Reset: Who Wants to Live Forever?

Story by drass on SoFurry

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#3 of Reset

We have another entry into this series, and whether its a success or not, the intention is for these chapters to be non-linear for the most part and capable of standing on their own. as always comments are welcomed and encouraged.

We join Luka and her mistress, Lady Rya, once again as another strange client comes knocking at their door. This time a being known as an elder entity, which is essentially a conscious mind with immense psychic power that lacks a physical body has come seeking their aid; though neither of the two can guess as to why someone lacking a body would seek out a carnal witch's assistance.

Luka yawned and rolled out of her bed sleepily. She looked over to her alarm clock and saw she still had five minutes before she technically had to be up, but with a sigh decided it wasn't worth it and disabled the alarm. She quickly shed her night clothes and redressed in a plain tee-shirt and some jean-shorts that were cut off too high on her thighs for her own tastes. Her mistress was having a short pants kick and she had little choice in the matter. She took a look at herself in her mirror and sighed at how much the attire accentuated her butt, probably just as her mistress intended. Luka shook her head and walked out into the hall to begin her rounds.

She started the morning by going outside for some fresh air. The morning was cold, and she regretted not grabbing a sweater before heading out. The sun had yet to rise over the surrounding buildings and Luka took advantage of the early hour to hurry around to the front of the bar their home was attached to unnoticed. She fished a key ring out of her back pocket and started to unlock the front door before realizing it was already open. With a shrug she stepped inside. Behind the bar cleaning up was Kevin, the bar's owner.

Kevin looked up and smiled. "Mornin' Luka. Rya sure has you up early." He remarked.

Luka shrugged. "She can't be bothered to get up this early herself." Luka explained as she walked up to the counter.

Kevin looked her up and down and shook his head. "I'm guessing you aren't picking your clothes lately." He remarked as he noted her mostly bare legs.

"Nope." Luka said, "We're rolling into fall, but weather be damned she has to admire my ass." Luka grumbled.

Kevin chuckled. "Could be worse, she could have you run errands naked." He joked.

Luka looked up at him worriedly. "Do not give her that idea Kevin." She snapped.

"Don't worry hun, I won't" Kevin said with a smirk.

Luka breathed a sigh of relief. "Mail come in yet?" She asked.

Kevin produced a couple envelopes from under the counter. "Just these two today." He said handing them over.

"Thanks Kev." Luka said and turned to leave. "Lady Rya will be up later this evening for a couple drinks unless she gets carried away in the lab again." She said.

"Thanks for the heads up." He chuckled as Luka went through the front door.

Next on Luka's list was to tidy up the living room. She picked up the notes scattered across the table that Lady Rya had been working on the night before. She then ran the vacuum a few times across the room, and scowled when it caught a few crumpled up and sticky tissues that were hiding under the couch. "Just can't help yourself can you." Luka muttered, and tossed the slightly damp tissues into the nearest trash can. Satisfied with her work, she moved on to their lab. The largest room in the house also served as their library, and Luka knew better than to touch the books without forethought by now; some of them could move and even talk. Luka's entrance was announced by a catcall from one such book, and caused her to let out a frustrated sigh. Lady Rya's favorite book sat open on her personal desk amidst a mess of scribbled notes. The Encyclopedia of Erotic Pleasures: An Ongoing Effort was its title, and it was a rather unique book in her mistress' collection. The book was enchanted to write itself as it learned more things for its list of entries, and it found these out by reading the minds of sentient beings that came close enough to it. Luka had thought this interesting at first, but recently it had reached a sort of critical mass of knowledge and formed a rudimentary sentience. Unfortunately, the thing had the intelligence and maturity of a young teenager.

"My my Luka, such a nice ass you're showing off today." The book called out with a voice projected into her mind.

"You know, assuming that approach had a snowball's chance in hell of working, what the hell could you even do with me?" Luka groaned as she walked over.

"I'd tap that ass." The book said bluntly. "I'd make you scream my name, baby."

Luka picked the book up as she scowled at it. "Its a good plan except for two things." Luka said as calmly as she could manage, "You lack any genitals to 'tap' me with, and you don't have a name to scream." She said.

"Err, I'm working on that." The book muttered.

"Well, keep working." Luka said flatly and closed the book; which shut it up. She returned it to its spot on the shelf and set to work sweeping and mopping the floors around the numerous tables that filled the room while being careful not to disturb any of the equipment that covered them. Once finished, she made her way to their kitchen and cooked breakfast for herself and her Mistress. Today's meal was scheduled to be bacon and eggs. It didn't take long to finish, and after carrying the meal out to the living room table and setting a plate out for Lady Rya, she dished herself up and began eating. She knew it wouldn't be long before the smell of food roused her Mistress, and like a cat that heard the can opener, Lady Rya soon wandered down the hall that led to her own chambers; still in her underwear.

"You're ahead of schedule again." Lady Rya mumbled sleepily. "I need to give you more chores in the morning." She grumbled as she scooped a heap of scrambled eggs onto the plate Luka had put out for her.

"You could also try going to bed earlier." Luka muttered before taking a bite of toast.

Lady Rya yawned. "Nope, I work best at night." She said. "I could schedule play sessions for you to keep you up late too." She teased.

Luka groaned. "Please don't, I get enough stress from your BFF in there." Luka said and gestured toward the hall that led to the lab.

Lady Rya giggled. "Fine, I'm just joking dear." She said, "I'll break you in on my own time with my own personal touch." She added with a smirk. Luka nearly choked on her toast when she heard that, and Lady Rya laughed harder.

Breakfast was halted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Luka looked up at Lady Rya, confused. "We have a doorbell?" She asked.

"Nope." Lady Rya said as she looked towards the front door.

"How in the hell did-" Luka started but was interrupted.

"Would there happen to be a Lady Rya in this residence?" A male voice projected into their minds. The two stared at each other silently for a minute, not sure what to make of the situation. The doorbell rang again, and the two realized that it too was being projected into their minds. Lady Rya shrugged and walked over to the door.

"Pants!" Luka whispered harshly, and caused her Mistress to look down at her body and see she was wearing only a mismatched set of bra and panties. Lady Rya shrugged and opened the door anyway, causing Luka to cover her face in embarrassment.

"Oh, I figured you were something like that." Lady Rya remarked in a surprised tone. "Well, come in." She said.

Luka managed to pull her hand away from her eyes and was surprised to see what looked like a semi-transparent ball of light float through their front door. "Now just what the hell are you?" Luka asked as the ball hovered over to their table alongside Lady Rya.

"Manners, Luka." Lady Rya scolded. "You're talking to an elder entity." she explained.

"Right, sorry." Luka said, "Just what the hell is an elder entity?" She asked while retaining her previous tone.

Lady Rya shook her head and sighed. "This is the being that results when a mage ascends from their physical form to become something immortal." She explained.

"It's a bit more complicated than that, but she has the gist of it." The being explained. "My name is Leonard," He continued, "I've come to seek your aid."

"Well we're glad to help if we can," Lady Rya said, "But given what you are, wouldn't just being in our presence be enough?" She asked.

"Back up, I'm lost again." Luka sighed.

