Circle in the Lights!!

Story by thegoogous on SoFurry

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Holy shit.

It's finally another night at the Circle of the Lights. A bi-annual gathering near the center of Linnia, one of the largestcities on the continent. Having attended for years, Marr is familiar with the staff. The guards stood like champions of thecosmos at the door. Usually anyone entering must be clothed but Marr had become an exception. He struts by the guards being acknowledged only by those the guards were tending to; admiring his privileged nudity.Marr orders a drink and tips the new bartender, a hyper, scantily clad, teal colored fox with too many piercings. She flashes him her obviously practiced happy face and prances off to the next customer. Chuckling to himself, marr turns and heads for the intricately designed double-doors guarding the main hall from the showroom in which his favorite place on the circleawaits.Easing the doors ajar, he's greeted by the roaring merriment of more members than he'd ever witnessed. Their laughter andbanterings echoing with the beautiful acoustics of the showroom. He slowly makes his way to his spot, admiring the crowd.A few pairs of eyes gleam at him in the nostalgia of past experiences as he struts by.

 Upon reaching his spot, a lovely scarlet bed with several small pillows, Marr lays back to relax before the night kicks off. The showroom is quite crowded this evening but Marr's awareness barely expands enough to reach the guests lying only a few feetfrom him. However, he can still feel the energy in the room. Almost every spot must be filled. He's been here many times but never has he felt this excited.He lay there focusing himself and brushing his fingers through his soft white tail dreaming as the hour approaches; his excitement beginning to sharpen. Letting his mind go will leave him completely bare to release his entirety when the moment came. He dreams of the faces he's danced with, the brilliant personalities he wishes were here now, and someone he can't waitto see.Feeling quite clean, he pushes himself back and up to gain a relaxed position while still able to survey his surroundings. Afterlighting a cigarette, he notices the room is in fact full aside from a few random empties, perhaps reserved. He'd never seen the circle so close to completion.

 "Hey!"The diversity alone is a sight to behold. Soft bushy foxes, sleek cats, vibrantly colored lizards, rather simply schemed dogs, strong and proud horses, the typical peppering of majestic wolves, including himself, and some absurdly elegant few that stand outamong the rest. There are even a couple avians. Marr rarely saw birds to begin with but apparently something was in the air tonight.whssh Something seems graze Marr's neck but he assumes it was a draft in refusal to break his admiration of tonight's composition."Hello?.. Shut up! One sec!

This guy is somewhere else, I guess."There are several who lay in watch, just as awestruck as Marr is. They're either nervous first-timers, experienced members lying in wait, or they're simply soaking in the exuberance. Marr always wishes music was playing during this time but tonight there's no need. One can almost reach out and feel the life coil around the hand, seep into the skin, and swim through the body in lovely dance.It's warm."What's with this guy?? Hey, is that a frog over there?!"

 "Yup!""What!?"One distinct girl catches Marr's eye. She lay several rows down propped up by several small maroon pillows. Her fur is the softest tan and her belly a brilliant white but why are her ears so long? They're huge yet they somehow manage to support themselves as they suspend behind her head. This must be a species he is unfamiliar with. She's quietly gazing into the room with emerald eyes that almost glow and a lovely relaxed grin. Apparently the atmosphere is getting to her as well. Surprising to Marr, many of the members tonight are quite keen in appearance. Most aren't even naked. He didn't even come in with clothing but at least his fur is lush as ever. It glistens in the soft lighting. He can't help but admire what could take pla--"HEY!" *YANK*A rather skinny young grey wolf neighboring him had finally broken Marr's trance by tugging on a tuft of fur on his arm alerting a few tiny clusters of nerves in select places throughout Marr's body; something that always confused him."Yes?" Marr inquires, hiding his slight irritation with the calm expression that he'd have to fist-fight off his face if he wished to change. He's intoxicated by the night and he hasn't even taken a sip of his drink."Jeez, where were you? Sorry, but can I bother you for a smoke?"

