Half-Blood Chapter XXXIX

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#40 of Half-Blood

Here we go folks! The newest chapter of HB! This chapter is dedicated too my Mate :iconGwanaaj Maji Manidoo:! As usual please enjoy and comment!

Chapter 39- Fun at School

Getting up sucked... or at least Lucas thought so. He had never been a morning person. Not in the least, but he guessed that he could probably relate that to his being a Dark Mage. But in any case this morning he was especially reluctant to get up. Yesterday had been fully seared into his memory and even thinking of his grandparents made his blood boil.

Unfortunately today though was a school day and he had promised Ian he would be ready so he could take him there. Thinking of the wolf made him smile. He had saved him again. He still couldn't fully believe that Ian loved HIM of all people, especially when he could have easily have easily had just about anyone else. But he loved him, a social outcast, a nobody who was virtually at the bottom of the social totem pole, and Lucas just couldn't believe his luck.

Letting out another sigh he finally decided to get out of his bed. He had slept naked again, as after sleeping with Ian for so long it felt almost wrong to sleep clothed. Still a bit groggy he clumsily fumbled around his room and found a pair of shorts. Looking at the time he figured he had just about enough to take a shower and serve up a quick breakfast for Erin, Xander and himself before school. Once he had finally found a pair of shorts he put them on before he grabbed his uniform and walked out into the attic. He was actually surprised when he saw Curtis stepping out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. The pit was certainly a beefy doggie!

"I'm surprised to see you up!" He exclaimed. "Also how come you came up here to take a shower? Were all the other bathrooms full?"

"Mariah had commandeered the shared bathroom and I didn't feel like waking everybody up trying to find another open one. But I've been up really for nearly an hour so I could get my morning work-out in. I ran a few laps around the pool." He explained while he scratched his exposed belly in an absent minded fashion. Like his face his chest had a bit of white in the middle surrounded by a field of brown. "You should really invest in a gym! I'm sure Ian would love helping you get into shape, you should ask him!" The pit bull stated excitedly. "Hell, I could show you a few exercise tips after school if you want?"

Lucas just gave his cousin a smile, the big dog was obviously an exercise enthusiast and it certainly showed, he was almost as beefy as Greg. "That's nice! I'll probably be heading over to Ian's house for a bit after school. What are you guys going to do all day? You obviously don't have school?"

Curtis just grimaced. "I'll be studying my nose off. Unlike you I have to study for my Higher exams, I want to get into a good University after all, especially since I'll be graduating this year," he replied calmly, "Want to be a doctor, like my Dad so I gotta get good ones."

"Oh, cool! Hope you succeed!" He told his cousin honestly. He was sure his cousin would make a great doctor! "I want to get into a culinary school honestly, possibly get a degree in business also. My dream is too open my own restaurant one day." He told Curtis enthusiastically.

"That's awesome! I've heard you're a damn good cook, Ian won't stop gushing about it." He stated lightly. "Hope I get too have a taste before I leave, so I can get what all the fuss is about." Lucas just blushed at that, he seemed to blush a lot nowadays but hearing that Ian was constantly praising his cooking made him feel quite nice!

"I'm going to fix breakfast after I shower actually, and might fix you a plate if you are willing to fix some tea. I've gotten kinda attached to British tea, and I never got Greg to teach me how to fix it properly. He makes this especially yummy honey tea to serve with breakfast."

"Sure! If I only need to make tea too sample your cooking then that is a damn good deal! So hurry up and shower!" He laughed out before heading towards downstairs. "Gonna get dressed first though so see you in a few minutes!" He said before vanishing down the stairs.

Lucas just laughed and shook his head, Curtis and Ian were both very enthusiastic people it seemed, no wonder they were such good friends. The shower was a quick one, especially since he really didn't have time to dally. It still felt a bit odd showering alone now, but the thought of possibly spending more time with Ian after school perked him up remarkably well. Once he was sure he was clean enough he put on his uniform and walked downstairs and was surprised to see that Curtis and Aydin were talking over the boiling kettle. The shepherd was already dressed in a neat and well-tailored suit for school himself.

