Ana and Petr: A Story of Rebirth (as told by Mellow Yellow)

Story by GoldBunny on SoFurry

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#3 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

ATTENTION: If you have not already done so, please read the introduction to this story by following this link:

This is story 2 in a series of four stories that were written as a collaborative effort by GoldBunny, Tanuskidoodle , and SilverrFox.

Follow the link above to read the other stories or the link at the end of this story.

This story was co-written by GoldBunny and SilverrFox .

Submission for the Writing Prompt Group's 26th prompt: write a story featuring an egg.

"Surf's up, dude. Thanks for clicking on the link to this story. I am like, so jazzed to be your narrator. As you can see, I'm a way cute and groovy little chick just chillin' on the sunny beaches of California. Sure.

"Her most excellent rabbitness, the Easter Bunny, asked me to spin this awesome yarn for you while she, like, does her egg delivering thing. My name is Yellow. It, like, rhymes with mellow, and I am totally that and so is my story...well mostly. There is a bit of gnarly, naughty action at the end, but it starts out sweet and sentimental. It's so cool, dude. You got a stay for it all, man.

"Let me just get comfortable in your lap. Wow. You are totally warm and comfortable. I hope I don't like fall asleep here before I'm done. That would be bogus, man. Go ahead and pet my soft, downy feathers while I tell this tale of rebirth. That would be radical. Sure."

Ana Kovac closed the door of her condo behind the last of her guests. Most had been family, but a few had been friends that she had not yet outlived. Today was her ninety-sixth birthday, and it was Easter. Her family and friends had insisted on throwing her a party and serving up all of the traditional Slovakian Easter foods that she had enjoyed over her long life. It was a gesture that she appreciated greatly. The sense had come over her lately that this was likely to be the last spring she would ever see.

It wasn't that she felt ill or wasn't still able to take care of herself. Her paws were steady, and she was still a spry enough vixen to clean her own place after the party. That didn't stop her guests from insisting on helping. She let them take care of the food and dishes, but finally had to chase them out so that they would leave the wrapping paper, ribbons, boxes and bows in the pile by her favorite chair for her to deal with. Saving and reusing the leftover wrappings from her presents was a habit of hers that she had never broken and was determined to enjoy this one last time. Besides, the neighbor boy, Petr, would be stopping by soon as he always did to see if she needed help and listen to her stories. Ana would gladly let him help her with what still felt to her would be the last time she completed this sentimental birthday task.

If not illness or infirmity, then what was the real reason she was certain that her end was near? A belief had taken root in her mind that she had done everything in her life that she needed to do. There was just no point in hanging around anymore. The family that she had worked so hard all of her life to raise and nurture was thriving and would be just fine after she was gone.

Thinking of her kin made her smile, as did the notion that she could somehow decide when she was going to die. It was an absurd belief. For all she knew, she would live past a hundred. Still, the feeling of passing on to a different state would not leave her and stimulated her to reflect back upon her long life.

She had been born in America to immigrant parents from the newly created nation of Czechoslovakia, which had arisen from the ashes of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of World War I. Today, the place her parents had fled was called Slovakia. Though they abandoned their homeland and never looked back, they maintained traditions from thier roots and settled among other Slovaks in America.

As the oldest of seven children, she was the child most included in these traditions. Some of their customs were lost with her parents premature death. The other children were too young to remember, and then Ana was too busy fighting for their survival to keep the traditions going. She did however always make the traditional foods at Easter and Christmas and made sure all of her siblings, male and female, also knew how to make them.

Her favorite associations with her heritage were connected to Easter. Long since lost to time, she briefly remembered the annual mischievous visits by the boys on Easter Monday. The thought quickly faded, though, as she chided herself for getting lost in the past when she had cleaning to finish in the present.

As she tidied, she found an unopened package and wondered how she could have missed one. No one had indicated that their gift had not been acknowledged. A small a square box was wrapped in paper covered with the most exquisitely hand painted scene of her family as it had looked at about the time her parents died. So lovingly crafted and accurate was the picture, that for a moment she was carried back again across the years to be standing there, just as the painted scene depicted, holding her mother's paw and her sister's paw as the family had posed in a line from oldest to youngest. Ironically, it had been an Easter Sunday, and they were all dressed in their Slovak clothes. It was one of the last moments they had all been together before everything changed.