 "Heh, right here. Just dreaming." Marr says with a charming smirk, reaching for his pack, "Sure, have a couple.""Thanks! I've never seen someone just staring off like that. I even tossed a sock at you but it only brushed your mane alittle.""Yeah. I go pretty deep sometimes." Marr says, returning his gaze to the rest of the room, realizing there is no draft."Well, uh, thanks! Sorry to bother you!" The young wolf says with unease. Marr is easily twice his size and his odd charmcould leave one feeling a bit off if not on. He has a mysterious radiance. A stern yet still childlike wisdom about him."Hey! Do you know what-""Yes and no.. We shouldn't really talk about it beforehand. You'll soon learn why." "Oh, Ok.. Thanks again!" With a slight nod, Marr sits back to return to his thoughts.Naturally feeling dismissed, the young wolf returns to his discussion amongst the several gathered at the other side of his bed."Can I have the other smoke

you got?""Ha! No!"Marr flicks another cigarette at the pillows behind the second bed over. It bounces and rolls a bit before coming to rest at thefox's thigh. She grabs it and glances around confused.

 "Where'd you get that?" another asks."It just.. came to me?.. I don't know!"Admiring his stealthy charity, he notices the lights slowly dimming. A usual indication of the event beginning sometime soon. However,nobody ever knew exactly when. Each night was entirely unique and Marr is thankful for that. A bi-annual event as huge as thiscan't be predictable. In his surveillance of the atmosphere, a slight flicker from across the room catches Marr's eye. He rarely reacts to these forms of stimuli in this environment but this was something he hadn't seen here for a long time. The lack of light obscures his vision but he can still make out a set of wings and a few glimmering scales. It's most assuredly a dragon who must have just come in. Marr would have noticed him or her earlier. Although none wish to profile, dragons and sharks alike are scarcely allowed to participate in these events for often being somewhat abrasive, to put it lightly, in their passions. Maybe some like a little roughing now and then but extremes of this nature aren't allowed here for obvious reasons. The presence of a dragon is like an omen. It's symbolic of a night that will be exciting at the very least. Marr is welcoming of it.

 The circle is becoming more restless. It's become evident to Marr that in the energies of each night, the crowd somehow knew whenthe time was very near. It's a feeling all stemmed and shared. A deeper knowledge very few are aware of yet all constantly observe the immediate passage of, especially here.While everyone continues to mingle and party, they begin to release themselves into the air. The energies drift from each memberof the circle to the next both clockwise and counter-clockwise. As the wheel begins to turn, the din fades to a kind of music. A rhythm forms within the circle as if the beat of each heart is synchronizing. Many become quiet and some kick backin anticipation. The echoing conversations boil down to a light hum dancing upon the wall, ceiling, and floor. Glancing around, Marr notices an almost tantalized gaze upon the faces of many. Something was definitely in the air. This was unusual. The clang of drinks had faded, bounding laughter was now an occasional giggle or chuckle, several had already begun to cuddle in silence as the energies blend into a chromatic essence of the emotional and personal composition of the circle as a whole.

 Marr notices that odd girl still lying there. He hadn't seen her speak to or even be looked at by anyone but he yet she stillgazed off into the distance like a sentinel. Both her position and

expression hadn't changed. It's almost eerie. He's is still confused about her species. She surely isn't a rabbit. She looks like a fox but her ears are far too big. What she is exactlyhangs on the fringe of his memory but he can't quite grasp it.Glancing over to that skinny wolf neighboring him, Marr sees someone vastly more blown away than he. To the point that the wolf must be spinning inside. His friends are cuddling in the spot next to him so he was alone feeling the waves wash through him.Marr decides to get his attention. Why not?Snap "Hey." Marr says just loud enough to reach the wolf's ears tucked back in concern.The young wolf just looks at him apparently speechless. Marr pats a spot next to his leg, beckoning him to come take a seat. Unsure of himself, the wolf finally gets up and gently sits down at Marr's knee grasping his shin as if he needed it for balance. Marr has to admit this is already quite a ride. He can tell this young wolf is brimming with the energy circling theroom. Everyone must be. The gentle humming reverberated through his bones in a subtle shimmer. It's an odd yet graceful feeling.

 Marr began to wonder what would happen next. Usually, predicting when things would take off was fairly easy if you paid enough attention to the energy. Tonight, however, it appears as if it already has. More and more around the circle are beginning to get intimate with eachother though none are really diving in but more so bathing in the shallows. On impulse, Marr scoots over, grabs that wolf at his heels by the arm, and reels the unsuspecting kid up next to him. The wolf immediately glances up at him almost terrified but Marr's caring expression communicates otherwise. The confused wolfsits back and rests his head on Marr's shoulder. Marr wraps his arm around the wolf for comfort although this may not be ascomforting as he intends. He could palm this little wolf's head like a basketball.  The tempo continues unwaveringly as Marr begins to wonder what exactly is going on. The event, as he used to see it, has never been so drawn out and has never been this... in-depth. This was beyond what he knew at this point. He could only imagine what this wolf at his side must be thinking. With no longer a shred of care for his absolute anonymity in theenergetic and emotional frolic surrounding him, Marr softly asks, "What's your name?"

