The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 5

Story by Noxious Photon on SoFurry

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#5 of Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Series

Little bit shorter than some others but it's here!

I took a cigarette out of one of the pockets in my brown jacket along with a match, lighting the tip with ease and taking a long drag; blowing smoke out towards the sky. It seemed that the moon was going to be full after another week or so, but even without it being full the light it emitted was very vibrant this night, almost lighting up the place.

The commanders had been inside for a little while now saying they wanted to explain to Kojo the rather ridiculous events that had unfolded inside those hot springs. It seems that I'll always be doomed to be around males thinking too much about their own biology rather than using logic. But to their credit, unlike my old friends they seemed to actually understand their misjudgment and felt bad about it, at least that's one step in the right direction.

Just as I took another drag of my cigarette I started to hear some sort of incoherent yelling and pleading coming from Kojo's house. I couldn't understand the language but it sounded like Kojo was fairly upset and the commanders were trying to defend themselves.

Shortly after it became silent again and I saw the three commanders walk out of the house with the look of defeat on their face, almost like they were kids that just got reprimanded by their parent. They all seemed to be talking to one another but they were doing so in their native tongue, and didn't really seem to pay attention as they passed by me.

"I can't believe our assumption was wrong again..." Rose said and sighed. "That maybe so but you didn't exactly lay it on him very well yah know." Duncan said disapprovingly. Lucius crossed his arms. "I was the one that told you guys that Kojo may not have thought of this the same way as us but you didn't listen.." They eventually creeped away from my line of hearing, not that I understood anything they said anyways.

It seemed it was my turn to enter the household though, but unlike them I at least had nothing to fear as far as I was aware. I threw down my half-finished cigarette, grinding it on the ground with my boot and picking up my bamboo crutch before walking through the door to the house.

I carefully opened it and peeked my head through almost expecting the place to have thrown vases and furniture from the debacle, but it seemed to be perfectly fine despite my perhaps overly vivid imagination. Kojo seemed to be setting something up in the kitchen before turning around to see me, a smile appearing on his face as he did.

"Ah Axel please come in and sit down." I didn't say anything in return; expecting an explanation I sat down on the couch. Kojo quickly walked over and sat across from me drawing out a bit of an exaggerated sigh. "I'm.. really sorry about all of this Axe-" I put my hand up in the air interrupting him before he could finish.

"No apologies alright, save that for after an explanation, I feel I'm missing some critical information after all of this." At first I thought Kojo was simply doing a perhaps overly straightforward test in being able to see how I would mingle with the commanders, but now I don't even know if he's truly believed that I'm a male this whole time.

Kojo nodded in response. "Well there isn't too much to say I guess. When I asked you to go into the hot springs It was a small bit of a test you see; but also a little more than that. I definitely wanted to 100% confirm how much of a male you were claiming to be but, I admit it was slightly a bit of a prank toward my commanders having you a warrior like women go into the springs. I didn't doubt you were a Male really but I wanted to confirm things and figured you might even end up having fun with the whole situation yourself. But..." Kojo balled one of his claws like hands a little bit.

"But I didn't expect them to react that way. I thought after talking with you for a while they'd surely understand you really were like a male with a females body, but they let their mind get swept up in thoughts of sex and attraction just because you so happened to be good looking, and overlooked that. I can't say I'm that surprised considering there Pokémon just like anyone else, but I just didn't think they'd really act that way, so I'm sorry."

Now I think I somehow ended up feeling bad from this even when none of it was my fault. I was thinking Kojo thought something very similar to them and was using the test in a much more mean spirited way then that, but unlike them he seemed to actually really believe me and wasn't just thinking anything overtly sexual. If I wasn't already starting to feel a bit sick of guys constantly trying to show off their testosterone and genitalia to me I certainly was now. In the end it seemed I would be forced to get used to It as long as im here, but I think with Kojo around I'll be able to adjust easier.