A tear formed in her eye, and she quickly wiped it away lest it fall on, and possibly ruin, this sweetly sentimental work of art. Whoever had made this had put a lot of loving thought into it. More curious than ever to know the identity of the gift giver, she examined the package more closely. A bright red ribbon, her favorite color, and a hand tied bow held a small envelope in place against the box.

Her name was carefully written in a flowing script across the front of the envelope. Inside was a folded piece of parchment paper. A note was written on it with a calligraphic pen. It read:

Dearest Ana,

You have lived a wonderful life of generous self-sacrifice in service to your family. The many generations of your kin who prosper because of you is a testament to all that you have given. Much that is new and fertile here is by your paw. Truly, you represent this season of the year more than any other fur alive. Therefore, I am offering you a gift that will fulfill your fondest wish and desire. Enjoy.

Love and warmest regards,


"Who is EB?" she wondered aloud. She couldn't think of any relatives or friends with those initials. No names of former business associates matched it either. Was her memory was finally beginning to slip? She thought not since she was sharp as ever, and her mental faculties had stayed with her up until now.

Whoever made this gift, was an intimate associate who knew her well. Everything about the package appealed to Ana directly: the lacy, red ribbon, the artistic rendition of the most precious thing in her life, her family, and the hand-made nature of the wrappings.

"Maybe the answer is inside." It was and it wasn't. After carefully removing the ribbon and unwrapping the box without damaging the precious paper, she was no closer to understanding the identity of EB. Wrapped up in layers of colored tissue paper was a single large Easter egg hand painted in the Eastern European fashion. She murred at its splendor as she removed it from the box. Was there ever an egg of more exceptional beauty? Ana had never seen another to match it.

Typical of the way Eastern European Easter eggs were decorated, it was covered in richly detailed geometric patterns and symbolically painted images of daffodils in a pleasing array of bold yet complimentary colors. Ana had always loved collecting objects such as this and wished she had the skill to create something so beautiful. A true master of the Pysanky craft had made this egg. What was it worth? She couldn't begin to imagine. The exquisiteness of the egg just made her want to know the giver's identity more so she could thank whoever it was properly.

A silver hasp on one side and an intricately molded hinge on the back indicated that the egg opened along the silver banded seam of its equator. Trembling with anticipation, her fingers fumbled with the hasp at first and she nearly dropped the egg. Upon opening it, she was puzzled to find soil in the bottom half with a small bulb sitting on a piece of parchment paper. It seemed an elaborate container for a plant. A gilded egg like this should have encased jewelry or a music box at the very least.

Despite her misgivings of growing a plant in such a lovely object, the intent of the giver was clear. Ana dutifully buried the bulb, added water and set the egg on a small table by a window. Plants grew slowly, so there was no point in staring at it. Instead, she got back to work cleaning up the detritus from her gifts. The wrapping paper from EB was the most precious, so she laid it out flat on her table thinking something like that should be framed and hung on the wall.

Gazing upon the picture of her family again triggered another resurgence of memories more intense than any she had experienced before. Her entire life began to unfold before her as she automatically went about her task of neatly folding paper and collecting ribbons that she tied to the end of a pole made from a willow switch.

Ana had been eighteen years old in the middle of the Great Depression when her parents were killed in a train wreck. They left behind a business manufacturing and distributing fur care products such as brushes, soaps, dyes and shampoos. Surprisingly, the business had not failed during the economic turmoil of the thirties, but it wasn't thriving either. It took all of Ana's parents' time just to keep it going. With them gone, it was poised on the brink of ruin.

Fearing for the breakup of her family and the loss of her six brothers and sisters to an orphanage if they lost the family business and all hope for income, Ana stepped in to run the company. There was, of course, skepticism over the ability of a woman, especially a young woman to do such a thing. This was a less enlightened age; women had only recently won the right to vote. Desperate and determined, Ana soon proved that she had a knack for running a business. Despite the poor economy, profits slowly increased and production steadily climbed.

Keeping the family business alive was an all consuming effort that left her no time to socialize, entertain suitors or think about building a family of her own. Besides, she had to care for her siblings. They were her family, and she pushed off any plans for marriage until she had finished raising them.