 "Uh... My friends call me Grey." The young wolf says in hesitance to look up at Marr. "....Because you're grey...""...Yeah.. Let's go with that.""Why do they call you grey?" Marr pries. "..Because I'm grey.. get it?"It was apparent to Marr that this is some kind of metaphor or something. An odd one if one at all. Against unearthing anythingemotionally dissonant, Marr decides to ask,

"What do you think of this so far?"After a short pause, "I can't really seem to think of it.. Heh.." Grey says in a soft, unsure tone, glancing around the humming room."That's the spirit! You're catching on quick, Grey!" Marr says excitedly, slapping Grey's shoulder a little too hard out ofappreciation for out-of-the-box thinking. Grey quickly looks at him with wonder, excitement, bewilderment, and a little discomfort before staring back off into the vast expanse of the circle. The two relax and bathe in the emergent atmosphere, Marr astounded things are already so alive and itwas as if nothing had even happened yet. Lasers and lights gradually brighten into their dance and the music finally begins to slowly escalate in volume from it's silence. Marr hadn't heard this kind played here during his previous visits. It matched the tempo of the circle and the melodiesdisplay a kind of purity the reaches into the soul. As the volume increased, the energy begins to swirl and course ever faster through the circle. The sudden change made many stop and reorient themselves. Both Grey and marr were struck as if they'd been lightlyjabbed in the gut and something had been opened but not like a wound. Grey grabs Marr's forearm as if he'd suddenly begun freefalling.

 "Hey! Easy there." Marr says sternly, taking a sip of his drink and pulling Grey in tight as if he were a pup which he essentially is atthis point. He's barely old enough to be here and he feels like he's sitting with his dad or something.The lights, colors, beat, and tones dance throughout the room as people begin making merriment again. It wasn't quiteso casual this time, however. The energy swirls and courses through the room, ignited by the music. The cats, foxes,wolves are the first to begin moving in dance, working their way toward the floor. As a fairly large group forms, more are beckonedto the glowing star of dancers that has become the center of the circle. The music escalates further in both complexity and volume asmore lights birth into the dance, colors cycling in spectrum and caressing the skin and fur as if they were the tones themselves. Marr can't resist merely watching any longer. He jumps up and hastily heads for the star beckoning Grey to join him. As he approaches, he looks back to see Grey sitting there, still overwhelmed. Marr decides not to be pushy and approaches the shimmering star of dancing beings. Before breaching the wall of bouncing and writhing bodies, Marr notices that girl had left her spot. The pillows and bedding were arranged as if she'd left. He hopes otherwise.

 Marr jumps in, motion becoming too fluid and natural to second-guess. The energies guide each dancer as the star begins to rotate. Losing himself in the wheel, it feels as though his body is acting on it's own.

It's effortless. The beat, the lights, the surroundingdancers, all of it is too much to resist. He lets himself go, as many already had, feeling his soul join the swirl and the galloping beatof the circle. With each new burst of energy, the circle gains a new breath. It's as if the energy washes through the room. The crowdfeels every soul releasing itself into the star and they burst out in celebration upon each new arrival, jumping, whooping, whistling, and reaching for the sky.Even in the enveloping trance of the coursing star, Grey returns to Marr's mind. The thought of someone missing out on this was toomuch so he works his way to the edge and reorients himself. He couldn't let someone sit and watch. Making his way back to his spot, he sees Grey still sitting there just like before, staring. "Ohhohoh.. Look at that." He says to himself, unable to actually hear over the music and the howling dancers yet still able to feelthe warmth of his caring intent and his disappointment. He's about to set a soul ablaze. He confidently strides toward that silly wolf.

 "Hey, come here!" Marr beckons toward the star, "You've got to do this! Come on! Right now! You won't believe how good this feels!"Grey is silent and completely still. "GET YOUR ASS UP, KID!!" Marr yells at Grey through the almost deafening sounds of the music and the efforvescent dancers.This only served to intimidate Grey further. Marr decides this young wolf needs a little more motivation. A kick of some sort or maybe a slap. He walks up to Greyand stands there, sternly gazing down at him, still breathing heavily from the dance. "huff What are you doing? huff" Marr asks humorously."Watching." Grey replies barely loud enough for Marr to make out."Great. huff Why!?"".........."Marr yanks Grey up off his bed by the arm, stands him up straight, grabs his arms just under each of his shoulders,and stares into his eyes. Grey falls dead silent inside; his wide eyes and tucked ears relaying his fear."Look." Marr says, turning and pointing toward the star. To him, the wheel is a place of freedom. To Grey, it looks likea weird ride at a circus. It seems so alien.

