Eccentric Orbit, Part One: Ascending Node

Story by AwkwardFerret on SoFurry

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#1 of Eccentric Orbit

My free story for ExtremeWolf80 is finally here! Yes, after months of seclusion, I've produced my newest tale, a sci-fi epic on a space station, featuring...well, read it for yourself and find out! All (Well, most. Some, really) of my favorite fetishes will be on display here, and hopefully you'll enjoy it, too!

Eccentric Orbit

Part One

Ascending Node


June 11th, 2115

In the space around the planet Jupiter, a hollow titanium cylinder the size of a skyscraper slowly floated through an equatorial orbit.

Got your attention, eh?

It was called Jupiter Station Gamma, perhaps not the most creative of names, but then, it was such an impressive construction it didn't need to have an impressive name. With recent strides in Alcubierre drive technology, it was fully constructed in merely five months by the Septus Corporation, where previously building something so massive so far away from Earth might well have taken decades, if you got lucky. Being such an advanced undertaking, it had a number of the latest amenities and technologies; artificial gravity and sunlight generators meant that all on board would remain as healthy as if they had stayed on Earth, and replicators using recycled matter allowed them to enjoy almost anything they could think of. Beyond the advanced technologies, there was an exercise room, a garden atrium, and most recently, all manner of biological science equipment, enough to produce months of tests.

It also currently had two occupants: the researchers stationed there, currently looking outside a thick polycarbonate window as a slowly-approaching ship enacted its final automated docking maneuvers, with a precious scientific cargo aboard.

"Beautiful," one of them hissed. A king cobra naga of impressive stature, she was head researcher, and had certainly earned that title. With more than twenty years experience in biology and genetics, she was the clear choice to lead the studies. Her choice of attire was quite the formal one; a well-pressed lab coat so white it was almost painful to look at and a solid red tie tucked neatly in between her large bust. Due to her inherent body structure, she had nothing resembling pants, though thankfully her scales hid anything inappropriate. "Who knows what we'll discover over the next week?"

"Hopefully something important," the other said. She was a snowy owl and assistant project leader, though she thought the title somewhat pointless when they were the only two working on the project. Standing just slightly shorter than the cobra next to her, she was not actually wearing a scrap of clothing; the large wings jutting out from her back made it rather impossible to wear shirts of any kind, and her dense, fluffy feathers covered up her nipples anyway. She had skipped pants outright, leaving her completely open to the well-regulated atmosphere of the space station. "I can't wait to get started."

"Attention, crew," an automated intercom blared, the computerized voice echoing throughout the entire, massive station. "Passenger and cargo transport ship SEP-3915 approaching. Docking in approximately ten minutes. Prepare for arrival of additional passengers."

"I really hate that thing," the owl observed. "Did the designers think we couldn't see that? We have windows for a reason."

"Calm down, Carolyn," the snake beside her advised. "Septus is legally required to install that."

Carolyn crossed her arms. "It's still dumb, Sally."

"Be professional, will you?" She began to slither off down the grey, metallic hall, Carolyn following closely behind. "This is a critical scientific study, and we're the only ones to do it. The responsibility..."

" tremendous," Carolyn finished, "blah, blah, blah, I remember the spiel Van Allen gave us. God, what a dork."

"You shouldn't talk that way about him," Sally said. "He's signing our paychecks, and our budget."

"So what?" Carolyn asked, grinning. "We're in space. He can't hear us."

The cobra huffed. "Clever."

They continued on in silence until they reached the primary airlock and stopped, looking through the thick window to the inside of the sterile chamber. For some time they waited for the telltale, gentle "thump" of the ship docking, and both lit up somewhat when it finally came. Within seconds, the airlock hissed and the doors opened, allowing safe passage through.

"I love that sound," Carolyn noted.

"I suppose."

They hushed as footsteps sounded from within the docked ship, and soon saw their first subject walking down the small corridor, a female fennec who, like all members of her species, was quite short, barely reaching above five feet tall. Much like Carolyn, she was completely naked as a consequence of cryostasis, though her short tan fur did little to cover anything up. Her vibrant blue eyes lit up as soon as she saw the two scientists and she ran forward, a big, goofy grin on her face.

