Gold Digger: Experiment Gone Wrong WIP 1.2

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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Gold Digger: Experiment Gone Wrong

"Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaaaaaa... Why do I hafta be your guinea pig AGAIN?" whined a certain seven foot tall werecheetah, her ankles and wrists strapped to a metal table. Her green eyes were glaring at someone standing off behind a bank of machinery in the laboratory she was in. Her black-spotted yellow hair cascaded down behind her, and her fur was looking quite ruffled. A human head with long blonde hair, and wearing protective goggles poked out from behind one of the devices.

"Because, Brit', your natural lycanthrope regenerative abilities are the best way to test the effects of this unknown type of radiation I discovered on living cells. You can't be killed by anything except magic, silver, or other werefolk, so you'll regenerate within minutes if you are harmed in any manner... And I promised you I'd convince your husband Stryyp to make your favorite Tuna Surprise Casserole for dinner," replied Gina Diggers, one of the world's most eminent archaeologists and scientists. Her adopted sister, Britanny Elin Diggers-‘Gia, sighed heavily.

"Just because I can regenerate doesn't mean this won't hurt like a motheâ€"" began Cheetah. Gina cleared her throat, cutting her off.

"No cursing in the lab, Cheetah!" she said, annoyed, "And believe me, I can't do this without you. Brianna's regenerative abilities aren't enough to guarantee her safety, and I can't use anyone else!"

"Alright, alright, ya big nerd... I'll do it! But you better make sure that my Muffin puts his secret-special superdy-duper sauce in it!" grumbled Britanny. Gina chuckled.

"I'll make sure he does the works, I promise. Now... Gimme one minute to finish setting up the Heinberg emitters and the extradimensional coil flux regulator..." muttered the adventurer, leaning down over a console, tapping away at a keyboard.

A loud hum filled the air, and several devices above the table Britanny was laying on began to crackle with electricity. Britanny sweatdropped heavily, and wondered if her will had been updated to include her vintage tuna can collection being left to her daughter.

"Okay, emitting Zeta radiation in three... two... one... MARK!" shouted Gina over the drone of the equipment. She pressed a button on the console, and suddenly a ray of energy emitted from one of the devices over Cheetah. The catgirl had just enough time to regret ever having signed up for this before her mind went blank. She began to spasm and thrash against her restraints, her eyes rolling up in her head. A yowl escaped her lips as her long tail whipped back and forth.

Gina's eyes went wide in horror, and she quickly tapped in a command into the console. Immediately the energy ray ceased, and Britanny slumped over, completely limp. The adventurer dashed over to her sister's side.

"Jinkies!!! Britanny! Brit'!!! Can you hear me?!" she said, shaking the werecat's shoulder. Cheetah did not react. Gina gasped in terror and shook her again, before dashing to find a medkit. But before she could, Cheetah gave a soft moan. The scientist sprinted back to her sister's side.

"Cheets? ...Are you okay?" she asked, tears in her eyes. Britanny opened her eyes blearily, looking around and getting her bearings.

"I... I'm fine... Better than fine. Whatever that was, it felt great!!!" she said, almost cheerfully. Gina's jaw dropped for a moment, then snapped shut. She glared at the werecheetah, still restrained to the table.

"You scared the heck outta me! You looked like you were having a seizure!" Gina growled angrily.

"No, I was jerking around in pleasure! I lost control of my muscles! It felt like... Well, I dunno what it felt like but it was spectacular! I passed out for a moment afterwards because it felt so good!" explained Britanny. Gina sighed in relief.

"O-Okay... Just... Don't scare me like that! All right... How do you feel? Anything weird, out of place?" asked Gina, getting back into her science mode. Cheetah looked thoughtful, taking stock of herself.

"Uh... Now that you mention it... I feel kinda weird down..." Cheetah trailed off, her cheeks turning bright red as she suddenly blushed. Gina raised an eyebrow.

"Down? Down where?" she asked. The werecat blushed deeper.

"Down THERE..." said Britanny with significance, tilting her head downwards. Now Gina began to blush too.

"THERE? Y-You mean, THERE?" she asked. Cheetah nodded.

"Yeah, THERE," said Britanny. Gina took a deep breath.

"Okay... Strip," she said. Cheetah blinked in shock.

"S-Say WHAT?!"

"You heard me. Get your clothes off. I'll unlock the restraints," replied Gina, bluntly. Even as she spoke, she tapped a control on the side of the table and the metal locks around Britanny's wrists and ankles unlatched. The werecheetah sat up, rubbed her wrists, and stared at her sister.


"Oh, come ON, Brit'. I have several PhDs. I'm your physician and your SISTER for pete's sake! I've seen you naked hundreds of times, even when we were growing up. Now strip already, so I can see if anything's wrong!" Gina said, urgently.

Cheetah sighed and pulled off her t-shirt. Underneath, she wore no bra, so her big, firm breasts bounced free, jiggling with her movements. Not aroused at the moment, her nipples were hidden under the creamy white fur covering her chest. The werecheetah slipped down her pants, then blushed deeply as she slowly pulled off her panties. Her cleft was likewise hidden under a thick layer of fur. But there was something strange...

