Civil Disobedience

Story by Kistaro Windrider on SoFurry

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_Author's Note

As usual for these stories, don't read them if you're offended by homosexuality or are not of legal age in your district. I know, this story is long-overdue, and it shows that I'm somewhat out of practice- but this was mostly the result of a gamble with myself, trying to find out if a yiff story could possibly have a political bent. The upshot is that it's too obvious, but it's also quite a lot of fun! For the impatient, head to the first horizontal divider in the text, where the heavy petting actually begins.

I know it took me a really long time to get this written- the problem was, I was trying to write a sequel for Malfunction, and really didn't have any ideas. Just to get myself writing again, I decided to do this- and I do think I've gotten myself back in the flow of things! As usual, I'd like to hear your feedback on the matter... [email protected] is where I can best be reached.

For those curious about the admittedly political content of this... politics surround me, they therefore what wind up in what I write. Although I am a supporter of civil disobedience, I do think my characters have taken it a little bit too far!_

Azu demonstrated none of the traditional draconic grace and agility as he flumped down on his couch, the green reptile reaching to the endtable with his long tail to poke around for the remote control. He adjusted his wings behind him as he continued searching for it under the pile of assorted books, papers, and other items that had settled over it in the short time since he last switched on the television. His tail only served to knock a heavy, hardbound book- Issac Newton's Principia- to the floor with a loud thump. Hissing with frustration, he curled his serpentine form forwards, rolling over and grabbing the book to return it to its previous, precarious position. His snout dipped down, below the table, just in case the elusive control device had, too, succumbed to the forces of gravity and clumsiness.

The fur-covered, digitrade pair of legs he saw warranted his attention, although his housemate and lover's presence was temporarily the less important consideration. Finding that the remote had, indeed, fallen, he reached forward for it as he greeted the coyote. "Hey Lanin, how was work?"

"Eh, about as usual." The gray coyote shrugged. "Nothing too big broke down, except for people. When is Lehu going to learn the difference between his monitor's power switch and his computer's power switch? So much for owls being wise."

Azu snickered. "One of those calls again? Well, I'd rather have that than the utterly moronic otter I had in one of my tour groups. I've never had a visitor try to lick the exhibits before. I've heard of getting a taste of history, but... so much for 'sanitary'. Yuck."

Lanin could only laugh. "Suddenly, Lehu seems downright clever. Speaking of history, doing some spelunking of your own?" He winked. "Exploring the great remains of the spectacular Dust Bunny civilization, unmatched in their--"

"Oh, shut up." The dragon was grinning, despite his words. He brandished the wayward remote control. "It's just that this thing seems to have developed the ability to spontaneously pass through the table." Pushing himself backwards out from under the table, Azu reversed his earlier motion to spread back out on the couch, then thought better of it and leaned up along the back of it, to face Lanin. "Anyway, since I got back early because I wasn't on cleanup this evening, dinner should be ready in--"


"--uh, never mind. Can you get the noodle bake out of the oven? I'll check the broccoli." Lifting himself off the couch he had worked so hard to place himself comfortably on, Azu stood up and headed for the kitchen. His long neck caused him to tower a full foot and a half over the coyote following him. He deposited the remote control in one of the many pockets of the blue vest he wore, fit carefully over his large wings.

The pair extracted their meal from the kitchen and brough it back to the living room to eat- the small, cramped kitchen had neither tables nor chairs, so their living room was the best place in the apartment. Their usual rants and complaints about the day followed, the television forgotten until the wall clock did not strike so much as beep 5:00 PM. "News is on." Azu interrupted himself mid-rant (frustrated that a visitor did not understand that one of the building's heater's is not a good place to leave a dirty diaper) to extract the remote control from his vest and power up the television.

Such habits are not always well-grounded in behavior. Approximately three seconds after the anchorsparrow started chirping the day's news, Azu and Lanin were ignoring her, paying much more attention to each others' opinions on the first news item than that of the interviewed politician. They were more interesitng to each other anyway- politicians tended to say the same thing over and over, while they actually had new and creative ways to enjoy disagreeing with each other nearly every evening.

"Right, I understand that, but they do have to have it somewhere. Offering a state tax kickback to the county accepting the new prison is the only way to keep politics from delaying it forever, leading to more overcrowding..."

"Mmph, mrrph mlph mpph-"

"Azu, give it up and wait until your mouth isn't full."

"...Right. I still don't think it's the right solution; all that happens is that some impovrished neighborhood will get extra funds at the expense of being an even worse place to live. Then within a year or two the tax kickback will get repealed, and the county would just be screwed."

"So what do you suggest? Eternal political football?"

