Corruption Story: A Bloody Army

A Bloody Army for Nataraj by Draconicon Orimon stepped through the red portal with a calm smile on his burning face, his crown of fire adjusted at a rakish angle as he closed the glowing gateway behind him. The heat in the air fell...

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Beads (Your Lancer Interlude 1)

The red-furred wolf visits a sacred location bearing sacrilegious thoughts. word count:353 * * * to the centennial battlefield, i was called. where once a victorious flag stood, a temple to her had been erected.

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Owning My Humanity -- Anger

So my fursona is one of sacrilegious, wild magic--of illusions, and impersonations, and sexual deviancy, gender bending, and conversion of men and women to a more carnal, and unified spirituality.

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Warm Up - 11 | Dying of the Light

Maim, mangle, and clobber- sure, but nothing this sacrilegious. and that his aforementioned compatriots did the work for him for he was their haggler on the under-table markets.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 2 - Only Love Can Break Your Heart

Both in memory and in her sacrilegious form. there was no note upon his awakening after the battle. his trauma had been set, and it only made him want luisa all the more, to run to her and weep into her breast.

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Monthly Inconvenience

It's a sacrilegious thought, but i can't help but imagine the touch of another man on my vagina. such profane thoughts have always been there; my new form, ironically, just makes them come out more easily.

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The Messengers 5

It's quite sacrilegious and-" tik tik claps her hands over her cheeks, squeezing them. her eyes sparkle with excitement. "wait, wait, wait! will... will i get to meet them all!?"

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Condom Transformation [TF, Hyper]

Do you really think it would be so sacrilegious if you showed me just once... just one night, nobody would find out about it anyways~" he snuggled up to the dragon enticingly, softly purring into his ear.

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First Time

The crucifix's metallic white, alongside the semi-hard penis in tj's underwear, gave sydney the most sacrilegious boner, and he followed soon after, taking off his black shirt and exposing his muscles.

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Play in Port

The sight of a follower of bast giving herself such pleasure on a knot seemed almost sacrilegious, but at the same time, so right. he reached out to her, pressing his hands to her hips, and squeezed hard enough to get her attention.

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MMIB: Monolog the Timeskip Away

Taking one more of the sacrilegious morsels, i stuff it into my mouth before getting back to the book at hand. literally, i was reading a book on geography and geopolitics of the queendom of australia.


Yazdar the Priest

His pious mind strongly disliked such sacrilegious voyeurism, but there was little he could do about it. with a low rumble, the crowd split to allow passage of the first gift-bearers of the morning.

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