Being Blind as a Bat - Chapter 2

Story by RenoHidaka on SoFurry

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#2 of Being Blind as a Bat

    "I can't believe I'm doing this! This is turning me on so much!"

    Alexis was enjoying a foreplay sexual experience that she hasn't had in a long time. She can't even remember the last time being with someone who was this arousing. She didn't know if it was because of the dark atmosphere or the fact she couldn't see the one she was fooling around with but something about this moment was driving her completely nuts. The badger could feel the warm paw against her damp folds as she was murring contently to herself. She wanted him to be gentle at first but then really make her feel the pleasure, but sadly, the opening of a door and light entering the room startled the poor badger and made her cover herself up slightly to see what or who opened the door.

    "Hey Chase, glad to see you found a lovely to fool around with." An older sounding figure spoke out. Alexis didn't know nor couldn't see too well who the man that spoke out but the name he mentioned made her turn around to see the bat that was pleasuring her. The light that entered the room finally showed the identity of the bat. His dark brown fur looked soft and smooth to the eyes. His brown hair slightly messed up but still cut nicely. The eyes were silver but had a familiar look to him. She took a bit for her eyes to fully readjust. Once they did, she finally saw the attractive guy she just pleasured not too long ago and was just about to be pleasured by. It wasn't just any ordinary attractive stranger she was hoping to screw around with. This stranger was actually her cousin Chase! She gasped at the sudden realization before covering her mouth as the older figure made another comment. "Don't mind me; I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." He said as he closed the door behind him, trapping them both in the darkness again.


    "Oh fuck! I was just caught fooling around with my own cousin. If people found out about this, I'm not only going to be shunned by the entire town but my parents will kill me and make me go to a boarding school. I got to get out of here before anyone finds out who I am." Alexis thought to herself.


    The badger wasted no time removing the bat's paw from her folds. She was still very much aroused and wished she could have just climaxed before finding out the truth but getting out of this place and from him was her biggest priority right now. Alexis began to pull up her panties from her knees all the way up to her waist and fixed the skirt to keep the panties secured. She then pushed her bra down back to cover her exposing plump breasts and then her shirt. Alexis figured if she sneaked off real quietly and he didn't know, she could get away from him and maybe no one will ever find out about it. She remembered where the door was from the brief shine of light the older figure presented and did her best to move to it quietly. But before her paws could touch the metal door handle and push out to freedom, the badger's ears perked up as she heard the familiar voice speak out to her.

    "Wait!" Chase yelled out. "You promised me remember?!"

    She stopped moving. The badger was caught and purely knew it. "Damn it!" She muttered quietly to herself. "He found out I was trying to escape. And he's right about that, I did make that promise to him. Shit, what do I do? Do I tell him the truth? No way! He'll be grossed out by me and he'll tell everyone that I was taking advantage of him and they'll come after me. But I can't just dash off when I know I was caught. That older guy could chase after me and catch me and who know what'll happen. So what do I do? I guess I should tell him something and then figure things out later."

    Alexis turned back towards Chase and took a deep breath before speaking out to him in a louder tone. "Sorry, I got a little startled there. I have to get um...I just noticed how late it was and I need to head back. My name, my phone number is 555-2750 and I live at 69 Moonlit Crescent. Come see me in one week and I'll make sure to keep my promise. It was a pleasure to meet you Chase and I'll see you in a week." The badger turned back toward the door, pushed the door open and began bolting down the street. She didn't hear the older sounding figure yelling at her to stop and his apology for intruding. All she knew was that she had to get back home as fast as she could.

    After what felt like she was running for hours but really, it wasn't really that long. Only mere seconds away from salvation, she bolted up the driveway to her house. The house was moderately sized, 2 floors and a lovely decorated front walkway. It was brick layered with modern framed windows on each side. A garage attachment was to the right of the house with no cars in the driveway. The walkway Alexis bolted up was lined with flowers and rocks all decorated nicely to greet guests in a warm fashion. To the left spanned freshly cut and luscious green grass that surely made others notice when walking by. Once Alexis reached the front step, she stopped and reached out to the white painted two front doors. She grabbed a hold of the right door's door knob and turned it, entering into her own home and closing it behind her.