I smiled back at him. "Don't worry about it Kojo alright, It's not really directly your fault and I can understand your viewpoint from this whole thing, unlike them you didn't actually make any assumptions and believed me." I carefully positioned myself around the furniture despite my leg and sat myself next to Kojo. "I think if anything I trust you a lot more than anyone else here after hearing you say that."

Kojo's wings fluttered just a little bit as he smiled from his excitement in what I said. "I think I feel the same way, life here has certainly become more interesting sense you came along. But uhm, next time you go to the hot springs how about I just come along instead of the Commanders." "Hmm we could do that but, don't shoot them down too much. In their defense they seem to have come to their senses and see their mistake; this problem I think won't happen again so it shouldn't be an issue hot springs or not."

"Well it's not just that though." Kojo did a slightly awkward pause. "It's also that they well, they got to hang around you naked for so long and I didn't, It's a bit unfair don't you think?" Well.. perhaps it's too much of a stretch to say Kojo doesn't always think like them. But yet somehow, I think I prefer his way of thinking and acting on it over those other three, he's not sneaky or creepy like that Zororak and he doesn't seem as pent up or clouded as his commanders.

In fact it was oddly endearing and a bit funny, I ended up actually laughing a bit from hearing it. But Kojo didn't quiet find it as funny and blushed a little with an upset look on his face. "I-It's not a complete joke.. why should my commanders get to see the cute girl or, guy I'm living with like that and I don't! And at least unlike them I'm being straight forward about it!" Kojo paused for a quick moment feeling a bit embarrassed about what he was saying. "B-But you don't have to if you don't want of course.. it should be your decision."

I stared at him a little bit with a hand on my chin, almost trying to figure out exactly what he was thinking. ".. You're quiet a strange pervert aren't you." He turned his head away from me with a small blush on his face. "Do you not like that side of me?" I laughed a bit. "I actually find it very interesting. I don't know of anyone that acts so bold and well, unique, in their needs and thoughts. I can't fully explain it but it's, endearing."

Kojo himself almost looked at me like I was the one weird here in response, but his face changed to something a bit strangely calm. "You know.. I've been around quite a few girls before in my life. I have ample opportunity for sex anytime I want as the Southern General, I could have more sex than even my commanders sense I actually get more free time then them. But.. I've never actually had sex before."

Now that was extremely unexpected to hear. "Really? Not even once?" Kojo shook his head. "Don't get me wrong, I find girls as attractive as the next guy but, I never quiet thought or acted like most others. I was never interested in it enough to be all over a girl only because of their looks, and even the many girls I dated for small amounts of time never really understood me to well. I think you're the only person that finds the odd way I act about my own err, perversions, to be endearing."

It's hard to pin my thoughts on Kojo. Human or Pokémon he seems to act a bit differently from most the more you get to know him, every new little thing I do learn is like a surprise. Anyone can make quick assumption to say he simply can't keep his thoughts to himself and just blurts them out, but I feel that's an over simplification. But since he is being this open with me, I should be as well.

"Well it's not a lie, I didn't say that to make you feel better; I really do find it endearing. And you know I'm not that completely different from you either." Kojo turned his head to me inquisitively. "Oh? Have you perhaps not, well." "No I have actually, with quite a few females." Kojo looked a bit disappointed and defeated from me saying that. "Ahh, I see.." "But.." I took out another cigarette before continuing, lighting it up and taking a small drag. "Every time I did it felt I guess, pointless."

"Pointless?" Kojo asked interested again. I nodded my head. "Sex interested me a few years ago I guess, but I've found it to be incredibly boring. I didn't screw random girls but about 3 that I dated over time. I did like them decently at first, and the sex felt good but.. that's all it was, good, or maybe even just "ok". I took another quick smoke from my cigarette.

"The longer I hung out with the girl the less interested I became. Their personality was always dull and they were much more interested in my looks than anything else, none of them shared my passions or had much of any passion other than being a dumb house wife. I dumped one, got another just as easily and found myself repeating that cycle three times."

