Bonneville: Sex and Speed 3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#112 of Exploration

The pilot turned back to us, looking in confusion, and then missed me.

"Where'd it go?" he shouted, and the men levelled their machine guns. Everyone except Silverine and Draco took cover.

I lost my temper about then.Aiming guns at my friends was not impressing me at all. I changed into my human form behind the others, and peeked out.

I walked casually around the table to Draco, trying not to look at the machine gun aimed at me, and spoke to him in Centralite.

"When I say, turn your back."

"What are you going to do?" Draco asked casually. Everyone looked away.

"Just do it, now."

Silverine and Draco turned as I concentrated. The entire area was blasted with light.

After twenty seconds of white out, I let my concentration fade, and stood there casually. Everyone was getting off the ground in a state of confusion. The pilot looked at me and Draco.

"er."he began,"What am I doing here?"

I had given everyone here, and the two Raptor pilots the equivalent of a memory loss charm. They would not know anything involving our little group, including my plane forms, and by the time they reported back to their boss, they would not have a clue what caused it.

"Nicely done, Alduin." the glower said in my ear.

"Thank you."I thought back,and spoke.

"I dunno, you just landed here."I said with a large shrug. The army men turned back to their cars, looking confused, and the pilot saw his back up disappear muttering themes along the theme of "This is a waste of time." The pilot looked at us once more, and then walked back to his craft.

After he had gone,there were a couple of quiet congrats from my friends.It was unanimously decided I was not to go for anymore flights, which was a great shame, but a necessary precaution. Instead I fired up my Ariel Atom, and decided to amuse everyone by doing several donuts on the salt. The revs mounted, and as everyone turned, I threw the wheel around, and shot forwards. I began drifting, and keep the power up, and the car began spinning in a small circle. The cabin was very noisy, but I did about four rotations before I counter steered out of the spin and came to a direct halt.

"That looked very cool, Alduin." Takori commented, as the dust from my donuts clouded the situation momentarily.

"I want to learn how to do that!" Draco called cheerfully.

I got out of my car, and grinned wildly."Ultimate donut for the win. It's fairly easy, I'll teach you later, Draco."

We all turned as Blake set off in the Viper, throwing up twin trails of dust off the salt.

I went over to Abby.

"Abigail, could I make a suggestion?"

"Fire away, what is it?"

"I was thinking what if we all did a drag race together. We'll have my Atom being the car do the recording from the front, and everyone else floors it against one another."

"How are you supposed to keep up?"

"A temporary ion rocket or something?" I suggested, and Abigail thought on this.

"Not possible here, sorry.Fixing ion engines takes several hours,and I don't have the tools."

Defeated on how to be the camera car, I went over to Valmeero.

"Hey Val, do you allow others to drive the F1?"

"Are you suggesting you want to drive it?" Val asked, the wolf dragon hybrid looking amused.

"Well, I thought all the road legal cars could have a race, and one car could do the recording, one that had an obvious advantage in speed. I would have down it with my F-22, but I don't want to be challenged by the US Airforce again."

The wolf dragon thought on this."If you can honestly handle the F1, sure. Take it out for a run later, see if you can. If not I can just drive it. Why not your Atom?"

"Val, my Atom is a low speed specialist."

"O.K. Arrange it with Abby, and bring it back in one piece." he smiled.

That afternoon, I did get the chance. The marshals announced the F1 was to run, and I was pushed to the start line behind the Audi of Thomas Nagoya. As he set off, I flicked the first switch, Valmeero standing next to me.

I waited fifteen seconds and fired the second switch up. A thrill took me as I waited, I was about to drive an F1 car. I flicked the third switch, and the resultant blast of power shook me. The engine spiked, settled, and Valmeero spoke.

"Keep the engine revs high, and make sure you've got enough power going into the engine, otherwise the anti stall will kick in, and you're back where you started.After that, it's just flooring it.Don't let it red-line for too long, otherwise you'll do what I did yesterday."

