Growing Pains

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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((this is my first M/M macro story that I've written, and my first sort of collaborative effort. Theres a good amount of spooge in this one, and a lot of growth.

This is a story I sort of reworked from one of Elrabin's (( stories. The original story, slightly modified, is presented here as well. From the beginning down to the line above "Mark grinned, his foot falls once again echoing through the suburbs." Is his ideas, worded differently for the sake of this stories continuity, and to fix bits of grammar. Regardless, go read the original, it is squirm inducing in and of itself.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy it, it was a bit of a quickie considering.))

Mark sighed as he got on his tip toes to reach for a high shelf on his closet, stretching out his lanky body just to reach his small fingers around his briefs, fiddling with them before shoving them on. None of his brothers in the warren ever had such a problem with something so simple, then again, none of his brothers were like him.

"Damn it all." Mark curses softly under his breath. "Why do I have to be such a runt?"

Mark was, to himself, a disappointingly stereotypically geeky teen. Standing a full head shorter than the shortest of his classmates, with a willowy frail frame and painfully shy manners, he kept to himself, having only a few close friends. Moving in front of his bedroom mirror, clad only in his pair of briefs, the lapine-morph stares at his scrawny body, prodding at himself, his brow furrowing into a frown as he eyes the ribs jutting from under his slightly dull coat of brown and white fur, his little puffball of a tail twitching.

The rabbit-morph slowly pads back over to his closet, dragging out a pair of pajamas and putting them on. Clicking off his light, he crawls into bed, closing his eyes, the insides of his eyelids acting like a screen for his memories. Memories of the days insults, jeers, physical altercations and general abuse from those bigger and stronger than he, The looming bullies reached down to his level, picking and making fun of his diminutive size and scholastic abilities. As Mark drifts off to sleep, his final remembered words are, "If only I were bigger."

Mark snaps awake the next morning, greeted by a racket of beeps and whistles. Sitting up, he scrabbles at the overbearingly loud clock radio, finally pushing the sleep button with a triumphant smile. Flopping back onto the bed, he looks up at the ceiling, bits and pieces of the nights dreams float into his consciousness, a vague sense of size and power dominated his slumber, but precisely what happened was lost to him, like so many other dreams. Shrugging it off, he sits up, stretching as he does, padding to the bathroom. After a quick shower, Mark, as always, fiddled with his clothes, only to find himself struggling to button his pants, the waist seemingly just a bit too tight, whereas before, it was just right for someone his size. Looking down at himself, the rabbit frowns, something is just not quite right. Blinking his eyes in surprise, he realizes that his ribs are no longer showing. Brushing his paws down his sides, arms and legs, he feels sinews and light muscle tone that was never there before. Before, there was a paunch and a spare tire, now there were lines of beginning sinew and strength.

"Mom!" Mark calls out loudly, "I think I might finally be having a growth spurt, those new pants are a bit too tight."

Mark's mother's voice drifts out from the bedroom, "That's good dear."

Continuing to explore himself, Mark's surprise merely grew. "This has got to be a dream," Mark whispered to himself, staring into the mirror. "No way I could have changed this much in a night, gotten this much bigger."

As the word "bigger" escaped his lips, a soft tingle goes down his spine, making him jump a bit. While unusual, the feeling isn't wholly unpleasant... in fact it felt quite good. However, after the initial shock, the lapine's eyes wandered back to his mirror, only to widen as he sees something impossible, but wonderful. His exposed torso seems to swell just a smidgen with each slow breath, muscle tone appearing under his now sleek and shining brown and white fur, whereas before it was dull and lifeless. Mark runs his fingers over his chest and stomach, feeling his taut abs, the faintest hint of a 4-pack there now, his eyes snapping to his bigger arms, his biceps looking pumped and thicker.

"Whoa." The startled rabbit blurts out, "I am getting bigger!"