"Let me explain then," Leonard said, "I was a mage from the school of knowledge, we acted basically as living encyclopedias. Once in a very great while, one of us amasses enough information for our sentience to survive beyond our physical form. Some mages are powerful enough to perform feats of telepathy such as your Lady Rya here, but when one ascends to this form, they gain the ability to read and understand the mind and memories of any sentient being within a certain range they choose to."

Luka stared at the ball of light for a minute. "So, for example." She said, sounding doubtful, "Just by looking at me, you know everything I've experienced or am thinking?" She asked.

"If I want to, then yes." Leonard responded.

Luka thought to question him further before she shrugged with an exasperated sigh. "Sure why not." She said, "I'm with Lady Rya though, what could we really do to help you?"

"Its simple really, I want to go back." Leonard stated.

Lady Rya nodded thoughtfully as Luka just stared, mouth agape. "Wait, aren't you immortal and basically omniscient?" Luka asked.

"In my immediate vicinity, yes." Leonard said.

"Would you keep those traits going back?" Luka asked.

"None of them would carry over." Leonard said.

"Is is even possible to go back?" Luka asked, now more confused than ever.

"I have no idea." Leonard said.

"I'm gonna give it a crack!" Lady Rya said as she stood up.

"I thank you, Lady Rya." Leonard said, "I'm sure we can work out some sort of exchange as payment later."

"I'll let Luka worry about the cash." Lady Rya said cheerfully. "Let's get you in the lab and checked out. Luka dear, go grab me the usual set of reagents from storage." She added as she led the floating ball of light down the hall that led to the lab.

Luka blinked slowly as she tried to process what she had just seen, then sighed and started towards the appropriate hallway. "Guy is probably broke anyway. Doesn't need money with a body like that." She mumbled as she thought to herself. She opened the door at the end of the hall and entered a disproportionately large room; which resembled a warehouse. It had two stories, and was filled to the brim with rows upon rows of shelving units; most of which contained various odd materials and liquids, but a good portion of which lay barren. Luka still didn't know how Lady Rya could have afforded this home, but not have enough to fully stock her reserve spell components. With a sigh, Luka started filling her arms with various jars, and on top of those began stacking a menagerie of tanned animal hides and roots. Now barely able to see over her burden, Luka carefully maneuvered her way back out to the living room and down to the lab.

"This is really neat!" Luka heard her mistress say as she opened the door. "Luka come try this!"

"Give me a second first." Luka grunted as she walked over to Lady Rya's desk and set the requested materials down. Luka sighed and turned to see what her mistress was going on about. Lady Rya had her arm buried up to the elbow inside their visitor's luminescent body and was watching her hand as she wiggled her fingers around. "Oh my god." Luka groaned and put a hand over her face.

"She sure is enthusiastic." Leonard remarked.

"You aren't the least bit bothered by her total lack of boundaries?" Luka asked. "Did she at least ask permission first before shoving her arm in?"

"Well, lets just say personal space ceases to be an issue when you no longer exist physically." Leonard explained with an amused tone.

Lady Rya withdrew her hand and stared at it for a bit. "Now this is interesting." She mused to herself. "Well, lets get all the easy tests out of the way first!" She exclaimed, then walked over to her desk and grabbed a few of the things Luka had brought. "Luka, start me a basic skin tone draft pronto." Lady Rya ordered.

Luka shook her head and grabbed the materials she had been trained to use from the pile on the desk. She still wasn't sure how she felt about Lady Rya training her in the ways of potion brewing. On one hand she loved learning new things, but on the other she would only learn what Lady Rya chose to teach her; which was usually something perverted or benign. "You know he doesn't even have skin so this won't work, right?" Luka asked as she lit a match and began working.

"But it might do something." Lady Rya countered excitedly as she started working on several potions of her own simultaneously.

Luka sighed. "That's not very scientific." Luka retorted as she began grinding a mix of roots into a powder.

"Bah, science called you dead." Lady Rya scoffed as her hands flew between several different beakers and bowls in a blur. "I fixed that by doing things my way."

Luka shook her head. "You literally just used the term 'experiment'." Luka said as she carefully measured out the freshly ground power, then dumped it into a beaker.

"So?" Lady Rya asked childishly, "Gotta try everything before you know what works." She said as smoke started to pour from several of her concoctions.

"That's most of the scientific method. You're literally using science right now." Luka groaned as she filled the beaker most of the way with saline and set it to boil over the flame she had lit.

"My way's more fun though." Lady Rya responded with a smile as she pulled several beakers off of their flames and lined them up along side each other on an empty wooden rack she had nearby before starting work on more potions in their place.

Luka sighed and gave up trying to convince her Mistress. "You still sure you want to work with this lady?" Luka asked as she looked back at Leonard.

Leonard chuckled and flickered as he did. "I'm still sure, she's my only hope after all." Leonard said, "You two make an adorable couple by the way, its so rare to see a witch and apprentice so close to one another these days." He added.

Luka started laughing so hard she struggled to stay upright in her stool. Lady Rya, meanwhile, shot a disappointed glance towards Leonard.

"Did I assume too much?" Leonard asked.

"Okay, that was a good one." Luka wheezed. Lady Rya remained quiet as her face steadily turned redder. "I'm not even a mage." Luka explained.

"Okay, now I'm at a loss." Leonard admitted. "You say that yet your skill at potion crafting seems practiced, and you're instilling it with your own magical energy as well, how are you not a mage then?" He asked.

"I'm doing what now?" Luka asked, now also confused. "I'm just doing it how Lady Rya told me to." She explained.

Lady Rya was the one who laughed now and drew the gaze of the other two in the room. "She's not rightly human." She explained once getting a hold of herself.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Luka barked defensively.

"You're telling me this woman is your familiar?" Leonard asked with a dubious tone. "This independently thinking and feeling person is what you choose to extend your personal magic through?"

"Yep." Lady Rya said as she slid another two potions into the rack.

"You don't see any risk in your equipment being self-determined and sentient?" Leonard asked in a worried tone.

"Why would I?" Lady Rya asked, "Luka's a good girl after all. Luka, go ahead and show him your belly button." She added.

Luka sighed and spun around in her stool before simultaneously pulling her shirt up and her waistband down for the glowing ball. Beneath her naval was the symbol of Lady Rya's connection to her. Luka gave him a few seconds to inspect it, then returned to tending her potion.

"I knew carnal mages were unorthodox, but this is certainly unexpected." Leonard mused.

"You didn't just read our minds to figure that out?" Luka asked as she finished her one potion and set it in her Mistress' quickly filling rack of drafts. "Seems like you're under-utilizing an extremely useful tool at your disposal."

"I do have a respect for people's privacy." Leonard countered, sounding a bit offended.

Luka chuckled. "If only Lady Rya shared your sentiment." She said, "On that note, read anything helpful off of him yet Mistress?" She asked.

"Are you nuts?" Lady Rya asked. "No way I'm going in a head like that, I'll be left here with goo running out my ears for weeks if I try!" Lady Rya added, also sounding offended.

Luka looked between the other two for a few seconds before she sighed and shrugged. "Anything else you need me to grab before we start?" Luka asked.

"Nope, lets get this first round running." Lady Rya said excitedly as she pulled the last of her potions from their fires and grabbed the now full rack of mixtures.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Leonard said.