We waited, and Thomas finished his run. Val stepped back, and I revved the beast half heartedly. This was an expensive piece of machinery. Then I got the green light, and I pushed the accelerator into the carbon fibre.

"Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgh!" I shouted as the entire thing bit and took off down the track. I felt like I was riding a bullet, all my organs had been left behind on the way side, I just gripped the wheel and prayed. The Atom was fast, but this was truly terrifying.I changed into second, into third, into fourth, the gears wouldn't stop coming, and the speedometer went past what my Atom could do.

Then as I changed gear, I hit the second stage. I was flung back again, and had to change gear again as I instantly red-lined fifth. I got into top gear, and flashed across the finish line, just under seven hundred kilometres per hour. I tapped the brake pedal, and the resultant flinging forwards made the steering wheel loose in my hands. I was not prepared for the way it could slow, and the entire thing reared like a bull, drifting and finally spinning. I closed my eyes, and waited for the revolutions to stop. Mercifully they did, and I unstrapped myself and clambered out of the car.I felt so unsteady on my feet, incredibly dizzy, and I tripped and landed on hands and knees.

"Bloody hell, Wolfie? How do you drive that thing round a track?" I gasped into my mike.

Doran's Lotus was lined up behind me on the line, and he spoke.

"The marshal wants to know if you're clear, Alduin, are you O.K.?"

"I'm fine, my nerves aren't."I breathed, and clambered back into the car, which was still waiting patiently. I fired up the engine, built up the revs, and set down the line at a steady one hundred kilometres.To make sure it wasn't more I engaged the pit lane button, which would keep the thing at a proper speed.

As I drove back, I heard Godsey laughing.

"Guess where I was, Alduin? I was behind the fire engine, and I caught all of that on film!"

I groaned,"How many times did I go around?"

"Six, maybe seven times. Spectacular accident."

I drove back, and gently applied the brakes, coming to a halt right next to a grinning wolf dragon hybrid and a rather amused lioness.

"One of you makes a joke about my driving, I'm going to come up with a nasty revenge.I'd like to see anyone drive that thing first time."

"True." Val laughed," the first time I came to a corner I exited along the gravel. But that wasn't bad, I guess you can drive it tomorrow."

"Has anyone asked the marshals yet?"

"Javid's going to after his run."

"Has someone warned the marshals about him?" I asked innocently.

Javid worried people.Not in a bad way, but if he was trying to argue with someone, they would become rather unnerved by the way he looked at them, and the way he spoke. It was like me and my smile, people would just become agitated and step back involuntarily. But apparently there was no fuss whatsoever, because thirty minutes later, Javid and the marshal came up to our table.

"You are all aware of the problems of driving on salt, I trust?" the marshal asked.

Everyone nodded, and the marshal smiled.

"Just be careful, with that many of you, to lose control will mean an accident."

He walked away, and we went back to our evening duty.We were all talking quietly over dinner, most of our conversation was over the arrival of the F-35. Abigail had surreptitiously taken several pictures of the aircraft, as well as recording it's landing and take off.

As a result of the US intervention I decided that after the race tomorrow morning, I would leave and return to Central, maybe visit Cetacean, I hadn't shown him my merge form yet. The dolphin was as scared and yet reverent of the glowers as the rest of us land based creatures.

The Centralites were very quiet that night. We had taken it for granted that doing certain things wouldn't cause repercussions, and the thump of reality had almost resulted in us being fired upon. Only a timely memory wipe had kept the secret intact.

I couldn't sleep, for obvious reasons, the day had put a bit of strain on my nerves, and I spoke to the glower.

"Can I use the glower's power to either send myself to sleep or remove the need for it?"

Keen thought on this."I suppose one could stay awake indefinitely by refreshing the body by the use of our power. It would be in effect resetting the body's internal clock, making your body believe it had just had eight hours."

"Would it ask to call in the balance at a later time?"

"I shouldn't think so. The glower power wouldn't exchange the need, it would remove it."

