Stress Leave 5 - Past and Present

Story by Jonathon Ford on SoFurry

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The following story may contain acts of yiffery between characters of different species and the same and opposite sex's. If this is not legal in your area, please don't get caught. And if such things aren't to your liking, well don't finish the story. As always the characters are copyrighted by me, so please ask me if you wish to use any of them. Comments are always welcome: [email protected]

Stress Leave 5 - Past and Present

©Jonathon "CJ" Ford

Once they arrived at Travis' Jeep, he opened the back of the car. John hefted his and Linda's bags into the back, before bringing the door down and closing it firmly. John took special care to make sure he headed for the passenger side of the car, just so as not to give Travis anything else to giggle about.

Travis started the engine and backed out of the space on the multi level car park. As they started down to the exit Travis got the conversation started. "So what was all this extra work that you took on to get the extra vacation time wuffie?" he asked, wanting to get some of the more mundane questions out of the way.

John lent back in the passenger seat of the Jeep, "Well about three and a half months ago the company put on nine new aircraft, and they didn't have enough flight crew to keep the new aircraft, plus the ones we already had in the air. So they rang some of the captains to see if they wanted to volunteer to do the extra flights as well as their current schedule. In return we got an extra four weeks leave and overtime pay for the extra flights."

"I knew I got into the wrong profession." Travis muttered as he paid the parking attendant at the exit.

John chuckled as they turned onto the freeway headed for Sacramento, "Trust me for all the benefits it has its drawbacks." He said looking into the back seat, smiling at Linda, who blushed under her white fur. "For one thing, in the last three months I've had dinner with Linda once. Most of the time I get home and she's sound asleep, looking like an angel in her dreams."

Travis shook his head as he watched the road, weaving around some of the slower moving cars with practiced ease. Linda lightly slapped John on the shoulder, blushing bright red, showing easily through her fur.

"And how are things with you and your mate?" Linda piped from the back seat.

"Oh he's doing well. He helps me out at the studio every now and then, along with his interior decorating work." Travis replied looking at Linda in the rearview. "As for everything else it's about the same as the last time wuffie here came to visit."

"Now where's this "wuffie" thing come from." Linda said looking at John, whose ears flushed bright pink.

"Oh that." Travis said, taking the opportunity to embarrass his friend a bit, "I started calling him that the first time we met face to face when I was in college. He surprised me by flying out from California to see me and a panther friend of ours. We had a lot On that trip."

John buried his face in his paws, "I can't believe you brought that up." He said through his paw pads.

Linda giggled in the back seat, "So you two..." Travis nodded his head and John groaned slightly.

"Oh come on wuffie, you enjoyed every minute of it, not to mention the last time you came over on one of those ferry flight trips. Remember the one that was delayed by two weeks."

John leaned back in the seat and gazed out the sunroof for a moment. "Yes I did actually, they where two of the best trips I ever had. That is, up until I met you sweetheart." John said reaching back and laying a paw on her knee.

The rest of the two hour drive was filled with the normal chit chat about this or that. Before long they were pulling into the drive of a rather spacious house. A sign hung next to the drive, "I didn't know you moved your studio to your house coyote."

"Yeah, when this place came on the market I figured I could convert part of the separate garage into my studio and workshop. So it just made sense to have it here."

John nodded as they pulled up in front of the entrance. Travis turned the ignition off and opened his door, sliding out of the driver's seat. John and Linda followed suit and emptied out of the car before helping lift the bags from the back. As they mounted the front steps a deep barking began to emanate from behind the door. Travis smiled and was just about to open the door when it was opened from the inside.

A tall jackal with a long prehensile tail stood in the doorway, a beaming smile on his muzzle. With the door open the barking was louder and a gray and white tail thrashed behind the jackal. John smiled as he set the bag he was carrying down. "It's good to see you again Tym." He said.

Tym was about to reply when he was nearly knocked over by a large husky charging basically through his legs to get at the visitors. "Hello there." John said as the dog circled him excitedly. John patted the thick, soft fur for a moment before the dog moved on to investigate Linda.

John took the break to throw his arms around the jackal. "You look well." He said.

Tym squeezed John once before letting him go, "It's been a long time CJ. You look like you've been keeping alright." He said.

"Well I have my wife Linda to thank for most of that." John said, "Linda this is Tym, he's Travis' mate. Tym this is my wife Linda."

Tym extended a paw to the tigress, but Linda just stepped forward and took him in to a big hug. She surprised him with her tight squeeze. "John's told me a lot about you." She said letting him go at last. "But you're much cuter then I imagined."

Tym blushed before looking at Travis, who was rubbing the husky's head as he sat quietly, tongue lolling. "And you are just as John described." Tym replied. "I can see why he loves you so much."

John's ears flushed bright pink under the brown fur as he knelt to rub the husky's soft furred neck. "You didn't tell me that you got a dog. But the fact that you got a husky doesn't surprise me one bit."

"Well let's not stand out here in the elements. Let's go inside and get you two settled in before dinner." Tym said waving a paw towards the open front door. John and Travis each hefted a bag and headed inside, Linda following closely behind them. "Travis and I made up the spare room for you two." Tym said as he closed the front door behind the waging tail of his husky pet. "Just set those heavy things down on the bed for now. I'll get a pot of coffee on." He added for leaving Travis to guide the couple to their room.

By the time that John, Travis, and Linda had finished getting things organized in the spare room Tym has the coffee poured and the four mugs arranged neatly on a tray, heading for the living room. They sat and talked a while around the coffee table, not getting much further then the basics before the front door opened again. The group turned to see who was there. A lion and a tiger strolled through the door. John stood from the couch where he was seated, a grin running from ear to pointed ear. "G'day there lads." He said.

The lion set his backpack down and took a few steps toward John, while John did the same. John threw his arms out wide giving the feline a tight hug, before doing the same to the slightly smaller tiger. "I haven't seen the two of you in ages. You look like you're keeping well though." He said, hugging them both at the same time.

