A Masters Betrayal - Part 3

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#3 of A Masters Betrayal

This story contains scenes and/or references of M/M sex and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. (21 in certain countries and states) Also if M/M sex offends you please turn back now, I will not be responsible for any repercussions you face by reading this.

You have been warned.


Sorry for the lateness in the posting of this chapter but work and other aspects of my life prevented me from getting it done.

There will be a fourth chapter, I'm posting this purely to for the sake of posting something, I promise I'll post the next one as soon as possible.




"You!" I snarl and point my claw at the stunned and confused Siberian White Tiger.

He looks at me and his confusion is immediately replaced by fear as he looks at me. My anger is boiling over and all I want is to vent all my rage and frustration on this tiger. I clench my fists so tight my claws pierce the skin drawing blood but I don't feel it as I stand there glaring at him. I feel something in me stir, I didn't know what it was and at that point I didn't care but it felt damn good as it slowly took me over. I felt it first as a tingle in my stomach but then I felt it spread and course throughout my body giving me this undeniable sense of power, my body grew hot and I felt myself losing focus on everything but my rage and the tiger. I dig my claws deeper into my paws as I clench my fists even harder. Through clenched teeth I growl threateningly and then scream,

"This is all your fault!"

He begins to speak but I don't hear him and next thing I know I've dashed the ten feet between us, past my cubs and before he could defend himself tackled him. We roll over the hood of the car and tumble to the ground on the other side with a thud. I land on top of him and because of our momentum get thrown off and roll a few feet away and roll onto all fours. The Tiger was badly winded from the fall and was using the car to try and crawl to his feet while clutching his chest and wheezing slightly trying to catch his breath. I run towards him at full speed with my right fist pulled back and swing it once I get close enough and hit him square in the nose. He falls backwards from the force of the punch and ends up sprawled across the hood of the car before rolling off it to the ground at the front of the car. He scrambles to his feet and runs to the opposite side of the car from me only to fall to the ground. He turns so he's sitting on the ground and starts to crawl backwards with one paw out in front of him begging me to stop as I began marching round the car towards him.

I can't tell you what a power trip I was on; here I am beating the crap out of this 7 foot tiger that has enough muscles on him to easily bench 400 pounds. His nose was bleeding profusely staining the white fur on his muzzle crimson as he begged me to stop. I marched up to him with a menacing smile on my face and the sensation I felt just before I attacked him has spread throughout my entire body, I feel my fingertips tingling in time with each beat of my heart, my logical mind lost in the haze of this sensation, I felt like I could do anything. I grab his out stretched hand and crush his fingers in my grip. He screams in pain as I squeeze harder and I have never heard such a beautiful sound in my entire life.

"You're going to pay for what you did to Dean." I snarl as I raise my fist to strike the defenceless tiger and he clenches his eyes shut as he awaits my strike, but just as I was bringing my fist hurtling towards his temple I was tackled to the ground.

I struggled against my attacker, snapping my jaws at him as he pinned my arms to my chest as he shouts something at me but I'm so lost in my rage I don't hear what they're saying or even realise who it is. I continue to snap my jaws at them and shout out obscenities at them until I manage to shake them off. I scramble to my feet and launch myself through the air at them before he manages to stand upright. I land on top of him and we begin to wrestle on the ground. I managed to pin they're arms to the ground and lurch forward bearing my fangs towards their exposed throat. Just before I clamp my fangs into their neck I hear someone shout,


I pause for a second, my fangs still bared about an inch from my preys throat when a hand seizes hold of my muzzle and another wraps around my neck strangling me and yanks me to my feet. I struggle, pulling and clawing at the arm which has a python like grip on my neck, all of a sudden my captor lets go, spins me round and before I can react hits me square on the chin knocking me out cold.


I open my eyes to find myself blinded by light and shut them again quickly, as I lay there with my eyes clenched shut I begin to feel stiffness throughout my body. I groan as I try to move eventually managing to bring a paw to cover my eyes from the invading light coming from the window on my right.

