Daire Hograven

Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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#1 of Daire Hograven

It's the start of another academic year. Daire and his sister, Valetta Hograven are travelling back to Hogwarts when shit almost slides sideways. After all, when does anything at Hogwarts ever go smoothly...? God, Daire missed school and there's not many seventeen year olds who would admit that.

Mr. and Mrs. Hograven, of number one-hundred-and-seventeen, Oz Drive, were proud to say that they were as far from a normal family as they could possibly be. Because after all, _normal_is just so common and boring, don't you think?

Mr. Justin Hograven was an artist, a sculptor to be precise. He was a skinny human with hardly a shred of fat on him, and he was plenty tall, which came in handy when commissioned particularly tall sculptures. Almost in direct contrast, Mrs. Siobhan Hograven was shorter and buxom, an orange and white furred vixen with ginger hair, black freckles in the fur on her cheeks and arousing curves in all the best places.

The Hogravens had everything they wanted. A nice house. Lovely neighbours who shared their dislike for the "ordinary," and two beautiful children, a seventeen year old boy and an eleven year old girl. And their children were - thankfully - as extraordinary as they were.

When Justin and Siobhan Hograven woke up on the bright, sunny Tuesday our story starts. There was nothing about the late summer morning to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be striking the city of London.

Neither said anything for the longest time, just laying in their comfortable warm bed staring at each other smiling. It was time, they both knew it. And while they were proud, they were also quite afraid. Their little girl was coming of age. She was going to start her new school alongside her older brother.

Justin and Siobhan managed to find comfort in each other's eyes though.

"Mornin', beautiful," Justin drawled, his American accent not having faded in the slightest, even after all these years.

"Top o' the mornin', handsome," Siobhan retorted, her Irish accent still as strong as it had been her own school days.

They both slid in closer to each other, tangling themselves into the arms of the other. Siobhan's night-gown was so thin she may as well have been wearing nothing. Justin on the other hand didn't wear anything other than a pair of shorts, and enjoyed the softness of his wife's fur brushing his bare skin.

Well into their forties, their love for each other hadn't faded in the slightest. And neither had their want for the physical aspects of their relationship. In fact, the fur on Siobhan's inner thighs was still matted and stiff from the aftermath of last night's foolery.

Unfortunately their peaceful make-out session didn't last particularly long as the bedroom door suddenly swung open and the handle slammed into the wall, digging deeper into the dent in the plaster that had formed since the birth of their second child.

A small ball of orange fluff clad in a long, fluffy pink dressing-gown jetted into the room like a sugar fuelled rocket. Valletta Hograven was wide awake and jumping on her parents' bed excitedly. The little fox probably hadn't slept a wink last night. And with good reason.

"It's time!" young Valetta cried with an excited squeal. "I'm going today! I'm going to Hogwarts!"

Justin sighed, keeping his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. As he did, he murmured; "Your daughter needs her breakfast."

Siobhan groaned, holding her husband tighter. "Before seven-AM she's your daughter."

Valetta wasn't discouraged by her parents' lack of immediate action. She kept jumping, then fell to her knees and started pulling at their duvet.

Justin laughed, eventually giving in. "Okay! Okay! We're up!"

Siobhan stretched as her husband slipped out of bed and found his clothes. "Go wake your brother, sweetie."

Valetta snapped into a salute and belted it out of the room.

"Daire!" she cried out to her brother as she ran. "Daire, wake up! We're going to Hogwarts!"

No sooner had she vanished from sight and the parents heard the slam of Valetta ploughing through her big brother's bedroom door did they hear Daire Hograven's surprised cries. No doubt she'd taken to jumping on his bed next.

Siobhan was in her dressing gown brushing her teeth as a comb levitated itself through her hair by the time Justin had his jeans and a shirt on. He was rooting around in the wardrobe as the fox watched curiously what he was doing. When he finally dug himself out of the messy wardrobe he was holding a small box wrapped in blue "birthday-boy" wrapping paper.

"I figure we better give him this before they go," Justin said.

His wife just smiled through her toothbrush and gave her wand a light flick, sending the hair-brush sailing across the room before it settled on a shelf. Justin smiled back wishing he could do that and crossed the hall to Daire's room.

It was what you could expect from a seventeen year old boy's room. The floor was a mine field of dirty and clean clothes. His desk was cluttered with gadgets and scraps of last year's school projects still waiting to be catalogued and stored. The walls were plastered with posters from video games, rock bands and the odd borderline naughty shot of a super model or female celebrity.