A slightly softer voice chirped up from behind John, and he turned to find Linda standing behind him, "Aren't you going to introduce me to these nice looking felines." She said, folding her arms in front of her.

"Of course, sorry my dear." John started, "Linda I'd like you to meet Chris," he said pointing to the lion, "and his mate Will." He said pointing at the tiger. "Chris and Will this is my wife Linda."

Linda stepped around John and gave each of the two cats a big hug of her own before returning to John's side. "Won't the two of you join us for a coffee?" she said waving a white paw behind her.

"Sure we will." Will said, "Just give us a second to get rid of this gear and we'll be right back." He finished before giving Chris a bit of a shove to get him moving down the hall to their room. It didn't take long before they reappeared and settled into a pair of seats around the coffee table, mugs in paws. "I didn't think that you ever marry a feline John. I though you preferred canines." Will said.

"I never said that Will, I just said that you weren't my type." John added with a big grin.

Everyone had to giggle a bit at that comment. It wasn't long before Chris finished his coffee and looked at his watch. Giving Will a gentle nudge with his knee, "We have to get going, are we'll be late." He said softly.

Will glanced down at his watch and nodded his head, "Yes we must be going. It's nice to see you again John. How long are you going to be here for?"

"Oh, we'll be here in Sacramento for a week before heading off to other points in the state. So we'll catch up later." John said standing up to join the two felines, giving each one a hug before they left.

"It was nice to meet you as well Linda. We'll have to get to know you better before you leave." Chris said before he and Will headed for the front door.

After Chris and Will had left John, Linda, Tym and Travis started watching TV for a bit as they had a second cup of coffee. John and Linda sat on the couch, while Tym sat on the floor between Travis' knees. After the show that they were watching finished Travis looked at the clock on the wall. "We had better get going as well." He said, rubbing the back of Tym's head. "I made reservations for dinner at my old workplace. Tym and I need to get changed, and I assume that you'll want to get out of those clothes and into something a bit more comfy." He added with a smile. With that he shuffled forward in his seat, forcing Tym to get up as well.

John and Linda followed suit, John stretching his arms wide and yawning before taking Linda by the paw and heading off down the hall after his two friends. Arriving at their room Linda closed to door gently as John opened each of their suitcases that lay on the bed. John pulled off his shirt, folding it neatly so that it could worn again later, as he sifted through his suitcase for something suitable to wear he could hear the rustling of fabric behind him as Linda slid out of her shirt. Both shirtless, John turned to look at Linda, he could feel his wolfhood stiffening slightly as he looked at her, bare chested with the exception of her bra. Linda caught the look in his eye and the scent coming off him, she grinned and slid her pants down slowly, teasingly, dropping them to the floor before closing the short distance between them. She kissed him on the muzzle, their tongues intertwining in the void before she broke the kiss.

"There will be time for that," She said, rubbing a large, soft furred paw over the front of John's pants, "later. Now let's get dressed for dinner, because I'm hungry."

John smiled before turning back to the task of finding something to wear. "You're right as usual sweetheart." He said, finally settling on a shirt to wear.

Linda settled for a simple, yet lovely dress. John just went with slacks and a short sleeve shirt. And before too long they were ready to go out. By the time that they stepped back into the hallway, Travis and Tym were ready and waiting. The four furs pilled into Travis' Jeep before heading out on the fifteen or so minute drive to the restaurant that Travis had once called his workplace. Since he still knew most of the furs that worked there getting a table quickly wasn't difficult, even though he'd called ahead anyway.

Once they were all seated with their menus placed before them the waiter, a friendly young fox, asked if he could get them anything to drink for a start. Both Travis and Tym ordered a flavored iced tea, Linda ordered a diet coke, making a comment about needing to watch her figure, which drew a slightly muffled giggle from John, quickly silenced by an elbow in the ribs. John decided to have a root beer, which drew another giggle from Travis. "Still on that root beer thing John? I thought with all your traveling you wouldn't have any trouble getting it these days."

"No I don't have any trouble these days. In fact we have it on tap in the lunch room at work. But it's still my favorite." John replied.

With in a few minutes the drinks arrived and the four continued to look over the menu. When the fox waiter returned a few minutes later, Tym got things started, ordering a chicken fajita. Travis was next in line, electing to have a decadent filet. Linda ordered a rump steak, cooked medium-rare, and John settled on a big burger, also cooked medium-rare. The fox took down their orders on his notepad and hurried off to the kitchen to place them, his bushy white tipped tail sweeping gracefully behind him.

As they waited for their meals to come out the four sat and talked. "So what are your plans for the next couple weeks?" Tym asked, taking a sip from his tea.

"Well we were planning on staying around here for about a week." John said, taking a sip of his root beer before continuing. "Then after that we might head down to Monterey and play golf for a few days before we go over to Las Vegas to see some old friends of the family out there. And I was hoping to get out to see kitty if we can get his schedule to fit."

"So Panther hasn't met Linda yet?" Travis said curiously. "Boy is he going to be in for a shock." He added with a giggle.

"What makes you say that?" Linda queried.

"Well it just that the last time that John and I managed to get together with him was back when we were both in college. And John really didn't have any interest in having a relationship back then. So," Travis added with a grin, "have you told him much about Linda yet?"

"Well, yeah he knows that Linda and I are married, but he doesn't know much beyond that." He and Travis couldn't help but giggle at the reaction they knew there friend would have.

It wasn't but a few minutes later that their young fox waiter returned with a large tray. With a free paw he pulled a tray stand from its rack on a nearby wall, flipping it open and placing the tray gently atop it. "Ok then." He said pulling the first meal off the tray. The fox smoothly placed all the meals in their proper places, and bid the group a pleasant meal before pulling the tray holder shut and replaced it on the holder, his bushy tail flowing softly behind him as he turned to head off and oversee the other tables in his section.

"So what are you planning on doing down in Monterey?" Tym asked as he pilled fillings onto a warm flour tortilla.

"Well some of the best golf courses in the world are around there. So we figured we'd take in a round at Pebble and Spyglass before heading off." John replied before lifting a truly massive burger from his plate and sinking his teeth in.