    Alexis's house was just as nicely decorated inside as it was outside. The hallway leading into the living/dining room had hardwood flooring, cream painted walls with picture frames of various landscape shots hanging on it and a paneled ceiling. The living/dining room was well furnished with leather chairs and a couch, a dining room set that would make any housewife jealous and a flat panel TV resting atop a wall unit across from the chairs and couch. She could have entered the kitchen, bathroom or the room leading to the basement but her focus wasn't really there. She didn't bother to examine to see if anyone was home because she knew she had the house to herself for a while. She made a bee line for the stairs leading up to a carpeted hallway and 5 doors. She went to the door on the farthest left, cream colored like the walls with the words "Alexis's Room" etched on the door. She opened it, made her way in and closed the door behind her.


    Alexis's room was well furnished like the others. A soft, well made white bed was just to the right of her. White carpeting tickled the badger's feet as the cream wallpaper was covered mostly by posters and pictures of various furry heart throbs. Her closet was to the left of her, swung right open and contained hundreds of clothing items. Her desk in the right corner had her computer with the screensaver of more furry heart throbs active on it. A few plush animals were sitting on a window sill facing her.Â

    The badger immediately began to undress again, this time taking off all of her clothing. First, the white cut blouse shirt, which she wore for the event expecting that she would get this attractive guy to take notice of her lovely cleavage. Then the badger began untying and unclasping her short skirt which she hoped the gorgeous male would caress her attractive legs. Right now, she hates how the clothes on her made her look so revealing and slutty right now; all it did was made her feel really dirty to have them on. She unclasped and slipped out of her bra before making her way to her hips and pushed off her panties. Alexis then kicked all the clothing over to a pile of clothes which she has worn on previous days. She moved to a robe hanging in her closet, pulled it off and tossed it onto her bed.Â


    As the badger was getting ready to slip it on, she couldn't help but eye the full length mirror on the opposite side of her room. There her nude form was reflecting back to her. To anyone's eyes, Alexis was probably one of the most attractive badgers around. For example, her fur was soft and warm with typical black and white markings along her back and front. Her facial features soft and caressing. The badger had long blonde hair tied in a pony tail and stretching down all the way to her lower back while her light blue eyes glance along the mirror's reflection. Her figure was slim and pleasing to the eye but it didn't mean she showed it off so often to everyone. Alexis has only shown it off to two males and they never stayed with her as long as she hoped. Her breasts were a C cup but some people think it looks more like a D cup. Her nipples were slightly erect from Chase's gropes as well as the mildly cool air in her room. Her folds between her legs were a soft pink and slightly puffy from the stimulation she received at the restaurant. Alexis grabbed the robe, slipped it on her form, tied the waist band up and flopped on her bed.


    Alexis couldn't help but recall the events that happened to her this past day. She remembered walking down to the shopping district this morning to go pick up some groceries since her parents would be far too busy to get it themselves. She then remembered hearing someone yelling out to the furries on the street about a new dating event going on at the "Black Out!" restaurant where "dating doesn't have to be based on looks". That's when the badger recalled that the voice came from an older sounding male. Suddenly, Alexis realized the man yelling out the promotion was the same person who not only started the event but also was the one that caught her and Chase fooling around in the back. She never got a good look at him either way so it never really bothered her. Alexis then thought back to the date, time and address the older figure mentioned. She thought she had nothing better to do and it had been a while since she was on the dating scene, so she made sure to get her groceries done quickly so she could go.


