The Mage's Initiation

Story by TastyTales on SoFurry

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Not long after Nasien had joined the Mages College of Winterhold he received an invitation to join a secretive order. Never being one to pass up an opportunity, the Khajiit made his way to the undercroft of the College to see what awaited him... but could he really pass the challenges of the Council of the Arcane Hand?

First non-vore story! I had this idea for a secret fraternity ever since I heard of the mages guild in Skyrim being referred to as a 'College'. I really hope I'm not the only one, but if I am at least I wrote a story about it. o.o;

White-haired Breton belongs to Hollow.

Skyrim belongs to the Nords! ...and Bethesda

The Mage's Initiation

Nasien paused at the top of the spiral staircase and stared at the door at the bottom, deciding to convince himself once more that this was a good idea. There he was, halfway down to the undercroft of the Mages College, willing to throw his education at Winterhold away for a place in some secret order. His roommate had spoken against the plan, but the khajiit had never been one to follow instructions. A mage's greatest strength was their contacts, after all... or their magic. Probably their magic, but friends were useful to have too.

And who knew what friends waited on the other side of that door? The least he could do was come, he said he would when he had been 'chosen' after all. After taking a minute to compose himself the gray khajiit gave the door a few swift knocks.

"What brings you here." A whisper came from the other side of the door, so faint that for a moment Nasien simply thought the door had creaked. The voice came again, this time louder, "Have you come to join us, novice?"

"Ah, yes. I was selected today." Nasien replied with a grin, showing off his pronounced fangs as he moved his hand to the door, "I am the Novice Nasien, student of Alteration and the-"

"We do not care." The whisper replied, leaving the Khajiit's ears tucking back as he heard the news, "Take the blindfold from the satchel and put it on. Wait ten seconds, then step forward."

Nasien blinked. Okay, perhaps he -was- one for following instructions, but only when it meant he would be invited into places (after all, he wouldn't have gotten his place at the College of Winterhold by ignoring the entry test). He reached into the nearby satchel and took the blindfold, though his hands wandered over something smooth. As he took it out he found himself staring at a soul gem, and judging by it's size and brightness, a grand one.

He slipped it into his pocket, deciding it would be useful to his enchantment studies as he wrapped the blindfold around his head, tugging it firmly to tighten it. He cleared his throat as he stared into the darkness, though as he heard no response he spoke up, "Ah, Nasien is now blindfolded. He cannot see a thing."

After a moment longer of silence he heard the door suddenly swing open. Two sets of hands grabbed his arms and dragged him forward, the sudden rush of it all left him almost tripping over his robes. He heard the door slam behind him, and in an instant the room went quiet again.

"Novice Nasien the Khajiit, you have been summoned by the Council of the Arcane Hand because you show promise. After this induction ceremony, you will be one of us." a voice bellowed from the shadows. The khajiit's sensitive nose picked up a powerful and disgusting odour, and it seemed to be getting closer until finally it was right before him, "Now, drink of the cup of servitude."

"It smells foul. What is in this cup?" Nasien complained, gagging at the scent as he reached down. He blindly grasped for a moment before finally finding the wooden cup. He carefully lifted it to his muzzle and sniffed at the contents inside, the greasy smell of mold and rot hitting him hard, "Is this poison?"

"It is the elixer of the Arcane Hand. If you do not drink it, you will no be able to proceed." the voice replied. Nasien bit his lip and closed his eyes beneath the blindfold, forcing the doubts about this whole ritual out of his mind. He took a mouthful of the liquid and gagged, then held his muzzle closed with his hand and took a gulp to empty his mouth.

He gagged and let out a belch of the rotten scent of the drink, he could still feel it moving through him. The khajiit's ears perked as he felt a pair of hands remove his blindfold, allowing him to look down into the elixir and see the scraps of flesh and toe nails in it. He gulped as he felt the liquid trying to crawl back out of him.

