Growing Devotion

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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((A story I wrote for my good friend modem_redpill . He and I scene quite a bit, and I decided to take one of those scenes and turn it into a full fledged story for his enjoyment, and I hope you all like it too.

As always, comments are very appreciated and give me warm fuzzies.))

Denora nervously stepped into the nearby bedroom, a tray of food in her hands. It was her morning duty to prepare a meal for her God, and today was no different.

As she peeked into the room to make sure he wasn't busy, Denora spotted him, laying on his bed, nothing more then a pair of boxer shorts on that barely hid that thick package underneath, his muscled chest naked, shining proudly even while he was asleep. It was her God, the lionlynx, Modem. She had long been a lover of his ever since that fateful first meeting, when she had realized just how much she had enjoyed being used by him, taken and tied up for his enjoyment. It had been only a matter of time before she wanted to serve him utterly. He accepted, and ever since he had been pampered by her in every way he would allow.

Modem grunted as his eyes opened, the last remnants of sleepiness fading quickly, a grin forming on his face as he saw her bringing him his morning meal, dressed in her servant best, a single chain going from one nipple ring to another that he used like a leash.

"M-morning my God." Denora softly muttered, never looking at him right in the face, making sure to keep her attention focused on her duty, not him.

"Mmmmm.... morning my little whore." He noticed the food and nodded towards a nearby table. "Put that down for now, I have a better way to spend our morning... good, now come here." Denora, hands free, did as she was told. As she came closer, Modem grabbed her by the chain as she let out a yelp, the searing pain in her chest from the tugging chain only mitigated by the fact that she loved it when he did that, her pained expression quickly turning to one of pleasure as she let out a low moan.

Modem chuckled as he noticed Denora's flushed face. She had been kept hooked up to chemicals for weeks. Aphrodisiacs, truth and obedience serums unheard of and unknown outside the confines of Modem's house, a chemical cocktail that assured his dominance over her was 110%. He wanted her, mind, body, and spirit, and Denora was happy to oblige.

"Mmm... my hot little bitch wants release doesn't she? Seeing me like this getting you flustered...?" Denora nodded, answering truthfully, unwilling, and by this point, unable to do otherwise.

"Y-yes my God." Was all she meeped out. Modem simply chuckled at her, hopeless in his grasp.

"Good, cause I've been wanting to do something with you for a while. Go outside and grow for me while I finish up my meal. I want to be able to climb your foot by the time I'm done." Modem accentuated his simple and blunt request with a loud hard SMACK on Denora's ass, eliciting another moan as his hand connected with the branded "M" on her left ass cheek. Such bluntness was common place coming from Modem, and Denora obeyed automatically.

"Aaah... Y-y-yes My God." Denora said, as she wandered outside, still blindly serving her God and master.

However, when she stepped foot into the lawn, Denora simply blinked. She couldn't grow, not like most furs anyway, she had to have something that was pleasing enough to cause her to grow. Sex, paw rubs, ear rubs... all of these were good, but she could do none of these at the moment, her God eating his meal inside. Now what the hell am I supposed to do?

Denora heard her master gulping down the number of beers she had prepared for him noisily through the nearby window. His food would be next, and she knew he was a fast eater. After a quick moment of terror, she got an idea. I'll just think of times I've spent with him, that should get me excited enough...

Denora murred as she remembered the last few nights, concentrating hard on a few key scenes. Modem had been teasing her quite a bit, those chemicals pumping through her all night long. She had begged for him to wake up and touch her, willing to give him anything. That was until he tied her muzzle shut, a ball gag firmly lodged in her mouth.

She let her fingers slip to her needy sex as she remembered how it felt. Large and dominating, like Modems massive cock... Oh how he loved forcing it into her mouth after a few beers, his cock already dripping pre and slick as he would grunt over top of her, grabbing her hair as he would thrust her head up and down his cock like a piston. He was a horny bastard almost constantly, and that was without any type of drugs... the one time he decided to dose himself with some of the aphrodisiac he was using on her, she couldn't speak for a week...

