Foot Fetish Stream Story 4: Fuzzy Foot-Folded Footrest

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, well. David comes back again for yet another appearance, showing another facet of the transformative powers that followers of Rannoi and Mirari can get.

Fuzzy Foot-Folded Footrest for Sunkit by Draconicon

Getting used to speaking through signs alone was one of the more difficult things about his new body. The other thing, it turned out, was getting used to his giant, floppy feet.

Adam still thought of himself more as, well, Adam, than what his body looked like. Sure, he looked, sounded, and 'talked' like Wile E. Coyote, but he had the mind of the human that had entered the Park. He still thought like himself, though...

His hand came up on its own as he walked by a large-shelled koopa and a small otter fucking. The sign popped out of nowhere as it always did, and he knew what was written on it without looking.

Not bad, guys, not bad. Trying out some new positions?

The casualness towards sex was new too. Back home, he hadn't even been interested in men. Women either, for that matter. He'd just dealt with his hand from time to time, and ignored it the rest of the day. Now, he couldn't get enough of it. Literally, could not get enough of it. If he ignored those urgings for too long, he could lose his mind and go on a frenzy until he caught up.

His sign didn't get the attention of either of his friends, so he whacked the koopa over the back with it. Then he did it again, when the first one didn't get through, cracking the sign stick across the middle.

The koopa grunted, finally stopping and turning around.

"Oh, hey Adam. Didn't see you there."

I noticed. The second sign was discarded as a third one popped up. You guys looked busy. Mind if I borrow David for a while?

"Do you gotta? I'm really close."

The koopa nodded down towards where he and the otter were connected. Adam didn't know Bailey all that well, at least as a sexual partner, but the koopa definitely looked pretty pent up. The veins running down his cock were throbbing hard, and there was a lot of clear goop running out of the babbling otter's rump.


I'm sure that there's a lot of guys that'd love to take that in the Park. Besides, Rannoi wanted me to talk to David.

The name was as magical as the individual, though Bailey was still annoyed as he pulled out. Leaving the otter gaping, the big koopa started walking off towards the far reaches of the Park. Probably to find a tight little ferret, Adam would wager, but he didn't make a comment. He was getting better at not having individual thoughts come up as that.

He waited for the otter to come around, which took a little bit longer than he expected. David and Bailey must have been really going at it, and more than usual. He'd seen the otter take cocks from dragons and elephants and still get up and ask for more.

Must be something special between you and that Bowser copy.

"Heh...there is..."

He realized he was holding a sign again. Glaring at his raised hand, Adam reared back and threw it as far as he could. It cracked on a metal beam of one of the roller coasters, and he shook his head. There were probably piles of the broken signs all over the place, considering how many of them he had to use.

By the time he turned back to the otter, David was on his feet again, though definitely shaky. The coyote reached out and steadied him.

"It's okay, Adam. So, what did you want?"

Rannoi told me that he wants to start branching out. He wants all of us to have a little power.

"Oh really? I guess that makes sense. The Park does need as many guys like us as it can get."

You're not jealous?

"Why would I be?"

Well, you were kind of his first.

"Nah, that was Mirari. She's been around long before any of us. So, some people coming after me isn't a bad thing."

Adam nodded, glad of that much at least. As he cleared away the signs so that they didn't become a pile at their feet, the coyote wondered if the rest of this would go as well.

"So, what kind of thing did he give you? Magic like me, or -"

Magic feet.

"...Okay, I guess I'm reading that right, but I can't really understand it."

I, uh, was told that I can shape and transform things with my feet. Adam lifted up one of his long, furry feet. It seemed utterly silly to expect them to do anything, but that's what the dragon had told him.

David, on the other hand, seemed pretty darn excited by the idea. The otter grabbed him by the ankle, and was so fast about it that Adam almost fell over. Only a sudden sign appearing in his hand - shouting WHOA! - gave him the leverage he needed to not go toppling over. The otter blushed as Adam pushed himself back up, but didn't let go.

"Sorry, but, uh...could you do it?"

Do - you mean on you? Two signs, one in each hand, right after each other. He looked at them and groaned. That got annoying real fast.

"Of course! You know how much I like feet."

You know, you never would have said that if you were human.

