The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 4

Story by Noxious Photon on SoFurry

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#4 of Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Series

It's back! Indeed for however long i plan to randomly write it is back, so just sit back and read.

The sun was shining down particularly hot this morning. Through the heat waves you could hear the sounds of various Pokémon busy at their daily or perhaps not so daily grind, doing each of their jobs accordingly. And through the mist of all of it were I and Kojo casually walking toward our destination that Kojo had alluded to earlier, or I suppose in my case limping with my crutch. He had said we should fly there but I wanted to take a good look around the place and get a good bearing.

"So exactly what can I expect from seeing your soldiers anyways, you must have a lot of them If your one of the top leaders here." "Hmm well, I suppose expect a lot of bickering and chaos amongst them, I make order when need be and they understand my authority, but I'm only truly serious when I have to be." Somehow I had a feeling this would turn out almost no different from our own army, trained and ready when needed but otherwise very rowdy and teasy with one another.

Another thought had occurred to me however as it seemed we were getting closer to our destination. ".. So, exactly how will they respond when seeing me than?" Kojo sighed slightly from my question in an obvious fashion. "Well.. They'll probably give me a bit of shit for bringing in a strange looking girl with me, but don't worry they'll soon see I won't be having any leniency for that type of thing." "Well that's all and well but.. I more meant for myself here, I'm not a woman after all.. Will I simply be sitting back watching you the whole time?"

Kojo put a claw on his chin thinking for a second, then turned his head to me with a friendly smile on. "I guess you'll just have to find out once we get there!" Hmph, keeping it a secret I see. But even so he did in fact tell me that he must have plans other than me silently observing from the sidelines. "Oh but Axel, don't be afraid to act yourself around them alright? No need for too many formalities, I'd like to see if you can really handle being around other warriors." So that's what this was about huh, Kojo wants to put his thoughts on this matter to rest. This wasn't the exact way I imagined it, but I decided to take the challenge!

After only about 10 more minutes of walking we seemed to have arrived in the supposed military camp, the people around here were more notably much more I suppose.. Testosterone induced in general than the mixture from before. But the looks I was getting also changed a tad bit, before everyone would stare at me in either slight awe or curiosity, and now they all had the look of confusion on me.

But at the same time I think nobody even spoke up sense I was with Kojo here, a few even ignored my presence and greeted him in a fairly respectable way. But if I already felt like I didn't belong before in this place, I especially felt that way after coming here; everyone here was obviously very fit and had probably seen their fair share of action while I never even bothered to do pushups before.

As we went further within the military like area while making some mental notes along the way we seemed to be walking toward a rather noticeable line of soldiers, standing in order and waiting rather casually talking to one another. And as we passed them their volume level went down whilst becoming more inquisitive. A few people seemed to even be pointing and snickering, potentially saying some crude joke of some kind. And suddenly Kojo halted his walk and just as quickly shouted a word sounding like "Ekana!" And all the soldiers in unison shouted back another word and stood still toward Kojo's direction.

Kojo stared at the bunch for a bit before talking in a rather stern voice. "Now you all maybe wandering why I'm bringing this white runner with me to today's drill, and you may be wondering why I was absent for a few days as well; but most of all you may be wondering why I'm telling you this in English when some of you don't even speak it fluently. However I know most of you have probably already heard why from rumors, and I'll be saying right now I will not tolerate any misconduct or inappropriate words toward either Axel here, or anything having to do with this arrangement. Is that understood?"

"Ho!" the crowd of soldiers suddenly shouted back startling me a little. "I'm glad to hear it, now today's lesson will be the usual warm up followed by more specialty training. My three commanders here will separate the groups to which specialties they will be able to help out with."

And the two commanders slightly unsurprisingly where actually the two Pokémon I had met at the bar, Duncan the round electric type, and Lucius the Charizard. But the third was actually not Adam as I was slightly expecting it to be, it was actually a rather strong looking I believe floatzel as Mendel's book described it. But I could tell from the shape assuming Mendel was correct that it was a female floatzel, though I doubt the people here truly cared.