So as they ate their meal Travis, Tym, John and Linda continued the chat that they had started back in the living room. They exchange views on just about everything that a fur could think of, and that was appropriate for a restaurant. They all took their time eating, since they really didn't have any other plans for the evening, and after a while they had all finished with their meals and were glancing over the dessert list. "Umm," John said after looking over the list of very tempting items, "I think I'll have a molten chocolate cake."

"You know." Travis said addressing Linda, "John is the only wolf I've ever met that could finish an entire meal here and then eat all of one of those things."

John just sat back in his seat with a big grin and Linda gave him a nudge on the arm, before smiling herself, knowing full well what his appetite was like. Nobody said much as they waited for their desserts to arrive, instead just leaning into their respective mates for a bit of an impromptu cuddle. A few minutes later the fox returned and placed the various confections before their owners, leaving the bill face down on the table as well. With dessert on the table the four dug in, John attacked his molten with a slow downward thrust of his spoon, getting the expected explosion of thick chocolate fudge from the center. Following the eruption he pushed the utensil quickly through the rest of the cake, tearing a chunk off the side. He had to move quickly to get the piece into his muzzle, before the melting ice cream feel from its precarious perch atop the cake. As John chewed the cake and ice cream he let out a deeply contented "ummm." Which drew a giggle from Linda and a "you silly wolf" look from Travis.

It didn't take all that long for the furs to make their way through dessert and soon both John and Travis were reaching for the check, but Travis' paw was just a bit faster then John's as he snatched the slip from where it lay. "Not on your life wuffie." He teased as he looked over the details.

"Fine then," John said, "But I'll get the tip. So spill, what's the damage?"

"Umm, just over eighty."

"Fair enough, so what do you think is fair, he did a good job, and he's a cute one as well." John said, giving Travis a sly grin.

"Yes he did, and he is a cute one." Travis admitted, grinning back, "I'd say above standard."

John nodded and shifted his weight to get at his wallet in his pants pocket. Opening his wallet he filed through the assorted contents. Finding that the smallest US money he had at the time was a twenty he pulled it out and laid it on the table. Travis took his credit card from his wallet and placed it atop the slip, leaving it at the edge of the table for the fox to pick up the next time he passed by, which he did in relatively short order, returning a few moments later for Travis to sign the receipt. With the bill all settled the foursome shuffled out of the booth and made their way back to Travis' Jeep.

The drive back to the house passed quickly and since, when they arrived home, the hour was all that late they decided to have one last coffee and chat before retiring for the evening.

Soon Tym had the coffee and cups sitting on the living room coffee table and was settling back into his usual spot on the floor, resting his head on one of his mate's knees. "So," Travis started, "John's been telling me that you have a very good method of stress relief."

Linda blushed, showing quite clearly through her white and black striped fur. "Oh he has, has he." She said giving John a nudge in the ribs.

John grinned and hugged Linda close to him, "It's one of the few things that keep me sane, coming home after a long day of hopping across the planet and having this beautiful creature waiting for me when I get home. As for her method of relieving stress, well it sure beats going to the gym and it's just as effective." He finished before giving Linda a peck on the cheek.

Both Travis and Tym couldn't help but giggle a bit at his comment.

"But he never tells me anything about what he got up to before I met him. So what exactly did you boys get up to back then?" Linda said. John and Travis couldn't help blushing.

John shuffled a bit in place on the couch. "Umm," he started, "Well let's see. Travis and I met back when he was still in college through a mutual friend, Panther, and one time when I was up from Australia with my family for Christmas I took four days and went out to see both him and Travis." John said, giving Travis a sideways glance. "Anyway Panther worked nights at that point in time so we ending up not seeing very much of him. Which was a real pity, but that's life. Anyway I stayed with Travis at his dorm room for the four days that I was there. It was interesting with the two of us in a single bed. I think I rolled over onto his tail about as many times as he did mine." That comment drew a giggle from Travis as he idly ran is paws through Tym's head fur. "What?" John said, grinning, "It's true in those four days you and I woke up yelping more then a few times."

"Yes, but that wasn't the only thing that got rolled on while you were in Wyoming." Travis replied, giggling softly.

John blushed beat red, his ears becoming a pair of crimson points atop his head. "What he hasn't told you Linda is what we got to in those four days."

"Yes, but I'm pretty sure she can guess what happened." John said flushing red again.

"I could probably guess what you got "up" to sweetheart, but I'd love for you to fill in a few of the details for me." Linda said quietly, giving John a bit of a squeeze.

"Well," Travis began, "Panther and I picked him up at the airport..." Travis went on to the details about what they did the rest of that day and some of the things that they got up to around the college campus, including John having to sneak back into the dorm one night to avoid the no visitors during finals week rule. Travis began to fill in the details of the evenings, with John commenting on the odd point or two. Seemingly every time that John's ears would begin to recover their normal hue Travis would bring up another point that set them right back to being fire red. John made use that when he did make his comments that they would have the same result on his coyolf friend. Though with Travis' white fur his embarrassment showed much more then his own. Linda knew enough of how John worked to sense whenever he flushed red and gave him a little cuddle each time, though the fact that she was giggling at the stories of what he'd gotten up to over the four days probably didn't help much. After finishing with the time that they had spent together at the college John brought up the times that he'd stayed over at Travis' old place in California, when he was doing ferry work to and from the states.

Linda had to pry a bit more to get some of the details about what happened on these subsequent visits, but eventually she managed to drag out of John and Travis some of the really interesting details. "So who normally topped?" She asked a big grin on her muzzle.

"Well I did most of the time," John said, "But every now and then we'd change around or Tym would join in. I still remember how sore I was the first time Tym tailed me." He added giving the Jackal a sly grin.

After discussing it a bit more Travis looked at his watch and yawned. "Well it's getting to be a bit on the late side. And I'm sure that you two are itching to get some rest. Besides, we can always pick this up again in the morning."