"Hi!" she said, her high-pitched voice rather grating to the both of them. "Oh, man, this is so cool! I'm on a real space station!"

"Er, yes," the cobra said. "Now, your name is--"

"Julie!" she finished. "And you're Sally, right? And Carolyn?"

"Yes, and thank you for reminding us of our names."

Julie either ignored or didn't notice the sarcasm, and drew both of them into a tight hug with surprising strength, considering her short, lithe frame. Her ears brushed against both of their tits, drawing a blush from Carolyn as the short hairs tickled the bare flesh.

"This is amazing!" She released them as quickly as she had grabbed them, allowing both a chance to breathe. She began looking around, seemingly confused. "Where's the stud? I wanna meet the stud!"

"That's...all in due time..." Sally choked out. " about you just wait here while the others come out?"

"Okay!" Julie promptly stood still, sort of; Sally could swear she was still vibrating as she stared intently into the airlock.

"Well, that's one of them..." Sally muttered. Julie's giant ears suddenly twitched, and grew yet more intense.

"Shh!" she said, grinning wildly. "Here comes somebody!"

A deep thumping noise soon became apparent to the other two, and they couldn't help but stare in shock as a massive, stocky brown bovine female ducked beneath the passage, carefully using both arms to cover up her two pairs of colossal breasts. However, from their sheer size, nearly as large as her own head, she wasn't doing a very good job, and milk visibly leaked from them, dripping onto the grating below.

"Uh, is there a problem?" Carolyn asked, grimacing as the white fluid seeped into the cleaning systems.

The cow looked up, blushing furiously. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that I--"

"Lactate constantly." Sally finished, not sounding very interested. "I saw that in your file, we have pumps available if it becomes unmanageable. You're Helen, correct?"

Helen looked away, but still nodded. "Y-yeah. And you're the--"

"Researchers, yes," Sally finished. "If you could simply wait here while the last subject comes out, that would be good."

"W-what about the stud?" Helen asked. "I-isn't he coming--"

"His cryopod is set to open later. Safety reasons, you know. We need as much control of him as possible, and we can't have him running loose."

"Oh." Helen glanced behind her shoulder, and stepped next to Julie, looking rather comical from the sheer difference in height and build. "I guess that makes sense."

"Of course it does, I'm the one who thought of it." Sally grimaced. "Of course, there is the issue of the third subject..."

"Damn it!" As if to drive the point home, a loud Russian-sounding voice began an impressive stream of profanity in both the native tongue and English, in so creative a way as to almost be artistic.

Carolyn let out a low whistle. "That's number three, huh? You never actually told me that much about her."

"Valentina Kalashnikov," Sally clarified. "Thirteen counts of armed robbery, arrested a few months ago and has been in prison since that time."

The other three stared.

"Okay," Carolyn started, eyeing the airlock carefully. "And why, exactly, are we letting her on the highly advanced space station without much security?"

"Because it's part of her parole agreement. If she takes part in this experiment, her sentence gets reduced."

"And what if she tries to take us hostage or something?"

"Because then," Sally pulled a small remote from her pocket, showing that it only had three buttons, "she gets electrocuted, and I'll make note of it in my report, which I assure you will not reflect well on you."

"O-okay," Helen said, not really sounding assured. "I guess we're safe, then..."

"Don't push your luck, fatass," Valentina said, stepping into the airlock. "I'm not afraid of little shock."

She was a great brown bear, about as tall as Helen, but obviously much heavier, both from fat and sheer muscle. Her arms were thick enough that it looked as if she could snap Julie in half, and her legs were similarly heavy, looking as if she could punt her into a new orbit. Her breasts were not quite so large as Helen's two massive pairs, but still of an impressive size, and quite firmly set. Her face bore a grimace, and her red eyes observed all those in front of her with utter contempt.

"Now, Valentina, you know your parole agreement requires you to behave."

The bear rolled her eyes and stepped forward, taking her place alongside the other two subjects, roughly bumping into Helen as she did so. The cow shrank back, not wanting to confront her.