"How about placing it by lottery? Perfectly fair. I say those ritzy upscale neighborhoods could do with a prison or two."

Lanin snickered. "Aww, that might hurt their poor widdle property values."

"And it's those upscale neighborhoods where politicians live, so nothing that gives them the chance of having to personally live near a prison would ever get passed..."

"..even if so many of them deserve to be in it!"

Their laughter was interrupted as their attention was again captured by the television, words that inevitably made for amusing news stories having just been sent over the airwaves. "...arrest for public indecency. Despite the warnings that it was a private club, Governor McMarus decided the interpretation of the local obcenity law could not except such clubs, an unprescedented move very early into his term."

The camera cut to Governor Tannu McMarus, the elderly walrus in his usual overly formal attire for when he knows he is going to be again in the news. "Strip clubs cannot be allowed in this city. I won't have such centers of immorality poisoning my constituents. It is exactly this sort of thing that leads to high crime, and sets a bad example for the young, impressionable cubs in the district. By striking this decisive blow against such perversions, we come one step closer to a moral community..."

The television's droning again fell by the wayside as Azu shook his head. "He's missed the point. Stopping one place isn't going to do anything about his so-called 'problem', he'll just force people to find other options."

Lanin was inclined to agree. "I don't understand this business of 'people will stop doing things if you get rid of the legitimate means'. It just drives it underground... what's so wrong with public nudity anyway?"

Azu grinned. "People are afraid of other people having fun."

"Or at least having more fun than them. But shutting that place down by arresting the dancers... It's not going to help anything!" A grin of pure mischief began to spread across his gray, fuzzy snout. "Of course, there always is the respected institution of civil disobedience..."

Azu had returned to his meal. "Mmph?"

"You know you're as much of an exhibitionist as I am. You've been working on your magic abilities, and we could use that to avoid being recognized... How about we show them what public obscenity really is?"

Such plans do not execute themselves on the spot, as an impulse. Rather, it was after several days of kicking the idea around and refining it that Lanin and Azu found themselves in the local park, already having changed their appearances drastically- Lanin's fur was now brown, his snout lengthened, his build lankier. Azu had embellished himself with a crest of small orange spikes trailing down the now-blue scales of his serpentine back, all the way to the tip of his tail- a tail that was now curling itself around Lanin's waist.

The dragon held the bottled spell carefully, the claw of his thumb ready to remove the cork. "I always wondered if we'd get a chance to use this..." The same spell that had changed his appearance had changed his voice, deepening it slightly.

Lanin grinned and nuzzled against Azu, his furred arms wrapping around the dragon's body. Lanin had chosen one of his older T-shirts for the occasion, figuring a T-shirt ready to disintegrate on its own would be the best choice for something that would be ripped into shreds anyway. Lanin caressed the dragon's back through his vest, in similar condition, the slightly unusual garment designed to allow for the reptile's large wings. "No reason to do this by half measures, after all. What other chance is there to indulge our macrophiliac tendencies?"

Their warm embrace had attracted little attention from most of the other furs enjoying the park, only the most conservative ones bothering to be offended by their homosexual affection. Azu's long, forked tongue pushed against the fur of Lanin's cheek, beginning to earn more irritated looks from bystanders as his left paw, not encumbered with the small vial of magic, slipped down to massage the coyote's rear, through his ripped, faded pair of jeans. He pulled Lanin to him, slowly grinding his hips against those of his lover as he began to release a low, draconic purr. As their behaviour was drawing more attention, his reply was whispered. "Or exhibitionism..."

Lanin chuckled. "Or that." His right paw moved down along Azu's back, to his pants- and slipping in. "No underwear today?" He began to fondle and grope the dragon's firm, muscular buttocks, prompting a cry of "Get a room!" from one of the bystanders- one who, despite his words, did not seem to be inclined to look away. The words only encouraged Lanin as he pulled the dragon tightly to his body, his left paw massaging under Azu's right wingbase as his broad, canine tongue moistened the scales of the dragon's throat.

"Mmm... No, I didn't see the point in it." His paw began to make a similar exploration of the coyote's rump. "Nor did you, apparently... mrr." He pushed his chest against Lanin's, encouraging the coyote's tight grip, his nuzzling and licking drawing as much to draw attention from bystanders as it was to grant sensation... which it was doing, in great measure. "I correct myself. I do believe there is a point down there." He continued to purr as the motions of his hips increased in their enthusiasm, the fabric of their attire doing little to hide their growing arousal, or to block the sensations.

"It just didn't seem practical today for some reason." The motions of his tongue and snout resumed as he licked and cuddled his reptilian lover, enjoying the feeling of Azu's long tail wrapped around his waist, holding them to each other. He motioned with his body towards the dragon's right paw, his scaled fingers still holding the sealed magic. "When are you going to use that thing, anyway?" He noticed, still some distance away, a squirrel dressed in the uniform of Park Security, approaching them. "We've attracted official attention..."

