Fox Story: Four Legged Fun

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This story was commissioned by FA: Heru and contains some of his usual kinks. Ass play, rimming, the works. Enjoy.

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Four-Legged Fun for Heru by Draconicon

Samu hadn't done much solo traveling before, but as a kitsune, he hadn't thought it would be very dangerous. After all, the plains were mostly empty after the great Barbarian Flood, save for a couple of villages here and there. The forests were likewise emptied, left as little more than base hunting grounds and lumber yards. Only the mountains were left as a source of anything dangerous, and he had every confidence that he could deal with the minotaurs and the other beasts that called it home.

Of course, he hadn't been thinking he'd run into a drake. The kitsune crouched behind a rock, his hand over his chest as flames spilled around the edge of the boulder. One second later, and he would have been a crispy treat.

Soon, the flames died down, and he risked a look around the edge. The four legged beast continued to glare at him from its spot along the path, its horse sized body big enough to block the narrow road that would lead towards the other side of the mountain. Samu glared, but pulled back as the creature's mouth opened again.

"Always with the fire."

He muttered and grumbled as the rock heated up behind him, pulling all his tails in close so that he wasn't getting them singed by the fire. The four of them were already bedraggled from the long day, and he didn't need them damaged further. He waited until the fire burned down again, and called out around the rock.

"Isn't this a little much? I just want to make a trip to the other side."

"This is my mountain! If you want to get across, you have to pay."

"Since when do drakes act as toll booths?!"

"Since the king started 'taxing' our treasure hoards with treasure seekers."

Always knew that was a bad idea, he thought as he shook his head. Tax the dragons to pay the kingdom. Really, what had the king been thinking? They might have been the richest around, but they also had the most power to bring to bear against the kingdom. He grumbled under his breath.

"You need payment? What do you take?"

"You want to pay?"

"I want to get around the mountain, so, yes, please."

"Okay...come on out."

Samu took his time, making sure that he wasn't going to get blasted as he slowly pulled himself out of cover. The drake, thankfully, seemed to be more interested in getting some goods rather than burning him to a crisp, so he took a few steps closer.

"Okay, okay. I'm willing to pay. How much -"

"Fifty gold pieces."

Samu stared slackjawed at the drake's cost. That much money would pay for a person's rent and livelihood for a month, and while he was carrying that much, paying it would wipe him out. There'd be no point in going over the mountain, particularly as the drake would likely ask for just as much coming back.

Yet, the drake showed no sign of backing down. He snorted and stomped a foreleg, bits of fire streaming from his nostrils. The kitsune had no doubt that the drake would burn him to a crisp if he tried to pass without paying.

So he'd have to try a different tactic.

"You know, I have something else almost as good as gold."

"I doubt it, but tell me."

"My tails are fine and shiny, wouldn't you agree?"

Samu fanned his tails as he discussed them, shaking them out. Bedraggled they might have been, but the golden orange sheen on them flashed in the sunlight, catching the drake's eyes. To his relief, the drake started watching them, and Samu started tracing symbols in the air, little signs, little runes.

"They're rather nice, aren't they? So shimmery and beautiful. Wouldn't you say that they gleam as well as gold."

"Yes...yessss....they do. But I don't...I don't think you're...offering a limb..."

"Not at all. But let me explain. Don't worry about looking at me, just watch the show."

He didn't need to speak much. For that matter, Samu didn't pay much attention to what he was saying, just coming up with bits of gibberish and other nonsense to say to keep the drake from paying too much attention to what he was doing. The magical symbols that his tails drew in the air began to gleam along with the fur along the limbs, and soon, the entire path was bathed in the golden light that they gave off.

He saw the same light sprouting in the eyes of the drake, and he knew that his control was getting stronger. Risking a bit of movement, the kitsune walked around the drake, keeping his hand on the entranced reptile's side until he was behind him. He was tempted to run off, but then he'd have a pissed off drake behind him. No, it would be better to take things a bit further, play the odds a bit more.

Raising the drake's tail, the kitsune chuckled at the presented pucker beneath it. It was just as evident as a horse's hole, though perhaps a little less ring-like. He leaned in, taking a couple of sniffs at the scales, and was delighted to find that it was merely a little sweaty, rather than smelly. Sticking his nose in a bit deeper, he found a deeper musk. A bit pungent, with a salty sort of tang to it, but mostly powerfully masculine.

