Spring Break Chapter 1

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#1 of Spring Break

this is the first chapter of a Spring break story

two mouse gals having lots of fun in Ft. Lauderdale FL.

there is a lot of sex in this story, so enjoy


Spring Break

By Rick Coona

(C) 2006-present)

=Chapter 1=

"Alright! Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. We made it Anna!" a tan and white mouse said, as they pulled into the parking area of the Sand and Surf motel, their home for the next two weeks as they got out of a late model Corolla. The femme's almost blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was decked out in a blue half shirt with the chemical symbol for caffeine stretched across her chest. That was paired with hip hugger cutoffs that did a nice job of showing off her legs. Completing this ensemble was a pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on her muzzle and an open white lab coat. This was Sally Muskowitz.

Her friend and traveling companion Anna Green, on the other hand, wore a light blue sun dress and white floppy hat, her chestnut mane flowing over her shoulders. Having a fur pattern similar to Sally's, they were often mistaken for sisters. Being a year apart in age also made this understandable. Where Sally was fun loving and outgoing, her friend Anna was painfully shy. Accordingly, Sally hoped this trip would help her get over that.

"Well, it doesn't look like much." Anna said taking in the faded green Art Deco style stucco building.

"Think of it as our base of operations for the next two weeks, ya know a place to drag a guy back to and have him plow the poegees out of you." Sally said with a wicked grin as she headed to the office.

The Dalmatian standing behind the counter smiled as the two femmes walked through the door. He noticed that one looked lost and the other, in a lab coat? approached the front desk

"Hello there, and welcome to the Sand and Surf, the name's Allen, and I'm the manager, how can I help you lovely femmes today?" he asked. The lab-coated one grinned at the compliment.

"Hello Allen, I'm Sally, and this is my friend Anna. We have a room reserved under the name Muskowitz." She flashed him a dazzling smile.

_"Muskowitz?"_he asked consulting the registry. "Ah yes, here you are. I have you in room 212, middle of the second floor and one of the best views in the place. Now then, if you will just sign the register, I'll get your room keys." Allen said placing the large book on the counter as he turned to fetch their keys.

Returning a few moments later Sally saw the traditional key with the motels name etched on the oval fob. She even noticed they were on lanyards to hang around the neck.

"Here you go miss." he smiled at her quizzical look. " This way you you won't loose them, and always have a way to carry them, And as you know miss, most beachwear these days don't have pockets." He said with a wink holding one up.

"Good point, never thought of that." Sally grinned leaning in for Allen to slip it over her head. "Anna, come get your key," she said to the shy mouse.

"There you go. Now, if you need anything, just dial zero. I have all the supplies you may need, this _is_spring break after all." The dalmatian smiled with a wink Sally blinked, then chuckled, catching his meaning.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind, thanks Allen. Come on Anna, lets go check out our new digs." Sally chirped, exiting the office.

Bags in paw, Sally opened the door. It was a nice room, two twin beds, a Night-stand and phone, small table with chairs, dresser with the requisite T.V, light blue carpeting with sea foam green wall paper. The room featured a standard bathroom, boasting a shower large enough for an equine. Sally grinned at the possibilities. Coming out of the bathroom she was stunned at the view; it gave a panoramic view of the beach and surf.

"This is a nice room, what do you think Anna?"

"It's okay, which bed do you want?" she asked, looking at the one by the window.

"You can have that one and I can take the other, no big deal. Besides, all we are going to be using them for is sleeping and screwing anyway," Sally said, putting her bag on the other bed.

"Sally, you are acting like such a wench!" Anna said with a giggle going through her own travel case.

"I may be a bit of a quiet science geekette, but I still like to get laid. And by the time we are done, it should bring out the wench in you as well." Sally said with a paw on her hip.

"I don't know about that, but it should help me with this damn shyness!" Anna said.

"That's the spirit!" Sally cheered. "Now, let's get unpacked and scope the place out." she said hanging up her lab coat and checking herself out in the dressing mirror.

"You know, I like these cut-offs with the side slits, but I wonder if I should have made myself a set of daisy-dukes," the sexy mouse said gazing at her reflected form, and liking what she saw. Seeing Anna's shocked look she spun around. "_Whaaat?_We are here to have fun, and that includes dressing the part."

"We really should get you out of that sun dress and into something sexy." Sally said as she unpacked.