Sally and Carolyn observed them, neither particularly impressed. One was there against her will, one obviously didn't want to be there, and the last one, if possible, wanted to be there too much.

The naga sighed. "All right, if you'll all follow me to the laboratory, please, and we can discuss what will be going on during your stay aboard Jupiter Station Gamma."

Julie nodded vigorously, while Helen muttered something that may have been an "okay," and Valentina simply groaned loudly.

"Very well, then." She slithered off, hissing subtly beneath her breath. The others followed, Julie practically ahead of her in her excitement. After making sure they were indeed following her, she began speaking "Aboard Jupiter Station Gamma, you will enjoy all the most advanced amenities, courtesy of the Septus Corporation and Van Allen's generous funding. Each of your designated rooms is outfitted with the latest hologram technology, as well as high-end replicators with extensive presets. On the subject of replicators, I've been asked to remind Julie not to just use them to make a bunch of candy."

Julie pouted, though did not break her stride. "Aw, come on! Please~?"

"You're thirty-two, Julie," Sally noted. Valentina raised her eyebrows; that was at least double her initial estimate for the fennec's age. "Please act like it."

"Ugh, whatever." She crossed her arms, pushing her breasts up slightly, and let her ears down. "Lame."

Valentina mumbled something under her breath, glaring at the fox.

"What was that?" Helen asked, stepping away.

"Nothing, cow, shut up," Valentina spat.

"Behave, please," Sally demanded, slithering up to a particular door and pulling out a small keycard. "We've reached the main laboratory."

She swiped it in front of an IR reader, opening the door in an instant. As the metallic slab opened soundlessly, the three test subjects pushed forward to get a better look, and were very impressed. Though most of the station was metal-grey colored, the inside of the lab was a bright off-white color, except for the occasional pieces of black equipment. As for the equipment, it was so densely packed that it seemed as if any possible discipline could be studied at great length within, all manner of supercomputers, haptic consoles, and measuring equipment available for use.

"Wow," Julie said. "That's awesome!"

"I've also been asked to remind you not to touch any of the equipment, Julie."

"Oh, come on!"

Carolyn giggled. "Should I explain what's going on, or should you?"

"I'll do it." Sally turned to face them, looking very stern. "Over the next week, you will all participate in an experiment to determine accurate biological models for hyper individuals, through being actively bred by a recently-quarantined individual. After delivering the clutch in approximately a month and a half, you will receive your payment and be returned to Earth, and the information..." She trailed off and sighed as she saw Julie excitedly waving her hand in the air. "Yes, Julie?"

"Can you tell us about the stud?" she asked. "You never really told me about him. What's he like? Is he hot?"

Sally cleared her throat. "Very well." She slithered to a console and typed something into the keyboard below it, bringing up a grainy image of what appeared to be a massive male bald eagle. "This is Richter, the quarantined individual I mentioned."

"Wow, he's really hot!"

"Why was he quarantined?" Helen asked.

"Well, typically, a hyper-endowed stud will only take on a few breeding mates at maximum, and leave it at that. Typically, they're left alone, but Richter was a unique case. At first, he had a fairly small, ah, "harem" to himself, as he called it, but...then things went a bit differently."

She pressed a few more keys, and a graph appeared, a thin line that hiked sharply upwards about halfway through.

"For some reason, he suddenly went on a breeding rampage, impregnating as many females as he possibly could, of all species. By the time he was captured and quarantined, more than two dozen females were carrying his clutch, and had undergone noticeable shifts in personality, becoming more open and active about sex and relationships in general. After he was quarantined, Septus took a great interest in him, and offered to help raise his children."

"How many were there?" Helen asked, sounding flustered.

"The average clutch size was twelve eggs, although some had as few as seven or eight, and as many as twenty. It added up quickly, as you can imagine."

"I see." Helen blushed, drawing a hand down towards her crotch, allowing her lower pair of breasts to be uncovered. "How...interesting."

"Indeed. Even with hypers, the number of children per pregnancy very rarely exceeds ten at all, eggs or not. Septus was interested because, in general, he seemed to exceed all previous limits set by hypers, and thus he was brought here so he could breed in a controlled environment and be observed without placing the general population at risk. If he were to continue breeding at the rate he did, there would be a massive population explosion that could well prove catastrophic."

