Being Blind as a Bat - Chapter 3

Story by RenoHidaka on SoFurry

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#3 of Being Blind as a Bat

Being Blind as a Bat â€" Chapter 3

    Chase arrives back to his house from his set up date that his uncle concocted. Chase was in positive spirits as today was a perfect day for him. Not only did he meet a girl but also he was nearly intimate with her but was promised 1 week from now, he would be having full on sex with Sylvia. Chase arrived at his door but before he opens it, he suddenly realizes something. He doesn't know how to have sex with a woman yet. He has heard of it from friends but it was so vague and useless to him. But who could he ask? Well he couldn't ask any of his friends because he really didn't have any friends and the people at his school would most likely mock him than help. So it means he had to turn to his family for help. Well he certainly isn't going to ask his uncle Damon. He didn't want to resort to him and his "unusual" methods for learning that. And especially not his dad because he would gossip up a storm to everyone he knew. The only person he could think of to ask is his mom. Chase's mom wouldn't blab about him asking about sex or telling dad about it. But Chase still has a nagging feeling that telling his mother about him being with a badger could ruin his life if she ever told dad. The bat really had no other options. He would tell her as soon as he had alone time with her. Chase felt for the door know and once he grabbed it, opened the door and softly walked in. The bat was still wearing his blue golf shirt and khaki tan pants. "Hello? Mom, Dad, anyone home?" He called out listening to hear who was home.

    Valerie was laying upon the bed her large ears scanning the empty sounds of the house. She wondered where her son could be this night. It wasn't like Chase to be out too late. She knew her husband had a late shift but Chase never was out too much. Her thin wired frame spectacles rested upon her long muzzle. Her eyes going back and forth in the book she was focused upon. Light gray fur decorated her muzzle but other than that she held her youth rather well from her prominent F cup breasts to the curves of her motherly hips. The night gown she's wearing has a soft light blue color from the dim light of the bedroom. The material lined in soft, light cotton that contrasted the silk sheet of the bed. The light fabrics clinging to her curves as she didn't wear a bra to bed making her slightly plump nipples just barley poke through. A deep v cut collar leaving her cleavage exposed. Just because she wasn't having or about to have sex doesn't mean she couldn't look sexy for her husband when he came home. Though the truth is that despite her sexual appeal, she had been denied relations from her husband. The reason why? He didn't want to have another child and felt that Valerie was trying to have another despite that. The female bat always wanted to have 3 to 4 children at least having one boy and one girl. Her husband on the other hand made a deal with her that once they have one boy, they stopped. Valerie agreed thinking it's a good long shot to have a boy but sure enough, she did and she regretted that decision. Even though she was not in heat or in her usual nights of needing sex from her hubby, she missed having company to talk to.

    Valerie ears twitched as she picked up a voice. The house was relatively small but even so, she can easily pick out that it's her son that's calling out to her. She called out right back to her son. "Up here dear, in the bedroom." The mother bat waited a bit for him to join her. She took off her glasses and moved the light dial to make the room brighter. Valerie sat up more in her bed as her night gown clings to her frame. The mother bat's nose picked up the scent from her son as there was an unusual scent from him. She could tell it was a sexual scent which made her smirk playfully before asking, "Out late tonight dear?"

    Chase perks his ears to the sound of his mother's voice. He could tell she was upstairs and not just because she said so herself. His ears being so sensitive made it easy for him to figure out which room she's in. The bat would wipe his feet before entering and slipped into the kitchen to wash his hands. Chase had to clean the stickiness of Sylvia's folds off of his paws. He decided to yell back out. "Hey mom, is dad home?!" He took a minute to ponder then realized she said he was late getting home. He swears he wasn't out as late as he imagined. "Out late? What time is it?"

    Valerie calls back down to her son because she's a bit too comfortable in her bed right now to really get up. "No he's not. He won't be back till about 5:00 in the morning. And it's already midnight dear. Did you lose track of time?" she asked laughing inwardly as she felt proud of her son for actually spending the night out. "You should do this more often you know." she called out with a light giggle afterwards that Chase could heard even from downstairs.

    Chase blinks and couldn't believe that he was that late. He then sighed and yells back as he dried his hands with a paper towel. "Well guess so." He then begins to think to himself. "I have to tell her about Sylvia. She may be my mom but she's the only one I can talk to about this...maybe she can tell me some tips or something." With that being thought, the bat heads to the stairwell and made his way up. After having much practice when he was younger, despite being blind, he knows where to walk around the house even knowing which door was which. Turning to the door on the left closest to the stairs, Chase opened the door and peered in blankly. "Mom, can I talk to you about something? It's something personal."