"There's a lump!" exclaimed Gina. Cheetah glanced down. Sure enough, there was a slight bulge above her vagina. Cheetah blushed deeper, suddenly and squeaked. Gina looked up, tilting her head to the side, looking rather confused about her sister's reaction.

"...I..." began Britanny, before swallowing, "...I th-think I know what that is... I recognize i-it..."

Gina looked down at the bulge, then up at Cheetah and said, "What is it?"

"It's a sheath... It looks just like S-Stryyp's..." stammered the werecheetah. Gina suddenly blushed as well.

"A sheath... You mean, a MALE sheath?!" Gina exclaimed. Cheetah covered her face and nodded once. Gina scratched her head.

"I wasn't anticipating THIS... The Zeta radiation must've done something to your DNA... I'm so sorry sis!" the scientist said. Britanny sighed.

"It's alright... I've been through worse with your experiments, I suppose... That one time you tested the Beta Ring on me for example... You... can reverse this, right?" Cheetah said, beginning to calm down once the shock wore off. Gina stood up.

"Well, yeah, I'm not the best geneticist there is, but I borrowed some of Penny Pincer's equipment, and her genetics technology is better than mine. I'll need to give you a complete bioscan to figure out what happened, but I'm 99 point 99999999999999999 percent certain that I can reverse this," replied Gina, "Just come with me..."


Several hours passed. Gina had scanned Britanny up, down, left, and right, and had changed her opinion to being one-hundred percent certain she could reverse Cheetah's "condition." She had found that the werecheetah now possessed a fully functional male penis over her cleft, fully integrated into her anatomy. Gina advised the catgirl to just go about her daily business, and not to worry, while she recalibrated her equipment. Her sister had also said not to shift out of her hybrid form into her human or cheetah forms, for fear of the Zeta radiation interfering with the magic that allowed Britanny to transform. This was fine with Britanny considering she spent ninety-nine percent of her time in hybrid form anyway. Gina had said that it would take her about twenty-four hours to complete the necessary alterations to the device she was going to use to revert Cheetah to normal. She also told Cheetah to immediately contact her if she felt any symptoms. But, Gina was also fairly certain that the Zeta radiation would not cause her or any organic being any harm.

On the bright side, she had come through for her sister on her promise and had convinced Britanny's husband, Stryyp'Gia to make her favorite dinner. Britanny had refrained from informing her husband about her condition, preferring not to embarrass herself.

And so, night fell, and Cheetah got ready for bed. She was in the shower, and began to soap down her body. Her paws worked the lather into her fur and she hummed as she worked. Her paws slid over her shoulders, then down over her breasts. Her fur was matted down, showing the true shape of her body. As a werecheetah, she was extremely tall and muscular, able to shot-put a pickup truck without any visible strain. But at the same time, she was very feminine, all curves. She smiled as she kneaded her ample breasts, moaning as she worked the lather over her sensitive pink nipples, feeling them grow hard and poke into her hands. On any other woman, her breasts would be hugely out of proportion, but Cheetah's werecat build allowed her to carry them with ease, and look good doing it. One hand slowly pinched and rolled her nipple while the other ghosted through the silky fur of her stomach, intending to slip a finger into her cunny. But she had forgotten about her new part temporarily, and was soon reminded as her hand bumped into her sheath. Cheetah glanced down and sighed heavily. She reached up to grab the soap again and get washed off, the urge to masturbate gone, but before she did, curiosity took hold of her.

~Hrm... I hafta admit... I have always been curious what it's like for the other gender... I can't waste this opportunity,~ she thought. She gently ran a fingertip over her pouch, and immediately let out a moan.

~W-Wow! Th-That's sensitive!~ she thought, surprised. She gasped as she slowly began to stroke it, moving her paw in the same way she had done to her husband hundreds of times before. She moaned as she felt her body begin to respond; new sensations began to course through her, and the sheath bulged out as blood began to fill it. It only took a moment, and the head of her new shaft poked free for the first time. Britanny looked at it in awe, watching as it twitched and throbbed, slowly followed by inch after inch of shaft. For all intents and purposes, it was humanoid in shape, the only non-human detail being the sheath. Cheetah ran one of her claws around the tip and let out a quiet cry, bucking her hips forward as it gave a powerful throb, and she felt her thighs grow damp with more than just water.

Britanny watched, fascinated, as her penis slowly reached full erection, pulsing with her heartbeat. It stood proud at over fourteen inches by her best estimate, and was fairly thick. The tip came just short of her navel, brushing against the soft fur. As the hot water beat down upon her body, her shaft got caught in the stream, and she let out a cry from the pleasure it sent through her. Her knees buckled under her and she fell to the floor, mewling happily. She couldn't hold back any longer, and took her cock in hand, stroking up and down, moaning and gasping in delight. Her tail swished behind her and she found herself purring as she massaged the sensitive glans, and then ran her hands down the long, thick shaft. Her hand slid up and down slowly, but soon she picked up speed. Her eyes closed lazily as her purring grew louder and she began to buck her hips into her hands. She gasped as she let one of her paws slide a little lower to begin rubbing her clitoris. She pushed her fingertip inside herself, whimpering as she continued to rub her clit, and she felt a flood of her nectar down the fur of her thighs.

