Open Content Stream Story: Trust No Body, Trust No Thing

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A sequel to "No Self Control" (found in the folder to your left) this story continues Kris' story after his exhibitionistic display at school.

Trust No Body, Trust No Thing for Txeptirea by Draconicon

It was cold outside the school, but Kris' face burned hot enough to keep him from noticing all that much. The embarrassment of what happened in school not only kept his face burning, but kept him running, running away from the site where it had happened.

The back of his head still ached, but not as bad as when he'd woken up on the hallway floor. When he'd seen the mess he'd left behind, and how exposed he was, there'd been little doubt that what he'd done had not been part of a dream. What mattered now was how to deal with it, and how to keep his family from knowing how he'd humiliated himself.

And how to keep it from happening again.

That was the biggie, the wolf knew. If it happened again, it wouldn't matter how much he'd covered it up before. He needed to find out how he had lost control, and why his body had started doing stuff without his permission.

The wolf was halfway home, still trying to puzzle through the source of the glow, when he realized that his hands weren't moving.

Kris looked down, seeing his hands glowing slightly before rising up his sides. They traced a line from his hips to his armpits before pointing out to his sides, looking like a little kid imitating an airplane. As if that wasn't bad enough, he could see the same glow building up around his thighs.

"No, no...not again. Not out here."

He tried to throw himself into a run, but he managed only one step before his thighs locked. It was only out of sheer luck that he didn't fall down, instead leaning against a nearby hedge. The wolf wobbled back and forth as the glow spread to other parts of his body, flashing brightly before fading away again. With each successive burst of light, another part of his body left his control, and stopped listening to him.

Shout! Do something!

The idea came too late. By the time he opened his muzzle, the glow surrounded it and made it clap shut. Shortly after, his eyes shut as well, leaving him blind and mute.

But not deaf. As he stood there like an idiot, Kris heard the sound of someone approaching him from behind. The footsteps were soft, but clear, and slow, like someone that knew that they had all the time in the world. That, more than anything else, told him that it had to be whatever was doing this to him.

The footsteps stopped, and he felt the tip of a claw running down his arm. It was a soft touch, light and harmless, but he broke out in a sweat regardless. What did this stranger want? What were they doing?


What...what was that?


That sound. That one he knew. The wolf gulped as he recognized the sound of a knife sliding free. Kris was forced to take slow, even breaths, but inside, his heart was pounding like mad, and he was whimpering behind his forced gag.

Strangely, he felt no blade. He heard the cutting, though he didn't know what was touched, but it never touched him. Not even pressure against his skin, not even a hand to steady him. Whatever was happening, it happened without any help or balancing like a normal person would do.


Kris hissed at the chilling sound again, but reminded himself that it must have been put away. He felt a pair of lips press against his ear, and a soft breath, before all he could hear were footsteps again.

It was a full minute before he could move again, and the first thing he did was run away.


The front door closed behind him with a click, allowing him a chance to finally stop running. Kris shook his head, kicking off his boots at the front door before stumbling down the short hallway leading to his room. He didn't bother calling out that he was home; nobody was here but him for the week, and he didn't have the energy anyway.

He turned into his bedroom and collapsed, panting softly as he tried to catch his breath. Running non-stop for over five minutes was something that some of the jocks did on a daily basis, but that had been pure fear powering him. Now that it was gone, he could barely breathe.

When his heart rate was somewhere within the 'scared' range rather than the 'terrified' one, the wolf remembered his gloves. He reached up to take them off -

"What? Oh that son of a bitch..."

Kris looked down at his leather gloves. They'd been an expensive purchase, but had been good for months. And now they were missing part of the wrap that had gone around the wrist. Both of them were.

"What kind of nut freezes someone just to cut up their gloves?"

For that matter, what kind of nut CAN do that?

Shaking his head, the wolf collapsed back on his bed. It wasn't something he understood, and he honestly didn't know how he was supposed to figure it out. There was the internet, yeah, but he doubted that would tell him anything. What magic stuff he'd seen online always seemed so much idiocy. Then again, he would have called this impossible, and anyone that believed it possible an idiot just yesterday.

