Cowbra Rising

Story by Fyreworks on SoFurry

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#1 of Fyreworks Stories

A little something for Draconder over on FA. :) I'm not sure if he has a profile here. I should double check! :D Icon art provided by Draconder.

Cowbra Rising

"Attention all passengers! Now arriving at Fyreworks Central. Please gather your bags and exit the train if this is your destination. The next stop will be Golden Cove station, and the train will be departing in 10 minutes. Again, now arriving at Fyreworks Central..."

Everyone loved the train. It was a behemoth of a device constructed with the local passengers in mind, that much was clear. It ran on heavy rail that was wider than normal, the cars were well above average in height and width, much like those who tended to ride within. As the huge electrified length of rail cars pulled to a stop at the central station, large doors slid open to permit folks to come and go as they pleased. Dozens of plus sized beings exited the train, and dozens more hopped aboard, making the jumbo sized cars sink down slightly on their suspensions.

One such plus-sized passenger was a most curious looking hybrid of assorted species, all tossed together in a rather cuddly arrangement. Anna was known as a Cobra Cow, and looked like what the name suggested. One part cobra, one part bovine, with perhaps a little blubber dragon or whale tossed in for flavour. That, or a passenger van of some sort. The large mass of mixed purple hide definitely appeared to have seating for a family of 5 or more.

Wobbling along as she walked, one would be hard pressed to notice what part of her stuck out further up front. Was it her immense belly? Perhaps her two huge and swollen breasts? Maybe the brilliantly coloured udder hanging under it all, and nearly dragging along the ground? In any case, Anna was a very large creature indeed, topping out at over 8 feet in height, and 2600 pounds. Carrying only a small bag upon her back, she looked perfectly at home in the large city built nearby the Fyreworks HQ industrial park. Many of the buildings were quite new, as occasionally things got a tad out of control at Fyreworks, and parts of the city were smashed flat under the swelling mass of some eager test participant.

Now the city itself was located several kilometres away from the edge of the Fyreworks site, which itself was dozens of kilometres in diameter to permit ample growing opportunities for those enjoying themselves. Plus, there was no need to rebuild the city every few weeks. A definite win! Everyone who lived in town enjoyed the fruits of Fyreworks labour to some extent, and were all oversized compared to the national norm. As of the last census, 10 feet in height was considered average, as was 3000 pounds or more. If anything, it made Anna below average for the immediate area. All of the buildings were oversized and well engineered to permit such large creatures to live in comfort, and city services were extensive to provide for the needs of such an expanded population.

With a smile, and a little swish of her pudgy tail, Anna set off through the crowds around the train terminal, following signs to the inner-city transit system. Much like the gigantic train she'd departed, the city came equipped with a sub-surface tube system, built for whisking giant creatures around quickly and easily. Other cities in the area had similar layouts, especially those that had been influenced by the Fyreworks lifestyle over the years. The giant sized regional train system was definitely a sign of the times. Waddling along, she attracted many affection filled waves and winks from assorted passers-by, and returned them in kind. The jumbo sized population definitely seemed to be a friendly sort.

It was a small matter to make her way out of the station and into a large plaza, flanked on all sides by shops of all sorts, including many lovely looking places to get a cup of tea and a snack. She made a mental note to try some of them when she had more time, but for now she had an appointment to keep.

Heading towards the centre of the plaza, and the ramps down to the tube station, she recalled the reason for her being here in the first place. It was a simple enough electronic note, delivered to her home, and requesting that she come to Fyreworks for a possible employment opportunity. Many had learned of the impressively fattening nature of the milk she generated, and some technicians at Fyreworks wanted to see if said milk could be combined with additional fattening ingredients to make a new generation of beverages for those who liked to maintain their tonnage.

She'd be paid for her travel, provided room and board, and paid a percentage of the business for life. Not a bad trade, for getting milked a few times a day! It definitely seemed like an interesting prospect, so here she was. The underground train only made a few stops before it swung outside the city lines, and entered the loop line that took people to Fyreworks HQ. She made herself comfortable, sitting down on a huge bench to wait out the 20 plus minutes it took to zip along to the Fyreworks station.