"Oh yes and men one other detail. Axel here will be watching and recording everything you do, but you are to not talk to her or disturb her in any way." In response the crowd of soldiers seemed to be whispering to one another unsure of what to make of what Kojo said. "Is that understood!?" "Ho!" the warriors responded without hesitation., and in seconds the drilling began.

Although I wasn't particularly as interested in the nitty gritty details on something as specific as military drill of a culture, it was still important to take note of as you will never know what it might say about said culture. And although the training was decently strict there was a lot more lee-way than I would have expected.

For the most part the groups and Pokémon knew what they were doing and did so in a very friendly fairly casual environment. Little bits of smack talking, joking, and basic inquiries were perfectly tolerable. Nobody got out of hand and started acting like a drunkard obviously as this was still serious work, however it was still none the less a relaxed atmosphere.

The commanders themselves seemed to basically act the same, they didn't take or receive any smack talk but made suggestions in their normal personalities for the most part, though never leaning to friendly sense they were still mentors; and even Kojo as a general was no different, though he seemed to get a bit more authority in comparison to the commanders when talking to others.

I also had to take note of the fact that what Kojo said earlier didn't seem to work on all fronts however. I could easily tell some of the males and groups were uncomfortable with me watching them intently taking down notes. Most seemed to simply whisper small things or comments to each other, a few seemed to be looking and almost checking me out a bit distracting from their work and sometimes even being punished by the commanders for doing so. A small few of them I swear were showing off a bit and trying harder to impress me or something; taking notes can be awkward when it feels like your reflecting more of your own species than of a tribe sometimes.

The warm up and training all together seemed to last a good 3 hours or so, giving me probably more than enough material on it. Kojo said some words in his native tongue shouting it to everyone and all the warriors seemed to completely relax and start talking with each other in their own circle, almost like lunch break in high school. Kojo fairly soon walked up to me and seemed to explain where everyone is going. "This is the point where drills end, and everyone as costume goes to the uhm.. baths, I think you call it, nearby."

I was fairly surprised to hear this place has baths enough for everyday use for an entire military. "Wow how many baths do you even have than, how did you get so much water?" Kojo seemed to snicker a bit at my question. "It's all natural hot water from the earth, we hardly had to do anything but some landscaping. We separate sections out depending on basic rank; me and the commanders get our own private hot tube to go into." It seems I barley have to ask the details sense he seems to understand at this point I truly don't know anything here.

"But more importantly, I want you to join my commanders in the bath." I was a bit shocked to hear Kojo say that. "What? Why?" I may have wanted to prove myself as a man but I wasn't sure this was such a great idea. "Men should be able to bath with other men no problem, without any of your silly clothes. You can handle that right?" He's being so pushy about this.. "W-Well I mean.. yes but."

I paused for a second making a light sigh. "Ok fine I'll do it, it won't be a problem for me but it'll be on you if something weird happens." Kojo only smiled slyly back at me. "Their my commanders, they already know about you and I believe you even met some, you'll be fine ok. Head over to the area with the red sign above it to get in."

I still wasn't sure about taking such a big step like this but I regardless followed what Kojo had said. I walked carefully into the door Kojo had mentioned unsure of what to expect. As I opened the door and looked around I saw a rather nice but basic looking establishment. It was made of simple but clean wooden structures around the rocks. The minute you stepped in you could tell it was the hot spring with how much steam was seeping in from the cave inside.

The moisture that was making the wrappings around my leg a bit uncomfortable reminded me that by this point I could probably take off some of the excess sense it was a clean break. I wrapped off some of the slightly wet outer "green bandages" leaving it so you could actually see the outline of my leg now. I was surprised at how well the bone was healing though, I wonder if there's more to these leaves than just bandages?

Regardless I decided to take off all my clothing at the entrance and put them carefully to the side, reaching into my backpack to at least wrap some linen around my chest, though I don't know how much it would really help considering I'm not covering my genitalia down there.

