No one has to know

Story by Eebit on SoFurry

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A stress-relieving story. Nothing sexual here, but it might push a button or two for some people.

I've driven by his house thousands of times. I slow down, I watch. I know he's in there every time. I know he's home every day. Every day he's just sitting there, he's useless. I go to work, he's there, I can see him in the window, watching the productive members of society slip off to work, and he just sits there.

I grip the steering wheel tightly, so much that it hurts by the time I've relaxed my grip. Today is different. Today will change everything. I pull into his driveway, he's right there in the yard. I can't help but watch him as he stands up, looking at me in surprise. He's a fox, so seeing a tiger like me must instill some base fear, even if we live in civilized society. Not that the rules matter now.

"Howdy!" His tall ears, those stupid tall ears. He hears me, he knows I'm coming for him, but he's hiding the fear in friendliness. I grab at the baseball bat on the passenger's side seat, I have everything planned out in my head. There's a moment of hesitation on my part, I don't know what to do. I can't handle this. It's too late. I'm already out of my car, and moving towards him. He's seen my bat, I don't think he was prepared for this either. He's confused, he's scared. Those stupid ears of his have fallen down in terror.

No one has to know, I remind myself, he lives alone. no neighbors. The sun's setting, and his eyes are full of tears. I tackle him to the ground before he can run away from me, I can feel him struggling under my body as I force his mouth open and push an experimental pill down his throat. I force him to swallow, I'm sure he's more terrified now, having a stranger stuffing things into his throat. It won't matter. It's already affecting him, it's changing his fur, making it thin and wide.

I knew what to expect, but he didn't. I got off of him, letting him watch his body morph, fur turning to paper, his skin hardening, stiffening. He was turning from flesh and blood to tissue paper and papier-mâché, his insides changing but it was difficult to tell exactly what was happening to him. This is exactly what I fantasized, exactly what I wanted out of today.

I grabbed the baseball bat tight, my knuckles were white, the fox stared up in terror as a horrible grin spread across my face. I never once considered the consequences, I never planned ahead, I never thought about others. I was greedy, he saw it in my eyes. I wouldn't back down. It was already too late. I swung the bat down into his chest first, his plastic eyes wide with his fear, frozen on his short muzzle. There was a satisfying crack as his skin was pierced by my weapon, a splatter of thick, yellow fluid coating my bat.

His mouth opened, but no sound escaped. Could a freak like him even scream? He didn't deserve to cry out in pain, he didn't deserve the life he had. I was doing him a favor. I was doing us a favor. I lifted my weapon, sticky sweets sticking to the bat, unwrapped chocolates and candy falling back into the cavity I had created, my eyes wide as I realized just how well my plan had worked.

It was shocking. I had never been violent before in my life, but as he struggled to get up, I growled down at him. He was so terrified, I knew if he had the chance, he'd be begging me to stop, he'd be pleading for his life. I ended any chance he had to speak as I swung my bat again, smashing into his face, breaking his muzzle and causing it to hang off of him by a few thin layers of paper for a moment, before it fell to the side. The yellow goo dripped out, down what was left of his chin and throat as I brought the bat back up.

He was still squirming, still staring up at me, helplessly, as I plucked a candy from the bat, morbid curiosity getting the better of me as I popped it into my mouth. A rush of yellow pooled onto the grass, I think he puked, but the moment was worth it. It was the sweetest candy I've had, thought he moment was ruined as I heard sirens in the distance.

Did someone see me? No. I looked around, there's no one here. No neighbors. Someone must have passed by, called the police. No! I brought the bat down, smashing the fox's arm into little pieces, the satisfying crunch filling my ears again. I didn't want this to end, but I had to hurry, lifting my bat I smashed into his gut. My fur was standing on end, a tingle rushing down my spine as I stared down at him. He was mangled, drooling slimy, sugary goo into his lawn.

I needed to finish the job, a purr welling up in my throat as I considered how to eliminate this fox. I shuddered as he tried reaching up, he wanted me to stop. What was the use? I could leave him here, let him suffer. That didn't do either of us any good. "It's ok, little buddy. I'm almost done with you." I lifted the bat again, he let out a weird sound. He could still say No, he's gurgling. He's ready. I brought the bat down, right between his eyes. Another crunch I finished the fox off, and just in time.

The fox's home became bathed in a red and blue light as a police car pulled up. I dropped my bat, and fell to my knees. A wolf and a puma stepped out of the car, while I stared down at the broken fox. I didn't move, I could hear the police yelling at me. They grabbed me, I resisted for a moment, and I shouted out obscenities before I was dragged back to the police car in handcuffs. My job was done, I finally felt a huge weight off my chest. He was dead, I won.


"This is Rena Goldwater with the news at nine." The chakat looked down at her papers before looking back at the camera, gently shuffling in place. "Tonight's big story, local billionaire Chadwick Carpenter is still missing. He was discovered to be missing at seven-thirty this afternoon, when local police found a protester in his front yard with a destroyed piñata modeled after him and a baseball bat. The tiger, 32 year-old Justin Tabor, is currently in police custody being questioned about the disappearance of Mr. Carpenter. More on this story, when it develops."