It was still a mess even considering his bags were all packed for another academic year. His backpack, duffel and massive trunk stood behind the door, ready to go. It seemed he only needed to pack up the last minute essentials.

The teenager himself was barely visible within the tangled folds of his bed. All that was visible was a foot, a crop of his messy jet black hair and one arm hanging out the side of the bed, a wand of pale polished yew dangling loosely between his index and middle finger.

As he walked in, Justin knocked on the door and the boy let out a tired grunt.

"Valetta, you're my sister and I love you," the teenager groaned, "but I will curse you if you jump on me again."

"Don't worry. You're safe."

Twitching, the teenager pulled away his duvet and managed to sit up, peering through tired squinted eyes at his father. The resemblance between the humans was uncanny; bar the plug of chaw under his father's bottom lip they had the same grey eyes and jet black hair. He had his mother's sharp, narrow jawline though.

"Oh, hey, dad."

"Good morning." Justin picked through the messy room and sat down on the bed beside his son before holding out the package. "We're going to miss your birthday this year because it's in the middle of your N.E.W.T. exams, so I figure you should have this now. Should come in handy for your exams anyway."

Daire blinked, taking the package. "Really?"

He tore into it like a dog into his dinner. Soon the packaging lay in a heap of confetti on the carpet between his feet. Slowly he slid the top off the small cardboard box and marvelled at what was inside. It was a shell of matte black plastic. Kydex to be exact - he'd seen his dad make all sorts of things with the stuff - little over two inches wide and forming a streamlined oval shape. On either side were rivets holding the two halves of the sleek shell together, and it was moulded to the shape of a long stick.

Affixed to the back were a pair of clips that would allow for mounting on a belt or waistband.

"Sweet!" Daire exclaimed as he picked up his new wand holster. He immediately flipped his wand over and checked if it fitted.

It was snug as a glove.

"Happy early birthday," Justin smiled.

Daire gave the man a hug. "Thanks, dad."

As Mr. Hograven went to check if Valetta was ready, Daire got out of bed and pulled on his jeans and a sky-blue t-shirt with the words "SUN'S OUT, GUNS OUT" printed across the chest. He pulled on a red checked shirt over the top, but didn't bother buttoning it up as he checked himself in the mirror. He looked just like a muggle. Excellent.

The rest of the morning routine played out in the usual chaos that consumed the Hograven household every September the first. Valetta and Daire struggled around each other to get access to the bathroom so they could wash and brush their teeth. Daire managed to comb his bed-head and Valetta took the extra time to brush her fur from head to toe.

Downstairs Siobhan Hograven was cooking breakfast and laying the table and letting out the dog and brewing tea for the kids, coffee for the adults and bringing Valetta's bulkier luggage downstairs and sweeping up dust-bunnies on the kitchen floor... all with an expert wave of her wand. The witch was a multi-tasking machine the likes of which Justin wished he could match up to.

Not a shred of magic in his own blood-line, Justin stuck to doing things manually though, carrying Valetta's backs down stairs and depositing them in the hallway. Daire followed down quickly, keeping his wand steady and levitating the heavy gear effortlessly after his father.

The only one not doing anything was the family dog who just sat with a wagging tail watching the activity mill about him.

"Daddy, I can't find Buttons. Have you seen him?"

"Not yet," Justin admitted dusting off his hands as he returned from the hall. "Let's look."

Valetta started running around the house, clapping her hands as if beckoning an animal. "Here, Buttons. Come out, Buttons. Where are you?"

"Honey, calling him isn't going to help. He's an inanimate stuffed bear."

Meanwhile, Daire was snooping about the kitchen looking for something. "Mom, you seen my iPod?"

Mrs. Hograven didn't miss a beat, stirring the scrambled eggs and levitating the bacon onto the uncooked side. "Your iPod won't work at Hogwarts, dear."

"Uh... yeah. I totally didn't enchant it to break school rules."

Siobhan paused for a second to stare at her son. He just gulped. "Electronics stay home."

"Yes, ma'am."

With the bags ready, Buttons the stuffed dragon located and safely clasped under Valetta's arm and everyone dressed, they sat down for breakfast. It was still a mill of chaos with plates magically handed around, Justin having long since learned after a nineteen year marriage to his wife he had to be quick. With practiced ease the muggle was able to pluck food from the plates and bowls as they drifted by before tucking in.