"Let it be known that Nasien has drank the elixir of Giant's Toe and Falmer Ear, and will now proceed to the next stage of the initiation!" The tanned Nord announced solemnly before taking the cup away from the Khajiit and turning to the many cloaked figures out him, "Search him to see whether he has passed the test of trust."

"He has not, All-Seer." a voice called from behind him. The Khajiit turned in alarm to see the short Breton holding up the soul gem he had taken before. The Breton grinned up at Nasien before turning his attention back to the one leading the ceremony, "It appears he will have to undergo training, lest he take something else from us."

"Impossible, Nasien has never been pick-pocketed!" The Khajiit gasped, snatching at the soul gem only to have the Breton move it away at the last moment, "How did you manage it? Nasien is so alert and careful."

"And clearly not used to being blindfolded and distracted by terrible drinks," The Breton replied, shaking the soul gem at him before tossing it back to the Khajiit with a grin, "Feel free to hold onto it though, you'll need it for the next challenge."

"This should be a simple one for someone with such an interest in soul gems." The Nord's voice came back as he stepped through the cloaked figures. He held up a wooden paddle with runes carved along it's surface, "This is the sacred paddle of Ahswha Lopp. You must use the soul gem to charge it."

"Ha, this is easy. The town drunk could charge an enchanted item." Nasien laughed, holding the soul gem out towards it. The soul gem hummed gently, but the runes on the paddle didn't glow as they should have. Nasien growled and shook the soul gem, "This one has no charge, bring Nasien another."

"The soul gem, while charged, is currently in a hibernated state." An Altmer explained. The elf stepped forward and gestured to the soul gem, smiling charismatically as he did so, "As such, it can only be unlocked by being placed somewhere warm."

"Somewhere warm? In Skyrim?" The Khajiit joked, hoping to gain some laughter from his new friends. As the room fell silent (and the Nords began to prepare their fire spells), Nasien rolled his eyes and slipped the soul gem under his arm. He buried it in his armpit, clenching the soul gem tightly in his grip as he rubbed it vigorously with his robes, but as he tried again he found it still wouldn't charge the runes.

"Try somewhere warmer. You'll find your body heat is much more warming than your robes." An Argonian in the crowd suggested. The other cloaked figures began to snicker as the Khajiit looked the soul gem over before opening his mouth and slowly slipping it in. He ran his tongue over its slick surface and felt the vibrations coming from it as it hummed gently in his mouth. He could see it beginning to glow, and with a grin he removed it and returned it to the runes.

But they didn't glow. The cat began to feel frustrated by the soul gem as he shook it forcefully, clenching it tightly and shaking the drool off of it onto his robes as he did so, "This soul gem is useless! There is no way to charge it!"

"I think it just needs somewhere... snug." The Breton suggested. The cloaked figures began to snicker again as the Khajiit looked over at them, then down at the soul gem, and finally over at his tail as he lifted it slightly.

"Please tell me this one is mistaken," Nasien pleaded, turning to the All-Seer for advice. The Nord just grinned under his bushy beard and gestured for the cat to proceed. The Khajiit turned to look around the room once more as the hooded figures continued to watch on in anticipation, "Can Nasien have some privacy?"

"We must be sure you do not cheat." The Nord replied, raising his head enough that his blue eyes became visible under his hood. He stared into the Khajiit's eyes as he continued, "You have proven that you cannot be trusted by stealing the soul gem, now you must do this to prove that what happened was merely a lapse of judgement."

"This one will not shove a soul gem up his ass!" Nasien protested, letting out a mewl of embarrassment at the end of his yell. The cloaked figures didn't move, and as they continued to watch him the Khajiit doubted they would just let him leave after he drank their foul concoction.

He reached a hand down to his robes and unfastened his belt, allowing the pants beneath his belt to slip down until they were just above his knees. He reached back and held his robe to one side with one hand as he held the soul gem with the other and bent over the table to expose his toned, furry rear to the room.

