Professor Noodle's Endosoma 101

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#3 of Vores

Another long-unfinished gift for lollerlance, this one was started...Almost two years ago, give or take a month. It's been worked on on and off between more serious things, and it's been almost ready to post for a long time now. So, here it finally is, and it's quite a bit better than most of the other vore stories I've done. Technically it's the newest one, starting about halfway through? Either way, it's quite a bit more alright, but I've got a few comissions coming out that are actual recent writing and a lot above this, though none are vorish. However, this one might be pretty appealing to some!

The green dragon was the first one to get to class. It was the first day of the semester and not too many people were at the university yet. The high walls of the distinguished schools passed by the dragon as he walked through the wide hallways. After a few professors had been hired, the college jumped in ratings - it became one of the leading medical (specializing in gastrointestinal) programs and biology programs in the states. The application process for the college was arduous and only a bare half percent of entering students would make it through the program. This was partially because of the demanding courses and heavy class load that led to their top-tier graduates, but it was mostly due to their required courses - Endosoma 101 and the rest of the main endosoma degree program, and 105 for those non-major arts and sciences types. Each had at least two semesters of courses and most of the entrants didn't make it out of them.

The name wasn't a joke, either - The professors were true predators and the classes (and degree) focused on the study of vore. They were very hands on classes, too. The professor's' lectures mainly consisted of eating students and homework was to study various materials and try firsthand your own experiments with friends and study groups. Not many managed to pass the course - though most did all the work and at least the freshman level courses weren't too demanding, it wasn't uncommon for an entire classroom to make it into the professor before finals - oftentimes survival was the main factor in a passing grade.

Akeroh had made it through his first level classes though his own talent - he seemed to wake up in his bed after a meal was made of him. This made a lot of his other classes easier, and he'd finally managed to get a TA with his freshman year endo professor. He'd made good friends with Professor Gleam during the class and he had ended up being a pretty permanent fixture in the prof's office. Professor Noodle and himself often went out for meals and discussions, as well as having similar hobbies, going out shooting and airsofting on the weekends. Gleamy had also helped the dragon along the endosoma degree path as well. He was certainly excited for this class to start, it would be nice sitting in front of the class with the prof instead of the rows of desks and their snacks.

The door was unlocked as the dragon lifted a forepaw to pull it open, stepping into the classroom. The Professor was there already, arranging papers on top of the desk. The big eastern dragon was coiled across half the floor in the front of the massive lecture hall. He was big - roughly 40 feet from the tip of his tail to the tip of his muzzle - both sides of the long, lithe dragon optimised for his chosen profession. The usual chair that sat behind the desk had been replaced long ago with an oversized beanbag, giving the eastern a comfortable place to lay his golden body. Soft fur covered the big eastern, excluding the pads on his hands and feet. The fur on his chest and belly was a bit thicker and darker, and a rusty mane travelled down from his forehead to almost the end of his tail. That tail tip seemed to already be getting ready for the semester ahead, the last few feet of his tail having split into four tentacles, revealing the bright blue that the dragon's inner flesh was. Speaking of blue, his cock was out - the huge member, a matching color, stood out from between the eastern's thighs, the sheath still halfway up the thick shaft as the knot hadn't formed yet. It wasn't quite hard though, the shaft relaxed slightly over one of the professor's big feet, his large sac draped over one of the heels. Those feet - the green drake couldn't help but stare for at least a few moments - The soft pads in a doglike style he knew to be incredibly soft, and the webbing between the three toes and the dewclaw always drove the smaller dragon wild. Gleamy looked up as the dragon walked in, a smile turning up his muzzle as his whiskers flicked up a bit, his pointed ears perking up as well. He was always rather expressive. "Ah, so you did manage to fit my little old class into your schedule!"

The dragon smirked and nodded, the quadruped western dropping his backpack up front near the wall as he padded over to the eastern. "It took some creative shuffling, but I made sure to make it work. Can't wait to help you play around with lesson plans." He smirked.

The huge eastern murmured a bit, chuckling lightly as he splayed his toes out at the smaller green. The drake padded forward to warmly nuzzle into that warm foot paw (it was nearly as large as he was) with a throaty murr. "This is gonna be a fun class, isn't it?" The green dragon stated.