An hour later with the dishes washing themselves, the bags and heavy trunks had been loaded into the Hograven's car and they made the journey into the heart of London. On the way, they rehearsed the time tempered song of their school. Siobhan had been a student at Hogwarts, and since then the lyrics hadn't changed.

Justin had just picked up the words from rehearsing it on the ride to King's Cross every year.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, "Teach us something please, "Whether we be old and bald, "Or young with scabby knees, "Our heads could do with filling, "With some interesting stuff, "For now they're bare and full of air, "Dead flies and bits of fluff, "So teach us things worth knowing, "Bring back what we've forgot, "Just do your best, we'll do the rest, "And learn until our brains all rot."

They reached King's Cross around half past ten and loaded the luggage - the manual muggle way - into trolleys and wheeled down to the platforms. Gone was all the Hograven extraordinary flair. No more show of magical prowess or insane nursery rhymes sung in orchestral fashion. They had a secret to keep, and so in the packed train station they fell in line with all the other muggles moving about.

It was only when they reached the barrier between platforms nine and ten that Valetta's excitement got the better of her and her façade cracked.

"Me first, me first, me first!"

Siobhan considered it for a moment, then fussing over the girl's pig-tails finally folded. "Okay. But you wait for us the moment you get to the other side, okay?"

Valetta promised, then turned her cart. With a sturdy heave she shoved it straight forward and made a bee-line for the wall between platforms nine and ten. She didn't hesitate, she didn't slow. She ran right into the barrier...

And vanished.

"Okay, Daire. You next."

The boy turned his trolley and he started moving to the solid looking barrier and started walking. A man jostled past as if he didn't even see Daire. He walked more quickly. He was going to smash right into that barrier and then he'd be in trouble. Leaning forward on his cart, he broke into a heavy run

The barrier was racing nearer and nearer.

He wouldn't be able to stop even if he wanted to.

The trolley was out of control.

He was a foot away...

The crash didn't happen. He didn't slam into the wall and go head-over-tits. He kept on running through a blast of steam that waved over the hidden platform.

A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said "Hogwarts' Express, eleven o'clock." Daire looked back and saw the old familiar iron archway where the barrier had been, "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" written on it.

Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd, while cats of every colour wound between their legs. Owls hooted aggressively at each other over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks.

The first few carriages were already packed with students ready to get back to Hogwarts for the academic year, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. Daire pushed his cart off down the platform looking to see where Valetta had scurried off to.

A young witch perched side saddle on her broom swayed through the crowd, breezing a long without a care, her feline tail curling and wavering in her wake.

"S'cuse me, coming through... oh, hi Daire!"

He waved to the girl as she rounded a gang gathered around a young first year and his dog standing dumbfounded beside him with an oblivious stare.

"C'mon, Baddy. Show 'em. Sit! Roll over!"

The people around the boy laughed as the dog did nothing of the sort and merely retorted; "Hey, you ain't the boss of me!"

Daire found Valetta standing next to what could have well been a stranger. Thankfully the whole "predators" stuff of nightmare was a muggle thing. And the man Valetta was chatting with wasn't exactly a stranger.

Valetta was looking up and down the locomotive with awe. "It's amazing," she told the conductor standing beside her. "I never get sick of seeing this train."

Conductor laughed, plucking off his cap and giving his smooth head a quick polish with the cuff of his sleeve. "Well that's because it's not just any old train, young lady. The Hogwarts Express is a..."

"A 4-6-0 Hall Class steam locomotive, model number GWR 5900. I know."

The conductor stared with his mouth open. He was about to say that but Valetta had beat him to the punch. She noticed his crestfallen expression and gave the man a light hug.

"It's good to see you again, Barry."

The conductor blushed, replacing his cap. "Well it's good to see you too, miss whoever you are."

By the time Daire caught up, their parents came rushing over from the platform entrance. Mom gave Valetta her first telling-off of the day and then helped then load their luggage. Once boarded, Valetta and Daire found an unoccupied compartment near the back of the train where the other confused and nergous looking first years like Valetta were gathered.

The whistle blew. Parents dabbed away tears and waved. The train began to move. Younger siblings being left behind ran along the platform to keep up until the train gathered too much speed

While they waved, Mrs. Hograven shuffled closer to Mr. Hograven and wrapped her arm around his waist. Daire blinked, and his parents were gone.

"Are you scared?" Daire asked his little sister.

Valetta was hugging her plush tail and bouncing lightly in her seat. "I'm excited!"