Cheetah suddenly felt a strange sensation, as if something was welling up inside her shaft, a pressure building. She cried out and arched her back, and a moment later, a jet of clear, sticky fluid gushed from the tip, splattering the shower wall and dribbling down her furry hand. She sat there, panting for a moment, blinking in surprise.

~Whoa... Th-That felt... amazing!!! And that was just pre-ejaculate!~ she thought in surprise. A second later, any coherent thought she might have had was blasted from her mind by pleasure as a second blast of precum, bigger than the first, fired from her head, the liquid drumming against the tile walls of the shower. The werecheetah's tail flicked as she gently began to stroke again, using the combination of hot water and precum to lubricate her caresses. She had to actually put effort into keeping quiet, not wanting to wake up her husband in the next room. The slap of wet fur on wet flesh echoed off the shower walls, as she begin to stroke and rub faster, grunting and gasping all the while.

~M-Maybe this w-won't be such a... AHN! ...a bad thing after a-all... I could live with this for a day...~ she thought, arching her back as a particularly large gush of prespunk caught the undersides of her breasts, splattering the fur. She closed her eyes, smiling to herself.

Britanny did not know whether it was due to her werecheetah heritage, or just some part of her biology, but she had always had a special gift. After she reached a certain level of arousal, by tensing certain muscles within her loins, she could initiate and control her orgasms. She could start them, stop them, hold them off, make them stronger or weaker, make them longer, or give herself multiple climaxes. She couldn't hold off a climax indefinitely; eventually the arousal would build too high for her to control, nor could she keep her orgasm going as long as she wanted; controlling her orgasms took concentration, and eventually her concentration would break, or her body would tire out too much to continue. She had never questioned this gift, but enjoyed it immensely.

Now, as her arousal built higher and higher, so too did her curiosity. What did a male climax feel like? She stroked her cock furiously, feeling precum dribble down over her paw, and mentally debated whether she wanted to hold off, savor the new sensations coursing through her, or trigger it right then and there, and find out. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your point of view, the decision was taken out of her hands moments later.

Unused to the new sensations coming from her member, she had misjudged how close she was to her orgasm. Cheetah only figured it out as she suddenly lost all control of her body, going stiff, arching her back, and letting out a silent scream of purest ecstasy. Her tail thrashed back and forth, as her cock jerked and lurched, and she lost her grip on it. It slapped against her furry stomach, and a thick, hot blast of white gooey liquid fired from the tip, catching her square in the face. She spluttered in surprise, tasting the salty-sweet fluid on her lips, as a second gush splattered her breasts. The werecat moaned in delight as her inner muscles worked in rhythm, the familiar tingling inside her combining with a much more focused pleasure in her member, both combining to create one of the single most powerful orgasms she had ever had.

She regained enough control of her thoughts to begin stroking her shaft in time with her spurts and painted the shower wall white. Her hips thrust and her tail wagged, and she cried in ecstasy. Britanny concentrated and tensed certain muscles inside her. Almost immediately, she felt the sensations of her orgasm change. Her cock jerked and jumped twice as hard as before, and the spurts of semen increased in size and force, soaking her fur down, covering her body in a thick coat of sticky white cream. She yowled in delight and did her best to keep her concentration, trying to prolong her first ejaculation with a penis as long as she could. Stars and spots danced in front of her eyes and her hips pumped the air as she stuck her tongue out, trying to catch more of her werespunk.

Cheetah was somewhat promiscuous when she was younger, albeit not as promiscuous as either of her sisters. She never had admitted it to anyone except for Stryyp, but she loved the taste of semen, and the feel of it in her fur. She would have bathed in spunk if she could. Stryyp had indulged her passion quite happily, soaking her down every once in a while. Now, as her own cum rained down upon her, she had a new appreciation for her favorite "hobby." She cried out in joy, and her hips bucked and rolled as her weresemen fired into the air to fall on her body. She moaned and rubbed it into her fur, and gasped in delight as the squishy feeling of the gooey, sticky fluid against her body. Her cock throbbed and jerked in her paw while her inner muscles twitched and spasmed within her. Pleasure beyond almost anything she had ever felt gripped her vice-tight, and she writhed on the shower floor.

Britanny was almost tempted to end her climax early and work herself up again, but she knew the hot water would run out soon, and she was in no mood to take a cold shower before bed. And so, Cheetah relinquished her control over her orgasm. Almost immediately, her powerful blasts of spunk decreased in power, and slowly began to peter out. In the end, a stream of white cheetahcum dripped down the pink length, spurting weakly every once in a while.