"Luka, take notes for me." Lady Rya ordered, "I'll just do a pass fail and details, got it?" She said as she set a stool up in front of her guest.

Luka grabbed a sheet of scrap paper and a book to use as a writing surface from her mistress' desk and readied a pen. "Let's do it." She said.

"Wing of raven draft." Lady Rya said, and poured a purple liquid through the space Leonard supposedly occupied. "Fail." She said as no apparent change happened. Luka recorded this down quickly. "Tail of Lemur draft," She continued, then called out the same result as the first. She went down the rack in succession and called out fail after fail. "Scale of Hydra," , "Eye of Owl," , "Breasts of Mother," , "Phallus of Stallion," , "Claws of Dragon," , "Spine of Serpent" All came back failures, then Lady Rya reached for the last draft. "Skin of Ebony" Lady Rya sighed, but snapped to attention once the draft was poured into her guest.

"Now that's curious." Leonard mused as the draft slowly filtered through the space he occupied before trickling down on to the floor with the rest of the potions that had just splashed through him before.

"Now by all conventional logic, that shouldn't be happening." Lady Rya said as she watched the mixture finish its slowed descent through the entity.

"So is that a pass or a fail?" Luka asked.

"Neither, it's a clue I think." Lady Rya said. "Leonard, Luka, would you two mind entertaining each other outside? I have some research to do." She walked over to her bookshelf and ran a finger over each book in order as she seemed to look for more to go on.

Luka looked over at Leonard and shrugged before leading him back out to the living room.

"So..." Leonard started as Luka sat down.

"Yeah?" Luka asked as she looked up at him.

"How exactly did you come to be a familiar?" Leonard asked.

Luka chuckled, "You want the honest answer?" She asked.

"Preferably." Leonard responded

"I have no idea." Luka explained.

"Not a clue?" Leonard asked.

Luka shook her head, "I'll try to clarify." She continued, "From my perspective it went down like this: I was in my first year of college and it was going well. My memory's a little foggy going into things, but apparently I was blindsided by truck and killed, or almost killed. Lady Rya's never been too clear on that. Anyway, my memory picks up in Lady Rya's basement, already her familiar."

"So you just woke up bound to her?" Leonard asked.

Luka nodded. "Among other things. I used to be male, but Lady Rya apparently had other ideas."

"That.... shouldn't really be possible." Leonard mused.

Luka shrugged, "I've kinda given up on trying to make sense of any of this." Luka said, "Once magic entered the equation my whole life understanding basically went out the window."

Leonard was quiet for a while before he spoke again. "You were not aware of the magical world in the slightest growing up, were you?" He asked.

Luka shook her head. "Not a clue." She said, "I kept trying to think of ways it could have been hidden with how modernized the world is getting, and I keep coming up blank."

"Well, we do try hard to keep hidden," Leonard explained, "But normally people like you aren't even remotely magically inclined."

"What do you mean by that?" Luka asked.

"People who don't grow up around it almost universally have no talent or affinity for any kind of magic," Leonard explained, "But you seem to have quite promising skill, despite being an extension of your mistress' own magics. Its a shame you won't get to use any magic of your own some day."

Luka shrugged. "Not like I'd understand any of it." She said.

"You don't give yourself enough credit." Leonard said, "What were you studying before becoming a familiar?"

Luka raised an eyebrow. "I was going to be an engineer, why?" She asked.

"So you had to learn a lot of natural laws and how materials interacted, correct?" Leonard continued.

"Technically speaking, yeah you could call it that." Luka said.

"You know magic isn't much different." Leonard said, "I don't know why you gave up on understanding so easily after entering our half of the world, sure superficially it seems like there's no real rules in place but things still interact and react consistently. The scientific method still works."

Luka looked up at him silently for a long time. She started to speak up, but was interrupted as Lady Rya jogged into the room.

"I think I made a breakthrough!" Lady Rya declared excitedly.

"Oh? Do tell." Leonard remarked.

"So the reason it interacted with your form seems to have nothing to do with the effects of the potion!" She said proudly.

Luka stared up at her dumbfounded before she responded. "So you're telling me we learned fuck all, right?" She asked.

"Not necessarily Luka," Leonard interjected. "Keep in mind the conversation we were just having, this is the first step to progress."

"I'm lost." Lady Rya said as she looked back and forth between the other two.

Luka folded her arms and thought for a few seconds before she stood up. "All right, I might as well take one last crack at this thing before really giving up." Luka said.

"Glad to hear." Leonard said cheerfully. "Lady Rya, may I request you take a back seat to Luka's inquisition on the matter at hand?" Leonard asked.

"Uh, sure I guess." Lady Rya said as a puzzled look crossed her face. "What do you want me to do then?" She asked.

"I'm going to have Luka here decide which direction to take your research and design your experiments, I'll need you to answer any questions Luka has along the way to help her out." Leonard explained.

Lady Rya thought silently for a minute, then nodded. "All right, I'll play along. I know better than to question the logic of an elder entity anyway." She said as she flashed a big smile, then led the other two back into her lab. "All right Luka, where do we start?" She asked as she sat down at her desk.

"Lets start with an ingredient list for the potion I made, then we'll get some control tests running." Luka said as she walked over to one of the lab tables. Ten minutes later they had a rack of vials to test again; though this time only a few were fully brewed potions. "Let's start with the control group and work our way up." Luka said as she grabbed an empty vial off of their test rack and pantomimed pouring something out of it into Leonard.

"I'm confused, why are we throwing nothing at him again?" Lady Rya asked as she watched Luka grab another empty vial and repeat the process. "It's not gonna do anything." She said.

"We don't know that for sure." Luka said as she repeated the control group another five times. "This way we can tell if the our physical presence had an effect or the motion had an effect, and once we know this for sure, we can narrow the list of possible causes down with certainty rather than flying blindly." Luka grabbed a vial filled with water and repeated her tests with similar results as Lady Rya looked on impatiently. Luka continued going down the list of components involved in the potion making process until she finally saw a result from what looked like torn up butterfly wings; which seemed to get stuck inside Leonard. "Bingo." Luka said, and repeated the test with similar results until the colorful debris filled Leonard's luminescent form.

"So what does it mean?" Lady Rya asked with a yawn.

"It means we found physical matter that can interact with a nonphysical entity." Luka said, then asked, "Where do these things come from again?"

"Those are from phase drakes, a kind of fairy dragon." Lady Rya said disinterestedly. "They're dirt cheap because the things breed like rabbits and are really easy to hunt because they're kind of dumb."

"So anything else to note about them?" Luka asked.

Lady Rya shrugged, "If you get them in your house good luck exterminating them, they can teleport out of any trap you set for them, and into whatever you try to lock out of their reach."

Luka shook her head. "You see, this is who I have teaching me." She said as she looked over at Leonard. "I ask if there's anything unique about them and she says 'not really, but they can teleport' like that's normal."

Leonard chuckled, "Well that's not an entirely uncommon ability in our side of the world; though I see where you're coming from." Leonard said. "Some other things that might help are they are not exactly native to our dimension, and it's hypothesized that they may teleport by returning to their own dimension, traveling a bit, and then returning here."

"Neat." Luka said," Well, seeing as we can only get the things to stick to you we'll need a bit more than just these to get something running for you. Can you think of any other things like that that might be from different dimensions?" She asked.

