Chris and the Doe 01

Story by pomographer on SoFurry

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#1 of Chris and the Doe

A wolf and a doe meet on a plane... with sexy results. (v1.2-0-g623fc5a)

_Copyright (c) 2015 Pomographer. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Author's notes: This is the first thing I've written related to furry or erotica, so I probably don't know what I'm doing.

If you want to skip right to the sexings, the closest you'll get is around the dream sequences. Either look for the asterisk dividers, or search for the word "dream" (there are two separate dreams).

If you're the type of person that's very particular about the size of sexual organs in your furry porn, I'll let you know in advance the cock in this story is about a couple feet long or so. The tits I intended to manage to stay relatively realistic / physically possible, but of course still large, though I don't really nail down a specific size.

If you like to have visual cues to go along with a story, the following were sort-of inspirational for the doe in this chapter:

There was no specific inspiration for Chris, but if you want artwork to go along with his general theme, a couple of humble suggestions:

* * * "...boarding for flight 3655. Again, we're boarding Northeast Airlines flight 3655, if your ticket says..."

It was the end of winter, and Chris was ready to go back to campus after a week-long visit to his parents. Most people would probably appreciate such a vacation, since the warmer southern weather would be a welcome change from the blistering winter up north. The gray wolf was actually starting to miss the snow, though, and hanging around his parents for a full week was approaching his limit. He also had trouble finding opportunities to jack off in peace, so it had been a few days...

"...have a good flight. Next please."

But none of that was on his mind right now. He wasn't thinking about his current trip, or his parents, or even the short male fox next to him, expectantly waiting for his boarding pass. All he could focus on was...her.

A doe, that is. Well, the back half of her, since that's all Chris could see, but that was plenty to capture his attention. He hadn't noticed her until he was standing behind her in line, only a foot away! But once he had noticed her, he couldn't see anything else. Her lean, slightly toned physique, her cute shoulderbag, her tan fur covered by a tanktop that almost reached her darker-tan tiny tight shorts, and her little fluffy tail sitting atop such a fine, firm ass.

"Sir, your boarding pass, please?"

He didn't mean to stare; he's not a creep! But just... observe, you know? Some things you just don't see every day, especially when you're used to seeing girls all bundled up for the winter weather. Chris had to admit that one of the perks of the weather down here was the fashion of the local girls... especially the local does, apparently.

Her tits were even large enough that Chris could see hints of them from behind; the firm mounds stretching her shirt just enough so their sides became visible. And they were doing that thing where they pushed out the front of her shirt and bag strap, producing a sexy gap when she moved forward that he could just barely notice with his not-staring.

"...sir?" The fox next to him finally became more insistent.

Chris shook his head. Oh right, he was in line to board his plane. The distracting doe had already gone past, walking towards the plane, still looking beautiful.

"Oh, ah, right, sorry," Chris said, a little embarrassed, but he managed to provide his boarding pass. "Here you go."

"Thank you, sir. Have a good flight." He didn't seem to notice Chris's dazed state. Or didn't care.

Chris grabbed his suitcase and moved on. He wound up right behind the doe again, but he tried to limit any further "observing". Not only to avoid spacing out, but he was also starting to get a little too excited back there, despite his best efforts. He had learned over the years to take special care to keep calm and avoid unexpected erections, or he would have a serious problem. Even unaroused, he had to be very careful about what shorts or pants he wore, but at least that was manageable. If he got even a bit excited...

Oh shit, and I'm wearing shorts today, Chris thought. These aren't going to cover anything; better point "up". He readjusted himself while walking forward, using his movement and some clever positioning of his suitcase as camouflage.

Growing up, he had gotten pretty skilled at keeping himself calm, but he also knew which way to adjust himself, just in case. For most guys, this wasn't as serious of a concern, but Chris knew his endowments were a bit unusual. He knew from experience that getting excited while pointed down his leg could be painful, or even... exposing.

"Hey watch out!"

Chris was on the plane by now, waiting to get to his seat, when suddenly the doe backed right up into him. Apparently someone ahead lost their grip when trying to put luggage in the overhead bin, and the doe jumped back to get out of the way.

He tried to move back as well, but there was no space behind him. He was stuck, squished between his suitcase behind him and the doe in front. Her ass and tail were now squarely on his crotch, and Chris noticed very quickly that her ass was just as exquisite and firm as it looked.

He tried to think of something else, but everything he saw from his earlier not-staring suddenly came rushing to the front of his mind, and refused to be cast aside. He couldn't stop thinking about her ass again, or how good and warm those fine cervine globes of flesh felt against his mostly-flaccid length. Or how good she apparently smelled now.