The soul gem shook in his hand as he hesitated, he could still feel his slobber over its surfaces as he allowed one of his fingers to run over them to determine the best way to insert it. He waited patiently for someone to tell him to stop and that it was just a joke, but as they didn't he breathed out a sigh and slipped the tip of the soul gem into his rear.

The reaction was instant, the soul gem began to hum and vibrate, forcing a rumbling moan out of the cat as he slipped the glowing crystal deeper into his rear. He let out a yowl as he retreated his finger, leaving the soul gem with only the tip of it still poking out of his tailhole. He grunted and shuddered, his legs crossing as he tried to conceal his growing erection, "H-ha.. ha... I-I think it has been activated.. it is.. mmph, quite lively."

"Then the soul gem is ready, all that remains is to charge the paddle of Aswha Llop." The Nord announced, managing to keep his voice powerful and dramatic even as the rest of the room was laughing and snickering. The Nord held the paddle out to the Khajiit, "Present the soul gem, Nasien."

"...Nasien cannot." the Khajiit replied to a tirade of snickers as he lowered his ears, blushing profusely up at the Nord, "..It is stuck in his hind quarters."

The room erupted into laughter, much to the humiliation of the Khajiit who desperately wished he had gotten a set of robes that had a hood. Even the Nord couldn't stop himself from blushing as he looked down at the grey Khajiit. He finally snapped his fingers and pushed Nasien over the table before grabbing his tail and yanking it up to expose his tailhole, as well as the tip of the soul gem.

The Khajiit struggled and let out a string of obscenities as the Nord held the paddle to his rear, watching as the runes along its face began to react to the soul gem trapped in the cat's tailstar. The runes flashed brilliantly and the paddle came to life, breaking free of the Nord's grip and delivering smack after smack to the Khajiit's unguarded rear end.

"Ah, behold. The paddle is charged! Now let us see how Nasien fares against the beating of the red moon!" The Nord called, resulting in a cheer from his audience as he stepped back around the table. The paddle smacked mercilessly at the Khajiit's furry ass, leaving him blushing in humiliation as his cheeks became as red as those on his face.

The Khajiit clawed into the table, trying to pull himself free only to find some hidden force holding him in place. He noticed the Argonian through the crowds, one hand outstretched as he cast his magic on the cat to bind him in place. He gave a toothy grin and waved playfully, leaving Nasien roaring between yowls as the paddle continued to spank his rear, each swat it gave made his cheeks bounce as they became redder still.

After thirty solid minutes of the torture the paddle finally ran out of charge, and with one final slap across both of the Khajiit's cheeks it dropped lifeless to the stone floor, rattling as it landed. Nasien was on the verge of tears as he looked at those gathered, blushing and fuming as he tucked his tail between his legs and breathed out in stuttered, choking breaths.

"Such endurance... I've never seen an initiate remain for the entire duration of the Paddle of Aswha Llop's charge." The All-Seer gasped as he looked down at the Khajiit, crossing his broad arms over his chest. "Usually one would counter it with a ward spell, but you remained vigilant to see it through to the end."

"Ttthh..." Nasien managed, glaring daggers over at the Argonian at the back of the room as he finally ended the spell and allowed him to move again. The cat moved stiffly, pushing himself off the table as he swallowed back his tears, "It.. stings.." he coughed.

"Yes, I imagine you will want to avoid sitting down for the rest of the night, and not only because of the soul gem lodged in your tailhole." The Nord nodded in agreement, watching the Khajiit blush as the soul gem was mentioned once more. He grinned widely and patted the novice mage's shoulder heartily, "You have shown determination, Nasien the Novice. I would be proud to make you a member of the secret order of the Council of the Arcane Hand."

"Praise Julianos." Nasien breathed out a sigh of relief before grinning as the other mages moved to congratulate him, patting his shoulders and back (as well as a few adventurous hands patting his stinging rear). He couldn't help but laugh as he soaked in their praise, though as he went to pull up his slacks the Nord held out a hand to stop him.