A second, stronger tingle shoots down his spine, the rabbit arching his back in surprise, fists clenching as he feels himself pulsing larger, both in height and in muscle mass, staring into the mirror as he watches his body transform from scrawny to something that he only saw in his wildest dreams, toned and sleek, a gymnasts body. Tall and broad shouldered, narrow in the hips, thick muscle bulging all over, shifting sinuously under his brown fur. Mark lets out a soft grunt of surprise as his pants pull suddenly tight, his improved size and muscle mass filling them to the limits, too-tight across the thighs. Pushing them down with his now-broad paws, he stands in front of the mirror, clad only in a pair of briefs.

"Oh wow, this is incredible." Mark gasps as he gazes at himself in the mirror.

The teen's gaze drops to his briefs, eyes wide as he sees the rather large bulge there. Reaching a trembling paw down to his groin, he cups himself, his hormones raging as he explores his new body. Mark groans softly at the pleasure of his touch, slowly fondling himself thru the fabric, nervously as he knows that he's not alone in the house. Padding over to the door, he quickly checks to make sure the door is locked before moving back in front of the mirror, doffing his briefs he stands gloriously nude, marveling at his newfound body. Indeed, someone viewing the rabbit-morph now would immediately think, male model or Olympic gymnast, not a formerly skinny and scrawny 18 year old geek.

"Jeez, even this is much bigger!" Mark whispers as he strokes his thick sheath, running his fingertips along the softfurred bulk, clapping a paw to his muzzle as he realizes what he just said.

Yet another tingle shoots along his body, from head to toe, this one even stronger than the last two. Mark's toes curl in pleasure as he feels himself stretch higher and higher, the intensity of his growth seeming to rise with each passing session. His eyes closing, that little puffball of a tail twitching wildly, Mark couldn't help but stare in awe as every muscle and sinew in his body began to pump bigger and harder, taking on the look of a trained bodybuilder. The lapine's growth continued until Mark's head THUDDED against the ceiling, his ears twitching wildly as he hastily crouches to avoid punching through it.

"Ow!" Mark booms, his deeper voice quite loud.

"Are you all right dear?" His mother's voice calls out.

"Uh, yeah mom....just fine, I just stubbed my eh.... toe! Stubbed my toe." Mark says, thinking quickly.

"Ok, hon, just checking. I'm on my way out to the supermarket, keep out of trouble Mark."

"I will Mom."

Kneeling down, Mark stares in total awe at his reflection in the mirror, even crouched down his body is far larger than the full-sized mirror can show. The lapine now all but fills up his small bedroom, his toes are touching his bed, even as his knees are a mere foot from the mirror on the other side of the room, his head scant inches from the ceiling, even while kneeling.

The oversized rabbit barely hears his mother leave the house and drive off, totally absorbed in exploring his body, once more gazing at every tightly muscled inch of his body while running his paws over his front. Mark begins to chrrrr softly as he explores his bulging pecs and thick tiled abs, his pelt so sleek and shiny now, he suddenly becomes aware that he's grown hard during his exploration of himself.

Reaching down and curling a softpadded paw around his male attributes he groans softly, looking down at the gloriously long and thick member, a tribute to male virility.

"Oh god, that feels good." Mark gasps as he strokes up and down his greatly expanded penis, the thick jet-black member throbbing with a newfound need, his other paw clutching his desk for support, his mind racing from the pleasure, barely noticing as he splinters the wood with his powerful grip.

Closing his eyes, the huge muscular rabbit begins to stroke faster, images dancing in his mind, fantasizing about what the reaction his classmates will be. Picturing the females all but worshipping his perfect body, the males fearing and respecting his overwhelming size, easily twice that of any of his schoolmates.

Curling his toes in pleasure, Mark keeps stroking his throbbing member, his climax approaching rapidly, the excitement derived from his new size and improved body is too intense to hold in for too long. A soft dark whisper invades a corner of his mind, "Why not go all out, use this potential to its utmost. Why not be a god?"

Arching his back, Mark peaks, letting out a deep grunt of ecstasy, toes curling, those thick blunt toeclaws gouging the wood of his bed. Thrusting his hips forwards powerfully as thick gouts of white cream splatter against the floor of his bedroom, coating everything in it's path with massive jetting streaks of white. The intense strength of his orgasm fogs his mind, and, still relishing the thought of greater power, Mark let's that dark though become vocalized.