"Oops! Sorry," she said, with a tiny polite giggle.

...or how cute her voice sounded. Or how he was not so flaccid anymore, starting to grow further up into her warm cheeks. He usually knew how to keep calm, but not when stuck like this!

"Hm?" She seemed momentarily surprised, and Chris almost died fearing that she would notice his growing semi and shriek. Instead, she just paused for a moment, and Chris swore he felt her move her ass further into him, almost... experimentally. She glanced back him, giving a confused smile, before walking away, the obstruction ahead of them now cleared up.

Chris was stunned in place for a moment while he processed the new sights she had just given him. That smile! And those eyes! Well, he only actually saw one eye and half a smile, since she only barely turned around, but it was enough. A large-pupiled hazel eye above what looked like some white spots in her tan fur, giving the illusion of freckles. This didn't help his efforts to calm himself down, and his length grew even further.

Fortunately, the doe was gone before his member could make itself even more known. She must have found her seat, but Chris didn't see where. His half-hard cock was now well over his waistband, but didn't seem too visible outside of his tucked-in shirt. He was a little worried about someone noticing the bulge as he stretched to put his suitcase in the overhead, but nobody was paying attention to him. He just tried to ignore the extra pleasure of his shirt fabric stretching against his semi as he put away his suitcase and sat down in his window seat.

Chris was about to readjust himself again, and glanced around to see if anyone was looking in his direction. The seats next to him were empty, as were the seats across the aisle, except for... her! Her again!

The source of his current predicament, that damn doe, was in the window seat across from him, looking out her window. She didn't seem to notice him sitting down, just as he hadn't noticed where she had gone. He forgot about readjusting as he took in the new sights.

He still couldn't see her whole face, but this side view of her tits was new, and as mangificent as he had imagined. They seemed incredibly firm for how large they were. Topped by just a bit of tuft, they furiously strained against her low-cut top and whatever bra or sports bra she must have been wearing. He could see more of her legs and thighs, as well, and could see where her tan fur transitioned to white. Those shorts that were so fucking tight, they seemed to be matting down the fur under them.

By now, Chris was staring -- who was he kidding? -- and was_not_ keeping himself calm, his cock slowly rising with the head now nestling by his sternum. Fortunately, before he got fully hard, an elderly little mouse plopped her purse down on the aisle seat nearest to him, breaking his reverie as she sat down. His line of sight to the doe effectively broken, Chris contented himself with staring out his window and focusing on getting his bulge to go back down to at least below his ribs.

As the plane finished boarding, Chris noticed the plane was not very full. The 6-seat row he was in remained empty except for himself, the doe, and the mouse. Simultaneously relieved but frustrated that the mouse wound up in the one section that blocked his view, he prepared for his go-to pasttime when flying: sleep. He tilted towards the window and tried to get the doe off his mind as he dozed off.

* * * Of course, once he was asleep, it was clear the doe was very much still on his mind. While flight attendants demonstrated the use of the safety buckle, Chris's subconscious brought him back to the aisle, where his crotch met the doe's ass during boarding.

This time, instead of walking off, the doe continued to rub her ass against him, with slow but relentless up-and-down strokes. Every few strokes were punctuated by a small grunt of hers, a curt "hm!" like he had heard from her earlier. He tried to look over her shoulder to see her undoubtedly perfect cleavage, but she always turned away, so the best he could ever see were her clothed tits from the side.

Nor could he get a good look at her face; all he could see was the side of her face showing the tiniest bits of freckling and a little bit of one eye (just one at a time!). And he could forget about trying to reach around to grab her tits or feel her ass, or rip those damn shorts to shreds like he couldn't stop thinking about.

As she continued grinding on him, his cock expanded and grew upwards. Her strides began to speed up slightly as her grunts got louder, and her ass had to move further and further up in the air to cover the full length of his cock. With every stroke he felt a nice warmth outside of his clothes starting at the base of his shaft, resting against his big bloated balls, slowing rising all the way to his glans, and then all the way back down. Her scent was also filling his nose the entire time, that marvelous aroma never even fading.

Eventually, his cock's growth peaked around his collarbone. The doe was not tall enough for her ass to get anywhere near that high, but due to nonsensical dream-logic, the floor under her just seemed to rise up so she could bend over and complete her strokes over the whole length. On the upstroke, he could feel his wolfcock sandwiched firmly between the warmth of her ass outside his shirt, and the warmth of direct contact with his chest.