John and Linda both agreed. Getting up from the couch they made their way down the hall. Travis and Tym said their good nights to John and Linda at the door to their room, getting hugs and kisses from both before they disappeared behind the closing door.

John quickly shifted the two large suitcases from off the bed, setting them on the floor next to each other. After shifting them he looks back at Linda, who is already getting undressed. He can't help but pause and admire his lovely wife as she striped before him. As she slides her black dress down off her shoulders, revealing her firm, toned back, and the minimal straps for her bra. The dress continues to slide down, uncovering inch after inch of soft, well groomed fur as it made its way to the floor. As soon as Linda let it drop past her hips, showing off the black lace panties that she had on, John could feel his wolfhood begin to stiffen beneath his pants.

John quickly decided that if he did nothing, his growing erection would soon become uncomfortably trapped beneath his clothes. So he began to unbutton his shirt and pull it from being tucked neatly into his pants. Shedding the garment he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Linda was now watching him, as he assumed she knew he'd been watching her. John slowly unbuttoned his pants, unzipping them, before just as slowly sliding them down from his hips. Revealing the slight tenting caused by his maleness underneath the fabric of his boxers. As he let the pants fall to the floor before stepping out of them, he bent over to pick them up, folding them neatly for wearing again later.

With their clothes put away John stepped to Linda, pulling her to him and wrapping his arms around her back, locking his muzzle to hers in a passionate kiss. As they held each other and their tongues danced in the combined space of both their muzzles, the fabric of Linda's bra rubbed against his bare chest fur, not that he didn't enjoy the feeling, but he enjoyed the feel of her warm furred breasts even more. He moved his paws ever so slowly up Linda's back until they found the clasp that held her bra in place. With a quick flick of his right paw the catch unclipped and the material hug loose from her shoulders. Linda felt the sudden release of pressure on her breasts and shuffled her shoulders slightly without breaking the kiss, to let the bra fall between there pressed together bodies. With the sudden rise in body heat contact John's member grew stiffer, now pressing into Linda's fur though the thin fabric of his boxers against the inside of her thigh.

John broke the kiss at long last, taking a deep breath before shifting around Linda and turning the covers on the bed down. Both of them sliding into bed under the covers, and getting comfortable before resuming their cuddling. John let his free paw rove over her chest, finding at first one nipple and then the other. Paying both attention until they were hard as to pebbles attached to Linda's chest. Linda's pleasure at the attention he was giving her was evident in the constant rumbling purr that resonated from deep within her chest. Linda's paws ranged over John's chest, her fingers and claw tips coursing through his brown fur. From where she was laying she couldn't quite reach down to find her way beneath her loves boxers. But even with that point aside her nimble paws were doing a good job of keeping him excited, his wolfhood continuing to tent his boxers beneath the covers. John moved in closer to his wife, nuzzling his muzzle under hers. As they cuddled and nuzzled each other John's lupine ears swiveled slightly.

Through the wall John could hear the muffled groans of his coyolf friend, and judging by their frequency and rhythm, Tym was topping Travis, and doing a rather good job of things from the sounds. John could imagine the scene in the next room. Travis laid out flat on his back with his foot paws over Tym's shoulders, moaning as Tym slowly and steadily thrust his long, thick, jackal meat into Travis' tight tailhole. It wouldn't take very long before he would hear a barely muffled squeal from Travis as Tym thrust his knot into his waiting insides, follow shortly after by a pair of almost uniform low moans as both of canines climaxed together.

John grinned slightly as he lightly nibbled the edge of one of Linda's large rounded ears. "I don't think they should be the only ones to have some fun tonight." He whispered softly into her ear. Linda quickly shifted how she was lying and gave John a kiss on the nose, a slight shuffling from under the covers followed as she shed her lace panties, waiting for her love to get things started. John shuffled around a bit as well, as he deftly removed his boxers, kicking them down under the covers to be retrieved in the morning. With their few items of restraining clothes removed John shifted positions again, moving down just low enough to rub his paws over the short, soft fur of her, up until now, only slightly moist sex.

John let one of his paws roam over Linda's chest, playing with her already hard nipples, while his other gently rubbed around her sensitive clit. He was careful not to rub directly over the sensitive area. He had other plans for that. John shuffled under the covers, his paws never leaving Linda's body. As his head disappeared beneath the covers, his paw vanished from Linda's breasts. His muzzle quickly replaced it however, drawing a gasp from above him. Linda's paws darted below the covers, wrapping around John's pointed ears and running through his headfur. Slowly John suckled on her left breast, ensuring that it was rock hard before kissing his way across the short space between them. Right at the center he stopped for a few moments and buried his muzzle between her ample breasts, getting a heavy gasp from Linda as her paws flexed and grabbed at his headfur. It actually took a bit of effort for him to move his head and muzzle over. John used his strong lupine tongue and traced his way around his loves other breast, slowly working his way toward her nipple, as he got closer, Linda's breathing became shallower and more rapid. John took her nipple into his muzzle, suckling it like a month old pup. He traced his tongue around and over the sensitive flesh, giving little nips with his teeth. Finally satisfied with his work he lifted his muzzled from her breast and began kissing and nuzzling his way down Linda's firm tummy.

Finally he reached Linda's belly button. He paused for a moment, kissing all the way around it before giving it a quick lick with his tongue, which drew a barely stifled squeal from his love. He moved still lower, until his head hovered near the end of Linda's reach and his muzzle just above her moist and almost dripping snatch. Each breath he took alternated in moving first cool then warm, moist air over Linda's most sensitive area. The effect on her was instant as her back spasmed in pleasure and anticipation of what he was going to do next. John decided to oblige her craving, extending his strong, yet sensitive tongue to stroke and lap the edges of her sex. He worked his way towards her waiting pussy lips slowly, wanting to draw out the pleasure he knew Linda was getting from this. His own wolfhood was hard and pulsing, leaking pre and just waiting to be used, but he held back, it wasn't yet time for that. Linda worked her paws hungrily though the fur on the back of his head, every now and then taking hold of one of his ears and giving it a playful tug. She knew he liked it and each time she did he gave a slow drawn out lick in response. John could hear Linda's breathing change again, now coming in short gasps as he continued his assault on her crotch. He knew she was close and he took the opportunity, licking straight across her pussy lips before plunging his tongue as deep as he could manage into her loving passage. That was all it took to push Linda over the edge. Her back arched from the bed and her paws gripped the back of John's head tightly as electric shocks of pleasure coursed along her nerves and through every fiber of her being. Her warm juices flowing out over John's tongue and into his waiting muzzle. He lapped them up greedily, as if it was last water on earth.