I still needed my crutch for support but luckily not underneath my arm anymore, I could at least put my foot down. I carefully walked further into the cave. As I went deeper I could hear the familiar sounds of the guys I met at the bar, along with I think the floatzel. They were talking and laughing, having a pretty good time relaxing it seemed. At some point they started to hear my footsteps as I walked in toward the water, suddenly getting a rather jaw dropping stare from all of them as I came into view. Shit.. I was hoping it wouldn't be an incline like a tube so I could maybe sneak in there, but they had full view of it all; I couldn't afford to act awkward though.

"Hey guys, Kojo told me it was okay to join you so I decided to head on in." Without asking I started to quickly get into the water to cover myself, putting my crutch to the side. However the "female" floatzel seemed to be a bit upset about me being here, with quiet a blush on his face. "W-W-What you mean Kojo said it was ok! I-I got no word of this!" Duncan himself was a bit embarrassed but tried to say something to calm her down. "Now now Rose lets uhm.. all be adult about this. I'm sure Kojo didn't call her down for anything like you're thinking.. uh *ahem* Right?"

I was fully in the tube at this point as they talked and could only frown at that response. "Are you implying Kojo is whoring me out to you three or something.." They all seemed to react even more embarrassed as I bluntly called them out. Lucius the Charizard was fairly quick to respond however. "Well uh I didn't anyways.." Duncan then spoke next. "Well I thought he may be set that up as a joke and you were in on in." Rose seemed to only sink her... or his head in the water letting out a few bubbles.

I couldn't help but laugh at this whole situation. "Haha what the hell, you guys thought you were really going to fuck me or something, as if Kojo would even do something like that!." Duncan responded almost a little defensively at that out of his embarrassment. "Well I didn't know what the hell else he could be thinking you know, and I don't turn down opportunities when I get them." Rose pulled her head out of the water to respond to this situation.

"Well he has done that a few times for us as gifts, but usually only after a successful battle or celebration.. But he always tells us about it, he knows I hate surprises like that!" His voice seemed to definitely notable be that of a female, but it had an oddly masculine flare to the tone.

Lucius coughed a little bit to get everyone's attention. "Ok guys let's all chill for a second ok. I didn't think that was the case but, after some thinking and from what I know of uhm, Axel I believe it was, this is actually a test." Everyone seemed to quiet down a bit to listen to Lucius.

"Despite her appearance as at least me and Duncan knows she has the spirit and personality of a warrior, and I think Kojo like the rest of us is still confused and is using this to see if he truly means he's a male or not, and how he would be able to handle these situations when living here."

Wow, I was baffled at how spot on and well thought out that was; figuring that all out by yourself with that little of information is not easy. And it seemed with how everyone else responded Lucius's intelligence was obviously respected. Duncan seemed to nod his head a little in response. "That makes sense considering he didn't even tell us. Hearing you explain things is always as soothing as the sun clearing the skies, thank god you weren't born in the south!"

Rose spoke up next. "I uhm think I get it.. The way she, or Axel I should say responded was.. odd. Are you really a warrior like you saying." It seems I finally got a turn to speak, and I started with a quick and confident nod. "From where I'm from your physical attributes don't tell you anything about If a person is a male or female." A lie, but it would be better for them to grasp it. Duncan let out a slightly annoyed sound while trying to think of something. "But that's so.. Confusing, I just don't get it. It's way better here, you can see that cute slender frame a mile away and tell that if there a lass or not."

I giggled in response to him. "Please don't think about it too much Duncan, I don't think you do well thinking hard. Just remember, I'm a guy trapped in a woman's body." "Hmm that sounds like a lame excuse to be with a bunch of commanders in the hot spring to me." Rose seemed to suddenly say putting an arm around me. "But hey I don't mind, as long as you're cute right?"

I only responded with a confident smile. "If that's what I takes for you to believe me, plus you're pretty cute yourself so we all win right?" Rose seemed to be suddenly taken back a bit by my response though and blushed at me, retracting his hand quickly a little bit. "So upfront.." Lucius laughed a bit at the sight. "She really is a warrior Rose, just a really good looking one!" I myself was feeling just a tad bit embarrassed by all this compliments, I certainly wasn't used to it.