The opportunity of starting a family of her own never seemed to come. The business kept her busy, and there were her siblings schooling to manage, weddings to plan, houses to buy, and then the arrival of her parents grandchildren to celebrate, at which time the process started all over again.

Looking back over the intervening decades, she was proud of her skill and determination that made the family fur care company a source of wealth for the whole family to this day. Even more worthy of pride, were the prospering families of her siblings and their descendants. Her only regret was that during the nearly eighty years since her parents died she had never found the time or the will to find her own true love and have kits of her own.

As she mused over her missed opportunity, she tied a ribbon to the end of her willow switch. The action reminded her of a long abandoned tradition from the old country that her parents had encouraged when they were still alive. A disused Slovak word returned to her conscious mind: korbac. It was the name for the ribbon adorned willow branch switch used by the boys during the Easter Monday whipping, or sibacky, which was meant to imbue young girls with the spirit of the willow tree. It is the first tree that 'wakes' in spring, and according to tradition, the fertility and vitality from the branches were thought to flow into the young woman during this act.

It was true that the young men often got drunk and pretty rowdy, and there was the other tradition of polievacky where the young men doused the girls with water, which symbolized life. The pouring of water, or oblievat, was meant to bestow year-long health and beauty. Getting hit with a branch was bad enough, but being drenched over and over and having to dry and change clothes to keep looking one's best made it a trying morning.

Despite the sticks and wet clothes, there was a certain pride in being the girl who had been visited by the most boys - a sure sign of popularity. The giving of gifts of eggs or brandy by the girls was added later to ensure that all girls would get visits regardless of their wealth or appearance.

There had been one Easter Monday boy in particular that Ana remembered; Marek was his name. He was a shy, but handsome hare, who had lived just down the street, and had always been the first to visit Ana on Easter Monday. After lightly tapping her behind with his switch and sprinkling a modest quantity of water over her head, he spent the rest of the morning fending off any other boys who came by with buckets of water and sticks intended to perhaps leave a mark or two.

Marek and Ana had become great friends, and if ever there were a person in her life she would have chosen to marry, it would have been him. It was not meant to be. Like many young men during those hard times, he went out West to work on large government funded work projects. He was killed on the construction site of a dam. The news of his death had broken her heart and left her sour on the concept of romantic love. Her parents death within a year never allowed her time to recover. Young love is plastic and mends quickly, but Ana was catapulted out of her youth and into adulthood with no transition.

All these thoughts and memories danced inside of her head and took her away from the present, but Ana never stopped her process of sorting and tidying. Instead of weighing her down with the burden of sorrowful remembrance, she felt lighter and more spry with each passing moment. So full of exuberance had she become, she began to dance about the room with a smooth fluidity that belied her years.

In fact, her years were not belied. They were being sundered from her flesh and fur by a powerful magic that made the bulb in her egg planter grow and bloom in the span of just a few minutes. As the shoots of the flower broke the soil, the gray from her fur vanished until it was all the vibrant red of eighty years earlier. As the green blades of the leaves and the stem that held the still closed flower bud grew to their full height, the wrinkles around her eyes vanished, and the loose pelt that hung in places from her body tightened and filled out with muscle and fat to round out her bony figure with the vitality of youth. When the flower opened to reveal its yellow trumpet, her sagging breasts became full and firm again filling out the dress she wore in the way that only a young woman could.

Chronologically, her body was exactly as it had been just before the death of her parents, yet Ana was unaware that she had been enchanted to return physically to the age of eighteen. She only knew that she felt more wonderful than she had in decades and didn't want to interrupt the sensation by thinking about it too much. She kept her eyes closed as she waltzed in a small circle and hummed a folk tune from her childhood.

That was her state when there was a light, but familiar tap at the door. She recognized it as Petr, the boy next door. "That's funny." A new thought came unbidden to her mind. "Petr is a handsome hare very much like Marek. I wonder why I never noticed that before." Still in a gay and exuberant mood, she glided to the door and opened it with a flourish.

It was indeed Petr, but his normally cheerful expression changed to bewilderment when the door was not answered by the old Ana. Confusion quickly morphed to an appreciative appraisal of her body and then just as quickly to an embarrassed aversion of his eyes from hers.

"Oh. Um. Hi. I'm Petr from next door. Is Miss Ana home?"