Pre was practically flowing from the tip of John's hard shaft as he inched his way back up his panting lover's chest. He could both feel and hear the booming purr rising from her chest as he passed over it, his head emerging from the covers to be muzzle to muzzle with her. She took his muzzle with hers in a deep kiss. She could feel his leaking tip rubbing wetly against the inside of her thigh. Breaking the kiss she whispered in his ear. John kissed her cheek before adjusting his balance and lining up his cock with her waiting pussy. Slowly he eased his way forward, pausing as he felt the tip of his wolf meat slide past his wife's entrance. Inch by inch he sank his meat into her as she groaned softly into his ear. Finally he hilted his pick in her pussy, holding it there for a moment before withdrawing just as slowly. John left only the head of his cock embedded in her cunt before slowly feeding the rest of it back in. Soon John had a steady rhythm set up as he pistoned his shaft in and out of her still wet passage, his pre adding to the lubrication. Soon both were panting again and John could feel his knot beginning to form just outside his sheath. Picking up the pace a notch he hammered his wolfhood in and out of her hole, his still forming knot slipping in and out, adding to the pleasure that both were experiencing. Linda pawed at the sheets below her as john played once again with her nipples. Finally John gave a hard and deep thrust, pushing his quickly swelling knot into her pussy, joining them together in blissful pleasure. The added fullness of John's knot in her pussy was enough to send Linda over the edge once more, every muscle in her body contacting at nearly the same instant. The added pressure on the back of his knot and shaft drove john over the edge as well. His back stiffened and he barely managed to contain a howl of delight as he loosed his hot wolf seed deep within Linda's pussy, letting it mix with her own flowing juices.

John collapsed onto Linda as the last strength in his arms left him. Still tied to one another they rolled onto their sides to get more comfortable. Both were thoroughly exhausted from their lovemaking and it didn't take long for the beginnings of sleep to overtake them, both looking into the loving eyes of the other. They kissed one last time. "I love you more then anything in the word sweetheart." John whispered to his wife. Linda, too tired to form any form of meaningful sentence, simply kissed him on the nose and nuzzled her head into the nape of his neck and shoulder, purring softly as she drifted to sleep. John wasn't far behind, closing his eyes and letting the soft, steady rumble of Linda's purr carry him into his dreams.

At some point late in the night John's knot had gone down enough to slip from Linda's tight cunt. Linda shifted slightly at the disappearance of her lover's cock, but she didn't wake. The window in their room faced primarily east, but slightly south as well. And as the first rays of sun filtered through the trees outside, falling slowly onto John's face, he realized that he'd forgotten to close the curtains before going to bed. It was an act that he was lamenting at this point, being pretty much unable to sleep with the sun falling so squarely on his head. He groaned softly and shifted his head in order to try and block out the light. But finding that he can't shield himself enough to allow a return to his dreams he shuffled slightly, sliding his way out from under one of Linda's arms, which she'd draped across him during the night. As john quietly left the bed he looked down at his slumbering wife. She always looked so peaceful when she was sleeping.

John slipped into the adjoining bathroom. He turned on the shower, letting it come up to a comfortable temperature while he relieved himself. Steam was drifting from behind the shower curtain before he pulled it back and stuck his paw into the cascade of water, checking the temperature. Finding it pretty much perfect, he held the curtain aside and hopped in, letting the water soak through his fur. It felt good as he laid his ears back and stuck his head fully under the streaming water. After he'd let the water soak through his fur for a minute or two he grabbed a bottle of fur shampoo and worked some through his fur, letting it sit for a moment before rinsing it from his thick coat. Once he finally had the last of the lather out of his fur he turned off the water and ran his paws over his arms, chest, and legs, ringing the majority of the remaining water from his fur. Once he was pretty much down to just damp, John stepped out of the shower and pulled a towel from the rack on the wall and finished drying himself off. He hung the towel back on the rack to let it dry out and set about brushing out his fur, before it became a hopeless tangle. It took about fifteen minutes, but he finally got everything just right. John laid the brush back on the counter before slowly opening the door and looking in on Linda. He lent on the door and watched her sleep for a moment. John stalked across the carpeted floor of the bedroom and out into the hallway.

John made his way to the kitchen to make himself a morning cup of coffee. Much to his surprise, John found Travis standing around in the kitchen, hot cup of coffee in paw. John grinned as he looked over his friend, clad only in his briefs. His white fur seeming glossy and even. The white slowly fading to blue of ever increasing darkness as it ran down from just below his elbows and knees, finally turning to jet black at this paws and feet. When John's eyes finally made it to the smiling face, Travis' eyes, one red the other blue, looked at him quizzically, as if to say "has it been that long since you've seen me in my underwear?" John broke the silence, "So what are you doing up so early?" he asked as he brushed past the Coyolf, giving his tail a playful tug as he passed.

Travis jumped slightly at the tug, letting out a choked soft yelp, nearly spilling his coffee down the front of his chest, but managing to restrain the liquid to within the mug. "Tym left for work early this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep. So here I am." He said shrugging his shoulders as he took another sip of his coffee. "What's your excuse? I thought you were on vacation?" he teased.

"You know how I am about not being able to sleep when the sun is shining right on me." John replied, pulling a mug from the cupboard and pouring himself a coffee as well. "I forgot to close the curtains last night and the morning sun coming through those trees woke me up."

"Well from what I heard last night you had a few other things on your mind, among other parts of your body then closing the curtains for a sleep-in." Travis said giving John an incredulous grin.