"I never would have done this when I was human either."

The otter smirked as he licked the coyote's foot. Adam suppressed a small shiver at the lick; ever since the trip up the tower to talk to Rannoi, his feet had been much more sensitive. Probably some sort of side effect of the abilities.

Still, now that he knew that David wanted him to do it...and he had been contemplating more useful transformations...

Lay down for me?

As the otter laid down, Adam pressed his foot down on a bit of the cobblestone around the tower. As he lifted his foot back up, the ground glowed and followed it, until it was at a level for a seat. He sat down, and then pressed his feet onto the otter's stomach.

Okay...let's see if I can do this.

Leaning on the latest sign like a club, the coyote started rubbing his feet back and forth. He could see a slight glow between his toes, telling him that the magic was working, but he wasn't sure how to use it. All he felt was this ability, this capability, but the dragon hadn't told him how to put it to use. Maybe he should just push -

"Oooooh boy."

He stopped as he realized he was flattening the otter's stomach. He stared at the perfectly flat spot he'd made on his friend's belly button, and then looked at his foot again. There seemed to be no difference, other than that glowing bit.

"Uh, Adam? What are you doing?"

Getting an idea. Push yourself up, belly towards the sky, and still on all fours.

As the otter got into position, Adam got back to stroking his friend's belly with his feet. As long as he paid attention to the pressure, the flattening effect wasn't hard to keep track of. He smoothed out his friend's stomach, making sure that it was one hundred percent flat, before moving on. He wanted to make sure anything could be set on it without falling, and it honestly looked as smooth as glass.

He moved his feet to the otter's head next. Pushing on that muzzle, he forced it to sink in, depressing it until his friend looked like more of a photo of an otter than an actual otter. He could see David's mouth moving, but it didn't let out any sound. Just like real furniture, he was completely quiet.

With that in mind, he stroked his feet up the otter's head, and then started pushing down on the top of it. In short order, the pressure pushed David's head into the rectangular block that his chest and belly had become, joining it and facing outwards like a drawer design rather than a person.

This is...pretty cool.

He laid the sign on top of the David-table, dragging his feet over the otter's arms and legs. The lightest bit of pressure seemed to shimmer-harden the flesh instead of actually flattening it, so he did his best to keep it from getting too blocky. The arm and leg effect was pretty cool, and kept the bit of furniture from looking like a tacky imitation of magic furniture. He definitely preferred it this way, and he was pretty sure Rannoi would think the same.

Leaving the arms polished and solid, he moved the 'table' so that he could work on the legs, buttocks, and hips. The first thing he had to do was deal with the otter's erection. A simple foot push would take care of that.

Adam would have laughed if he could as he felt the pre oozing out on his foot, but all he could do was drop a number of signs all at once, reading Ha! on each one. He'd known that David had a foot fetish, but he never imagined it was this strong, or that his friend would like being turned into furniture.

Even when the otter's erection was incorporated into the visual design of the table, it still seemed to drip. He shifted it around, pushing it down and under the table rather than at the side, and instead pushed the otter's ass into the place where the other drawer would be. A little tap with one of his toes confirmed that it was still 'functional' for fun purposes, though how well it'd do for that was up for debate.

A little rub down the otter's legs, and they were as hard and solid as the otter's arms. His friend had become a table.

But that didn't seem quite enough. Thinking about it, Adam put his feet on the top of it again. His toes glowed bright yellow, and instead of flattening, he pushed down with the intent of shrinking the arms and legs.

It sort of worked, in that the legs and arms got shorter. But it was because they were pulled into the table proper rather than because they proportionally grew smaller. He kept pushing until the top of the otter-table was on level with his feet, almost like a foot rest. No, exactly like a foot rest.

Adam leaned back, smiling to himself as he rubbed his feet over his friend a bit more, this time without magic. He could almost feel the otter table begging for some sort of respite, some sort of release, but he didn't listen.

I need a little break, David. Don't worry, you're not going to stay like this. I'm just gonna lean back and relax until sunset, then I'll change you back.

Holding the sign in front of the face drawer, Adam kicked back to relax. It was only noon, and he had a lot of time to just enjoy the sun.

The End

Foot Fetish Stream Story 5: A Shared Fetish

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