Littlefoot's Big Discovery

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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Littlefoot wakes to discover something strange and gets help from his friends!

Part 1, featuring Ruby the Oviraptor

I did this as a (looong overdue) b-day present for Daneasaur/LegionBeast, my long time viewer, fan, and friend.

Littlefoot's Big Discovery - Part 1


Dawn in the Great Valley was a leisurely thing. Though the sun rose on the horizon, the towering walls of stone that shielded the lush and verdant place from the dangers of the world beyond also blocked those first rays from touching the valley floor for hours after the dawn. What the inhabitants of this wondrous place experienced was the lightening of the sky long before the warmth and light reached them.

Littlefoot awoke this particular morning far earlier than he was used to. He could put his foot on why this might have happened, but it was clear he'd not be getting any more sleep. Stretching and yawning as he always did to get himself going, he stood and made his way in the twilight towards the watering hole nearest the sheltering trees where he had spent the night near his grandparents. As he walked, he noticed a peculiar sort of difference to his own stride.

As a longneck, Littlefoot wasted little time puzzling over what could have made walking awkward. His long neck gave him the ability to see every bit of himself with exception to the back of his head. a quick check down below.

"Wow," Littlefoot muttered to himself, "it's never been like that before."

Curiosity sparked within him, but his dry mouth reminded him that there were other things to take care of first. The walk down to the water hole was almost jaunty as the... thing... he had bobbed along. It wasn't unpleasant, really, and after a time he felt he was rather enjoying himself with it. The only problem was that it was certainly distracting.

So distracting, in fact, that his feet splashed into the water before he remembered where he was going. It had been an amusing sort of time bobbing his "other long neck" around after all. Besides the water hole, he'd also missed another early morning visitor who was likewise out for a drink.

"Good morning Littlefoot, good morning." said the voice of Ruby, making Littlefoot jump in surprise, "looks like you're up early."

"Oh wow," Littlefoot replied, reality snapping back into place, "Hey Ruby, I didn't see you there."

The young oviraptor gave an amused giggle as she strode around to her much larger friend. Ever since they'd become friends she'd watched everyone else get bigger while she remained fairly small. The notion passed swiftly away, however as she approached Littlefoot and got a good look at what was causing his distraction.

"Hey neat!" Ruby exclaimed, "Your dangler is out! Hey Littlefoot, does that mean you're lookin' for a special-girl friend then?"

"What? You mean my thing there?" Littlefoot wondered, swinging his hips so it moved a bit, "and by special-girl..."

"My parents told me about it a couple years ago when I came of age," Ruby said smartly, "When a male's dangler comes out and gets all big, it's time for him to find a special-girl friend that can help him with it. And sometimes, if the girl and guy like each other a whole lot, they'll even stay together and become parents!"

"Is that how it happens," Littlefoot continued as visions of the females he knew crossed his mind. For whatever reason, this seemed like just a fine thing to have happen... and for whatever other reason, his dangler seemed to be stiffening up because of it.

"Sure is," Ruby replied sagely, "Have you ever done anything with it before?"

"What _do_you do with it?" Littlefoot asked curiously, "Do you know?"

"Of course I know," Ruby said with a soft giggle, "You find a girl to play with it! Then you get to help the girl with her thing. And if it all goes just right, then she becomes your new girl friend and you become her guy friend! If not, then it's still a lot of fun!"

Littlefoot thought about this new information. If it was as fun as Ruby said, then why hadn't his grandparents mentioned it? Maybe it was just one of those things where they thought he was still too young to need to know about it. After all, this was the first time this subject had even come up. Still, he was very curious to see just how far this new game would go.

"Want me to show you?" Ruby offered innocently, "I wouldn't mind."

Littlefoot was speechless, but Ruby was already a step ahead. Bouncing on her long legs, she dashed around to Littlefoot's belly and took hold of his dangler. Immediately, Littlefoot gasped at the sensation, jumping a bit with the tickling feeling of her light touch. Ruby nuzzled up against Littlefoot's dong, reveling in the size of the longneck. Her nimble hands stroked at his length, which thickened and grew as large as he'd ever remembered it doing before.