"Freak," Valentina muttered. "And once he...breeds me, I go free, yes?"

"If you fulfill the parole agreement, yes, you will be considered free."

"Great. Whatever. Just get experiment over with."

"Now, then," Carolyn said, stepping in, "as for the other two, you were of course chosen specifically by Septus to partake in this experiment, as both of you were born to hyper parents. This of course had certain...physical consequences," she glanced at Helen's still-leaking breasts, "among them being more receptive to hypers in general, allowing for easier measurement of data."

"Cool, I'm helping!" Julie said, grinning widely. "When do we start? Can we get started soon? I'm getting kind of hungry--"

"Am I allowed to use replicator to make duct tape?" Valentina asked.

"Come on, behave," Carolyn said. "Now, then, I think we all want to get started, so I'll go and see if he's defrosted yet."

"Take this," Sally advised, handing her a small breathing mask. "The ventilators have been acting a bit funny lately, so his musk might be floating around, and you really don't want to breathe that in."

"Sure thing." She slipped it over her beak and left the room, jogging back to the airlock. Thoughts of the experiments and observations to come floated through her head, but paused as her eyes began to sting and water.

She grimaced, but pressed on, narrowing her eyes to protect against the thick haze. Geez, I can practically see this stuff, and all the way out here, too. Just who the hell is this guy?

She spotted a maintenance console and ran for it, turning it on and observing the information with concern. Somehow, the ventilation systems had been deactivated entirely, leaving Richter's overpowering musk to float through the station as it pleased. She turned it back on, and sighed in relief as the air became clear and her eyes stopped watering.

"Dumb computers," she muttered. "Hundred and fifty years, can't even get the damn things to stay on the right settings..." She continued ranting to herself as she finally reached the airlock, looking inside and nearly fainting at what she saw.

The grainy photograph couldn't do justice to the bald eagle's image in real life; incredibly, he was even taller than either Helen or Valentina, and was very well-built, thick arms and legs complimenting a powerful chest. She couldn't help but sneak a glance at his crotch, and gasped as she saw a white-furred sheath as wide around as a can of soda, and two massive balls, each the size of her own head. Rich, well-kept feathers covered his entire body, yet had no hope of covering what had made him so infamous.

He smiled as he noticed her staring, the edges of his beak turning up. "Hello," he greeted, a deep, though not gruff voice reverberating through the entrance. "You must be Carolyn."

She stammered, struggling to find anything resembling a word. "" she cleared her throat and began again. "I'm Carolyn, yes. You're Richter, correct?"


"Well, uh, if you could come with me, please, and we can get you started on the experiment..."

"That would be excellent, thank you."

She raised an eyebrow, but shook her head and started walking back, Richter following close behind, his massive weight causing large THUDS to sound through the hallway.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asked, trying to keep her eyes off him as much as possible.

"Very good," he answered. "Now, then, where are the breeders?"

"Ah, yes, I'll have to lead you through here..." she hastened towards another door, opening it and gesturing for him to enter. He did so, looking around at the room he had entered. It appeared to be another airlock, and he had a guess as to what it led to.

"For safety reasons, we had to segregate the testing area from the rest of the station. We can't have your musk floating everywhere, you understand."


She pressed a few numbers into a pad in the wall, and stepped back as a door opened, leading to the actual testing room. It didn't look like much, just a circular chamber with a large, rectangular table in the center. As far as Richter could tell, there wasn't any sort of actual equipment or tools.

"A bit Spartan, isn't it?" he asked, stepping inside.

"Well, everything important is hidden inside the walls." She pressed another set of numbers in, and the door began to close. "I'll go get one of the test subjects, and...we can get started!"

"Very good." He shot her a smile as the door closed, leaving her with a slightly funny feeling. She adjusted her facemask, just to make sure, and stepped back outside, running back for the analysis lab.

"Okay!" she yelled, bursting inside and removing the mask. "Who wants to go--"

Before her sentence could finish leaving her beak, Julie began frantically waving her hands and ears around, hissing "Me! Me!"