Denora gasped as she rubbed against her clit. It was already engorged of course, as it had been almost a month since he had last fucked her there, and a simple touch caused her knees to almost collapse under her. It felt incredible... and was made even better when she felt that door open in her mind, the feeling of growth flowing through her body like a tidal wave. She murr'd as she exploded with growth, reaching 100 feet in a matter of moments. She had to control it though, as he had wanted her at a rather specific size... 200 feet, 300 feet... she rose quickly upwards, her muscles bulging as they doubled upon themselves, simply trying to keep up with the rest of her body. Panicing slightly, Denora started thinking of other, less pleasurable things, her hand moving to her side as she quickly reached the point that her master wanted. She could smell her own arousal, but she could smell that before... Modem will be none the wiser.

As she finally stopped at 500 feet, she saw Modem step outside of the house, murrring happily as he saw his bitch at this new size, massive even for the tall muscular Modem. Her paws were incredibly enticing to the notorious paw lover as well, his cock hardening already at the thought of having just one of those massive lovely pads on top of him, servicing his every desire. He groaned distractedly however as he remembered he had better things to do with her... least for now.

"Mmm.... good girl..." he got closer to his whore, only then being hit with the overwhelming scent of her arousal. It was breathtakingly powerful, the scent hot and heavy enough to almost knock him backwards... and he could feel his libido kicking into overdrive. "Ooooh... did my little whore like getting all big, hmm?" He chuckled breathily as he rubbed against her ankle.

Denora nodded, turning to look at the much smaller Modem. He could easily fit underneath of a single one of her toes, but the thought never once crossed her mind. Modem was still her God. Small or no, her body was his.

"Good... because your not done yet." He chuckles, and Denora watches as her god climbs up effortlessly onto her large paws, sitting on top of one of them with a murr, that tent in his shorts obvious even from her height. "Walk to the city... nice firm steps too. If I fall off, it will be your ass."

Denora blinked, seeming to finally get at what he wanted to do with her today, and why he was so anxious to do so... before simply nodding.

"Of course my God."

Denora's form shifted as she lifted up her paw. She turned, and saw the city but a few steps off... for her anyway. Denora then began her short walk to downtown proper. Every step was like a roller coaster ride for her little passenger below, as her paws rose up into the air in succession, showing off the skyline in the middle distance before crashing back down to earth, those massive leg muscles of hers flexing as needed to support this giant's body weight.

Modem could feel her toes splay out against the earth as even the ground below her revolted at her power. And yet, even as he watched her move, she didn't look at him, simply looking forward at her current destination; ears back, a heavy needy blush on her face as she went. Modem simply growled in approval when her paw, without even her really thinking, fell, crashing down on top of a cul-de-sac, obliterating all of it without even a second thought. Her left over paw print would stay there as a testament of her power, replacing a once thriving community with a huge calling card of this newly made beast. Modem murred casually on her paw, looking back at the devastation she left behind with approval.

"Wonderful..." was all he said, idly rubbing her paw. To Denora's surprise, and to Modem's delight, it felt incredible, those chemicals that had been pent up in her easily manipulated by her master with such simply movements. Denora let out a low murrr, her body shivering slightly. She could feel her old self come through again slightly, that side of her that used to love rampaging through cities just like that, her pride leading her into the inner city to crush and destroy all in her path. This time, it seemed, it would be her master that would lead her on.

Paw print after paw print, she moved towards the city, leaving a trail of destruction even before her rampage properly began. Schools, houses, parking lots, it didn't matter, the more she destroyed, the better she felt, and the more her God and master below her murr'd, enjoying the pre-show festivities immensely. As she finally hit the outskirts of town, she was already panting, looking at the buildings and people not as living things... but toys for her amusement. Already the cries of 'monster!' and even a few littles calling her by name, cursing her for coming back . Just like the old days.

Denora couldn't help but indulge herself as she stepped on a small grouping of littles, and before Modem's eyes, her leg muscles flex, looking like they almost doubled in size right before his eyes. The furs below her, the asphalt, and the ground beneath her heavy pivoting paw, all simply give up to her might as they crunch and explode underneath her massive weight.

Modem's eyes went wide as he watched this, laughing as he treated his perch on her paw like a living throne, kicking back with a few loud murrs, just watching as the furs run from his slave. She began to pant even harder above him, getting into it more and more.

"Thats right, fear my slave you stupid bugs! Hah!" Modem then looked up at Denora, a grin on his face as he watched her slowly get into her role more and more. She wasn't quite where he wanted her though... "Kill them all! Spread chaos with your feet... I want this place to be a nice big clearing for what I'm going to do to you afterwards, hmm?" Modem then leaned over, scritching a bit of her paw...