"Right, then, so 'now' might be a prudent time." Needing no more encouragement, he moved his paw against Lanin's side, then removed the cover. The entire container evaporated as dragon and coyote both felt a strange sort of energy jolt through them- almost like a painless electric shock. His right paw now unencumbered, Azu wasted no time in reaching under Lanin's shirt to stroke through his thick, now-brown fur. "So that should start working almost immediately..."

The security guard stopped in his tracks as he watched what he expected to be a routine ejection of people getting too frisky become an issue of much larger proportions. Azu's and Lanin's already-ratty clothes simply ripped off their bodies as they began to flagrantly defy the laws of physics by increasing in size in every dimension. The dragon, formerly seven feet tall (with his long neck) was already some eleven, and still growing. Lanin, by then, was nine and a half feet tall, his pink, canine shaft entirely extended from his sheath and growing somewhat disproportionately as it slid against Azu's. The dragon's reptilian anatomy afforded some convenience- his hard, black phallus was already quite slick with natural lubricants as it extended from its slit.

The spell was expertly crafted, created by a mischevous mage hoping for exactly such a situation as was now unfolding, every aspect planned for. As an object grows linearly in size, its mass grows cubically, but if proportions do not change, its strength only grows quadratically, leading to a structure that cannot support itself. Disproportionate musculature began to bulge out of the lovers as they continued to grow, Azu now well over twenty-five feet tall and Lanin close behind. As the spell was designed with indecent uses in mind, and it was making radical physiology changes anyway, it was making both reptile and mammal extremely disproportionately well-endowed, their members now nearly five feet long each... and still growing.

Lanin groaned as his fetish for size, long-unmet, was finally getting to play. Azu was enjoying the process similarly as he caressed and massaged the canine, gently pushing him to the ground, being quite careful to damage as little of the park as possible. "Unnhh... Turn around, Lanin, I think the most practical position is... mrrr..." His gasps and groans of excitement as he continued to rub himself against the canine, continued to grow, eclipsed his speech.

"Doggy-style?" Lanin grinned at the joke as he turned, moving slowly to give bystanders- including the rapidly-growing collection of television news cameras- plenty of time to get out of the way as he shifted his position to all-fours, raising his rear to the dragon, now nearly as incoherent with pleasure and lust as the dragon. His furry balls had swollen greatly, in the same proportion as his huge cock, still growing (as was the rest of him), still well in the grip of the spell. The extra hormones flooding his body had led him even to mostly forget what had inspired them in the first place; his only thoughts remaining were of the huge, sexy, now incredibly-muscular dragon just beginning to mount him, and the feeling of the impossibly-huge shaft pushing against his rear...

All Azu really knew by now was that this coyote was under him, ready for sex, whimpering with lust- and he wanted to fill it. With a hiss of pure desire, Azu suddenly embraced Lanin, feeling the now-huge muscles of his chest, pressing his similarly-muscular, scaled chest to the back of the coyote. Pre flowed off his cock, pressed against the coyote's tailhole, lubricating the entrance- as if his member wasn't already slick enough, and as if the spell hadn't already taken care of such considerations. His forked tongue rubbed lustfully against the fur of the coyote's back.

He finally began his first thrust, hissing with pleasure, echoed by a moan of the coyote's as the gigantic dragon-shaft pushed its way into Lanin. The spell's effects helped- Lanin felt no pain, only incredible pleasure, indescribable sensation as he was stretched wide, the dragon's cock growing even more as he filled him. Gallons of the coyote's fluids dripped from him, splattering on the ground below. Their magically-induced growth finally began to slow, now that they were each well over a hundered feet tall- the spell had been balked by the proximity of structures they'd just as soon not damage. Television news cameras recorded their motion from every angle- including overhead, as they had inspired some of the local helicopters to action. Hardly stopping to think that public decency laws would make most of their footage useless, the cameras kept watching as Azu pulled back out, then filled Lanin again- amidst many sounds of pleasure, a few of them from bystanders enjoying the show.

Azu's left arm wrapped tightly around Lanin, massaging the incredibly huge muscles created by the spell, enjoying the pleasurable sensation of the canine's warm fur rubbing against his chest as he began to develop a rhythm- a set of rough, fast motions, leaving Lanin howling with pleasure and himself hissing with the pure ecstacy of the sensations. His tongue flicked out against the top of his lover's head, an action that caused Lanin to deposit yet more of his fluids on the ground.