"Oh, on to something are we?" Leonard asked, "Why the sudden fixation on dimensional travel?"

"Call it a hunch, but I feel it deserves further testing at the very least, or at least until we find other unique properties to this phase drake thing." Luka said.

"You guys gonna take much longer?" Lady Rya said with a yawn.

"This might take weeks." Luka said flatly, "Maybe even months."

Lady Rya sighed, "I'm going to bed in that case, you two can have at it in the meantime." She said as she walked out of the lab.

Luka looked after her mistress for a few seconds, then returned her attention to Leonard. "All right then, lets get this show on the road." She said as she walked over to her Mistress' bookshelf and browsed for relevant titles.

"I look forward to seeing where your research takes us." Leonard said. He sounded pleased with himself.

The two of them worked long into the night until Luka passed out at her workbench. Leonard was kind enough to wake Lady Rya and get her to carry Luka to her own bed to avoid the soreness that would have resulted from sleeping bent over a wooden table. The next morning the two were back at work researching extra-dimensional and suspected extra-dimensional creatures and materials. Luka put together a shopping list and Leonard asked Lady Rya to procure the materials as politely as he could. Lady Rya was annoyed to be the one doing the leg work, but agreed to do it anyway for Leonard's sake. It was a couple weeks of testing each material rigorously before cross testing began. Though most materials seemed to react at least partially to Leonard's presence, few of them seemed to interact directly with one another. Lady Rya in the meantime, spent most of her time lounging in the living room while she tried to keep busy, but was ultimately unable to stave off boredom. It was roughly three weeks into the cross testing phase when Luka had her first breakthrough. A species of parasitic fungus that phased spores inside its host before taking root, and the original phase drake wings were combined in a mortar and pestle, and the resulting reaction nearly cost Luka her arm. The materials seemed to vanish with a powerful sucking force; which made the bowl vanish along with sizable chunk of Luka's sleeve that got ripped along for the ride.

"Well that's something." Luka said as she felt her heart racing.

"Yes, but what has yet to be seen." Leonard remarked. "My best guess is that somehow the two ripped a hole to another dimension, maybe they have the same native dimension?" He asked.

"We can operate under that assumption for further testing, though that seems to be the case if their individual tests are compared." Luka said, flipping through her notes. "See, they both had functionally identical test results from exposure to your proximity; they both were suspended inside you until removed. They clearly have something in common."

Leonard and Luka discussed this long into the night, and the next day they had a new series of tests to run. It took them another week of testing with similar results to branch out to other materials. Another three weeks led them to another breakthrough.

"That's normally just an emulsifier for potion creation, but it seems you've found something new about the material." Leonard remarked as he hovered around the small crystal suspended in the air and wrapped by what looked like a shimmering elastic ring.

Luka tugged at the crystal gingerly. "If our hypothesis about the materials producing a dimensional rift as they return home is true, then this rock seems to be holding the rift open." Luka remarked as she tugged the crystal hard. It slipped free of the ring and Luka caught a fleeting glimpse of what looked like marshland through the small hole it left behind before the hole slammed shut with a house-shaking thump. "Guess we keep going from here?" Luka remarked.

A full week later, the final material they figured they'd need for this line of research came in the mail. A specially built ring of a specific crystal, about the size of a dinner plate. Lady Rya dropped it off for them in what had become their lab as she sorted through the rest of her mail. A few hours later, their final test was set up and ready to begin. Arranged so that Luka could look horizontally through it, the ring was suspended on a specially built stand and coated in the fungus spores. After it was covered, Luka carefully ground up the phase drake wings needed for the second part, and then sprinkled them across the ring's surface as well; which caused a loud tearing noise. The two materials reacted violently and caused the expected rip in space to occur, but this time the edges of it caught on the ring and it was held open by it. The crystal now wedged firmly in the gap in dimensions, the pair could see through to the other side of whatever place those rips led to.

Luka looked into the bright daylight on the other side for a long time as she thought quietly.

"Well, at the very least we've done something unique for one without any magical inclination." Leonard remarked.

"What do you see through it?" Luka asked.

"Wilderness, why?" Leonard asked.

"No, I mean where I'm standing, is there anything on the other side in that spot." Luka said in a low tone.

Leonard thought for a moment before responding. "No there's nothing, what do you see where I would be though?" He asked.

"Well, it ain't human." Luka said quietly, "It looks like a mass of pink skin If I'm gonna be honest. Try moving around." Luka watched the amorphous mass carefully as Leonard hovered back and forth, and to her surprise, the mass rolled in perfect sync with him in its corresponding place on the other side of the rift.

"What do you think it is?" Leonard asked.

"You know, I think it might be your body." Luka said thoughtfully.

"Interesting..." Leonard mused. "The assumption up until this point was that our bodes simply disintegrated when we ascend, though trans-dimensional displacement seems also possible. it would also explain the nonphysical form we take in this dimension as a sort of psychic projection from whatever our bodies become."

"I gotta be honest though, we can't really know what that thing is or what it means." Luka said, "Though I think Lady Rya might be able to do something with what we've got so far." She remarked.

"I would appreciate her making the effort." Leonard said.

"Before we try this though, I gotta ask," Luka said with a sigh, "Is your current form really so bad? I mean with the right assistants you can keep doing good science like this forever. The only thing holding you back is a lack of physicality, but you can still do so much and accomplish so many things how you currently are!"

"Luka, this is not a thing I expect you to understand, but I've simply gotten tired of knowing everything and miss all the hassles and pleasures of having a body." Leonard explained.

"Is pleasure really it?" Luka asked with a sigh.

"Not entirely, but yes." Leonard said.

"Why does it always come back to sex?" Luka groaned.

"Listen, I don't think I have the patience to reason with your sexual insecurities, so I believe my point is best made through example." Leonard said. For the first time since he had arrived, he sounded frustrated.

"How do you intend to-" Luka started, but was cut short as all her senses seemed to fail at once.

