Flamefeathers - The Rescue

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#4 of Flamefeathers

News comes to The Doujin that one of their Wardens was captured by a tribe of centaur in the rolling foothills of Glennor. This is a matter that must be handled delicately. Except that Alcmene learns that the Warden who was captured was her older sister. Now, she will stop at nothing to free her sister, her closest friend, her blood...


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I'd like to thank everyone supporting me! ^.=.^ I promise your deaths will be quick when I've attained the title of Evil Overlord!

It had been weeks since her sister had supposed to have returned. Not that she was missing. The Doujin knew where Amphinome was of course. But the Protectorate was adamant that they could not simply attack her captures to retrieve her. They were keepers of the peace, not soldiers. They would wait for a member of the capture race to return home to the Doujin and send that warden instead to negotiate. It was deemed more appropriate that a centaur be sent to speak with a tribe of other centaurs over such matters.

Alcmene could not agree less.

She had stormed out the front gate of the tower and flown as fast as she could back to the mainland. The centaur were usually found up north in the plains and rolling hills. Near the forest of the Elves where her sister had been.

It took a little over a fortnight, but Alcmene came to Centaur country quickly enough. She was on guard quite often. More than once she would duck for cover when the sound of heavy hoofbeats drummed in her ears. It was always a relief when a herd of wild horses sprinted past. But next time she knew she could be much less lucky.

She skirted around a dozen villages, peering into the hide-covered huts that made up the small settlements for any sign of her sister. She grew increasingly desperate as every village was found absent her beloved Amphinome. There were dozens, if not hundreds of villages on the map, though. Her sister had to be in one of them nearby.

On the tenth day of her search, Alcmene found something both promising and horrifying. She had been skirting around a particularly large village, darting from large thorn bush to large thorn bush, when she heard a female voice call out. It was not a scream. Not really. It was what the young angel could only describe as the cross between a loud moan and a cry of denial.

She wasn't sure if the voice belonged to her older sister or to some other unfortunate woman who found herself in the clutches of the mostly-male people, but nonetheless she spread her wings and slammed them toward the ground. She sprang into the air and soared toward the center of the village. These 'ceremonies' always took place in the center.

The wind whipped against her tightly bound chest and her stocking-covered legs beneath her light skirts. The air bit at her face and pulled the moisture from her eyes across her cheeks. The ground rushed up at her and she plucked the scepter from her belt. As she impacted the hard earth, she landed in a crouch and whipped the scepter out to the side. In an instant, the small little baton was suddenly a long polearm, it's spearhead a razor sharp ruby atop the ornately decorated alsilrite staff.

She straightened up and gripped the white-gold weapon in both hands. Her wings spread out behind her and she glanced about to take as much detail in as she could before the centaur warriors were upon her.

The huts all spiraled outward from the central area she had landed in. The largest huts lined the 'square' and the smallest were farthest out. Each of the huts had tanning racks, implements for dressing wild game, barrels for collecting rainwater, and a rather angry looking centaur stallion outside of their large flap-covered doorways. Each of the afore mentioned stallions held spears, bows, swords, all of them far larger and unwieldy in the hands of any other race. Their scowls were perhaps most dangerous of all.

To her right in the very center of the village square rested a large wooden table that resembled a sort of altar. It was flanked by two stallions, each of which held prostrate none other than Amphinome, her sister.

The angel was flat on her back without a scrap of cloth or leather to cover her nakedness. Atop her, a large black stallion stood with his forehooves placed upon the altar on either side of her shoulders. His barrel hovered over the gentle swell of her belly that had not been there the last time Alcmene had seen her. Between her legs spread wide, the stallion's black flesh was buried nearly to the hilt within the angel's pale flesh.

Alcmene turned and pointed the ruby head off her staff at the black centaur. "Get off of her! Back away or I'll-...!"

"Or you'll what, girl?" the big centaur asked. "Even if you stabbed me or clubbed me or whatever it is you're planning, the entire village will be on you before you can make another move." His smirk chilled Alcmene to her bones.

