Some might call it an abusive relationship

Story by farath on SoFurry

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#1 of Weird and upsetting

In which a dragon falls in love with a shapeshifting carnivorous slime monster who, surprisingly, turns out to not be a very good girlfriend. Incidentally, my nanowrimo theme was biohorror.

I'll be honest, this one gets really weird. You may want to carefully consider the tags before continuing.

It seemed like such a good idea when I was writing it, but you know how sometimes when really heated up things that are normally really gross can seem appealing during that intense porn-search-session and then as soon as you finish you suddenly regret your path in life and wish for a way to physically scrub your computer monitor clean of what you just did? That's sort of how it went. At least I assume that happens to other people too and that I'm not just a shameful person. Ah, well.

Think I got to write something more normal and pleasant next, maybe featuring two completely consenting people in a healthy relationship or something sick and gross like that. I was mostly done with one but then this idea sort of just forced its way to the front of my mind and blocked out access to the other ones, if I didn't post it it would just keep distracting me while I was driving.

11/17/15 edited slightly for a grammar mistake and to change a name to avoid rewriting a longer thing that used the same name more

The dragon's heart rate steadily rose as he ascended the steps to his apartment, knowing what awaited him there. It was, for lack of a better phrase, his "girlfriend." Of course, he was never sure if either of the words making up the compound were true, but at least on the outside heir arrangement seemed to fit the descriptor. Standing outside the door, he steeled his nerves, hiking the gym bag strap up over his large shoulder, his heavily muscled chest expanding slowly as he tried to calm his breath. When he opened the door, the powerful aroma nearly floored him, the warm, musical tone from the kitchen keeping him on his feet.

"Oh honey, you're home early,"

His work at controlling his heart rate completely broke down,

"Was the gym closed, or did you skip it today?"

He cleared his throat, dropping the bag to the floor, kicking his shoes off to their spot by the door.

"Oh, no, it was just really empty today, didn't have to wait for anything."

"Oh good," She rounded the corner, he nearly choked seeing her there, just in the apron, he always had to check and make sure he was awake when he saw her, she looked as through she'd crawled directly out of his dreams. "You know you're not allowed to skip. "

She crossed the room in just a few strides, she was small, but fast, a tight little red fox, just the way he liked it. Closing and locking the door behind him, she tore his shirt off, inspecting his arms, back, and chest, rubbing them over with her slick fingers, licked his neck, "Yes, you weren't lying, good. Come, I made dinner."

It wasn't easy, being her chosen one. She was very demanding, very specific, in his daily activities and what he ate and did. Really, being at work and the time before was the only time he had she didn't schedule. Sometimes she'd even go visit and check up on him when he was at work or at the gym, to make sure he wasn't breaking her rules, or deviating from her plans. But it was worth it, he thought, she was so pretty... he almost half-dozed-off into a daydream, dropping his spoon on his plate as he stared at her across the dinner table. To avoid her glare, he quickly picked it up, smiled, and went back to his meal. She was always in favor of the high-protein diet. That's what the smell had been, when he got home, an admittedly well made and well presented array of fish and some variety of tree-nut. She'd actually gotten pretty good at cooking in the time they'd been together.

As the last bite disappeared down his throat, he leant his head back, eyes closed, for a moment, just enough time for her to have pulled both the tables, and his pants, away. He let out a masculine rumble, caressing the fur on the back of her head as she slowly toyed with the elastic of his underwear, free hand rubbing his stomach.

"Its almost that time of the month, dear," she began to pull the band down, slowly, his cock achingly hard as it slooowly popped free, her hot breath only accelerating its ascent, she giggled a bit as it finally reached full strength, giving it a kiss on the slit, "Do you think you can put on five more pounds of muscle by Tuesday, for me?"

His breath already approaching a ragged pant, tongue lolling out, he nodded, yes, please, she rolled her long, slimy tongue around his engorged head. It was a tall order, but he'd do anything for her. That was why she chose him in the first place. Red dragons were naturally excellent at packing on muscle, and thanks to his overactive testicles, which she now held on the bridge of her wet nose, licking at their base, he was even better than average. That's how they met, really. As she slowly licked up, circling each ridge and nub of his dick, he couldn't help but to stare into her big, blue eyes. She never could quite get the eyes right.