I began concentrating.I began sending waves of pulse inwards, suggesting to my body that I didn't need rest. This was easier than it sounds, and not easy to explain in words. After fifteen seconds, I felt like I had woken up five minutes ago, and I looked around alertly. Abigail was sleeping in a corner bed, and I gently took her computer from her gear on the floor.

I accessed the database, and spoke quietly.

"Computer, does the Ferrari F40 have a material teleporter on it right now?"

"Affirmative." the computer replied in Abby's voice.

"Very well. On my mark, teleport the vehicle to my position."

"Awaiting mark." the computer shut off, and I walked out of the tent. I went around behind it, and waited until all was clear before requesting the car. After fifty seconds the car appeared in front of me, and I short range teleported the computer back to Abby's bedside. I jumped into the F40, and quietly fired up the engine. There were no rules about driving around at night, provided one had the lights on and informed the night marshal.

I drove over to the start finish line, and the marshal perked up and looked at me approach. I stopped next to him.

"Good evening, Alduin."

"Good evening Tex. Do you have any objection to me driving the F40 around tonight?"

"Not at all. Don't floor it off the line, you'll wake everyone up."

"I know that. I'll go two kilometres before giving it a bit more welly." I prodded the pedal and drove down the runway at about fifty kilometres an hour. I built up speed to a hundred after five hundred metres, and then one hundred and fifty, still at low third gear, a gentle purr, at a kilometre.

I got to two kilometres, and then floored it. Night driving is a terrifying experience at speed, and the lights only showed the black line on the salt. Two hundred came and went, three hundred. Second stage hit at about 360 kilometres an hour, and I burst past four hundred. The F40's noise increased, roaring thunderously inside the cockpit as I clicked calmly past five hundred. It was such an easy car to pilot. Five hundred and fifty came as I arrived at the finish line, and I took my foot off the accelerator, letting the car run to a halt by itself. It did so nice and gently, and I change down gears with the manual gearbox.

I followed the return road, travelling at one hundred and jerking the wheel to the left and the right, going through invisible chicanes. I came to the end of the return road, and saw a figure standing there in the darkness. I pulled alongside and stopped, and the figure bent down to the window to speak to me. I lowered the window.

"Alduin," Silverine asked," did you tell Abby you were testing the F40?"

"Silverine, "I replied," do you actually have a pineal system?"

Silverine chuckled."I might have, once.I had it surgically removed."

"Uh huh, sure." I rolled my eyes,"What are you after?"

"I want to come for a ride. A low speed jaunt somewhere." the Lupogriff sounded bored, and I nodded.

"Get in." he came around and got in the passenger's seat.

"Also, do you mind me driving this in the race tomorrow? Iris said she wanted to race either the Jaguar or the Corvette, and seeing as you're driving the F1..."

"It's not my car." I replied with a grin, heading towards the start finish line.

Silverine nodded as I went on my second run. He got rid of his disguise as we left the marshal behind in his hut.

"Thank Central for that." he sighed, and sat back comfortably as our speed increased slowly. We clicked up to three hundred, and then as we crossed the line drove for another kilometre. I came to a halt, and both of us got out of the car.

I lay on the bonnet, looking up at the stars. Silverine sat on the roof, looking down at me and looking at the stars.

"It's nice having a relaxing moment. Listen, can you hear that?" I smiled, and Silverine turned, listening.

"I can't hear a thing."

"Exactly. Blessed silence. Nothing to make me panic, nothing to do but just sit here, and let your cares melt away."

Silverine was silent, and he lay back across the roof of the F40, following my lead. After half a minute, he spoke.

"The last time I did this, I was a lot younger."

I chuckled, and then we lapsed into silence again. Ten, maybe fifteen minutes passed, and I sat up with a sigh. Silverine had his eyes closed, and was breathing shallowly.

"It is peaceful." I suggested, and he smiled.

"Hush, you're ruining the moment."

I lay back down, and after another quarter of an hour, he sat up and stood on the salt, looking down at me. "So how is Keen?"

"I am very well." Keen replied," I am too enjoying the serenity." I relayed this to the Lupogriff, and he nodded.