She grit her teeth as the centaur began to slowly thrust into her sister's body. He was raping Amphinome right in front of her! Her hands tightened around the staff and she drew it back menacingly. She was going to cave his skull in!

"Let my sister go or we'll both die today!"

The stallion quirked his brow and tilted his head curiously down at the woman beneath him. "Your sister, hm?' He lifted a calloused hand to rub his bristled chin.

Alcmene was about to swing her alsilrite staff when the stallion stepped back off of the altar and her sister. She grimaced at the wet -schlop- sound that filled her ears as the dark phallus popped free of her sister's body.

"I'll make you a deal, Warden," the stallion said. "You are a Warden like your sister?" He crossed his arms over his broad chest and smirked. "I'll let your sister go. Right now. No questions asked. She can take her things and go. I won't keep anything from her." He gave a short laugh and reached out to press his rough palm to Amphinome's belly. "In fact, I'll let her take something of mine."

If she could growl, Alcmene would have! He was playing with her. She wasn't sure how, but something in the way that big black stallion's eyes glinted told her something was amiss. Maybe it was the way he quirked a brow arrogantly, or the smug grin beneath them.

"What's the catch?" she asked. She set the butt of her staff in the dirt and leaned on it, but her muscles remained a coiled spring. Suddenly her heart wrenched. Did he want her staff!? After the trials and tribulations she had endured to get it out of the tomb? She clutched the staff against her side possessively.

Then she noticed the centaur grinning at her. Had he spoken? She hadn't even heard a thing he'd said! She was just so worried she'd lose her talisman!

"So do we have an agreement?" he asked her.

"What? No! I don't want to give up my staff!"

"I didn't say I wanted the staff, girl." The stallion gave an unsettling chuckle. "You can keep it, of course."

She eyed him and glanced around at the mirthful faces leering at her from all directions.

"I guess..." There wasn't really anything else she had that she didn't mind trading. She could always get more clothes, more money, or whatever else. Right? "Fine. Let my sister get dressed and let her go. I agree to your terms."

The stallion gave a little laugh and spread his hands to either side. "Alright." He turned and helped the pale angel to her bare feet. "Your clothes are in my hovel, my dear."

The naked angel scampered through the dusty 'street' toward the large hovel's main door. Once she disappeared inside, the stallion turned his attention back to Alcmene. He inclined his head politely and spread his hands to either side. "I believe introductions are in order. We can't remain uncivil, can we?"

Alcmene scowled and slowly settled her staff-turned-scepter at her belt. She chewed on her tongue for several moments then said "My name is Alcmene." Her brow furrowed and she leered at the dark centaur before her. "And what does my sister's rapist call himself?"

The stallion quirked a bushy brow and once more folded his thick arms over his chiseled chest. "Nessus. I am the chieftain of this village."

A moment later, Amphinome emerged from the hovel and rushed to her sister's side. "Alcmene, you don't have to-..."

"Go," Alcmene said sharply and took a step back. "I'll be right behind you." She purposefully kept her eyes away from her older sister. She didn't want to see what these monsters had done to her.

When the sound of wing beats filled her ears, she shifted her weight from her front foot to her back and stared Nessus in the eye. "There. Now what were your terms, centaur? What exactly did you mean?"

"What did I mean?" Nessus roared with laughter and spread his arms to either side. "I thought it was fairly clear, even for you Warden-types. She can go if I get to keep that... fancy spear of yours..."

Her heart leapt in her chest and she spread her wings wide. "You must be mad if you think I'll just give something as powerful as this over to the likes of you!"

A quick rustle behind her and several dull thuds caught her attention. She turned to look over her shoulder and spy at least a dozen centaur hunters there with bows drawn on her. She scowled and glared at Nessus with a fiery rage burning in her eyes.

"No?" he asked and folded his arms over his broad chest. "You agreed to the terms. If you will not give me the spear, then you must give yourself to me. By extension, I will still own that weapon." His bushy brow quirked mockingly and he waved a dismissive hand. "Or we will kill you and I'll take it from your cold, dead hand."