"Hey look." Anna said, holding up a strip of foil squares. Sally grinned wider.

"Cool, party favors! I guess they 'cum' with the room. Do you have any on you?" her friend asks.

"What?NO!" Anna squawked, dropping them back into the night-stand, her muzzle fluffing in embarrassment.

"Better keep a couple in your bag then." Sally said pointing to the small bag every gal seems to carry.

"Didn't think of that. Do you think I will need them?" Anna asks dropping a pair of foil squares into the black micro bag.

"Well, yeah, unless you want a bun in the oven." Sally chuckled as she pulled a string of six from her own little black bag.

"Whoa, looks like you 'cum' prepared as well." Anna said giving her friend a thumbs up.

"Damn straight, I don't take any chances when it comes to sex."

"Tell me something Sal, would you have banged my brother if given the chance?" Anna asked, sitting on her bed, Sally paused looking pensive...

"Truth? Yeah, I think so.. He's really good looking, has a brilliant mind and ever since our little playful encounter in the bathroom, I've thought about asking him for a more... in depth, rematch. He's got the skills to make it worth my time, and I'm wondering what else he can bring to a tryst. Why do you ask?"

"Welll...before we left I confronted him about fooling around with my best friend and he got the goofiest look on his face saying that you've got a sweet body, taste great, and would be a great lay in the sack. He asked if you'd be up for it?" Anna said with a blush.

"Oh,_reeeally?_Well then, I may have to explore that opportunity when we get back home. But this is Spring Break." Sally said pulling out a small bottle of perfume, grinning wickedly.

"Whatcha got there Sal?"

"This?" She held up the bottle. "This is something I whipped up just before we left. I call it Liquid Sex. A scent almost guaranteed to get anyone laid who wears it."

"What is is some kind of pheromone stuff?" Anna asked.

"Well kind of...I made it from my own cream. I put a bit of vanilla as a carrier. I plan on _'field_testing' it while we are here." Sally said. Anna looked horrified.

"You...you...EEWWW! How could you do that?" Anna shuddered at the thought.

"A buzzy toy and a beaker." Sally grinned. "What?_I figure, why not? It's not like I don't masturbate! And as you recall, I'm a rather juicy wench." She winked. "And one night I got to thinking _what if...so I put a dab behind each ear, then go over to the student union building to get some coffee. I must have been hit on by at least half a dozen guys, and was getting some sultry looks from a few Femmes as well. So I came back, fantasized about your brother really hard, and ran this experiment. I figured Spring Break would be a great place to test it out." Sally wagged her eyebrows.

"That sounds gross, I hope you don't expect _me_to wear any of that stuff?"

Sally grinned wider.

"No!_Ewww!"_Anna said waving her paws in the air. Sally laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll be the first to test it out, but not tonight--tonight we check out the lay of the land before we go hunting, and who knows--we might get lucky!" Sally crowed.

"Sally...this doesn't seem like you at all, what's going on?"

"Maybe it's being here, the sun, sand and surf with the idea of acres of guys to choose from. I may me a bit shy and reserved back home, but here I can let my inner hedonist come out and play."

"What do you mean, Sal?" Anna asked.

"Well, when I discovered sex, I found that I really liked it, with the right person that is. Some guys a real great lay, my first was...others seem to use a femme as a masturbation toy. Once in a while you run into guys who are a real dead lay. I mean it's like fucking a corpse! Sure, they are stiff but they just _lay_there! But there are guys out there who know how to really do it right, your brother is one by the way." Sally grinned. "It's all about giving and receiving pleasure." she trilled.

"Chuck was like that; I had the incredible luck to have him as my first. We can talk about him later if you want. He taught me about the finer points of making love. Not just '_Insert Tab 'A' into Slot 'B', Repeat As Necessary...'_No. He taught me that I could fully immerse myself in the experience, enjoying it to its fullest. We were really good friends, both before and after. I really loved our time together and would look forward to our next tryst." Sally paused, a broad smile shone on her face at the memory. "I got seriously depressed when he left, but then I figured there were others out there I could play with."

" Kind of like when we..." Anna paused, thinking of their encounter.

"_Exactly!_So I started to prowl the dating scene, when I'd find someone who looked promising, I'd go out with him and see if he had what it took to get me in the sack."