"So you want to be a doctor eh? That is certainly a respectable goal, we can never have too many MD's if you ask me, unlike Lawyers which we simply have too many of."

Curtis burst out laughing at that, obviously enjoying his Uncle-in-Law's humour greatly. "Ian's mum is a lawyer though and she's irreplaceable!" He laughed out.

"Yes, Mrs. Mansfield does indeed seem like an exceptional mother, it is quite clear she did a very good job with her sons." Aydin murmured approvingly before he took notice of Lucas which made the taller man smile lightly. "And good morning Lucas, you are certainly up early, young Curtis here told me you would be fixing breakfast I was wondering if I could partake in it as well? If you do not mind of course?"

Lucas just shrugged, that seemed fair he was a guest after all. "I wouldn't mind at all Uncle Aydin, I was planning on fixing some eggs and bacon... uh... but your Muslim so you don't eat pork, do you?" He asked awkwardly. Despite being Atheist himself, he didn't want too unintentionally offend his Uncle and his personal religious beliefs.

Aydin just chuckled and waved off his concern with his paw. "It is true, I do not eat pork since it is Haram to me, but thank you for your concern," he told the fox kindly, "But the eggs would be nice sunny side up if you please."

"I like them like that too so no worries. I should have some turkey bacon in the fridge would that be alright?" He asked as he went over to the fridge and started digging so he could get everything together. Since he would be cooking for roughly five people he got the entire batch of eggs out as well as the turkey bacon from the freezer.

"As long as it isn't pork I can eat it, so yes turkey bacon will be alright." The shepherd said before walking up to him. "Do you want my help Lucas? Rita and I often share cooking duties and you do not have to do everything by yourself." He stated.

Lucas gave him a small smile but gently declined his offer. "I got it Uncle Aydin, you and Curtis can go get Erin and Xander up if they aren't already. I should be done by the time they finish getting ready!" He told him before he grabbed the apron that was sitting on a hook next to the oven, wrapping it around himself so he wouldn't make a mess of his uniform by accident. Both of the men nodded and left him too his cooking. Humming happily he got out the frying pan and grease so he could fry the bacon up while he used telekinesis to crack the eggs and out them into another frying pan.

The kitchen was completely state of the art with a restaurant quality stove, a well-stocked spice rack and many other cool little implements that made his cooking so much easier (which was because it was him who had gotten the kitchen remodelled a few years ago when he had found most of the old kitchen failed to meet his satisfaction levels.) His ability to use telekinesis now to multitask also helped lots.

He continued to hum too himself as he used his spatula to turn the bacon making sure it was extra crispy while he mentally fixed the eggs. With a wave of his paw he got five dishes out and laid them on the counter, and once he was done with the eggs he transported them onto the plates still steaming from the stove.

Once he was done with that he finished with the bacon and did the same with it. When everything was found to his satisfaction he swiftly placed an anti-cold charm so they would not become cold (Jordan had actually taught that to him shortly before he left, he had actually saw the spell runes themselves when Jordan cast it and copied them exactly which actually impressed the older wolf. The wolf had also tried to teach him a bit of conjuring also, but despite doing the same he just couldn't get the conjuring done much to his frustration, though Jordan had gently told him that conjuring was a very tricky branch of magic and that plenty of adult mages had trouble with it, so not to worry.)

Returning to the present however Lucas swiftly gathered all the plates and carried them out into the dining room. There he saw Xander sitting alongside his Uncle and Cousin talking animatedly, though he noticed Erin wasn't there, he guessed she was taking her sweet time getting ready.

"Breakfast!" He called out to get their attention. "Sunnyside up eggs and turkey bacon!" He stated before setting all of them down on the table. "So Bon Appétit everyone!" He said before he sat down and began to eat his own food. The next few minutes were rather quiet since all of them were more focused on stuffing their faces. Once his appetite was sated he looked over towards the others and asked them were his sister was.

"She should be in the shower," Xander said as he wiped his face off in a neat fashion with the napkins provided, "I've actually been up for a while, but kept in my room because I didn't want to wake you or Erin up. Erin herself had already gotten herself into the bathroom by the time I went downstairs, but she'll probably be down in a few minutes." He told him kindly and true to form a few minutes later Erin came into the room still adjusting her ascot and jacket.

