Chastity Story: The Punishment Cage

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Sanmer , we have a little story punishing a dragon for his arrogance.

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Punishment Cage for Sanmer by Draconicon

"Hey, asshole, you still gotta pay!"

"Yeah, suck my dick."

"I already did that, now I want you to fucking pay!"

Aurum threw the middle finger over his shoulder at the complaining rat, shaking his head a few times as he walked down the hall of the brothel. It wasn't like there was much they could do. His father, Aurum Goldwing II, was too big a person for any of them to mess with. That extended to him; if he wanted to have a little more than what he paid for, then who were they to judge?

He walked around the corner, and nearly ran into a bull that was standing in his way. The golden dragon paused, and then smirked.

"Get out of my way, meat."

"Ain't happening, Aurum. Don Rodentus wants to see you."

"Yeah, well, he can -"

"Your daddy ain't got the money for the Don to suck your dick, and I know you sure as hell don't. Come with me."

"Yeah? Make me."

"Thought you'd never ask."

The golden dragon hit the floor with a grunt, still shaking his head to get rid of the ringing in his ears. Whoever that bull had been, he had a hell of a good right hook, and Aurum's head was still buzzing from it.

Wait until my father hears about this...

He looked ahead as the bull walked around him, and realized that he'd been dragged up to the top floor of the brothel. Ahead of him were a number of people engaged in a surprising amount of debauchery, from a mouse getting a blowjob from a rat under a table to a lynx that was getting his cock ridden by a dragon. It was like walking into a public room downstairs, though everyone seemed to be acting as if none of the sex was happening, even the participants.

At the far end, seated on a raised throne, was a rich-looking mouse. He wore a dark red suit, and he had a black hat on his head, and a black tie on his chest. Though Aurum had never talked with the owner of the brothel directly, he could only assume that this mouse was the Don that the bull had been talking about.

He didn't feel afraid, despite the obvious respect that most of the others were giving the mouse. Why should he be? He was Aurum Goldwing III, and it wasn't like anyone here had that level of wealth, that level of power. If this Don Rodentus-whatever tried anything, then the lawyers would have a field day.

The bull was obviously saying something to the big guy, though, and Aurum knew that it could only be bad. As the mouse turned to look down the room at him, the golden dragon put on a small smile, as cocky as he could make it. The mouse stared at him for a moment before nodding at the bull, who shouted loud enough to make the dragon jump in surprise.

"Clear the way! The Don will speak to our little troublemaker!"

Little - you have no idea who you're messing with.

Nevertheless, he walked down the room with as much smugness as he could muster. If this fucker wanted to try and punish him, he was going to enjoy the hell out of turning him down. Aurum wanted to see the mouse's face when he realized just who he was trying to mess with.

He was stopped by the bull a full ten feet from the Don's throne, but he just chuckled. Leaning back and crossing his arms, Aurum looked the Don right in the eye.

"So, what the hell do you want?"

A gasp went through the room at that, but he didn't care. The Don really could suck his dick for all he cared; the dragon didn't want to waste time.

Rather than looking offended, though, the mouse chuckled, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands together. Silence lingered for a moment, and Aurum grumbled.

"Well? What the hell do you want?"

"Well, I guess I wanted to see if you're as big of a douche as I've been told, but that seems accurate enough."

"A -"

"But more than that, I was waiting for the reports from downstairs. And, ah, here they are."

A wolf ran by Aurum's side, carrying a file with quite a few pieces of paper in it up to the Don. The dragon shook his head, shoving the wolf as he ran by again. What the hell was taking so long? How long until they realized who he was?

"Hmmm, it seems that you have quite the record here, Aurum. You're double-dipping in the whores, getting anal when you've only paid for vaginal, even skipping off to the boys when you paid for the girls. Not to mention the accounts of abuse and refusing to use condoms when it's part of the business."

"You can't make me do any of that. If I want it -"

"Then you pay for it. It's a basic business transaction, something even your father knows, Aurum Goldwing III."

"You...know who I am?"

"Oh yes. And both your father and I am sick of dealing with your crap. So, with his permission, I'm going to be the one that teaches you a lesson. Bart?"