"Ohhh, yes, bigger, bigger, BIGGER!" Mark cries as he shudders thru his climax, not even truly realizing what he's saying.

Collapsing on his back with a wallshaking BOOM, he pants from the force of his climax. His eyes snapping open in surprise as he feels several rapid tingles dart thru his body, one after another, their intensity growing with each passing.

"Oh shit." Mark whispers to himself, knowing this can only mean one thing.


Sitting bleary eyed on his porch, sipping at his morning cup of coffee, Mark's neighbor contemplates the days activities. The fox's ears perk at the loud crashes and thuds from the house across the street, having echoed through the neighborhood for the past hour at least, the sound of wood and glass only getting louder as it shatters the still Saturday morning air.

"The hell? Damn kids must be havin some kinda party over...." Before he can finish the sentence, his jaw drops as he sees a titanic footpaw burst from the side of the house. Blinking his eyes, convinced that he's hallucinating, he stares at the offending body part protruding thru the shattered shingles and splintered wood, the size of a refrigerator, and, apparently, still swelling larger.

The terrified fox trembles in abject fear as a second brown furred hindpaw joins the first, followed by a tremendous arm crashing thru the picture window at the front of the house to land with a huge THUD on the lawn. Seconds later, the giants head smashes out of the house at the opposite end from the massive footpaws, revealing the countenance of his neighbors son, but magnified at least 10 fold and growing fast.

He doesn't even notice as he grips his coffee mug so hard that it shatters in his paw, his mind frozen, every animal instinct he has is screaming for him to run, but he's rooted in place both from fear, and perverse fascination. He doesn't even feel himself as he began to tremble as he watches the growing rabbit push off the remains of his shattered home with his paws, like a reptile shedding years old skin. Puffs of wood and plaster dust waft high into the air, huge clouds of it obscuring the view for a moment, only to fade away as quickly as they came, showing off the massive still growing lapine, naked and laying on his back where once his noble home stood.

"Jesus tap dancing Christ..."


As Mark comes down from his climactic high, his vision finally clearing, he finds himself lying sprawled in the crushed and mangled remains of his home, truly titanic now. Mark simply sat there, the true brevity of the situation not quite sinking in to his conciousness yet. However, a singular thought broke his stupor, I'm more powerful than anything before seen....

That thought racing through his mind, Mark finally got himself collected. Grinning eagerly, he brushes the small pieces of roofing and streaks of powdered concrete from his chest fur. Sitting up, feeling himself expanding ever-larger as he does, that glorious tingle of power still pulsing through his body. Examining his surroundings, he laughs out, only slightly surprised as it booms through the neighborhood like a fog horn, as he gets a grasp on how big he really had become. His neighborhood is spread out around him like the model railroad set he used to own. Toy like cars that would easily fit in the palm of his hand, houses that he could smash in a few casual stomps of his broad, soft hind paws, and best of all, tiny furs that are mere inches tall in proportion to his tremendous size.

Swiftly standing, Mark sways a bit, feeling some vertigo from the vastly changed perspective. The feeling quickly passes as the sense of his power and size just becomes more apparent to his ego with every passing moment. Mark is no longer, he is a god.

Looking out over his neighborhood, his gaze falls upon the park half a mile distant, the place where the hated bullies spend the bulk of their time playing sports. With an almost feral growl, teeth bared, the giant lapine strides forwards, making a beeline for the park. At first uncaring of anything that fell under his paws, but increasingly relishing the feeling of things being crushed and torn asunder by his weight of his massive fluffy toes, he begins purposefully aiming for the tiny creations beneath him, a soft crunch of wood signifying a house here, the slightly metallic scrunch of a car there, the only constant sound is that of the pavement crumbling with each powerful stride. Leaving a swath of destruction behind him, he forges forwards, intent on reaching the park. The runt is naught but a bad memory, he's evolved into a titan of considerable confidence in his body and godlike power, each cratered footprint he leaves behind just slightly bigger then his last.