Cheetah lay there in the shower and panted heavily, looking rather stunned. As soon as she came out of the orgasmic glow, she looked around. Her fur, despite the hot water spraying down upon her, was soaked through with spunk, and the wall of the shower was painted milky-white. Britanny blushed.

~S-Sheesh... That's a lot of cum!~she thought, dazedly, ~...I'm almost tempted to ask Gina to let me keep it for a little longer!~

The werecheetah sat there for a minute longer, before she finally mustered the willpower to pick herself off the shower floor. She stood under the spray, and lathered up once more, making sure to clean every trace of her cum out of her fur. She had to resist the immense temptation to grasp her softening penis and start again by the time she got around to washing it, but through sheer force of will, she avoided even getting an erection. After adjusting the aim of the shower head to wash off the wall, she climbed out, and tapped a button on the wall.

A metal ring rose out of the floor, hot air streaming from nozzles placed along the inside of the circle. It slowly ascended towards the ceiling, in the process drying Cheetah's body off completely from toe to head, leaving her fur silky smooth.

~I'll never admit it, but sometimes I really LOVE my sister's inventions... It'd take me hours to dry out my fur otherwise...~ she thought, as she walked into the bedroom. Cheetah moved with preternatural stealth, smiling as she watched her husband Stryyp'Gia sleeping in bed.

Stryyp was an alien known as a Kryn, in fact the Prince of the Kryn. He had red fur, with dark blue, almost black tiger stripes. This, incidentally, had led Britanny to believe that his name was "Stripe" for several years, until she found out otherwise. From a distance, he could easily be mistaken for being a werecat like Britanny, but there were several key differences in his physiology. He was shorter than her by a good foot, he had no tail, and despite his feline appearances, his only innate supernatural ability was his inhuman reflexes, compared to Cheetah's superspeed, superstrength, and regeneration abilities.

Cheetah smiled, and carefully climbed into bed beside her husband, scooting closer to him. She made a point of turning away from him, so that he wouldn't press against her during the night and notice her new "addition" by accident. Stryyp wrapped his arms around her, spooning her in his sleep. Britanny purred happily, and closed her green eyes, surrendering to slumber.


Britanny slept peacefully for a couple of hours. But around midnight, her eyes suddenly shot open. Her irises, normally a deep emerald, had turned to the pure blue of a sapphire. Her eyes were dull and glassy. She slowly and carefully stepped out of bed, pulling away from Stryyp, who opened his own eyes blearily.

"Brit'? Where are you going?" he asked sleepily.

"Kitchen... Midnight snack..." mumbled the werecat in response, her voice a quiet monotone. Stryyp shrugged and curled up, closing his eyes.

"Okay... Just be sure to clean up after yourself, and try not to eat all our tuna... I don't go shopping until Wednesday..." he murmured, already drifting off again.

Cheetah walked out of the room and headed downstairs, past her daughter Tiffany's room, then down a second flight of stairs past Gina and her other sister Brianna's rooms. But instead of going towards the kitchen, she veered off in the opposite direction, opening the basement door. Down in the basement, she walked towards the back wall, where an elevator was set up. This elevator led several hundred feet straight down, to her sister's underground lab complex and home.

Taking no heed to the fact that she was still completely nude, Britanny pressed the button to call the elevator. A moment later, the doors slid open silently, and the werecheetah stepped inside. She tapped one of the buttons, and the elevator began to descend. Cheetah stared blankly ahead, her gaze unfocused, not really seeing anything around her.

"I hear you... I obey..." she murmured aloud, her tail swishing behind her. Her sheath gave a pulse in response, and she let out a moan, her mind going blank.

The elevator opened to Gina's Dimensional Studies lab, which she had set up in the year since she and Britanny had returned from an extremely dangerous adventure where Britanny had been lost in a realm called Quasi-Space, the "sea" between dimensions. Gina had been trying to rescue her, but had gotten lost as well. After an incredible ordeal, they had finally returned to reality. After this had happened, which was an exceedingly long story in and of itself, Gina had created this lab to help study the dimensional barriers to keep similar events from occurring again.

Britanny stepped out of the elevator, and shuffled over to a computer console. Her hands began to tap commands into the controls, her eyes not truly focused on what she was doing, her body moving without input from her entranced mind. Normally, the entire breadth of Cheetah's computer literacy extended to her being able to push the power button at most, but now she was programming complex computations into her sister's equipment.

She finally hit the "enter" key, and one of the pieces of machinery came to life, emitting an energy ray. The beam did not strike anything, instead radiating into the air itself. Nothing happened for a moment, but then, with a sound like tearing paper, a rift opened in the very air itself, a roiling fissure in reality. A figure emerged from this portal slowly.

It looked like a humanoid amalgamation of several species. The word that came to Cheetah's dazed mind was "Chimera." It had a canine-like face, but it had the long, floppy ears of a rabbit. Its hands had the claws of a feline, and it had digitigrade legs, that ended in huge paws like a rabbits. The alien also had the long bushy tail of a fox. It wore no clothes, so the werecat could see that its fur was a deep blue, and its eyes were pink and had no pupils. It had breasts, which might have indicated it was female, but Britanny had encountered enough alien species to know that did not necessarily indicate gender.