Suddenly, Luka was adrift in a black void. She could hear nothing, nor could she feel anything. The clothes she had been wearing no longer registered on her skin, and she could no longer feel herself taking breaths. "This is how I am now. I can't even see in the sense that you can." Leonard began. "I lack any of the five senses you have as a living being, its terrifying, isn't it?" He mused. Luka tried to respond, but couldn't tell if she was making noise and not hearing it, or simply unable to make noise right now. Regardless, as Leonard said, she could feel anxiety well up inside her. "Almost anything is felt as pleasure when compared to nothing." Leonard continued. "But its not even sexual pleasure I miss the most. I miss the little sensations, like the fullness of a good meal." As he said this, Luka felt the sensation he described, and to her surprise relaxed as the satisfied feeling took over. "I miss the feeling of a warm breeze on your own skin." luka felt this too, and could feel her hair as it whipped in the wind as well. She was getting lost in the forced sensations, and her conscious thoughts were getting left behind for them as Leonard led her deeper. "I miss the feeling of holding someone dear close to your body and feeling their warmth." Luka felt her chest warm up as a phantom lover embraced her from behind. "I miss each an every intricate detail of exploring another's body as they explore yours." Luka felt her hands descend on firm shoulders and at the same time felt warm hands run down her sides to grasp her buttocks. In each place she was touched, a warm sensation tingled outward slowly. Her own hands descended down a firm chest and stomach to an even warmer spot between the phantom's legs, and there she felt something stir at her touch, but before she could think about it she felt its hands descend on her breasts; which shattered her focus again with another spark of pleasure. "These are the things I miss, and are they really all that bad to miss?" Leonard asked. Luka tried to answer but her mind was scrambled as fingers descended on her groin and began massaging every nook and cranny she had to offer. Fingers plunged inter her gently but insistently as more fingers rubbed her clit in slow circles; which worked her arousal slowly but steadily higher and higher. "Of course its also pleasurable to give as well as receive." Leonard mused as Luka felt something hot and round slide its way between her lips. On some level she knew what it was, but right now under Leonard's spell all she knew was what felt right. Without prompting she felt her tongue and lips massage the phantom's member as he continued rubbing her in all the right ways. Pleasure buzzed inside her like a tangible energy, and she was quickly overwhelmed by it. "The feeling of intimacy that can only be achieved one way is the thing I miss the most." Leonard said. Suddenly, Luka's mouth was vacant and she felt the same girth now push its way inside her as her phantom lover kissed up and down her neck and breasts. She wrapped her legs around her lover and drove him deeper inside her. He pulled her in for a passionate kiss as she tried both to please his length and drive it deeper inside her for her own pleasure. After just a few seconds she was shuddering and on the verge of a mind shattering orgasm. The tingling and warmth inside her that had been inside her built to the breaking point as her lover hammered away at her. Right as she was about to achieve release she found herself laying flat on cold stone floor. Bright light shone down on her from the ceiling as her pussy ached and throbbed in near agony from being denied such a powerful release.

"W-what the hell was that?" Luka croaked, pulling herself up onto her knees.

"A lesson." Leonard said flatly. "I hope you understand my reasons for wanting to revert a little better now."

Luka stared at the floor for a long time before she nodded to herself. "Guess I can't be one to judge." She murmured as she stood up.

"Close enough." Leonard said, "Would you be so kind as to fetch your mistress for me?" He asked.

Luka nodded silently and walked out of the lab. Lady Rya was in her usual spot on the couch, and was reading what looked like a cheap romance novel. "Leonard's ready for you, I think we got it figured out to a point where you can do something." Luka said sheepishly.

Lady Rya gazed up at her familiar with a concerned look. "Luka are you okay?" She said as she stood up.

"I'll be fine." Luka said and forced a smile. Lady Rya studied her for a time before hugging her tightly. Luka shivered in her Mistress' warmth.

"You made him mad didn't you?" Lady Rya half asked, half stated..

"Something like that." Luka said.

Lady Rya kissed Luka's forehead, "Well, everything should be better from here on, right?" She asked.

"If you can do what I think you can, then yeah, definitely." Luka said as she stepped free of Lady Rya's grasp. "Let's go."

From then on, Lady Rya took over the experiments; of which only two were performed. The first was simply putting her arm through the portal. The second was a bit more complicated, and hardly an experiment. Lady Rya called it as much because she hadn't tested the magic she was using properly before, but it worked surprisingly well. After muttering a few incantations, the mass of flesh on the other side began to ripple and warp before extending itself like a snake and wriggling its way through the hole to their side of the dimensional rift. To their shock, as soon as the mass finished moving over, the ball of light that was Leonard vanished. Lady Rya panicked at first, but Luka calmed her down and explained what they had been hypothesizing before she pulled her back into the loop. Lady Rya thought for a bit, and said she'd need a few weeks to finish the job if what they said was right. Luka then removed the crystal ring from the rift which caused another house-shaking thump as it shut. After they transported the mass of flesh to the room Luka had awoken to her current life in, Lady Rya asked for some privacy. Luka wasn't allowed near the basement while Lady Rya worked, and was left to her own devices for the duration. She spent her days reading form her Mistress' library, and her evenings getting drunk upstairs at the bar.

"You've been busy lately. What the hell went wrong?" Kevin asked as he poured Luka her last drink for the night

"We're still busy, nothing went wrong." Luka mumbled before she took a sip from her fruity drink.

"Luka, you seem like the kind of girl who's only happy when she has a tricky puzzle to wrap her head around." Kevin said, which prompted Luka to look up from her drink. "More importantly, you don't seem the type to enjoy getting smashed, that's more Rya's thing." He said.

"Just trying to sort myself out is all." Luka said, returning to her drink.

"Booze ain't gonna help that." Kevin remarked.

"Lets just imagine for a second that you were dumb enough to say your shit doesn't stink or something equally ridiculous." Luka blurted out, "Then someone you respect reached into your god damn mind, made you take a shit, rubbed your face in it, and then confirmed with your own senses that your shit does indeed stink." She trailed off as her vision blurred for a few seconds.

"Sounds like you got some sort of reality check." Kevin remarked, "Knowing Rya and her clientele though, I'm guessing you did something stupid like saying sex wasn't important. Sound about right?"

"Shut up." Luka groaned and buried her face in her arms as she felt her face grow hot.

"Hit the nail on the head I see." Kevin said with a chuckle. "For what its worth though, I understand your pain right now. A long time ago I had a similarly rough lesson about learning to do what feels natural rather than forcing myself into someone else's mold."

"And where did that get you? A proxied base of operations for a sex witch?" Luka asked grumpily.

Kevin laughed, "I learned that long before I met Rya. If I hadn't I wouldn't have met my husband." He said as he stood up. "You take it easy Luka, enjoy the rest of your night." He added as he departed to tend to his other customers.

Luka sighed and decided it was time to go home. She stumbled out of the bar and back into her shared home. She barely made it to her bed before she collapsed and passed out, still dressed. Early the next morning she was woken by her door being slammed open. "Luka, we did it!" Lady Rya shouted excitedly.

Luka flailed in surprised and nearly fell out of her bed. "Jesus what happened?" She said, then groaned as she felt the full force of her hangover hit her.

"Come on!" Lady Rya shouted and tugged Luka out of bed.

Luka stumbled to her feet and nearly tipped over the other way. Lady Rya caught her before she could fall over and led her out and down the hall. "Can it wait for a shower?" Luka pleaded as she was pulled stumbling through the living room and down another hallway to the basement.

"Later, He's waking up!" Lady Rya said excitedly as she came to the end of the hallway they had been running down. Lady Rya stopped briefly to wave her hand in the air. The wall at the end of the hallway vanished before their eyes and revealed a door a few feet back from it. Lady Rya wasted no time and dragged her familiar through it. Inside was a room familiar to Luka, as was the equipment hooked up to the naked man that was strapped to the bed in front of them. He was hooked up to an IV drip that was feeding his body some clear fluid as Lady Rya rotated his bed to be nearly vertical; while the straps securing him to the bed held him in place above the cold cement floor.

"This is certainly new." The man mumbled in a familiar voice as he slowly pried his eyes open. He was tall, had black hair, and navy blue eyes. He wearily eyed Luka and Lady Rya for a minute before he spoke again, "I think you guys did it." He said as he looked down at his body.

"Is that Leonard?" Luka asked having forgotten her hangover for the moment.