Gleam smirked and gripped the dragon's muzzle with his toes, pulling his assistant in closer until he was resting on the coils of his tail. His toes flexed on both feet, groping his cocktip and Akeroh's muzzle as he worked his chin against the ball of his soft foot. "Mhm. I can't wait until you start teaching, too."

Akeroh smirked, moaning softly into those toes as he worked his hands into the sole of that paw, grinding gently against the furry heel. His cocks were already firming up, the dragon's pair above his fat nuts nice and warm. "That's a few years off yet." He purred out, warmly working his face into the soft pads of the big dragon.

Gleamy smirked a bit as the dragon immediately started to work himself against his broad, soft feet, chuckling as he checked over the papers on the desk. His tail twisted and moved its way up to prod the small console on the wall, the saliva-slicked tentacles turning on the projector before the class entered. His cock throbbed a bit over his other foot, the dragon idly working and fondling the bright blue cocktip with his toes as he finished up his preparations for the day. "It's a big class this time around. I think they nearly doubled the number of people in the class with how many they overbooked." He said, splaying out his toes to let the smaller drake play with the soft webbing between them.

Akeroh nodded and chuckled. "Well, it is your first class of the day. I thought it was policy that the breakfast class is always huge. You guys eat more when you're hungry." He grinned, murring warmly as he pressed his muzzle between those toes.

The big dragon smirked as he licked his lips, glancing at the door as it opened and the class started to filter in. "That wasn't a complaint." He smirked, working his toes back against the green dragon's face.

It would have been a bit more of a shock to the class as they filtered in had the class, or the college, been less notorious. However, professor gleamy had been with the college long enough that many of his lectures were on youtube. However, there was no substitute for the real thing, a fact that was drilled into the class as they walked in on the TA's rather intimate foot massage. Gleam let out a murr as he evaluated the class walking in. As always, it had been massively overbooked. The seats were filled almost immediately, though students kept filing in. gleamy smiled as he started to really get the attention of the class as his other foot lifted, letting his huge shaft flop across his belly, to trap the dragon between his soles.

Akeroh couldn't stifle a loud moan as the golden eastern's paws clasped against him, pinning him between the soft, broad sole of those feet. The class was actively gossiping, various people making friends on the first day, until the clock came around to 11. "Welcome to Endosoma 101. This is the first class on the pipeline for you degree types, and this is unit, uh...151. I'll get the first sign-in sheet around. Your name ought to be on the sheet if you're in the right place, if you're not, don't worry."

There was a bit of mumbling through the room as the students pulled out and checked their schedules. Almost all of them were freshmen. The noise was soft, quiet enough to be punctuated audibly with a loud moan from Akeroh as the teacher ground his soft soles together against him. "Yeah, if you're not, just stick around and sign your name on the sheet if it's not there and come up front after we go over the syllabus and talk to me. As always, they overbooked the class, too. If you don't have a seat, go ahead and use the floor or somebody's lap, a seat should open up for you in the next few days."

There was a bit of mumbling as the sheet started to make its way around the class. It was several pages long, as large a class as it was. Once most of the class had taken a seat, Gleamy began to speak again. "I'll be going over the syllabus today. It shouldn't take too long, so you guys might get out early, but I'll dive into some extra instruction for the first unit for those that stick around, along with getting everybody that's not on the roster sorted out. Follow along if you brought your own copy, otherwise it'll be on the projector." He said, the eastern's tail moving back up to the console on the wall to start the projector, his feet grinding together to tease another moan from the trapped dragon, soft toepads working over his head and muzzle.

The first page was basic contact informations for the professor and TA along with some boilerplate school policy. It only took a couple minutes to get through before they started to get onto new stuff. "As you know, our school has a rather lax attitude to dress code." Gleam said, motioning with a hand to his semi-hard blue cock, in full view to the entire class, letting it throb nicely over his belly to drive the point home. "But, I do have a requirement for a strictly enforced dress code in here."

The statement took most of the class by surprise. Strict, while the professor was wearing nothing but a drooling erection and a bow tie? The class catalogue hadn't mentioned a uniform, either. "Well, simply put, even though most fabrics aren't as digestible as students, so too much more than a thong or pair of boxers can cause tummy-aches." The professor stated, the class chuckling at the wording, "So, I don't allow more than one pair of non-synthetic underwear per person in here. Ideally, it'd be skimpier than boxers, and yes, ladies and herms, that means you have to choose between your crotch or your tits being covered."