~You can hear my thought-speak, yes?~ said a voice in Cheetah's head. The alien cocked its head.

"Yes... I can hear you..." mumbled Cheetah quietly.

~No speak aloud. Can hear your thoughts. You received Zeta radiation energy, yes?~ it asked.

~Yes...~ thought Cheetah vaguely. The creature seemed to smile.

~Good. Very good! Now incursion into this dimension can commence. You be first drone of new hive. But need more drones. You help, yes?~ it queried.

~I obey...~ replied Britanny.

~Now. Drone must receive power from hive leader. Bring self to arousal and tend to this one,~ commanded the Chimera. Britanny nodded and moved forward, her blue eyes staring straight ahead. She felt her sheath twitch again and she moaned, her mind going blank once more.

Cheetah kneeled down before the alien as it reclined into Gina's lab chair. She sat there for a moment, until the creature spoke up again.

~This one's physiology is compatible with Terran physiology. Use same methods to bring pleasure to this one in order to receive power,~ instructed the Chimera. Cheetah nodded, and ran a finger along its pelvis until she felt a bulge like her own. The alien was apparently a hermaphrodite. The werecheetah began to slowly stroke the alien's sheath, while her free hand found its way to her own. Cheetah moaned, closing her eyes as she felt the head of her penis press into the palm of her hand.

~Ah... Good, very good. Feels pleasurable...~ said the alien. Its hips bucked forward as the blue fur bulged out, and the tip of its cock poked free. It was a deep violet color, and unlike Cheetah's member, it was not humanoid in appearance. As a little girl, on a trip to a farm, she had seen a horse mating, and as she watched inch after inch rise out of the alien's sheath, she was forcibly reminded of the stallion's shaft. It had a flat, trumpet-shaped flare and a medial ring, just like an equine penis.

Cheetah's paw slid up and down the Chimera's rod, gasping softly as she felt her own cock reach full erection. Her free paw moved up to the alien's shaft as well, watching as it grew longer and thicker with every passing second. Soon, it stopped growing, throbbing and twitching in Britanny's hands at almost eighteen inches in length, compared to the werecat's own fourteen, and the Chimera's purple shaft was slightly thicker.

~Good, very good,~ repeated the alien, ~Now... Am curious. This one read drone's thoughts and memories. Drone has unique sexual characteristics. Please explain.~

Cheetah settled back into a kneeling position, her tail swishing behind her, and her shaft pulsed in her lap. She mentally began to explain her ability to control her orgasm to the Chimera, her mental voice a monotone. The alien rocked back in the lab chair, looking quite interested as it cocked its head, its floppy ears swaying and its pink eyes with no pupils glittering in the fluorescent light.

~Intriguing. Demonstrate ability, please,~ ordered the creature. Cheetah nodded once and closed her eyes. She tensed the muscles inside her, and almost immediately, a wave of pleasure crashed through every nerve ending in her body.

Cheetah yowled in delight as her penis began to jerk and lurch hard. Her honey soaked the fur of her thighs as her inner muscles began to spasm. Thick, hot cum fired from her tip, arcing through the air to splatter against the tile floor audibly. Britanny moaned in delight, bucking her hips as she rode the pulse of her climax.

~This one sees ability and is impressed. Drone may cease demonstration, yes?~ said the alien. Cheetah reluctantly cut off the flow, and the pleasure faded, her penis still twitching and gushing weakly for almost a minute afterward. The creature smiled, and the werecheetah could feel a wave of satisfaction radiating from it.

~Extraordinary. This one feels emotion designated "envy." Now, pleasure this one, and when this one achieves ejaculation, trigger drone's own. Understand, yes?~ it instructed.

~Yes... I understand,~ replied Cheetah, already leaning down to place a lick over the alien's tip. The Chimera didn't make a sound, but Cheetah could feel immense pleasure through the telepathic link.

Cheetah planted small kisses down the alien's violet cock, the fingertips of one paw playing over the creature's cleft beneath. Her own penis twitched and swayed, brushing her navel as her hips wiggled. Britanny's tongue rasped over the Chimera's cock, her free paw stroking the base. The alien gripped the armrests of the chair, her rabbit-like foot thumping the ground. A faint smile grew on Britanny's face, as she found she was enjoying herself even through her trance. The werecheetah lavished the Chimera's tip with her tongue, enjoying the feel of the flare throbbing in her mouth.

Britanny lowered her mouth onto the alien, murmuring as she took the shaft deep into her throat. She couldn't even come close to taking it all, only managing ten out of the eighteen inches of flesh without choking. Cheetah swirled her tongue around her mistress's cock, tickling the tip and then sliding along the underside of the length. The werecat began to growl deep in her throat, her voice sending vibrations down the creature's shaft. She gently pressed her fingertip against the Chimera's clitoris as she began to bob her head slowly, taking her time. Cheetah's thighs were soaked through with her honey, her member twitching almost painfully. The alien gasped again as its penis gave a particularly hard throb.