    Valerie turns to her son tapping the table so he could join her on the bed as she fully sat up. The book she was reading was set down on the table. As all the books in the house it was written in both brail and print. Chase's mother helped him with reading. The book was a romance novel. Not a real romance novel but a porno to be exact. Chase placed his hands on the table and got to feel the book and what the story is with his fingers. He feels what sounded like the story involved something about a mansion and stage girls getting trapped by a shadow like being. But before he could decipher anymore, she snatched the book away from him before she asked. "Must have been an interesting night right?"

    Chase nods as he moves towards his mother's bed and sits down softly on it. His mother could see him looking nervous and not even hearing in her direction. The bat made a sigh before finally opening up to his mother. "Mom, dad told Uncle Damon about my dating issues and he got Damon to create this promotion for me to be set up on an actual blind date at his restaurant. I met someone from it but she's a badger and I know dad won't approve me dating her because she's a badger." Chase knew his dad only wanted him to marry a female bat. "But she's really nice and friendly....and very warm."

    Valerie giggles a bit as she leans forward resting her paw upon his shoulder. "Well you should see this as an opportunity dear. Did she seem really into you? How far did you two go?" She asked not knowing the details of the date but she was becoming rather interested. Chase couldn't help but blush as his mother was wondering about him. He moved his head down a bit before aiming to his mother's direction. "Mom, she sucked my cock. And not just a little either, enough to where I came into her mouth." He rubs his head blushing deeper. "We would have gone farther but she had to run after Damon barged in on us. She said in one week, we can finish what we started." He sighs. "But I don't know what to do. I know how but you know since I can't see anything, I have no clue how to do it. You got any tips for me?"

    Valerie giggles a bit laughing as she listens to her son. "My little Chase is growing up. Well then we certainly can't let you go in next week not knowing how to have sex with a female."  She would giggle once more before getting an idea. "Well let's make a deal dear. I will show you everything you need to do by letting me be your sexual partner up until the day of the date." She begins to examine her son to gauge his reaction.

    Chase blinks. "Well...wait what?"

    Valerie giggles a bit more. "Come now dear. Your father has been depriving me of sex ever since you were born. I still love him of course but with his work and busy schedule, he just doesn't have time for me anymore. You need to know about sex, and I need some sex. Only seems reasonable right?" she asked. "A body is a body, just because I'm your mother doesn't make any difference. You are just learning about it now anyways. I rather have you learn it with me than with someone else for the first time. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of this girl when you first do it right? And you only got a week dear. Only one week and besides, who knows more experience than the one that created you hmm?"

    Chase blinks and turns his head to her, his jaw dropped. His mom, acting so calm and collected is asking him to let her be his partner for "sexual training". The bat didn't know what to say for a minute there. He blushed never thinking once about his mom like that and he wasn't sure if he was comfortable with it. Finally, Chase gathered the courage to speak up. "But what if dad finds out? He'll be so mad at me and then he'll tell everyone and I won't be able to walk out in public again." He looks away. "And it's still weird to be thinking my mom wants to have sex with me."

Valerie sighs as she kisses her son's cheek. "I can't believe you sometimes. "Your dad this..." and "Your dad that..." who cares about your father really? He wants so much for this family and yet he never gives you anything other than spending money. Our family needs more than just money sweetie, it needs love. I need love and you need it as well. You can't let this opportunity pass you by. Otherwise your father is going to keep controlling both our lives. He will never have to find out as long as we do this right. He won't be back for another 5 hours from work so we'll consider this our class time. So what do you say sweetie?"

    Chase sat there and looked spaced out by this. Not because that she is still encouraging the idea of sex with her but of his mom speaking the truth about his dad. Ever since he could remember, his father always made people help Chase out when he didn't need to. He always tells him what to do or what to say. And if he knew he met a badger and wanted to date her, he would say no and make sure it never happened. He snapped back into reality and swallowed a little before turning his head to the direction of his mom once again. " but just one week, nothing else right? And you promise me dad won't know I'm dating a badger?"

    Valerie rubs her son's shoulders to show her sincerity. "Only one week and I promise you, dad will never find out about anything. If everything goes well with you and your badger girl, I'll be seeing you drive off into the sunset with her and get as far away from your father as possible. Now, show me how you kiss." she smirks again judging her son's reaction. "Or do you want to try tomorrow?"  Chase sighs and looks down. This is still all new to him. But he couldn't just say no to the idea that this, despite how wrong in his mind this is, can help him nab Sylvia in the long run. The bat knew the sooner he knows how to have sex, the more prepared he can be when the day arrives. He turned to his mother and nods. "No, we can start tonight but I don't know where your face is."