Alcmene's heart pounded in her ears and her breathing came quick and shallow. She looked back to the arrows pointed at her then to the sky. She could try to fly, but she was sure they would put her down before she got above the roof tops. These centaur, she knew, were used to hunting and shooting quick gazelle and antelope. She was no different than the prey they were used to in that moment.

Nessus stepped toward her and she tightened her grip on the staff. Before she could decide to flee or attack, his hands were on her shoulders. Large, strong hands. Their torsos look human, but they were raw equestrian muscle.

His rough fingers moved over her bare skin down to the tight wrap across her chest that disappeared under her arms. He forced his fingers beneath the fabric uncomfortably and gave a tug. As the fabric broke, so did her heart. She hung her arms in defeat and the spear shrank down to its more compressed shape.

She stared at the ground between Nessus's hooves and her own feet as the centaur bared her breasts to the village. She choked back a sob as she watched Nessus's fat fingers hook into her tight leggings. Her vision blurred as he tore that fabric as well and pulled the tatters from her body. She blinked back her tears just as he undid her belt and tossed it aside.

At least I have my boots, she thought. Her internal musings were interrupted by calloused fingers rubbing over her bare womanhood and her ample breast. She gasped and stared defiantly up at their owner.

"You're smaller than the other one," Nessus growled, "But I think you will do nicely." He pulled his hands away from her and cast a glance toward the altar Amphinome had been placed on when Alcmene arrived. "You can go willingly or we will force you." His dark eyes turned on the hunters still drawn on her.

She followed his gaze for a moment then brushed past him. She willed her body forward, but her mind protested. Her movements were stilted, her muscles defiant. She stumbled step by step to the altar then turned and faced Nessus. A part of her hoped he would tell her that her humiliation was enough, that she was free to go. She knew that was not the truth.

What she saw instead was the large stallion moving to follow her with slow, measured steps. Beneath his wide barrel hung the monstrous tool that had been buried to the hilt within her own sister. She shuddered and folded her wings around herself to cover her nakedness.

"No, no," Nessus said and wagged a finger at her. "I'll warn you now and say it will be much more uncomfortable for you if we have to start pulling feathers out." He stopped before her and set his hands at the downy collar her wings made beneath her chin. With minimal urging from the chieftain, she dropped her wings to her sides then slowly folded them against her bare back.

"That's better." The stallion leaned down and forced his lips against hers. She whimpered and tried to pull away, but his large hands held her cranium still. She wanted to vomit, more so as his tongue forced its way past her lips.

As the darkness began to eat at the corners of her vision, Nessus pulled his lips from hers and let her gasp for air. She turned her head once he had released her and spat in the dirt.

"No kissing?" he mocked and spread his hands to either side. "Fine." His hand darted forward and gripped her chin like a vice. "You will learn to appreciate me."

He gave her a quick shove and she spun about. She had to reach out to the surface of the altar to catch herself before she stumbled into the dust below.

As she steadied herself against the hot stone, a shadow fell over her and two hooves landed heavily on either side of her body. Her eyes widened and she her head to stare up at the hulking mass of horse flesh above her.

"No, wait!" she cried as she felt the thick, spongy tip of his horsehood prodding against her rump and thigh. She twisted, trying to scramble out from under Nessus's enormous girth. A set of arms grabbed each of her own and pulled to either side.

Alcmene grunted as her chest and shoulders landed heavily on the altar's smooth top. "Wait, please! You can't do this to me! I'm a Warden! Do you hear me!? I'm a racking-..."

The last word broke through her lips as an agonizing scream. Her body felt like it was being split in two from the inside. A heavy impact deep in her chest knocked the air out of her and cut off her scream. The tears flowed freely from her eyes as white hot lightning shot through her groin and belly.

As the air rushed back into her lungs in deep, labored gasps, the stallion rocked his hips, forcing more of that vile meat into her body. Again she felt an impact deep in her chest before something gave way. The taut flesh of her belly felt stretched, like something was threatening to push out of her just below her sternum. She grunted as another sharp thrust from behind forced her skin tighter against what she could only assume was his tip.