"Oh, thank god, I was starving!" She said when she noticed the remaining plate of food before swiftly diving into it. Lucas just watched his sister in a confused manner, normally his sister was far neater while she ate so this wild eating was out of character for her in his eyes.

"You alright Erin?" He asked her cautiously. "You know you shouldn't eat that fast, you'll either choke or make yourself sick." Erin just waved his concern off without a thought but since her mouth was so full of food she wasn't able too reply verbally but once she swallowed the last of her eggs she responded in a chiding manner.

"I'm fine Lucas, just hungry this morning. When is Ian picking us up?" She asked him while she grabbed herself a napkin and began to wipe her face in a delicate fashion. "Did he give you a specific time to be ready?"

Lucas nodded, he had indeed gave Lucas a set time to where he would pick them up, that had been the last thing he had texted to him before they had both turned in for the night. "Yeah, 'round 07:30 so we have about twenty minutes or so." Lucas stated before he gathered up all the used plates. "I'll go get everything washed up before school!" "I'll be heading into school myself as I need to get everything settled of course, especially since this will only be my second day on the job. I'll be seeing all of you in school!" Aydin said before grabbing his briefcase and heading out of the house.

Lucas swiftly busied himself with the dishes and as soon as he had placed everything in the dish dryer he heard the honking from Ian's car. Fast as he could be Lucas grabbed his school bag and after giving Curtis a swift goodbye he ran out of the house and was swiftly caught in the embrace of his wolf.

"Good morning!" Ian said before giving the fox a toe-curling kiss. "I missed you, sleep well? Slept like a log myself!" Lucas just smiled, it felt nice being with Ian again and he felt so relaxed and happy that he couldn't help but smile like a doofus.

"I slept we'll! I fixed some breakfast for me and the others, eggs and turkey bacon. I was planning on pork bacon but decided against it because Uncle Aydin doesn't eat pork obviously. What about you? What did you guys eat for breakfast?"

"Nothing special, just porridge so nothing really, I'm glad you slept well though, especially after that meeting with your grandparents... I still can't believe that cunt said those things to you!" He growled angrily before letting himself relax. "If you ever have any doubt's you know to call me immediately right? I will not let anything bad happen to you if I can help it!" He said his green eyes bearing into his own blue ones but sadly such a moment could not last as Greg ruined it rather quickly.

"Oy! We got school! Save the romantic moments until afterwards will you?" The burly tiger rumbled out in annoyance. Embarrassed, the two split apart and swiftly got into the car (though Lucas laid his head on Ian's chest once they were seated and buckled up). Lucas couldn't help but notice just how odd Jonah looked in his fresh looking uniform, especially since he hadn't even bothered to remove all of his ear piercings. Being honest though, he had never seen the dingo without them, but he presumed the dingo took them out before taking a shower and going to bed. His uniform wasn't being worn correctly either especially since his undershirt wasn't tucked in.

"Morning Jonah!" He heard Xander tell the dingo brightly as he sat down between him and Lucas. Jonah just gave him a nod looking quite bored at that moment. "Excited about starting school?" The fox asked him curiously.

Jonah just gave an emotionless shrug in response though he did at least respond verbally. "Not sure, couldn't really care about it honestly but meh, was tired of sitting at the house all day, got boring rather quick if you ask me," he replied calmly while looking at his claws.

"I guess it would be but aren't those piercings against the school dress code?" The fox asked while pointing towards the dingo's metal filled ears.

"Probably, but don't really care honestly...." The dingo stated in the same voice. "I never go anywhere without my piercings and would never." The two continued to talk back and forth until Lucas eventually checked out of it just as they were running into Allison's neighbourhood.

"We picking up Allison too?" He asked in a surprised fashion. It was known Allison had often just walked to school by herself. Ian just glowered at the mention of her name, but when he spoke his voice was actually surprisingly impartial which actually impressed Lucas a great deal.

