" The otter replied, feeling a little torn over the matter. She didn't mean to be small minded but she was trying to wrap her mind around the event at hand. She suddenly found her hands squeezing the strong human's own. She wanted to make him feel okay, not scared for her. "Ivan... how is you feeling so distressed at the moment protecting me?"

"Humans have been taught to always assume the worst of situations when troubles arise. That way, when things truly become terrible, we are best suited for it. If we think that the battle ahead is going to be an awful one, if we believe that there is trouble ahead rather than don't, we usually overcome the obstacles in our way. We are prepared for everything to come." The human explained, actually returning the gentle squeezes of his she-otter companion. He... he really did love those eyes of hers. They shined with strength, with spirit, with beauty. He didn't want death to take away that shine of hers. "If there is danger to be had, if there is not, we humans prepare ourselves for trouble either way. Thus, we are never - mostly - taken by surprise. Nor do we make mistakes."

He squeezed her hands tightest as he next implored, "So, Nyrina, even if there is nothing to be scared of here... please, I implore you, honor me as a friend and go back to the Dynamic."

He leaned his forehead against hers abruptly, showing her a bit of tender care. There, in the stillness, hand in hand, eyes gently shut, heads pressed together, feeling for one another, the human breathed to the Urchinhide daughter, "Make no mistake, I do not turn you away now out of anger. You are no burden to me. You are in fact a good friend, Nyrina. Perhaps we may have met no less than a week ago but you have made a grand impression on me. You and your family. And since you all matter to me so much... I cannot allow you to be placed in a possibly harmful situation."

He intensely shook his head at this, muttering worriedly, "Do not ask me to do so, please."

"Ivan... as such a good friend to you, that is why I am following you. Ugh, I'm going to blush and feel silly about what we're going to discuss but to Helnoth with it! Look, you've become a part of my family. Honestly, you're the brother myself and Clampter have always needed. You're an inspiration." Nyrina explained, suddenly feeling confident. She pushed closer to Ivan, enjoying his warmth. She didn't let him step away or fight back neither. She pulled him closer instead. "Since I was a little pup, my mother and father have always told me about your kind. And I've always believed the stories about your courage, your valor, your wisdom. Humanity, as the first awakened race, has done so much for the second awakened. Yet, I believe in the stories about humans more than ever."

She looked up to Ivan, smiling softly as she nuzzled his nose with her own. He didn't seem to mind... although he blushed a little at her sign of otter affection. His crimson face made her beam softly as she went on, "You want to know why I believe in humans more than ever now? Because of you. Because I met you a week ago. Because you've been everything grand. And I don't want the lessons to end. I want you to keep on proving me, other Felldewans, right about your kind."

The Urchinhide daughter nodded, her head, feeling like she was making sense. Without having to actually explain her dream about the goddess and look weird, feeling honest with herself, Nyrina stated firmly, "I want to see you be brave, be strong, be wise. I want to... stay at your side and learn all that I can about what it means to be human."

Nyrina meant every word she said. She didn't know where all of this was coming from but she didn't give that much thought. She was being honest. She - her family - had come to learn so much from Ivan during the last week. In such short time, he was irreplaceable to them. He was meant to be with them. And heeding the words of Gaia form her dream, knowing full well that she was being truthful, Nyrina didn't want to leave her human's side.

She wanted to make sure he was safe. Although she wasn't a warrior like him in the long run, she wanted to fight alongside him, if needed. She wanted to always be there for him. She wanted to repay him... for having saved her life. She had a right to do so, didn't she? Of course!

"Could you give me that honor, Ivan? Could you let me... come with you just this one time, no matter what? Please, please, please?" Nyrina exclaimed quickly, seeing he was about to answer. She hugged him tightly around the waist, not wanting let him go off alone as she prodded rapidly, "I won't be stupid, I won't disobey, I won't be a pest or a hindrance or a weight on your shoulders. I promise! I really do! Let me find Sunseed with you. I owe his sister that much. She's a good mouse, as we agreed earlier."

"Nyrina, I... you've never been a pest or hindrance or anything bad. Don't talk about yourself like that. You are you." The human uncertainly grumbled. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking unsure about the moment at hand. That was until Nyrina smacked him soundly with her tail, a devious look on her face. Feeling shaken, looking down at her, the human wondered, "Uh, ow. Watch it. What's with that smile?"

"Well, heh, you have to say yes!" The otter giggled, looking confident now. She winked at him, "You see, if you don't... you'll be in SO much trouble with my folks back on the raft."

"Oh? Is that so?" The human chuckled, suddenly relaxing despite the tense moment at hand. That was the beginning of how grand the relationship between the human and otter was, mind. She helped him relax, he helped her grow confident. "I think Hudder and Mistdrop would understand my reasons going off alone today. It would be YOU who would be in trouble. And you'd need me - just like with that shark - to save you from being eaten alive by your pa. That or keep him from yelling your ears off!"

"Whatever. But would my folks really be okay with you telling me "yes" I could come along earlier in the morning, just to have you tell me to "go back home" - hurting, handicapped, poor little me - when I came halfway through our hike? All by my lonesome? WITH a possible danger flying through the sky?" The otter daughter rather cunningly, deviously, cutely churred to her human. There was a moment of silence where the human looked at her in surprise. Then, he looked ready to laugh when she stuck her tongue out at him. "Nah, be you human or not, my father would rope you to the end of his raft and sail the whole day with you trying to keep up from behind. It'd serve you right too, for making me - his little gem - walk around without a proper escort during a supposedly dangerous situation."