Daire smiled looking out the window as buildings, then countryside began to blur by. He wasn't leaving home. Not really. He was just on his way to his second home.

He'd been looking forward to going back to Hogwarts all summer. "I'm excited too..."


As time went on the countryside flying past the window became wilder. Neat fields and hedgerows gave way to woodlands, twisting rivers and hills darkening under the setting sun. a flurry of reds and oranges blasted the sky as the sun half peeked around the bumpy horizon.

Daire and Valetta had already changed into their wizarding robes. Daire sat in black trousers with black trainers, a long sleeved white shirt, an emerald green sweater and a tie in Slytherin House colours. His black wizarding robe was worn over the top with the front un-done like a cheap cotton trench-coat.

Valetta was clad similarly, only in a black sweater and tie with a knee length skirt and black knee-high socks.

As she sat snoozing Daire realised how fast his sister was growing up. Only eleven years old and she was the spitting image of her mother, sans all the womanly curves of course. But with a lithe, well-kept physique and shimmering green eyes the young vixen was well on her way to becoming a beautiful young woman.

Then again, she was his sister so Daire figured he was probably biased.

Daire tried to enjoy what remained of the sunset, but it wasn't easy with feet pattering up and down the carriage corridor. Sighing, he figured they must have gotten word about getting close to Hogwarts. The first years always got a little over excited the closer to Hogwarts the train got.

Though this seemed a little early. Every year Daire was pretty sure it was the dead of night by the time they arrived. The sun was still looking over the horizon, so they couldn't possibly be there.

He slid open the compartment door and poked his head out, looking right first, then left up towards the front of the carriage. What he saw wasn't first years. He caught the tail end of a lanky seventh year just as the door at the end of the carriage fell shut.

Suspicious, Daire patted his hip where his wand was holstered then moved up the corridor after them. He'd caught the glimpse of emerald green blazers, Slytherin colours. And it was always the seventh years from Slytherin house who got up to some sort of trouble on the Hogwarts Express on an annual basis.

Pushing through the door, on the gantry between the carriages Daire nearly collided with a clique of boys hunched over the couplings holding the string of carriages at the back of the train in place. They were all clad in Slytherin colours like Daire, a mixed bag of humans and anthros of predator species - as was preference in Slytherin house.

One of the boys was crouched with his wand out, the same glow engulfing the black wood engulfing the coupling device holding the carriages together. It didn't take a large amount of Daire's IQ to figure out what they were doing.

They were going to strand the first years on the rails. As if the poor things weren't nervous enough as it was.

The boy with the wand jumped up with surprise as the group recoiled from Daire.

"Oh, crap!" one of them cried. "It's Hograven!"

Daire had built something of a reputation these past seven years. And while he couldn't he proud of his grades, he was damn well proud of the name he'd made for himself.

The boy with the wand must not have had the pleasure of meeting him before though as he raised it to Daire's chest. The human showed him exactly what happened to those who pointed wands at him or his.

Daire caught the boy on the wrist with one hand, redirecting the threat and took possession of the wand with his other. Without hesitation he raised a knee to his chest and kicked the boy in the gut. Before any of the clique had reached for their own wands their friend collided with them and they all went sprawling across the corridor on the next carriage.

It took Daire a second to right the stolen wand and push through to the carriage after them, giving the group time to find their feet and retreat. Wands slid from belts and pockets as they legged it towards the front of the train. But before any of them got a shot off, Daire flicked the stolen wand sideways.

The previous owner, still on the ground clutching his gut was thrown sideways by an invisible force and his face said a fond greeting with the wall. That was when several wands were pointed back at Daire.

His magical prowess with someone else's wand would be limited at best. He probably wouldn't be able to parry or stun, or perform any nifty curses. But he didn't need his off-hand to do much. A quick levitation cast to keep his opponents off-balance was more than enough.

Daire's right hand reached back, flaring open his robe and he yanked his own wand from its holster. Several bolts of crimson light shot from the hostile wands and cackled through the air towards Daire. He parried with an upward wave of his pale yew wand, a rippling wave of air slamming into the incoming curses and causing them to ricochet harmlessly into the walls and ceilings.

The human immediately countered with a downward flick, silent casting a stupefy spell into the group. It only hit the first in line, but threw him back and sent his friends tumbling under his weight. Daire didn't let up, parrying several more pot shots directed at him as he made a wide swing with his off hand, then yanked back.