"--first?" She glanced around further, seeing that Sally was not at all pleased, Valentina was rolling her eyes almost backwards, and Helen was stepping away. "Um, Julie?"

"C'mon, please?" she whined, ears drooping.

"Uh...sure, sure. Just...come with me."

Carolyn stepped out, Julie following. As soon as they left, Valentina growled loudly.

"I rather be in prison."


"All right, it's just through here," Carolyn said, leading Julie through the airlock. "Now, when you first enter, you'll be hit with a large amount of musk at once, so please try to retain your composure, however much of that you have."

"Okay!" Julie said, shaking with giddiness as the door opened. As the first wave hit her unprotected nose, she shuddered, instantly reaching a massive state of arousal.

"Ah, you're the breeder, yes?" Richter asked, smiling as he saw her.

"Uh..." Julie paused, fighting off her sudden, massive horniness. "Y-yeah...I..."

"Don't worry," Richter said, stepping towards her. "You'll enjoy this very much."


Carolyn panted as she returned to the analysis room for a second time. " far apart..."

"We have elevators, you know," Sally said, observing a computer screen with concern.

"Oh, yeah, how could I have forgotten about the elevators that go sideways?" she asked, stepping up to the screen to look at it. "So, what's up?"

"Carolyn, tell us about the Musk Potency scale I developed."

"Uh, okay," the owl began, caught off guard. "Well, it uses biological reaction systems to measure the strength of somebody's musk."

"Good, good. What scale does it use?"

"'s on a logarithmic scale, so an increase of one means that it's ten times more powerful. What does this have to do with..." Carolyn trailed off as she saw the number Richter had produced. "Seven point three..."

"What does that mean?" Helen asked.

"The previous highest recorded potency was a six point two. twenty times more potent than that, if I'm figuring this correctly."

"Oh, goodness..." Helen moaned.

Sally put a command in on the keyboard, looking very intense. "Richter? Julie? Can you hear me?"

"Y-yeah..." Julie answered, voice shuddering.

"We're just fine, thank you," Ricther said. "Should we begin?"

"Hold on, let me get the analyzers ready...okay, we should be--"


Sally gaped in shock as the message flashed across the screen in flashing, bold red letters.

"Uh, Richter, can you hear me?"


Where previously there was a fennec and a massive bald eagle standing in a boring room, there was now nothing but black emptiness.

"What? NO!" Sally frantically began hitting buttons, trying to do everything she could to fix this severe error. "Damn it, the ventilation was bad enough, but this is CATASROPHIC!"

"How is not seeing room worse than not breathing?" Valentina asked.

"Because, Valentina," Sally hissed, "that room is the entire reason we're aboard this station, and the entire reason we're getting funding! If we can't keep this experiment under control, the entire operation is doomed!"

"Sally, calm down," Carolyn commanded. "Look, the measurements are still coming in. If we just let this happen naturally, we can still get the information we _really_need."

"Well, yes, but...if we don't have control over the situation, who knows what could happen? You've seen what Richter can do, this could very easily go completely wrong--"

"All right, all right, I'll try to get the systems working again, let's just keep an eye on the numbers."


"That's strange," Richter noted, looking up at the ceiling. "They haven't said anything in some time."

"M-maybe they just want us to start?" Julie suggested, gulping.

"Perhaps." He turned to her. "Would you like to get started? I--OH!"

He gasped in shock, beak opening wide as Julie jumped towards him, kneeling before him and sticking her nose straight into his groin.

"Eager little thing, aren't you?" he asked, her only answer a moan of pleasure as she breathed in an entire lungful of his impossibly strong musk. "Usually it took a little more talking before my breeders jumped on me like that."

"Breeder..." she echoed. "Oh, please..."

"Oh, you really want it," he said, smiling. He stepped back from her, and she reached out, trying to get at more of his musk. "But...all the other breeders, back on Earth...I don't think they really, REALLY wanted it. That's why I went through so many, you know, trying to find ones who truly wanted to be a superior hyper breeder."

"P-please," Julie stammered, "I really, REALLY, REALLY want it! I need your eggs in me! I--"

Richter held up a hand to shush her, and sat upon the table, legs spread wide. "Prove it."