    The badger didn't remember too much before arriving at the restaurant. She did remember someone guiding her through the dark restaurant to one side of it. Then she remembered that familiar voice of the owner explaining how the process worked. Alexis couldn't help but giggle as she remembered hearing all those male voices and then her walking by each table as she listened in to their stats. None of them did really appeal to her but the badger remembered hearing about someone around her age and how he enjoys listening to music. She just didn't hear his name very well nor did her mind assume the possibility that it could have been Chase when he described himself and his inspiration as a DJ. Alexis was most likely picturing this great guy that must have sounded like the perfect man to her and she couldn't help but feel a bit excited by that whole experience. When Chase asked her to feel her face and she allowed it, Alexis became a little aroused from that. Then Alexis remembers when the male bat "accidently" began to squeeze her breasts. That was just more icing to the cake.


    "Fuck! Why did it have to be Chase?! Why couldn't it haven been some other cute, attractive, music loving bat who I never met before?!" Alexis groaned as she snapped out of her memory recall. The badger then grabbed one of her head pillows and dropped it onto her face. She couldn't help but admit that if she didn't know the bat in front of her was really Chase, she would have probably went all the way with him. But that image of Chase's face and the times she has known him kept flooding back, making her feel slightly nervous and yet...made her feel just a little bit happy.


    "I don't get why I can't stop thinking about Chase?! What is it about him that I can't get him out of my head?" Alexis muffled under the pillow. The badger then took the pillow off her face and stared back at the ceiling. Now she was reflect back to that "special" time. The time where she was pulled by Chase over to what she thought was a secluded area where no one can disturb them. The way she began to kiss Chase passionately on the lips and then her slipping her paw into his pants to feel up his member. She could remember how big his bulge felt in her paw. It wasn't huge but it certainly was enough for her to handle. Now, instead of picturing someone mysterious and seductive, the thoughts of Chase flooded back into the badger's mind. Now she really had a problem on her hands. Alexis sat back up and began to weigh out her options. On one hand, Alexis couldn't help but be disgusted at the fact she not only chose her cousin in that actual blind date event but to also kiss and rub and even give Chase oral. On the other hand, the badger did love how she felt when she was rubbing and sucking Chase's cock.


    She blinked as she suddenly snapped back from her thoughts but now, a similar arousal like feeling she had when she was with Chase at the restaurant began to resurface. "Oh no, now I'm getting all aroused again. Why did this have to happen to me?" Alexis whined.  She could feel the urge to move her robe aside and rub herself but it's not to the image the female badger indeed wanted in her head. Especially since Chase is cousin.Â


    Just then, Alexis gets an idea. "I know. Maybe if I fantasize about someone else, then I won't have to picture Chase anymore." The badger decided that she would let her mind wander and think back to a dream she had about this one heart throb named Daniel. Daniel is a very sexy canine and he is one of the very top models in her favorite magazine "Envision". He has gorgeous blonde hair, brown fur, seductive green eyes and he only wore blue board shorts...well at least in her mind he did. Alexis can picture the fantasy now...both Alexis and Daniel doing the classic slow moving run along the beach, on opposite sides coming closer. She would look away for one second before looking to see Daniel again. But it wasn't Daniel she saw, it was Chase. In those same blue board shorts Daniel was wearing. As much as her mind told her to stop running, she still kept running, arms open and inviting. Alexis could only feel her fantasy watch as she pulls Chase in to a deep kiss, feeling his gorgeous figure against hers.


    That snapped Alexis out of her fantasy but solved nothing with her arousal issue. In fact, it made it worse. She was already rubbing her own form, loving how the soft robe felt against her naked fur. The female badger desperately needed a release but she felt that if she started to get herself off now, it would be the ultimate acceptance that Chase is the one Alexis longs for.  Even though the nagging truth that Chase is her cousin, the female badger can't shrug away of how attractive and nice he is to her from previous reunions and from the restaurant earlier today.Â

    Chase and Alexis knew each other only a few years back. Alexis comes from Chase's mom's side of the family. Their first meeting was at a family reunion that Chase's family started 3 years ago. At first, Chase and Alexis never really talked at all. But at last year's reunion, Chase got the courage to meet Alexis and actually sit down to talk to her. Alexis never really told him anything about her but all Chase did was smile and talk about various things he enjoyed or heard. That is what made Chase stand out in her mind really well. Despite his blindness, he wasn't really such a bad guy after all. Alexis also reminded herself the fact that he did have a nice body. His slight muscled figure, soft fur and those warm paws of his. All of a sudden, an idea pops into Alexis's head.