Dozens of people stare out of their windows after the titan of a rabbit's passing, terrified of the tremendous power he possesses, and even more so of his seeming destructive intent. Their view is of a muscular god, broad shouldered, thick and powerful sinews, seemingly carved from granite, but covered in sleek soft brown and white dappled fur. He would be devastatingly handsome were he only 6 feet tall, but at his size he's just devastating.

The tremendous rabbit stops as he finally reaches the edge of the park, paws on his hips and a broad smirk upon his muzzle. Gazing over the baseball diamonds and soccer fields, Mark watches with vague interest as dozens of tiny athletes scatter in terror, milling about like small insects in front of him. Narrowing his eyes, he scans the far baseball field, the normal workout place of those that spent years bullying him.

With a triumphant laugh, he strides forwards once more, his blunt toeclaws tearing up vast clods of earth and grass, each powerful step making the earth shudder, teeth bared as he spots his former tormentors trying to hide under the bleachers, curled up as small as possible in the shadows, hoping that this monstrosity would pass, leaving them unmolested. Looming over the metal framework of seats, one massive paw on either side of it, Mark looks down at the cowering group, his sharp eyes identifying two of the four.

"Ted, Mike, do you puny shits even recognize me?" Mark's deep voice booms, the sudden rumble of his deep growl causes all of them to yelp in fear as they realize that he isn't leaving.

Reaching down with a massive paw, Mark effortlessly bends the metal gridwork up and out of the way, the metal twisting and tearing like paper against the power of his fingers, revealing the huddling quartet.

With a low growl, Mark kneels and quickly scoops the laughably small and puny bullies into his paw, raising them high into the air. The movement so rapid, they don't even have time to blink, vertigo and gravity plastering them to his palms for the mere seconds that it takes before they are facing a giant bunny muzzle and narrowed green eyes the size of big screen TV's, glowering at his tiny catches.

The giant's massive digits pin Ted and Mike, wolves, brothers, bullies, to his palm before tipping his massive paw to the side, the other two screaming as they are dumped off the side, plummeting to the unforgiving earth far below, Mark not even paying attention to their demise. Sitting down, his rump comes to rest on the baseball diamond with a tremendous THUD, cratering the field, moving his legs to sit Indian style. The two tiny canid-morphs struggling nicely under his fingertips, Mark pins them tightly, but not enough to injure, soft whimpers and yelps of terror echoing from Mark's hand, planting a smile squarely on his face.

Lowering his paw into his lap, he tips his charges onto the earth in the valley created by his massive legs, the two letting out a soft cry as they land roughly, tumbling a dozen feet onto the hard ground. Picking themselves up with pained grunts, they look about, anxiously trying to find a way out, their miniscule paws scrabbling at the high walls of Mark's legs as they begin to rush around, adrenaline and survival instinct fueling them. However, finally, the two look up at the looming face above them, their voices naught but the soft whining of insects even to Mark's sensitive ears, undoubtedly pleading for their lives.

Leaning forward a bit, the giant peers closely at Ted and Mike, smirking as he places a paw in his lap, poking at the two with a blunt finger the length of a telephone pole, his booming laugh drowns out their cries of terror. Ted watches in horror as his brother attempts to dive out of the way of the vengeful digit, only to have it land a glancing blow, knocking him sprawling. As Mark bats at his former tormentors with his fingers, the giant bunny sheath hanging heavily into the wolves furred prison begins to plump and swell, his arousal growing as he lords his size and power over his toys.

Feeling blood rush to his penis brings Marks attention to his groin, a slow wicked smile crossing his bunny muzzle as he contemplates the possibilities. Why not take this further... these bastards used me for their entertainment... why not do the same?

The titan roughly snatches up one of the tiny wolves between his thumb and forefinger, licking his lips as the abused bully howls in pain from the crushing power of those massive digits surrounding him. Cupping his pendulous furred sac in his other paw, he hefts it in his palm, not even hesitating for a moment before placing his toy in the shadow of the tremendous bulky balls, letting them come to rest gently atop the wolf, burying his entire body under untold pounds of musky scrotum. Letting out a low moan of pleasure as he feels tiny limbs thud against his sensitive flesh as the wolf struggles, almost unable to breathe, pinned to the earth by his former victims balls.