 After a few moment's pause, Marr eases Grey toward the center. Hesitantly, Grey begins to walk. He feels he has no choice."Just wait till you get close." Marr whispers into Grey's ear.As they move in, Grey feels his anxiety begin to melt. The star's energy would have none of that. It washes struggle from the soul. Eyes glance at him in welcome before disappearing almost instantly. All are welcome in this place of body and soul. Grey's fear is shaping into excitement; such a short distance between the two. He becomes more eager than hesitant as theyapproach the

star."See? Hah! Not so bad, huh?" Marr chuckles, giving him another well-exaggerated slap on the back.Grey is still silent, eyes wide, the urge to join overwhelming him, his eyes beginning to water as his resistance fades. Finally, Marr moves in leaving Grey behind but before he could reach the wheel, the young fox he flicked a smoke to darts past him, grabs Grey by the arm, and starts reeling him in. Grey couldn't resist but this girl still wasn't going easy on him anyway.Marr follows knowing Grey is about to disappear into the dance and within moments, of course, he's gone and Marr rejoins the trance with the rest.

 By now, every member of the circle is dancing on the wheel and none grew tired. The dancers and the star are symbiotic. As long as the star is present, none would fade and the dancers' energy would continue to circulate. Couples begin to dance together outside of the wheel and eventually move back toward their spots to be more or less alone with one another, new faces taking their place.Still lost in the beat and the fellow dancers around him, Marr begins to notice this change in faces. There were so many tobegin with that he could barely keep track even if it interested him but still he notices a dramatic swell in fresh newcomers. He decides to exit the wheel and quickly realizes the doors had opened and the rest had already poured throughthe room and into the star. Upon entering the wheel once more, he began to watch for that one face he had been waiting to see all night. The face that glows in the dark with eyes that would pierce the endless black that is the space between thestars in the night sky.The lights danced and the lasers cut through the haze, the beat echoes through Marr's body as the rush of the star takes his breathe away. Grey rushes past, still following that goofy little fox and without a hint of the fear he was crippled by before. The star had turned him on. They disappear immediately.

 The new faces seemed like they'd been here all along. As if this were nothing new. Maybe it wasn't to them but Marr couldn't believehis eyes. He's attended every event for years and never seen anything like this. Still not having seen his dear friend, he decides to return to his spot. He works his way out.Marr sits back to breath and soak again. The energy had become almost palpable. He can feel it warming his lungs and seepingthrough his veins; gracefully coiling around his muscles. He'd never felt so alive. He wonders just how far this will go. The beat still reverberates in his lungs and he's almost sure his heart was in sync with it.Lighting up a smoke and finally taking a sip of his drink, he gazes in awe at the roiling mass of dancers in the wheel. Each one a completely unique perspective of this astronomically

beautiful occurence and each with their own language of motion and emotion. There are no walls here. None can resist the call of the star and none wish to. They respond in their dance with one another.

 Leaning his head back to close his eyes for a moment, Marr is suddenly struck with a surge in the circle's energy. His whiskers quiver with the vibration. He and everyone on the outskirts of the circle direct their attention to a subtle mounting glow above the dancers. None took their eyes off it. As the dancers continue their beautiful articulation, the lasers and lights fade out and the tempo escalates as shimmering light slowly fills the room. It's faint glow now the only source of illumination. Many of the dancers stop and back out of the wheel to stand in shock but most continue on until faint streams of light begin to pourfrom their hands and eyes. Every dancer stops in attempt to understand what's taking place. Like tributaries, the streams gather and form arteries leading to the center of the emerging light. The arteries follow the rotation but each stream conveniently arcs to the nearestone. Unable to resist the music and their urge to move, the dancers gradually return to their whirling display.Marr catches Grey and his fox friend bounding toward their spot along side him out of the corner of his eye. Barely slipping throughthe fur and hurdling over tails, they reach their spot and turn to sit and watch in awe as they catch their breath. After a quick glanceback and forth between himself and Grey, Marr can only shrug. Grey laughs at him.