To Denora's surprise, Modem's scritching was like a key to a long buried and dusty chest in the back of her mind. All of those old feelings of pride and control returned to her in force, like a wave of absolute desire. She remembered the words that she used to call these things. Bugs, worms, insignificant toys. Her smile grew bigger as she looked down at these same creatures. However, even while she did, that nagging feeling remained. Play, it would say, But your doing this for him.

"Mmmm... with pleasure Master." Denora growled out lustily. Modem could hear her once whimpering voice growl deep enough to rattle windows, before turning to the rest of the city, a broad smile on her face as her panting continued. Her feet strike against the city beneath her with a newfound purpose, the chuckling lionlynx, growling with a growing lust was all but ignored as Denora moved towards the center of town.

"My God says to destroy you little worms. Just sit still so I can enjoy killing more of you at a time, you little insignificant fucks." Denora simply grunted, Modem murrring by her feet as she lifted her other foot above one of the major intersections in the city, twinkling her toes as a mad smile erupted on her face. For the first time in a long time she could enjoy the silent screams, the looks of the little bugs under the shadow of her paw as they saw their impending doom, death on the cities shiny new intersection, killed by a giant furry beast.

"Bye now." Was all that she said to them, seeming to enjoy their shock for just a minute more before letting off a chuckle. With that, Denora snapped a kick down into the intersection below. For Modem, the world suddenly and quickly changes, a black shaking void taking shape over his eyes, as the asphalt, body parts, car parts, and other mismatched debris disintegrates to a fine powder underneath her paw, shooting out with the massive shock wave that followed. Looking around as the dust slowly clears but moments later, the storm quickly passing to suffocate less fortunate littles, the true nature of her power becomes apparent to everyone. Where a thriving downtown once stood, now stands a large crater, a large husky foot paw sitting in the middle of it, toes splayed, her panting breath giving way to a low howl.

"Oh yes master.... rrrrrowr.... More... MORE!" She chuckles almost maniacally to herself as she feels that sense of dominance rising up within her once more. "Tell me what to destroy my master, my God, and I'll do it..."

Modem murr'd, finding himself unable to control himself as well as he ballooned slightly in height, his wandering mind unable to quell his desire to be with this slave goddess as he grunts, the tent in his pants becoming more and more apparent as ideas floated into his head. "Mrrrf. The buildings... turn them into apple cores. I want to see the faces of the idiots hiding in them."

Denora simply chuckled as she moved towards the largest skyscraper in the city with that same purpose as before. Shoving her fingers through, Denora's bicep muscles bulged as she thrust her hand downward, glass, metal, office furniture, and a few furs flying in a dusty red cloud of core and debris, as a good quarter of the building is removed. Those that remain inside are hiding in a far corner, absolutely terrified to the point of madness of this crazed destructive being. Denora leaned in, her panting muzzle licking her lips as she simply states: "Squeal." Even Modem below could hear the girly frightened screams over top of Denora's newly empowered laughter.

More and more however, Modem was slowly growing himself, thrusting his hips into the air now as his slave was simply doing too much to entice him. "Mmmff... eat them all... and I'll reward you with what I promised..."

Denora's smile merely widened as she heard her Master's grunting, guttural voice, leaning in to grab a handful of the terrified furs, holding them in her paw for a moment, even playfully counting them before her mouth opens wide, revealing her long, pink, saliva coated tongue. She let them sit there for a moment, letting them truly savor what she was about to do to them, licking them, eating them, digesting them whole, before her wet tongue sloppily cleaned her hand off, saliva dripping off of it messily as she murrrs.

"Ooooh.... I-I forgot how good these feel..." Denora coo'd out as she moved her prey around in her mouth, toying with them and tasting them. Modem soon had to step off of Denora's foot as he watched, pawing himself off, the frenzy driving his growth even higher as he couldn't take watching her anymore, it was all just too much as ideas flooded his thoughts. He needed her now.

"Thank you my master, my God, my everything...."

As she swallowed, Modem's growth finally hit it's apex, quickly rising up to Denora's height, shocking the poor husky with an eyeful of him as she opened up her eyes, shocking her out of her feast induced reverie. "Wh- what?"