    Valerie smiles as she pulled her son's hands towards her face letting her feel the features as she leaned in close so he knew where she is. He could feel her feminine features. Her soft cheeks, her unique bat shaped nose and her soft lips. He blushes as he tried not to think about her mother but picture that it was Sylvia instead. Of course it didn't help with his mom instructing him with her own voice. "I'm right here dear. Just slowly move your paws were you need to be. Lean in and create a slight moisture upon her lips as you kiss softly." She said waiting for him to make the first move. "Males tend to make the sudden move and if the girl allows it then go with it." He would take a deep breath before moving his lips to hers and began to kiss his mother softly, trying to remember how Sylvia kissed him.

Valerie made a soft "murr" sound as she kissed her son back, letting him feel the slight texture of her lips. The slightest hint of her tongue against his lips sent a note to open his mouth and to do the same thing she's doing as her body pressed a bit more against his own. She held the kiss softly wanting him to press more and be the assertive one but she knew it would take time to coax him into it. Chase couldn't help but blush to his mother's sounds. Her murr was different than Sylvia's so it made him react a little differently. He's blushing profusely now that his mother's form was pressed against him. The bat couldn't help it but he tries his best to fight it. Soon, he began to rub his tongue along with his mother's, recapturing that thought of Sylvia.

    Valerie smiles as she slips her night gown off her body. "Well you can tease my nipples with your tongue, or you can go lower." she giggles spreading her shapely legs out to the side. Her older body has the womanly curves of an experienced woman but she had the energy of a young heated teenager. Her breasts were a full D cup with dark nipples sticking out like small thimbles. The curve of her belly was flat with a little bit of plushy fur to it. Her hips have some extra padding to give her some nice love handles. Everything pointed down to the sensual pink slit between her legs as the folds parted and the heat and scent wafted into the air. Valerie pulled her sons paws to stroke over the curve of her breast. The mother bat went back to letting him focus on her breasts, feeling every detail and the texture of her nipples through the gown. "Just rub slowly. The nipple and breast are sensitive areas but you don't want to tease them too long for they can get sore.

    Chase blinks and nods softly as he tried very hard to silence out the fact that it's not Sylvia and did his best to picture Sylvia in his mind. He then tried picturing his mom's voice as Sylvia's and it's her instructing him and not his mother. Valerie could feel he was gaining more confidence because he wasn't so shy in rubbing her breasts. He could feel how big and soft they were as he softly began to tease the somewhat plump nubs.

Valerie begins to murr softly as if she's trying to speak in a different voice than her own. Chase figures her mother is trying to help him think less of the incest they were having. Valerie wanted him to focus on her body and just that. "That's it Chase...that feels really good. Just slowly roll your fingers over the flesh and then down to my stomach."

Chase nods slowly as he teased his mother's nipples, rolling them in between his fingers. He was making sure they were done properly using those moans as a guide of good or not. Once he felt he pleasured enough there, he slowly moved his paws down her chest and slowly rubbed her stomach as he calmly spoke out. "What do I do next?"

Valerie smirks and smiles to him. "Sweetie, why not use that lovely mouth of yours to suck and lick at my nipples. Females always enjoy that kind of pleasure." She spoke out. Chase couldn't see but Valerie's paw is now arousing her own slit which encouraged more of her sweet smelling sex into the air and towards Chase's direction.

    Chase could smell her mother's arousal which in return made his member harden inside his khaki tan pants. The bulge would be obvious to anyone and it would only impress anyone once it finally revealed itself from its confines. He moved to feel for her chest again and then moved his mouth over to one of her nipples and began to kiss and lick at it softly like his mother suggested. He could hear his mother let out a louder murr from her lips but shook off the thought and just kept focused on suckling her mother's nipple. Valerie stroked the back of her sons head as she held him to her breast. It reminded her when he was younger. Even when she was feeding him at a young age, she still enjoyed feeling his lips against her breast as he drank down his nourishment. She knew she had to cut him off at a point in time but she did remember missing the attention to her breasts. She moaned once again in appreciation for the attention. "Use that gifted bat tongue of yours and put it to good use Chase." she cooed. Her body getting more aroused as she smiles, her eyes noticing his bulge. She licks her lips in anticipation of what to do next. "Care to get rid of your pants?" she asked.