"Where...ohhh." I groan as my jaw feels like a sledge hammer hit me in the face.

I gently grip my jaw with the paw I had been using to shield my eyes to massage my jaw. As I rubbed my muzzle I felt my fur was crispy and rough around my nose. I licked at it tasting the definite iron like taste of my own blood. That's when I remembered what had happened after Dean had ran out the open door, Sarah, the white tiger, the fight, my cubs...oh God my cubs.

‘They saw everything didn't they?' I thought to myself. ‘Well at least that explains the pain and the blood but where the heck am I?'

I open my eyes slowly, letting them get used to light. Once I had them open I surveyed the room I was in and soon discovered that I was in my cubs' bedroom in the bed I had spent the night with Gabriel...

'Oh crap Gabriel! He must've been the one that tackled me as I was about to hit that tiger Tony. I was going to...going to...I was going to kill him. Jesus what's happening to me?'

I begin to sob when I hear the door creak open, my eyes shoot up to the door opposite me to see Gabriel walk in with a glass of water. He sees that I'm awake and smiles as he says,

"So you're finally awake, good." He gives me the kindest smile I've ever seen.

"Gabriel..." I sob "I'm so sorry..." He interrupts me by raising a paw. He walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed while putting the glass on the bedside table between the two beds and caresses the side of my face lovingly. I lean into his paw and murr at its warmth.

"It's alright Douglas, I know you weren't yourself."

"What happened to me?"

"I don't know, I coming running out of the house with Sarah to find Tony begging you to stop and your cubs' crying." He looked away from me with a clearly unpleasant look on his face. "The look in your eye...it was horrifying. You looked ready to kill Tony so I tried to stop you and well...you know what happened after that. If Tony hadn't stopped you I might be..."

"I'm sorry Gabriel. I didn't know it was you. I just felt this power running through me, it was primal and violent and it was begging for that Tigers blood."

"Sounds like you turned feral on us." A voice came from the doorway.

Gabriel and I turned to look who had come in. It was Tony with Sarah standing behind him with a fearful look in her eye. Tony wasn't wearing the leather jacket from before so I could see he was wearing a black tank top which showed off his bulging rippling muscles.

"Huh? Feral? Like Dean?" I stammer.

"Yes like Dean." Tony responded.

"How did I go feral? Why am I acting like myself? Unlike Dean I'm back to normal and I don't want to rip your throat out anymore."

"You went feral probably because you couldn't cope with the influx of emotions you were feeling and you probably had a hatred for me and so your mind took those feelings and focused all your anger, frustration and sorrow in an all out-rage against the fur who you hated the most in the world, me."

"Okay so why don't I want to hurt you anymore?"

"Because," Tony walks over and sits on the other side of the bed and places his hand on my shoulder reassuringly, "Your mind used the time to work out what it wants and vented any and all unresolved emotions you may have been suppressing." My ears perked up and I got excited and gripped Tonys arm and looked him in the eyes,

"So Dean will revert back to himself soon right?" I asked with a tone of excitement and desperation. Tony broke our gaze and looked to the floor.

"From what Gabriel told me it isn't going to be that simple for Dean. Your feral state was instantaneous and just as easy to pass, Deans took hold over a longer period of time and won't be as easy to snap out of, also he was acting afraid of everything so that means he won't be able to break out of his feral state until he comes to terms with his fear. Gabriel told me you told him that when you met him Dean was still having nightmares about his rape and that he had counselling for his previous rape which means that was probably the only reason he never turned feral till now, till you raped him Douglas."

I don't know what I was feeling embarrassment that Tony and Sarah knew that I had raped Dean, angry at the betrayal that Gabriel had told them or sorrow at what I had done to Dean and what he was going through now. Then it struck me, what's happening with Dean?

"What about Dean?" I begged, "Has he come back? Is someone out looking for him?" Everyone remained silent.

