A Dragons fear A Riders Invitation.

Story by Eclipse_Lunablade on SoFurry

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#3 of A New Age!

A short chapter but I had a bit of writers block. I hope to expand this story and the characters. In case you havn't noticed het, yes Nevre is going to be the comic relief as I feel it fits for his personality.

Eragon and Saphira looked over the damage Nevre had caused, to say that they were pissed would be an understatement and Nevre was currently hiding behind one of the wings he had taken from Shruikan. "Now I know you're both angry, but look on the bright side, the rats are now gone." Nevre said trying to save himself from the wrath of the duo who had killed Galbatorix. "Just be thankful my hatchlings didn't end up like the wall." Saphira said angrily looking as if she was ready to launch a fireball at the Shade. Nevre almost lost control of his bladder at Saphira's threat and looked over to Eragon hoping he'd help him get out of this with his limbs attached, Eragon however just shook his head and stood back. "D-don't blame me, blame the author of my life." Nevre said as Saphira approached him "You know, I'm glad you're a Shade, because as long as I stay clear of the heart I can kill you over and over and over again." Saphira said before launching herself at Nevre. Quickly sinking into the shadows Nevre teleported behind Eragon using him as a living shield. "Please save me from your homicidal mate/wife." Nevre said only to have Eragon step away from him "You brought this on yourself." Eragon said who simply moved to the side leaving Nevre to get hit in the face with a fireball. "Son of a whore. I may be a Shade but I still feel pain." Nevre yelled as his face melted off only to quickly reform. "Maybe next time you'll think about the damage your little experiments can do." Saphira said finally calming down

"Alright, you win. I'll preform my experiments that require explosive materials outside from now on." Nevre said.

It was sundown when Roran and Katrina had returned with the children in tow, each one was excited to tell their parents about their day in Carvahall, Roran on the other hand seemed to be worn out from taking care of five dragons for a day. "I have no idea how you do it cousin." Roran said taking a sip of ale "Saphira handles the majority of their care, I just bring home the meat." Eragon replied "I thought you where a vegetarian." Roran said "I am, but that doesn't mean I won't hunt for my children's meals." Eragon explained "I suppose that's fair." Roran replied. While Roran and Eragon where talking Saphira and Katrina where spending time playing with the five dragon hatchlings. "Mother look." Nirea said as she flapped her wings and managing to get a few inches off the ground. "That's nothing." Garrow challenged as he flapped his own wings and managed to get an inch higher than Nirea. Soon the five younglings where all in the air trying to see who could get the most height. Saphira watched proudly as her children where finally getting the hang of flying, however she was also saddened as dragons often left their parents shortly after they learned to fly, while they where at least a year off being able to fly and hunt by themselves Saphira still felt slightly saddened as her time with her children could very well soon end. "Are you alright Saphira?" Katrina asked concerned for her friend "It's just, they're growing up so fast." Saphira said "I guess dragons do mature faster than humans." Katrina said "And that also means they'll want to leave the nest sooner." Saphira replied

"At least you can always have more." Katrina said trying to cheer up Saphira. However what Katrina had just said left Saphira wondering, "Could Eragon and I really have children of our own?" Saphira asked herself as she placed a hand on her abdomen partly hoping to sense a life growing inside her, she felt nothing.

Night fell upon Alegasia and Saphira had just finished helping her children get comfortable in the nest she had made for them nearly a year ago. Walking to her and Eragon's room Saphira changed into a nightgown before climbing into bed with her mate. Looking over at Eragon who was currently reading a book Saphira smiled but couldn't hell but feel Katrina's words return to her mind. "Eragon." Saphira said catching his attention

"Yes Saphira?" Eragon asked as he put down his book and looking to his mate. "Well it's just that, I've been thinking, about the little ones." Saphira said "They're growing up so fast and may want to leave home and live their own lives in the coming months. I mentioned this to Katrina and she told me that we could always have more, but what if we can't? What if you aren't able to impregnate me?" Saphira asked worriedly. Eragon leaned towards her and stroked her cheek "Saphira, I promise you that I'll make sure that you one day carry my child." Eragon said before bringing Saphira in for a kiss.