"Kinda a third date reward?" Anna asked, Sally shook her head.

"Nope.Fifth date." she grinned "That way I could see what he was really like. I've had my fill of third date one-night stands, so I bumped it up a bit. Most guys figure they'd score on the third date, and when they didn't it showed me what to expect out of them in a relationship."

"Wow, is that why you seem kinda quiet and reserved back home?"

"Bingo, right on the nose. I figure, he's not going out with me because I'm some trophy. I'm good looking enough to know that it's not pity dating, I can be an outrageous flirt when I want to be." Sally said striking a coquettish pose and grinned evilly. "Now, find something sexy to wear and let's see what kind of mischief we can get ourselves into."

They spent the night clubbing, dancing and flirting, as they mapped out their hunting grounds. Anna was starting to talk to a few guys, and even getting out in the dance floor. _'Well..._Sally thought, _things are looking good so far.'_This was just the start of the two week party known as spring break. There was already a good crowd of fun-loving folks here.

Sally found herself chatting with a rather good looking and buff Raccoon; they had been giving each other the eye and flirting outrageously with each other before finally grabbing a table. He was beginning a career as an aerospace engineer. _'good looking and smart, this guy looks promising,'_Sally thought to herself. They talked, they danced and she soon found herself sitting in his lap kissing him and having a lovely time, as his paws did a bit of wandering. Anna drifted over with a bespectacled somewhat geeky looking Skunk in tow. Seeing her friend was otherwise occupied, she started to turn when Sally called out.

"Anna! Come...sit." she called waving her roomy over, pointing at the two empty chairs. Once they were seated Sally turned with a grin thinking Anna might just score tonight.

"Well, it looks like you found yourself a friend?" Sally said seeing the Skunk she had seated next to her, 'N_ot bad'_, she thought.

"Uh, yeah, looks that way, doesn't it. Sal, this is Greg, Greg, this is Sally. "

"Oh, this is Max." Sally indicated her furry chair. "Hey Greg, how's she treating you, not _too_badly I hope?" Sally teased.

"Wha? Oh, no no, we seem to hit it off rather well actually." He said turning to smile at the shy mouse.

Max whispered something into Sally's ear, she drew back grinning madly.

"I'll ask." she said. "Hey Anna, if you want to drag Greg there back to our room tonight, that would be fine by me. Max here suggested I follow him to his place tonight, that way you two would have the place all to yourselves..."

"Unless you want to make it a four way?" Max asked with an evil grin. Sally playfully swatted the Raccoon on the shoulder. Anna and Greg_both_blushed at the suggestion.

"Behave yourself Max, or you might not have my way with you tonight." The saucy mouse said kissing him on the nose,

"Well, umm actually...I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I..." Anna said

"Naah go for it girl! Now you treat her right Greg, and _no spraying her!_Not even in the heat of passion, okay?" Sally said giving the Skunk a penetrating gaze. It would have been more effective if she wasn't grinning at him.

"Yes Ma'am, I'll try my best." Greg grinned back saluting the other mouse.

"Well okay then, Anna. Have fun, I should be back in the morning, so you'll have the rest of the night together."

With that, the couples went their separate ways. Anna and Greg walked paw in paw back to the motel.

"Greg, I just want you to know, this is my first spring break, and I don't usually meet guys like this, much less bring them back to my room,"

"Really? Well I'm honored. I've uh, never... my buddies dragged me down here and kicked me out of the room telling me I'd better meet someone nice or sleep on the beach." Anna stopped, turning to look at him.

"Oh god, you're kidding, right?" the Skunk shook his head, "Well, it's a good thing we met each other then, isn't it? Sally figured this would be a great way for me to get over the fact that I am painfully shy. So it looks like we can help each other out tonight." She said, leaning in and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Whoa, then I'm glad we met too...I guess this is a new experience for both of us then huh?" He smiled shyly; Anna found she kinda liked that smile.

"Well here we are, " she said leading him up to her room and ushering the Skunk in.

"Wow, nice place you've got here. I'm over in the Crest View. It's a bit... rundown. My buddy Bill likes it, says it's a great place to party. He had a couple of flash bunnies with him, telling me to go find my own fun."

"Well then...let's have some fun," Anna said, putting her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.

"Um, before we start, I uh didn't bring any..." he stammered.