The rabbit closes his eyes, enjoying the pleasurable sensations coming from the flailing wolf under his sac. It was more then the sensation to him at this point, it was the principle. Here were two of Marks most hated enemies in the whole world, and they are completely helpless as Mark lewdly pleasures himself. Eventually, he couldn't help himself, grasping his hot wanting member for the second time today, stroking it gently, his warm fluffy pads feeling fantastic against his sensitive flesh.

Ted could do nothing but watch in sheer horror as his brother is buried beneath his giant captor's scrotum. his mind was reeling, unable to cope with the fact that he and Mike are nothing but toys to this titan. The quivering wolf is unable to tear his eyes away from the massive sheath jutting out into his high walled prison of the rabbit's legs, whimpering as it swells and grows larger at the touch of a huge bunny-paw, looming closer, bulldozing across the turf towards him.

Mark chrrrs thunderously as he utterly dominates his two tiny captives, his head lolling back in pleasure as the tiny wolf continues to struggle underneath his tremendous sac, the furred scrotum pinning him to the turf. Luckily, the mammoth testicles landed on either side of Mike, only the musky skin is lying atop him. Even still, hundreds of pounds of scrotum mash him to the ground with the weight of a sumo wrestler, straining muscles and bones, and slowly suffocating the helpless wolf morph as he yelps helplessly out to someone, anyone to save him.

Mark's sensitive ears twitch at the sound, his maleness engorging still further. With a soft growl, he leans forwards, an evil idea popping into his head as he purposefully drags those white furred testicles over the tiny wolf, the car sized orbs ending his life with a yelp of agony and the soft crackle of tiny bones breaking underneath the weight of the mighty titan. As the giant rabbit strokes himself faster, Ted whimpers and cries in abject fear, rooted in place as the massive domed cock head fills his entire view. The ebony black looms almost three times his height just by itself.

Mark looks down at the minuscule wolf and, with a smirk, shifts his position, untold tonnage moving with incredible rapidity, standing up to his tremendous full height. The frightened wolf falls to his knees, unable to cope with the trembling of the earth, let alone the pure emotional shock of the images around him. Clutching the turf, he looks slowly and shakily up, eyes going wide as he does so just in time to see the underside of Mark's paw approaching with terrifying speed.

The huge lapine lets out a wicked giggle as his hated enemy pops like a berry beneath his heel, lifting his paw, he squints down at the crater caused by just a casual stomp, barely able to discern the spot of red at the bottom from the rest of the dirt. Craving more, he moves on, treading heavily forwards once more, his dusky-black penis bobbing merrily between his thighs, heavy and needy, a spot of slickness betraying his increasing lust. Mmm, this is too much fun... if two little furs got me this hot and heavy, downtown must be incredible.


Mark grinned, his foot falls once again echoing through the suburbs. At this point people were becoming aware of the treading titan. His shafts heavy musk overpowering the normal smells of a suburb, his foot falls being heard and felt for miles around He was powerful, but far from covert. However the bunny had stopped caring about what other people thought about him since he had gotten this big. Why should he? He could merely pop anyone he didn't like under his paws, or use them as sex toys. Why care what these people... no, these littles thought when all they were were toys?

Mark grinned, his raging lust leading him on into the depths of his own city. It was midday, an unfortunate fact for the people walking the streets, looking for a bite to eat during their corporate alloted lunch break. They had heard the booming sounds from the suburbs of course, but most wrote it off as construction work, most of those to engrossed in their work day to hear the news. They had no idea about how wrong they were, as Mark's titanic bunny paws made quick time towards the center of downtown.

As he reached the edges downtown, the titan looked down at the tiny people... no, the tiny toys at his feet. How busy they looked! Going about their everyday lives... for a moment, Mark simply stood fascinated at how droll these... things were. However, his biggest concern was how many he could play with. From his estimate, he could fit a few under paw, but he still wasn't satisfied with precisely how many he could work in... if only he was... Mark grinned. "Bigger."