All of the restrictions his mind was placing on him was driving Chris crazy. He thrust against the doe's strokes, harder and harder, increasing the pressure on his now rock-hard shaft under his clothes. After a few more strokes, the doe's ass seemed to... vibrate? No, not just that; he was vibrating, too.

What the fuck? The new sensation felt nice, but it was so sudden and strange that it managed to shake Chris out of his sex-addled haze, and wake him out of his dream entirely.

* * * Chris awoke to the plane rumbling, and jerking around a bit. The plane was in the air now, cruising above the pure white clouds outside. After a few seconds, Chris remembered where he was.

Some serious turbulence here, Chris thought. I guess it's good that it woke me up before I got too excited, though. Fucking hell, what a dream! Chris felt something warm tugging against his shirt, and looked down to see just how good a dream it was.

Crap! Chris was now very fully erect, which was not surprising given what he just woke up from. The size of his cock in that dream was no fantasy: his quivering cockhead was once again at around his collarbone, still under his shirt but now dangerously close to his neckhole. The obscene girth was causing his shirt to stretch uncomfortably tightly, creating a monstrous bulge that was impossible to miss. A baseball bat under his shirt would've been more discreet.

The lower shaft was also pinned under his buckled seat belt, which held the whole shaft and head firmly against his body so he could feel every. Single. Throb.

Chris just stared at it, unsure of what to do as it pumped pre into a slowly-growing damp spot on his shirt. He was afraid to even move, since it felt like the slightest wrong movement could set him off. Before he could even attempt to do anything to start to hide this, he heard a gasp and instinctively looked over.

The mouse's seat was empty, but the doe was still in her seat across the aisle. And she was staring right at him! Her eyes were wide open, mouth agape, staring right at his bulge. Before Chris could start to panic about someone seeing him like this, he first was struck by this new view of her. He hadn't really gotten a good view of her from the front yet, after all.

He knew her eyes were hazel, of course, but seeing them wide open like this was like a new sight all on its own. Her freckly white spots of fur were concentrated in the center of her face, right above her little lips around her slightly-open mouth. His first good look at her cleavage was right below, her tits mashed against each other inside her stretched shirt, partially hidden under that little chest tuft. Even her tits had some of that freckling as the fur transitioned from white to tan. With her mouth hanging open, he couldn't help but think how good her lips would look wrapped around his cock, with his shaft resting in that firm but creamy ocean of cleavage below.

Before he got lost fantasizing, though, his growing anxiety brought him back to the real world. He knew from experience what would happen next, after the shocked stare. Then came the look of disgust, the scream, and embarrassment or even worse repercussions. He was filled with dread as he braced himself for the inevitable reaction.

But none came. She just continued to stare at his shaft, breathing more heavily and acquiring a look of some kind of... sultry hunger. She licked her lips and leaned towards him a little, providing an even better view of the cleavage of her heaving tits. Was... was she moving her hand towards her crotch?

Holy shit! Chris thought. He hadn't touched himself or even moved, but his feelings of dread were quickly fading, and he thought he might cum from her reaction alone. The look she was giving him inflamed his desire and clouded his mind. His instincts made him want to get up and slam her to the floor and mount that horny bitch, pounding that ass into the _ground_so his fat balls slapped against her thighs until she was overflowing with his seed.

He even started to get up, but a tug on his crotch reminded him that he was still buckled into his seat. In his clouded, almost feral, mental state, Chris growled and almost tore the strap with his claws in fury. But then a flight attendant walked through the aisle with that rattling beverage cart, breaking both of their stares long enough so they could think again.

Chris started calming down, and he saw the doe blink, the sultry look in her eyes fading. She looked up at his face, finally making eye contact with him, and her eyes got wide as she seemed to come to her senses and realize what she was doing. She suddenly pulled her hand out of her lap, turned to look out the window, and started blushing so hard even Chris could see it under her fur from across the aisle.

Even now, he couldn't help but think she just looked cute like that. It seemed like everything she did was cute, or sexy. Or most of the time, both. He was back in his normal state of mind again, but it felt like his erection would never go away after what he saw.

His view was once again blocked, though, as the mouse came back to her seat and sat down and started reading a book. Luckily, she was still not paying any attention to Chris, because he still hadn't done anything to hide the leaking, burning rod under his shirt. He quickly turned his whole body towards the window; it wasn't terribly comfortable, but at least his shaft was hidden to everyone but the clouds.