Her body lurched forward, scraping against the smooth stone top as Nessus's heavy orbs came to rest against her thighs. But how was that possible? He was as long as her arm! Longer, maybe! How had he fit all of it inside her?

She didn't have long to contemplate as slowly the large stallion dragged every bit of that meat out of her until that thick head threatened to pop free of her. She lifted her head and froze. Nessus was bent over, sneering down at her from above.

"If you stop tensing up so much, it'll go more smoothly," he mocked. His hips lurched forward again and Alcmene felt her body split around the inhuman length. Another scream tore from her throat and once again she felt her belly distend. She tried to focus on the warm, fuzzy softness of the orbs against her thighs, but what they were only made her stomach turn.

As she felt the hot length slide free of her again, she took a deep, albeit shaking breath and closed her eyes. He was right. Keeping her body tense and tight would only increase the resistance he met and with it the likelihood he would damage her.

As she felt the tip playing at her entrance, she exhaled slowly and let her body relax against the stone beneath her. Again her body split around the horse half driving into her and again her body skidded forward on the stone until her thighs pressed against the edge. But this time she merely grunted and focused on her breathing. There were many techniques she had learned in the Doujin to keep oneself centered, to keep one's mind blank. It was hard to keep her mind blank with a centaur chieftain ploughing her depths and an entire village watching him do it... but what little focus she maintained did ease his passage within her.

"There you go," Nessus grunted above her. "Relax. Don't tense. You may even learn to like it."

His length tore through her focus as his hips slammed against her own and quickly drew back. Again he forced his entire length into her and again he slapped his full orbs against her. There was no pause, just quick, feral thrusts into her body! She tried to stay relaxed, but her body had ideas of its own.

She gasped and grunted, moaning loudly as a mixture of pain and a growing pleasure flooded her consciousness. Her legs spread of their own volition and her womanhood began rhythmically squeezing and pulling at the immense girth driving into her.

She gasped loudly and her back arched. Her eyes shot open as she felt the thick head of her rapist's tool brush past something deep inside of her that sent a thrill rushing throughout her body. She cursed her body for betraying her so and opened her mouth to again plea with the chieftain. Instead, only a long moan drew from her lips.

As if the feeling of the stallion stretching her belly wasn't odd enough, she felt a new pressure growing deep within. Nessus's thrusts grew short and quick and a mass began to grow in the pit of her stomach. It felt like she had swallowed a whole orange!

Then Nessus forced his orbs tightly against her thighs and let out a loud whiney. She barely had the time to ponder such a sound coming from the human-like lips of the male atop her when a rush of heat and pressure rushed into her belly.

Another moan glided over her tongue as she felt the pressure pushing outward in all directions from within. She felt more and more of her belly pressed tightly against the stone beneath her. Heat filled every crack and crevice within. It was both frightening and immensely soothing.

Nessus grunted as his horsehood -schlopped- free of her body and he dismounted her. She felt a rush of the heat within burst from her plundered body, rushing down her legs like a ruptured bucket. She weakly tugged against the strong hands holding her prostrate against the altar, but they held her firm.

"What-...?" Another pair of hooves landed on either side of her body with a heavy -clip-clop- and her eyes widened. He was ready to go so soon!? Her eyes came into focus and stared at the mottled brown and white legs and barrel above her. This wasn't Nessus!

"Wait, the deal was for you, Nessus! You can't just let another one-..." She gasped loudly as another thick slab of horse meat speared into her. She arched her back and cried out again. This stallion, perhaps younger, she mused, wasted no time letting her adjust to the situation. Immediately he started to drive his length into her and slap his eager orbs against her body with wild abandon.

She grunted and moaned with every thrust that rocked her body sharply against the altar. Pain gave way quickly to the pleasure she hated most of all. Again she felt her body grip wantonly at the invader, milking it for what she knew o so dreadfully that it would give.

"Please!" she moaned. "Slower! Go slower! I-...!" Her plea was cut short as that same lump formed deep in her belly and yet more heat rushed into her body. She felt her belly strain more against what was being forced within and moaned in discomfort. It ached, hurt, felt like it would split and pour its contents over the polished stone at any moment!