Within seconds, Mark felt that now familiar tingling sensation as his still growing frame skyrocketed upwards. With each use of the word, it seemed to get more powerful, and made him more powerful in the process. He was a good three hundred to four hundred feet tall now, his muscles bulging even further the more he repeated that powerful mantra, to the point were he was starting to look like a bodybuilder at his size now, and he was still growing steadily. His muscles, including his shaft, were much larger, the jet black member rising up almost to his belly button as he moans out in abject pleasure. Looking down, Mark can't help but chuckle as he sees the littles, now but black specks at his massive broad paws, dumbfounded at what they were seeing, but were gradually coming to grips with reality.. a few moments too late, however; as within seconds Mark rose his paw above them, twinkling his toes playfully, watching as they skittered about aimlessly for a moment, before letting it gently fall down on top of them, relishing the slight gyrations of their kicking paws before they slowly died off, one by one, turned into red jelly under his pristine white pads.

Mark wasn't nearly done though. Lust aside, he wanted to play with his former tormentors, these little toys that were so very interesting. A playful grin on his face, he saw the skyscrapers further downtown and decided to take off for them, letting his paws fly, kicking people and cars alike, he left a trail of reddish tinted metal and scrap in the craters he was leaving behind, but he didn't care. About this time, people should be getting back from their lunch break from some of the other parts of the city... and I will be able to take mine.

Mark's last footfall landed heavily as he abruptly stopped, his weight landing with his paw hard against the pavement, cracking the earth at his feet asunder with the weight of his body. Mark grins, not even noticing the damage his massive footfalls had done to the city behind him, as he looked down as to why he stopped. Below him, furs of all species were staring at him as they were coming back after the midday lunch rush, faces once glazed over with boredom, now standing motionless in total shock. Mark licked his lips in anticipation, as he was ready to take his own 'lunch break'. Mark wasn't a carnivore by any stretch of the imagination, but he had always wanted to taste meat... and what better meat to try then ones that can writhe on the way down, and plead for their very existence. Mark leans down, and, chuckling at the still shocked stiff littles, gently scrapes his tongue along the ground.

The feeling was intense. His saliva was able to catch many of the littles to his tongue, their bodies writhing instinctively as he rises back up to his full height. Mark, not wasting any time, then tilts his head back, and swallows. Immediately, he chrrs almost as the feeling of dozens, if not hundreds of littles falling down his throat kicking and crawling felt wondrous to the power hungry bunny morph. Such a small effort for such a huge reward. For almost a minute, Mark merely basked in the afterglow of his snack, up until the littles in his throat simply stopped kicking, falling down deep within his gullet, silent at last.

The titan was getting restless however. All this play was fun, but it wasn't getting him any closer to getting off, indeed, it was only making him hornier. Looking around, all he could see was littles and skyscrapers. Littles he had played with... they were fun, but at his size wouldn't last long enough to do more then tease him more. Skyscrapers were sturdy, but all the glass and metal against his shaft... the mere idea made him wince...

... it was at this time that he heard something completely unusual. Off in the distance, he could hear another set of booms, curiously similar to his own footfalls. Mark's sensitive ears flicked at the sudden convenience of it all, thinking he was merely hearing things. could there be another like me?

Mark set off towards where he had heard the sound coming from. He had hope, and his huge feet made good time over the urban terrain, knocking centuries old storefronts flat within seconds, leaving prints where once parks stood, their mighty trees, wise beyond ages, still could do nothing against the leathery pads of a determined bunny. As Mark nears the spot from which he heard the noise, his eyes go wide, for standing in front of him, as if an answer to a prayer is another fur. To him a small one, but to the littles surrounding him, a rather large, if lanky, husky male. Mark couldn't believe his eyes at first... but as he thought about it, he simply grew to accept it. If I grew, why not another? Best not look this gift dog in the mouth...

Mark walked up on the smaller male, grinning as the size difference became more apparent as the smaller husky boy only rose to his knees even standing. He couldn't help but grin as saw him also sporting an erection, and a little under his tiny paw.