It wasn't too much to ask from most of the class, though the few bashful student that had worn actual clothing started to undress. Most of the students were already nude or well within the 'dress code' for the class. Gleamy didn't wait for them to continue on, however. "Going along with that, vore is a very sexual act. Along with how nude and aroused as everyone is, I don't have any problems with you guys masturbating or fucking during lecture. Try to keep it quiet, though. If you start disturbing your neighbors, you'll be called on to demonstrate up front. And, I mean, it'd be a bit hypocritical of me to demand you stay chaste when I'm up here with my TA fucking my feet."

He punctuated the statement with a strong squeeze and a loud moan from Akeroh. His soles started to really grind against each other, paying no heed to the dragon trapped between them. His hand reached down his body to slide under his stiffening blue shaft, starting to pump it in his forepaw as he continued. Some of the rest of the class seemed to take that as an invitation as well, various students starting to masturbate or molest their neighbors. "Now for grading. There isn't too much work in this course. A few worksheets, one paper and a video essay. Those only make up about 10% of the grade in this class. The next 20% are the three tests, the midterm and the final, and I do also offer an extra credit lab session later in the semester. This means that it is completely possible to get a C in the class while doing absolutely no work at all. I will warn you, though, that if it looks like that is going to happen, I'll take the liberty of scheduling you for a visit during my office hours, or an appointment otherwise. I can proudly say that I've never had anyone only get a C in my class. I also don't take or grade attendance. This is probably going to be the easiest class you'll take." He said, his paw sliding up and down his bright blue cock, the huge dick starting to drool a bit of pre as he took the time to grope and squeeze his forming knot.

"And now, the next page." He said, his maw splitting into a grin as the next slide on the powerpoint showing a point of view shot of the back of his maw.

"This is the big thing with this class. Over the course of this class, most, if not all, of you will end up getting eaten. If not by me, it'll be by me assistant or for homework. It is a one-way trip, as I'm sure you all know. Of course, this excepts special abilities like the one my assistant here has."

The class knew it already. It was a big selling point of the school after all. The professor clicked on the slide, his paw stroking over his drooling cocktip with a squeeze as the picture turned into a video with full sound. the camera view showed off the eastern dragon's slick internal flesh as his tongue drug the camera, and the student it was attached to, past the tight sphincter at the back of his maw. The view darkened and the sound got a bit more muted as the warm gulps and the dull thrum of the dragon's purr highlighted the whooshing beat of his heart, so much blood racing through that stretched neck next to the camera. The view improved a bit as a light attached to the camera flicked on to highlight the saliva coating the powerful, undulating muscles of the tunnel. That throat kept on for a long time, slowly pulling the student down the throat of the noodle-like dragon. Eventually, after a few moans from the masturbating professor, the camera squeezed into the eastern's stomach - it was tight, plenty of warm, cushy flesh pressing in on the student. It took a while for him to squirm into a comfortable position, pushing the camera out into the stretchy belly to look back on him. It was Akeroh, the dragon working his feet into the walls of that belly, giving a wave to the camera as he ground his throbbing pair of dicks against the warm belly flesh of the professor as the video ended.

The professor let the impact of the video sink in a bit as he starting to pump his thick, musky prick, pushing the sheath down a bit more on his downstrokes. Thick pre dripped out of the huge tip of the big dragon's cock, his soft feet working hard against the green dragon trapped between them, the very same that had been eaten in the video. Akeroh let out a hot moan and squirm, grinding himself against that sole until he could take it no longer - have having been treated all class he finally peaked, the smaller male orgasming hard over the other dragon's foot, grinding his entire body against the plush hindpaw for his entire orgasm, the dragon left panting, hugging against that foot as the professor spread his hindpaws to show him off. "As you can see, it's not a bad trip at all. But back to the, mngh, syllabus...There's three main sections to this class. The course calendar has all the dates out and those should stay pretty well as the correct dates, but are always subject to shifting around as we get into the semester. The first section will be the study of oral vore, the second is cockvore and the third is anal vore."

