Enjoy Your Party (WIP)

Story by TheSarcasticBandit on SoFurry

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A story about lesbian felines taking place in a fun little universe where there are heavily enforced laws against same sex relationships. I'm sure it needs work, but yay on time. (Muah!)

Darlene wasn't the way she was supposed to be. She knew that. There were laws. Being dragged to an institution and her face gracing the local paper's front page as she's being shoved in a van would be disastrous for her children. She just had to be put with a lawyer and he just had to go out and become a senator. Whoever was in charge of the whole ordeal was really fucking things up. Sure on the outside it looked good, the cute cheetah on the arm of a dashing fox and everything would just be so perfect. There was something that they hadn't taken into consideration though. Darlene wasn't the way she was supposed to be.

She looked at herself in the mirror, adjusted her hair and then she slammed her paws on the dashboard. "Fuck, fuck, fuck... Why can't it all just work?!? I..." She felt tears fall down her mottled fur. The cheetah wiped them away quickly and sniffled a little. Then Darlene did what she always did, she pulled herself back together and pretended everything was fine. She started the car and drove. She felt guilt rising up in her stomach, but the need was so much stronger.

The cheetah parked her car across the street from her destination. She scurried to the little house and was shaking while she stared at the door. After she went in she knew there'd be no stopping herself, but she also knew she didn't want to stop herself. Darlene assessed how she looked one last time and undid another button. Then she knocked.

"It's open!" The tigress waiting on the inside shouted. Darlene swallowed hard and ducked inside. "Hello sweet thing." The tigress jumped up from the couch and kissed Darlene on the neck.

"That's... inappropriate." Despite herself the cheetah giggled and felt herself blush under her fur. "So are we going to do any party planning this time?"

"No." The tigress kissed her neck again, then forced her tongue into the cheetah's mouth. "Why ruin work with all this fun?"

"Sasha we gotta do it sometime. I've been coming over every night for a week." She pulled herself from the tigress. "I can't- we can't... They'll take me back again. We can't get caught." Darlene rubbed the scars on the back of her neck. Sasha grabbed the cheetah and kissed her.

"Hey. I'm not stupid. Party's done. The politicians or whatever will be happy with their stupid shiny things and banners and food." Sasha's phrasing was less than reassuring, but the way she held the cheetah was more than enough.

"You're so great. I lov-" Darlene felt her emotions swell then her stomach acid rising. The last time she'd been shipped off to a sexuality consoling center was years ago, but she had received their most intensive treatment and the psychological trauma had yet to fade. Her paw clutched her muzzle as she fought to keep from vomiting. For whatever reason it was far easier to control when she was horny rather than in a gentle and caring mood.

"Yeah. I know. Shut up." The tigress grabbed the cheetah's ass and nuzzled her. "Just think about my paws...." Sasha ran her paws up Darlene's shirt and undid her bra in a smooth motion. "Think about my tongue." Sasha pulled the cheetah's paw from her face and kissed her. The tigress whirled her tongue around the cheetah's then licked her maw before kissing her again. "Think about my hot pussy." She put Darlene's paw on her groin, the cheetah could feel how warm and inviting the tigress was through her jeans. Darlene got on her knees and undid Sasha's jeans, she slowly pulled down Sasha's pants and panties. The cheetah licked her maw as she stared the tigress' perfect pink lips. Sasha petted the cheetah's hair and moaned as a finger was traced up her velvety mound. Darlene couldn't help but spread the hot pussy lips and lap at her inner walls. Sasha crouched a little so she could grind against the cheetah's thirsty tongue and muzzle. Darlene found it difficult to stay right side up as the tigress pushed against her face and caught herself as she tottered backwards. The cheetah gently lowered herself the carpeted floor then Sasha kicked off her jeans and underwear from around her ankles. The tigress idly rubbed her clit, but knew the one really being teased was Darlene. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you to... ride my face." Darlene felt embarrassed as she admitted she wanted to be used and left horny and wanting.

"I know you do...." The tigress sighed. "Gotta keep something in the tank for the husband, right?" Darlene didn't know what to say. It wasn't her fault it seemed like Sasha always came second.

"It's been awhile and he's getting whiny... I can't let him after you. It's-"

"Shut up and make me cum. Slut." The tigress pulled Darlene up by her hair, and put her pussy in front of the cheetah's mouth. Sasha never acted this way and Darlene wasn't sure she liked it, though her light feminine musk was mouth watering. Part of her liked how fast her heart was beating and how dirty she felt so she gave a few hesitant licks. "Ahh... lick it bitch." Darlene got into it. Her rough tongue circled Sasha's clit. The cheetah slipped a paw into her pants and toyed with her lips. Darlene moaned into Sasha's pussy, then the tigress let go of Darlene's hair and nudged the arm Darlene was holding herself up with using her foot. The cheetah fell back rather harshly. "You're not going to fucking touch yourself. You're going to eat me out like a good whore and get the fuck out when you're done." The tigress used her legs to pin Darlene's arms as she lowered herself on Darlene's face. Sasha roughly rubbed her cunt against the cheetah's maw. Darlene was a little scared and conflicted, but she stuck her tongue out at a half assed attempt to please Sasha.

"Sasha, I can't-" The cheetah sputtered out as she turned her head to the side. The tigress clamped the cheetah's mouth shut and looked deeply at her. Darlene could see the anger and hurt in her eyes.

"I know you can. Just this last time and I don't wanna see you again." Sasha's voice trembled a bit.

"Get on the couch." Sasha didn't budge. "I know I'm fucked up and broken, but let me do this right. For you. Please?"

"Alright." Sasha stood up and helped up the cheetah. The tigress laid on the couch and spread her legs. Darlene pulled off her top and took off her bra. She trailed kisses up Sasha's body and put every ounce of emotion she could into the final one on the tigress' lips, trying to show her how much she mattered. "Yeah, that's nice. You wanna get started?"

"Okay..." The cheetah was heartbroken, but wouldn't show it. She just pulled herself together. Darlene lifted Sasha's shirt and yundid her bra. She sucked one of the tigress' nipples and pinched the other. Sasha felt herself clench around nothing and groaned as the cheetah bit her. Darlene slipped a finger into Sasha's pussy while she toyed with her nipples. The cheetah let herself believe it was just like the first time when Sasha let out a shuddering breath. Darlene repositioned herself so she could lick the tigress' clit while she fingered her. The cheetah felt along Sasha's top vaginal wall for her g-spot. When she found it she added a second digit and rubbed her fingertips across Sasha most sensitive spot. Darlene swallowed the tigress's salty pussy juice that had gathered in her mouth so she could flick her tongue back and forth against her joybutton. When Sasha's breathing became faster Darlene fingered her harder, she knew the tigress liked it rough. The tigress couldn't hold back as her pussy squeezed around Darlene's fingers.

"Oh fuck!" Sasha knew it sounded feminine as it slipped out of her mouth and immediately clamped her paw over her muzzle. Sasha's muffled moans escaped between her fingers as she came and squirted on the cheetah's face. Darlene was relentless, she lifted Sasha's leg so she could go deeper. She started lapping at Sasha's pink pussy and used her thumb to rub the tigress' clit. The cheetah pushed her muzzle as deep as it could go and tasted the tigress for all she was worth. Sasha pulled at Darlene's hair as she grew close again. Sasha pushed down on the cheetah's head and arched her back as her second orgasm fell upon her like an avalanche. When the tigress regained her senses she realized Darlene had stopped, she let her head go. Sasha almost wanted to ask Darlene to stay, but that just made it hurt more when she got dressed and walked out without a word.

Darlene was so pent up she felt a slight dripping sensation down her leg. The cheetah cleaned up her face with a couple wipes she kept handy in her center console. Then rinsed her mouth with mouthwash. She let out a heavy sigh, at least her husband would be happy tonight. The cheetah turned the key in the ignition and got a dull click instead of the sound of a properly tuned engine. She tried again and again to the same effect. "Shit. Are you fucking kidding me???" She beat the dashboard until her paws throbbed with pain. The cheetah punched her husband's number into her phone, then locked the screen. It'd be suspicious if she asked him for a ride when their party planner has a perfectly fine car. The same with a cab. She knew she had to try and get Sasha to help her one last time. She slammed the car door after she got out, then ran to back to Sasha's house and knocked politely. "Can I please get a ride? Please?"

"Just fucking walk!"

"If I show up and you could have given me a ride he might suspect something... We're supposed to be friends right?" The cheetah heard how sad and pathetic she sounded. "I'll tell you about the last time... You always wanted to know." The door flew open.

"It's the last thing dammit." Sasha smouldered and the cheetah followed her to her car. "Alright. Talk." The tigress said as they settled into their seats then she started the car.

"So there were places. Remember? Where people would find the cameras and take them apart so people like us-"

"Lesbians, gays, you can say the words. Just can't do it." Sasha still sounded angry.

"Yeah. Where gays and lesbians could meet and, um, do stuff... There were some drugs and I made out this really cute, uh... I think she was a hawk? Anyway. The ones that set it up were undercover agents. We all got busted. At a weak point I kinda offered to do stuff to one of them if they let me go..." The tigress laughed at this. "That was my third strike. They sent me to Nephorum. In handcuffs like some kind of terrorist. There was a sexuality counselor there. He seemed really nice. A German shepherd. They all seemed so nice, it was bizarre." Darlene felt her eyes well up. "He strapped me into a metal table, there were little buttons on a remote he handed me, and a big screen above it. He shaved the back of my neck, saying he couldn't trust me with any of the nurses, and..." The cheetah was breathing shakily by now. "He drilled a hole in my head. Then he shoved wires up my fucking neck and in the hole in my head! He pressed a button on the remote and the screen flicked on. There were these two cheetahs, both girls, doing stuff to each other." Darlene felt sick thinking about the scene in her head, but forced herself onward. "Just as I started to get into it there was a hissing, no, a buzzing noise inside my head and I felt sick to my stomach and afraid... The counselor explained it was for my own good. That I could stop it if I wanted to. I just had to press the first button to make it stop. Every time I felt like it was okay and the girls on the screen got me excited it would zap my brain and I'd feel like shit, but I wanted to prove them wrong. That I wasn't broken, just a little different. The whole thing lasted maybe an hour, but they did it again the next day and the next. It took a week, but it drove me insane and finally I pressed the button. Just like that the screen flicked off and the buzzing stopped. The counselor said I was making progress and that it was also my decision on whether or not to move forward. He said if I pressed the other button I'd feel really good and if I kept choosing to press that button eventually I'd be able to go home. I pressed the button and he... He started to undress, praising me. Like I was a pet. When I wanted to tell him how disgusting he was the buzzing noise came back, but I felt like..." The cheetah paused to think. "I felt like I was on the top of a rollercoaster just before you go down the whole thing, but... more. He fucked me. I didn't want it at first, but it was like everything he did to me- Every touch felt fucking amazing. I started wanting it... After another month they sent me back. Ever since then I felt so sure I was fixed. Well until..." The cheetah wanted to say 'until you' but couldn't bring herself to do so. They were both quiet the rest of the ride.

"Hi honey. Home early?" Darlene's husband was installing a new flood light above the garage, but dropped everything to open the car door for her. He kissed her as she stepped out, she was caught by surprise. "I love you so much."

"Yeah, I love you too." She gave him a warm hug as Sasha's car sped off in a hurry.

The whole display was sickening to the tigress. She couldn't take it anymore. Why couldn't it all just work out? She knew she could never have what they had (even though it was against Darlene's will she seemed reasonably well off). It simply wasn't possible. When she got home she got her handgun out of its safe and leafed though a couple of papers in her junk drawers. Sasha found the one she was looking for, Darlene had made a formal invitation as a joke inviting the tigress to her pants. She scrawled the words 'Enjoy your party' over the whole thing. The tigress pointed the barrel at the roof of her mouth and suddenly she felt like she was at the top of a rollercoaster...