"We uh..." Gabriel began but was interrupted by my kids sneaking into the room and speaking,

"Daddy?" they said in unison. There they were, my boys, my beautiful cubs. Conner and Vincent, Conner was 7 and the oldest of the two, He had Sarah's intense electric blue eyes and my brown coat, but it didn't have the red tinge to it. He was around 4 and half feet tall and was wearing jogging bottoms his favourite Winchester Wolves football strip and was nervously chewing on his claw. Vincent was a year younger than Conner and had my amber coloured eyes with Sarah's Snow White fur but had a few red high-lights in his head fur, back and tail although you couldn't tell this under his Bobcat the builder T-shirt and wore jeans that were a little too long for him which to me suggested that they were Connors, Vincent loved to wear his brothers clothes. Vincent was clutching to his brothers paw with both of his and had a worried look in his eye.

"Daddy, are you back to normal now?" Conner squeaked, clutching his brother's paw harder.

‘My kids are afraid of me.' I thought, the thought bringing tears to my eyes. Gabriel and Tony got up and walked over to Sarah and the cubs, Tony bent down and said,

"Your daddy's all better now. Why don't you go give him a hug, he's missed you so much."

The cubs nodded and with usual childish enthusiasm bound across the room and onto the bed where we embraced in a huge hug. I wrapped my arms round the both of them while they wrapped theirs around my neck and chest. I nuzzled them and took in their scents, their beautiful scent. Tears of joy were streaming down my face as we embraced, I didn't even notice them.

"Daddy, are you okay, you're crying." Conner asked.

I nodded, "I'm fine boys, I'm just so happy to see you both." We stayed there hugging each other as Gabriel, Tony and Sarah stood in the doorway watching us with the usual looks of ‘Isn't that cute.'

"When you guys are done we need to speak in the living room Douglas."Gabriel piped up. I nodded and they left the room leaving the door open.

I sat there on the bed hugging my boys with a feeling of overwhelming happiness; I hadn't felt this since the days that I first held them after they were born. We sat there for a good 10 minutes just hugging each other all of us were crying but didn't say anything, we were just sat there on the bed enjoying each other's presence, that is until I remembered about Dean.

"I gotta go boys." I sniffled. "You stay here and play while I go speak to your mum, Tony and Gabriel okay?"

"Okay Daddy." They released the hug.

I got up out of bed grateful that I hadn't been undressed before being put there and made my way to the living room but stalling at the doorway of my cub's room watching them begin to play with their toys and waving before leaving and closing the door. As I made my way down the hall I could hear the others speaking.

"We've got to phone the authorities." A female's voice said so I assumed it was Sarah's.

"If we do they will probably arrest Douglas."

It was Gabriel's voice and what he said made me freeze in my tracks just outside the door, I could see the standing around the living room. Tony and Sarah had their backs to me standing up around the remains of the coffee table and Gabriel was facing them sitting on the couch but obviously hadn't seen me in the doorway yet. I stood there listening to their conversation with a the realisation that even if we did manage to get Dean back and help him, even if he could forgive me then I could be locked up for raping him before they managed to cure him and then I wouldn't see Dean or my cubs for a very long time. My chest was tense and felt like it was ready to burst; I stood stock still frozen to the spot as the others continued.

"We'll need them to find Dean. Who knows where he is, we need to get him back before he hurts himself or others." Sarah retorted. "We need to think about Dean not Douglas."

"Just cause you don't care about him anymore doesn't mean we should get him arrested for a stupid mistake!" Gabriel said raising his voice standing to his feet, fists clenched.

"We've got help Dean ourselves without calling the cops."

"Fuck you! I do care about him I'm just thinking realistically. This is about Dean not Douglas. We need to focus on Dean!" Sarah yelled back.

"CALM DOWN YOU TWO!!!" Tony bellowed causing the others to flinch. "I agree with Sarah that we need to get Dean back but having a huge crowd of people stomping about making a lot of noise is likely going to scare him and make him run away, its best if we go in ourselves and try to find him first. We know he ran into the grounds across the road which has five square miles of forest, with an old manor in the middle. I'm sure he and Douglas will have taken walks in there and will probably go to one of the places there that will make him feel safe and secure and will more than likely have shelter nearby."