"Please me. With your mouth, hands, anything. Show me that you truly want to bear my children."

Her eyes widened, and with some hesitance, kneeled before his massive balls, taking in the dense, earthy scent with an almost orgasmic reverence.

"You like how I smell?" he asked, setting his massive hand on the back of her neck and pushing her forward, until her nose was pressed right on the rim of his massive sheath. "Of course you do. It makes you want me even more, doesn't it?"

She moaned, gently grabbing one of his balls and feeling its sheer weight. It was, indeed, so massive that she had trouble lifting it at first, but soon she grew accustomed to its weight, and she began handling both at once. Richter smiled as she eagerly played with his cum-producers, and released a gentle moan when she first stuck out her tongue to chance a lick at them.

"Very nice," he said, gently rubbing the back of her neck. "Make sure to get your tongue on as much of me as possible. You wouldn't want to miss anything, would you?"

"N-no..." she breathed, sticking her tongue out even further than before. Already, his cock was leaving its sheath, and she held her breath as she saw it in all its splendor. It was easily the size of her forearm, a thick pink shaft leading up to a tapered tip that was already leaking with copious precum.

"Marvelous, isn't it?" he asked. "Don't worry, it'll fit. You'll be stretched out quite a bit, of course, but you'll greatly enjoy it."

"W-wow..." she whispered, tilting her head up and licking at its base.

"Oh, good girl..." he hissed, scratching at her ears. They twitched as he did, gently brushing against his gigantic cock. "You'll get a very good breeding~"

Grabbing his cock, he slowly pointed it downwards until it was aimed straight at her mouth. "Open wide. And don't worry about the teeth, it's very strong."

She dutifully opened her jaw as wide as it could possibly go, but she knew even then it would barely be enough to hold his length. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed it forward, allowing his cock to be completely engulfed in her mouth. Julie moaned, struggling to keep her mouth open wide enough to hold him.

A gentle groan escaped Richter's throat as he slid in, soon reaching her throat.

"Not bad for your first time," he observed, seeing that more than half of his cock was still left. "Think you can take the rest?"

She nodded her head as much as she possibly could, a muffled "M-hm!" managing to escape from her mouth.

"All right then, here goes nothing!"

He pushed forward...


"Good lord, look at these measurements," Carolyn said. Indeed, it was almost impossible to believe, but Ricther's musk alone had managed to increase the density of the room's atmosphere by almost ten percent. "And the temperature's gone up by a degree Celsius."

"One degree?" Helen asked. "Is that it?"

"Well, you have to remember how much air there is in that room. It takes quite a lot of energy to raise the temperature by that much that quickly."

"I have question," Valentina asked. "When hyper has sex with somebody, where does semen come from?"

"That's a very good question, Valentina," Sally said, looking at another set of numbers with some consternation. "We're still working on that part."

"I bet you are," she muttered, chuckling.

"Oh, very funny. Carolyn, could you come look at this?"

"What's the problem?"

"I'm trying to fix the systems, but I've been locked out completely."

"What? Don't you have admin access?"

"Something caused an override. I'm barely able to do anything beyond the standard programs."

"Well...look, isn't there a maintenance relay in orbit around Mars?"

Sally groaned. "I don't want to talk to them! They're barely helpful at all!"

"But they have the admin access, don't they?"

Sally hissed. "Fine, I'll call them up later. Just keep an eye on the measurements, and make sure to get a sample of that musk, will you?"

Carolyn scowled. "Yeah, yeah, let's just wait for them to finish up." Under her breath, she muttered something else that Sally couldn't quite make out.