The alien gave a very high, feminine yelp as its penis pulsed and Britanny suddenly found her mouth filled with warm, sugary-sweet liquid. The Chimera's precum made her tongue tingle, and the feline blinked and swallowed. The creature paced its hand on top of her head.

~This one's pre-ejaculate induces trance-like state in beings upon contact... After induction into hive, yours will do same. Ineffective on you since part of hive-mind already, thanks to Zeta radiation infusion,~ explained the Chimera, while Britanny cleaned its shaft off,

~I understand...~ mumbled Britanny, stroking its cock with both paws. Another spurt of precum gushed into the air, and Cheetah could see it glowing faint blue as it splattered the fur of her breasts. The werecheetah took advantage of this, and gently pushed the purple shaft into her ample cleavage. She placed her hands on the sides of her breasts, pushing them together around the long shaft. Cheetah continued to lap at the tip, her rough tongue rasping over the flare, licking up the droplets of glowing pre she found there, while she began to massage the shaft with her bosom. Her hips thrust forward as she suddenly gave a spurt of her own prespunk from sheer arousal alone, the clear liquid splashing her stomach fur.

Soon, the Chimera's body began to tense and its paws gripped the armrest. Shimmering pre dribbled from its flare, dripping down its length, helping to lubricate Cheetah's movements, the soft fur of her firm breasts tickling every nerve ending in the equine shaft. Britanny herself was having a hard time holding back; her own arousal combined with the pleasure radiating through the telepathic bond, doubling the sensations raging through her body.

~Unf... Going to achieve orgasm momentarily... Drone will swallow as much of this one's semen as possible...~ sent the Chimera. Cheetah nodded in understanding, lapping at its trumpet, while the alien fondled its breasts, pinching and rolling its nipples, moaning aloud in delight.

Suddenly, it bucked its hips forward hard, letting out an almost canine howl. Its flare expanded, and suddenly Cheetah's sight was obscured by a blast of blue-tinged liquid. She gasped in surprise at the sudden gush, but immediately pushed her mouth against the Chimera's trumpet. The shaft undulated as thick, hot alienspunk boiled up the length, to fire into Britanny's waiting mouth. Britanny moaned as it splashed against her tongue, and she obediently began to swallow as quickly as she could, but the flow was way too fast for her to keep up with. Pale blue cream dripped down her chin, splurting out of the corners of her mouth, soaking the white fur of her breasts.

Cheetah, remembering the Chimera's earlier command, tensed up and triggered her climax. She gave a long, loud muffled groan of purest delight as tingles raced up and down her spine, and her inner muscles began to twitch and spasm in rhythm. Her cock slapped against her stomach audibly, as it began to gush once more. Her thick, gooey cheetahspunk sprayed into the air, arcing to splatter against the floor several feet away. She moaned in joy, thrusting her hips as her nectar ran down her thighs, pooling beneath her, while more and more hot, pearly fluid fired from her head. Her tail swished back and forth in time with the ebb and flow of her climax, every gush sending an explosion of ecstasy through her. As she swallowed the Chimera's spunk, she could actually begin to see her own cum taking on the same blue tint.

The Chimera, for its part, soaked the chair down with its female juices, gasping and grunting in delight, as its orgasm gripped it tightly. It had to resist the urge to thrust, not wanting to choke Britanny. Finally, Cheetah had to catch her breath, and pulled free of the Chimera. The alien moaned, grasping its heavy shaft and stroking as it set about soaking down every square inch of fur that it could. The werecheetah's slightly smaller penis jerked and jumped heavily, aiding the creature's goal as it soaked her fur in cerulean fluid.

Finally, the Chimera let out a deep sigh, stroking its member one last time, a large blast catching Brittany right between her blue eyes. Cheetah bucked her hips into the air, indulging herself in her climax for a few moments longer, then reluctantly ended it, knowing that the Chimera, her new mistress would want her undivided attention. Blue semen dripped down both of their cocks, still gushing weakly with the afterglow.

~...Good... VERY good...~ thought the Chimera, weakly, looking a little punch-drunk. It looked down to Cheetah, and smiled.

~Now, are full-functioning drone. Drone's semen will add beings into hive-mind upon ingestion through oral means or through intercourse. This one cannot stay in this dimension for long. Will draw unwanted attention. Will explain mission, then return to own dimension, but keep in contact with drone through though-speak, yes?~ it said. Britanny nodded.

~Yes... I obey...~ she mumbled.

~Good, very good. Now. Drone is mated to creature designated "Stryyp," yes? He is first target. Clean off, return to room of sleep, and make into drone. Will give further instructions to both when finished,~ said the Chimera, standing up, its limp shaft swaying between its legs. Cheetah stood up as well, feeling spunk dripping off her body. The Chimera looked around at the lab floor, which had inch-deep puddles of white and blue semen pooling around it.

~...Hrm... Need to clean floor. Best not to leave traces of this one's presence,~ thought the alien. Cheetah shook her head.