    "Wait a minute. Chase is blind. For all he knows, he thinks I'm Sylvia, a female badger who loves to dance. He still doesn't know my true identity. Maybe if I continue to play this charade but only meet him at places where little to no one will be around, I can get away with having sex with Chase."


    Alexis couldn't help but murr to herself at the idea. This plan was getting better and better. Not only is she going to get the male bat to pleasure her the way she was hoping to get pleasured back at the restaurant, but to do it in secret. This turned her on very much. So much she could feel her erect nipples poking through the soft robe. The badger's nipples being so sensitive sent shivers down her form and only created more moisture in between her legs. "It's settled then." Alexis said to herself. "I'm going to do this and enjoy it as long as I can. I just need to keep Chase and no one else from knowing about this relationship." She then looked to herself and murred slightly from the arousal she was experiencing. "I think I should start to fix this "other" situation right now." Alexis giggled as she sat up and moved to the edge of her bed.


    The badger placed her feet on the carpet and stood up. She walked over to her closet and slowly began to untie the robe's knot. If there was any doubt left in her mind about being sexual to her cousin, it was completely gone. She slipped from her robe and began to hang it back in her closet. Alexis's firm and soft breasts were now getting more air against them while her nipples became rock hard. Even the badger's arousal from between her legs was starting to waft through the air. That didn't deter her at all as she walked around to the other side of her bed, bent down and slipped her paw underneath the bed frame. She searched for a few seconds till the badger felt a bit of plastic against her fingers which made her grin with joy. She gripped the top of the plastic and slipped it out from underneath the bed. Inside the plastic container was a stash of sexual items of Alexis's. They ranged from naughty magazines which look like she cut certain heads out and replaced them with heads from other magazines, an assortment of vibrators and dildos and a bit of bondage gear. For now, Alexis just grabbed a little vibrator which was heart shaped and a blue dildo with different texture patterns all around it.


    With toys in hand, Alexis flopped back onto the bed and squirmed her way into a proper position. Stretching her slender legs out along the bed, she rested her head against the pillow and looked at her little vibrator. It wasn't anything special. The only thing that was so unique about it was that it was heart-shaped, able to clip onto her nipples or clit and the wireless remote was also heart-shaped with a typical 3 types of vibration setting and off mode. She smiled at it as she took the clip and attached it to her left nipple. She reached for the remote and turned it on to its lowest setting and immediately, a soft moan escaped her lips. She slipped her left paw down to tease her tender pink clit while the other paw grabbed the blue dildo and moved it to her lips. Alexis began to lick and suckle the tip of the dildo while imagining it was Chase's cock she was pleasuring earlier that day. She would murr as her fingers made precision work on coaxing the sensitive nub from its cover. The vibrations from the toy only encouraged the speedy process.


    Once she felt the clit was free, she placed the dildo down and grabbed the remote turning the vibrator off. Alexis was already breathing a little fast and her heart was already racing in excitement and from the pleasure she was giving herself. She slipped her paw from her clit and unhooked the toy from her left nipple. She giggles as she moved the toy and began to clip it onto her clit, already shuddering in pleasure at the feeling of the toy against her. Once it was set up, she picked up the remote in her left paw and the blue dido in her right paw. She moved her right paw down as she turned on the vibrator on low again. A louder moan was made from the badger as she slipped the blue dildo between her legs and began teasing her entrance with it. Her breathing and gasps began to pick up as the toy stimulated her clit. The badger was hoping Chase would know how to pleasure her. Alexis figured he has not only known how to pleasure a woman but due to his lack of sight, he knew how to pleasure any woman better. This was only more motivation as she pushed the toy inside her wet folds and flicked the remote to a medium setting.