Julie was in something of a shock; his cock was actually a little bit bigger than her forearm, and she never could have imagined something like that going inside of her throat so easily. Yet, when Richter bucked his hips forward, it slipped down with easily, her nose soon pressed against his sheath, the source of his incredible musk. Though there was some slight discomfort in her neck from the bulge it was forming, she managed to ignore it. She let out her tongue to slip in between his sheath and his cock to get even more of his scent, desperately trying to cover as much as she possibly could. As raw hyper pheromones flooded onto her tastebuds, her arousal, already great, practically exploded, a burst of juice flowing from her pussy, soaking her legs and the floor.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked as he heard her juices splash. "I can't blame you. I'm very potent, after all. If I can get enough in one room, I can bring a woman straight to orgasm...but that's not very fun, now, is it? I should do it properly, since I think you deserve it~"

He slowly drew his hip back, bringing much of his length back out, before pushing forward once more, with much more force that time. He groaned as it rubbed against her flesh, delighting in the feel of properly fucking a breeder's throat once again. "Oh, it's been far too long~"

"Mmph!" Julie said, looking up at him with those big, eager eyes as he started moving quicker.

"Oh, yes, you're doing beautifully," he said, scratching at her ears again. "You truly deserve my clutch~" He smiled. "And if you really are descended from hypers, then you'll be having a lot of very big, strong eggs. Doesn't that sound nice?"

She moaned around his rapidly-moving length as he continued speaking of how big she would get, reaching down towards her pussy with her free hand. It almost felt like it was burning, and as soon as her hand so much as brushed against it, a huge jolt of sheer _feeling_shot through her body, one she couldn't quite place.

"Mmph!" she cried, taking her hand away. Richter paused, allowing her to pull off of his cock.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"S-sorry...I wasn't expecting it to be so...strong..." she took a few deep breaths, and Richter looked with concern.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Honestly, with how small you are, I shouldn't have gone...well, quite that far."

"Yeah, that was kind of...weird."

He smiled. "We'll work up to that. If you'd like to stop--"

"NO!" she interjected. "No, that's fine, I really want to get bred, it's just...I haven't ever been with a hyper, like, at all, and...I guess you're the best of them, right? So, I probably just so much of it at much at once that I just couldn't really handle it but now I'm feeling better so--"

Richter held up his hand. "I get the point. Now, then, one word please: do you want to breed with me and have my clutch."

She swallowed. "Yes. Please, give it to me, I really--"

"That was eight words."

Her ears drooped. "Sorry. I...get excited sometimes, and I...just kind of keep talking."

Richter chuckled. "That's no problem, Julie. You're far more interesting than most of my other breeders. Speaking of which..."

He gently reached under her arms, lifting her up with absolute ease and setting her on the edge of the table. She leaned back, allowing him a clear view of her slick pussy. It was quite obvious that she was massively aroused, and there was no doubt in either of their minds that she wanted, nay, needed to be bred.

Julie looked at his erection with awe as he lined it up with her entrance, taking in a deep musk-laden breath.

There's no turning back now, he thought as he pushed forward. The tip of his cock easily entered her wet folds, much of it swallowed up as with her mouth. Already, a visible bulge appeared in her stomach, tracing the rounded edges of his breeding rod.

"AH!" she gasped as he spread her wide. "Ohmygod, ohmygod..."

"You okay?" he asked. "Usually I don't go in that far on the first thrust."

"I practiced..." she huffed. "Keep going..."

"All right..." he said, looking deep into her eyes, then suddenly gaining an intense look in his own. "Get ready!"

He spread his thick, burly legs wide, grabbed Julie's legs, and thrust.

The air simply left Julie's lungs as he pressed against her cervix and immediately broke past, entering her womb. Though she had practiced extensively with all manner of toys, she had always stopped just before then, not sure if such a thing could even work. She had just assumed it would stop before then, but her womb itself was stretched out by Richter's Earth-shattering (or perhaps Jupiter-shattering) cock, that doubt was erased in an instant.

"Speechless, I see," Richter observed. "You know, I think you're the smallest breeder I've ever had. That won't mean anything for the size of our eggs, of course, but it's still amusing, don't you think?"

She didn't answer, too focused on the giant shaft stretching out her inner chamber.

He shrugged. "Maybe it's just me."

He pulled back out slowly, agonizingly, all the subtle bumps and veins along his shaft rubbing against her insides, stretching her pussy to better fit his cock. She hissed, toes curling as he finally left completely, a feeling of aching emptiness overcoming her.

"Hey...why'd you take it out?" she huffed.

"So you'll like it even more when I put it back in."