"If you look beneath my tail, you'll get to see my special place." Ruby said invitingly, "I can teach you how to make me feel good too."

Luckily, Littlefoot's neck was plenty long enough to manage even while Ruby worked on his dangler. Down under her tail he saw something that he knew he didn't have. Instead of the slit where his dangler had emerged, she had a different sort of slit; pink and puffy and glistening as if wet. A bit like a flower that hadn't opened all the way, it teased and hinted at the beauty within. As hard as he tried, though, Littlefoot couldn't be sure he'd ever seen a girl's slit quite like this before.

"What's that part Ruby?" Littlefoot asked, "A special girl part?"

"It sure is. And when I get excited, it swells up and feels really good when I rub it. But I'd bet it would feel even better if you were to lick it for me."

"L-lick it?" Littlefoot stammered.

"Like this," Ruby replied in sultry tones before running her own tongue along the underside of his cock.

Littlefoot shuddered at the delightfully tingly feeling her tongue made as it passed up and down his shaft. It added a certain extra something to the pleasure of her hands stroking him. While he had no hands of his own, he felt sure that he could at least be a good friend and help her feel good too.

A tentative tongue took a taste at the puffy folds.

"Oooh yes Littlefoot, just like that!" Ruby moaned as a shudder ran through her, "lick it all over like..."

With redoubled effort, she ran her own tongue up and down Littlefoot's shaft, taking care to keep her teeth and beak from hurting him as she worked to touch every last spot. Encouraged by his friend and the wonderful feeling she was giving him, Littlefoot set to work. It was a bit like running his tongue through the water leaves, but warm and playful. Ruby's squeals and moans felt really great on his dangler, and it occurred to him that perhaps he should try making noise too.

Ruby laughed with delight and ground her hips into Littlefoot's face as he began humming a made-up tune while he ate her out. More delightful than just licking, his song was letting his lips nibble at her velvety folds. None of her other playmates had ever done that before.

"Ah, wow, Littlefoot! You're a... natu...aaaah!"

Littlefoot jumped a bit as Ruby's flower moved beneath his lips and shot a bit of warmth upon his muzzle. The suddenness of it put him off so much that all he could do was laugh.

"You alright, Ruby," he asked though his laughs at the sounds of her gasping.

"Sooo good," She sighed, her head swimming, "ooh wow..."

It was so amusing that Littlefoot decided he wanted her to do it again. Without further question, he dived back in and resumed licking and nibbling as before. The response was immediate as Ruby jumped and squeaked before returning to her gasping moans of pleasure. The little oviraptor had only Littlefoot's dangler. To brace herself against as Littlefoot devoured her pussy, though it was large and hard enough to grip with both hands. All pretense of cock-licking was gone as she used the force of her rocking hips to continue jerking him off.

And then Littlefoot's tongue slid deep into her. A loud gasp from Ruby made him start, fearing that he had hurt her. Quickly, he pulled his face free of her clenching tunnel and swung his neck around to face her.

"Oh, wow, Littlefoot. Do that again!"

"Wha... I mean... you're ok?"

"Your tongue went in my egg hole! It felt _reeeeally_good."

Emboldened by this, Littlefoot swung back around and gave Ruby's slit another lick for good measure, then slid his tongue back inside. It was warm and slippery in Ruby's egg hole with a juicy, indefinable taste. It wasn't bad, decided Littlefoot, just odd and new. But more than this, he decided that he liked how Ruby jumped and wiggled as he explored. She was feeling good, she was making _him_feel good, and that was what mattered.

One of the biggest benefits of being a longneck was that he had an incredible control of where his head went. All the times he had reached high into the sweet-treat flowers at the tops of trees had paid off. True Ruby wasn't full of sweet nectar, but her flower did like having his tongue dip into it. For a time, Littlefoot amused himself by dipping his tongue in and out just as he would those sweet-nectar flowers, pushing deep to get at the best parts and nibbling with his lips around the delicate pink petals.