    This allowed a loud moan to escape her lips as she began to move the toy inside and out. Soon, the badger was lost in pleasure bliss. She wasn't picturing her with two toys working against her lovely sex but Chase himself. Alexis pictured such a lovely body that she pieced together from seeing him at the reunion last year to what she thought the rest of him looked like. She fantasized about that cock she stroked and suckled earlier filling her warm tunnel with even more warmth and pleasure than the toys can provide. She can still even taste Chase's cum that she drank earlier from his firm member. It was arousing her even further as it only sped up the toy's speed, thrusts and how deep she pushed it inside herself. Now she turned the vibrator remote onto a high setting as a louder moan escaped her lips.


    The sudden rush of pleasure caused the badger to drop the remote from her paw and begin to grip the bed sheets. She arched her back and began to moan louder and louder as more pleasure was filling her body. Alexis didn't slow down with the blue toy rubbing her inner walls; she picked up even more speed. The female badger could feel the orgasm building ever so closer, fighting long enough just so the moment would last longer. It wouldn't be long before her eyes and mouth opened wide when the orgasm hit her; cum coating the toy followed by a loud yell emerged from her lips. "Oh Chase!!!"


    She laid back into the bed, releasing the sheet and slowly moving the toy out of her folds. Alexis grinned as she was a greedy badger. She didn't just want to feel pleasure inside her vaginal folds; she wanted to feel it along her anal walls as well. Still murring contently from the clit vibration still going on with her vibrator, she slowly and carefully rolled onto her front, rump in the air as she slipped the toy between her legs and poking at her anal entrance. She coated her hole with as much of her own cum coating the dildo to create as much lubricant as possible. She would take a couple of breaths before pressing the tip of the toy into her tail hole and slipped it about halfway in. A loud yelp and then a sudden murr of pleasure emerged as she was about to pleasure herself again.


    Alexis had to be a lot slower this time with the toy because that area was very sensitive and the ridges and textures of the dildo would only cause more pain than pleasure if done improperly. The badger did slowly pick up speed with the toy once her walls got use to the size. Her thoughts would go back to Chase but this time, taking her doggy style in the rump. She could imagine the size of his member filling her tight hole which caused her to murr louder once again. "I wish this was you Chase and not the toy. Then you can really show me pleasure I would have never felt before."


    The badger would start panting again as she felt her clit vibrating hard and fast while the toy teased those tight walls. Alexis was still fantasizing about Chase penetrating her and rocking her body full of pleasure. She would rock her hips as she pushed and pulled with the toy, only increasing the pleasure. She moaned and closed her eyes tightly, back completely arched and the one paw supporting herself was once again gripping the sheets tightly. Once again, the similar feeling of the badger's climax was slow building up. She would moan louder, knowing she can't push herself any farther than what her toys and herself can do. Yet she still did her best to quickly reach to that climax. In a few short minutes of moans, pants, shivers and rushes of pleasure, the badger once again achieved an orgasm. She could feel her folds dripping all of her juices over the toy and onto the bed. She kept the toy inside her tail hole as she slowly returns to laying on her back and looking up to the ceiling. She murred from the afterglow as her one paw reached for the remote and turned off the vibrations.


    There was a wonderful sight to behold. A female badger, her nude form exposed to anyone that could see it from her bedroom window. Her body taking deep breaths and covered in a slight sweat from the pleasure she was giving herself. Alexis's breasts which showed off how hard and fast she was breathing was still showing those perky erect nipples. A heart-shaped vibrator, coated from her last orgasm in her cum, laying dormant but still attached to her clit. The blue textured dildo, protruding halfway into the badger's tail hole, was firmly held there after the last orgasm and still slightly covered in her first orgasm. All of that was shown but the biggest thing that can be seen on Alexis was the grin she was supporting.Â

    She turned her head softly to look at a calendar hanging off her wall. The month was May and the picture of the month was Daniel, the sexy canine from her teen heart throb magazines. She saw the day today was the 15th and in one week, on the 23rd, Chase will be visiting her at her place. Alexis smiled as she looked at the date and nods. "On the 23rd, it will be the day I finally get the guy I have been looking for. Who knew it would be my own cousin?"

End of Chapter 2