That's when Gabriel saw me in the doorway.

"Douglas..." Tony and Sarah turned to see me. "How long have you been there?"

I managed to relax a little to say, "Not long, since around the time you said something about calling the authorities."

I walked in to the room, the floor wet and smelling strongly of various alcohols and cleaning fluids; someone obviously trying to clean the floor while I was unconscious. I picked up the last bottle of whisky off the dresser that hadn't been smashed in the earlier scuffle with Dean. I took the lid off and poured myself a glass and downed it quickly enjoying the slight burning sensation it gave me as it slid down my throat relaxing me. Turning back to the others all of them watching me curiously waiting to see how I'd react, I lift the bottle in their direction.

"Anyone want a drink?" They shook their heads. "Oh...okay." I walked across the room pouring myself another drink as I did and sat it the chair to the side of the couch and began sipping on the amber liquid.

"Douglas." Gabriel began bringing my focus on to him rather than the glass in my paw. "Do you have any ideas where Dean might have gone too? Somewhere that meant a lot to both of you? Wait a minute," Gabriel turning to face Tony. "Why would he go somewhere that reminds him of Douglas? Wouldn't he avoid places like that?"

"He isn't in a right state of mind, he's trying to work out his emotions and since most of his time spent in the area was with Douglas most of his emotional attachments will revolve around places he has felt safe and secure and they are most likely places he and Douglas have happy memories of."

"How do you know all this stuff?" I asked.

"Didn't you know? I'm a psychiatrist and have had experience in dealing with furs that have reverted into a feral state of mind."

"Oh okay."

"So any places that comes to mind?" Tony asked.

I sat there sipping the whisky from my glass while I thought about it. While I was watching the amber liquid swirl in my glass it hit me.

"The lake, the cabin by the lake in the grounds, Dean and I spent a lot of time around there."

"Okay we'll start there, Gabriel can see if you can find a net and some rope..."

"Heyheyhey!" I interrupted him standing up. "What the hell are you planning and why the hell are you helping us?"

"We might need to restrain him if he gets violent, don't worry we're not going to hurt him, and I'm helping you because I have seen what can happen to furs who turn feral and I don't want that to happen to anyone." He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder before turning to Sarah. "Sarah you stay here and look after the cubs."

"Of course." Sarah agreed

"Douglas do you have a net and rope." Tony asked turning back to me.

"Uh...yeah. They should be in the shed out back next to the door where I keep my fishing equipment."

"Got it, "Douglas go get properly dressed as it's a bit chilly out." With that Gabriel makes his way out to the shed

I nodded and went to the bedroom to get dressed. As I approached the door I slowed down my hand hovering above the handle. Guilt, fear and depression flooded my mind as the memories of Dean and that night flooded back but for some reason didn't seem to hit me as hard as they had earlier, I took a deep breath and walked into the room, it had been tidied. The bed had been changed and the window left open and there was definitely a faint smell of urine but nonetheless the one scent which still filled the room was that of Dean.

"Dean," I said aloud taking a deep breath, "I promise I'm going to help you."

With that I walked over to the closet and began changing forgetting to close the door. Gabriel walked in while I was bent over with my ass facing the door as I was putting on a pair of boxers giving me a wolf whistle startling me causing me to yelp and fall over as I had one leg up just about to slide it into my boxers causing me to lose my balance. After hitting the floor I rolled on to my stomach and glared at him.

"Sorry man," He said while trying to suppress a fit of giggles,

"Didn't mean to startle ya." He walked in closing the door behind him.

"I wanted to tell you to that we're ready to go whenever you're dressed." Giving me that sly smile of his that always seemed to make me laugh.

"Ha-ha...Thanks Gabe." I said as I crawled to my feet.

"No probs" Giving me a toothy grin now.

"You mind giving me some privacy?"

"Why, I thought if you'd wanted privacy you'd have closed the door and besides it's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Uh...well...even still...oh okay you can stay but no more whistling got it!" Pointing my finger at him trying to emphasise my seriousness.