"Unfortunately yes, Richard insisted of course." He stated while giving his oblivious brother a pointed look while Richard was humming some random song from his phone. After several moments they finally found themselves in front of the coyote's small house. Once he was fully parked Agent Wilson honked his horn and once Allison stepped out he noticed her uniform was nearly tailored and put together.

"Morning Allison!" He told the coyote in a kindly fashion. They hadn't seen each other since Thursday. "You sleep well?"

"I did, thank you for your concern Mason. I feel quite well enough, this weekend was a rather hectic since I had several missions, but hopefully nothing bad should happen now and I will be able to train with Master Luo more often since things are slowing down," she replied in an aloof fashion.

"That's nice!" Lucas replied cheerfully. "So besides missions, what did you do this weekend?" He asked still quite curious about the coyote's life. This time she did not answer which made Lucas legitimately curious about it and her life, since he heard very little emotion in her tone.

"Nothing really concerning you Mason, if I must say. My daily life is not any of your business, but thank you for asking however." She stated. The rest of the trip was mostly in silence until they reached the school and once everybody was out Agent Wilson gave him a wave before pulling away and leaving them alone. Since it was rather chilly the group decided to split up and go towards their lockers. Once Lucas got his unlocked he placed his schoolbag in before getting the books out for his first and second classes. Once he was all put away Lucas gently locked up the locker before heading towards homeroom where Ian and Greg had already been settled in at their desks.

Aydin was sitting at his desk reading and looked to have everything under control, which was nice as he had hoped the Shepherd would fit in well enough. He was a good man from what Lucas had seen and he was by all rights a loving husband to his Aunt. It was truly a shame she was barren, as he was certain he would be a great father. He guessed there was adoption, but he wasn't sure how Mage society handled adoptions as he assumed any orphans would just be raised by their Clan.

Once he sat down Ian was quick to great him and Lucas greeted him back. He was just about to start a conversation when he noticed that Jai had walked up to him. The cheetah looked exhausted, and judging by the rings around his eyes he didn't look like he got much of a sleep this weekend.

"You alright?" He asked the feline. Jai's whiskers just twitched as he yawned showing his glowing white fangs (his mother being a dentist naturally made sure they stayed that way.) "You look exhausted, didn't sleep well?"

"Not really..." He yawned out. "Was really noisy at home. My sister and dad got into this huge fight about her most recent boyfriend. He doesn't approve and she thinks he's trying to control her life. Not fun not at all, nobody got to sleep and a bunch of... nothing, never mind." He said shiftily looking away.

"Bunch of...?" Lucas asked trying to get him to complete his sentence but the cheetah refused so he decided to change tactics. "So you need something?" This caught the cat's attention immediately it seemed as his ears jerked up and he suddenly got real focused.

"Yes... I was wondering if you had decided on the newspaper thing..." Jai said in a soft voice.

"You work for the newspaper Mishra?" Ian asked him curiously. "What do you do exactly if I may ask?" That managed to distract the feline briefly... Lucas had completely forgot about Jai's request, the situation with his grandparents had made him forget it, but he still had to admire his determination on the matter.

"I'm assistant editor, I basically help proofread the articles and decide what gets on. I was tasked with setting up the art column and I'm trying to get things filled up. I've been working hard to convince the others that it would be a good idea so students could show their artistic abilities." The cheetah explained in a helpful fashion.

"And you want Lucas to contribute to your column correct?" Ian then asked, sounding quite interested in the column it seemed.

Jai just nodded his eyes flashing as he smiled brightly at the wolf. "Yes, exactly! I've had luck with several of the students in the art club, but I don't think it would be complete without Lucas." He stated kindly as he looked around the room. His eyes landed on a specific spot and stayed there several moments before Lucas managed to get his attention. The cheetah jumped, snapping out of his trance and shook his head wildly. "Yes? Something wrong?"

"You just kinda blanked out..." Lucas stated in a mildly concerned tone. Jai looked as if he had literally seen a ghost or something he looked so spooked. "Are you sure you are okay Jai?"

"I'm fine... but you never answered my question, have you decided on the column thing yet?"