"A lesson? You're fucking joking, you can't - HEY!"

The bull was back, and this time he was shoving the dragon down to his knees. The big guy was just as strong as before, and Aurum couldn't do anything as his hands were yanked back behind his back. Some sort of tie or rope or something tied them together so that he couldn't pull them back around, and before he knew it, his pants were undone and his cock was fished out.

The crowd chuckled at the golden dick, and Aurum blushed. He'd never taken it out in front of anyone he hadn't paid for before, mostly because he wasn't packing QUITE as much as most dragons. The five inch flaccid shaft swayed between his legs, and Don Rodentus nodded.

"As described by most of your victims, five inches long, and weedy."

"You can't do this! I'm too important for this. You -"

"I am going to teach you something that you've long been lacking. Respect, modesty, and a good work ethic."

The Don hopped down from the throne, pausing only to grab something from a box nearby before approaching the dragon. Aurum squirmed, but the bull held him pinned. There was nothing he could do, even as the mouse reached down and grabbed hold of his cock. In his other hand, the Don held something else golden; a cock cage.

"Have you ever heard of the Cocksucker's Cage, Aurum?"


"Perhaps you should pay attention, then. The Cocksucker's Cage is part of an old set of 'cursed' toys. I don't know if they're cursed or if there's some trick to them, but they work. This piece, in particular, is a chastity cage...but with a twist."

The dragon shuddered as the golden cage was pressed to his cock, feeling his shaft starting to slide into the metal tube. It was strangely slick, and it almost felt like it was pulling his cock in as the mouse continued.

"In addition to simply restraining your orgasms, you will need them more. Your arousal will skyrocket, and your cock will be constantly needy. And as the final part of the curse, the reason for the cage's name."

The metal tube was all the way up against his crotch, now, and he felt it suddenly start to tingle. He squirmed with renewed vigor, but all he could do was watch as the tube seemed to melt into his crotch, the golden tube seemingly becoming one with his crotch scales. While it was still definitely metal over his cock, there was no gap where the tube touched him and where it simply covered his cock. It was like it had melted on.

"There is no lock. Nothing to hold it on, except for a running count."

"Count...count of - ugh!"

He collapsed forward, his body suddenly on fire as he felt something rush through him, like fire in his body burning him up from inside. The dragon fell onto his side, pulling himself into the fetal position as his cock strained against the metal. It ached, feeling like someone was trying to snap it in two, even though it was only trying to harden.

As he whimpered in discomfort, multiple hands reached out and grabbed at his clothes. While he rolled around on the ground, his pants were removed, and his shoes, and his shirt. Everything that he wore was thrown to different parts of the room, leaving him nude. He no longer looked important; he was all too conscious that he looked just like a whore.

Eventually, he was able to sit up. Drops of sweat ran down his face, and he panted in need as he looked about. The feeling he had whenever he looked at the crotches of the men around him gave him a good clue to what the cage did, but he had to know. He turned to the Don.

"What...What is the count?"

"Your cocksucking record. You need to suck 1,000 cocks to be released from that cage, to be back to 'normal'."

Aurum groaned, even as his cock throbbed again. His hips twitched, and he heard more people laugh than had ever dared to giggle at him in his life. It was like being in high school, before people knew who he was. Here, everyone knew who he was, and this time, there was no way he could use his dad's name to get some relief.

The Don laid his hand on the dragon's head, and Aurum reluctantly looked up.

"But I'm not heartless, and neither is your dad. We have a little offer for you, something that might help."


"Yes. You have a choice. First, you can go home, with that attached to you, knowing you have to suck a thousand cocks in order to get it off. Of course, finding them might be a problem..."

It would, and more than a small one. He didn't know any gay guys, and he doubted that he could find them without showing himself to be some sort of...whore. There had to be a better option.

"Or. You can work here as a whore, until you have done enough. Of course, you'll have to do more than suck, here, but -"

"I'll work here!"

"Heh, are you sure?"


"Then you can do your first job now. Bart?"

Aurum almost regretted his decision as he was turned around and faced towards his bull attacker, but as those pants came down and that cock came out...well, thinking wasn't exactly what he was doing.

The End