It didn't take to long for the atmosphere at that point to change to something much more fun and casual, riding off the flow of the conversation. It was mainly jokes or questions about my culture and things related to sex or sexuality, something I couldn't escape as long as I was here apparently, but regardless it was a good atmosphere. By the end of it I feel like they practically didn't even see me as a girl anymore.

"And then she turned me down just like after I had already paid for half her alcohol!" I shook my head a little bit. "See you should have known she didn't give a shit about you and just wanted a few drinks" "Well I had a few drinks in me myself lad haha!" Rose quickly interjected the conversation. "Hey fellows we've been relaxing a bit too long in here I think, lets head back home for now alright. Lucius nodded in agreement and without saying to much we started to step out of the hot springs.

They at first offered to help me out with my leg instead of relying on the crutch but I didn't want to really rely on anyone just to walk anywhere, plus this was hardly the place to be asking that; it was probably for the best to avoid ulterior motives.

But even so as we were walking back, something seemed a bit.. off. For some reason everyone stopped talking to each other for the most part, it wasn't awkward and everyone seemed to smiling but.. I felt strange glances, glances that I couldn't see right away from them. And they were all just a bit too close to me for comfort, I don't think I was going to let them get away with that though.

Without warning I completely halted my walking causing the other 3 near me to awkwardly almost trip on themselves from stopping, without even saying a word It had become obvious to them that they themselves were being way to obvious. I turned around at them and simply crossed my arms with a serious look as they tried to avoid eye contact.

"We were just looking you know.. I mean as a warrior you can surely appreciate a cute female right?" Duncan said in defense." Rose then interjected with her own statement. "It's just that getting to know you and hang around you has made me a bit more comfortable being around you, and of course looking at you ." The others this time around seemed to jump on board in agreement to the rather flimsy excuse.

"U-Uhm.. we also haven't had any sex for like a few weeks or so, todays been the only short drill day with the South's advances." I myself had once thought humans to be overtly wrapped up in sex and pleasure to the point that it would be our biggest problem, but now I think these guys have beaten us.. But then suddenly as I was thinking that, I had remembered something important.

"So wait a minute, how long exactly have you been staring at my body sense the bath house anyways?" They were a bit struck back by my question. "Well I only took a few glances when you were in the water.. uh but outside it I've sort of been, starring quite a bit." Lucius answered, though he seemed much more embarrassed saying something that straight forward in comparison to the other two.

I thought a bit to myself, back when a very similar situation happened to my friends with a rather slutty girl wanting some attention. The question I asked was fairly pointless, but it reminded me about the fact I've been learning all this sexual information, yet I haven' taken down a single note yet! It might be good to actually record and talk more about related topics with these three obviously very alpha males, no matter how you look at it these sexual questions and topics are very important for understanding a culture, and being in the mists of it will allow me to really get some good answers.

I immediately put on my researcher mask and decided to get serious. I talked to them a little bit about the fact I wanted to learn more about this with them and how my thoughts spurred from today, though they were highly un-reluctant and partially wanted to go home now. In the end I somehow made a strange perverted bargain by choosing to sit down and do the questionnaire naked with the rest of them near the entrance to the sauna.

It's hard to say how exactly ethical or morally ok this might be to do, basically letting them stare at me a bit for info, but I could care less as long as I got the information this very second. Once my mind is on a roll of idea's, I will only make the best of it right there and then, I'll forget to easily if I don't start actually documenting these facts otherwise.

By the end it worked out however, just by me being unclothed I had their full attention for an entire 2 ½ hours, sex and dopamine is truly a strong drug. I asked question from the most mundane and basic in terms of how they viewed their society as a whole and themselves, to sexual preferences, interests, and so on.

"Ok that's the last of it.. Phew... thanks for bothering to take the time to do this, it's really important for my society at home." They all looked at each other a little bit and seemed to be thinking of something. As the questionnaire was nearing its end I did start to notice they were becoming a bit more quiet and solemn. "Hey is something wrong?"

They didn't respond to me right away, they first looked at each other a bit before Lucius was started to speak. "Well.. To be fair we didn't mind doing this sense you just so happen to be a bit cute and it was kind of convenient but.. you.. really are a guy aren't you?" I looked at them even more confused. "Well yah.. That's what I've been saying, and that's what you've been even saying to me this whole time right?" Rose right afterword took Lucius's place.