_"Condoms?"_Anna asked. The Skunk nodded, looking dejected.

"Sorry," he said.

"That's okay, I've got you covered...quite literally it would seem." Anna giggled "There are some in the drawer, they 'cum' with the room. I guess they were figuring on this kinda thing happening." Greg breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Anna..." He said running a paw from her shoulder to to gently cup a pert breast. Anna stiffened with a quick intake of breath, then let out a sigh and smiled up at the Skunk.

"I'm a bit shy, so I hope you won't be too impatient with me tonight." She said, guiding him over to her bed. A smile scampered across her muzzle as he sat with a thump.

"Anna, we have _all_night. I'm _very_grateful to be here, and I really want this to be special."

"Me too. This is kinda like my first time...Being here, doing this," Seeing the slightly panicked look in the Skunk's face, she smiled. "Not having sex, but the whole spring break thing." Greg nodded.

"Heh, this is my first time too, I guess that makes us a couple of Spring break virgins." Anna nodded, starting to unbutton his shirt and running her paws over his white chest fur. "Thank you, Anna..." he said returning the favor and undressing his lover.

"Thank me in the morning," she said softly climbing into his lap and kissing him as he wrapped her in his arms.

Anna awoke to the wonderful warm presence snuggled next to her. Looking over at the sleeping Skunk, she smiled. He had been a wonderful and patient lover. Taking his time with her, encouraging her, making her feel special and so wonderfully loved. "Thank you," she whispered, a small smile on his sleeping countenance.

"Hmmmm. G'morning beautiful, thank you for last night." he said his smile growing at the memory.

"That was a lot more fun than I was expecting, and..." pausing as she slid her paw down his chest and over his belly. "Oh, looks like someone's awake." She grinned.

"Morning wood, go figure, must be the company." Greg smiled back. '_What a way to wake up,'_he thought seeing her cast a glance at the night-stand. She nodded and reached for a foil square. Straddling the Skunk, she settled in resting in his lap--a contented smile on her face enjoying the feeling of him filling her when in walked Sally!

"Oops, didn't mean to disturb you there," she said quickly closing the door behind her.

"Sally! Do you mind..." Anna stammered, still sitting on Greg's lap.

"Huh, no I don't mind at all, you two go right ahead. I'm going to grab a shower," she said waltzing off to the bathroom. Greg and Anna looked at each other and shrugged, getting back to the task at paw.

Coming out of the bathroom in nothing but her fur, Sally saw the two lovers cuddling in bed. smiles painted on their muzzles,

"So, I take it you two had an enjoyable night?" she asked, sitting on her bed and openly admiring the handsome Skunk.

"Oh yeah, Greg here is one of those guys you told me about. I..._We_had a wonderful time, it was the first time for both of us...doing it at spring break."

"Hmmm, he does look tasty." Sally said eying the Skunk. Anna whispered something into Greg's ear, he looked at her a moment and gave a nod.

"He is...feeling up to taking him for a test drive?" Anna asked.

"_Really?"_They both nodded "Well okay!" she said patting her bed. Greg kissed Anna on the forehead before getting out of bed, still a bit rigid. Sally noticed the absence of a condom.

"Uh, did you run out of love gloves?" she asked her friend.

"Nah didn't use one the last time, well we _did_for a little while... until you came in, I decided I was hungry." Anna said with a wicked smile.

"...Ooh" Sally blinked.

"So ma'am, what's your pleasure?" the Skunk asked the seated mouse as he stood before her.

"Well... let's see how you taste..." She said, reaching for him. Anna just lay back watching Greg pound Sally into the bedsheets. Plowing her best friend into a satiated puddle. This was a new experience for her, to watch. _'My goodness Sally was vocal!'_she mused seeing just how talented the mustelid was. Watching the two lovers cuddle in the afterglow, Anna smiled.

"Thank you Greg, you really are a lot of fun. " Anna said. The Skunk ratcheted himself up on an elbow, his expression radiant and arm draped over a rather puddly Sally who nodded her agreement, playing with his white chest fur.

"You are quite welcome, M'lady," Greg said "And thank you dear Sally, that was a completely unexpected and wondrous tryst, you are quite the passionate femme." he leaned over and kissed a sweet mouse tit. Sally squealed.