"I completely forgot about it honestly, this weekend was pretty hectic and it completely slipped my mind. I'll let you know by Thursday alright? Does that sound fair?" Jai just nodded and yawned, he did seriously look tired and Lucas really hoped the poor cat didn't fall asleep in his classes.

"Fair enough, but the bell should be ringing soon so I should probably get too my desk." The cat said before giving everyone a tiny smile before he left them for his desk as he said he would.

"He seems interesting enough, Mishra." Ian whispered to Lucas. "Bit strange how he just zoned out all of the sudden though what was that about?" The wolf said as he continued to look over his school notes. "It was as if he saw something in that corner, but what?" Greg just shrugged, not really seeming to care about the other feline that much, probably dismissing him as not a threat Lucas wagered.

"Not really sure...seeing invisible things is certainly odd and makes you wonder doesn't it?"

"It does, but he does seem like a nice enough chap, just very persistent it seems, he really wants you on that column. Maybe you should try and rekindle your love of art? You can't let a bastard ruin something you loved." Ian said in a gentle fashion. "Who knows it really could reignite that spark? I can't draw a straight line myself so the fact you can draw is pretty cool in my opinion."

Lucas just blushed at Ian's words and encouragements. "I might..." Lucas whispered gently. "But I'm probably rusty, as I've said I haven't picked up a drawing pencil since Grade Nine. But I might try something if you really want me too..." He conceded. If something as simple as drawing a picture could make Ian happy, how could be refuse? Especially since the wolf had been nothing short of spectacular too him since they've met. Lucas did miss drawing. What better way to restart a once cherished hobby than making his beloved happy at the same time? Two birds with one stone really.

Ian just smiled happily at that, obviously pleased at his response. "Awesome!" He cried out just as the bell rang announcing school had indeed begun. "We best be getting to class though it seems, hopefully Jonah doesn't cause much trouble. I still don't really trust him that much. I'm sure he isn't a BAD person per se, but he's hiding something." Ian stated as all three of them gathered up their things and headed towards French. "Something just feels off about him and I honestly just can't put my finger on it."

"It's rude too say such things you know." Greg told him coolly. "Rich already got on you about that you know? You shouldn't say things behind peoples back."

"It's true though, something really does feel off. You've sensed it too, don't deny it." Greg didn't say anything but Lucas did notice that the tiger just looker down towards the ground in an awkward fashion. The trio didn't say anything after that and kept silent until they reached their class.


Jonah just sighed as he took another blow of his cigarette, he didn't know why but he just really needed a smoke. He had actually been trying to quit it, and he wasn't even sure why he had started smoking in the first place, but it was probably a way to cope. The nicotine helped him not think of Chase 24. Prior to a few months ago he was on about a pack or two a day. He had a fake ID and he looked at least old enough to buy some smokes, but once he started getting those nasty coughs he thought it would probably be best to quit while he was ahead. He didn't really want to go the way Chase did...

The school had been boring though, and he was honestly grateful it was lunch. He had gotten a number of stares and whispers when people first saw him. Lots of giggly girls salivating over his 'bad boy' persona which did nothing at all for him for obvious reasons... and a lot of the other guys either sizing him up as competition or secretly checking him out. Plus he had been forced to take out his piercings during first period which upset him a bit, especially because those piercings had been done when he was with Chase. They meant a lot to him, stupid fucking dress codes. He was just about to take another drag before he heard a squeaky high pitch voice call out to him.

"Hey! Smoking is not allowed on the premises." A geeky and very chubby tapir he vaguely remembered from homeroom had shouted...Gomes if he remembered correctly. From what he had gathered the tapir was nothing but a snivelling ass-kisser, and he hated ass-kissers!

"Don't care!" Jonah said in a dismissive manner waving everything off. He hadn't come here to be a lectured by a dumbass, he just wanted to smoke in peace. Was that really too much to ask? Not to be annoyed by self-righteous idiots. "So go away!" he told him as bluntly as possible just to be sure the idiot got it and would leave him alone, but the brat just stayed put.

"You are breaking a rule though!" The tapir said shrilly.

That voice was really giving him a headache... "Again don't care, surely you have something better to do?"