An invisible lasso wrapped around the next boy's ankle and he was yanked off his feet, send skidding closer on his ass. Daire had to side step to avoid being tackled, and as the boy skidded past like a pebble skipping over a pond he hit him in the face with a jelly-body curse.

Daire sidestepped again, flattening himself against the corridor's opposite wall as an enemy blast slammed into one of the compartment windows where his head had been seconds ago, a spider web of cracks smarting across the pane. He whipped out a double tap petrificus curse in response. The first bound up one of Daire's foes from the head down to his toes. He went stiff as a board, then keeled backward and hit the ground heavily.

The second glanced off a parry as the next hostile in line seemed to be a little sharper than the others.

What followed was a rapid-fire exchange of spells and curses, not a word uttered between them. They shuffled back and forth like fencers, waving wands and scalding the air between them with magic.

Daire leaned back as his opponent pressed forward and aggressively laced him with blasts. He did his best to keep his grip on his wand firm, repelling the incoming magic into the floor. A trail of scorch marks pocked the deck as he stepped back three times, then lashed out behind his back with his off-hand wand.

His opponent didn't see the motion, and Daire had to admit it was a dirty move on his part. But all was fair in love and war.

An invisible hand snagged the opponent's wrist and pulled him sideways, hand crashing into a compartment door, hard enough to open up the skin on his knuckles.

Dropping the spare wand, Daire pressed the issue. He grabbed the boy's wrist and redirected like he'd done to the first threat that had posed itself. He put an elbow in the boy's face and as he fell back, Daire put a stupefy blast in his gut at point blank range just to be sure. As he fell, Daire snatched away the boy's wand, dual wielding as he'd done before and put a petrificus curse in the opponent's face as he fell for good measure.

His new off-hand wand seemed to agree with him a little more than the previous. It was quite like Daire's yew wand with a unicorn hair core. It was polished black, different wood but definitely had the same core. He lashed out a hap-hazard leg-locker curse at the last member of the hostile clique still standing.

Daire was pretty sure his aim had been spot on, but the curse still curled through the air and missed, hitting a window beside the wolf's face and causing the pane to rattle violently.

The wolf seemed to forget years of silent-casting practice and in a flustered panic made a sharp stabbing motion with his wand as he yelled, "Expelliarmus!" at the top of his lungs.

Daire rolled, ducking under the disarming shockwave aimed for his head, and landing on one knee whipped both wands downward. The wolf was immediately tugged face down into the ground by his ears.

Last man down, Daire slowly rose to his feet and sighed. He hadn't expected any of that to happen.

And he should have expected the fight to turn a few heads. Doors of compartments slid open all down the carriage and students stuck their heads out to see what was going on.

One girl stepped out and nearly tripped over one of the squirming Slytherins trapped in a petrificus curse.

"You beat them into a pulp!" she cried observing the several beaten up students littering the floor.

Daire scoffed. "It's a fight! What were you expecting? Expertly lit French unicorn sex?"

The students stared and Daire waved them off, moving towards the front of the train. He had one more stop to make. The prefects carriage at the front of the train.

Slytherin playing pranks on other houses on the Hogwarts Express was something of a tradition. A tradition founded by someone Daire knew fairly well. And he knew exactly where to find the founding mother of the train shenanigans.

Truthfully Daire had no idea how a sadistic bitch like Rosetta Bonham had landed he title of prefect three years in a row. But he knew one thing for sure. Rosetta _belonged_in Slytherin house. She was a cunning, ruthless witch who did everything she could to get what she wanted.

Mind you, Daire was cunning, ruthless and victory motivated too. As the duel just now had proved he wasn't a stranger when it came to playing dirty. But at least he played dirty for all the right reasons.

On the prefects carriage Daire found the Slytherin compartments with ease. It was the one that had the house coat of arms on it. Slipping inside, Daire had to take a few moments to process what he was seeing.

The Slytherin prefects, seventh and fifth years, were sitting around several empty bottles of fire whiskey and butter beer. Normally alcohol wasn't allowed on the train, so no doubt they'd smuggled it on board somehow.

Rosetta Bonham was the only one not fully dressed in her wizarding robes yet. The anthro dragoness was covered in opaque green scales, with blood red hair falling from her scalp between the black backwards curved horns on her head, falling in subtle waves to the back of her neck. She had almost diamond shaped fiery orange eyes slanted with the rest of her sharp, alluring features and long drawn back black eyelashes.