Satisfied at how worked up he had gotten, she slowly rose from her kneel, and climbed up on top of him, settling her legs on either side of his dragonhood, letting its tip rub against the base of her tail, continuing to tease it with a slow wag. She pressed her chest against his, the fabric of the apron stretching between them, and leaned up to just whisper into his ear.

"I ate a gryphon today."

He could never forget how they met, nobody would be able to forget that sort of a thing. He was just starting to work out, just started his first month of it, really, after a lifetime of sedentary slobbishness. It was a 24 hour gym, since he had a strong aversion to crowds, and liked to go late at night when there was almost nobody else there. Finishing up a set, he heard what sounded like a muffled scream from the locker room. As the only other person there at the time, he had felt obligated to check it out. There was more noise, muffled moans, a soft, slimey suckling sound, a feminine grunt. He slowly rounded the corner to look into the showers, and had to grasp his jaws with his hands to keep from crying out.

There was Jake, a big dog that sometimes gave him form advice, and a person sized, person shaped glob of dark blue jelly that engulfed Jake's head, upper torso, and legs. The blue was turning a more purple-ish color around him, as his flesh was rapidly digested as the rest of him was pulled in. He was completely frozen in fear, as the creature finished taking in his buddy, who was within under a minute reduced to a canine skeleton. The gel shuddered, sounding so... pleasured, as it took a more anthro shape, using the skeleton as a guide. It saw him.

He tried to run away, but his body wasn't quite co-operative, a combination of sore from the workout and still half paralyzed in fear. He was just able to back against the wall. Fortunately for him, scales don't stand on end like fur does, so a scaley is better at hiding their fear than anyone else. He did not so much keep his cool, but refrain from externally freaking out, as the monster slid across the floor to him, coming face to face.

"So, what's your name?"

It talked. He wasn't expecting to survive this long, seeing how quickly his friend had been absorbed.

"Ka-K-k" He stuttered, then quickly took a deep breath, reminded himself that he wasn't necessarily already dead, "Kalban. Sorry, I didn't expect anyone else to be here this late."

"Nobody else is, anymore."

Its voice was so, soothing, a part of his mind even found it... attractive? No, no, that couldn't be right.

The creature was sort of surprised that this prey wasn't running. It had an idea. It kept him there, trapped in the corner by its dangerous mass, talking for a while. It asked him what he liked, what he most desired in a woman. It called up from within itself the genetic memory of its previous prey, collecting the genes it would need, marking mentally what it still lacked, asked where it could find them. He was so submissive, already, he hadn't even gotten hurt, but already willingly surrendered all the information the creature asked for, even where he lived.

It was not a traditional relationship. An outsider, unaware, might mistake it for one, after she'd crafted an idealistic appearance, seeking out the traits he admitted were his favorites, taking the genes by force as she fed on his neighbors at night. Lacking a name by nature, she let him name her after the imaginary girlfriend he'd had in highschool, Nicole. During the day they seemed normal, going on dates, watching tv together, even lewdly holding hands in public. He was never really sure what was going on with her, but he always did everything she told him to. Partly out of fear of being assimilated, partly out of fear of losing her; if he could just ignore what was underneath her skin and what she was and what she did, she was almost a perfect girlfriend, and at the very least was the best looking and only-est one he'd ever had. He secretly hoped that that was her intention, the whole time, even though even more secretly he knew it wasn't. Her species, whatever it was, fed primarily on flesh and blood, muscle tissue, so he always felt a uncomfortable when she insisted he follow the strict fitness and dietary regiments designed to maximize the parts that, on other people, were her food.

Back in the present, his eyes went wide as he heard her words. Usually she was happy enough with their arrangement, that she didn't feel the need to hunt down and eat other people, there must have been something he did wrong, or couldn't provide.

"Nikki, I..." She placed a wet finger over his snout, silencing him. Her fur had already begun to resorb slightly, he could see patches through to the gooey blue truth underneath, in places. She slid back off of him, kneeling before his cock again, rubbing it with her solid hand.