 Fearing this might be his last chance, Marr bolts for the wheel, joining effortlessly. He had no idea he could enter and dance so fluidlywithin a mass of bodies so densely packed that was rotating. It just happened. They waved, jumped, stepped, spun, bounced,and slid in perfect rhythm as if they were all individual melodies in the song occasionally grasping and touching upon one another like a chord. The star has now lit the entire room with it's turquoise shimmer. Marr glances up at it remembering it was actuallythere. Without warning, it reaches into his eyes and hands pulling out new streams of energy and joining him with the dancing rivers of life forming a wild electric shell above the wheel. He is now one with the wheel and star. His movement envigorating the space around him. He feels an urge to move closer.As he approaches the center, he notices a space empty of all but one. That girl. She calmly dances in rotation with the rest, her arms in wave above her head and her body shifting to the music, her huge ears still supporting themselves in theirrelaxed pose somehow. However, there's no light streaming from her hands and eyes.

 Marr reaches the edge of this space; standing in watch as dancers whirl around him, the

streams of light still snaking from his hands and eyes. The girl's dance shifts and her gaze levels out. As the rotation leads her to Marr's position, she stops. Her eyes flash at Marr, blinding him for a second. She eases toward him and gracefully reaches for a hand of his. Marr hesitantly meets her delicate paw. As theytouch, a liveliness engulfs their bodies. The dancers swirl around them as they come together in the center. The streams of light from Marr's hands and eyes meet with this wondrous girl's. He grasps her side; she is so soft. The most delicate of beings is at his fingertips.She initiates their movement. They dance within the star's center, her gestures subtle and communicative. He slowly works in rhythm withher. She comes in close and belts outward as he grazes her arms with his fingertips. He approaches, she spins around him as if she is being pulled by the swirling momentum of the dancers. Upon her return, their eyes meet again. Her eyes were no longer the emeralds he'd observed earlier but a deep ruby. They shimmered like light flitting across the water on a sunlit evening. Her gaze ignites a shiver thatfires down his spine.

 She pulls him in and grazes his cheek with her lips before ejecting herself off him and positioning herself dead center of the wheel. He watchesas her body turns to light and she soars into the star causing a near blinding explosion. The wheel stops dead as the music pounds on.As the shimmering star emerges in full, it fades to a soft, brilliant glow. The collective energy of the circle manifests itself as a swirling massof fractallized energy; a fountain of love and life.As the star shifts and spins, the music booms and the dancers begin to move again. The time had finally come and the celebration had begun.With more energy than ever, the dancers spun on the wheel and the beat sends surges through the ocean of energy. To Marr, it seems overand yet it had finally begun. Even in the center of the coursing energy of the wheel with the very essence of the soul manifest above him,he somehow feels lost.He stands stunned in the center. He can't take his eyes off the star until someone grabs his arm and spins him around toward the edge.Marr only glanced at him. It was the face he'd been watching for all night. The eyes pierced his heart and disappeared into the dancers.He merges with the wheel once again. He dances in the newly familiar rhythm and only catches a few glimpses of that now-elusive being who's eyes were locked on his each time.

 His focus is waning and dizziness is taking hold. The wheel begins to overpower him. It is time to return to his spot and recoup. The star would keep his body going endlessly but not his mind after all he'd just experienced. He wants to continue, but he simply can't.The bed was never more

welcoming than now. He lays down and lets his emotions spiral within him. It seems the energy of the circle couldno longer keep him grounded. He is far too wound up. He wants to finish his drink and have a smoke but his eyes grow heavy. Against his will,he passes out and immediate thrusts into dream.While feeling completely clean of his foreshadowing, he finds himself completely lucid in empty space. He sees nothing but black yet themusic stills calls to him from somewhere. Colors begin to work into his vision. They blend and morph into shapes constructing a vivid settingof grass swaying in the breeze with a pair of suns setting behind hills in the distance. The sheer lucidity begins to unnerve him until a figure materializes in the grass before him. Vibrating colors meet to form that girl from the star; the sentinel. She gracefully steps through the grass toward him until she is within an arms reach. Their eyes meet once again and with a wild flash her's change from that soft emerald green to the deep shimmering ruby that had nearly made him collapse before. He stares thoughtless into her beautifully piercing eyes. As shereaches for his cheek, the dream begins to collapse and she fades back into the darkness.