"You heard all of that last night? We were trying to be a bit quiet about it, though I did hear you and Tym as well." John replied, grinning as well.

"Well there's no need to worry about being overheard in this house." Travis commented, "You're just as likely to inspire someone else to get started as anything."

John choked back a giggle, spluttering into his coffee for a moment, trying not to give away just how close to the actual mark Travis was with that one. "Still it reminds me a bit of your old place here in California."

Travis just nodded his head in agreement. "So anything new on that front for you?" he asked.

John gave him a sly smile, "Well about four months ago Linda and I had one of our friends over for dinner. He's one of the chaps that I work with, a rabbit named Neil, really nice guy. Anyway he'd been a bit hard up in that department for a while so Linda and I invited him over and the three of us had a very "fun" evening together in our lounge room."

"I see," Travis said sipping his coffee slowly, "So what all happened?"

"Well first we both went to work on Linda's nipples before he took her and she sucked me off. Then we swapped places. It was a really satisfying evening."

"So you didn't let him have any fun with you then, and you didn't have any with him?" Travis asked, almost seeming a touch disappointed.

John nearly choked mid swallow and giggled slightly after downing the muzzeful of coffee. "No I didn't." he said shuffling a half step back. "In fact I haven't had another male suck me off since the last time I was here on a ferry flight and you did the honors. And I haven't taken another male since...Oh I forget when, but it's been a long time." John stepped forward and placed his coffee mug on the counter behind Travis, pressing against him slightly. Leaning in he gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before whispering in Travis' ear, "I haven't because you were the only one that could ever come close to how well Linda does it."

As John pressed against him Travis could feel his slightly swollen sheath against his thigh through the material of John's sweatpants. Travis shifted his weight slightly to press John's member a bit more firmly into his thigh. John just smiled as his friend rubbed his cock against his thigh. After a few strokes Travis placed his mug on the counter behind him and traced a free paw down to John's crotch. He softly rubbed his paw over John's slightly swollen sheath. Feeling it fill out a bit further Travis murred at the feeling. "Now this is something that I would like to get reacquainted with." He said, grinning with half closed eyes.

"Well there's no time like the present." John said with a sly smile, as he pulled the tie cord on his sweatpants, letting them hang loosely around his waist.

"Are you sure that Linda would be ok with this?" Travis asked, a bit hesitant about what she would think.

John just nodded and lent back on the counter for a bit of support and to give Travis a bit better access. Travis smiled and eagerly slid down the elastic waistband of John's sweatpants, slipping them down far enough to free his wolfhood from their grasp. Travis pressed his palm against John's sheath through the thin material of his boxers before sliding his paw in through the opening in the front of the undergarment. A shiver ran up and down John's spine as his coyolf friend fondled and coaxed his meat through the opening and out into the open air, the pink tip of John's wolfhood poking from its furred home. Travis sank down onto his knees, bringing his muzzle directly in front the wolf's shaft. He inhaled deeply, drinking in the musky, male scent before licking his lips. He inched his muzzle closer to the pink tip, each breath casting warm, moist air over the sensitive flesh. John was forced to put his paws on the edge of the counter to support his weight as his friend teased him, his knees threatening to buckle at any moment. Slowly Travis extended his tongue toward the moist, glistening tip of John's prick. Gently he licked the tip, swirling his tongue around and over the member. John's arms strained to hold him upright for that moment, as his knees and legs quivered from the pleasurable shocks that rose up from deep within him, traveling the length of his spine and right to the tip of his tail.

Travis continued to lightly lick the tip of John's wolfhood while one paw caressed the two orbs that hung suspended in John's furred sac. It didn't take long for his attentions to return a result, as inch after inch of John's shaft slid from its furry home. Each time Travis descended the pink wolf shaft he found more of it waiting to be taken into his muzzle, and he was only too happy to do so. After what seemed like an eternity for both of them, which was in fact only just over a minute, John's knot was beginning to form in his sheath, just the slightest bulge giving away it's presents. John murrs as his shaft is suckled and stroked by Travis' talented muzzle and strong, flexible tongue. As Travis bobbed his head along John's cock, one paw played gently with his sac. Using his free paw Travis gently pulled back the sheath from John's forming knot. The sudden increase followed by the equally sudden release of pressure on his knot again threatened to bring him crashing down on top of his friend, but again his arms manage to stave off a disaster as he gasps for breath. He'd forgotten just how good at this Travis was.

As Travis continued his assault on John's now pulsing wolfhood, he knew that John couldn't hold out much longer. John knew it too and if it weren't for the fact that the countertop was solid granite his claws would be leaving some rather deep impressions due to the pleasure caused death grip he was holding on it. Travis was so focused on what he was doing, giving his old friend as much pleasure as he possibly could that he failed to notice that Linda had finally decided to wakeup and had managed to sneak down the hall towards the kitchen, spurred on by the gasps and soft moans that emanated from John. Now she sat silently leaning up against the end of the hallway wall, watching the scene play out before her, with grin from ear to fluffy ear.

Travis, wanting to pull John over the edge, descended the length of his shaft, taking his swelling knot into his muzzle. He sucked hard at the wolf meat in his maw, wrapping his tongue around the tip and giving it a gentle squeeze. That was all it took for John, letting out a low moans and trying all the harder to dig his claws into the counter top as he released a torrent of wolf seed into Travis' waiting muzzle. Travis, being rather practiced at it, kept up with the flow easily.

Just as Travis was about to release john's spent and cleaned cock from his muzzle, Linda decided it was time to make herself known. "Letting him have dessert before breakfast hun?" she said in a firm condescending tone. The shock of the fact that she was actually there and the tone in her voice nearly had Travis leaping off John's wolfhood. He fell backward into the corner of the kitchen bench, his tail tucked firmly beneath him. He couldn't tell which had frightened him more, the fact the she'd witnessed the act, or her sheer presents at the way she spoke.

"And you should be ashamed of yourself John." She continued, the same tone in her voice causing John to lower his ears, "Letting him have you before he's had a chance to have a good meal first." She finished with a giggle, her tone returning to its normal good natured self.