"Gryphons are fun. His penis was very thick, and had small spikes all over it. Do you know why?"

"They're fo-" he started before his breath was evacuated by her sharp grasp on his ballsack,

"Well, then Why Don't You Have Any?" Her voice lost its normal, soft, beautiful tones and was replaced with the deeper, harsher tone it took when he displeased her.

"B-Because dragons don't have that feature." He quickly stammered out, cock aching with her tight grip, as if it threatened to rip them off.

She relaxed her grip on his sack, started to lick his shaft again, a bank of tentacles escaping from her shoulderblades, wrapping around him.

"Well then, if you really love me, then you'll try to get some then, won't you?"

He couldn't answer. He could only nod his head as the slick tendrils, each one as pleasant as anything he could imagine, massaged his cock, like an array of tongues, around the tip, under each ridge, across each vein on his shaft and quickly filling knot.

"Well good, because I saved them for you."

He was never quite sure how to feel about this part. Her other hand, the one that had reverted to its slimy form, pressed into his abdomen, sorbing through the scales, making him uncomfortable as if he was partially merged with her, as some mass from within her traveled down the translucent tendril of her arm, and into him, modifying his genome. It always hurt a lot, but he gasped in pleasure, flexing his cock, nearly cumming right there.

"Now, be a good boy, and hold in your load for me, I've just got some work to do."

The mass of writhing tendrils completely enveloped his shaft, knot, and balls, translucent enough that he could still see his flesh through her own blue gel mass. Her head parted through the makeshift orifice, kissing his shaft lightly. His spine seared in blissful pain as she modified him, each kiss drawing out some flesh and forming a pliable, but sensitive spine.

This was not the first time she'd made changes to his body, using genes she'd absorbed form her prey. The day they met she'd given him his late friend's enormous, german shepherd knot, and over the months they were together, she'd continuously grown his cock. Each time they had a session like this, she always changed him in some way, maybe a little thicker, maybe making one of his ridges a little more pronounced, maybe bulking up his knot a bit- though usually doing that meant she'd eaten another dog- and more than once she'd come home drunk with a half-digested equine inside her, and made him sit, terrified, as she sculpted another inch or three onto him. Sometimes when she sobered up, she'd take away some size, just to keep him from getting too conspicuous, or to save his bloodflow, but she also always liked to keep his balls uncomfortably large. She said it would help keep his testosterone high, to build muscle faster, which was, after all, the only reason for these sessions.

She worked all along his cumvein, making a row of long, thick barbs, then another around the rim of his head, followed by a series of smaller ones along each ridge. He could barely breath for panting so hard, it was so difficult to hold off orgasm. Suddenly, she retracted, all the tendrils quickly hiding back under her soft red fur, which returned over her body as her guise fully re-appeared.

"I'm done for now. Hold on to your cum for me, please, until next week."

Harvest day. He was never quite sure if he looked forward to it or not. After last week's particularly intense sexual encounter, it was hard to keep it in his pants at work. His dick strained against the fabric of his pants in the office, and he once almost jacked off in the bathroom, just to relieve the pressure, until the image of a digested skull floated through his mind's eye, and he had to maneuver his aching length back into his now too-small pants. She'd been working doubletime, trying to maximize testosterone and muscle-building, sending him sexy texts at the office, sitting on his waist when he bench-pressed. It was working too. He'd broken his personal best, the one he'd set the day before last harvest day, by ten kilos. He actually felt very good. If he wasn't in this, well he called it a relationship, he felt like he could do quite well for himself on a night on the town. It was the strongest he'd ever been, he couldn't help but flex and tense a bit, as he made his way up the stairs, still undecided if he was filled with excitement or abject dread. On one hand, it was terrifying, but on the other hand it felt so good, but on the first hand he was never more than a split decision from being messily absorbed, but on the other hand if he didn't do this for her, she'd just be on the hunt anyway, so in a way, he was really taking one for the team, he reasoned to himself, undoing his belt as his fiddled with his keys to open the door.