"I'm right here you know." Leonard scolded, then winced as Lady Rya pulled the IV from his arm. Blood trickled down from the small hole it left. "I feel like that hurt way more than it should have."

"You're going to be hypersensitive to all sensations for a time." Lady Rya explained, "That's probably going to be made worse thanks to you not having felt them for who knows how long."

"Is that what he looked like before?" Luka asked.

"No clue, lets find out." Lady Rya said, and pulled a hand mirror seemingly out of thin air. She held it up in front of Leonard's face.

Leonard studied his reflection thoughtfully for a long time before speaking. "Not even close, but you know what?" He said, "I like it."

"Good enough then." Lady Rya said cheerfully. "Though I ask your confidentiality in this matter, I don't want people knowing about my research right now."

Leonard nodded, "I was going to mention you seem to be operating outside your schools." He said, "Knowing what that usually means, it's encouraging to see you're actually getting somewhere with your efforts. I'll keep my mouth shut for you, just let me know if a time comes where you need to back up your research."

Lady Rya nodded. "I thank you for that. Now, shall we give that new body the run down?" She asked.

"I don't see why not." Leonard mused.

"Wait, we aren't doing what I think we're doing?" Luka asked worriedly.

Lady Rya looked over at her familiar with a disappointed expression, "You know for being such a prude you sure jump to sex a lot as your first guess." Lady Rya remarked. "Are you sure you're not trying to compensate for something?"

Luka felt her cheeks burn hot and looked down. "Sorry, I've just been on edge these past weeks." She mumbled.

"I've been meaning to apologize for that." Leonard said, "I did act rashly and overstepped my bounds."

Luka sighed and shook her head, "Don't worry about it, I'll need some painkillers before we start." She said quietly.

Lady Rya nodded and snapped her fingers; which caused the belts holding Leonard to his bed to split and retract into the bed. Leonard stumbled, but managed to stay upright on his new feet. "Like riding a bike." He mused as he took a shaky step forward, then stumbled down onto his knees. "Never mind." He added with a laugh.

"Luka, go take your medicine and meet us in the washroom." Lady Rya said as she helped Leonard up to his feet. "We have work to do after that."

Luka nodded and hurried out of the room. A minute later she was in the kitchen, where she downed a small handful of ibuprofen and a tall glass of water. After that she headed back to the living room and down the hallway that led to their washroom. Inside, she saw Lady Rya was already drawing the bath in the large tub in the center of the room while Leonard sat on the tiled floor next to her rubbing his legs clumsily.

"Its not atrophy, but it feels like it as far as I can tell." Leonard mused to himself.

"Nah." Lady Rya said as she poured some pinkish powder into the slowly filling basin. "You've just never used those legs before. you're gonna have to learn them."

"Was it the same for you?" Leonard asked as he looked up at Luka.

Luka shook her head as she walked over to her mistress.

"Luka still had legs when I put her back together." Lady Rya explained. "I had to make yours from scratch."

"Still not following," Leonard said, "But I'll go with it for now."

"All right, we're ready." Lady Rya said as she turned the water off. The large tub was now full of steaming, foamy water. Lady Rya wasted no time stripping out of her usual tee shirt and pajama bottom and revealed she was wearing no underwear beneath. Luka couldn't help but blush at the sight of her mistress naked.

Leonard chuckled. "Just what are we doing again?" He asked as Lady Rya helped him to his feet.

"We're getting you used to using that new body in a safe environment, and giving it its first bath in who knows how long." Lady Rya explained. She eased Leonard down into the warm water; which elicited a hiss from him as he descended. "Too hot?" She asked.

"No, but almost." Leonard said. "I think I see what you meant by the hyper sensitivity."

"Luka, give me a hand here." Lady Rya ordered as she propped Leonard mostly upright in the center of the tub.

"Do I have to strip naked?" Luka asked.

"No, but do you want to ruin your clothes?" Lady Rya retorted.

At first Luka considered just diving in, but remember she actually liked the shirt she was wearing. She decided to go halfway at least, and removed her top before she stepped into the pool. Leonard snickered as Luka descended in only a bra and jean-shorts into the bath tub. "Oh I'm sorry, forgive me if I'm not so eager to strip naked in front of new people." Luka remarked as she propped up Leonard's other side along with Lady Rya.

"Do whatever makes you most comfortable." Leonard said with a smile.

"All right, lets start by moving your legs." Lady Rya said, and as prompted Leonard began a walking motion with his legs. It was clumsy, so much so that Luka wondered how he had even been able to stand at all as she watched his feet ungracefully bang off the bottom of the large tub. Slowly but surely, his movements became more controlled, and he tried kicking the water with his legs; which pushed him back against the women a bit.

"Am I wrong to think this is progressing a bit too quickly?" Leonard asked, "From my understanding physical therapy takes months."

"That's when something's wrong with your body." lady Rya said, "Yours is fine, you just gotta get used to it. Now your arms, I want you to try to swim back against us using them."

Leonard did as asked, and with an equal lack of grace. He flapped his arms like a baby bird for a good ten minutes before his movements became more coordinated. Sweat dripped from his brow as he devoted his entire focus to making his arms move in sync, and his effort was rewarded. In about twenty minutes he had at least a passing mastery over his new limbs; though by now he was breathing heavily from the effort.

"That's really good work, let's move on to something else." Lady Rya said, and Leonard breathed a sigh of relief. "Luka, get us some sponges." Lady Rya ordered.

Luka nodded and welcomed the chance to stretch her legs. In the time holding Leonard, her shorts had become uncomfortably tight from the added friction of wet denim and had begun to chafe. She hauled her dripping body out of the warm water and walked over to a wooden box at the side of the room. She opened the box and retrieved a couple of large, round sponges for her and her mistress. "Can I take the top half?" Luka asked sheepishly as she returned to the water.

Lady Rya smiled and nodded as she took a sponge from Luka. "Just try to relax, this may tickle a bit." Lady Rya said as she started rubbing Leonard's thighs down in the soapy water.

"I'll do my best." Leonard said as he continued to pant from his previous exertion.

Luka dove right in to the work and started lathering Leonard's biceps and torso with her own sponge. To her dismay, Luka felt something tingling in between her legs as she worked the warm flesh over. She resolved to ignore the growing sensation and focused on her work. She continued down Leonard's arms as Lady Rya moved in front of him and started work on his shins and feet. Leonard tried his best to sit still, but would occasionally twitch or jump as a sponge scraped a particularly sensitive patch of skin.

"Holding up all right?" Lady Rya asked as she finished washing him south of where she started. She looked over at Luka and stifled a giggle at the sight of her steadily reddening face.

"Well enough." Leonard said with a grunt as Luka began to wash his back.