She'd heard good things about the place, as had many no doubt, and looked forward to some of the oversized antics that were sure to take place while she had a visit. She'd yet to hear of anyone who'd visited the main testing facility and not left at least a little larger than before they'd come in. After all, as the marketing team often reminded everyone, Fyreworks was in the Business of Bigness. All too soon the train arrived, and she was hefting herself up another ramp into the lobby of Fyreworks itself. Taking a look around, and seeing a giant sized rubber dinosaur manning the front desk, Anna knew she was definitely in the right place.

It was apparently a busy day, as plus sized individuals in coveralls and lab coats were rushing through the lobby and back out to offices or test chambers. Eventually a passing portly pachyderm slowed enough to notice the oversized figure of Anna waiting there, and waved her over with a sweep of one arm.

"Oh good, you're here. Sorry to make this brief, but we're absolutely swamped at the moment. A few tests are running rampant and there's been a spill upstairs... Come along with me if you would, I'll take you to a comfortable waiting area at the very least."

There not being much else to do, Anna happily went along with the ample individual, and was rushed down a hallway into a huge atrium building. A giant glass dome overhead let in plenty of sunshine, and illuminated indoor gardens, dozens of hot tubs and bathing pools. The cafeteria was also nearby, and fully stocked by the looks of things. The frantic employee left her there in the atrium with instructions to please wait as long as she'd like, and somebody would be by to fetch her soon enough.

Shrugging, Anna lumbered over to the cafeteria and was treated to a rather large cup of tea, a plate full of pastries, and an oversized chair to sit and relax with her snack. Polishing off muffins and danishes with single bites, she had only to glance over at a nearby wall and be entertained with various bits of programming that were on display. There was some test footage being replayed of early Fyreworks experiments, turning a bunch of different people into utterly massive giants, to everyone's obvious pleasure. Nobody had bothered to edit out obviously moistened pants and such, nor would anyone here want to bother doing so.

Sighing with contentment, and urping out a faint belch after tucking away a few thousand calories, Anna hefted herself up and decided to go for a walk. It was quite pleasant in the atrium, and it smelled nice too. Strolling along from one garden plot to another, something on the far side of the room caught her attention. Namely, a mound of white fluff rising up out of a hot tub, and spilling amongst the concrete flooring.

Approaching the rising mass of bubbly fluff, she noted a slime like trail of green fluid running down an interior wall and dripping through the ceiling, landing in the frothing tub. This was likely the spill the technician had mentioned, and apparently it was some sort of cleaner or bath product. Nostrils flaring, she couldn't resist leaning in to appreciate the delicate aroma of citrus wafting around from the suds, which appeared as soft as silk. Pondering enjoying a soak in one of the clean tubs, she turned to hopefully speak to somebody about storing her things, and slipped on a puddle of green stuff.

Being the top and bottom heavy creature that she was, her balance was thrown all over the place as she tried to regain her footing, thick arms spiralling around to no avail. With a loud outburst of surprise, she tumbled head over heels into the tub, producing a splash that splattered off an overhanging roof segment. Suds flying everywhere, all she could do was splash around with thick fluff obscuring her vision, churning up even more of a foamy mess as she struggled back to her feet. Something quickly began to feel odd, as her already tight fitting top and skirt began to feel tighter still, stretching out against her fat hide.

Gasping with shock, she managed to wipe the cloud of fluff from her eyes and look around, only to see the rather large atrium getting smaller by the moment. Huffing out a thick cloud of steam and more than a few suds, Anna could only groan as the odd sensations became blissful and rather sensual. Even as a few curious staff members poked their head into the atrium to see what the noise was about, the process of expansion was well underway. Those that arrived were treated to the sight of Anna quickly doubling in size, flowing out over the edge of the tub and bursting out of her top. Scraps of fabric were soon lost in the fluff as the rest of her clothing joined suit, and a very naked cobra cow continued to expand in size and bulk. A few brave souls stayed to watch for a moment or two, trousers visibly tenting, before they were evacuated by the order of somebody shouting over the intercom.