Both looked down at the stunned coyolf sitting on the floor trying to process exactly what had gone on in the last ten seconds. John giggled and extended a paw to help his friend off the floor. Travis took the offered help, getting to his feet before looking at the pair of them in turn. "So you're not upset about this whole thing then?" he asked tentatively.

Linda just shook her feline head and John giggled a paw over his muzzle in a failed attempt to stifle himself. "Like I said mate. Linda and I talked it over last night, she couldn't believe that I'd ever let another male suck me off before. And she wanted to see first hand if what I'd told her about you was true. And I don't mind saying that I'd forgotten just how good at sucking cock you actually are. Though the whole "scare the daylights out of you" thing was impromptu." John said, giving Travis a kiss on the muzzle. John did feel a bit guilty about it, but he'd been too wrapped up in his friends tongue to do anything about it even if he'd wanted to.

It took Travis a moment to recover his composure properly, but when he finally did he tackled John onto the carpet of the nearby living room and began to tickle him furiously. "You bloody wolf. I'll get you back for that I swear." He said as John rolled around underneath him laughing hysterically. After a few minutes John managed to dislodge Travis from overtop of him and crawl a few feet to relative safety, panting very heavily.

"Actually," Linda interjected, getting the attention of both canines, "what I said was that I wouldn't mind seeing you get sucked off by Travis if I could get in on the action as well." She finished. At which point she undid the tie that was holding her robe closed and let it fall from her shoulders to the floor, landing if only a soft thump of folding cloth. Travis' muzzle dropped open and John grinned widely. Linda it seemed wasn't wearing anything underneath that robe and now she stood before them both completely nude, her firm breasts sticking out proudly from her chest. She moved over into the living room to join the two canines on the floor. "Now let me show you how I do things." She said softly as she gently pushed Travis' shoulders to the floor, laying him flat on his back.

Despite himself Travis found the pink tip of his maleness peaking out from its protective home as he looked at Linda's soft and glossy belly fur. His eyes running down the curves of her body until they came to rest on the short fur surrounding her sex. Linda took full advantage of this as she bent over his private area, her feline muzzle hovering just above his exposed cock tip. Linda ran her rough tongue over his sac and the underbelly of his sheath. The sudden shock of the minute barbs on her tongue tugging at his soft flesh had his back arched from the floor in ecstasy. It didn't take long under Linda's tongue and muzzle before Travis' maleness is at full attention. Linda traced a claw tip over the base of his member and around the rim of his sac before slowly engulfing his member completely in one go, its tip brushing against the back of her throat. Travis' paws continually grip and release the carpet beneath him as Linda sets up a steady rhythm sucking on his maleness.

John, not wanting to miss out on any of the action, shuffled around behind his wife. Gently he spread her cheeks apart and buried his muzzle in her waiting, and slightly moist sex. His tongue lapped hungrily over the folds of her pussy, sliding in just a bit further on very pass until he was just sliding his strong canine tongue in and out of her sex.

The added pleasure of John's tongue licking her sex caused Linda to moan around Travis' member. The vibration sending shivers up the coyolf's spine, as he gasped for breath and his paws clenched the carpet beneath him. Even as John assaulted her intimate areas her rhythm never faltered. Slowly and steadily she sucked and at the tip of the cock in her muzzle as her head bobbed along its length. Linda whimpered slightly as she felt John's muzzle disappear from her wet pussy just as she was about to reach her peak. Her whimper turned into a moan of delight as she felt the tip of John's hard wolfhood part her tight pussy lips. Linda redoubled her efforts as she worked Travis' hard meat in her muzzle. Her purring was rumbling through his maleness, growing and fading in intensity with every dip and rise of Linda's head. It this rate he wouldn't be able to hold on to much longer.

John set up a steady rhythm, thrusting his hard shaft into Linda's wet sex, keeping in time with her suckling of Travis' cock. Travis' breaths were beginning to come in short gasps as he neared his peak. His knot growing steadily as he built towards release. Linda wrapped her tongue fully around the prick in her maw and slid all the way down until her large, wet, feline nose was firmly planted in the coyolf's crotch. Locking her lips around behind his knot she sucked her hardest, while her tongue gently caressed the sensitive underbelly of his maleness. It was more then Travis could take as shockwaves of pleasure shot through him. His back arched from the floor and his grip on the carpet that he lay on threatened to tear the material to shreds. He let out a long, low moan of pleasure as he released his seed into the warm confines of that, still sucking, waiting muzzle. Linda swallowed the load that was offered to her without much trouble, having dealt with bigger before. But the taste was something else entirely. The texture was similar to John's but the taste was a bit sweeter, and she liked it. Linda lapped Travis' member clean as best she could with it still incased in her muzzle. Then she did a proper job of it as se let inch after inch slip from her, until finally she finally gave its tip one last lick.

Travis collapsed, a mess of sweaty white fur, gasping for air as he slowly began to come down from the heights that Linda had taken him to. It had been a very long time since a fem had sucked him off, and it had been nothing like what he'd just experienced. When his vision finally began to clear, he surveyed the scene before him. Linda on all fours, seemingly unmoved from the position from which she'd worked him over, as his old friend, and Linda's lover, continued to thrust into her. The sight of John's bare fur enough to get him started on the pat to being hard again. Rolling over he crawled behind the pair, making his way behind John. John had his tail off to one side giving him a clear view of the pink tailhole that lay beneath. John had had his muzzle pointed to the ceiling and so he hadn't noticed Travis moving around. The first sign that he had that something had changed was when he felt Travis press a moist, slick digit against his tight pucker. John tensed slightly, faltering for a moment in mid-thrust, before relaxing his tail hole and allowing the finger to enter. Slowly Travis worked his finger in and out of the tailhole before him, loosening it up in time with John's own thrusts.