"Yah that's what we said but.. we didn't truly believe that honestly. I mean, It didn't seem un-sincere but we figured you were just messing around or using it as an excuse to get close to guys. We still tried to be nice about it but.. I uhm.. we well, we went along with it to take advantage of the fact we were around a cute girl; a girl who Kojo was somehow lucky enough to keep to himself that we partially wished we could have."

There was another moment of pause and silence before Rose continued. "But even during this questionnaire we only did just to see more of your body, and I think it dawned on us as you asked more questions still being completely serious that you were actually telling the complete truth, and that we had made the wrong assumption and took advantage of getting to see you without those clothes on."

Duncan sighed a little bit. "I wasn't lying at the bar though, I still sort of thought that to an extent but well; I'd be lying if I said I really fully believed it myself, I still thought a girl is just a girl. But I've seen past my initial impressions, this is no fluke or second guessing now. We didn't show you respect as a warrior, or heck maybe even respect we should have shown to a girl who really meant no harm, I feel deeply ashamed."

Lucius awkwardly fiddled with his fingers. "The deduction I made earlier had some merit to it but.. I also didn't really believe it, I don't get to many opportunities to be around good looking women in a sexual way, or as much as I want anyways. None of us really had it in us or wanted to turn down a cute fully revealed girl. In the end all we were thinking about this whole time was sex and as a result we made some false assumptions, sorry.."

All the Pokémon out of shame completely bowed their heads to me, they looked like they had just committed sin or something. It was a lot of sudden info to take in, but in the end, I really just.. didn't care.. "Guys seriously, please get up, it's not that bad.."

They peeked their heads up towards me after my comment. "I mean yah.. you kind of took advantage a bit, and perhaps thought a bit too much with your dick, but I also think I understand not exactly believing a girl coming out of nowhere claiming to be a dude and doing all these radical things. I think you at no point meant to actually harm me, and just thought of it as an opportunity to be around a as you say "cute girl". Shit my male friends at home have done worse stuff then that I forgive them for, I've always been an abnormality in terms of sex or cute girls anyways."

I kneeled down a little toward their level looking at them. Seriously its fine, we all make mistakes and misjudgments, so please just stand up ok." All three including myself slowly stood up a little surprised at my insight and forgiveness of the situation, but at the same time I could tell they really appreciated it. Rose even put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes, but by no means did it feel like before at the bath house. "Thank you for this.. I still don't feel we deserve your forgiveness for how much we let our thoughts and judgment get clouded. I promise to respect you as a true man from now on, as will all of us, thank you for looking past our shallow mistakes." They all did another small bow.

"But I hope you don't mind if we maybe masturbate a little to the thought of you." Rose said cheekily and once again overtly straight forward. Without hesitation the two others seemed to immediately shove rose aside on the ground. "Uh P-Please don't think much of that, that's just his style of dry humor."

Lucius coughed a little trying to compose himself "Please let us tell Kojo a little of what has happened here, although he is not as rash as us in the assumptions we made, he may not fully believe you to be a warrior as you claimed" I nodded my head in understandment at him. "I don't know the layout of this place yet, so please lead the way."

The Pokémon agreed to my simple request and started to head out as I quickly put my clothes following them. The sun had already started to set, and by the time we had arrived at Kojo's it was all but gone. The group walked up to his front door and gave it a few knocks, as we all waited for his answer.

The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 5

I took a cigarette out of one of the pockets in my brown jacket along with a match, lighting the tip with ease and taking a long drag; blowing smoke out towards the sky. It seemed that the moon was going to be full after another week or so, but even...

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The Alpha in the Forest

I wiped a bead of sweat off of my forehead as I continued looking through the dense forest I had found myself in for about a day now, the trees were sprouted out as far as the eye could see with only some vague looking paths, nothing I hadn't...

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The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 3

I ended up once again having a rather nice and very deep sleep that night, though I'm pretty sure it was just from the alcohol. I started to wake up once again to the sun shining right in my face and yawned a bit; I felt the need to start stretching...

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