"You can't you smoke on the grounds, it's illegal!" The bastard shouted, he didn't seem to be giving up...

"And? I still don't care, but you are still here. Why?" He asked the tapir, his patience wearing very thin. He really wanted this guy too go away.

"Because it's against the rules!" The guy stated with great conviction!

Jonah would have been impressed if he wasn't so annoyed. He hated people who blindly followed the rules. He had lost years of his life because of bastards who blindly followed orders.

"Is that it? Surely you've got to have another reason?" He told the other person coldly. "Listen just go away, shut up and leave me alone... Run along man, you are really starting to annoy me..." He growled out as he consciously raised the temperature around them. He couldn't abuse his flames directly but he could sure as hell sweat the bastard out! It seemed to be working as the tapir had already started too sweat and adjust his collar, but amazingly he still held firm. In fact that look eerily reminded him of Lucas, though he sensed absolutely no magic from him, he didn't even have a gift. Jonah could have easily killed him without breaking a sweat but the tapir still held on.

The standoff seemed too go on for ages, and it was getting to the point even Jonah himself was getting uncomfortable, but even completely drenched in sweat the tapir didn't flee, just keeping his glare steady. The standoff was finally ended when he noticed the younger Mansfield running up too him. Quick as a flash the wolf got between them.

"Enough!" He stated in a calm fashion. Not feeling like a direct confrontation in the school he let off the heat, cooling things off immediately once the temperature was back too normal. Richard turned his focus towards the tapir boy.

"You okay?" He asked the nerd. The tapir just nodded. He was completely covered in sweat and he looked exhausted, probably from heat exhaustion he figured. He had maybe gone overboard with the heat, but in his defence the idiot WAS very annoying.

"I'm... fine... it just got very hot all of a sudden... No idea why but it just got unbearable..." He panted out, brushing the sweat from his brow.

"Maybe you were having one of those hot flushes? I read that men get them sometimes, but other than that you are alright yes?" The tapir just nodded blankly. "Good, now why don't you get cleaned? You're covered in sweat." He stated, the tapir just nodded again before blankly heading away. Richard turned towards Jonah in a furious manner. "Are you mad!?" He whispered out shrilly. "You could have given him a heatstroke! Why on earth were you using magic near a Mundane? Do you have any idea what the Knights would have done too you? Bad enough you're a rogue Mage, but if you had actually harmed him I doubt even Dad could have protected you from them!"

"I wasn't going too harm him, just make him go away. The guy is an ass-kisser plain and simple, and he wouldn't leave me alone! Besides aren't you being hypocritical? You did charm him after all?"

The wolf just sighed at that. "I had no choice, the last thing we needed was him figuring out YOU were the cause of the sudden heat spike! Why were you smoking anyway? How did you even have a packet? I thought Dad threw all of them out saying you weren't allowed to smoke here?"

Jonah just rolled his eyes about that. Yesterday had been a funny thing, while the brothers were at Lucas's place, their Father had caught him smoking outside. That resulted in a nearly hour long lecture and the wolf raiding his stuff and throwing out his cigs. "He didn't have a right to go through my things I say, it wasn't like I was smoking in the house."

"Dad doesn't want you ruining your life. My great-great-grandfather died of lung cancer, he died pretty young by our standard, smoked his entire life and it eventually caught up too him. Dad was very young then and he took it pretty hard, so he pretty much told me and Ian that under no circumstance would we ever be caught smoking. He cares especially since you are under his care he wants the best for you." The wolf explained.

"Makes sense I guess, never really had many adults show me much care. Most either wanted me dead or wanted my dick, so this is new honestly." Jonah stated in a soft voice while looking away. "Before this the only person who had ever bothered showing me true kindness was Chase..." he said his voice quivering slightly.

"You mean your lover? The one who died of Cancer right? The guy who looks so much like Xander?" Jonah just nodded, having told the younger wolf after the photo discovery.