He hiked his hips, plowing right back into her with even greater ease than before. She arched back, crying out in pleasure as he forced his way in. He dug his claws into the floor as much as he could, grabbed her legs, and set to work, slowly moving his hips back and forth to start her off.

"Yesyesyesyes..." she muttered, barely believing what was happening to her. Even in her wildest dreams, it was never quite so good as THIS. "Oooh..."

She reached a hand down to feel the bulge his cock was making in her belly with each thrust, shocked when she realized just how big he was and how easily he was fitting inside her. She almost had difficulty keeping her hand there, as each thrust nearly pushed it away, not to mention the sheer force of his burly legs pushing against her thin frame.

In fact, his cock was so massive each push inside started to rub against her slowly-engorging clit, roughly grinding against it without mercy.

"Yes!" he cried, growling slightly. "Take me, bitch! Take all of it!"

His thrusts grew harder and harder, barely finding any resistance into her womb now. With each stretching pound into her depths, she shrieked, though not of pain, but rather, an unimaginable pleasure that emanated from the taught flesh around his cock. Orgasm after orgasm wracked her small body

"Ah...nff...breed me! Do it!"


He reached out, grabbing her shoulder to help push her whole body down onto his cock. By now, each of his thrusts were easily balls-deep, breaking deep within her womb like there was no barrier at all. The heavy, impossibly powerful musk in the air, combined with the near-constant pressure, meant her ovaries were working on overdrive, hastily readying as many of her eggs as possible in wait of his sperm.

Julie moaned at the thought of her ova being swarmed and overpowered by his wrigglers, her head filled with images of her soon-to-be massive belly and breasts, swollen with her new master's children, and the food for them. It would finally come true~!

The thought was so great to her that she couldn't help but cry out in happiness and clench down on Richter's cock as hard as she could, the final push that sent him over the edge.

With a loud squawk, his balls hiked up, forcing a massive quantity of semen through his cock and straight into Julie's womb. She swore she could actually feel the first shot as it travelled up the vein, a veritable ocean of cum flowing straight for her eggs. Though the first one was larger than even a low-end hyper's total production, and doubtlessly powerful enough to impregnate her instantly, he still kept going, an ever-greater amount issuing forth from...somewhere...

The thought of where it was actually coming from slipped her mind as she saw her belly literally growing in size from how much he was pumping into her. After just the first few shots inside her, she looked nine months pregnant with a normal kit, then soon with two, and he still kept going...triplets...quadruplets...soon a whole litter, and he still had a little bit more! He was forced to grab onto the growing dome to hold her steady, and even with his massive arms he struggled to keep it upright.

Some time later, Julie's body was quite a bit different. She looked as if she was carrying numerous litters a fair length of time overdue, and Richter was convinced it was large enough to fit herself inside. He sighed as his balls were emptied in a proper breeder for the first time in far too long and pulled out, both his cum and her juices making it easy. After the wet \ **pop** when his pointed head was free, her gaping pussy released some of his essence back out, a thick, pure-white goo, almost like jelly, and unlike the cum of lesser hypers and normal, almost entirely sperm.

"Absolutely magnificent, Julie," he purred, stepping around the table and kneeling next to her head. She turned, ears twitching as she came down from the final few orgasms. "That may have been the best I've ever had."

"Really?!" she shouted, suddenly back to normal. "That's great! How big do you think the clutch is gonna be? How big are your eggs? Will it hurt coming out? How--"

He held up a hand, pausing her. "Very big, very big, and if you could take my cock, you'll probably just end up enjoying it."

He couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Even after taking a breeding that had put other women to sleep, she was still just as active as ever.

"How about you rest and let this all come back out," he said, patting her huge belly. "I have a lot I need to be doing..."

The New Guy, Part Four: Hat Trick

The New Guy Part Four Hat Trick ()()() "I can't believe somebody do something like that," Amelia said, taking a sip of tea from her cup. Jon had invited her to his house to discuss recent events, but neither felt like doing much of...

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The New Guy, Part Three: Reversal

The New Guy Part Three Reversal ()()() The day after Jon's scare, he was somewhat afraid to even go out at all. Though he doubted the threat would be acted on, given how small the town was, it was still targeted enough against him to be...

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