    Chase blinks as he heard his mother tell him to undress. He nodded slowly as his lips parted from his mother's nipple, making Valerie coo from the air hitting it. With Valerie's help, Chase stood up slowly and removed his blue golf shirt up and over his head. Chase has a surprisingly toned body for a man his age that couldn't play sports or outdoor activities. He got his physique from his uncle putting him to work in his restaurant, usually carrying food or drink from the storage to the kitchen. Even Valerie created a surprised look on her face when she sees how toned he is but of course, Chase couldn't see it. Then Valerie slowly took initiative and unbuttoned his khaki tan pants and pushed them down to his feet. He wore red boxers and a nice bulge began to poke out of them. Valerie moved her paws to his waistband which made Chase shiver as she pulled them down to his feet once again, his member finally erect and exposed to her. His member from what Valerie could see is a lot bigger than her husband's. About 9 inches in length did Chase's cock stand out with an average width and girth to it while her husband's was about 6 inches and a smaller width and girth in comparison. Once Chase stepped out of his clothes, he slipped back onto the bed, felt for his mother's chest again and began to suckle her nipple again, this time using his tongue to wrap and play and even tug on the nub.

    Valerie murrs softly as she reached a paw down to gently take his length in her paws, softly guiding it to grind against the soft fur of her inner thigh. "Oh my, I didn't know you were this big. Even bigger than your father's." she giggles trying not to be his mother during this lesson but she couldn't help but slip up a little this time. Chase of course blushed instantly and made a typical embarrassment voice "Moooommm, please don't tell me that!" Valerie giggled softly before she went back to being silent, letting her fingers trace over the shape of his cock to tease him as well as let him get excited. "Let the feeling and natural urges take over."

    Chase sighed as his mother speaking to him conflicted in his mind about imaging its Sylvia doing this and not his mother. With a little bit of deep breathing, he regained his focus. The male bat slowly moved his paws down towards the warm and inviting slit, which his mother parted her legs open when she felt his paws moving down past her chest. Chase began to run his paw across it, feeling the wet and silky texture against his fur and skin. He remembers the similar feeling he experienced when his paw was against Sylvia's. It was also warm and silky. His lack of sexual knowledge crept up again, not knowing what to do but remembering his mother's suggestion; he slowly ran his paw against it, not even knowing where to rub.

    Valerie smiles, feeling his inexperience as she placed her hand atop of his own, guiding him around her slit. "Just get a good feel for it. Know how tight it is. Dose one finger fit in or can you try for two? Make sure to trim your claws before doing this though." Chase had another look of displeasure from her mother like comments which made Valerie hush up about that. Instead, she pressed his fingers up higher until he could feel a round bump. "This is where the clit is. It's very sensitive so once again, tease it lightly like you did with my nipples." she said as she moved his one finger down, pushing it into her entrance and letting it dip into her heated depths. She guided him to pump his finger in and out so he knew what to do and so he can get use to the motions when he goes to meet Sylvia. Her scent of arousal filled Chase's nose, causing him to blush more as it reminded him of Valerie's arousal. The scents were slightly different but the feeling he got from both were the same. It's these thoughts that made him stop focusing on what he's doing and got Valerie to say "Don't let your mind distract you. Keep your focus on pleasuring your partner."

    Chase snapped back into reality and couldn't help but blush at the comment. Feeling embarrassed, he just simply smiled and did the best he could to remember what his mother told him. Once his mother started to show him how to pump his fingers in and out of her, she slowly grabbed a second finger and pushed it into her heated folds so now he had two fingers inside her to pleasure her. "Now take your other hand and rub my clit at the same time as you pump." She spoke out. Chase nods as he slipped his other hand over towards her clit and began to rub the nub softly. He was inexperienced at doing one thing, let alone hard to do both at the same time for her but he slowly took his time to try to do both at the same time. At first, Valerie winced a bit, feeling his fingernails partly scratch the nub. She immediately stopped his one hand and changed it so only one finger and just his finger, not his nail, was rubbing her sensitive slit. Chase went back to rubbing once again but now the slight pain Valerie felt changed to pleasure as he slowly got the hang of it. She gave him a good moan, showing her appreciation to his effort. The mother bat's juices started smearing over his fingers to make the plunge into her tunnel a lot easier. She slowly rolled her hips to his movements, causing her to softly pant in pleasure. "And once she gets good and aroused...then it's the best time to have sex..." she said wondering if her son was ready for this step. She wanted to fuck him really badly now but she couldn't look so needy in front of her own child. Valerie had to treat it like a lesson and not for her lustful needs.