"I long will you last before begging?"

Samu stuck his muzzle back under the tail as his own four, powerful tails continued to draw magical symbols to fascinate the drake. They shifted from simple distractions to other magics, more passionate ones, as the kitsune dragged his tongue over that sweaty pucker.

He groaned at the taste. It was rife with sweat, but as he licked it away, the taste changed, becoming slightly bitter, but hot as well, almost musty in terms of flavor. The scales were smooth, and the hole slightly wrinkled as his tongue flicked over it, leaving an increasingly thick layer of spit behind. He pulled at it, pushing his tongue firmly on the hole as he pulled his tongue over it, and then went back down again.

Bit by bit, he loosened the hole, tugging it open with his repeated licks and laps. Dragging his tongue between the drake's ass cheeks wasn't the easiest task, but at least they were spread wide, making it a simple task to get his head against the hole. The tail weighed down on his shoulders, but there wasn't much he could do about that as the drake grew more and more entranced.

Soon, he felt the drake shifting his weight, pushing back against his licks. Samu grinned, flicking his tongue against the hole directly, and he chuckled at the sound of the big reptile's moans of pleasure.

"Mmm, ready for your real payment, big boy?"

"What...what's that?"

"That'll be something long, thick, and hot inside your ass, drake."


"Trust me, it is the best payment you could ever imagine, far better than gold, far better than gems. And nobody can steal it from you."

That last part seemed to be the thing that convinced the drake, who presented himself with his ass up in the air properly, his head down against the ground. Samu quickly undid his pants, untying the knot that held them up and pulled out his cock. It was already hard in anticipation, and he only gave it a few strokes before lining himself up with that hot hole. His pre mixed with the saliva, and he slid the tip in easily.

Of course, the size difference between them definitely helped. Even though he was hardly lubed, Samu slipped into that hole with hardly any effort, his cock instantly surrounded in clenching, hot flesh. He moaned, pulling the drake's tail over his shoulder like a scarf as he started humping that hot hole as fast he could.

He didn't know if it was due to the magic or if the drake was just a natural tail raiser, but soon the drake was pushing back against him just as hard. Each thrust back made him groan, and he grabbed at the drake's hips for more leverage to pull himself forward to meet them harder. His balls swung forward, clapping against the drake loudly, and he bit his lips to hold back some of his groans.

However, it didn't help much, and soon he was moaning like crazy, bucking forward as the reptile pushed back against him. Growling and clawing at the drake's hips - and knowing he did nothing against those scales - he pumped his cock in and out of that hole, his shaft throbbing and oozing pre like crazy. He could feel it squelching around his cock with every thrust, and he could see it dribbling out of that hole when he pulled back to the head, a sight that only made him harder and hornier.

In and out, in and out he went, leaning forward over the drake as far as that heavy tail would let him. He panted, his tails twitching, losing their cohesion for the spell, but it didn't matter now. Even if the spell broke, he doubted the drake would stop; he was into it just as much as the kitsune was.

He growled, feeling himself coming to the edge of his stamina. Samu gasped, groaning as he tried to last a bit longer, but it was futile. With a hard grunt, he sheathed his cock in the drake, and came.

It was then that he learned that drakes had a load that surpassed most other creatures, as he immediately found himself standing in a deep puddle of drake cum that continued to grow with each passing cumshot from his partner. Samu grumbled as his boots were utterly ruined by the musky goo, but was unable to step back to get away from the mess until he was done with his own climax.

Surprisingly, the drake remained docile as he pulled out, not turning to burn him, nor trying to kick out. When the kitsune walked around, he saw that the golden light had gone out of the drake's eyes, yet he looked...tamed, almost.


The drake proved to be a fine mount, cutting down Samu's trip to the other side of the mountains by half. He ended up reaching the village early, and as a result, doubled his profits for the trip. It made the help of the drake even more needed on the way back, considering that he could never carry so much on his own, but that was fine. His mount didn't seem to mind carrying some extra burdens.

Particularly with the things that happened around the campfire after the sun went down...

The End