"Brace yourself, the dirty bit comes next." Lady Rya said with a smirk. She let the sponge drift away and gathered up a handful of foam in her hands before they descended on Leonard's groin. Leonard inhaled sharply and bit his lip. "Try to relax. This doubles as a sensation test to make sure you're working right down here, so don't worry about making a mess." Lady Rya teased as Luka tried to avert her gaze. Leonard nodded and leaned back against Luka as Lady Rya began thoroughly cleaning his testes. "Looking good so far." Lady Rya said as she saw his penis had grown rapidly erect underneath the water. His cock twitched wildly just from having his balls massaged and Leonard shivered against Luka. Luka, meanwhile, shifted her attention to washing his stomach and inadvertently pressed her beasts against his back. Lady Rya finished her work and slowly wrapped her hand around Leonard's now erect member; which immediately throbbed in her grip as Leonard came. Luka did her best to ignore the hot sensation blooming against her hand as she held Leonard's shuddering body above the water. Lady Rya grinned and started slowly rubbing his oversensitive length up and down. Leonard all but convulsed as Lady Rya continued washing his cock so soon after orgasm. Luka could only hang on tight and had abandoned washing him for merely supporting him in the water. Lady Rya giggled as she coaxed another orgasm out of him; this one strong enough that it broke the surface of the water with the first two spurts. Luka couldn't keep herself from staring at the cloudy mess surrounding his girth now, and Lady Rya pushed on undeterred. Leonard was now a shuddering, moaning mess in Lukas arms as Lady Rya picked up the pace despite having finished actually cleaning Leonard's cock. Lady Rya's fingers fluttered up and down his length as her thumb worked the underside of his tip in small circles. With a grunt, Leonard relinquished the last of his seed for Lady Rya into the bathwater; though his last orgasm was a constant drool of cum coaxed out by the skilled hands of Lady Rya. Luka caught herself biting her lip and tried to shake her head clear as Lady Rya relinquished her grip on the worn out man. "Well, you check out clean in my book." Lady Rya said with a satisfied look.

"Remind me not to get on a carnal mage's bad side." Leonard gasped as his body shook from the residual sensations. Luka hauled him to the side of the tub so he could support himself. "I worry what you could do with actual magic after that performance."

Lady Rya winked at Leonard. "You'd have to see me off the clock to find out." She said. "Now, lets get you dressed."

Lady Rya prompted Luka to help Leonard out of the bath water and they toweled him off. A few minutes later, Luka had fetched some clothes from her own room that were too big for her. They had been bought early during her residence here online, before Luka had known her new body's actual measurements. Leonard seemed doubtful at first, but once Luka explained the clothes were sized unisex and bought because they appeared unisex, Leonard agreed to wear them. They helped him get dressed and back on his feet. Leonard stumbled a little bit at first, but was now able to walk. Lady Rya led everyone back to the living room with a very pleased look on her face. There, they began talking payment. Leonard admitted it had been a long time since he required physical goods, but explained that before ascending he had some money in the bank that had been accruing interest this whole time. He also explained that he had lost track of how long he had been in his ascended form, so he wasn't sure how much he had gained. Ultimately, Luka accepted a promise to a third of his current assets in that bank account and they said their goodbyes. Lady Rya made sure to give Leonard her personal contact information so they could stay in touch if anything went wrong with his new body. After that, Leonard walked out the front door to have a drink and go to the bank to start work on rebuilding his physical life; which left Lady Rya and Luka alone once again.

"He was nice." Luka said with a sigh after a few moments of silence, then let out a gasp as she felt Lady Rya grip her around the middle and pick her up. "What the hell?" She barked as she was slung over her Mistress shoulder.

"Bed. Now." Lady Rya said with a smirk as she carried her familiar out of the room.

"Right now?" Luka asked as she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Yes. I'm a professional, but I'm not a rock. That man's little display got me going and don't think I didn't see you staring too." Lady Rya teased.

Luka felt her face flush once again, "Do I have to?" Luka pleaded.

"I told you I'd break you in on my own time," Lady Rya said as she opened the door to her own bedroom. "And right now, it's 'me' time." With a flop, she laid Luka out on her plush, circular bed. Luka felt herself all but sink into the mattress with how soft it was, but before she could have considered relaxing Lady Rya was on top of her. "I put in a lot of hard work on your body Luka, and I'm going to enjoy it now. Don't worry though, I promise you'll like it too by the end of it." Lady Rya teased as she unclasped Luka's still-wet bra and exposed her familiar's breasts to her eyes. Giving no time for Luka to stop her, Lady Rya descended on the puffy pink mounds that were Luka's nipples. Luka thought to protest for only a split seconds before her mistress' touch sparked what felt like a fire inside her. Warmth bloomed in her chest and began spreading to the rest of her body as her nipples tingled from Lady Rya's tongue. Now only able to pant, Luka barely registered Lady Rya doing something complex with her hands before feeling her shorts suddenly yanked off of her along with her panties by some powerful unseen force. Now naked and aroused, Luka could barely think straight, but just as she was getting into it Lady Rya stopped and sat back from her familiar.

"W-why'd you stop." Luka gasped as she looked up at her mistress. Luka saw her MIstress was also naked now, but to her shock she saw something purple and throbbing between Lady Rya's legs. "What the hell is that?" She asked as she tried to scramble upright.

"This is the next step in training, my dear." Lady Rya said as she stroked the seemingly plastic cock poking out from between her legs. "This is a special toy I made, I can feel everything it feels." She added as the thing throbbed in her grip again. "Now you're gonna be a good girl and face your fear." Lady Rya then crawled over Luka until the toy was hovering right over her face.

Luka stared up at the purple cock that twitched above her as she felt her heart race. She tried to say something but words escaped her. She could see the toy was bent at the back end, and Lady Rya had it inserted inside her own pussy. Just how she kept it inside her without falling out, Luka didn't know.

"Now lets start easy." Lady Rya said. "Reach up and feel it with your hands." Lady Rya ordered.

Luka swallowed, and complied. Tentatively, she touched the fake phallus and was surprised to find it felt like real flesh. Lady Rya waited patiently as Luka slowly felt the length of her fake cock up and down. After a few minutes she started to stroke the toy slowly. Every few strokes she would gently twist her hand around the tip, causing Lady Rya's hips to push forward into Luka's grip.