"How long have you two decided to stay merged?"

I smiled."I can honestly say I haven't given much thought as to length. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."

"He doesn't want us to break his record." Keen giggled.

I refrained from relaying this message to Silverine, and the Lupogriff spoke again.

"Did you know that you look really inviting in that pose?"

"I'm sorry?"I sat up and cupped an ear with a grin," Was that an attempted pass?" I laughed, and Silverine flushed, although it was hard to tell in the light.

"It was, Alduin."

"Fair enough." I concentrated, and suddenly we were both naked. I lay on my back, and lifted one leg up.

Silverine gently took my leg, and hoisted it up a bit further, so my top half was lying straight on, but my bottom half was twisted to the side. Silverine pressed his cock against my ass, and I gave a gentle pulse that made him purr and become fully erect. His normal length was about eighteen inches, but my mischievous side wanted to change that a bit.Keen caught the thought.

"Boys will be boys, I suppose. I wonder how long it will take him to guess."

Silverine thrust gently into me, and I sighed, feeling all of him slide into me. With one large arm, he wrapped around my leg, and he placed the other hand on my other leg, holding me in place.

"And no scratching, Silverine."I teased, and he chuckled evilly.

"I can't help that. You're too hot to suggest restraining myself." he retaliated.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to someone else? I'm not hot." he thrust harshly, and I moaned as he hit several sensitive spots.

"If you weren't, I wouldn't be doing that." he chuckled.

"That did feel good, but I'm not hot. Rugged, perhaps." Silverine laughed.

"Rugged sounds hot enough for me." he began thrusting regularly and deeply, submitting me to his entire length on every stroke. I closed my eyes, and moaned again. Then I began to visualise a couple of adjustments to the shaft fucking me. With a concentrated surge of power, I sent a burst into Silverine as he went all the way in, and he growled in surprise, feeling the pain in his cock.

"Did that one set off the glower?" he asked politely, stroking a bit gentler, and I nodded, trying not to giggle.

What I had done was given the wolf a slight increase. A four inch round knot when he came towards ejaculation, much like Javid, and other canids around Central, which Silverine did not have. Javid's was about three inches, but because Silverine was bigger than anyone else, I thought he deserved one relative to his size.This made his total length 22 inches, all this mathematical theory about to put into practice. Keen chuckled.

"He is not going to expect this, I wonder if he's going to like it."

"We'll see."

Silverine, oblivious to all this fiddling with his tool, was thrusting harder and growling in pleasure.I moaned loudly, and after a few seconds Silverine's cock base began to swell and grow. Silverine looked down in astonishment as his knot developed.

"How the hell, none of our race...." there was a short pause," Alduin, what have you done?"

"What does it feel like I've done?" I said innocently.

"It feels like you've given me a knot. How the hell did you do that?"

"It was a gentle burst of power, and now you've got a four inch knot in addition to your already capable eighteen inches."

Silverine laughed."You are incorrigible!"

"I guess he noticed it, and likes it." the glower said in my ear, and I grinned inwardly. Silverine took a firmer hold.

"Well, you are about to receive it with my pleasure."He began pushing with a lot of force, and my ass stretched wide. I gave a cry of pain, and Silverine managed one last heave. My ass opened to allow his knot in, and then closed in gladness around him. Silverine banged my ass deeply, and then briefly tried to retract and pull out. I clenched my anal muscles tightly, and Silverine was stuck in me.

"So how long does the knot go for?"

"About half an hour after ejaculation." I replied, and Silverine looked surprised.

"So if I'm in an orgy, I can only fuck one person properly?Alduin, you didn't think this through."

"I did, you can fuck people as much as you like, but if you insert yourself, then you're stuck with that person for half an hour.And before you ask, you can fuck them gently, but if you rape them while inserted, it will take longer to diminish again."

Silverine ran his hand down my leg."I shall play with it, Alduin, but promise me, if I don't like it, make it go away."