Not only was he uncomfortable like this, but getting repeatedly extremely turned on without relief was taking its toll on him. He was sure his balls were already deep blue by now, with no way to relieve them. He could fix it by simply jacking off, but even getting to the bathroom in his current state was difficult and embarrassing. Even if he managed to get there, the size of his erect wolfcock would make moving around in a cramped airplane bathroom difficult. And that's not to even mention if it could handle his load; he normally came plenty, and he knew his next load would be far from normal...

Maybe the pain will help me go soft again, he thought grimly.

Chris tried to focus on getting his erection to die down so he could sit more normally, but he was having a tough time. While he was still very anxious that someone else would see him like this, the doe's reaction was something completely new to him. His mind was busy struggling to understand it, combined with her subsequent embarrassed reaction.

He had barely made any progress in losing his erection when he drifted off to sleep once again.

* * * Chris quickly fell back into the same dream, hotdogging the doe just as before. But this time, the dream was much less restrictive. The doe stood up and started rubbing her ass just against the base of his cock with powerful short strokes, letting him peer over her shoulder to see her fuzzy cleavage. Any rigidity he had lost before falling asleep was now instantly regained.

Although it felt amazing, Chris was frustrated pretty quickly just like before. He urged to throw her down and fuck her properly, or at least squeeze her ass or tear off those shorts or shirt or something, but his mind wouldn't let him; of course he hadn't actually seen her naked.

This time, though his mind did let him turn her around, and so he started rubbing his shaft along her front side. He raised her up so his covered cock was resting on top of her clothed mound, and thrust all the way until his balls were resting by her crotch, his shaft between her tits, and his glans approaching her face. He pumped back and forth, quickly gaining a rythm.

He still wanted to pull off all of these damn clothes, but this was at least a little better. Plus, all of his rubbing had pushed his cockhead through the neckhole of his shirt, and the glistening black head was now right in front of her cute little face on every stroke. She was staring right at it, and started slowly licking her lips and breathing heavily.

He thrust harder, bumping the shaft against her lips a few times, before she gave it a little lick, lapping at the precum that had built up. Chris groaned and almost lost it right there, but managed to just eject more pre. She gave it a quick lick on every stroke now, cleaning the head completely. But with every stroke, there was more pre to gather, and she was having trouble keeping up. Soon she began trying to catch it in her mouth, opening her mouth as wide as she could, but she kept missing.

Finally she latched on. The head was way too big for her to actually hit the whole thing in her mouth, but she managed to form a seal with her slips around Chris's slit. He finally stopped thrusting so hard, so he wouldn't pull himself out of the wonderful feeling of her mouth. Feeling her mouth around his slit, combined with seeing his shaft resting between her tits and her struggling to stuff his giant cock in her mouth... it was too much. He started to feel a familiar rumbling in his aching balls.

Chris roared as he came, his pent-up frustrations from the last few days and hours finally getting some relief. The first blast of cum was powerful enough to knock her face right off of his cock (*splat*), her eyes wide with surprise. The second blast landed on her face, her tits, and her whole body as Chris heard some odd sound in the distance (*THUD*). The amount of jizz he was generating was impressive, even for him; the doe was started to get covered as subsequent volleys kept raining down on her. (*THUD*)

What the fuck is that sound? Chris thought briefly between mind-numbing waves of ecstasy. (*THUD*) But this was quickly forgotten when the pleasure doubled as his mind let him grab his cock through his shirt for the first time. Chris grabbed as much of his cock as would fit in his hands, and thrust for a couple more volleys as he woke up.

* * * As Chris opened his eyes, he saw not the cum-covered doe in his dreams, but the airplane cabin around him. Or actually, most of his vision was taken up by the monster cock right in front of his face slamming his volleys of thick wolf spunk into the ceiling with ridiculous force. Loudly. (*THUD*) (*THUD*) ( *THUD* )

At first, Chris didn't fully realize he wasn't still dreaming, and that he was hunched over gripping his huge spasming cock in public. All he knew is that he felt fantastic, and relaxed as he finally finished cumming. He released his cock, and slouched back in his seat as his cock fell into his chest with a wet *splat*.

Drops of semen falling from the drenched ceiling above helped remind him where he was. What the hell? Is it raining? Chris thought. He looked up, and saw the soaked ceiling dropping down on him.

Oh no, he thought as his bliss was quickly getting replaced by a horrible sinking feeling in his stomach. He saw his glistening cock, the head and several inches now fully exposed through not only the neckhole of his shirt, but also a new tear. He must have pulled it down and ripped it while dreaming. Oh fuck no.