Her sleek, curvy figure made promises of the ravishing woman the seventeen year old would grow into. She was definitely the most beautiful girl in Slytherin House. The problem with that was that she knew it.

The sleeves of her blouse were rolled up and she was missing her skirt completely, long bare legs elegantly crossed. Daire's eyes lingered there for a moment before reaching the red panties pulled over her hips. It was like she had made it part-way into changing into her uniform and then sort of just gave up.

Swallowing, Daire found his focus as all eyes turned to stare at him. He had business to attend to and tried not to let Rosetta's gorgeous young, limber physique distract him... dammit!

"Out," Daire growled, blinking hard and tearing his eyes off Rosetta.

None of the other Slytherin prefects moved.

"Out, please?" he tried flashing his wand like a thug flashing a holstered pistol to get his way. "Or I'm going to have to go full-Voldemort on someone's ass."

That caused some concerned expressions to turn to Rosetta. They all knew full well that when Daire Hograven of all people started waving around his wand, cracked heads followed suit.

The girl didn't look worried though. The sight of the human with his wand in hand excited Rosetta. Daire never drew his wand unless there were faces to smash in. So that meant the pranksters she'd sent to mess with the firsties were laying face down in a puddle of their own pride.

That _really_aroused her.

Rosetta smiled, then nodded to her clique to do as Daire 'politely' asked. "Go on. Give us a minute."

Not just a prefect, Rosetta was the self-proclaimed queen, princess and heiress to Slytherin House. She'd been ruthless in her takeover when she first arrived at Hogwarts six years ago and she's run the show ever since. There wasn't a Slytherin activity she didn't know about or didn't have a hand in planning.

She was like the "Godfather" of Hogwarts... Godmother. Whatever!

As the other prefects closed the door behind them as they left, Daire took a step closer to where Rosetta sat lazily, the long-necked bottle of butter beer dangling lazily between her sleek fingers.

"Stranding the firsties?" Daire eventually asked. "Really? They're nervous enough as it is. I'm all for having a little fun, but you're just being a bitch now."

Rosetta sighed in feigned boredom. "Well I was getting bored of the same old pranks on the second years. I'm craving something... something new!"

"That's all well and good, but first years are off-limits this year. Second years are off-limits next year. Third years are off-limits the year after that... I think you understand the pattern here?" It would have been a clever statement if either of them were attending Hogwarts next year or the year after that. Then again, if they failed their N.E.W.T.s they'd have to repeat the final year of school. Anything could happen.

"Your sister starts at Hogwarts this year, right?" Rosetta asked slyly.

"She's _definitely_off-limits."

"You can trust me." - Daire was pretty sure he couldn't - "I have to say, this summer felt longer than most. I kind of missed you, Hograven," Rosetta added huskily as she slid out of her seat.

"Is that you or mister whiskey talking?"

Rosetta moved up to the human, tenderly wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. A pointy toothed predatory smile. The kind that made Daire feel like a morsel about to be devoured. His hand instinctively inched into his robes and towards his wand.

"It's mister butter beer actually," Rosetta whispered before adding innocently, "And do I taste drunk to you?"

Before Daire could answer, Rosetta pushed the issue and locked her lips against his. She was uncharacteristically soft for a scaled dragon. Her lips weren't as coarse as one expected them to be, moist and slippery by the tell-tale taste of her cherry chap-stick. Her body was tight and firm. She was pretty fit, not a shred of fat aside from the handfuls her bra supported.

Daire couldn't pull back if he wanted to, his hands finding the curves of her slim waist as the dragoness pushed aggressively into him. The human found himself stumbling back and plopped heavily into a seat, Rosetta straddling onto his waist. She had the higher ground immediately, locking his face in her hands and tilting her head. Her tongue forced its way into Daire's mouth and it became a desperate last stand for his own tongue to stop her from owning him completely.

He immediately tasted butter beer, overpowering the flavour of her chap-stick and overwhelming his senses. The strong burn of the alcohol caught him by surprise and seared into his taste-buds.

But it wasn't as strong as it could have been. She tasted like she'd only had one bottle. At least she wasn't drunk, but Daire knew that already. Rosetta never let herself get drunk, and she didn't have any sense of virtue or morality to thank for that.

She liked to keep her head clear. That way she could either get out of trouble quick, or to make some trouble quick.

Pulling back, Rosetta slowly lifted her eyelids to a squint. A small string of saliva formed a bridge between Daire's bottom lip and Rosetta's as she glanced up and down his face with her mouth slightly agape.