Now, it was Ana's turn to be confused. Why was Petr looking at her as if he didn't recognize her? "What do you mean? Is this some kind of joke, Petr?"

"Uh. Well, no. I just thought that all her guests had left, so I came over to help. I can come back later since she still has company. Just tell her I stopped by, please."

"What on earth are you talking about, boy. I am Ana."

There was a moment of awkward silence as the poor rabbit tried to process her odd statement. Then a realization struck him. "Oh, I get it; you must be a niece or grandniece of hers with the same name. I don't remember her mentioning another Ana, though, but she has so many relatives, she probably just never got around to talking about you."

Ana was about to respond indignantly, but there was something odd about the way he was looking at her. No boy had examined her in that way in a long time, especially not Petr. Her own gaze followed his and she looked down at herself, first at her arms. The color of her fur was red without a trace of gray. Her pelt was taut with no sagging under her arms. She held them out in front of herself astounded by what she saw. When she noticed her breasts, she turned and ran to the large mirror in the living room, leaving the perplexed hare on her doorstep.

The sight of her reflection astounded her. There was no denying that she was a young woman again. She was too practical to waste time wondering if this was a dream or hallucination. She was well aware of when she was awake or asleep. This was real. She only wondered how it had happened. It didn't take her long to solve the puzzle. She had always been quick of wit and remarkably intelligent.

The egg was the key, and the proof was there blooming in the window. No flower grew that fast naturally. There was magic in it. "And 'EB' stands for Easter Bunny. That's it."

"What's it?"

So caught up in solving this mystery, Ana had forgotten about Petr, who had grown tired of standing in the hall and followed her inside. With a mind used to making quick decisions under pressure from decades of experience in the business world, she evaluated her situation and the implications of being the old Ana in a young body. Being young again meant being reborn and having a new life to live. She needed to shed the baggage of the old life she had already lived. Of course, there would be questions about what happened to the matriarch of the family; that was certain. She needed time to find a way to satisfy her relatives, and the law, that Ana Kovac was dead and Ana...she stumbled mentally for a last name for her new self until she decided on Szabo. It was common enough Slovak name that was the equivalent of Taylor. Ana Szabo would need a history and proper ID and all that, but she decided to leave those details for later. With her wealth and connections to excellent lawyers, who would do what she needed for the right price, those issues became mere details instead on insurmountable obstacles. She could play her old self convincingly enough over the internet and phone until Ana Kovac's death could be manufactured, preferably somewhere overseas where nosy relatives would not go. As long as her will left most everything to her family and just enough wealth to live comfortably to Ana Szabo, whom she had sponsored from the old country, no one would complain.

Satisfied that her four seconds of internal musings had constructed a reasonable scenario from which she could start building her new life, she turned to face Petr and was struck again by how much this neighbor boy reminded her of her beloved Marek. "Oh nothing. Sorry. I was playing a bit of a joke on you. As you guessed, we both have the same name, but I am not her niece. At least we don't think so, we could be distant cousins. I am Ana Szabo from Slovakia. I live in the village from where her parents emigrated. My Baba, that is, Grandmother, was friends with her mother. Ana wrote to her after her parent's death, and they exchanged letters. After Baba, I mean Grandma, died, I answered Ana's letter with the news, and we have been communicating ever since. She wanted news of the village and people to do genealogy research. As a thank you for the work I did for her, she invited me over to America to visit."

"Well, that's cool. I am Petr Jancik. I live next door. Your Aunt...I mean Ana, may have mentioned me. Is Ana here?" As he spoke, he noticed the beautiful egg on the table. "Oh, wow. That is incredible workmanship. Seems odd to use it as a planter."

Ana stepped between him and the egg. "I brought her that as a gift from Slovakia." The lie that would allow her to live her life over again was maturing in her head, and she wasn't going to explain to anyone the reality of the egg. She decided it was time to start giving her lie some more detail. "Ana is gone."

"Gone? Where? She's not, like sick in the hospital is she?"

"Oh no, she's fine. The party was a great success. There were lots of lovely gifts as you can see. It was the surprise gift that came after the party that is the reason she left."

"What was that?"

"A month in the old country. It was given to her by some business associates who knew how much she had always wanted to spend time there to rediscover her family's history, but you know how she never takes vacations, even now that she is supposed to be officially retired."