He also tasted something salty, and realized it must have been his own muzzle that he was thrusting into. He looked around and saw the flight attendands and other passengers staring in shock. At him, his partially-exposed cock, at the mess still dripping everywhere. No no no no no.

Nobody moved or said anything. Time seemed to freeze for Chris, who was starting to feel very ill. Finally, a familiar voice broke the silence.

*KSSSHK* "Ahhhh this is your captain speaking, we've begun our initial descent. I'm putting on the seatbelt sign," *DING* "so I'm going to ask you to return to your seats as soon as possible. Flight attendants, prepare for landing and cross-check." *KSSHK*

With the silence broken, time was able to move forward again. Some passengers were still staring at Chris, but a flight attendant managed to make her way over to Chris's row while maintaining her professional composure. Chris was still mortified, and staring at the floor unmoving, even as cum dripped down on him from the ceiling.

"Sir, --" she began.

"I'm sorry!" Chris blurted out and looked up. "I-- I was asleep, and--" It wasn't his fault! It was his subconscious! Blame his subconscious!

"Yes, sir," she waved it off, as she visibly tried to avoid looking at his still-obvious bulge. "Just... just please clean yourself up. We'll do... something about this. Go use the restroom," she pointed to the back of the plane, "and take another seat when you come back; we'll be landing shortly. There are plenty of free seats."

Chris nodded, and managed to unbuckle himself and get up. Thankfully, most of him was still dry, any mess mostly confined to the top of his head, his mouth, his chest, and, of course, his cock.

The mouse was already out of her seat, avoiding eye contact and giving him a wide berth. He didn't even try to look at the doe or anyone else; he just tried to get to the bathroom as quickly as he could.

His cock was finally deflating, but it still managed to bob and bounce the whole way to the bathroom. It made sure to remind him of its existence with a wet slap in his chest with nearly every step he took.

By the time he got to the bathroom, it was mostly flaccid again. That was fortunate, since Chris' earlier thoughts about the cramped airplane bathroom proved to be correct; he wasn't sure how much he'd be able to move around in here if he was fully hard. He was having enough trouble as it was, as he tried to get his clothes off to prevent them from getting dirtier.

His ass and cock and even his balls kept colliding with the walls as he shifted around; he was sure he was smearing bits of jizz and pre on various parts of the stall, but he no longer cared. He triple-checked that he had locked the door, his mind horrifying him with images of himself knocking open the door and someone seeing him in an even more embarrassing state.

After wiping as much cum as he could out of his fur on his chest, face, and head, Chris looked down at his cock dejectedly. Even fully flaccid now, the scrunched-up thick length hung down against his leg reaching well over halfway to his knee. His balls weren't far behind, hanging low and larger than your average pair of apples. With a resigned sigh, he grabbed the head with one hand, and stretched it over his shoulder while he wiped off the drying cum with some toilet paper with his other hand. He tried to ignore all pangs of pleasure brought on by effectively grabbing and stroking his dick with the thin paper.

After he deemed his cleaning efforts good enough to go out in public again, Chris got his clothes back on, stuffed himself back into his pants, and got out of there. When he came out, another flight attendant was waiting for him. He immediately tried to apologize again, but she just smirked.

"Hey, stop apologizing. The show you just gave us could normally fetch quite a profit! You're not charging us, are you? Ha!" Chris just stared back in bewilderment. "Ha. Anyway, get seated; we do need to land soon." Chris turned and found a seat in the last row, which was thankfully empty.

At least the staff doesn't seem pissed at me. That's something... I guess, Chris thought. That wasn't much of a comfort, but at least he wouldn't have to deal with any more passengers staring at him.

After the plane landed, Chris glanced at his original seat while getting his luggage from the overhead bin. It looked like they had draped a blanket next to the seat, just to keep the results of his incident out of view. Part of him was morbidly curious to see what it looked like behind that blanket, but he ignored it. It was enough to smell it; he wasn't sure how on earth they were going to clean that up. He sheepishly made his way off the plane, trying to avoid interacting with anyone.

Once off the plane, Chris set his suitcase down and looked inside, contemplating changing clothes, or at least his torn shirt. He also glanced around the airport for any sign of the doe, but he wasn't sure if he actually wanted to see her or not. She was cute and hot as hell, of course, but after that incident, how could he look her in the eye? What would he even say?

It was a moot point anyway, since he didn't see her anywhere. At least that meant he could just put this all behind him, and never have to think about it again. Right?

Chris noticed a piece of paper in his suitcase that he didn't remember putting in there. He pulled it out and looked at it:

Call me. (503) 555-0147 - Dee <3

Or not. Fuck.