By this point Travis' member was once again hard and dripping pre. He withdrew his finger from John's tailhole and pressed the tip of his maleness against the waiting hole. Each time John would pull back from his thrusts into Linda in front of him Travis would shuffle a little closer and let John further impale himself on his mates throbbing cock. Both canines were already worked up, John from the long yiffing that he'd been giving Linda, and Travis from the blowjob that Linda had just given him. As John worked up his pace, thrusting ever faster and harder into his wife's tight cunt, Travis found that he really didn't have to do anything but sit back and enjoy the tightness of John's rear passage as it gripped his member.

It had been a long time since he'd had a hard cock stuffed in his ass, and the full feeling of it drove him higher then he'd managed to reach on his own for a very long while. John could feel his knot beginning to swell as he pumped it in and out of Linda's pussy. It wouldn't be long before he'd be able to lock them together in pleasure. At the same time he could feel Travis' growing knot slipping in and out of his on tailhole. He knew that once he tied with Linda and Travis with him that it would be the largest orgasm of his life to the current point.

John was pumping in and out of Linda's tight sex with abandon, before he pulled back, leaving only the tip of his wolfhood buried inside and thrust forward as deep and hard as he could muster. Locking his knot in his tight love passage, could feel her inner muscles contract behind it, squeezing it gently. And Travis felling the sudden lunge forward follow suit, locking his slightly smaller knot inside the blissfully tight tailhole, all three climaxing at nearly the same instant. The added pressure of Travis' seed flooding into his bowels pumped John's own seed further into Linda, mixing with her own juices as they flowed over and around John's pulsing shaft.

Exhausted the trio collapsed onto one another and onto the floor, all locked together in the blissful calm of afterglow. All three had expended so much energy that they quickly fell asleep, waking about an hour later as John and Travis' respective knots had gone down enough to allow them to slip from the holes they were buried in. John turned onto his side a bit, one paw fondling one of his wife's' firm breasts and the other running through the fur between Travis' ears. "I think we could all use a shower." he whispered softly.

Both Travis and Linda giggled at the comment, mostly because it was certainly true, but also because they all knew that getting clean in the shower could take a lot longer with someone you love then when you shower alone. And with a shower that was big enough to accommodate all three of them at once, there probably wasn't a hot water heater in the world that could withstand the length of time that a shower like that would take. As much as they would have liked to put that theory to the test, they were all just too worn out to do much but help each other get washed up.

Once they were all clean and dry the trio curled up on the couch with coffee and watched some TV. Linda purred contentedly the whole time, her chest rumbling against both canines. "It's funny you know," John said as he lightly nibbled Linda's ear, "how the past and the present meet to form something truly remarkable."

"You couldn't be more right." Both Travis and Linda agreed before the show that they were watching returned from a commercial.

It was later in the day when Tym opened the front door and Travis bounded off the couch to greet him. As they hugged and walked back into the living room paw in paw Tym asked, "So what did I miss while I was at work this morning?"

Travis just grinned from ear to ear and both John and Linda giggled shyly. Tym looked from one face to the next and back again before shaking his head. "Honestly," he said, "I miss out on all the best fun in this house."

Everyone had to laugh at that one. And for that rest of the day the four just sat around and cuddled on the couch.

The next day both Will and Chris returned from wherever it was that they had gotten off to and John and Linda spent the rest of the week just generally catching up with old friends, making a few new ones in the process. They did all the touristy things that one would expect to do when visiting a state capital. In what seemed like the blink of an eye it was time for them to be heading off on the next leg of there little trip. Travis made John promise not to leave it so long between visits this time. Both John and Linda agreed that it had been far too long and they would make sure to get back together soon.

It was about two months later that Travis went out to retrieve the mail. He was sifting through the assorted bills and other junk when he came to a letter that had the World Regional Express' logo in the top left corner. He just looked at the, slightly thicker then normal envelope, as he made his way back up the drive towards the front door. Opening the front door he took his eyes off the letter long enough to navigate his way into the kitchen to find Tym. "Hey hun," he said, turning his mates attention away from stocking the fridge for a moment, "There's a letter here from John's company. But I wasn't expecting anything from him. He only just called three weeks ago to say that they'd made it home safe."

"Well don't just stand there pondering silly. Open it already, and see what he's got to say."

Travis slid a claw tip along the inside of the folded over flap at the top of the envelope and pulled out the contents. Inside was a piece of paper, folded over four times. Travis opened the first fold and smiled. "It's a letter from wuffie." He said. Drawing a "well what's it say" expression from Tym. Travis cleared his throat before reading it aloud. "After I got home Linda and I were thinking how much the two of you need some time away. You know that our home is always open to you and we thought these might just help you. Lots of love, John and Linda."

Travis looked at the letter for a minute with a rather puzzled expression on his face. That had only taken a few lines to write, even by hand, so what was with the big folded piece of paper. He thought to himself as he began to unfold the paper fully. When he got to the last fold he realized that there was in fact something else in with the letter. He laid the letter on the counter and looked at the two slips in his paw. Opening the front cover of one his jaw nearly hit the floor and he gasped loudly. Tym looked over his shoulder to see what had caused the fuss. Printed on the airline ticket was both their names followed by "executive first" under the class heading. Two return tickets to Hong Kong. Tucked into the second ticket was another small sheet of paper. It read, "Just book the time off and give us a call before you leave."

The End...

Well I still haven't decided as to whether or not I should do a sixth installment of this story. If anyone would like to see it done then I'll endevor to do so.

Stress Leave 6 - Holidays (part 1)

The following story is a work of furry fiction and may contain acts of yiffery between furs of the same sex and various species. If you are offended by such things or they are, heaven forbid, illegal in your area then feel free to depart. Or at least...

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Stress Leave 4 - Travel Bonus'

The following story contains various acts of yiffery between two furries of different species. If this sort of thing isn't what you'd call a "good read" then I'd suggest something else. Anyway as always the following is copyright by me. And as always...

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Valley of the Wolf

This story may contain various acts of yiffery between characters the same sex. If such things are not your idea of a good read, then I ask "What are you doing here?" or if you are under age or things such as this are not legal in your area, please...

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