Petr nodded at this. His elderly friend was always busy helping with the business even after she had stepped down as its CEO years ago. In addition to that, she spent the rest of her time planning and organizing whatever needed to be done for her large family. Ana's strong work ethic and devotion to family was one of the things that he admired about her most and drew him to her.

Ana continued to explain in hopes of satisfying Petr's curiosity once and for all. "She has gone to visit with my family in Slovakia. They speak English and can help her with the records in Slovak. Her business associates had to surprise her and whisk her away or she would find something to do or someone to help and never go. She left me to watch her place and finish cleaning up."

Ana paused, reflecting again on the similarity between her lost love and this hare in front of her now. Petr was a very sweet boy. Ana had always welcomed his visits, but had never found herself physically attracted to him until now. It was strange having these feelings come back to her with the intensity of youth that her old body had long forgotten. Her head swam from the rush of hormones and tempted her to flirt a bit. "I would not mind if you stayed to help."

Petr blushed and stammered thinking about being alone in the apartment with this beautiful foreigner, who was so much like the elderly Ana that he had to believe they were somehow related. Ana Szabo even spoke just like the old Ana. Confused and mildly embarrassing thoughts filled his head as he noticed the flirtatious tone of her voice.

Platonic love was the best way Petr could think of to describe his relationship with the old Ana. What did he find so attractive about her? She was a strong and powerful woman who took control, got things done and never let any situation slow her down. Strong women like that appealed to Petr. He liked the thought of losing control to such a woman and was frequently frustrated by most girls his age who were so passive, yielding all the initiative in relationships to the male. It was frustrating that he could not find someone his age who was like his elderly friend. Was this younger Ana as much like the older Ana as he hoped? The thought made his knees weak with the anticipation of finding out.

Petr also loved visiting the older Ana because she told such wonderful tales of the traditions of their shared heritage. While his family did make some of the traditional foods at the holidays, they did not have the great stories about other aspects of the holiday celebrations. He especially liked Ana's stories about the Easter Monday ceremonial whipping with willow switches. In his late night fantasies, he imagined participating in the sibacky, but with a twist; he, the male, was on the receiving end of the switch. It had never been the elderly Ana in his fantasies, but suddenly the younger Ana, who was so much like the older Ana, was in his fantasy. He realized, except for the generational age difference, it was the older Ana he had wanted all along. That age difference was what prevented him from ever letting on how much the switch stories excited him.

It would be weird and awkward to tell a ninety plus year old female that he was attracted to her powerful personality. His attempts to bring some dominant and submissive play into his romantic relationships with females his own age had so far been met with skepticism. Most women wanted him to be the dominant one in their sex play, but he wanted to be submissive. He would not mind one bit if this new Ana was as dominant and forceful as her benefactor of the same name.

"I like to help. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will be your loyal servant."

"You are a sweet boy." Ana leaned forward and kissed him briefly on the side of his snout. Petr's pulse raced at the outwardly chaste yet intensely intimate gesture. "You collect all the wrapping paper and lay it out flat on the dining room table and then fold it for storage, but don't touch the paper that is already there. That one is special. I will pick up all of the ribbons and bows."

Petr was enjoying being given orders by this young vixen and set to work immediately. "Yes, ma'am."

As Ana collected ribbons and tied them to the end of her korbac, she was reminded again of the Easter Mondays with Marek. Absentmindedly, she began swinging the braided switch around pretending she was with her hare lover again. Being careless and lost in daydream, one particularly forceful swing she executed as she spun around connected with Petr's butt as he was bending over to collect paper off the floor.

"I'm so sorry. I was lost in thought and not watching what I was doing. I didn't mean to hit you. Are you all right? I promise I won't do it again if you tell me you are all right."

The hare had the most peculiar look on his face. For a moment, Ana thought that she had seriously offended him somehow, but his expression was more a combination of mischief and uncertainty. He looked as if he was having some internal struggle before finally coming to a decision.

Speaking with a mix of playfulness and seriousness, he said, "I'll tell you I'm alright if you promise to hit me again, on purpose, like you mean it." He bit his upper lip and waited for her response with an anxious look on his face. It was a risk. She might reject his offer thinking him a freak or weirdo. She cocked her hear and turned her ears down and forward in confusion as she considered his response. There was an awkward silence that he could not bear, so he turned to leave.