Fyreworks was well prepared to deal with such situations, and heavy doors sealed off the huge facility from the atrium, rolling down even as Anna rolled out ever wider. Huffing and puffing with barely contained lust, the massive creature doubled in size and doubled again, soon sprawling out over the entire atrium, filling it to capacity. Leaking milk from her bloated breasts and sloshing udder, all she could do was loose herself in a fog of excitement and rising soap fluff. Exterior cameras were able to capture a living purple wall of fatty flesh fill up the domed atrium to capacity in short order, before the whole thing stretched out and popped like an extremely durable balloon. Evidently Fyreworks rather enjoyed dabbling in materials science atop its usual bigness related antics.

Crawling forward on increasingly large hands and knees, Anna could only groan aloud in ecstasy, rolling around in the grass as she grew ever larger. The weight just kept on piling onto her frame, stretching her belly and chest out further by the moment, while her rump and thighs did their best to keep up. Somehow her immense frame remained at least somewhat mobile, though in her addled state all she could do was grope and hug at herself, while sliding and rolling down hill to a huge empty field.

Emitting a guttural noise that was one part roar, and one part moo, the gargantuan creature surged out to several hundred feet in height, and easily as big around as she was tall. Panting, gasping for air, and hefting simply massive sloshing breasts in each arm, Anna gradually began to regain her senses beyond endless rapture. Looking around at herself, and the rather messy state she was in, all she could do was chuff and blush from the pleasure of it all. Sitting up again, she glanced down and saw some random workers approaching via ground vehicle, and a few on foot that were rapidly enlarging themselves as they walked.

Blushing and smiling at the sight, Anna found herself being helped to her feet by two gargantuan muscle-gut equipped monitor lizards, who had also brought immense towels to help the freshly enlarged cobra cow get cleaned up a tad. They were a pair of very well equipped herms by the looks of things, still suited up in jumpsuits that had enlarged with them somehow. The one on her right spoke up while handing her a fresh towel, even as she handed back one that had been quite soaked.

"Sorry about the unexpected enlargement there, though it looks like you had a blast. We had a little leak in one of the labs, as I'm sure you found out. Hopefully you enjoyed the free sample! If you'll come with us, we'd like to get some of your milk for the techs to work with, if you're still interested that is..."

Smiling, and agreeing with relative ease, Anna allowed them to lead her along to the rear of the facility. A milking machine had been setup there, and with the flash of some roof mounted energy beam, the whole thing was enlarged to meet her current proportions. Grinning at the endless examples of growth based science at work, Anna stood by and allowed herself to be milked for a while, blushing slightly all the while.

Within the hour her rather bloated udder was drained, sub-surface tanker units were full to overflowing, and a few curious technicians had put on a few thousand pounds with a mere taste. Apparently being enlarged had curious side-effects with her milk production. The techs on duty thanked her for her time and patience with them on such a hectic day, and they informed her she'd had a sizable retainer transferred to her personal accounts to thank her for her time. They even offered a plus sized rubberized outfit to wear until she eventually sized back down to normal.

The extra-large members of staff were all too happy to help her squeeze and squeak her way into the incredibly stretchy garment, which clung to her like a second skin but breathed like she was wearing nothing at all. Smirking to herself, and clad in shiny black rubber, all Anna could do was pause for a moment to take a look at her immense figure as it reflected off nearby windows. She could get used to this.

With everyone having to get back to work, and the purpose of her visit concluded, Anna decided to say her farewells and wandered off into the distance. It looked like she'd be walking home for the time being, but that was alright. The subtle squeaking and heavy ponderous foot-falls as she went made for a very amusing distraction. Grinning impishly to herself, she changed her direction slightly and aimed for some mountains far in the distance.

She had a feeling a certain brown-scaled dragon and magic wielding hen would definitely want to get a look at her now. Who knows, perhaps they'd even want to come up and join her for a while...

The End

-Tombfyre 2015

Anna (c) Draconder

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