The professor panted a bit as he still tried to go over the syllabus, somewhat distracted by the paw working up and down his cock, the blue member completely soaked with his precum. Akeroh was left panting against that foot, resting for a moment before the professor smirked, deciding to focus until the syllabus was done, moving his feet up to replace the stroking hand by sandwiching his cock between his feet. The assistant hadn't been able to jump off, so he was wedged up against the bigger male's musky cock, both the dragon and both the eastern's soles immediately soaked with his pre. The big male gave a murr, wiggling his toes to mush his friend against that throbbing blue prick before he continued, starting to give himself a slow footjob. "Mmnh, there will be tests after every section. They're pretty easy, multiple choice and a short essay. The final and midterms are cumulative and they should be pretty easy as well."

The professor gave a slow moan as he slowly worked his feet up and down his throbbing prick, working his toes over the tip to soak them in pre. His TA was mashed against that slick cock, moaning in time with the strokes from those feet. It didn't take too much longer before the big gold dragon was left panting, the dragon already starting to get close after teasing himself and his friend for so long. " all the dates are gonna be on the course calendar...Though they are subject to change depending on how fast we move through the other sections. And that should be it. Make sure to sign next to your name on the attendance sheet and if your name isn't on it, come up front after I release everybody."

The big eastern started to mumble a bit to himself before he groaned out, his throbbing, bright blue shaft spurting precum over his soles and toes, dripping onto the coils below his prick. The rest of the class seemed to be enjoying the show, only a few packing up what they'd brought to class. "Mngh, now, just before I release you, I'm gonna cum and give you a preview of the first section with the help of my TA here."

The big eastern managed to get the sentence out as he worked his soles even harder together, giving a low moan before that cock started to pulse. The big male's heavy sac pulled up just a bit as he started to orgasm, toes cupping over the tip of his cock to prevent his cum from splashing too far. Gallons of the thick cream poured out of his tip, the dragon huffing warmly as he watched his own feet get soaked with that thick cum, some even splashing the first row of seats, a spurt splashing out between his toes. The TA was lost somewhere, mashed against a foot and that thick cock in a mess of pre and cum. The huge eastern's orgasm went on for a good minute, the professor finally calming a bit.

Gleam wiggled his now-soaked toes to work them against the trapped TA and his post-orgasm cock with a warm squelch. The class looked on as a powerful squeeze of the two broad feet cause the big dragon's seed to drip off onto his coils. His feet split slowly, revealing his lightly pulsing cock and a well-seasoned, musky TA. "So that's it for the syllabus and course calendar. Now, before I let you go, here's your official introduction to the class, courtesy of Akeroh here..."

The TA glanced up as his name was called, jarred a bit from the afterglow he was enjoying as the teacher's muzzle reached down. Its prehensile tongue slowly wrapped around the green drake's ankles; Akeroh didn't protest, still stunned from all the stimulation between the big male's soles. His toes gave a slow wiggle as that tongue wrapped around them, the hot, blue flesh, nice and slick with saliva. The smaller male didn't protest, still stunned from the scent of the big dragon's sex fluids and the overstimulation between his soles. He moaned warmly, pressing his feet against the warmth of that tongue as it worked against his soles. His overstressed cocks even started to stiffen again with the feelings. The lovely foot massage didn't last too long, the powerful tongue having caught its prey. Those saliva and cum-slick feet met the inside of the huge eastern's maw as it slowly closed over them. The tongue pulled, slowly tugging inch after inch of the western's hind legs into the dark confines of his mouth. He let his assistant slowly come to as he slurped him like he would a noodle. It took a few more moments for the drake to come out of his musk-clouded stupor to let the reality of the situation sink in, staring down the muzzle of the big gold dragon.

He didn't reply in and sort of evolutionarily programmed way - instead he started to flex his legs to pull himself even further into those lips. His semi-hard shafts had stiffened up completely, the dragon leaning back to give a grin to the class as his knees slipped past those lips. There were a few oh's, ah's and moans from the the class as they watched. The professor gave a smirk as his tongue slithered out further up the dragons legs, over his hips. That slick muscle wrapped eagerly around every inch of the green's throbbing black shafts and heavy sac, the tip slowly working down lower before the big eastern jammed the tapered tip of the blue tongue deep under the smaller male's tail.