"And that's the last nail." Nevre said as he hammered in the final plank of wood and covering the wall he had made the day before. "I hope you learned your lesson." Saphira growled still angry that he had blown a hole in their house. "Look how many times do I have to apologise?" Nevre asked throwing his arms up "As soon as I know that you won't use explosive powder in your experiments." Saphira replied.

As Saphira continued to scold Nevre for his slip up Eragon was busy tending the fields that he grew and sold at the market. He even had the help of his children who dug holes for him to plant the seeds in. "Garrow we need some holes to plant the potatoes over here." Eragon instructed as Garrow scooped out a small amount of the soil. As Garrow dug holes for the potatoes Nirea was dragging a bag of cow manure while Olera carried a large pail of water over to Eragon. "Father why do the plants need animal dung?" Nirea asked stepping away from the bag. "Well Nirea, the manure makes the soil more fertile, allowing for the crops to grow better than they would without it." Eragon said taking the bag and spreading the manure across the garden. As Eragon tended the field he began to hear the sound of hooves. Eragon quickly connected his mind to Saphira's and Nevre's. "Saphira, Nevre I hear hooves in the forest, might be bandits Carvahall has had a few come past recently. Nevre go scout ahead, Saphira go inside and get Brisingr. I'll keep watch." Eragon said his battle hardened mind working quickly. "There won't be need for that Eragon." A familiar voice sounded "Wait... Arya?" Eragon asked out loud turning to see the black haired elf emerge from the trees with a brown haired dwarf in tow riding upon a pony. "Arya, Orik. What brings you here?" Eragon asked "How quickly the lad forgets. It's a time of celebration Eragon, the anniversary of the death of Galbatorix." Orik said. "A celebration?" Eragon asked "Yes, we have come to invite you and Saphira as the guests of honour at the first Eragon and Saphira Festival." Arya said. "The Eragon and Saphira Festival?" Eragon asked "People kept arguing if it should be The Eragon Festival or The Saphira Festival, so we decided to go with both." Orik said as Saphira and Nevre approached. Arya and Orik gasped as they saw Saphira's new form as well as the Shade next to her. "Oh Urgal balls, here it comes." Nevre said "Eragon step back." Arya said brandishing a short-sword "Arya wait. This is Nevre he helped me save Saphira from Shruikan and helped me and Saphira finally be able to truly be together." Eragon explained as he told the two about the past few days.

"Oh so do ya think ye may have some wee dragons there, or maybe some wee Riders." Orik said "We're not sure yet if it's even possible." Saphira said sadly "Oh. Sorry lass." Orik apologised before Arya cleared her throat. "On a lighter note, the festival is being held in Elesmera. Even Murtagh and Thorn are going." Arya said "So is Thorn..." Eragon said "Still more agitated then a castrated rabbit about ya stealin the dragon he had his eyes on? Aye." Orik answered "Well, I'll get the mead." Nevre said only to be stopped by Arya. "I'm warning you now Shade, Eragon may trust you but I don't. The second you step out of line you'll have my blade through your heart faster than you can blink." Arya warned "Dangerous and somewhat crazy. Eragon sure knows how to pick em." Nevre said only to have his head sliced off.

As Arya and Orik left Eragon and Saphira began to pack their travel bags while Nevre tried to reattach his head (which his body kept kicking around). With their bags packed Eragon brought a pair of horses out and set them up in the wagon Eragon used for both shopping trips into Cavahall and traveling. As Eragon and Saphira sat up front the hatchlings climbed in the back. "Okay I think I got it." Nevre said getting his head back on only to realise he had put it on backwards. As Eragon and Saphira laughed at Nevre's mishap Nevre got into the wagon.

A Dragon And Rider At The Beach

Saphira flew through spine at a leisurely pace while Eragon walked besiede her. With the war over Saphira could now fly whenever she saw fit and took every opportunity to do so and thanks to her new form she could now fly through the trees close to...

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New Age, New Life.

Eragon lay in his bed, the bed was made to fit a full grown dragon so that his dragon Saphira could sleep with him. A specially made landing area for Saphira connected to the bedroom so that The house didn't need to be made unnecessarily large. However...

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A Dragons Revenge A Riders Children.

Saphira woke in pain, her lower body feeling as if it was on fire. Roaring out in pain Saphira woke Eragon and Nevre who quickly got up. "Saphira what's wrong?" Eragon asked "She's about to lay her eggs." Nevre said "Already?" Eragon asked as...

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