    Chase listens to her mom's words and the idea of sex with his mother popped into his head. He quickly pulled his fingers and hands away from her mom's slit before responding to her. "I don't know mom. I mean the teachings of kissing, rubbing and licking her chest and attention to the slit is I mean, I haven't even lost my virginity yet to Sylvia and I really want to save it for her. Do you think you can just tell me that part?"

    Valerie sits up from her relaxed position and begins to caress her son's cheek. Silently though, she growled inside. She wanted him, needed him now. She can't believe he bought her act so far of training him for sex when really; she just wanted to have sex since hubby cut her off and she isn't going to stop now because he doesn't want to lose his virginity to his own mother. Her slit demanded pleasure and she was going to make sure she gets it.  But of course, Valerie has to do it in a proper and less demanding way. "Well that's your choice dear. But you need to know about sex. You don't want to be fumbling in the dark looking for her slit and then jab your length into her inner thigh. You might hurt the poor dear. But as you please the woman the woman should also please you. Don't be afraid to do a bit of ordering. Women like a strong dominant man." she smiles as she changed positions on him. She got up and moved to rest on her front while being in between his legs and begins to softly nibble and lick at his inner thigh.

    Chase blinks and murrs a little as his mother gave him sensual attention at his inner thigh. He listened to his mother's words and moved his head down in the direction of the nibbling. "So you're saying if I wanted Sylvia to suck my cock, I should tell her to do it like "How about you suck my cock please?" he spoke in a soft manner because he usually thinks that it's only fair to be nice and ask for it.

Valerie giggles a bit and shakes her head as she continued to nibble. The soft hairs of her face caressing his crotch telling him she shook her head no. "If you say that, she is going to know you're inexperienced. Say something like, "Oh yeah baby, that's it...suck my length like a good girl." Since you are blind, it would be easier if she does some of the work since it will be one of your first times. But if you keep acting like a softy, then she is going to be displeased with you." she warned letting her fingers caress over his ball sac softly.

Chase couldn't help but shiver and murr as he was being teased. He isn't good with saying such dominant things but he did want his mom to start sucking his member. The more she teased, the more he wanted it until he yelled out. "Please suck my cock!" He then went silent and covered his mouth. He couldn't believe he just said that out loud, and to his mom no less. "I mean....I'm begging you to suck my cock...please?" He shook his head slightly to his own words.

    Valerie giggles a bit as she continues to tease with her tongue tracing over his sac. The skillfully long appendage coiled around the length of his member, running up to the tip before going back to nibbling his sac. She's going to continue to tease and tease her son like this until her son finally gets to show the hidden dominance she wanted to hear. She didn't need to teach this to him but Valerie always loves it when a man dominates her. It's how she married her husband in the first place.

    Chase shivered and clicked as his member got slightly teased before it disappeared. Now he really wanted to have her suck his cock. Taking a deep breath and placed a more determined face on him, he moved his head downward to look at her and spoke out, "Oh baby, how about you suck my member nice and good? Let me feel your hot tongue caress and worship my member so I know how badly you want it inside you." Chase blushed madly, not used to saying such things but her mom's coaxing certainly made those words have meaning to them when they came out of his mouth this time. Valerie smiles and rewarded him by nuzzling her muzzle against the tip of his length. "Mmm, that's much better." she said. The mother bat's muzzle opened and begins to wrap her mouth around his length and slides the member into the warm inner embrace of her throat. Her long muzzle completely wrapping around his cock as her tongue lapped and licked from the bottom of his length to the very tip making slurp and suckle sounds.

    Chase finally gasped and moaned softly as he suddenly felt that similar warm embrace against his member that he experienced earlier today. This time though, it felt different. Not in a wrong way but just felt like a good kind of different. He just let his senses work their magic as he murred from the warmth and saliva his cock received from her. He knew there was something he can do to help with this situation but decided to leave the rest to his mother. Valerie just continued to bob her head up and down along the member, letting the soft slurping sound entice his ears. She brought his hands down to her hair and her cheeks letting him feel her move up and down his length as she pleasured. Her soft head in his lap felt just as good if not better then the badger girl that he just met. She knew he's feeling great arousal along his body but she knew she couldn't let him orgasm just yet.