Modem spared no time, his more animalistic side kicking in as he simply grabbed Denora, throwing her down onto the city below, her form bouncing off skyscrapers and office buildings alike as she yelps out in a combination of pleasure and pain from being so suddenly robbed of all of her false power. Modem simply grinned over her at first, coated in the debris of the recently obliterated city, surrounded by a slowly cracking earth. His large cock was throbbing more then she had ever seen it before as he leaned over her, forcefully kissing his slave, savoring her mouth as his cockhead thrusted into her sex, simply sitting there for the moment, stretching it even as he stood barely larger then her. Denora's eyes widened, then lidded again, her whole frame shivering as her sex got the first attention she had felt in weeks. All of those chemicals leading up to this one, final, hopefully climactic moment.

Finally, after so many weeks of abuse, Modem simply shoved Denora's body back hard, his cock impaling itself fully into her. He gives a near orgasm groan, not having felt something so wet before on him in his entire life, savoring her intense pent up lust from weeks worth of teasing. His hips start away at their merciless banging, his heavy balls pounding roughly along her clit.

"Nnnfffhh, fooHh my fucking GOD!" Is all he could make out, the juicy sex below him feeling absolutely fantastic as he slowly losses himself to his more animalistic nature with each thrust, feeling that feral side of him growing stronger.

For Denora, it was heaven on earth. After almost two weeks of constant sexual abuse, bringing her right to a climax then leaving her hanging, any sexual encounter was a welcome one. Her body shook powerfully from the pounding, the ground underneath her cracking and tremoring as the city around them took the brunt of the force. Her breasts slap together loudly until Modem, with a heavy growl, grabbed both of them in one hand, roughly fondling them as he continued his thrusting.

To the furs below the two lovers though, it was hell. Their shifting heavy bodies were slowly bringing the city down on top of them. Skyscrapers made to survive massive earthquakes simply tumbled underneath the shifting weight of their fucking. Denora's loud and needy screams pierced through windows and into the ears of littles all over the city, a few dropping dead from the mere reverberations of those powerful sound waves ripping through their vital organs. Others were paralyzed, dropping to the ground like wounded animals as they clutched their ears in pain.

Denora could start to feel that door creak open in her consciousness again, and soon enough she felt that shivering, tingling sensation as she began to grow underneath her God, his hard thrusting only increasing with time.

Modem, opening his eyes after a moment, got what was going on, and with a grunt, never skipping a beat, simply murr'd out. "Mmmf... so thats how you want to play it bitch. Fine, you want to be big, I'll show you big..."

The city below them, those littles that were still alive, could do nothing but look up and awe as the lovers began to grow even larger. Denora's form expanded, her thick breasts growing even more in Modem's hands, though she never grew enough to beat the quickly growing lionlynx. Everytime Denora looked about to escape Modem's growth, Modem simply exploded upwards, easily beating her every single time.

But Denora would have had it no other way. She murr'd underneath him as their forms steadily grew, covering up the city below them with ease as Modem's pounding just got heavier and heavier, slowly wiping it from the face of the planet for a few more moments of abject bliss. Cities across the state started to feel the steadily increasing gyrations as they're mating continued, Denora's cries of pleasure caring on for miles, shattering glass in cities who couldn't even see the pair.

"Aaaah! Harder master, pleeeeease.... Y-you treat me too well... you treat me too well..." Was all Denora could murrr out before her God grasped her muzzle, locking it closed. For the furs beneath them, these titan loves are almost 2000 feet tall at this point, and growing faster by the moment, Modem's pounding cock bulging as he felt Denora's sex tighten.

"Hunh... F-fucking S-slutty bitch..." Was Modem's only response, twirling the husky to one side, propping her up against a mountain, cracks already showing across it's surface as the ground makes way for the two lovers throes. He leaned in, holding his cock steady in her as he drew out the inevitable, licking against her breasts before grabbing one of her nipples in his teeth, eliciting a low moan from his whore. Finally, with one last final push, and a mighty roar, Modem thrust his massive cock in her, her legs locking almost instinctively as he climaxed deep within her sex, his thick white ropes of seed striking inside her walls, painting them effortlessly.

For Denora, it was dream come true. Her God had been teasing her for so long she had almost forgotten the feeling of climax. Her vision went white from the pleasure, the intensity of it just too much for her body to handle. The last real image she remembered one of her God, grunting and grabbing her roughly, feeling that hot cum flowing into her like a fire hose as he growled out to the sky above, proclaiming his pet to the world...


Denora awoke what seemed like mere moments later. Looking around, she couldn't quite figure out where she was at first, the ground was an odd carpet of greens and browns. A lawn? How did I get here? Her thoughts were interrupted quickly as she looked up, seeing her lovely master. Denora blinked, a few memories coming back to her as she remembered what she had been doing last. "G-good morning my God..."