It took a moment for the husky to realize that the shadow cast over him was not from a building or a passing cloud, but, indeed, something larger than himself. He was completely engrossed in his plaything, enough so to let even Mark sneak up on him... at first at least. Yelping and reeling back, the husky could do nothing but whimper softly as he saw his 'cloud' sporting an erection about as big as his leg.

"Hmm... seems I wasn't the only blessed runt today."

"W-... Who are you?" The husky couldn't help but flop down onto his rump, scooting backwards away from the looming lapine, the little under paw now naught but a red mark on the sidewalk.

"Mark... you?"

"I...Iosif." The Husky whimpered. "Y-your big."

Mark couldn't help but chuckle, offering the fellow macro a hand. "Mmm, you just need to get b-..." Mark caught himself from saying the magic word. He was a titan in comparison to Iosif already, he didn't need to grow more... if only he could find his 'magic word.'

"... bigger?" Iosif said, a quick yelp following suite as he began to rise, his head bumping into the asphalt below him as his weight shifts.

Mark chuckles, a broad smile on his face, watching as the husky morph steadily grows up, his lanky frame becoming only slightly bulkier as he got taller. The same 'magic word' too... Mmm, if I can get him to grow...

"I didn't quite hear you there, could you say that again?"

Iosif, still not seeming to not have learned the power behind that word, repeats himself, a bit louder, louder still from his still growing lungs. "Bigger." Iosif murrs out loudly in surprise, a shot of pleasure following his growth as his shaft plumps up nicely as Iosif begins to pant gently.

Mark's smile only grows along with this new macro as the once tiny husky quickly became close to his size. However one thing he did not expect was the Husky's massive shaft. Even at his smaller size, it was much larger then his own. For such a lanky fellow, he is sure big where it counts...

Iosif continued to rise, slowly standing as he caught his balance, a little grin forming on his lips as he finds himself almost three times bigger than he was before, and almost up to Mark's chin. "H-how'd you..."

Mark shakes his head, putting a finger up to Iosif's muzzle. "It was you. You spoke your magic word..."

Iosif quirks, "You mean bigger?" Iosif merps as once again he felt himself raising, this time to above Mark's size.

Mark blinks, seeing the once smaller husky begin to shoot up to larger then himself. His shaft was absolutely huge at this point, and Mark couldn't help but smell that intoxicating musk wash over his nose. He was reminded of his own lust, and, giving into temptation, with only a hint of apprehension, reached out, and grabbed the large throbbing red shaft.

Iosif almost immediately let out a gasp of surprise, looking down, he could do nothing but blink as this large bunny who had just appeared in front of him was gently tracing those paws against his sensitive flesh... ooooh, those paws. His fur is so soft...

Mark grinned as Iosif's tongue lolled out of his muzzle, his shaft jumping in excitement as he began to paw him off. "Mmm, now that word Iosif... it was bigger, right?" He chuckled as he felt that familiar tingle shoot through his own spine this time, his heft rising into the air once more, as he leaned down before Iosif could answer, wrapping his tongue against that large red pole. I need to start catching up if I'm to get him off...

Iosif nodded helpfully, mind fogged by Mark's steady gyrations "Yes it was Big---GGEEER!" a loud moan cut him off mid sentence, as he felt his nerves assaulted with pleasure from Mark's tongue lapping against his cockhead. At this point, both furs were a good six hundred feet tall and growing fast, their silohuette's pasting a lewd scene throughout much of the surrounding city, "b-by god your good..."

Mark grinned up at the growing husky, his tongue playing across his tip, before looking around. His paws were large enough to pave a path through the culd-de-sac around him by merely growing. It was about this time that Mark got his evil idea. He completely stopped his pleasing, looking up at Iosif with a mischievous smirk on his face. I want those bugs to pay, and what better way then through this canine's orgasm... mmm, just a bit bigger and...

Iosif's whimper cut Mark off mid though, as he looks down at his bunny lover, "W-why'd you stop?"

"I don't know it needs to be... oh I don't know..."

"What... bigger? You want me to say it don't you?! Just come out and tell me how many times I should say it! I'll say it five times for you right now! Bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger! There yooo-..." Iosif got caught off midsentence as six sharp tingles flew through his spine.