"Yes, yes, you have done well, Nasien." The Nord summarized, gesturing for the mages to settle down as a devious smile spread across his fuzzy beard, "However, there is one final challenge. You must gather ale and mead from the local tavern so we may celebrate your initiation!"

"Oh." Nasien blinked, after everything he had endured that didn't seem so bad, but there was something in the Nord's eyes that suggested it wouldn't be as easy as it sounded. He waited in anticipation for the rest of the challenge.

"And you must do so naked." The Nord finished with a grin. In an instant Nasien found his robes flying up him, the belts around his waist falling off of him as he was stripped by the Nord's spell. He blushed and covered himself, his ears tucking back and his tail curling up to shield his throbbing shaft as the soul gem buzzed between his cheeks, "Return with wine, ale and mead, and you will be a member of our sacred order."

The Khajiit gulped nervously as he turned towards the door, as the cloaked figure standing by it pulled it open a blast of cold air swept into the room, forcing the cat's fur to puff out in an attempt to protect him from the freezing temperatures. The Argonian grinned and patted him on the rear to send him on his way,

"Oh, and be careful." he added in a playful hiss, "It's cold out tonight."

* * *

The night was blisteringly cold against the Khajiit's naked fur. Try as he might he couldn't seem to lose his erection, even as the cold air blew against it the soul gem buzzing away against his prostate left him constantly purring away, and his member dripping with pre.

He breathed out a sigh, mustering up his courage as he pushed the door to the tavern open. He was greeted with the sound of lute music, chatter and metal tankards clinking against eachother. He bit his lip and stormed over to the bar, striding with purpose and resolve as though he were naked twenty four hours a day.

He wasn't fooling anyone. The entire tavern was watching him, spitting out their drinks or commenting on the blue glowing crystal sticking out from under his tail. The bard even stopped playing her music to watch as the Khajiit walked through the bar before finally stopping as he reached a white haired Breton wearing an apron, dusting the floor.

"Ah, pardon me." Nasien began, tapping the Breton on the shoulder to get his attention. The young Breton turned and blushed as he found himself staring at the toned chest of the nude Khajiit. The cat cleared his throat, "Ah... This one is looking for.. ah."

"I suppose you just arrived from Elswyr." the Breton noted, leaning on his broom as he tried to keep his eyes from wandering over the man's naked form, "Here in Skyrim it's customary to wear clothes."

"This one knows that, he has been sent here on a challenge." Nasien replied, crossing his arms over his chest before quickly returning his hands back to his crotch to hide it, "Ah! Ha. Nasien requires mead, ale and wine for his initiation."

"Sure, you got the money for it?" the Breton asked, looking the Khajiit over for any kind of bag. The Khajiit blushed at him as he began to pat himself over, realizing he had left his coin purse in his bag. As he looked the smaller male over an idea came to his mind, he stroked his hand over the Breton's slim frame and stared deeply into his amber eyes as he purred.

"Khajiit is willing to offer alternative payments." Nasien offered with a seductive smile, his ears perking as his tail swished back and forth, "It is said that the Khajiit have rough tongues, but I assure you mine is quite gentle... and skilled."

"I can tell you're having a hard night." The Breton began, pushing the Khajiit's hand aside as he glanced at the tavern patrons, desperate to avoid joining the cat in his humiliation, "How about you just open up a tab and pay me back when you can?"

"O-oh, yes. Nasien likes this idea much better." The khajiit agreed with a grin, glad to have gotten his way. The Breton moved behind the bar and returned moments later with a bag of mixed alcohol; wine, mead and a couple of bottles of nordic ale. With a little wave Nasien moved back to the door, keeping his tail tucked between his legs as he walked.

Once he was back out under the moonlight he began to stride along with a skip in his step and a smile on his face. He could see the gates of the College of Winterhold, all he had to do was get across the bridge and he'd be back in the basement drinking it up with his new comrades, who would hail him as a hero for his success on his quest.