I laughed loudly."Are you kidding?I just wanted to experiment.And the middle of a deserted salt flat in the middle of the night, who's going to know?"

"You know us, Alduin. Our job, someone's always going to find out."

I laughed at that. There was no other life for about four kilometres, I knew this for certain.

Silverine continued thrusting, and before long ejaculated into my ass with a howl. As he finished, he pulled me up so I sat on him, and then sat down on the bonnet of the F40.

"It is different. When it's developed, brushing it is very pleasurable, a four inch round sweet spot." I rotated on him, so I could sit and face him.

We waited in the darkness, the silence of the salt flats unbroken. Half an hour later, Silverine managed to pull out of me, and my ass leaked semen onto the ground. Silverine regained his clothing, which I had teleported to the inside of the car, and I did the same.

Then we both got in, and I drove back to camp. He kept his normal appearance until we were practically going past the first tents, and then shifted into his human form.

I stayed awake the whole night, and in the morning subjected my system to another glower jolt. It was six am, people were just beginning to get up, and Abigail was among the first.

"Who brought the F40?" she looked at me in confusion.

"I did."

"But how did you get it? Did you hack into my computer?"


There was a long pause.

"That's impossible! I encrypted it too well, you'd have to be some kind of...."

I clicked my fingers, and a single golden spark ignited and fell to the ground. Abigail stopped in mid sentence.

"Oh, he did it, fair enough I suppose." she turned and began examining the F40.

"And Silverine wants to drive it for the race today."

"He's quite welcome to.Just it hasn't been that well tested."

"Abigail, you give Silverine half a chance at driving something to destruction, he'll jump at it."

"Is someone talking about me?" Draco said, walking out of the tent.

"Nah, we're talking about Silverine."

"Why him? Why not talk about me?"

"Let me guess." Abigail took a breath," You're horny due to lack of sex over the last couple of days, and you're trying to find out if there is any potential action taking place."

"No." said Draco," I'm saving that until this evening, and I'll be making up for it too. But who's doing what to destruction?"

"Abigail thinks there is a small chance of the Ferrari F40, no, that's not yours, of it blowing up in a firey explosion, or even just breaking down."

"And you're thinking Silverine would be ideal to do it?" Draco looked amused.

"That he volunteered to drive it, and should be warned it's not one hundred percent." Abby finished.

Draco thought on this for, hmmmm, all of three seconds."I want to see his face if it does blow up on him.Can you rig a camera in his car?"

"I think he thinks it's a certainty." I nodded at the dragon, and Abigail rolled her eyes.

"I didn't spend 18 and a half hours working on it only to have it disintegrate, Draco." the lioness turned and walked over to the trailer that housed the F1. All our cars were capable of spending the night outside, with Val's exception. His was too fiddly and too delicate to leave overnight at the mercy to Mother Nature.

I followed Abigail, and through a power breakfast went through all the basics with the lioness on how to handle the F1. I helped her push it down the ramp and onto the salt. Valmeero walked over.

"I'll drive your Atom, to maintain parity.I've always wondered about your car to be honest."

"Why do you wonder about mine?"

"Why is it a minute quicker than all the others round the track, and yet have sod all power. I've got almost twice as much power, and yet you only lose thirty seconds around the track."

"Technique Val. That and it's a beauty to turn."

Val gave me the once over, and then laughed and walked back towards the breakfast area.

We were starting with the race, which was nice. I got strapped into the F1, and with five minutes to go Draco, Ryan Godsey, Val and Takori Tano pushed me to the start line. Abigail had placed fifteen cameras on the back and side of the F1 to record as much as possible. I began the pre-flight checks for the racing car as everyone else began to strap in over by the tents.

I finished the checks just as Valmeero cruised up to a halt beside me.

"I get the feeling I could do to this what I did to the Mini."

"Don't even contemplate it, Val, otherwise I'll take my .303 to this thing."

He shut up instantly. Keen laughed at the threat.

"You wouldn't really, would you?"

No, I thought back, but he's not to know.