Pleasure and lust defined Lanin's entire universe as he was pounded by the dragon, held securely in the reptile's grip. His hips moved back against Azu's, in time to his thrusts (and matching his increasing pace), as his internal muscles clenched and spasmed around the huge probe. Azu could feel each of these motions, and it only served to heighten his pleasure as he mated the coyote. Azu's long, flexible tail wrapped forward, around to Lanin's shaft. Lanin let out a sharp gasp of pleasure as the agile appendage stroked the head of his sensitive cock, covering itself thoroughly with his pre. Sufficiently lubricated, Azu's tail wrapped around Lanin's shaft and began to stroke it, stimulate it, moving to the rhythm of his powerful thrusts.

Their motions continued to grow in intensity, Azu's hisses and purrs growing louder to match Lanin's grunts and moans. The sheer volume of their enthusiasm, driven by massive lungs and vocal cords, was enough to draw the attention of the few in the neighborhood who were not already aware of their engagement. Camera shutters whirred as the pair finally reached their orgasms, nearly simultaneously.

Azu suddenly clutched Lanin tightly to him as he released an earsplitting roar, slamming his hips against the coyote's rear as impossible quantities of seed shot out of him, launching deeply into Lanin's body even as more of it, by sheer force and lack of space, leaked backwards out onto the ground. The sensation of the dragon's hot fluids pushed Lanin to his own climax, an incredible electric sensation of pleasure completely dominating his senses as his semen coated the ground of the center of the park, the sheer force of the gallons upon gallons of fluid knocking down a number of trees and a camera crew. Even as his conscious mind was taken over by the raw sensation, he resisted the urge to cry out his lover's name, as was his habit- such an action would certainly lose whatever anonymity they may have had.

The torrent of cum from Azu had barely slowed, the spell's flexibility leading Lanin to visibly stretch and bloat with the huge quantity of fluid as Azu emptied himself. The sensation was simply more pleasure for Lanin, already in the grip of the strongest orgasm he had ever felt, his own fluids still pouring from him. They lost all sense of time within the sensations; what only took a minute at most felt as if it was hours. They were lost within the incredible, burning pleasure of their experience...

Finally, the torrent of seed pouring from both dragon and coyote slowed, then stopped, as they reached the end of their orgasms. Exhausted from the effort, Lanin all but collapsed into his own sticky, white fluids, Azu promptly falling on top of him as they nuzzled each other, held each other, enjoying each other's company- wishing that they could have a bit of privacy in their tender moment, but knowing that was the price of their political demonstration.

The spell, having finished its other tasks, executed its last instruction. With a snap, Azu and Lanin vanished, the only evidence of their engagement the startled onlookers, civilians and newsmedia both, and the huge quantity of fluids that covered the ground.

Lanin was still bloated and streched with Azu's cum, even though he was back to his usual size, usual fur color, and usual place on the floor of their apartment. Azu, returned to his usual hues of green and yellow, remained relaxing on top of Lanin, cuddling into his soft fur, shaft still embedded in the coyote's rear. He whispered to Lanin. "Quite an experience, that..."

Lanin arched his back slightly against Azu, pushing himself against the dragon's chest, mrrring gently at his warmth. "It sure was... Rrr, that's something I'll never forget."

Azu's snout dipped down, to the side of Lanin's. He nuzzled at the coyote as he replied. "I'd say that spell was worth every cent we paid for it..." His tail unwrapped from the coyote's slowly-relaxing member as he pulled himself out, getting a grunt from Lanin.

Lanin rolled over under Azu to face him, getting Azu's chest quite sticky with the cum coating the coyote's chest- and now his back, from what had been deposited on the floor. He moved his arms up, holding Azu in a gentle embrace. "Definitely. And I hardly care if we get caught by now, it was worth it just to spend the time with you." With that, he slipped one paw behind Azu's head, pulled him gently into a deep kiss, their tongues pushing into each other's mouths as they enjoyed the gentle intimacy...

As the kiss eventually broke, Lanin and Azu again relaxed against each other in a soft, warm embrace. They remained like that, recovering from the exertion, enjoying each other's company for some time. Azu finally came to his senses enough to realize that there was something halfway under his right foot. "Hang on, Lanin, I'm standing on something." A quick motion, and the object had been kicked to within range of Azu's hands; he raised his head away from the coyote to see what he had been standing on.

It was the remote control.

"Y'know what, Lanin... I can hardly wait to see what the governor thought of that." Lanin laughed along with him as Azu turned on the television.


TYPICAL DISCLAIMER: This story contains explicit consentual homosexual sex between a male dragon and a male anthromorphic tiger, whilst in microgravity. If you have a problem with that, or you're too young, or you believe that reading further will...

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