"Yes, that was him, best person I had ever met. He didn't deserve to go out the way he did..." Jonah growled out angrily. "Why did he have to be sick? Why him!? He had done nothing wrong!" Jonah growled out before slamming his fist into the nearby tree not even noticing the pain. He didn't really register pain much anymore, nor did he care if he was in pain quite frankly Chase's request was the only reason he was still alive, and the fact he had all but begged him to live if only for his sake? "Fuck fate! They gave me my first taste of happiness, and then jerked it away from me not five months later!" He shouted out just barely keeping himself in check.

"I'm still sorry for your loss Jonah, you have had it rough, but I hope when you find whoever you're looking for you find peace." The wolf told him softly which only made the dingo let out s derisive snort. The wolf was way too soft for his own good Monet was going to eat him alive yet. He still didn't understand why the wolf was so infatuated with the coyote.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks I guess..." Jonah stated half-heartedly. "I still don't get you sometimes Wolfie, after everything you still try and be friendly to me. Even after I attacked you and your brother...It's strange really," he murmured mostly too himself.

"I think it's good to be friendly towards each other. We'll be living together for who knows how long and we share a room, so there is no reason not to be." Richard said firmly while he grabbed his paw before his chest.

"You really are something," Jonah laughed out before he looked at the time on his phone. "Looks like lunch his almost over, we should probably head on don't you think?" Richard just nodded again and the two quietly went off so they wouldn't be late for class.


Richard just sighed as he got into the final class of the day. Things had been really slow, the only real highpoint was his conversation with Jonah, the dingo was a fascinating fur that was for sure. It was clear that he had plenty of secrets which interested him, but at the time he knew he couldn't just ask. Sighing he quickly turned his attention towards Allison. The coyote was busy taking notes from the teacher. He never understood why she needed those notes, she could have probably taught the class herself but she still insisted on taking notes.

Thinking of the coyote made him blush, even he didn't fully understand just why he was so strongly attracted to her. Maybe it was her intelligence? She was definitely the smartest person he had ever met, or maybe it was her toughness? She was a warrior strong and capable of taking down anyone. Or maybe it was her spirit, the essence he sensed from her perplexed him and he felt drawn too it. Either way he fancied her a lot... he just wished her and Ian got along better. He swore they spent almost all their time sniping at each other.

Realizing he had been staring Richard shook his head and regained his focus on the lesson, however once the bell rang for the final time nearly everybody was out instant, everyone except him and Allison. Capitalising on his chance, Richard quickly went up to talk to her before she could leave. "How've you been?" He asked her kindly. "How are your parents?"

"They are fine." Allison replied curtly. "Father's bakery is still going strongly enough, and my mother hasn't been home much, as she had been putting in some overtime. But they are well all the same. I assume yours are doing well also?"

"Of course! It's great having my Mum around. I know Dad's happier, but I really missed her as well. Dad's been in a very good mood himself as well, lots of meetings, but he's happy to have her here as well. It's hard on them, living on different continents."

"It is funny in a sense," the coyote started in an almost sad tone of voice, "My parents live together, but sometimes it feels like they are miles apart emotionally."

Richard's ears drooped at that. It was weird, he never thought Allison of all people would have parent issues, she just seemed so... above all that. But he guessed even someone as amazing as Allison still had every day troubles.

"Marital issues?" He asked kindly.

"Yes and no... They are otherwise very happy together however I myself am the main source of their conflict," she explained in a measured tone, "You see they have very different views on my... duties. My Father despite wishing that I wasn't involved with the Brotherhood is otherwise understanding of my responsibilities. My Mother however... she does not want anything to do with the Hidden World. The fact that there are people who can bend the forces of nature to their whims frightens her. She doesn't trust magic."

"That sucks, she give you a hard time about it?" The coyote just shook her head as she gathered everything and placed it in her bag. Once everything was secured the coyote placed her bag on her shoulders and motioned him to follow her before beginning to talk again.

"Quite the opposite in reality, my mother pretends the Hidden World does not exist. Anytime I try and talk to her about my duties, she either clams up or changes the subject entirely...It's frustrating sometimes in all honesty, but I do not often try and press the issue, however the tension is there." She said once they reached the grounds. "This is where we split up Mans- ah, Richard I mean. I have my duties with Master Luo so I will be seeing you tomorrow." She said.