"Heh. Ha ha! Women. Be they human or anima, they're all the same; pieces of work." Ivan sighed loud enough, making Nyrina giggle as she thwacked him with her tail again. She gave a delighted yelp when he grabbed her said tail, tugging on it and grabbing her waist as he stated jokingly, "And quit doing that! I'm not your punching bag of hay, you stubborn pup, you!"

"Aw, I think you enjoy being my said punching bag more than you let on." Nyrina snickered, tugging on her tail again before getting it free. The fact that she'd let him hold her tail - her pride and joy - was a sign of how far as friends they'd come so soon. "Either way, Ivan... do you see my point? We've come too far for me to turn back. Especially if you feel like there's danger afoot, right?"

There was a moment where the human thought about what had been said. He looked at the hopeful otter giving him her best puppy dog pout, looked around at the silent forest, then seemed to understand he had actually made a flaw in his rather cautious thinking. The best place for the she-otter to be in fact wasn't heading back home. He was the military veteran here, after all.

If he felt there was danger in the air, it would be foolish to send the girl away rather than keep her close. The human needed her at his side to keep an eye on her. Not away in the distance. What had he been thinking? How foolish.

Wow... Nyrina had actually made a bit more sense than Ivan. An otter had blessed wisdom upon a human. Hm, well, humans were mortal like everyone else. They were capable of making mistakes too, they just didn't want to admit it; being the guardians of Felldew and all. Yet, as he looked back down on her as he pushed her back from him and smiled, Ivan admitted what his friend wanted to hear; what would make things easier for her and maybe him.

"Nyrina... Yes, fine. You are actually right. Don't go shouting about it but your words make sense. I was in fact so focused on keeping you out of harm's way, I was worrying over your family so much I wasn't thinking straight." The Norlinthian explained, shaking his head. He felt foolish at the moment. However, it was easy to manage with such a pretty girl supporting him. She understood he'd meant well with trying to get her to turn around. However, she was right that she would be best off at his side. Not away from it. "To protect your family, I must protect you now. And to protect you, I must keep you at my side."

He paused a moment, a gentle smile on his face. Then the human admitted to his eager girl companions, "So... stay close to me from now on. Alright?"

"OF COURSE!" Nyrina literally exploded, before her human slapped a hand over her mouth! She blushed pink at once, her adorable eyes saying for her, "Oops, sorry."

"This isn't a game, remember. I might have been through these parts before in the past but that was the past. We're in a different place now, a place I feel is dangerous." The Norlinthian explained gently, smiling at her his friend watching him, "Thus, if you are going to come with me, you have to understand that I am leading. Do not ever question me, okay? You must follow my every word, my every command, my every inkling. Got it? Even if that means something you don't like."

"Yes. Ivan, I know. I won't disappoint you. I won't be a hassle." Nyrina's happy eyes spoke. She was SO relieved to know he was letting her come. He was trusting her to be good. He wasn't fighting her off. He was... opening up further. "Yes, yes and yes. I will follow your every order."

"We have to swear it to one another. Here take my hand." The human said, taking his hand off of the girl's mouth. He clasped her hand in a shake, looking intently at her as he spoke next, "Promise to be a good girl and follow my advice, Nyrina?"

"Yes, Ivan. I do." Nyrina stated at once. She really meant it. She looked him straight in the eye when she said so, a sign of utter trust between them; between friends. Yet, instead of a handshake, she hugged him tightly as she churred, "I promise. You will not regret this. You'll see. I'll be good company! Heh."

"You've always been good company, my friend. Always." The human proudly admitted, making the she-otter blush crimson at his honesty. He could be such a charmer without trying! Were all humans like that? "But first, before we leave to continue our quest... there is something we must find out about you, Nyrina."

"And what would... that be?" The she-otter began to wonder when she noticed Ivan holding something up for her to see. It was in fact the sling and stone filled pouch from last night; during the time, for Clampter's amusement while bathing, the human had been slinging rocks at twigs with great accuracy. "That's your sling, is it not, Ivan?"

"That it is. Here, take it. Get a good grip on it. Have these rocks at the ready too." The Norlinthian admitted to his otter girl, stepping back out of her hug, placing his weapons into her hands and turning her towards several particular trees. Once like that, he pointed to several trunks and said to her, "If you are to follow me into danger, fair Nyrina, I need to know a bit about you. We need to make this a quick session. We need to see just how well you would handle danger if it came for you. Or for me. Get ready, you're about to be taught by a human in the ways of combat."

More than the Water: Act Two

**+ More than the Water: Act Two +** **++++++** "Isaac... is this what I think it is?" The top swimmer questioned uncertainly, grasping his right hand in both of hers so that she could closely study the bracelet he wore. She was remembering it...

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More than the Water: Act One

**+ More than the Water: Act One +** **++++++** Like now, the season of summer had always been a celebrated thing in the town community of Hastings. For it was forever the time when Father Sun shined warmest, the days were most pleasant, the...

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Aura - Part Two

**P**** art Two...** **++++++** After my successful test taking to be a certified poke' caretaker, the proposition of the testers on that fateful had been this: before the testers had come to my uncle to discuss it after my tests, the pokemon center...

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