"Good girl." Lady Rya purred as she backed her hips up. Luka's hands froze as Lady Rya lined the tip of her length up with Luka's mouth. "You seem to remember how to use your hands, now lets start work on training that mouth dear." Luka stared at the length in front of her for a few seconds before extending her tongue to give it a few tentative licks. "That's good to start but you'll need to do more than that, try using your lips to stimulate the shaft at first." Lady Rya coached. Luka complied and started slowly kissing up and down the underside of the purple cock in front of her. Lady Rya smiled and started stroking Luka's hair as she worked. "You're doing well so far, now lets try the tip." Lady Rya said. Luka nodded and slid her lips up the underside of the shaft as she brought them to rest on the end of the fake cock. Luka took it a step further and began running her tongue around the tip of the toy as she got lost in her work. Luka could feel an itching sensation growing in her groin, but continued with her work as she tried to ignore it. "Good girl." Lady Rya gasped. "Now try taking it in your mouth." Luka looked up at her mistress for a moment before she returned her attention to the cock in front of her. She moved her head forward and slid the tip of the fake penis into her mouth and let it rest against her tongue, noting that it tasted like plastic. Lady Rya winced as Luka's teeth scraped against the underside of her length. "Easy dear, a little teeth can be okay but penises are really sensitive. Try tucking your upper lip over your top row of teeth and getting your tongue over the bottom row until you get the hang of it." Luka struggled for a bit, but after a moment had put a cushion of soft flesh between Lady Rya's cock and her teeth. "Much better." Lady Rya sighed as she pet Luka's hair. "Now lets go a little deeper." Lady Rya said. Luka sucked slightly on the length in her mouth as she took more of it inside her, and then started moving back and forth unprompted. Lady Rya gasped. "Ah, getting the hang of it I see." Lady Rya said with a smirk, then let out a long moan as she felt Luka's tongue ripple along the bottom of her toy. "Deeper." Lady Rya groaned as she took a firmer grasp of her familiar's head. Luka complied and slid the fake shaft further into her mouth. To her surprise found she was able to suppress her gag reflex easily. "You're doing so well, You're gonna make me cum." Lady Rya groaned through clenched teeth. Luka's heart skipped a beat as she heard this and was overtaken by a strong desire to please her mistress. Nearly choking herself, Luka redoubled her efforts and pace. Lady Rya moaned openly as she thrust into Luka's mouth in time with Luka's own efforts until she gripped her familiar's hair firmly and forced herself deep in Luka's throat. Luka triad to relax as her throat rippled around Lady Rya's cock. Lady Rya groaned as she rode out her orgasm. Her cock spasmed as it tried to squirt its nonexistent seed directly into Luka's stomach. Lady Rya withdrew from Luka's mouth with a wet pop as saliva drooled off her length onto Luka's heaving chest. "That was good for your first try, dear." Lady Rya said as she felt a little dizzy. Luka looked up at her mistress sheepishly as a surprising feeling bloomed in her chest. She couldn't explain why, but Luka felt really proud of herself, and even better from Lady Rya's praise;though she was given little time to relish these sensations before Lady Rya hooked her arms under her thighs and pulled her up so she was sitting upside down on her shoulders with her butt braced against Lady Rya's chest. Lady Rya wrapped her arms around Luka's stomach to keep her from squirming free. "Now for your reward, dear." Lady Rya purred as she eyed Luka's pussy; which now was mere inches from her face. Luka tried to say something, but all thought was shattered as Lady Rya pressed her mouth against her surprisingly wet slit. The words caught in Luka's throat turned to moans and Lady Rya's expert tongue began playing with her folds. Luka's whole body twitched and shuddered as its long ignored need was tended to. Lady Rya worked quickly and efficiently, and gave Luka no time to adapt to one sensation before hitting her with a new one. Luka's hips bucked wildly as she was forced to orgasm. Lady Rya's tongue danced within her familiar's snatch as it tried desperately to clamp down on it before withdrawing as Luka slid into an afterglow. "Wow, someone's not been taking care of themselves at all down here. How often do you masturbate dear?" Lady Rya teased. Luka tried to respond, but could only wheeze. "I'll have to make up for lost time then." Lady Rya teased as she reached between her own legs with one hand to withdraw the toy that had been sitting there ignored for a while now. Lady Rya unceremoniously pressed the tip of the purple toy against her familiar's slit and slid it as deep inside as she could. Luka shivered and bucked her hips against the toy as she unconsciously tried to force it deeper. "All this pent up need and desire isn't healthy for you dear." Lady Rya gasped as she quickly slid the toy in and out of her partner. Luka groaned senselessly in response as her hips gyrated in time with Lady Rya's thrusts. Lady Rya couldn't help but groan as well as she still felt the pleasure from Luka's pussy clamping down on her enchanted toy. It wasn't long before the two reached another climax together. Lady Rya groaned as Luka all but flailed in her grip from the fake cock that throbbed inside her. To Lady Rya's surprise, Luka was the one to initiate a third round by thrusting her hips incessantly against the toy still stretching her wide. "Oh my, finally being honest with ourselves dear?" Lady Rya asked, "You have to tell me what you want."

Luka froze and was quiet for a few seconds before mumbling something unintelligible. Lady Rya just cocked an eyebrow in response and waited for Luka to speak clearly. "I want to keep going." Luka admitted quietly, her face fully flush from embarrassment and gravity as she stared up at her mistress needily.

"Of course dear," Lady Rya said as she smiled. "But only on two conditions. The first is that from now on you take care of your needs. You need to masturbate at least once a day, understood?" Lady Rya said. Luka nodded quietly and fidgeted. "The second is that we make these sessions a regular event. Your mistress has needs too." Luka looked up at her mistress as if in shock for a few seconds and then nodded eagerly. "Good girl." Lady Rya said cheerfully as she relinquished her grip on Luka and let her slid back down flat on the bed. She withdrew her toy from Luka; which elicited a disappointed grunt from her familiar. After some adjustment, Lady Rya reinserted the bent end of her toy into her own slit and laid back on the bed with her it standing proudly erect between her legs. "You're gonna take over this time." Lady Rya said with a grin as Luka sat upright. "Ride it, dear." Luka nodded and clumsily straddled her mistress. They both groaned as Luka lined the tip up with her entrance and quickly brought her hips down on it. Lady Rya thrust up as her familiar bottomed out on her cock and made a loud slapping noise. Luka wasted no time and started quickly bouncing up and down on the toy while Lady Rya worked in time with her until the bedroom was filled with the slapping of flesh on flesh and the moans of the two women. Neither of them lasted long like this, and soon they both had one last exhausting orgasm. Luka squealed as her passage rippled around her mistress favorite toy. It tried in vain to milk as much cum as possible from the plastic cock. Lady Rya groaned while grinding her hips against her familiar as her cock throbbed with another dry orgasm inside Luka. Luka collapsed to the side as the toy slipped out of her. "I'll have to find a way to get this thing to actually squirt now that I have a use for it." Lady Rya mused as she looked over to her partner, then giggled once she saw Luka had passed out with a small smile on her face. Lady Rya smiled as well and kissed her familiar's forehead before she decided to follow Luka's lead and took a nap as well.

The next week they got a letter in the mail from Leonard. From the return address, Luka figured out he was living in an apartment three states away now. Inside was a long-winded thank-you note and a six figure check that Luka nearly dropped after reading. Lady Rya decided a splurge was in order, much to Luka's disappointment. Instead of dedicating the funds to finishing her research, Lady Rya instead contracted an expansion to the house. Luka tried multiple times to reason with her, but eventually decided to just go along with it for her own sanity. It took about a month, but they nearly doubled the floor space of their home. Lady Rya went a step further and refurbished Luka's own bedroom. As much as Luka disagreed with the choice, she had to admit it was a nice gesture. Luka's room now had its own assortment of bookshelves which she was allowed to fill up with whatever she wanted. Unfortunately, not everything brought with this change was to Luka's taste. With the new bedroom came a completely new wardrobe, and with that she was no longer allowed to wear her preferred unisex attire. A new selection of girly tank-tops and skirts were her attire for the season, and similarly feminine clothing was lined up for the colder months ahead. Along with a new wardrobe, a whole suite of sex toys was purchased for Luka. She still had mixed feelings for the devices, but was still following her Mistress' order and using them once a day. As much as she hated to admit it, Luka was warming up to life with her mistress. Their training sessions became a weekly occurrence, and as much as Luka hated the training part of the sessions, she found it hard to deny how much she enjoyed the reward portion of her training. After her spending spree had slowed down, the two were left with about four figures to their name; which luckily for them was at least the usual payment for their services and managed to fund Lady Rya's home and research for a few months after that.

Reset: A Reason for Change

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A True Ghost Story

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