Swede Treats

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#9 of Bunny Games

A brief intro/teaser. Written 2015.

The nine small bunnies rode up the elevator, excitedly watching the numbers above the door change. 14, 15, 16, no more floors and a bell dinged. The doors slid open and they stared down the hall, glancing at each other to see who would go first.

"Go on, sweet does. Walter's waiting just for you." The taller rabbit behind them put his paws on two of the bunnies' backs and they giggled, gently pushing their friends out the doors. They looked back as the buck smiled at them and pushed the button to close the elevator.

"Välkommen!" They turned to see a tall, gray doe walking towards them from the room at the end of the hall with her arms outstretched. She was completely naked and very pregnant. "Vi är glada att ni kunde hedra oss med din skönhets."

The oldest of the bunnies stepped up, "Tack så mycket. Vi är..."

The tall doe put her paws on the shoulders of the small, black bunny, just a little over half her height, "Förlåt. Jag pratar inte svenska. Pratar du engelska?"

The younger doe smiled, "Jag förstår inte. Det gör inget." She paused just a second to set her thoughts in the new language. "Yes, we speak English."

The pregnant doe looked relieved, "Good. I learned a few things to say, hoping to make you feel more comfortable, but I don't know much more than that."

"Thank you very much for the effort; it is appreciated, but we all grew up learning English, as well as Swedish.Teresiaand Ide also know Japanese and I'm fairly fluent in German." A smaller, brown bunny tugged her arm and whispered. "Oh, and Alva is learning French."

"Oh.Bonjour, Alva. Je suis très heureuse de faire votre connaissance. Avez-vous appris beaucoup?"

Alva looked nervous "Äh, oui, trois... mois."

The tall rabbit chuckled, "It's alright. We'll be fine with English. I'm Anielle." She offered her paw.

The black rabbit shook her paw, "I'm åsa. This is Teresia and Ide." She indicated a red and an opal agouti. "There's Viva and Tyri." Next were a straw colored and a tan. "Marit and Kaja." A light grey and a white. "Gerdy and you know Alva." A tortoise colored and a small brown.

"It's nice to meet all of you." She stepped to a door near them and opened it. "Now, if you follow me in here, you can take a moment to clean up and get ready to meet Walter."

"Is he in there?" Kaja peeked around Tyri to see inside.

"No, he's in the suite at the end of the hall. We have the entire floor to ourselves. You can leave your clothes in here, use the toilet and shower, and if you're tired later, you can spend the night."

The small bunnies funneled in and looked around in awe. The large suite was impressive and they scattered to explore it.

"I'll come back for you in a little while. We should break you up into groups so as to not overwhelm him. I'll let you decide

Anielle closed the door and the young does erupted in restrained squeals, looking at each other with excitement at the thrill of actually being there, then scattered to explore the hotel suite.

Ide stared at the door, "Vi faktiskt kommer att träffa honom . Kan du tro det? Och vi är..."

"Speak English. We have to remember, so we don't offend him." åsa pulled off her clothes as she headed for the bathroom. "I am going to freshen up. Whoever is coming with me should, too."

"Helt otroligt!" Viva appeared in the bathroom door ahead of her. "This tub is huge! We could almost fit all of us in here at once!"

åsasmiled as she pushed past the blonde bunny, "We don't need all of us, just who is coming with me."