Before she could run off Richard quickly stopped her. "Wait! I was wondering..." the young wolf said, suddenly feeling incredibly shy at that moment as those blazing green eyes bored into him, as if they were staring into his very soul making him shiver. But holding firm he continued on, "Have you decided on our date...? And um... the training thing? I really do want to learn... so I can help my brother protect Lucas... and maybe help to protect you..." He stated shyly and looked away, but what Allison did next made him freeze. First he felt her paw gently caress his face before she gently pulled him down towards her level before giving him a quick, chaste kiss making his eyes bug out of his skull in surprise.

"That is sweet of you Richard." She told him in a soft voice. "Though I can promise you I do not need anyone to protect me, but it's sweet all the same. As for your questions...I haven't fully decided on a venue on our little outing. This weekend has been rather hectic. But yes, I have decided that I will train all of you. Thorne has agreed to lend his expertise as well. We will start soon after the funeral probably, so Mason can get his mind off of his problems," she said before stepping away, "Does that satisfy your curiosity?" Richard could only nod dumbly, still in shock from the kiss. "Very good, I will see you tomorrow. Goodbye Richard." She said before fully running off leaving him staring after her dumbly.

"Well that was surprising..." He heard Jonah's voice ring behind him. "She didn't break you did she Wolfie?" He teased while waving his paw teasingly for a minute in front of his face. Richard swatted it away almost subconsciously still staring off towards where she ran off. "Wow, you really are smitten with her aren't you Wolfie?" The dingo asked in an almost sincere sounding tone. "You've got be some kind of masochist too fancy her, you know that right? She could break you in two without breaking a sweat."

Richard just shrugged and shook his head, trying to get his focus back. "I know, but I just find her fascinating. I don't know why but I feel drawn to her somehow? It's weird yes but it's true."

Jonah just shrugged and patted his back. "Whatever you say Wolfie but let's sit down eh?" The Aussie said before dragging him to a nearby bench, "You know, this is the first time I've ever gotten to go to a school."

"Really?" Richard asked him surprised. "So did you teach yourself how to read and stuff? What did you think? Enjoy yourself?"

The dingo just shrugged as he took out a small box out if his pocket before he opened it and revealed that his piercings was inside. It was still weird seeing the dingo without them. Quietly he placed them all in and once he was sure they were set correctly Jonah turned back towards him. "It was alright I guess, pretty boring but not horrible. I am mostly self-taught yeah, but when I was with Chase he let me borrow his tutors. He didn't really have a use for them really, since he knew he was going to die by the years end, but he wanted to make sure I had the best education possible." The dingo said softly. "He's the one who paid for my piercings actually, said he loved how they made me look like a 'bad boy'," he paused, amused, "He also got me into music, he was a piano virtuoso, got me a guitar to accompany him and paid for a teacher. I loved it really, I left my guitar back in Australia though as I couldn't bring it with me when I came over here."

"Why did you leave Australia exactly? Besides the search thing? Any other reason?"

"He wanted me to spread his ashes in Seattle. He had always wanted to see the city but he never got the chance. After that I've just been wandering around Canada until now. He said I would meet the person I was looking for around this time..." The dingo said before standing up. "Said I would know when I met them, but let's go, out ride is here!" He said before leaving with Richard following behind happy he had learned more about the surly dingo and feeling like a bond had started between them.

Code Oblivion: Rebellion: Interlude 4

Interlude 4: The Arrival "The situation in Crosstown has been settled Mr. Palmers we are currently on our way to Greasham." I told the jackal who was sitting on the other side of the screen. The man just nodded in satisfaction, obviously approving of...

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXVIII

Chapter XXXVIII- Bad Meetings and Old Faces "Get out!" Lucas snarled out viciously. Xander was legitimately unnerved at just how ENRAGED the other fox sounded a far cry from his normally more meek tone. In all honesty he looked like he was just...

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Phantom Chronicles: Chapter 12

Coffee was a relaxed affair and it felt good being able to talk normally with Dil again. I was still angry at him for hiding that Louis and Glen had hurt him and have been hurting him (Though that did explain why he occasionally showed up with bruises...

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