His response caught her by surprise. It took her a few moments to process and understand what he had said. He was asking to be hit again. When he turned away, she held the korbac in front of his chest to block his exit.

"So, you want play, do you?" He nodded as a huge grin split his muzzle. "What have you done, you naughty boy, that I should punish you?" Ana was surprised how alive she felt at this moment. Her heart was racing and her loins warming at the thought of what was happening between her and Petr.

"Lots of things, Miss Ana."

"Well, then you can confess your sins to me as I spank your bottom. Before you do that, though, there will be some rules."

Petr was practically drooling now that Ana was interested in this game. "Please, tell me the rules."

"Rule number one: you call me Mistress."

"Yes, Mistress"

"Rule number two: you do whatever I tell you to."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Rule number three: you must pleasure me to the best of your abilities and take no pleasure yourself unless I allow it."

Petr gulped, swallowing the saliva in his mouth. "Yes, Mistress." Young Ana's tone was as forceful and dominant as Petr could hope for. The result showed as his erection began to strain against the front of his pants.

"So, you like these rules do you?" Ana reached down and rubbed her paw over the straining fabric.

Petr whimpered at the contact, but did not interfere. "Yes, Mistress. I do."

"This is very naughty of you. I told you not to take any pleasure until I was satisfied. Now I will have to punish you. Take your pants off, now."

"I am sorry Mistress. I can't help it. You make me excited." Doing as she ordered, He unfastened his belt, unzipped his jeans and dropped them to the floor. His briefs were doing a poor job of covering his stiff member that poked out beyond the edge of the waistband.

"I can see that plainly. Now, take off those briefs. They aren't doing much good at keeping you covered and will only lesson the sting of my korbac." To emphasize her point, she smacked the stick against his thigh and tickled the end of his pink cock with the ribbons dangling from the end of her switch.

Petr shivered from the ribbon's touch, and thought he might accidentally cream himself if she kept that up. To distract himself, he continued to follow her commands, and removed his briefs, kicking off his sneakers and pants as he did so. He stood in front of her, naked below the waist exposing the short, brown fur that covered his body and his naked pink erection that poked outward at full attention above his furry, round balls.

Ana examined his toned legs and sizable erection. She wanted to push him on the couch now, climb on top of him and ride him until she came, but forced herself instead to enjoy the slower pleasure of playing out this scenario for all it was worth. "Now, get down on your knees and put your face on the couch cushions."

He had a nice, firm butt muscles and a sexy little rabbit tail. The cutest strip of white fur began just below his tail, ran across his taint, balls, sheath and widened as it ran up his belly. Her free paw rubbed across the exposed fur of his back side. "Such a nice little ass you have. It is a pity to have to mar it with my switch, but bad boys must be punished. Don't you agree, bad boy?"

"Yes, Mistress. I do." Petr kept his ass far from the couch so the end of his cock didn't rub against the ultra-suede fabric, which threatened to tickle him to orgasm. He didn't want to disappoint his Mistress by jizzing all over her couch.

There was a quick and firmly delivered smack across his butt that caught him unexpected, and caused him to yelp from the shock. The pleasure it gave him was indescribable and made his balls ache for release and pre ooze from his cock. The first strike was followed by three more; two light taps and the third one just as painful as the first. Breathing came in short gasps for the hare with each smack on his butt. He wished for it to go on and on, but his mistress was in control and had other ideas.

"Stay where you are, bad boy. Your Mistress wants to change into something more comfortable. If you move or touch yourself while I am gone, you will find my wrath terrible and my retribution extreme."

"Yes, Mistress." Petr was torn between disobeying to find out what she would do and the pleasure of being successfully dominated. He opted for the latter. "I hear and obey."

There was a box in her bedroom closet left over from several decades ago when she used sex partly as a business tool. It was amazing how easily males could be persuaded with sex. Even more astounding was how many powerful executives were just like Petr and wished to have a woman take control in bed with a forceful paw. She had felt silly doing such things as she matured into her seventies and had subsequently discarded most of the sex toys she had acquired for those trysts, but on a whim, she had kept a few trinkets.