Letting his pants drop the floor the moment the door was closed behind him, he laughed to himself at her presentation. The whole "trail of rosepetals to the bedroom" thing, huh? Guess she'd been watching some movies while he was gone. He tossed his shirt onto the pile of shoes, and began to stroke himself as he led himself to the bedroom, mentally refusing to admit that his new barbs actually felt very nice as they filled with blood.

There she was, splay on the bed, breasts matching her slow breath, a little trail of lubricant already leaking from her folds. The first half of the night was his time, to do with her as he wanted, to enjoy his body and hers, and to be in control for once, at least for the first five minutes. He growled at her, commanding her to lay flat on her back at the end of the bed, spread her legs for him. "Good girl." She contained her laughter, it was cute to see him, pretending he was in charge. There was no need for foreplay, she wasn't really a person anyways, whatever she was had no concept of arousal, she was already as wet as she knew he wanted her to be, as much as she had to be to fit in the large mass she'd built for herself.

He slid his left hand underneath her, grasping her rump, lifting her up and re positioning, still stroking his manhood with his right, she was so small now, half his size, if that, he could throw her around a bit if he wanted, and he did want to. He lifted her up gently, and tossed her down, onto the corner, taking her moans as approval, and he used his hand to guide his length towards her entrance, grunting as he battled her tightness to force his head in. She involuntarily shuddered and let out a little meep as she felt his new features and increased thickness spread her to her current form's limits as he began to work the first third of his cock into her.

He liked to go slow, pretend she couldn't handle it, pretend she had to work up to take his mass. It was an ego thing. As he slowly increased his pace, working up to a steady thrust, he began to formulate his next move.

She smiled, playing his game with him. She put on her most sultry voice, "Oh ,my, Ban, you're so much bigger than my husband." Shed heard that line on the internet. She knew he liked to pretend, to roleplay.

Yeah, that was it, her words were the sign he needed, to decide on a direction to head. Still only thrusting half, maybe two thirds into her, he bodily picked her up off the bed, bending her legs up to her chest, fucking her like a living fleshlight, long, hard, fast strokes, bouncing her off his knot, feeling every little twinge of pleasure , "Bet your husbands not as strong as I am either? Auh," He felt her squeeze, tighten, convulse on his cock for a moment, taking an excruciatingly slow time pulling out of her, letting each individual barb tug at her lips before popping free, each ridge pulling her entrance taut for a split second, until only his thick, engorged head remain inside, "Suuch a good girrll" he trailed off into a low growl, before throwing her, forcefully onto the bed, the springs protesting loudly, headboard slamming against the wall " Now, kneel."

She obliged, kneeling on the bed, on hands and knees, tail and tongue wagging in unison, looking up at him with her too-large, too-blue eyes. He stroked her head, rubbing his cock against her lips, looking at her tail. It was like a timer, the fur slowly disappearing along its length, until his time was up, and hers began. He didn't have enough time left to waste on her throat. He climbed onto the bed, crawled around behind her, pressed his girth against her pussy again, it having already returned to its full wet tightness.


She, again, obliged, whimpering, nearly crying, squirming in place, not allowing her hands or knees to budge, but bucking her hips back towards him, feeling his massive cock spreading her wide as he rocked her body back and forth with one strong arm, the other roughly massaging her chest and tightly gripping her neck. He was almost out of time. He pounded her as hard as he can, each rut moving the bed a few inches across the floor, slipping a millimeter more of knot into that ring, starting to shake flecks of goo off of her body, staining the sheets as she prepared to take her turn, sucking in her fur and revealing her true form.

With both hands he picked her up and with all his strength, pulled her down onto his cock, thrusting up with all the power in his hips, forcing his knot, finally, into her pussy, but his literally roaring orgasm was silenced and cut short, as her gloppy tail stuffed itself into his mouth, her orifice contracting so tightly around the base of his knot so as to prevent any cum from yet escaping.

"Nice try, but just too slow. Its my turn now."