"Kissing now? What are we; going steady?"

Finally she smiled fiendishly. "Like I said. The same old is getting a little boring. Let's try something new."

One hand undoing the top few buttons of her blouse, Rosetta slid off of Daire's lap and sat on her knees on the floor in front of the boy. Her shirt fell open to reveal her cleavage, her breasts tightly pressed against each other by a fleece red bra. Her panties dropped to her knees next as she leaned in close, her free hand sliding up along Daire's leg.

Rosetta didn't much care for taking things slow. She was always to the point with her advances. She never wanted a relationship, that much had been made abundantly clear for as long as Daire knew her. Rosetta was a loner. She didn't like to rely on people.

Strangely though, she had always managed to rely on Daire to show up when she needed him.

Especially when she _really_needed him.

Being a young man during a hormonally challenging stage in his life, Daire of course didn't mind. A girl who kept things simple and straight forward was actually a refreshing experience in school, where girls were notorious for being nothing but teases and tricks.

There was already a growing bulge in his pants when Rosetta's hand reached his fly. She rubbed it excitedly for a moment, then quickly pulled down the zip. Her hands moved like she was unwrapping a gift. She pulled away the fabric of his boxers and like pulling a wand for a duel; she secured a very different kind of wand in a delicate two handed grip.

"Mine!" she growled possessively and Rosetta engulfed the erection in one go.

Daire gasped as he felt his head hit the back of her throat, and the wet, slick muscles of her gullet yielding to let him pass. He heard Rosetta gag lightly, but she didn't let up, locking her lips around the base of his shaft and gently massaging his head with her throat.

Warm, slick saliva pooled inside Rosetta's hot maw as she took care to keep her teeth out of the way. Skilfully she snaked her tongue around Daire's shaft, coiling around and gripping it like a slick, velvety cocoon that rubbed lovingly up and down.

Daire's hips twitched, and he realised he'd made a tactical error. For as he thrust forward, even slightly, Rosetta took him in even deeper. Her throat muscles opened a little more and Daire felt a little bit of his shaft disappear down her throat. His nails made a "scritch" noise as he dug into the leather seat. Rosetta would probably be able to swallow him whole if he were long enough.

Eventually the dragoness needed air. But slowly and calmly she clamped down her tongue, her throat and lips tightly around Daire before she slowly eased her way back up his length. It was agonizing snail's pace that sent lightning bolts of pleasure racing through Daire's brain at a rate that had him seeing stars.

Rosetta slurped down the pools of saliva as a small trail dribbled from the corner of her mouth and ran down her chin. When she had just the tip in her mouth, her tongue lashing teasingly around Daire's head, she paused for a second then slowly at the same pace dragged her lips down the shaft and swallowed him again. Her throat opened up to let him in like a snake swallowing her prey whole.

Daire blinked away flashes of light, looking down to see Rosetta was thoroughly enjoying his torture. Her tail lifted high, the whiplash point flicking from side to side as she purred happily, looking up at him with her lips spread around his girth.

She was enjoying this way too much. So Daire gave her a taste of her own medicine. He covertly pulled his wand from its holster and gave it a light flick, silently muttering a very custom spell he'd caught Rosetta using once late at night in the Slytherin common room.

With a quiet "pop" a glowing phallus of orange light appeared behind Rosetta, just below her tail. The dragoness didn't notice as Daire skilfully angled his wand to place the tip of the disembodied magical cock between her tight cheeks. Only it wasn't the glistening slit of pink flesh drooling with desire that he aimed for. It was the opening just above that, right under her teasingly lifted tail.

If she wanted to be sadistic, Daire could be sadistic too.

The tip pressed firmly against her clenched anus and then assaulted through. Rosetta had no idea what was happening at first and she suddenly duck her nails into Daire's legs. Her tight hole reflexively relaxed to allow for the phallus' girth and it slammed home, deep into her ass, right to the hilt.

Rosetta's eyes shot open to the size of saucers and she let out a high pitched "mmmmmmhhh!" that vibrated through Daire's teenage manhood. Her pupils shot up to lock with Daire's sly smile. Though in retrospect he considered himself lucky she didn't bite him with surprise.

"Hey, you're the one who wants to try new things," Daire chuckled.

Rosetta stared for a moment, but then as the phallus securely lodged inside her started vibrating lightly, her stare turned to a delirious smile. Her eyelids fell shut and her eyes rolled a little. She suckled a little harder as her hissing breath through her nostrils picked up the pace.