    Chase moaned and clicked in pleasure. Since it was only several hours since his last blowjob, he wasn't going to orgasm so quickly. But the way his mother was pleasuring him with her mouth and tongue, it wouldn't be too long. Minutes of pleasure felt like hours as he didn't want it to stop. But soon, he could feel the urge he experienced not too long ago, the urge to orgasm in her mom's mouth. Valerie slurped up to the tip of his length, knowing he's going to cum from previous experiences, making her son sit right on the edge of orgasm before she said softly. "Oh I think that is enough lessons for tonight." she cooed licking her lips hoping her son would dominant her right then and there. She prayed he wouldn't let her go without pleasuring himself by plunging that lovely length into her folds.

    Chase whined and shakes his head. "No mom...please finish me off...I swear I'll keep going just don't stop." He would do anything for that release. Chase was experiencing better pleasure than before and he didn't want the feeling to stop now, especially now that he's so close. Valerie took her time to think on it. She worried that if he'd orgasm now, he won't be able to finally have him penetrating her folds. As she stroked the saliva and pre-cum coated cock, she started feeling that maybe she's underestimating her son. Perhaps he could handle more than one unlike a certain hubby she knows. "Mmm, well as long as you promise you will still be hard and ready to keep going with the lesson then I'll finish what I started." she said slowly and seductively.

    Chase nods quickly. "Of course, anything you want. Just don't stop!" Valerie murred deeply as she wrapped her maw around her son's length once again and suckled fast and deep into her mouth. She laps her tongue from the base to the tip knowing her son was just about to release. The mother bat wanted to tell him, "Try to hold on as long as you can to build up your endurance dear." but she knew that her son was too close to release to try to hold on. And the way she expertly lapped and licked upon the sensitive organ, it would be hard for anyone to hold on. Chase did the best that he can to not orgasm so quickly. He didn't want to think of the pleasure too much just so he made sure he wouldn't cum into her mouth just yet. He enjoyed the feeling and did his best to fight through it. The feeling was just so great and just pictured that feeling can last as long as he could. Soon, the bat's member began to twitch as cum began to shoot out of his cock towards his mother's mouth and her expertly pleasuring tongue.

    Valerie moaned deeply as she drank down her son's cum. She blushes a little bit to herself, not believing for just a second that she was doing this to her own son. But now, the fire in her loins and her sex built up so much, too hot to stop now. As she continued to lick and slurp down every last drop, she caressed his sac with her fingers. She teased and flicked her tongue across the tip of his cock trying to get him hard again. "Now you promised me dear...and I need you inside me now." she said grabbing onto his length so he wouldn't try to go anywhere. She kind of let her lesson demeanor slip away as she's just too aroused to keep focus on her plan.  Chase shudders after the last few drops of his cum were coaxed out and due to his mother's expert mouth and tongue; his member became hard again and wanting more pleasure. Once he heard his mother's words, he spoke back, not realizing that she demanded sex instead of offering to teach it. "Alright mom, but I don't know what to do when it comes to that. Show me please?"

    Valerie nods her head as she breathed in and out rather rapidly. Her excitement started to boil over as she pushed him down on his back against the bed. The mother bat's hands begin to grip tightly about his son's shoulders as she straddled his hips and rubbed her warm sex softly against the tip of his length. "Let me start us off...then when you feel comfortable, we shall switch so you will be on top. In the meantime, get the feel of what the experience of penetrating a woman's folds is like. Know what spots get the most arousal and the most moans out of her." Soon, she guided her son's member along her slit, letting him feel where the entrance is. The fur along her body tickles his length while the sexual fluids of her sex drooled down his cock. Chase couldn't help but release some moans as the fur and juices coated his member. This was by far warmer than even her mother's mouth and he partially cursed himself for not being able to see what it even looked like. He felt pictures of it when mom showed him brail books of the male and female body but he just hated having no sight to enjoy this.

    Both Chase and Valerie began to gasp and moan a bit as she pushed his member finally into her entrance. As she slid down his entire length, Chase could feel the warmth enveloping his length and squeezing his member gently. Valerie knew that she's still tight even for being an older and more sexually experienced woman. Chase realized he's no longer a virgin in his mind as Valerie hilted his entire length and rested for a second as she spoke. "Let's see if we can coax an orgasm out of me and then, I'll show you how to have sex in the missionary position. Later on in the week, we will explore other positions so at least you're going into this with some experience. Of course, this also depends on how kinky this girl of yours is." she giggled but then, released another moan of need need as she went slow and rolled her hips on top of him.