Whatever composure the dragon thought he had was lost the moment that tongue's tip touched his tight hole and completely evaporated as it jammed in. A soft whine sounded from the squirming dragon, the small male squirming in the powerful mouth of the bigger dragon. That tongue worked itself deeper with short thrusts. Each motion tightened the slick grip on his bits as the pulls of the tongue ground the surface over his bits. It took no time at all to set Akeroh off in that position. Gleam knew every trigger that the smaller male had and loved to drive him wild. The slimy tongue worked deep down his tight tailhole, filling it out with the thick muscle's warmth. Only a few more thrusts made the dragon whine out, arching his back as he thrust into the air and the mass of tongue as he splattered his third load out over that tongue, the professor's muzzle and himself.

He didn't get any rest this time as Gleam's stomach gave a rather audible growl. The noise made the bigger dragon's hunger known to the whole class. Gleam quickly flicked his head up, perilously tossing his morsel high into the air. The well seasoned dragon flipped up, waving his arms and legs as he tumbled. He could not have steadied himself enough to catch flight even if he had wanted to. The stabilization was only there so that he could stare into the bright blue muzzle as fell back towards it. Gleam left his maw open all the way, his tongue flopped out comically from the side of his mouth. It was more for the enjoyment of the class, but it did give the falling dragon an excellent view of the bright blue, drooling maw and the back of his throat.

He didn't have long to fall. A wet 'glrk' signalled that the dragon had made a bullseye, planting his snack in the back of his throat. Hot, slick flesh enveloped the dragon in cushy warmth, the teacher reflexively gulping to drag his snack into that throat. Warm, undulating flesh pressed hard around the dragon. Gleam's position, with his chin up position, perfectly stretched his neck to show off the skin-tight bulge that the smaller male made in his throat. Gulp after gulp moved the lump slowly down the slick tunnel.

Akeroh squirmed as much as he could against the confines of the fleshy tunnel. Oppressive, hot muscle tugged and forced him down the over tight tunnel. Each pulse flexed that saliva lubed flesh of the esophagus against every inch of his body. The going was long. Akeroh made a good big mouthful and the lithe eastern dragon had plenty of throat to work and squeeze him down.

Gleam shifted with another rumble, the bulge had nearly reached his stomach and he wanted the class to see the bulge the drake made, showing off his gut, cock jutting up over it. Akeroh halted for a moment as he reached the tight entrance to the dragon's stomach. It took a strong, final gulp from his friend to force him through.

There was no hollow acid pit for him to drop into, however. Softer, stretchier flesh surrounded him now, the cushy warmth a lovely contrast from the powerful pressure of the long eastern's throat. The heavy folds of slick flesh acted like thick foam padding, pushing back to press around any part applying pressure, leaving the dragon to make nice bulges in the eastern's gut, visible from outside. Each squirm pushed out that bulge, limbs making a bulge that was nearly skin tight with visible detail on the outside. The TA made sure to show off for a few minutes, working that bulge back and forth as he got more comfortable in the cannibal dragon's stomach, working his toes out until he felt the flesh start to go a bit more taught, wiggling his toes to play with the outline as he relaxed back. The big gold's belly rumbled again as it got to work on the masturbating dragon.

"Mmngh...There we go. Alright, class, you're free to go. If any of you want to come up and play with him while he digests or anything else, go ahead. If you're not on the roster, too, come on up and we'll get that sorted. Everybody else is free to go." The big dragon said, licking his lips warmly.

The class slowly started to filter out from the classroom, starting to talk amongst themselves about how they expected the semester to go. It seemed that most of them were rather excited about the course. Ten or so people did come up to the front as per the professor's request. A few stopped to prod and poke at the soft belly of the eastern, playing with the bulge that the doomed dragon made. The first student stepped up. He was a small mouse with thick glasses, wearing a thong. Gleam had noticed him in the front row of the class. He'd been in the 'splash zone' when the big dragon had cum. He was carrying a large red apple, a bit of his seed dripping off it, the mouse having caught a splash over his desk and his chest. "I just want to say that I'm excited to take your class, sir. I got you this." The mouse squeaked.

The big dragon smirked, leaning his head down to slowly wrap his tongue around the apple, letting the blue contrast with the red as it slowly slid around the fruit - and the mouse's hand. "Well, thank you. I'll enjoy having you too." He said, that tongue not stopping after the flexing muscle had completely enveloped the mouse's gift, starting to travel up his arm.