Soon she was bobbing her head up and down, slurping and gagging as she heaved her breath harder. Daire quickly realised he was in a race, but had no idea what place he was supposed to finish in.

Rosetta brain was a liquid mush of pure lust. She feverishly suckled on Daire, losing track of her pace. She bobbed faster and faster, trying to match her movements to the eclectic sparks of joy sizzling her nethers. She had enjoyed anal sex before, but nothing like this. Never had she been filled to just an adequate, enjoyable fullness so forcefully and then have the partner invading her vibrate at such a delicious frequency.

Murk clouded Rosetta's thoughts as she hollowed her cheeks, sucking Daire a little harder. She felt him twitch and heard him moan softly. She was making sounds too, purring like a kitten as she felt a wet little waterfall trickle down her inner thigh.

It crawled under her scales like an infection; the desire to continue, the desire for more pleasure was unbeatable. She felt like a junkie itching for the next high. And each passing moment of the vibrating phallus deep inside her ass was another hit of euphoria. But she was still chasing that "dragon," so to speak. The ultimate bliss just a hair's breadth from her desperate lunges.

Her hips her moving on their own, knees tight together as her buttocks slowly bobbed up and down in an erotic twerk. She was moaning into the blowjob more vigorously now. She felt Daire twitch more, his hips moving to thrust into her throat now.

She held him down harder with her hands. She needed her breath, as short and rapid fire as it was. She had to focus. She needed to...

A fire in her loins turned into an explosion. Dragonfire coursed through every nerve in her body as she finally locked her hands around that euphoria she so longed for. Her body moved on it's own. Her throat muscles clamped around Daire's erection tightly as she held her breath. Her arms and legs twitched like she was having a seizure. Her back coiled and flexed like she was possessed.

She was in fact. Possessed by the heights of ecstasy.

No sooner didn't her senses start racing back, she felt a swelling in her mouth. Rosetta smiled as common sense told her what was coming next.

She braced, and felt hot, salty cum shoot into her maw. The first twitch of the rock hard erection in her mouth shot a string into the back of her throat. She'd closed up just in time so she wouldn't choke. Two more spurts followed, glazing the roof of her mouth and blasting the bottom of her tongue.

The taste and smell made her groggy. It overpowered her senses and she forced out a blissful sigh, enjoying her little candy-like treat in the afterglow of the orgasm that racked her whole body just moments before.

This was hers. No other female on the face of the Earth could taste Daire the same way. He belonged to her. It was an unspoken rule... a law enforced by Rosetta personally. If she ever found any bitch making a move on what was hers, she'd kill them.

She eventually felt the swelling fullness in her anus subside and her ass-muscles relax as the magical dildo vanished into thin air, leaving only the memory of pleasure it had brought.

Catching his breath, Daire saw Rosetta make a gulping motion with her head before she peeled her lips back over his length and gave the softening member a final experimental lick. A satisfied glint in her eyes as she watched the rock hard erection turn limp, Rosetta slowly clawed her way up his body with lips puckered. As she tried to kiss him, the human recoiled knowing full well where her mouth had been and what had just been loaded into her.

"Whoa, hey!" he fought her off, one hand pinned on her forehead and the other on her shoulder as he pushed.

Rosetta giggled, then opened her mouth wide and lifted her serpentine tongue to show she hadn't, nor was she going to, waste a drop of his semen. "See? All gone."

She moved in, but Daire still didn't trust her. Sighing lightly, she settled for just giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

When she was done she left him to dress himself and returned to her seat. Lounging back with her legs crossed she picked up her wand, giving it a flick towards the compartment door. The locks clicked off before her panties levitated up past her knees and slipped on again.

"Thanks, Hograven. I needed that." She smiled, nodding at the door. "Now get the fuck out of my sight. I'll call you again when I actually need you."

Doing up his fly, Daire rolled his eyes. It would seem that Daire was leaving without settling what he originally visited about. In truth, while he couldn't trust Rosetta with anything, he could trust she would leave his sister's year alone. As long as he was at her beck and call whenever Rosetta was horny of course.

It wasn't the best arrangement, but it had worked the past six years. No reason to believe it wouldn't work for their last year.

By the time Daire got back to his compartment Valetta was wide awake and watching the dark landscape zoom by. She looked up and smiled as her big brother slid the compartment door behind him.

"Hey. Where did you go?"

"Oh, just... catching up with an old friend."

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