~No need... My sister's little cleaning robots will be here any second... They will clean it...~ murmured Britanny. Even as she spoke, a little dome-shaped robot rolled over to the puddle nearest to it, and began to suction up the liquid, before spraying and buffing the floor clean.

~This "sister" will be great addition to hive-mind. Her intelligence and technology very impressive. Almost TOO impressive. Will have to wait until hive is bigger to attempt taking her,~ said the Chimera, looking around at the lab in great interest, ~This one wish she had time to examine, but is best if this one leaves now.~

The Chimera walked back to the rip in reality, still wide open, and turned back to face Cheetah. It smirked, tilting its head.

~Go clean body, first. Will keep in constant contact through thought-speak now that you are drone,~ said the alien. It nodded once, and then stepped back into the portal. Brittany used a spare rag to clean her hands off, not wanting to gum up her sister's technology with the spunk covering her. She tapped in a few commands into the computer, and the rift closed, restoring reality to normal. A few moments later, and Cheetah had wiped all records of the event from the computer's memory.

She walked out of the lab, one of the cleaning ‘bots in tow, wiping up the floor behind her where she dripped. Gina's lab was broken up into three levels, laid out in the shape of a plus-sign. Every floor had a residential block containing several rooms set up for guests to Gina's lab, many of which were permanent residences for some of Gina's friends, like Genn the Rakshasa, Séance the mage, or Dao the Djinni. Britanny slipped into one of the empty apartments and climbed into the shower, washing the blue, gooey semen from her body. Unlike her earlier shower, she made no attempt to avoid arousal, knowing that it would aid her goal. By the time she had finished cleaning off, her shaft was standing proud from her sheath at full attention once more. Britanny shuffled out of the shower, drying off quickly, before leaving the apartment and heading back to the elevator.

She emerged back into the basement, and shivered a little as she emerged into the cool air, feeling her nipples growing harder. Being as stealthy as a surprisingly heavy werecheetah could be (which was also surprisingly sneaky), she climbed the stairs of the house, sneaking past her sister's rooms on the second floor, then up to the third floor where she lived with Stryyp and Tiffany.

Cheetah walked into her bedroom quietly, her shaft throbbing at full arousal before her. Stryyp snored softly, curled up under the covers. Britanny's glassy blue eyes fell upon him and her cock gave a twitch, the tip bobbing several inches. She shuffled up to the side of the bed slowly as the Kryn shifted position in his sleep.

~Drone will add Kryn to hive-mind,~ commanded the Chimera's voice.

~I... Stryyp...~ thought Cheetah, blinking.

~Drone's hesitation is unnecessary. Take action,~ said the voice. Cheetah's shaft gave a powerful throb, and a blast of pleasure wiped her mind clean.

~Y-... Yes... I obey... I will link Stryyp...~ murmured Cheetah, her sapphire eyes gone dull and empty.

~Use pre-ejaculate to entrance Kryn. Will not take much, just single spurt on fur or skin to deliver Zeta radiation,~ instructed the Chimera. Britanny nodded obediently, wanting to please her hive leader. In her

current state of entrancement and arousal, she knew it would only take a minute to get ready.

Cheetah gripped her penis, stroking slowly, gritting her teeth to keep from making a sound. Her other hand rubbed her clitoris, slipping a few fingers into her warm, wet depths. She did her best to be as silent as she could, but her hips suddenly bucked forward involuntarily, as a wave of pleasure rolled over her. Her knees bumped the bed, and Stryyp gave a start, opening his eyes blearily.

"Huh...? Wha...? Brit'? What's going on?" he said, sitting up, scratching his head slowly. Britanny continued to stroke her shaft quickly, ignoring her husband, focusing on her task. She squeezed her tip with one hand, pressing a couple of fingers of her other hand as deep inside her tunnel as she could. Stryyp's vision came into focus upon a very strange sight.

"B-Brit'?! Is that a...?! What are you doing?! Why do you have that?!!" he exclaimed in shock. Britanny did her best to continue ignoring the Kryn, gasping in pleasure as her shaft throbbed hard in her hand, jerking and twitching almost painfully. Stryyp's shock turned to concern for his wife. He put his hands on Cheetah's shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Brit'... Britanny? Your eyes are... blue? What's going on?" he asked her, shaking her a little to try and snap her out of it. It had no effect, and Cheetah remained completely entranced, still caressing and rubbing herself. Stryyp swung his legs out from under the covers, making to get up.

"I'm... I'm going t-to go find Gina. She can h-help... Stay here, my love," the cat-man said, looking more than a little shaken.

It was at that moment that Cheetah let out a moan of delight, arching her back and stroking down on her shaft. Her cock pulsed, and a gush of clear liquid fired from her tip. The spurt glowed faint blue as it arced through the air to land on Stryyp's furry white stomach. The effect was immediate.