Ruby had lost the concentration to jerk him off somewhere during his tongue-thrusts, but Littlefoot didn't mind so much. The knowledge that Ruby was making such loud moaning cries filled him with confidence and a pulsing joy to know that he was doing so well. That she was clutching the ground as if trying to keep from being blown away by a strong wind didn't matter as much as her tail-end in Littlefoot's face.

"Littlefoot! Quick! Put your dangler in my flower!" Ruby cried out as her love-tunnel contracted spasmodically around his invading tongue, "I want it in me please!"

This caught Littlefoot off-guard. He knew how big his dangler had gotten, and it seemed like his tongue was stretching Ruby's little egg-hole quite wide indeed! There had been a time when they had been nearly the same size, but that was back when they had first met. Now, Littlefoot was much larger.

"I... are you..."

"Just try Littlefoot, please," Ruby moaned, sounding desperate, "just get on top of me and I'll do what I can!"

Obediently, Littlefoot swung himself around and, doing the best he could, lined up the tip of his dick to the puffy lips of her slit. Sure that he was on target, he pushed forward gently. He didn't expect at all for Ruby to push back so aggressively. The little oviraptor ground herself against his stiff shaft, smearing her wetness against his already moist head. Littlefoot pushed back, but nothing they both did allowed him entry.

Still, the thrusting and rocking was certainly stimulating. After a while of trying, Ruby slipped and ended up running her dripping snatch up and down his shaft, the rest of the meat simply sliding across her belly.

As clumsy as it was, it was too much for the inexperienced Littlefoot, who found himself pushing his hips in quick, fast thrusts. The sensation soon became overwhelming and he felt as though something was about to burst. Ruby was in a similar state and rubbed herself carelessly against his massive organ. An orgasmic cry of delight burst from Ruby, preceding a strained grunt from Littlefoot as he was carried into climax.

Gushes of creamy cum splashed over Ruby's stomach and chest as Littlefoot's dong twitched and jumped beneath her. As the tension of her own climax lessened and the glow of a job well done washed through her, she rubbed Littlefoot's seed into her scales and fell forward onto her knees, exhausted. Littlefoot gave a huge, long sigh and collapsed as well, rolling to the side to avoid crushing his friend.

"Amazing... just... amazing." He moaned. His tail snaked up to caress his sensitive, yet shrinking, dangler.

"You sure were," Ruby sighed wistfully, reaching a sticky hand over to pat him, "it's too bad we couldn't be... you know..."

"Special-girl and special-boy friends?" Littlefoot wondered.

"Yeah. I'm just too small for you."

"Well, I mean..."

"No, it's ok Littlefoot. I'm happy with what we have. And as long as we have that... well... we'll always be really good friends right?"

"Of course we will," Littlefoot replied with a chuckle, "Really... this just made it better."

Ruby picked herself up and made her way to the water. Moments later, Littlefoot stood and followed.

"You think I'll find a special-girl?" Littlefoot asked, the confidence he had been feeling seemed to be ebbing a bit.

"Oh, most definitely," replied Ruby sagely, "My mom told me that sometimes it can take a whole lot of tries with a whole lot of others before you find the right one... My dad told me the same thing actually."

"And... and I mean... my..."

"Oh, and you've got a huuuge dangler! That always helps!" Ruby finished with a lusty laugh.

A relaxing few minutes of washing and drinking helped cool things off. Littlefoot's dangler had retreated back inside for now and he was feeling a bit more calm. Still, his mind seemed to be stuck on the idea of doing those sorts of fun things with other females, and then of what kinds of females those would be. Before he knew it, he was being snapped out of his daydream.

"I've got to go for now." Ruby told him when she had his attention, "But you should definitely try and find your special-girl. I mean, time's a-wasting, right? You'll want to find her quickly so you can do all that fun stuff together, right?"

"Thanks Ruby," Littlefoot said with the most genuine smile he'd worn in a long time, "thanks for everything!"

"Good luck!" Ruby said as she bounded away, "Sure was a good thing no one else came to this particular water-hole huh?"

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