    Chase nods and spoke out. "Alright mother, whatever you..." but he got cut off as her mother began to move, making him suddenly click loudly as he felt more rushes of warmth enveloping his cock. He never felt this kind of thing before in his life and he's certainly enjoying it. But of course, Valerie can be heard moaning, meaning she's enjoying it since she knows the feeling of a real cock inside her instead of a toy felt so much better. She embraced the feeling entirely by letting his length fill her completely. The mother bat lets Chase get slowly used to her motions and movements as she squeezed her walls together, feeling the cock within her twitch. This caused Chase to moan a little louder. "Thrust up softly sweetie. Get use to the motions...up and and out...just like that." Valerie panted as she instructed her son.

    Chase slowly began to pant as well with his mother as he felt for his mother's hips and began to take a hold of them. He begins to thrust up softly as his mother moved down and pulled back a bit as his mother moved up. He listened to his mother moans and just pictured Sylvia being on top instead of her. Valerie joined in on her son's moans as she bucked up and down softly. The gentle slurping sounds of her sex connecting with his cock filled the room. Her cum began to drip and mat Chase's pubic fur as she moved up and down. "Don't just lie there either. Either kisses along the neck and massage the chest dear. The woman needs full attention at all times." she murred as she picked up the pace in her thrusting.

    Chase nods and moaned softly back as he slid his paws up trying to feel for her mother's breasts once again. Once he did he began to squeeze and play with them hoping this would suffice. The slurping sound of lust made him shiver in excitement as well as Valerie. Her desire to orgasm clouded her thoughts of teaching him how to pleasure someone. She wanted a real release so badly. Her hips softly slapped against his own as she leaned down to kiss him, unable to help her desire anymore. The mother bat's tongue invaded his son's maw as they shared saliva. Her juices leaking more heavily and sticking to his fur as the sounds became wetter and messier. Chase murred and moaned into the kiss Valerie's giving him, running his tongue along with her mothers. He felt like his body and instincts were now controlling him and his mind's just watching like a spectator. His paws kept squeezing those plump breasts as he continued to thrust up into his mother, helping her reach her orgasm while not trying to think of his own which would be slowly building up. Soon, he would suddenly feel the walls tightening up and his mother moaning loudly into his mouth. A rush of juices sprayed from her mother's sex and coated his hips and inner thighs. He just experienced his mother having an orgasm. This made him blush immensely. Meanwhile, Valerie started to sweat from working so hard on her son. Her scent from her orgasm became thick in the air as she released her son from the kiss. "Ready to be on top?" she asked almost out of breath. Her tunnel could feel his son's cock twitching a little more, giving Valerie the signal that he's close to orgasm. Valerie knew she had to recompose herself and make it look like she's still teaching him.

    Chase was starting to sweat a little as he wanted to keep going but knowing that he needed to learn all he can in as little time as possible, he had to stop his instinctual nature for the time being. "Alright, but can you help me get into position mother?" Valerie murrs deeply as she responded to her son. "Yes I can dear." She shivered as she pulled the length from her body. The wet slurping sound of his cock becoming free from her warm folds made them both shudder. She stopped straddling him and rolled onto the other side of the bed where it was less damp from their previous romp. "Now just feel along my legs with your hands and know where my slit is. Then just guide your length in." she said as she reached out and holds onto his hand so she knew where she is and ran it along her right leg so he could feel where her legs were. "Chase, does she know that you're blind?"

    Chase slowly responds. "Not at first. We were in Damon's restaurant when it happened. Damon came in on us when we were in the backroom and I think she noticed from the light entering the room afterwards. I think she was scared at first but she changed her mind and that's when she invited me over." He got up onto his knees and moved in between her mother's legs, feeling for her slit. After a bit, he felt the warmth and wetness of her folds, feeling a lot damper and sticky against his paw.  The bat moved on top while being between his mothers legs and grabs onto his member. It was still sticky and wet from minutes before but the lingering feeling of warmth made it oh so nice to touch. He slowly tried to guide it until it felt that familiar damp and warm folds. Once he found the entrance to her slit, he pushed the member into her folds and clicked as that sudden warmth filled his member again. He positioned himself so he could fully hilt himself into his mother. Valerie clicked and gasped in pleasure. She cupped her son's face leading him down close to her while her legs wrapped about his waist. The angle allowing him to push into her deeper as their hips met once again. "There you go sweetie. Now use the same motions before. Just don't pull out too much otherwise you're going to fall out, and have to stop to get it back in."