His last sentence wasn't a mistake. He obviously meant to eat the blushing mouse, that tongue pulling his entire arm into the hungry eastern's maw. It didn't take too long, his hungry maw tugging that arm in, before his lips parted to take in the mouse's shoulders. The dragon let out a warm murr, quickly taking more and more of the mouse in with a few fast 'bites'. He tipped his head back, pulling the mouse into his maw. He didn't swallow the aroused mouse yet, though, instead pushing him into a cheek with his tongue, sucking warmly. "Mmn, next." He said.

The next student walked up, a large bear smiling, erection throbbing between his legs as he padded up to the teacher's desk. The noodle looked on with a smile, his tongue working the bulge in his cheek as he spoke. "And you are?"

The bear nodded, handing the[c] attendance sheet to the large dragon with a smile. "I'm Jack." He said as the large paw of the eastern took up the sheet to read.

The big gold smirked, tail wagging warmly as he licked his lips, looking over the list. "Jack Gill or Jack Golen?"

The bear smirked, his short tail wagging behind him as he reached down to warmly rub his sac. His fingers worked his loose sac as he smiled, his shaft bobbing warmly. "Gill, sir."

Gleamy purred warmly, his soft, sticky foot working over his throbbing blue cock as he nodded, reaching down to strike the bear's name off the list. He reached down to give the bear a grope, fingers warmly rubbing the male's warm sac. "Alright, then. Well, I suppose all of you that stayed after might get the chance to get a sneak peak at the rest of the course. C'mon and give my cocktip a lick."

Jack grinned as he took a couple steps to move a bit more down the lengthy body of the eastern drake. His large, blue shaft was streaked and dripping with warm, white seed, the throbbing cock still nice and hard as it rested on one of the broad, soft footpaws of the big dragon. The bear gently stroked along the upper length of the sticky shaft as he approached the front, the chubby male's shaft flexing, pressing up against his belly as he approached that huge shaft. The professor waited patiently, idly relaxing back as he watched the bear approach his predatory shaft, his tongue busying itself with grinding and working over the squirming, horny lozenge pocketed in his cheek.

It didn't take long for the horny bear to lean forward and begin licking and kissing over that huge blue cockhead. It throbbed nicely with the attention, the bear rubbing over it, spreading around the cum from earlier in the class as his tongue slowly stroked over that sensitive head. The foot that the big blue shaft was resting on gently worked against the shaft, teasing himself as the bear worked over his cockspade. The bear didn't tease for too long, however - he'd been particularly excited for the cockvore section after an especially eventful sleepover with a few friends during move-in, and the dark, drooling slit of the eastern dragon's shaft looked so enticing...

The bear's tongue gave one warm, long slurp from the very base of Gleamy's cumslit all the way up to the top, teasing a few nice throbs and a gentle moan from the professor before he began to suddenly make out with it. His tongue pushed as far as it could into the warm slit, pre coating the bear's face as he worked his muzzle against it lewdly, making out with the shaft...before suddenly, his muzzle sunk into that hot tip. The big cock gave a throb as the bear began to sound the huge member with his muzzle, gently pulling back a few inches before pushing forward again. The professor held back his hunger and arousal, letting the bear have a bit of fun instead of simply gulping him down as quickly as he could like he very much wanted to.

The bear moaned out, gently working his muzzle back and forth, surprised that he had lasted so long, working his head against that slit...his hands warmly worked over the tip of that shaft, warm pads rubbing over musky, aroused blue flesh, before he readjusted his legs...and started to push himself forward, sinking his head deeper into that cock. The professor couldn't hold back a deep moan around the mouse as the bear's head sunk into his tight, extremely sensitive tunnel. He couldn't hold his hungry shaft back any longer, however, the blue length suddenly flexing in a strange sort of gulp around the bear.

That quickly sunk him into his shoulders, the dragon's cockhead beginning the arduous task of slowly stretching around those shoulders, each inch or so of his cumslit's dialation teasing a powerful shudder and moan from the big dragon. finally, though, the broad shoulders of the big bear slid into that hungry shaft, the short tail of the ursine eagerly wagging and twitching behind him. Gleamy simply couldn't hold himself back any longer, shivering a bit as his hungry shaft started to eagerly gulp down its meal; the large dragon's urethra incredibly sensitive. It was no secret that the cockvore section was one of his favorites; though he wasn't quite as composed during those class sessions with the amount of deep stimulation that they gave. He squirmed, groaning as his cockhead slowly pushed past the bear's gut, the eager prey's erection throbbing gently against that tip, the bear squirming - making the big dragon twitch as he stretched him further, forcing his arms up from his sides to straight above his head. The Professors' tail tip was twitching, his tail maw tendrils unfolded, squirming against each other as several of the touches short circuited his system. He was suddenly reminded of the first time that he'd gotten his vibrating sound; he'd not been able to stand up for nearly half an hour afterward.