As the younger stallion dismounted her, she felt the two holding her down release her. Thank the Goddess! She pulled her arms in close and pushed herself up. The pressure relieved from her distended, round belly was short lived. Both stallions restraining her once again grabbed her shoulders and forced her down.

They twisted her onto her back and again held prostrate.

"No! Stop this! You can't keep raping me!"

Nessus leaned over the altar from the other direction, staring down at her in a way that made him appear upside down to her.

"You belong to me now, angel. I will do with you as I will." He turned his eyes to the scepter she still clutched tightly in her hand. "If you want it to stop, give me the spear."

"Never! This will never belong to you!"

The stallion's smirk made her feel more ill than the belly full of stallion seed looming over her.

"Then I will do with you as I will," Nessus repeated. "And I think my village needs a little moral boost after losing their latest broodmare."

His face moved out of her view and a moment later the sky was obscured by the underside of large centaur's white barrel. Fear coursed through her as she felt the spongy tip of his arousal prodding at the underside of her belly and her legs. She tried to clamp her thighs closed, but the centaur restraining her each grabbed her limbs and spread them wide.

That was all it took. The centaur mounting her pressed his fat head against her entrance and pushed. She groaned at the feeling of his girth. He was so much larger than the first two! She lifted her head to try and see, but her belly obscured her view.

Then with a sharp thrust, the white centaur gained purchase and forced himself into her. Alcmene whined loudly as he body was once again split by an even larger length. Every sharp thrust that forced just a little more of the enormous invader into her made her grunt and wheeze. She laid her head back against the altar and turned to the side.

There were dozens of them. Too many for her to count. Each centaur watched her violation with rapt attention. All of them were stallions. No, she noticed. Not all of them. There were two, maybe three mares in the crowd. Already they too were being mounted. It was a moot point, from what she could see. Their thick barrels already bulged in the various stages of pregnancy, some more noticeable than others.

That didn't stop the other males. But she knew they were but the distraction while they waited for their turn at the village's new angel.

Finally, with a sharp pain deep in her belly, Alcmene felt her next rapist bottom out inside of her. His orbs nestled against her rump and were still, save the twitch and thrum of the stallion's heartbeat. She thanked the Goddess for the little mercy.

Many of the onlookers seemed disappointed that the stallion wasn't simply rutting her like his predecessor. Some even took their frustrations out on one another. It wasn't a brawl that broke out or anything. The larger stallions turned, mounting some of the smaller males in the crowd. While the smaller stallions struggled a little, they quickly relented and even... enjoyed being rutted like that? She was sure they enjoyed it. Many spilled their seed on the dusty earth below as their partners came to climax.

Her rapist started to draw his hips back slowly and Alcmene's body caught fire. Fire and electricity lanced through every nerve in her body. She tingled and burned from head to toe. The pleasure of such a large tool dragging over her sensitive flesh erupted into a cacophony of ecstasy and bliss as the stallion lurched forward and slapped his balls against her rump.

Alcmene cried out as her wings scraped against the smooth stone beneath her. Already the white stallion was withdrawing and then he plunged into her again! She squealed and lifted her legs. She hadn't realized they'd been released until she had wrapped them as far around the centaur's barrel as she could.

Likewise, she glanced to either side and saw that her captors had let go of her arms as well. She clutched handfuls of her immaculate white feathers against her palms.

And then the pain returned. A lump larger than the others formed deep inside. _ Already?_ He'd only humped her a few times, but so soon she felt him empty the contents of his orbs into her belly. To her horror, she watched her already swollen belly grow visibly as his seed rushed to join the rest pooled inside of her.

As her rapist dismounted and pulled his length out of her, she heard a loud splash as a generous amount of centaur seed escaped. The size of her belly diminished a little, but already another stallion was moving to add his own essence to the pot.

And there to the side stood Nessus and his hunters.

Alcmene let her head fall heavily onto the stone altar and she sighed heavily. As the large chocolate brown stallion mounted her naked body, Alcmene closed her eyes. She would have to endure. She prayed she would survive the village's onslaught long enough for the night to bring her refuge.

And opportunity for escape.