 Returned to the dark empty space, Marr hears the music draw closer. The room begins to return to his vison, the star coming into view first. Marr's eyes were open the whole time. As the room comes into view, the face he was watching for stands before him. The one he'd been watching for all night was crouched above him gazing into his eyes. The face that glowed in the dark with the eyes that pierced the endless black between the stars. It struck his soul. Heat coursed from Marr's feet, filled his body, and set his eyes ablaze. ...Finally.. there he was..."So.. You've met her." He says."Who?.." Marr quietly asks."She doesn't have a name. You know who I'm talking about.. The star."Gazing beyond the marvelous being he is now mounted by, Marr sets his eyes on the star. It emits a slight flash in playful acknowledgement."Uh.. Heh.. Yea. I suppose so." Marr says in his confusion, returning his eyes to the pair that never left his.Softly palming Marr's neck, the being above him says, "Come here."They lean in toward each other and kiss, the sensational glow moving down through Marr's throat and into his chest. He'd been waiting for this for so long.

 As the music booms around them and the energies of the circle wash through their bodies, they bathe in their intimacy, their fingertips alight as they grasp and caress each other. Marr brushes his hands through the magnificent fur of this beautifully mystical thing ofwhich he doesn't even know the name. As they kiss again, his eyes water. Completely oblivious in their moment, they don't realize

a similar fate is playing out for many throughout the circle. Many lay with eachother inthe outskirts of the wheel in which many still dance. Every bed is now occupied by at least two exploring their love, the star at the centerof the wheel taking on a scarlet hue and now brighter than ever. Finally exploring themselves thoroughly, the black wolf keeps his eyes on Marr's. He, slowly works his way down Marr's body, licking andkissing his features. He thrusts back up to kiss Marr once again and flash his shimmering eyes at him before withdrawing and grasping Marr'snow throbbing shaft. With a slow, endulging lick from the base to the tip, he slips his snout over it dragging his tongue back down it taking in all he can harbor.

 As Marr leans back in ecstacy, the wolf works his shaft, savoring every moment and slowing up just enough to keep Marr at bay enough to teasehim with a kiss and a flick of his tongue. Marr gazes down at him expressing his readiness. With sarcastic courtesy, the wolf performslong, delicate strokes upon Marr's shaft until his orgasm finally mounts. The wolf keeps his lips tight to ensure nothing would escape. Heswallows every ounce and licks the lining from his lips."huff huff Holy.. Shit.. huff huff" Marr barely manages to utter."Heh.. You like that, huh?""huff huff You have no idea...  huff""Well then.. how about this?"The wolf reaches in for another kiss before propping up to undo his sleek black shorts."huff You've had shorts on this whole time?""Yea?... I guess I hide them well?""Yeah, I guess so. I had no idea.""You didn't feel them earlier?""Apparently not, Haha..""Heh.. Well, anyway.."He slowly works his tight shorts down to his knees, tossing his braod hips seductively, his tail flicking up as it slides out. As he slips themdown his legs and off, Marr reels him in for another kiss. They massage their tongues together as the rhythm echoes through their bodies.

 Eager to take him in, the wolf pulls away from Marr. They gaze into eachothers eyes and Marr touches the tip of his cock to the black wolf'seager orifice. They lock lips as the wolf slides over Marr's cock, taking him in to the hilt. They kiss for a moment, embracing each other,savoring their joining moment. The wolf continues to work his tongue against Marr's as he begins to work his shaft, rocking in Marr's lap.They sway to the rhythm, eyes locked, the wolf hanging on Marr's shoulders. They coil their tails in embrace. Marr lifts up his majestic accompaniment and flips him on his back. He holds the wolf's legs and works in long thrusting strokes.The wolf lays back in ecstacy as his face begins to glow, his underlying patterns becoming discernable. "huff There it

is.." Marr emits shakily.The wolf only smiles. As the friction mounts, he begins to writhe. They approach their climax, Marr reaches down to lock lips with the gorgeouswolf once more. They gaze into each other's eyes as they explode in orgasm emitting a wave of lush energy into the room. As the energy reaches the star, a flash of scarlet light fills the room.

 Marr rolls back, pulling the wolf back up to his seated position. The wolf stares deep into his eyes, greeting him once more. As more scarlet flashes of light echo through the room behind him, the wolf leans in for one last kiss. They embrace again."Soo..... Are you finally going to tell me your name?" Marr asks with a grin. The wolf gazes at him with a deep, soft, loving smile."Fine.."He hesitates before finally giving in."Jade."Marr can't believe it. After all this time, he finally hears it. "That's.. fitting." He says."It is." Jade says softly."She won't be able to stay much longer. Shall we dance with her?" Jade asks eagerly."I think she'd like that.. Jade."