Inside the box was a pair of leather boots that rode up over the knees, a red and black leather collar with silver rings sown around its circumference, a leash, and a leather half face mask of a leering demon. Whatever skimpy clothing had accompanied these artifacts, were long gone. She was not sure why she had kept these pieces, but they would come in handy now.

She took off all of her clothes and briefly admired her firm and voluptuous young body. Her fur seemed to glow with vitality in a beautiful orange-red color that yielded to a white oval over her breasts and belly. The tip of her thick, luxurious tail and her fore and hind paws were also white. It had been so long since she had looked this good, she had almost forgotten the delight of being so attractive to males. "God, I'm pretty excited by this, too," she thought as she looked at her erect, pink nipples and the wet fur between her legs.

Wanting to keep Petr anxious, submissive and waiting on her but not so long that he would get bored, she ceased admiring herself and put the boots and mask on. The leash and collar were for him. When she returned to the living room, he was still on the couch and plenty hard where it really mattered. There was the slightest linear discoloration beneath his fur on his butt that showed through from where she had struck him. Her strength had returned along with her youth. She would have to be a bit more careful as this adventure progressed.

The boy turned to look at her as she re-entered the living room, and the look of pure rapture on his face when he saw what she was wearing and carrying in her paw made her think he was going to lose his seed right then.

"Keep your eyes forward, boy. Did I say you could move to take pleasure in looking at me?" His head snapped forward so fast she thought he might hurt himself, but his voice was still trembling with lustful excitement when he spoke.

"Yes, Mistress."

As she placed the collar around his neck, his whole body trembled, and his breathing became shallow and labored. While pulling steadily on the collar with the leash to force his chin up in the air just a little, she delivered three more hits to his butt, the first light, then harder, then light again. A tendril of pre-cum hung down from the tip of his rod to the floor where a small puddle was growing.

"Tell me how you have been naughty, and I will cleanse your sins with a good flogging."

"Yes, Mistress. I had impure thoughts about you when you opened the front door and I first saw you."

The switch struck his ass again, and he winced as the puddle of sticky cum grew below him. His paws gripped the couch cushions in front of him hard enough to cause them to warp upward at the ends.

"What else?"

"I also had impure thoughts about Ana Kovac."

This news stunned Ana. Had the boy actually had a crush on her despite her age? Did he love her for who she was and not just because she was young and beautiful?

"That is very naughty, lusting after an old woman." Ana struck him three times, always alternating light and hard hits, even though she really wanted to hug him. She knew the discipline would please him more. "Tell me more about why you would have such wicked thoughts."

"I am not sure, Mistress. I have always been fond of Miss Ana, and never sexually attracted to her, but..."

She smacked his ass and gave a tug on his leash to loosen his tongue. "But?"

"I was attracted to her strength, her will and how she always seemed in command. You two seem so much alike, and somehow, I can't separate the two of you in my mind now, so I can't stop thinking of her in your body. Is that bad, Mistress?"

She was astounded and grateful that the mask she wore hid her surprise and delight at his revelation. Ana wanted to say that there was nothing wrong with that. Instead, she said, "Yes. It is clear that you need to focus your thoughts on me and drive out thoughts of the other Ana. Now turn around."

A steady tug on the leash accompanied her command. When he was kneeling in front of her, she spread her legs and used the leash again to pull his snout up against her wet pussy. The contact of his nose against her sensitive clit made her body spasm slightly.

"Lick me."

Petr complied with gusto. His tongue lovingly caressed the exposed flesh of her labia. He placed his paws on her thighs and used his thumb to gently stimulate the hardened nub of her clit. Her moans matched the slurping noises as the violence of his attention to her sex increased. Ana wrapped the leash around her wrist and forearm to shorten it so she could keep him snugly against her. Her other paw gripped the fur behind his ears to pull him closer and increase the pressure further.

The raspy moistness of his tongue combined with his attention to her love button rapidly brought her to an orgasm that made her begin to utter a low and quiet howl. She let him continue as the convulsions rippled through her body and her juices began to flow over Petr's snout.

The boy had obviously had practice at this, and Ana wanted the pleasure to continue, but in a different position. Letting out the leash, she placed a paw on his forehead and pushed his snout away from her. A look of concern appeared on Petr's face.

