The King Relaxes
#2 of Raunchy King Smaragdos (Master/Slave Themes)
The King Relaxes
Hello, everyone! Here's a new story about King Smaragdos, commissioned by Heru as a follow-up to the initial installment. Nisabu's appearance is courtesies of
FoxyJ whose character he is. He's used with his permission.
Hope you like the story, and I look forward to reading your comments!
Thank you!
"...and at the quarter hour, once the Grand Jury has issued its verdict and the criers have announced it to the crowd, the Count will be taken out from the courthouse and onto the yard where the crowd may heckle him for another half an hour before you are to make your appearance, My Lord..."
"Hmmm..." the great black panther murmured in agreement, not turning away from the window to look at the cheetah speaking, eyes peering in the stack of papers upon his paw.
"...and then, as you are there, you shall issue the royal...punishment, as is appropriate, while the Court views from the gallery and the crowd may view from the ground, with the soldiers securing the premises for you, of course, My Lord..."
"Yeshmmmm..." said the King, eyes slightly closed while he rumbled, tail flicking about behind him so that the courtier standing behind him could observe its quick, expansive curve.
"...and afterwards, he shall be removed and taken to the dungeons to serve his time..."
"Well one must do that, too," said the King, his voice a low rumble, "hmhmpppyes..."
The cheetah's ears flicked curiously, but he tried to keep his attention in his papers, not in the King's muscled physique on such display, or the lewd noise of the ruler of the Kingdom driving his stiff cock into the muzzle of the kneeling fox in front of him, the royal servant happily sucking away on his ruler's thick, barbed shaft as it slid along his tongue and spread slick musk upon it. The big cat kept rumbilng and purring, though through some massive feat of fortitude and character managed to maintain a conversation with the courtier busily running through the day's agenda.
"...and after that, the royal carriage will take you to the palace for the Moot of the Lords to discuss the situation of the Count's assets and then there is the banquet and the entertainment..."
The King let out a throaty chuckle and bucked his hips forward to drive his cock deeper into the fox's suctioning maw, his own butt cheeks clenching together while his muscles worked to slowly hump into the wet, warm hole.
"I'm sure they are looking forward to that...hmmrrr..." the black panther purred while he enjoyed the undulating tongue upon his drooling shaft.
"Y-yes, My Lord, the chamberlain has arranged for everything to be perfect, the circus, the food, the musicians, the harem..."
"Exceeeelllent," the cat hissed, his barbs being teased so lovingly by that wet, playful tongue that toyed with him, making the King rumble again and again while he humped into the maw overflowing with saliva.
"Ah...yes..." the courtier spoke, ears flicking plenty with the noises of the King using the fox's muzzle for his rough pleasure.
"I presume we are not yet in a hurry?" the black panther questioned.
"No, My Lord," the cheetah replied quickly. "There is still time before we have to head to the Justice Square."
"Hmmmrr..." the King's tail swished more rapidly, as he felt his balls tingle, "wonderful...hmmm...yes...yes..."
He looked down to the fox on his knees in front of the King, eyes closed in reverence, nostrils inhaling the feline's sweet musk with each breath he took while he continued fellating the black panther's sizeable meat.
"Precious Nisabu," the King ruffled the fox's head furs. "Just what I need for a little...stress relief before the public shaming today...that pathetic Count Alder is going to regret he crossed tails with me..."
The fox's eyes opened a crack, showing his worshipful gaze for the King whom was still staring down upon the obscenely bulging cheeks and the flicking ears of the fox taking his ruler into his muzzle almost down to the root with each rough thrust that sunk the King's barbed tip almost all the down to the fox's throat.
"Hmmmrrr..." purred the King, as he thrust once again, his hips starting to buck as the pleasure finally built up to its messy, lovely finish, of thick spurts shooting deep into the fox's suckling muzzle. At the last moment he even pulled out and painted the fox's muzzle and open maw with streaks of his white nectar, leaving the servant panting and gasping for air, swimming in the strong musk of the King grinning with the masculine pleasure of dominating the small fox with sex.
" sweet little slut..." the King mused, grinning at the fox whose blissful smile was a sight to behold.
"Shall I...summon your valet, My Lord?" the cheetah courtier asked nonchalantly.
"Yes, I think so," the King mused, "he knows exactly how to dress me up the right way..heheh...."
The King purred and chuckled, and toussled the fox's head furs once more before he turned about, his hard, dripping prick swinging in the direction of the cheetah, whose eyes widened at the sight of the famous cock before he bowed, deferred, and left the room. The King stretched out his arms and yawned, rumbling quite contently.
"Hmmmh...another day..." the King stated pleasantly.
Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your comments!