Landon and Draco lined up on my other side, and soon all of us, more than twenty at least, lined up in four lines on the start line. Takori was directly behind me, Silverine, Iris had the Jaguar XJ220 next to Takori, with Tufty's Porsche opposite. Gareth and his GT-R was behind Takori and that's all I could see. I pressed the first button, and waited fifteen. I pressed the second as the last of us slotted in, and pressed the ignition just as the marshal started moving away from the front of the grid.

I revved it hard, keeping it in check, and as the red light in front went on, everyone began doing the same thing.The F1 was noisiest, but the W16 of Landon could be heard, the various V8's and V6's were quite quiet in my ears.Then the light went out.

We hit the gas, and both me and Valmeero launched off the line like a stone from a spring. My orders were to get ahead but stay as close as possible, so I tried to regulate my acceleration to keep level with Valmeero until the more powerful cars began to catch up.Landon's Veyron began to do just that, and while I slowly kicked up the gears, Valmeero began to fall back.The CCXR and the Veyron were close together, along with the Scuderia, the SLR of Salbar and Silverine in the F40. As we went past the four kilometre post, the first of us began to hit second stage.

Each car would suddenly make a inhuman surge forwards as they hit second stage, and the Bugatti Veyron actually overtook me for a few seconds as Landon's second stage beat mine. Then I hit the magical barrier myself.

Any chance of me keeping level with them went out the window. The Formula one went up two gears in five seconds, and I rocketed out a good twenty metres down track. I didn't want to try and slow down, because then everyone would shoot past, such was the differences, even taking my foot of the throttle for a few seconds would allow the leaders to rush past.

The finish line flashed past, and rather than try and slow down, I tried turning at full tilt.

The car oversteered wildly, but I planted my foot down, and it drifted wide onto the return road. I almost lost it for about two or three seconds, and then it came back, and I took my foot off the suicide pedal.

"Holy fuck!" Draco shouted, just as Landon and Ryan said variants on the same thing.

"I was lucky!" I shouted back.

"You were." Landon replied softly."You almost rolled. But nice driving everyone."

"Compared to everyone else, I feel like I'm driving that Mini." Valmeero sighed, as he crossed the line in last. He commented the acceleration was excellent, but it ran out of puff when everything else hit the full bore second stage.

We parked, and there was whole hearted applause around the area as everyone showed their appreciation for the race. I got out of the F1, and as Val came to a halt, nudged him.

"Cheers for the ride, Val. I'm going to Central."

"In front of...."

"Don't be stupid." I jumped into the Atom, lovingly caressed the wheel, and the headed away from the track, towards the road.

I drove onto the motorway, and then found a comfy B-road. I waited until I couldn't see anything, and then hit the teleporter, sending me back to Abigail's tech planet. As I arrived on the main straight, I opened my com link.

"Cetacean, are you there?"

There was a long pause, and then the cheerful and bubbly voice of the graceful dolphin replied.

"Alduin, is that you?"

"It is, how are you?"

"Where is everyone, they seem to be quiet?" the dolphin asked.

"They're doing some testing on my planet, I'm coming to yours to keep you entertained."

The dolphin got excited again." What sort of entertainment?"

"Magic tricks." I replied, with a secret smile.I parked the Atom, and then teleported to the lonely island, ready to give the dolphin some serious fun.

Bonneville: Sex and Speed 2

The other interesting thing for us, apart from the speed runs, was Time and Ryan. They insisted on racing one another, either side of the black line. This would finally and conclusively prove which was the faster bike, or so they hoped. So as I lined...

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Bonneville: Sex and Speed

A week after the rather impolite efforts of my companions to teach me how to submit to my betters, I came to Central on a Saturday with breathless news. I landed a mile from the food store, but that was no matter, I merely ran all the way. I was still...

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A very frosty day...

After my initiation in April, Alduin was very complimentary on my progress in both using a pistol and rifle, and also my skill as a swordsman. He would often duel me, using his bionic form so I wouldn't accidentally hack one of his limbs off and using...

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