Modem merely chuckled, "Hmmpf. It's mid afternoon..." He moved a single paw above her head, smacking it against her muzzle with a low thud, a whimper escaping Denora's lips. To Denora's great surprise, she looked down at the 'lawn' she was laying on, forced to look at it closer from Modem's massive paw. The silver speck she had seen before wasn't a bug... it was a city.

Looking around, Denora realized what had happened. I must have grown to this size after I orgasmed... I must be... Denora blinked as the thought about her current size. The city below her looked only about an inch high by an inch long. As she continued to look at it, she saw the general shape of the land it was situated on... it was an entire state. She could see the entire state...

Modem interrupted her reverie by lifting his massive paw, setting it calmly on the ground. Denora watched as a cute little ploof of dust lifted off as his foot touched down across a countless span of earth and life, gently dusting his paw as cracks formed through mountains the size of anthills. He was a God now, large enough that the whole world could see him... them, really.

"Get on your back whore. You may be big, but your still mine." He grunts, watching as Denora's attention is drawn to her master's slowly lengthening cock as his eyes were fixated on his large slave, looking over her incredible body, letting out a grunt as his eyes hit her wiggling toes.

"I want to feel those nice big feet against my cock." He says, smiling evilly as Denora simply blinked, before slowly doing as she was told. Lifting up her paws, Denora looked up at her big God, looming over her with a playful grin on his face. She then let them fall on his package, one gently kneading across her God's massive balls, her toes gently messaging them as her other paw works across his growing member.

Modem grunts heavily, his cock responding almost instantly, popping out of it's sheathe with a vengeance, quickly growing up to full size under her expert attentions. "Ooooh.... g-good girl... faster!" Modem grunted out, his cock steadily throbbing.

Denora quickly did as she was told, both feet moving to his cock, her soft paw pads stroking across Modem's thick glans, driving the big lionlynx to let out an incredibly loud moan before he simply grabbed her paws, starting to speed up their movement even more, Denora's eyes widening as she watches, the lionlynx thrusting like a mad man, his cock already thickening slightly.

"Huuuurrgn... Oooh G-gods..." Was all he could get out, his own toes curling below, tearing huge chunks into the countryside, the whole landscape slowly being decimated by their renewed throes. For Denora, it was unclear just how much damage they had already caused, that silver inch long city she had seen before had already been knocked out by her arms, carving a macabre snow angel into the dirt beneath her. Modem then started to thrust into her paws, holding them like a vice grip as his tongue rolled out of his mouth, his panting breath causing clouds of perspiration to form, floating off with increasing vigor as she could feel his cock tighten in between her feet, getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"Ooooh I-I can't hold it anymore bitch..." Modem grunted one last time, a sly grin breaking through as he simply lifted her paws up even more, giving one last hard thrust as he leans back, roaring to the heavens. Denora watched in absolute awe as rope after thick rope of his cum flew through the air in a seemingly unending stream. Modem watched as well, chuckling breathily as even Denora could see the damage his juices left, plopping into the Earth below, crushing dozens of cities and towns with each thick white arc, before oozing out further, spreading it's salty waste throughout the landmass with a quickening flow, knocking over anything in it's path... and it just kept coming. After about three ropes, Denora herself was being hit by it as well, her breasts quickly becoming covered with her master's seed, dripping down onto the countryside as it seemed to never stop...

... after a minute or so more however, it began to peter off. Modem simply chuckled as he got a good look at the carnage he had caused. Paw prints littered the landscape, but it had been Denora's body that had knocked out a good portion of the cities and towns by it's lonesome, the landmass they are laying on having a giant imprint across it's entire surface where she lay. Where paw and body prints hadn't utterly wrecked the landscape, Modem's salty seed had. A good 1/6th of the entire continent was coated in it, the thick viscous liquid quickly spreading and globbing together, in and of itself acting like a destructive giant as it quickly ate up cities, forests, and even smaller lakes alive.

Modem simply grunted his approval, especially as he looked back at his slave, panting heavily, coated in his seed, marked with not only his seed, but his scent. With a smile, he sat down next to her, forcing a heavy kiss, which she responded to quickly in kind, wrapping their tongues together as they murred into each others mouths. This was his world, this was his slave... and this was truly his Godly Kingdom.