Stryyp gasped aloud, his eyes going wide as he felt a tingling sensation spreading from the spot where Cheetah's precum had landed. Almost immediately, he felt a deep fog wash over his mind. His eyes changed shades, going from deep, dark blue to almost cyan, the same shade as Britanny's altered eyes. He sighed as all the thoughts, worries, and emotion just seemed to drain out of him, leaving him empty and content. All his muscles relaxed, and he flopped back against his pillows, going completely limp. Within seconds, Stryyp was completely entranced, staring blankly at the ceiling. Yet, the tingling sensation continued throughout his body. Stryyp, like Britanny, preferred to sleep in the nude. Thus, Cheetah was able to watch as the Kryn moaned and bucked his hips. His sheath seemed to bulge and increase in size, and his testicles, which were already respectable to begin with, began to expand to almost twice their original bulk. Cheetah felt her thighs grow damp, and her cock twitched in anticipation.

~Good, very good! Now... Do whatever drone wishes, but remember. Kryn must ingest drone's semen to be added to hive-mind,~ said the Chimera's voice.

~I remember...~ mumbled Cheetah, her gaze unfocused.

~Kryn is now entranced and will obey all commands. Do what you wish,~ said the alien. Cheetah nodded and turned to her husband, feeling the alien's presence in her mind recede to the background, allowing her a measure of free will.

"Stryyp? Can you hear me...?" she said, her voice droning.

"Yes..." he mumbled in response. Cheetah nodded again, this time to herself.

"Stryyp, I want you to lick my cock clean..." she ordered, deciding to test out the enchantment over her husband.

"I will clean your shaft..." he repeated, sitting back up. Cheetah climbed onto the bed and presented her glistening, dribbling penis to the Kryn. Stryyp gently took her member into his furry hand, and leaned down to place a long lick over her tip, his tongue picking up the glowing prespunk that was spurting and dribbling down Cheetah's length. Britanny moaned as her husband slowly and methodically lapped over her pink length, from hilt to tip and back down again, his tongue tickling over her.

"Ahn! Th-that's good. Stop now..." she moaned. Stryyp nodded and pulled away, sitting and staring blankly ahead. Cheetah gave a faint smile and gently pushed him onto his back and spread his legs slightly. She gently began to stroke his sheath, her paw sliding up and down the soft, furry pouch, feeling it begin to bulge back against her palm as his body reacted. She leaned down and gently licked at his sack, her tongue rasping over his heavy balls, and the Kryn moaned, arching his hips. The pink tip of his shaft emerged from the white fur of his sheath, and Britanny grinned, gently flicking her fingertips over the head, making Stryyp gasp and thrust forward. She smirked in anticipation, continuing to slide her paw up and down the man's sheath.

It only took a few more strokes, and suddenly another head poked free of his sheath, just above the first. Cheetah grinned. She had been attracted to Stryyp from the first moment they had met, but she had no idea that it was part of standard Kryn physiology for males to have two penises. She had learned that fact not too long afterwards, and in no small part due to her werecheetah libido, had easily accepted that about her future husband.

Now, Cheetah watched as Stryyp's twin penises slowly emerged from his sheath. The werecat's paws softly slid over her love's thighs and stomach, trying to avoid actually touching the two pillars rising from the Kryn's pouch. Inch after inch slid out slowly, and she watched as they grew larger and longer with every passing second. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but was only a minute, his cocks were at full erection. They were both humanoid in appearance, but they were not shaped the same. His lower cock was thinner, but longer, almost 15 inches in length, but his top penis was much thicker, only 13 inches, but almost three in girth. Cheetah blinked in surprise. Normally, Stryyp's members were twelve inches and ten inches in length.

~This one told you. Zeta radiation induces alterations in both male gender and female gender,~ said the Chimera's voice. Cheetah nodded, and got back on task as the alien's consciousness receded from her mind.

She gently wrapped her paws around the Kryn's cocks, slowly sliding up and down the shafts. Britanny leaned down and gently kissed each tip, watching them throb and twitch in unison. Stryyp lay there, unmoving, his mind empty of all thoughts and emotions, the only thing left was the urge to obey. The werecat smiled, tickling each of his heads with her tongue, enjoying the sound of her husband's moans. She then ran her rough tongue over his furry sack, up the underside of the lower, longer shaft from sheath to tip, then back down the top, sliding her tongue between her lover's penises. She smirked as she repeated the process again, sliding her tongue up the underside of the upper, thicker shaft, swirling around the head, then down the top of the cock. By the time she finished, the feline-man was trembling in pleasure.

Cheetah sat back, watching Stryyp gasp and pant, his dual members throbbing and jerking with arousal. She debated what she wanted to do with him, whether she wanted to just trigger her own climax, and get it over with fast, or whether she wanted to prolong the process for a while. The Chimera was silent, not seeming to care either way, and allowed Cheetah to make the decision herself.

The werecheetah smiled faintly and climbed on top of the Kryn, kissing his neck gently, rocking her hips against his, her shaft pressing against his twin members. Stryyp grunted, but otherwise did not respond. Cheetah sat up, her blue eyes staring into his.

"Stryyp. I'm going to curl up. I want you to push your lower cock inside me..." murmured Britanny.


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