Kris sat up as he heard a footstep down the hall. Arching an eyebrow, he walked towards his bedroom door and peered out.


Clop. Another step.

"Someone there?"

Clop. Clop. Clop.

They were getting louder, coming from the front door. Kris took a step out from the bedroom, his nerves mounting again. It was starting to feel like he'd been dropped in the middle of some sort of supernatural universe, and it was getting to him.

As he stepped into the hallway proper, he saw the source of the footsteps, but seeing his boots walking on their own down the hallway didn't exactly help him. The wolf's eyes went wide as he backpedaled, taking several steps backwards -

Suddenly, his arms shot out. They grabbed hold of the sides of the hallway. He whipped his head from one side to another, seeing his gloves glowing in the same way that his body had been earlier.

"What, now you control clothes? What the hell? Let me go! Do you hear me! Let me go!"

His gloves didn't listen to him, and neither did his boots. They clomped across the floor, making loud footstep noises as they approached him. When they were within two paces of him, his arms moved on their own, lifting his body off of the ground and leaving a spot for his boots to rest under his feet.

"You have got to be kidding me..."

The wolf squirmed in mid-air as he was slowly lowered down, but it was no use. Even kicking at the boots didn't seem to dislodge them, and he was forced to slide his feet right back inside. The warmth of the just-worn footwear welcomed his feet back inside, and they suddenly tied themselves up tight as his heels touched down. The laces looped around and under each other in rapid succession, and then pulled TIGHT, making him wince at the sudden constriction around his calves.

He didn't have time to do anything. Even as his gloves released the wall, the boots marched him along. It was more clunky and awkward than when he'd been walked by his own legs, but somehow more inexorable. He'd always fought against the control before, but this one felt impossible to escape, like it was more powerful, more sure of itself.

His body threw itself back onto his bed, rolling him over. The boots shoved his legs out wide, the toes of the boots touching the opposite corners at the foot of the bed, while his hands moved down to his pants.

"No, no, no, you aren't doing this to me again, no!"

No matter how loud he shouted, though, the gloves continued their path down to his jeans. They unbuttoned him, unzipped him, and tugged his underwear down just enough to free his cock and balls. They flopped out, the former completely soft, and he glared at his gloves.

"Just go ahead and try. You aren't going to make me - ow!"

The gloves suddenly darted about his head, the wrists touching together as if they were bound with rope. He shook his head, pulling on his arms, but he couldn't even get his hands out of the gloves, let alone get himself out of the bindings they somehow made.

"Who's doing this?!"

"Oh, that would be me, my friend."

Kris looked up immediately. Standing in his doorway was one of his friends from school. Well, sort of a friend; they knew each other and gamed, but they ran in different circles. The green dragon hadn't helped things when he'd said that he had a crush on him, either; Kris couldn't really stick around after that.

"What - since when could you do stuff like this, Lokar?"

"For a while, really. I just needed a strand of your hair to do it to you."

"What, like some sort of voodoo thing?"

"Yes, just like some sort of voodoo thing."

The wolf was forced to watch as the dragon lifted a doll from behind his back. It was a plush version of Kris, and as the dragon stroked his fingers over its eyes, Kris felt his own eyes forced closed at the same time.

"Damn it! Let me go!"

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that, Kris. Not yet, anyway."

Kris felt the bed creak as something - probably Lokar - sat on the foot of the bed. It had to be him, as he felt a scaly hand rubbing along his thigh, and then over the fur around his crotch. It sent a chill down his spine.

"What is this, revenge for me turning you down?"

"No, no, that was what I did in school."

"You did that?!"

"Did you think there were two voodoo users around?"

"W-well, no, but -"

"Relax. My revenge is over."

Kris shuddered as he felt a warm puff of breath around the tip of his cock, followed by a drop of moisture.

"This...this is all for me."


Whatever he had to say got knocked out of his mind as his cock disappeared into the dragon's muzzle. He groaned, squirming, but there was nothing he could do. Lokar, ever the trickster, was going to get exactly what he wanted.

The End

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