    Chase nods and listens intently as he positioned to rest his arms on each side of his mother before he slowly begins to pump softly into his mother's slit. He would shiver and murr as he loved the feeling of her warmth against his member. He clicked louder and moaned from the feeling and shivers a little. "Am I doing this right?" Valerie breathed a bit heavily as she responded. "Yes you are. Now you can place your hands on the outside of my shoulders, on my shoulders, or rest your arms on the outside of my sides like you're doing now to support yourself. You may have to lie fully down atop of me in order to catch your balance and energy. But as long as you keep thrusting like you are now, your fine. Try moving your hips a bit as you thrust in fully. Not too much but just slightly should be enough." She rolled her hips in return bringing him close to her so that they could kiss softly again. Chase heard her instructions as they kissed as he slowly rested on top of her. Her breasts started to press into his body. Her body warmth felt comforting to him as memories of his mom holding him close to her with her motherly warmth flooded back. But now this warmth was different. It has more heat and intensity and a feeling of lust to it. He uses his hips as he was told to fully hilt his member into her. Valerie couldn't help but get back into the passion of the love making as she kissed her son more firmly. She thrusts her hips harder and faster with his movements, coaxing him to go faster as her juices spurted and drooled along his length and onto the bed while she moaned in pleasure.

    Chase could suddenly feel his orgasm slowly coming back once again. He wanted to have his mother orgasm again, to feel that intense warmth against his member again before he goes inside her. He did his best to make sure he didn't explode too early as he kept the same pumps going while kissing his mother back firmly. Valerie gripped onto her son tightly as he thrusts harder. Her feet pushing deeply into his rump as her walls clenched tighter and her juices flowed more freely. "Oh...oh Chase...almost there...faster...just a bit faster." she cried out thrashing in a bit of pleasure that she hadn't felt in years. Chase didn't stop but a bit concerned he asked. "But mom...if I cum...inside you...won't you..." but his mother shook her head and moaned out. "I'm heat...go ahead."

    Chase nods and murrs as he continues to thrust deep inside her and push fasters with her. He could feel the orgasm almost climaxing as he began to moan and pant along with her mother. His arms shaking, his legs shaking as he was about to release something big inside. Valerie screeched out in pleasure as another release that she had been longing for finally released itself in a massive orgasm. Her entire body clenching up, pinning her son's cock to her folds as her fluids exploded out of her sex. She held onto him tightly letting her tightened walls and warm fluids tease his cock into his own orgasm.

    Chase screeched as well as the sudden orgasm he felt against his member coaxed the last momentum his body needed before he orgasms inside his mother's folds, shooting hard ropes of cum into her. After several shakes and the last of his cum ejaculated inside her, he falls on top of his mother's chest and began to pant hard, aiming his head to her direction. " did I do?" Valerie was catching her breath as she nuzzles against her son's cheek stealing one more kiss as she murrs. "Oh you did wonderful dear for your first time. By the time you see your girl next she will never know you're a beginner. There are more lessons to teach you though. Especially with your blindness, you will have to know how to get into different positions. But that can be for another night. I should take a shower and change the sheets before your father gets home."

    Chase nods and shudders as he softly pulled out of his mother's warmth and looks to her. "That's good." He slowly tries to get to his knees and listens to her. He could see his once hardened and coated member shriveling down from its use but his concerns started to flood his mind once again. "Mother, please try to tell father if he finds out from Damon that I was with a female bat and not a badger alright? I know he will keep me under house and key if he knew I was with another species." Valerie simply giggled and caressed her son's cheek softly. "Don't you worry sweetie. I'll take care of everything." She sighs in pleasure once Chase pulled his member out of her slit with a slurp sound, basking in the scent and the pleasure she had experienced with her son no less. "Chase....thank you for doing this." she said.

    Chase nods and softly sits at the bed and turns his head to his mother's direction. "Thank you for teaching me mother. But I need to ask you something." There's still another nagging question in his mind about the sex they just had. "Is there more to the sex we're doing than just teaching? Don't you always have sex with dad?" He didn't know why his mother wanted to be so helpful and why she insisted on the sex despite having dad to use for sex as well Valerie sighs a bit as she sits up starting to take the sheets off the bed. "Hun it's nothing for you to worry about alright? Head to bed now Chase." Chase nods and gets to his feet. He felt for his clothes and scooped them up before turning her head. "Alright mother....goodnight." He softly felt for the door frame and once he found it, he left easily making his way toward his room. Once he arrived, he had the biggest grin on his face. In less than a week from now, he's going to score with a hot badger who wants him.

End of Chapter 3