A Heavy Load

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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This was day 2 of my personal challenge. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Verona had taken some strange orders before but this particular order was something else. It was so specific about the parameters of what the client wanted that she could only think of one person that might be able to fulfill the order's dimensions. The lemur woman smiled and picked up her phone, dialing the familiar number and waiting.

"Hello my name is Staci and thank you for calling Andel's Handel, where all your dreams can come true."

"Hey Staci. It's Verona. Can you put me in touch with Zero? He's not seeing anyone today is he?"

Verona could've sworn she could feel the voice on the other end of the phone blushing, "Verona? Uh...no Zero's not seeing anyone right now. I'll connect you."

"Thank you sweetie." Verona teased the nervous male, liking that he seemed intimidated by her. A few moments of waiting proved fruitful as the phone was once again picked up and she heard another male's voice...this one strong and forceful.

"Hello? This is Zero."

"Hello to you too, stud. I need a big strong gallant man to help carry a big load and you're the only man that came to my mind." Verona had to giggle to herself at her clever word play. "So, Zero, will you help a girl out?"

"Sure. I'm not working today, so you can call me Brandon. I'll be right over."


A knock on the ornate cherry wood doors brought an almost wicked smile to the female lemur's lips. She had another private giggle in her head before speaking firmly, "Come in."

One of the double doors opened and in stepped the man that she had called. The tall, buff, and very handsome looking gypsy horse looked ready to help with any heavy job she might need. He was wearing only a tight white tank top and blue jean shorts, both of which hid nothing on his sculpted form. Verona imagined that he could have any man or woman he wanted if he set his mind to it. She gestured to the black and white furred equine, "Please, have a seat."

"Uh...I thought you need helped...um..." It was at this point that the horse realized that she wasn't very clear on the details of what kind of job she wanted him to do. But there was something even more distressing, he suddenly felt very light headed and dizzy. The room was even spinning a little, "What..?"

"Oh dear. You don't look too good...you should really sit down." Brandon shook his head from side to side, grabbing the nearby chair and sitting down. He looked to Verona and saw a wicked grin on her admittedly still attractive face. She spoke as she stood up from her desk, "Yeah his scent has that effect on people. Brandon, I may have misled you with my message."

_"No shit!"_Brandon thought to himself, unable to articulate his words under the dizzying sense of vertigo. A moment later he started to smell a somewhat familiar scent he knew was sweat, but it was a much more powerful smell that any he's smelled before and despite that it was so strong and almost noxious he found himself being aroused by it. His blue jeans got tighter and tighter the longer he sat in that chair unable to do anything but take in more of that musky scent. Finally there was another knock on the door and Verona herself opened it to reveal the owner of the musky scent...a rather chubby orca that seemed to be sweating quite profusely. But there was something very strange about this whole thing. The scent didn't seem to bother the lemur at all and she was standing right next to the fat whale.

"Brandon, I'd like to introduce you to the man that will be using your services for the next three days. His name is William." Verona's voice trailed off in Brandon's mind as he looked over at the new man in the room. The blue jeans got even tighter for the horse as he realized that the orca was very handsome and very fat...just the way he liked. What also caught his attention was that fact that sweaty fat orca was naked save a pair of combat boots and work gloves. So Brandon could see the wet skin, the seat dripping down from the flabby pectorals, which looked more like breasts, and down the round rotund belly that hung over his crotch. The arms and legs on the orca were just as fat and sweaty and Zero felt the dizziness disappearing replaced by a hungry arousal to lick every inch of that sweaty fat bastard. The horse stood up, with his hands seemingly moving on their own to unzip his pants and pull his stiffening cock out.

"That's a good idea, Brandon. You won't be needing clothes for the job he needs done."

Brandon barely heard Verona's voice as he walked up to the obese orca, taking a big sniff of him, "You smell so good. Turn around so I can fuck that fat ass good and hard."

Verona giggled and waved her hand, "Oh I'm sorry Brandon, but that's not the job. I said you'd be carrying a heavy load. And you will be."

Feeling a sudden weakness in his knees, Brandon dropped to the floor, on his hands and knees. This brought his face closer to the fat male's crotch where the scent of his sweaty form got stronger. The scent drew his nose closer to drink down more of that noxious but arousing scent, pulling his gaze up with it. There he saw the surprisingly large cock and huge balls hanging between those fat thighs squished together around the heavy orbs. Words escaped the gypsy horse's mind - in fact all thoughts were evacuated. All that was left in this moment was to taste that hot sausage and those delectably sweaty nuts. Without a second thought, the long thick equine tongue began to lap at the dripping balls and tasted the sweet musky taste that made him press his face to the orca's crotch and take a big long sniff.

That's when Verona snapped her fingers and in that instant, Brandon found he couldn't pull his face away from the orca's crotch. He was sucking down all the more of that sweaty man's scent and he couldn't stop. But what struck him as even more odd was the face that he felt his tongue stretching and wrapping around the balls forming into a strap that would keep the balls right next to his face. His body began to shrink as well, his limbs all thinning out into straps as well. His arms stretched around the orca's big fat waist with his hands melting together at the top of the big butt. The former horse's legs were pulled through the orca's own legs and wrapped around the chubby thighs and melted back into his body once the loop was made.

"That looks cute on you William. Have a great time with him." Verona said and William left her office and started to make his way out of the building and back to his car. Brandon was now helpless, trapped between the orca's sweaty crotch and his low hanging flabby belly. He couldn't see anything, his world was limited to the heavy noxious scent of the fat man's sweat freely dripping down onto him and soaking into his fabric body, saturating him with the musky scent. And it would be like this for three days?! Brandon couldn't decide if he was cursed or lucky...but he did know that he would carry this heavy load with pride...then after those three days he'd show this fat man the really meaning of a heavy load.

~~F~~ I ~~N~~

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