"Is my Mistress displeased?"

"No, lover hare. Your Mistress is very pleased. You have earned a slight reward. Stand up."

As he stood, her paw traced a path down his chest and belly until it rested on the middle of his hardened cock. Her fingers tightened around the shaft and idly stroked back and forth. More sticky, clear fluid dribbled from the tip.

"Is my naughty lover boy ready to cum?"

"Yes, Mistress, whenever you will let me."

Her grip tightened, squeezing his cock forcefully so that the end bulged outward full of blood.

"Not just yet. Now lie on the couch." The hare quickly moved into the commanded position. Jumping up on the couch, Ana stood astride his chest facing towards his hindpaws. One booted hindpaw rested on his chest. Petr gazed upward between her legs to her open and ready sex. The white tip of her bushy tail lazily swept across his forehead. The leash was still in her paw, and she tugged on it to emphasize her authority. The upper half of her face was still hidden by the frightening mask.

"I am going to sit on your snout now, Petr, and you will continue to pleasure me. While you do that, I am going to suck on your beautiful cock. You mustn't cum in my mouth as I do this to you. If you do, you will be punished severely."

Petr swallowed hard knowing that would be a challenge. "Yes, Mistress."

Kneeling down, she placed her open vagina over his mouth and felt the stroking of his tongue and soft rubbing of her clit. Sighing contentedly, she leaned forward placing one paw on his firm round balls and the other at the base of his shaft. With her mouth open, she took in the tip of his cock and stroked it with her tongue.

A whimper escaped Petr's snout, and a shudder ran through his body. With expert attention, she sucked and licked his cock while gently stoking and squeezing his nuts in an attempt to torment him. The result was increased pleasure for her, as the hare gripped her buttocks tightly with his paws and rubbed his snout hard against her. Another rolling orgasm swept through her body forcing her to let Petr's cock slip from her mouth. A gasp of relief from Petr let her know that he had been close to cumming himself.

Sitting upright with her paws on Petr's chest, she rubbed her pussy hard against his snout. The result was an orgasm so intense, she had to pull way and stand over him, panting. The fur of her thighs was soaked with her own juices.

"My God, that was incredible."

"I am glad to have given you such pleasure, Mistress."

There was a pleading tone to his voice, and his cock was twitching from his need for release. Ana decided that he was ready. She certainly was. She turned around again, straddling his waist facing towards Petr's head. Grabbing his cock with her paw so it stood up straight, she squatted down letting his length slide inside of her in one slow, smooth motion until she was resting all of her weight on him.

He filled her insides completely. No longer able to hold back, she ground herself against him with increasing speed and pressure. She wanted to feel his warm seed inside of her. The long misshapen nose of the gruesome mask she wore touched the end of his snout, and she felt his hot panting breath. With closed eyes, he gritted his teeth and strained not to climax.

Ana stroked his snout and removed the mask. "It's OK, Love. Cum in me now. Mistress commands you to empty your balls into her sex."

"Thank you Mistress." He exhaled loudly, grasped her waist, and pulled her down tighter against him. Only a few seconds passed, and his whole body went rigid. There was a pause, then Ana felt the contractions of his cock and a warm sensation as his seed began to squirt forth. Petr threw his head back and groaned.

Ana kissed him as the fluids inside of her seeped around his cock and began to flow out to make their fur sticky and wet. Petr returned her kiss passionately, and they stayed together for a time in happy lethargy.

Ana pulled off the mask and dropped it to the floor. "It seems we are well matched, my buck lover. I think I will allow you to court me." She kissed him on the end of his snout.

"I would like that very much, Mistress."

"My dear boy, you only need call me mistress when we are playing our roles as dom and sub. Please, call me Ana."

He looked at her with passion and love in his eyes. "Ana love. I would very much love to court you. I wish to make you mine, body and soul."

Those were words Ana never thought she would hear from a young man in love with her again. The next ones he spoke were even sweeter.

"Ana, my love, you have fulfilled my fantasy today, what is your pleasure for our next lovemaking session?"

The Easter Bunny had given Ana the gift of youth and the chance to experience romantic love, and she was grateful. Though she hadn't consciously understood it, it had been her fondest wish and desire.

[End of Story]

To read the rest of the stories in this series, please follow this link back to the introduction: