Buying the Farm - Commercial Rezoning

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Buying the Farm

Just goes to sure that not everything you buy at a farmer's market is organic...

A continuation on the Buying the Farm series featuring everyone's favorite parasites commissioned by Firewing84 on SF.

The farmers market bustled as the crowds of people clamored from each wooden stall filled high with farmer's products. One stall in particular seemed to draw a large number, the two felines that worked the front of it smiled to their customers as they handed out their prepared foods at a very low price. Not only did they have items to take home but they also had a number of free samples that the customers eagerly gobbled up. By midday they had sold out of most of their wares in front, the lioness and tiger apologized to the crowd and closed the shutter in order to restock.

"It seems that our products are quite the hit." A voice said from the lioness' maw even though her lips didn't move, at least until a thick pink snake slithered out of her maw. "It's too bad that we could only seed the take home goods and merely lace the samples with just our aphrodisiac."

The male tiger grinned and a similar snake pushed its way passed his own lips. "It is but we wouldn't want people to suddenly manifest their infestation in public." The other snake replied. "This way we can get them at home and continue our stealth, if we blow this too early who knows what forces might come against us? But we're doing well, by now the others have found the good doctor and all we have to do is wait and grow our numbers."

"Yes, of course." The lioness' snake replied. "Speaking of such, I do wonder how our 'children' are doing with our little charity mission."

As the farmer's market continued to bustle in the nearby alley a liger and lion crossed the street into an area where the town's homeless tended to gather. While it wasn't nearly as many as in the big city there were enough for James and Sophie to empty the baskets of foodstuffs that they had brought to them. It took every ounce of willpower to maintain their guises as the recipients of their charity thanked them with kind words and warm smiles. More than once the two infected creatures had to stop and rearrange their clothes, pink splotches appearing on their chests and groins as they tried to hide it as best as possible.

When they had finished their mission they snuck between the next alleys in order to sweep for stragglers when they suddenly found their way blocked by several ominous shadows. "Well well, look at what we have here." The lead wolf said as he stepped out into the light, a chain rattling in his paw. The two infested felines dug into the memories of their captive hosts and came up with a name, Archie Hammond, though from their host's brief interactions with him he preferred to be called just Arc. He was the leader of a small wannabe gang of canines that fancied themselves a pack, but even though they were mostly harmless in themselves they had been known to try and shake down people that they managed to corner in unattended alleys.

"Hey Arc, would you care for some of our homemade donuts?" Sophie asked as innocently as possible as she held out the nearly empty basket. "We've been giving them to the homeless but you and your friends can-"

The wolf whipped his chain around and smashed the pastry clear off of the liger's hand, which only left her standing there with an empty hand while Arc wrapped the chain around his own once more. "Though I'm sure you could offer me something much... sweeter than a simple donut I'm sure." He jeered, which caused the other members of his gang to laugh. "I'm thinking of a monetary donation however, a toll of sorts to allow you and your half-brother to pass by here unscathed."

"Are you sure you wouldn't consider something else?" Sophie asked coyly as she pulled up her skirt slightly and revealed her naked groin, the fur around it tinged pink as the snakes inside desperately tried to hold back as they used their host to entice the group. It seemed to be working, even without using a drop of their aphrodisiac she could see several of the males begin to tent.

Arc seemed to be taken aback by the sudden lewd gesture and actually took a step back, his normally confident demeanor faltered slightly before he regained his composure. "Look, all we want is the money." The wolf said even as some of his gang had looked at him dejectedly while their paws drifted towards their crotches. "Give us what you got and you can go."

"What, you don't want a piece of that?" James asked in an almost offended gesture as a wicked grin crossed his face. "Perhaps we could find something else to your liking."

"Boss, what the hell?" Arc heard whispered in his ear from his beta, a slightly younger wolf named Carter that had been friends with him since they were young. "You're questioning a prime opportunity that's just fallen into our laps like this? You should already have your pants down your ankles."

"Something... something's not right." Arc replied as he swallowed hard. As he looked around he suddenly realized the cause of his unease, behind the two felines a group of the homeless anthros had begun to move towards them. The group watched as several of them began to shed their blankets and clothes which had a pink substance caked on them while they walked. "Something's definitely not right."

As he tried to think of anything to say Arc saw one of his gang had moved forward towards the half-naked liger and had already undone his pants, but before the fabric had even hit the ground the liger was on him with a deep and feral kiss. The canine gang member's eyes grew big before they rolled back in his head and a strange pink substance began to leak from their pressed-together lips. Meanwhile James had walked forward and grabbed another of Arc's gang and to their surprise he began to kiss the other male in a similar fashion. What surprised the group even more was that not only had he not pushed the advancing male back but had grown hard from their kiss, which caused tremors of both concern and snickers to pass through the group.

As Arc looked down at the exposed canine's member he saw the normally reddish flesh begin to lighten, then turn bright pink as the liger's hands clasped behind his rump and began to creep closer to the opening of his tailhole. The wolf leader was too stunned to do anything but watch as her fingers began to turn a bright pink and extend out into long, thin tentacles that quickly began to push into the captive male. Some of the others had noticed it too and turned to Arc in shock and fear, only to have some of them turned around by the anthros that had snuck up to them during the erotic display and either locked them into similar kisses or had gone the extra distance and had already pushed their eager cocks or pussies onto the gang member's groins as a loud hissing filled the air.

"Run!" Was all Arc could shout before he and those who hadn't been ensnared turned to bolt back towards the market square. Both James and Sophie saw their movement and tossed their victims to the side, both wolves moaning with pleasure as their infested bodies quickly writhed with pleasure-inducing snakes under their skin and pink goo oozing out their noses and mouths. At the same time several of the converted homeless population had managed to block their escape route, their own assimilations complete as both males and females sported huge, bright pink cocks while their tails and tongues underwent similar transformations.

With adrenaline coursing through his system Arc whipped around his chain before he stepped forward and swung it with all his might. The metal links connected square on the lizardman's head and a torrent of pink ooze gushed out of his mouth and nose as he staggered to the wall. Even though it was a blow that would have cracked the skull of any other the infested creature merely looked up as several snakes began to push out of his mouth, all their eyes focused on him angrily. The wolf wasn't about to let the momentum fade and yelled for the others to attack and push through, the weapons that they held mostly for intimidation now used for their practical purpose. For Arc and Carter, whose weapon was a lead pipe, they had managed to have a somewhat easy time of it while several of their gang sliced open the skin of the host creatures only to be onslaught with a multitude of snakes inside that quickly overwhelmed them and crawled inside multiple holes. By the time the two wolves had gotten through they looked back to see that the rest of their gang had fallen, either openly rutting the alien creatures or standing up to look at them with hungry eyes.

The two didn't have long to look though as James and Sophie began to chase them, the two wolves running for their lives as they made several twists and turns to try and lose the strange creatures. After a few minutes their breath began to grow heavy in their lungs as they heard the sounds of the market square and, whether or not they'd be safe in it, was thankful for the crowd. They also seemed to have lost their pursuers, something that caused Arc to breathe a sigh of relief for before Carter suddenly clamped on his shoulder.

"You have to go." Carter said as he looked his friend in the eye. "I'll stay here, maybe try to double back and lead them astray." Arc was about to question why when he saw the long pink trail of slime on his friend's back. "You have to go now, I can feel it... inside me, growing... so horny..."

Arc began to step away as his canine friend began to grow stiff, one of Carter's paws stroking against the fabric as the other began to strip away his clothes. "God, you don't know how much I want to jump you right now." The infected male growled as tiny flecks of pink could be seen on his lips. As Carter ripped his shirt away Arc could see the bulges in the grey fur slowly slithering upwards as his cock became fully erect and then continued to grow even bigger. "Leave now... I'm about... to change my mind..."

The former pack leader took one last look at the other wolf, who had begun to rub his free hand against a rapidly lengthening nipple while the other stroked a bright pink, foot long cock, and then ran once more, the shadows of the other infected in his peripheral vision...


Just as a rather large group of customers left the stall Janice was about to close the shop to restock again when a figure seemed to appear out of nowhere with a dark camo cloak with the hood up. "Oh dear, you must be sweltering under those fatigues of yours." The lioness said as she reached over to a jug of laced pink lemonade and began to pour it into a glass. "Would you care for a free glass of lemonade? My own secret recipe."

"Lemonade huh, that must be why you're drawing such a crowd." The mysterious figure asked with a feminine voice as she reached down and picked up a jug of milk from the ice bucket it was in. The lioness began to feel uneasy as she saw the pair of black rubber gloves the woman wore as she turned away and brought the glass up to the light. "Here I thought it might have been the product that you were selling, the way I've seen people digging into the goodies here I thought you might have put something a little extra special to keep them coming back for more."

"Well we do pride ourselves on having the best baked goods in the town and I assure you that they are completely natural." Janice replied while the snakes inside her continued to try and get a bead on the woman. "Would you care for some? These are the last we have of the current batch of samples and if you taste anything you like I can get a take-home bag from the back."

"I think I've satiated my hunger for such things for now." The mysterious woman replied as she put the jug of milk back into the ice bucket. "What I thirst for now is knowledge, something that I'm sure you'd be more than willing to provide me."

The host lioness was equal parts fearful and curious at the cryptic nature the woman spoke in, especially since it appeared that she knew at least something about the creature she had become. She was not hostile though in case she had read the situation wrong though the snakes within her slithered as stealthily as possible to ready for a sudden attack. On the outside she put as warm and innocent a smile on her face as she could before she put the glass in front of the hooded female and poured the bright pink liquid into it.

"There have been some very strange stories floating about recently." The woman continued on while she played with the glass, the lioness watching intently to see if she would take a drink of the dosed liquid. "People disappearing, then reappearing as though nothing had happened. Then there are the rumors that the military base had been attacked by weird pink creatures, though anyone who would go there would assume that nothing had happened. The same goes for the police and fire stations, I've heard that they were attacked by huge, mutated people with bright pink snakes that seemed to come from their very bodies only to find that they're seemingly going about their normal business."

"Well, that sounds particularly gruesome." Janice tried to say with a sour face, though hearing the details of their exploits caused a strange mix of pride of arousal that nearly made her body begin to leak their ooze. "I'm not sure what I could do to help you though, I don't even think there was a question in there."

"Did I say there would be a question?" The woman asked as she picked up the glass of lemonade. "Some answers can be obtained without it, and I believe I've had my fill. Cheers."

Janice was just about to attack when the hooded woman tossed the liquid into the lioness' face, which caused her to sputter as her tongue reformed into a snake to attack the stranger. When she looked back up though her face turned from anger to fear as her gaze looked down the barrel of a shotgun. The shot echoed throughout the street and caused people to scream as the lioness was blown backwards into the wall of the stall. The snakes within their host had begun to flood up to her head to repair the damage, only to find there was very little. Instead the blackening of her face that the parasites had thought was burn damage was very viscous and sticky and had quickly begun to spread.

As the completely rubber-coated tongue snake writhed in the air and the lioness clawed at her head, only spreading more of the material on her writhing face and hands, the hooded woman turned to see those in the crowd that hadn't decided to flee had huddled on the ground together. "Everybody down!" She shouted as she fired another shot into the air, causing everyone to drop to the ground. "Market's closed for business, stay where you are and you won't be hurt!"

When it appeared she had gotten her point across the woman reached in to grab for her radio, only to hear a deep, unnatural growl and felt the presence of something rapidly approaching her backside. She ducked to the ground and caused a hugely muscled tiger to fly over her, though his claws managed to catch on the material of the cloak and rip it off of her body. As he tumbled on the street with the garment in hand the woman underneath it stood up, a tigress covered head to toe in rubber stood up and brushed the dust off of the armored bodysuit she wore.

"C'mon big boy." Ares said as she hoisted up her shotgun and aimed at the tiger creature. Unlike the lioness though the male feline was prepared for the shot and dodged to the left once she fired, the bullet splattering on the ground and covering a decent-sized area with the black substance. She fired again but by now the tiger was on her and knocked the barrel aside to make the shot go wide. With the infested feline in close range she jumped back and tossed the gun aside before the tiger made another lunge at her.

Even though Ares managed to side-step the tiger she suddenly felt something wrap around her wrist, the feline's tail had turned bright pink and grew a snake's head as it quickly coiled around her arm. She tried to shake it off but the tiger's c-snakes were incredibly strong and nearly threw her off her feet as he twisted around to pin him again. The tigress took her free hand and swiped down at the restraining creature, her rubberized claws quickly sprouting out into wicked talons before they were buried into the pink flesh of the snake. The tiger let out an inhuman screech and let go of her arm as pink slime flowed out of it onto her rubber flesh. She took a look at it before she flicked it on the ground while the two stared at each other.

"What... what are you?!" Michael shouted in shock as his tail snake thrashed in the air, trying to heal itself as pink goo oozed around and flaked off the blackness inflicted in the wounds.

"Your worst nightmare." Ares growled before she charged forward and caught the tiger square in the chest, both of them tumbled to the ground and left a trail of black and pink slime as they continued to struggle against one another. The tigress twisted and kept using their momentum to roll until finally they stopped with her on top. As she pinned him to the ground and punched him in the face she suddenly felt something press between her legs that caused her to gasp. When she looked between them she saw the bright pink organ of the tiger wiggle around several times in the open before the prehensile appendage finally found its target.

Ares let out a loud gasp as the thick, alien cock pushed into her rubber-covered slit, her feminine lips opened easily as it quickly slithered inside her body. Pink goo began to ooze from her nethers as the tiger's tail grew thick and a shiny pink as well before its head aimed higher. The tigress tried to dart off but Michael's powerful hands clamped around her hips and kept her still as a second c-snake began to spread open her tailhole. As she gasped in sheer pleasure the male feline's throat began to swell and a thick torrent of ooze poured out of it before several bright pink, cock-tipped tentacles pushed out of his mouth. The tiger groaned as the pleasure of the assimilation process began, only for his face to fall from happiness to shock when the tigress's face turned up in an evil grin.

"Before you take away my ability to talk I'd just like to say one thing." Ares said as Michael heard the slide load of a shotgun, his eyes and several snakes looked over to see the weapon the tigress had used held by several inky black, snake-faced tentacles that he traced up to her back. "Never let the fight get near a weapon that your opponent has dropped."

Michael and the snakes in his maw let out an inhuman screech and lunched for the tigress but before they could get close the gun fired and the rubber buckshot hit him square in the face. The snakes didn't know whether to flee or continue to try and convert the strange creature on top of them and Ares took advantage of their confusion to continue her own assimilation. A wave of black latex began to ooze down and coat the pink flesh of the snakes inside her as a very male organ began to push out of the otherwise smooth rubberized flesh of her groin. It grew to a sizable length and was tapered like a reptilian member as she slid down the writhing body of the tiger and lined up her sizable organ with the infected feline's tailhole. She could see that the ring of muscle began to stretch with more snakes to try and convert her but she just smirked and shoved her slick black rubber cock inside him. Pink slime oozed out as she used her new sex to plow the tiger as the bullet damage completely covered his head, the snakes retreating inward before the muzzle was sealed shut by the material that had begun to cover his body on all fronts.

Michael's snakes could be seen bulging and slithering just under the striped fur as the rubber Ares had introduced to his system continued to spread, the parasites trying desperately to find a way to escape the tide. One tried to escape out of the tiger's pectoral but Ares leaned down and clamped her mouth over it, a few rivulets of black escaping down his fur as the pink snake buried itself into the tigress' mouth only to slide back out completely covered in the same rubber as the rest of the body. She grinned as she watched it retreat back into the body which caused the latex coating to begin to spread over his chest as she continued to plow into the infected tiger's body.

It didn't take long for the former female to work herself up to her very first male orgasm, with all the pleasure she got from the rubber-covered c-snakes lodged in her snatch and tailhole and the writhing bodies around the sensitive flesh of her own organ caused her to climax. She could feel the snakes inside her quickly pull out and she gasped and shook in pleasure as they retreated into their host body to try and expel the black tar-like substance that she had just unloaded into the tiger's tailhole. By now the rubber on his head and chest had merged into one seamless sheet with the same substance that had expanded out from his tailhole and groin. Michael tried to move but as his arms and legs made contact with each other the latex merged together until it formed a tight cocoon that rendered the infested creature completely immobile as she pulled out of him and the rubber sealed up the tailhole behind it.

As Ares stood up and brushed off some of the pink slime from her rubber bodysuit and fur she took one last look at the completely encased tiger. His entire body swelled and heaved as the snakes within it desperately tried for a way out, those captured in the thick latex skin waved about blindly before they retreated inwards and left the smooth sheen of rubber behind it. For a few seconds the feline's body became very distorted, as though the creature inside the rubbery cocoon exploded outward as more snake-like bulges then Ares could count could be seen superimposed against the tight, shiny material before it finally seemed to give up and go limp. The tigress watched for a few more seconds to see if the alpha snakes would continue to fight their conversion and, when she was satisfied they wouldn't, turned her attention to the commotion in the market square.

"Status report!" Ares barked out.

Almost immediately a burly hyena came over as the rest of the rubberized regiment continued to fan out and control the panicked crowd. "Looks like there are no infected individuals, though we have detected and confiscated the contaminated food that the two alpha c-snake hosts were giving out." The soldier said quickly. "We have one squad containing the crowd while we assemble three strike teams to fan out. There appears to be nothing else, this is some sort of... um..."

"Breeding ground is the term you are looking for." The demonic dragon behind him replied, which caused the smaller male to gulp before he looked back and gave a nervous salute. "Had we not shut this down when we did we would be up to our necks in hosts, good work."

"Thank you Renzyl." Ares replied, her eyes fixed on the latex creature that stood before her. While his demonic features had always been imposing his body had become near-frightening with the new additions to it. Rubber-covered, snake-headed tentacles wiggled from his elbows, knees, back, and pectorals, while several larger ones had replaced his tongue and cock, though all of them had the same glowing red eyes as their host. Had she not known the source of it she would have been terrified, but considering the same creatures resided in her as well she had far less reason to be afraid. "I'm just afraid we may have tipped our hand to them too soon and for only a few alpha hosts."

Before the two could discuss further they suddenly heard an explosion from one of the houses, followed by the sound of lots of gunfire as the soldiers turned their attention to the alleyway while infected furs poured out from the smoldering entrance. These had no compunctions about remaining hidden, their eyes completely white and their fur covered in pink slime. Most of them were completely naked, several had on only what looked like leather jackets as they raced out with pink snakes stretched out of every orifice. As they rushed the squad of soldiers more of the pink goo shot from their reptilian mouths onto them. Unfortunately for them the latex-covered creatures seemed mostly unfazed by the drenching and continued to fire, black splotches appeared on the bodies as they were pushed back from the force of the bullets.

When several of the infected hosts got in close enough to try and penetrate and infest the soldiers they were in for another surprise as they found their own mouths and tailholes suddenly filled with shiny, black versions of themselves. When it was clear that the rubber anthros had the advantage they began to run away, some of the soldiers pointed to the liger and lion that seemed to command them but before they could mobilize their advantage the infected disappeared back into the streets. Much like the two alpha hosts that Ares had taken care of several of the hosts had become completely encased by the demonically infused rubber bullets, others had begun to pull black snakes out of their own bodies as the latex continued to assimilate them from the inside out. Before Ares could watch any further the tigress was interrupted as a male and female soldier came up to the two of them with a semi-conscious, half-naked wolf carried between them.

"What's this?" Ares asked as she looked over the shell-shocked wolf. "Survivor?"

"Yes ma'am... um... sir... ma'am." The otter faltered as she found her gaze drifting to the sizable bulge that was still in Ares' nether region until a sharp grunt from the tigress caused her to look up once more. "He had run out of the alley like a bat out of hell and alerted us to the wave of infested." The female reported as they propped the canine gently on his feet. "He does not appear to be infected."

"Well well, quite a feat considering the swarm we fought off." The tigress replied as he snapped her fingers in front of his face to get his attention. "What's your name son?"

Arc groaned as the sharp noise of the snaps brought him back to some semblance of coherence. "Arc..." he muttered, getting his 6bearings once more. "Those creatures... my whole gang..." when he finally regained his composure enough to get his senses back he looked past the tigress at the demonic snake-tentacle dragon and his eyes went wide. He had just started to scream when Ares darted forward and clamped his muzzle shut.

"Have we tried to put anything in you?" Ares demanded as she looked him straight in the eye, to which the exhausted wolf merely shook his head. "Believe it or not we're the good guys, as long as you're with us you're safe. Now can I let you go without you going completely ballistic or am I going to have to have a medic sedate you?"

After about a minute the wolf calmed himself enough to nod once more and the tigress sighed before she released him. "Alright, take him back to the APC and get him some pants." She ordered. "Then do a head count and make sure we didn't suffer any casualties."

"Already done, my dear." Renzyl chimed in. "One of the benefits of being in telekinetic communication is the instant reports. Unfortunately in the commotion it appears that the infested did manage to isolate two of our squad and capture them before their hasty retreat. Once we have locked down things here and perhaps picked up some new recruits we should consider our next move."

"Who were they?" Ares asked.

"The who is not important." Renzyl replied. "Any attempts at their rescue would be a waste of resources at best and an ambush at worst."

"Who... were they... Renzyl." Ares asked again, biting on her words each time they came out.

Renzyl sighed and shook his head, which caused all the snake tentacle heads to shake as well in a surreal gesture that nearly caused Arc to pass out again. "Private Conan Hutchinson... and Ranger Captain Jesse Donovan."

"They got Jesse?" The tigress replied in slight shock, which turned to cold determination as the demon dragon nodded. "Then it appears we have our next plan."

"I highly advise against-" Renzyl started to say before Ares got him off.

"You said I'm in charge when we made our deal, so this is what I'm ordering." Ares said before she got on the radio. "Attention all units, our orders are now this: we find our men, get them back, and exterminate these parasites once and for all!"

I Took One Wrong Turn

"To George, and his last night as a free man!" The group of men all let out a cheer as they raised their shots in the air, then downed them all before slamming them down on the table. While most of the men had just joined them at the strip club, George...

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The Key to Infiltration is the Proper Disguise

Night had fallen upon the kingdom of Thalreith, home of a primarily canine race that had gone from a scattered nation of packs to one banner under an alpha wolf named Thalros. When he had named himself the Prime Alpha the others quickly fell in line,...

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Remodeling the Garden

"Derek, wake up damnit!" Gryphon yelled as he pounded on the door to his roommate's door. "This whole photo shoot thing was your idea and if you're not up in five minutes I'm going without you!" Gryphon paused and put his ear to the door, and when he...

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