That was until he saw the angry Breton woman standing at the gates glaring directly at him. His stride slowed to a crawl as he approached her, and his smile slowly melted into a look of embarrassment and shame. Mirabelle crossed her arms and glared down at him, raising an eyebrow, "...Well?"

"Uh." The Khajiit choked, staring up at the Breton as he watched her eyes slowly drift to his throbbing shaft. He blushed and covered it with the bag of alcohol, only to gasp and quickly hide the bag behind his back with one hand while guarding his crotch from her sight with the other. "Heh, ah... It's cold out."

"Indeed." Mirabelle muttered before making her way down the stairs. She grabbed the cat by his ear and dragged him through the gate and back across the bridge towards the college. Nasien hissed and grunted all the way back, knowing his alcohol would likely be confiscated and he'd be lucky if he was even allowed to remain in the guild. The Breton paused for a moment as she noticed something.

"...Do you have a soul gem in your ass?!"

Nasien cringed at the scolding voice. Yep. This was going to be a long night.

* * *

"So, Nasien will now have to spend twenty minutes a day studying the runes of the Paddle of Aswha Llop until he can make his own," Nasien finished his story, laying back in his dorm bed as he shuddered, "And he still has the soul gem stuck inside of him."

"You have had a hard night, my friend. But I did warn you." J'zargo replied, rolling his eyes as he put his quill down and stepped away from his writing desk. He took a small pot off of his shelf of ingredients and gestured, "Roll over, J'zargo will get it out."

"You can try, but I have had no luck in my attempts." Nasien growled, rolling onto his front and tugging down his pants just enough to expose his rear before raising his tail. He bit his lip and let out a whimper as the cloth brushed over his stinging ass, "How bad is it?"

"It looks as though you had sex with a flame Atronach... a male flame Atronach, with you being the one who is having his tail raised." J'zargo answered honestly as he began to rub the contents of the pot gently around the Khajiit's tailhole in a circular motion, "This is distilled Dwarven Oil, it is the greatest lubricant available to us."

"How did you come upon such a thing?" Nasien asked, squirming against the bed as the Khajiit's tender finger ran along his tailhole. Finally he gripped the soul gem and slipped it out, leaving the cat gasping with relief, "Ahh, thank you."

"You owe J'zargo greatly for his help." the Khajiit noted as he looked over the soul gem before placing it on the bed beside the smaller khajiit's sore ass. He shook his head as he got up and moved to go back to his desk, "You got off easy though. When J'zargo went for his initiation he had to blow a Daedroth. He failed his test when it tried to eat him."

"Is that why you have all those summoning spell tomes?" Nasien asked curiously, raising an eyebrow as he looked up at the khajiit. He had seen the cat studying conjuration more than any other school of magic and had always wondered why.

"It is also why you have heard people referring to this one as 'Jizzargo'." the khajiit replied in a grumble, tugging at his moustache as he turned back to his research, "Still, despite all your troubles your story is amusing. Perhaps J'zargo will tell his fellow mages about your trials."

"Perhaps Nasien will tell his about your Daedroth fetish." the Khajiit retorted before rolling back onto his back, letting out a stifled yowl as he quickly rolled onto his side again, feeling the stinging of his rear as it reminded him he wouldn't be sleeping on his back any time soon.

He went back to the basement the next night but didn't find any of the mages there. He even looked around the college and kept an eye out in classes, but he failed to run into any of the Council of the Arcane Hand again. Though one day after returning from a particularly stinging 'study session' with the paddle of Aswha Llop, he found a note on his bed.

'You have been chosen to join the Council of the Arcane Hand. Please meet us tonight in the basement of the main tower.'

He rolled his eyes, then picked up the soul gem and made his way through the door. "This time will be different" he told himself as he walked, "This time Nasien won't take the blasted soul gem!"

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