"You got it Doug." I turned to carried on getting dressed pulling on my boxers and grabbing a pair of jeans from the drawer.

"You know I love it when you're all serious and bossy; makes me feel all tingly."

I paused as I heard this just holding the jeans half out of the drawer before turning my head to face him giving him a quizzical look.

"Ha-ha just joking, now hurry up will ya?" He said as he left the room closing the door behind him.

"What the hell was that about?" I ask myself aloud before finishing getting dressed.


We were just pulling into the grounds main entrance and I was deep in thought about Dean; I was driving and Gabriel was in the front passengers seat while Tony was sitting behind me, the jostled side to side as we slowly made his way along the rough dirt road. The sudden jostling of the car pulled me from my thoughts of Dean and I glanced in the rear view mirror my gaze locking on to the white tiger in the back and made me think about Tony and Sarah and my stomach tightened as I remembered the night I first laid eyes on him, in bed with Sarah as she squirmed and moaned beneath him in pleasure. I felt my anger rising at this point and all I wanted to do was hit that tiger again but I forced that feeling down and focused my attention on the road again.

"Tony...?" I began, trying to maintain a steady calm voice.

"Hmmm?" Tony replied, Gabriel turning his head slightly wondering what I was going to ask.

"Why did you come back?" I asked almost blurting it out in anger. Tony was silent, I couldn't see his face but his ears were plastered to his head obviously having dreaded this line of questioning and where it might lead.

"You knew that if I saw you I would attack you, yet you not only return to this country but sit outside my house when Sarah comes to visit me." A slight growl escaped my throat as I said these words.

"Douglas..." Gabriel began before being interrupted by Tony.

"It's alright Gabriel. Sigh...I came back for two reasons," I didn't say anything I just glared at him in the rear view mirror my eyes darting occasionally to the road.

"I came back to the country because Sarah family is here and she misses them, and well, she wants you to be part of your cubs lives Douglas."

I pondered this for a moment, why would she take the boys away from me if she wanted me to be part of their lives? ‘Why would she also appear out of the blue at mine without so much as a phone call and drag this fucker along with her knowing full well that that it would make me furious?'

"And as for why I came to yours, I wanted to make sure that you wouldn't hurt Sarah or the boys."

"Why would Douglas hurt his own cubs?" Gabriel sputtered.

"In my profession I have seen into the minds of some of the most disturbed individuals and seen firsthand what unbalanced emotions can drive people to do. I wanted to make sure that they were safe, even at the cost of my own safety and no offence Douglas but seeing what happened at yours when I first got there I'm glad I did come, because I was there you took out all your rage and frustration out on me rather than them."

At this point I was feeling like shit, I fought back the tears at the thought of me hurting Sarah and my cubs. I hated the fact that Tony thought that I could have done and I hated him even more for saying it out loud but I knew deep down that I could have and if it had I never couldn't have lived with myself. I gripped the steering wheel tightly trying to resist wrapping my paws round his throat and strangling him.

"Sarah wants the boys to stay with you because they miss you and to be honest, as much as I care for them they don't want me as their father, they want you and Sarah wants them to be happy and if that means that they live with you that's what they will do."

I stared at him in complete disbelief and was stunned silent, my rage forgotten at his previous statement.

"We're here." Gabriel announced snapping me from my shock as the old weather beaten cabin came into view.

A Masters Betrayal - Part 4

A Masters Betrayal Part 4 We stopped a good distance from the cabin so as not to disturb Dean, if he was here that is. Tony had the rope and net and I hoped we didn't need to use them. We walked along the dirt road towards the...

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A Masters Betrayal - Part 2

This story contains scenes and/or references of M/M sex and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. (21 in certain countries and states) Also if M/M sex offends you please turn back now, I will not be responsible for any repercussions you...

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A Masters Betrayal

A MASTERS BETRAYAL For the first time in my life I was happy, I had a good job, someone who loves me and a brighter outlook on life and it's all thanks to one special fox. I'm a 6"4 wolf with amber coloured eyes and light brown fur that when in...

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