But for now, there was too much stimulation to be distracted by fond memories. The sensations caused by the squirming bear working his other arm up that tight, tugging urethra were almost too much for the dragon to bear. He huffed and panted as the shaft gave another gulp-of-sorts, reaching up to the big bear's hips. The bear's shaft eagerly pulsed and throbbed against the big blue cockhead, the vibrant colors stained with the thick, sticky white of precum and seed. Jack humped and squirmed even more as he felt his shaft frot against the hungry dragon's, before the tip finally found its way into the cumslit of the thick blue shaft - instaly enveloped in the tight, sticky warmth of the male's urethra, it was Jack's turn to try to keep himself from orgasming as the shaft gave another slow, long gulp, taking in the bear's hips.

The bulge the bear made in that shaft was easy to show off. The stretchy flesh made a nearly vacuum seal outline of the bear's body as he slowly slid in. His feet had been pulled off the ground by this point, hovering in the air as the dragon's stiff cock gulped and pulled. Pre drooled out over his legs as he was slowly consumed, the bear's broad feet and large toes wiggling, showing off his soft pads to the other students. Only another strong gulp or two from the dragon's hungry cock and he was tugged down into that shaft - completely cut off from the outside world, his soft toes disappearing in the warm, musky goo of the male's precum.

The big professor relaxed back a bit more, his tail swaying slowly as he reaches down - his fingers gripping at the very base of that cock, underneath the throbbing blue knot...just before the bulge that the bear made worked past it. The bear was obviously squirming, the golden dragon squirming gently with the strange stimulation. He took quite a bit of time to show off to the class. His bright blue shaft kept a near perfect outline, and the drake was stretchy enough that every motion of the trapped bear was shown off. All the way from the bulge his erection made in the warm flesh to the outline of each of his toe pads as they worked against the big male's sensitive urethra. He couldn't hold back too much longer, the big drake letting go to to feed his hungry shaft.

It only took two more powerful gulps from that thick cock to tug the bear down. He groaned out, reaching down to rest his sac in the palm of one of his hands as the bear slid into it, his fingers fondling the bulge the bear made inside his huge, hungry nuts. The big noodle groaned out softly, panting gently...before reflexively swallowing.

The small mouse wasn't too much of a stretch for the large noodle. The twink was easily pulled to the back of that hungry, tight throat, his muzzle pressing against the male's slick entrance...before he let out a soft squeak, moaning as he ground against the big dragon's tongue, his cock throbbing as that slick flesh slowly parted to allow his head in. Warm muscle undulated against him as he entered the long dragon's throat. Slick flesh gripped him easily as the professor luxuriously swallowed his treat, his undulating throat slowly dragging the small male down into the tight, hot depths of the eastern. The rest of the latecomers watched intently as the eastern left his maw open, a small glk sounding when the mouse finally disappeared down that dripping, cushy throat. The other students watched with quite a bit of jealousy while that squirming bulge slowly slid down the male's tight throat. Finally, the eastern let that bulge slip down into his chest, giving a slow, satisfied sigh before swinging his gaze back to the rest of the class, patting over the bulges in his belly. "Alright then..." He began.

"Who's next~?"

Sunshine Scientist Issue 3 Part 1: The Porker

"Goddamnit! That probably got me killed!" The maus yelled at the screen as it blinked from her game. Previously, the massive command center screen had been displaying the most recent iteration of whizbangshootyfight to an unwelcome video call. The...

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Right to Bear Arms Pt 1

"Right to bear arms" Sunshine Science: Chapter/Episode ??? The alleyway lit up with the flash of gunshots. Two heroes came under attack by a roaring mob. Brick walls lined each side of the narrow walkway, the alleyway end leading to a...

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Croccy's Night Out (unfinished)

"Are you about ready, Akeroh?" The big crocodile asked. The little dragon had tried to dress a little more formally for this trip to the mall, the small male having gotten on a pair of lacy black panites and one of his nicer collars; this one was...

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