"Awww, thank you Greg, that was completely unexpected and more welcome than you know." Sally said wrapping her lithe arms around the handsome Skunk, pulling him in for a good morning kiss.

"You are very welcome as well, M'lady-mouse. Now, if you two will excuse me, I have some 'other' morning business to attend to." He said dragging himself out of bed and staggering off to the bathroom.

"Daamn Anna that was incredible! I really needed that after last night." Sally said sitting up tousling her hair. smacking her lips really enjoying the taste of that Skunk.

"What happened, wasn't Max any good last night?" Anna asked sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Eh, it was okay_I guess; he was kind of a 'masturbation toy' guy. Not that he wasn't fun, because he was, sort of, but he had enough staying power to really feel good. He just didn't, I dunno... _do it for me. Now Greg there, _daamn_that was one of the best lays I've had in a while. You really scored there girl, thanks for sharing him with me." Sally said smoothing out her fur.

"Your welcome, but you really have to thank Greg, I didn't think he was up for it after nailing him this morning. I guess there is something to be said for 'Morning Wood.' Thanks Sal, for being understanding last night and giving us some time together."

"Hey, no prob, I was just worried that you'd be too shy to score, but when I saw you flirting and out on the dance floor I knew you were getting over your shyness."

"Heh, tell me about it, maybe it was the beer that loosened me up enough to do it, but I said to myself, 'Hey, what are you doing just hiding. get out there and dance, meet people. what's the worst thing that can happen, they say no?' So I did. I just went out there and didn't care what anyone thought, I was there to have fun, and you know how I love to dance."

"That's where I ran into Greg, he offered to get me something, and I said yes. We got to talking and I was having a really good time with this guy. and when they played a couple of slow songs, he asked me to dance and we did. doesn't he just smell great." Anna said, Sally nodded in response.

"Anyway, I decided to see if I could find you and see if you wouldn't mind me dragging him back here. Ya know, I never did that before, I'm soo glad I did. Seeing you were with someone had me wondering if it would still be okay. I wasn't sure if I could do it with someone else in the room." Anna said getting up to stretch, scratching her belly and getting a whiff of herself making a face.

"Ugh, I reek, I smell like I've been rode hard and put away wet!" she grinned at Sally who nodded in agreement at her own condition.

"I_know_I just have, lets grab a sho--" the sound of the shower starting up caused both gals to giggle. "Shall we?"

_"Let's."_Anna agreed as they walked into the bathroom.

"Thanks Greg, you are a real sweetie, that was another new experience for me, a group shower." Anna purred as they brushed each other's fur

"More like grope_shower." Sally added. "Not that I'm _complaining, mind you." Sally grinned wickedly.

"Thank you ladies, and a fine time was had by all. I guess there is something to be said for showers designed for equines, it gives us non equines plenty of room to 'horse' around." Greg chuckled at the look on the femmes' faces. "I can't thank you two enough for what we just shared, but I should be getting back to the Crest View." The Skunk said pulling on his pants.

"Would you like to get together later, say meet for dinner some time?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, I would really like that, I'm in room 105 at the Crest View. Leave me a message and we'll hook up. Have a great day ladies, I know _I_already am." he said tossing his shirt over his shoulder and giving them each a kiss before heading out.

"That was _amazing!"_Sally said "I've _never_had a Skunk before. I wonder if it was just him, or are they all that talented?"

"I wouldn't know, he was my first. Hell he was my first non-mouse ever! and there were only three, no four others before him. Well _five_if you count us." Anna said with a wink.

"I'ddefinitelycount us! that was fun, and don't you deny it." Sally shot back as she was going through her suitcase deciding what to wear.

"I'm not! You really got me off. I've never done that kind of thing in my life! But with the movie and us snuggling together, it kinda got me in the mood, but I had no idea what you'd think."

"Well I guess you know now, don't cha!" Sally said with a coy wink holding up a white ruffle off the shoulder blouse. "Yeah, this will do nicely... This and my mini-skirt. what bait will you be wearing today Anna?"

"I was thinking... a bikini and harem pants." Anna said with an almost evil grin.

"Daamn girl, maybe I should rethink my wardrobe." Sally chuckled, pleasantly amazed to see Anna opening up and coming out of her shell.

"Why? you look drop dead gorgeous and you know it. That outfit looks really sexy on you and shows off your best assets."

=End of Chapter 1=