Mark wanted him to grow, but not quite this quickly. Within seconds, Mark was looking at a husky's paw instead of a husky's shaft, and he was still growing steadily upwards. Even scarier, Iosif seemed to be getting lost in the moment, his huge forepaw moving quickly across his growing shaft, letting his own evil thoughts race out of his head. "Mmm... tell me Mark... you like me now? Or do you want me BIGGER!" Iosif laughed, and once again, Mark saw as the suburbs around him became replaced by a large, and growing, furry white mass. His brain was telling him to run, to flee, to beg... but he knew better. I lost control of my life once, never again... plus, two can play at this game.

"I don't know Iosif, I think there are a few things that need to be bigger. Much bigger. Especially if you going to be bigger than me... but I don't know, perhaps you will get BIGGER." Mark murrs as he feels his body rise once again, closing his eyes at first to prevent falling over from vertigo. Soon enough, Mark was once again looking at that massive shaft. "Mmm, but this.... this is perfect." Once again grabbing it, this time with two hands as both of these titans steadily continued their rise to the heavens, Mark once again began to please his now larger husky morph mate.

Iosif growls out in pleasure, the sound flooding across the landscape as his toes curled as his pleasure began to mount. His cock thickened even more in Mark's mouth as his knot began to bloat.

Mark stops his licking only long enough to look up at Iosif "Mmm, enjoying yourself there?" Iosif could only nod, moaning out as his shaft continued it's steady bloat, leaning his head back as he felt his seed begin to rise already.

"Good... now move this way." Marks hand gently led Iosif's shaft towards the direction of downtown. "Mmmm... good, good." Mark then worked quickly. His tongue flicking in and out of Iosif's cock slit, his hands gently playing against his sensitive nerves in a desperate attempt to make Iosif explode like never before. Almost...

Iosif, curious as to Mark's movements, was soon without though, and could only roar out in pleasure at the sudden assault upon his senses as his skilled lover continued his sexual assault. Almost immediately his knot bloated to it's full size, and before long, his grunting turned to whimpering as Mark's hands only sped up as his mouth moved out of the way...

For just a second more, the people around Iosif and Mark were getting the show of a lifetime. Too engrossed within themselves to stomp or kill any of them, the only ones to loose their lives were the unlucky few who got too close to their growing paws. That would change quickly however, as Iosif's toes curled before them, and with a roar loud enough to shatter glass for miles, released a torrent of white equal only in strength to a volcano. Houses, people, streets and dirt and earth itself, nothing could stand in this white rain's way.

Mark could only laugh as he sees the bugs get washed away under something so deviously simple as Iosif's seed. He watched as the downtown streets, the same streets he had been but moments before were already flooding with this titan's liquid progeny... and this stream... no, this lake, was only growing as his husky lover continued to pump thousands of gallons of viscous liquid into the streets of this once familiar city...

Iosif was lost in pure bliss by the time he had stopped. His shaft still plump, he could only look in stupid amazement at his own handiwork as he over came his massive afterglow. The city was gone, in it's place, a white lake stood, a good couple of feet in depth. And, as Iosif looked at Mark, he could only assume it would get bigger.

"Mmm... your turn dear."

Mark merely shook his head, "Save it for another city my friend. I like this view too much to not repeat it. Almost makes those growing pains worth it, you know?"

"... What pains, I liked growing..."

"Sssh you..."

A Newly Minted Goddess

((This one was really fun to write actually. Though I'm a sucker for bitchy goddesses... Once again, to reiterate, this is a macro/micro story with a lot of growth, a lot of paws, and a dash of messiness and gore. If that disgusts you, STOP NOW. ...

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The Great Mountain

((Another Eat/Grow/Fuck/Destroy story from me, this one a remake of an ooold story I did for my friend Silverclaw, also known as Talos on FurryMUCK. As always, enjoy, and comment... it still makes my day. Note: this also was originally posted...

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First Priority

((A new story! \*gasp\* This one I made for Brick James, a very interesting character on FurryMUCK, and is also the first one to star in a supporting role, my character on FurryMUCK, Denora! This one strays ever so slightly from my normal fare....

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