I paused for a small bit trying to re-collect my thought. "I was sick of it by the third time though, I lost interest in even finding a relationship let alone sex. At one point I even started to learn that masturbating was more pleasurable and interesting then anytime I had sex with them, they might as well have been stiff sex dolls who occasionally said something to you." Really, what is the point in sex like that anyways. People get so hyped about how good I look just to get a chance to fuck me, and it barley feels any better than just doing it by yourself.

Kojo was listening intently and he himself seemed to be lost in thought like I myself was, before suddenly responding. "You know, have you thought about the fact you maybe don't even find anything attractive?" Kojo always seemed to surprise me with his questions and thoughts, I looked at him a bit confused. "What do you mean?" "Hmm well, we have only 2 or 3 shamans in our entire community, and it sounds just a little like something they would say. Shamans here are our witch crafting specialists, and in order to keep their magic and the spirits around them they stay away from sex entirely. They could physically have sex but their magic will be suppressed for many years if they do, but they say they have no interest in it anyways. Only one of our shamans actually had any sex a long time ago, and he specifically referred to it as boring and trivial."

For the first time being here I had actually become a bit engrossed in the words of wisdom from someone else, and only urged him to continue. "I'm not saying to become a shaman or something but, Its possible you are one of the few gifted in that respect. I just thought about it because, while I understand your feeling, even If I actually had sex with one of the girls I dated when I was semi interested in them.. there's just no way wouldn't I be able to enjoy it. Any cute girl just by looking at their body is too big a turn on for me to say it may just be "boring" I'd definitely love every second of it~"

Kojo quickly caught himself in his thoughts before continuing. "Uhm but well, I haven't done it because I want something more than just sex or pleasure is all, I have a feeling the pleasure and fun would be tripled if it was with someone I truly connected with." I wonder myself. I think what Kojo said may in fact have some truth to it, I didn't care much about either gender back at home but stuck with women just because of the cultural norm, when I actually had sex it was just physical pleasure rather than mutual attraction, nothing I couldn't do myself. Perhaps I myself may need to find that "something more" to even be able to enjoy it.

"How about tomorrow, I'll take you to one of our best shamans to see if we can find out more info." I quickly looked back up at Kojo as if he had awakened me from being stuck in my own thoughts. "Huh? Meet a shaman? ..Yah.. yah ok, that might be a good idea." I had a slight curiosity about myself in this matter but I also remembered again my duty, I need to be documenting and learning more about this society.

"Luckily the top shaman here just so happens to live fairly close to me and the military section, it won't be too hard to get there If I fly you over rather than walk." I nodded in agreement "Yes, I definitely should do that. Ok than, tomorrow we'll meet the shaman and I'll perhaps get to learn more about what you call witchcraft here." Kojo smiled "Excellent, then for now, how about we go to sleep, we've been talking for a while and It's pretty late now." I looked out the window quickly and noticed that the moon had already shifted its position to the left side, it really has been awhile.

"In that case can you help me get to the bed?" Kojo agreed and helped walk me with my broken leg to our shared bed, we laid back in our usual little spots and with very little trouble this time Kojo had fallen asleep, perhaps a bit exhausted from all this. It took me a bit longer as I had to try and reorganize my thoughts on all of this, but soon enough my own body started to give way along with my thoughts. But I couldn't help but wonder exactly how tomorrow would turn out if it was even half as eventful as today.

The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 4

The sun was shining down particularly hot this morning. Through the heat waves you could hear the sounds of various Pokémon busy at their daily or perhaps not so daily grind, doing each of their jobs accordingly. And through the mist of all of it were...

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The Alpha in the Forest

I wiped a bead of sweat off of my forehead as I continued looking through the dense forest I had found myself in for about a day now, the trees were sprouted out as far as the eye could see with only some vague looking paths, nothing I hadn't...

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The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 3

I ended up once again having a rather nice and very deep sleep that night, though I'm pretty sure it was just from the alcohol. I started to wake up once again to the sun shining right in my face and yawned a bit; I felt the need to start stretching...

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