He whimpered, legitimately, as he sank into the bed, her features rearranging across her body to be facing him instead of away, her long, thick, dripping tail gently bobbing in and out of his face as she pushed him into the bed with her suddenly strong arms. She didn't derive any pleasure from that, well not physically, she still smirked as he was humiliated and reminded of her power. As she continued to lift her vagina up and done on his cock, riding him softly, she withdrew her tail from his jaw, giving him time to breath. She sensually rubbed her sloppy hands and tentacles over his body, paying special attention to his biceps and chest.

"You did so good, just like I asked you to.." She leaned in for a kiss, momentarily engulfing his whole snout in her own, "Now time to feed me. "

He hated the feeling of his scales softening as her tendrils massaged his muscles, preparing to absorb them from him. She took his mind off of it by forming the end of her tail into a translucent, slimy, slightly thicker and longer duplicate of his own cock, grabbing his head with two arms, though she now had five or six or seven all stroking his body, and began to viciously fuck his throat.

So this is what it feels like, he thought to himself, holding back tears, choking for air, feeling the barbs he just a few moments ago had begun to feel proud of now scrape roughly against his tongue and palette. It certainly took his mind off the rest of his body, aching as he saw her slimy tentacles begin peristalsis. He felt his previously bulging muscles begin to soften, mass drawn up out of him by lamprey-sucker appendages, seeing his bulk rise up through them and into his mate. A few tears fell from his eye as his favorite ridge forced past the barrier of his own throat, the salty liquid licked away by one of the tendrils holding his head down.

She couldn't help but vibrate in pleasure, the feeling of controlling him both mentally and biologically. The drop of fluid from his eye was perfect.

"What's the matter? Can't take what you dish out? I'll show you how its done."

She let loose a frightening groan, increasing the pace of her parasitism, she'd only sapped two or three inches of circumference from his arms, less from the rest of his body. She had been letting him off easy. She latched another set of tendrils to his pectorals, eagerly sucking up mass, adding it to her own bulk. To taunt him, she pulled her tail out of his mouth, to let him catch his breath and take a look at her. She'd been adding her stolen mass onto the equivalent area of her own form, beginning to look, herself, like a muscular woman, and then, with a nasty snarl, pulled away all at once over half his muscle mass in one motion, causing her to moan orgasmically, and him to cry in pain, only for his cry to be silenced with a brutal thrust that nearly knotted his jaw.

She wasn't showing his own cock any mercy, either. Though she refrained from sapping its size, she was nearly torturing it with pleasure, but still denying it from release with her vicegrip across the cumvein. Within her artificial orifice, he could see and feel what were like dozens of tiny mouths, embedded in the walls of her pussy, each suckling on a barb or ridge or sensitive surface as the whole of her bulk rode him hard. A pair of hands roughly massaged his sack as well, kneading the painfully full orbs.

When they had started, he was over twice her size, but by now she was the larger one, towering over him, creating striations in her jelly mass to mimic the musculature she'd taken from him, laughing as he became smaller, weaker, even his spine contracting as he became slightly shorter, thanks to one particularly powerful pull of her feeding tendrils. He felt as though he were wasting away to nothing, underneath some gelatinous monster.

"Do you love me?"

For the first time in minutes, he opened his eyes, to look at her, the array of hungry feeders still sprawled from behind her shoulderblades like sinister hair, her fur starting to show, soft, red fur, spreading from between her breasts. She'd taken on a form much like her day-guise, just much larger, with breasts and waist expanded disproportionately. Her tail pulled back from his jaw. He wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't even sure where he was, or who he was, looking down at his body, nearly empty save for the bare minimum of flesh and organs, with a few bands of tight muscle remaining in places she'd paid less attention to..

"I said: Do You Love Me?"

It was that tone again. He felt her hands, so strong now, claws digging into his soft scales, her pussy contracting so tight he felt as though he might burst.

"Yes, yes, yes, please," He gasped, sighing in relief as the pressure abated.

"Good." She smiled a cheshire grin, as she lapped up the last bits of mass he could live without, sucking them up into her body as her facade once again faded and she returned to the full-on goo state. Her tail, once again, turned into a replica of his aching cock, but this time, she continued to fill it with bulk, longer, thicker, veinier, each ridge looking sharp, each barb threatening to inflame his throat. Luckily, he didn't have to deal with it long, as she drove it deep into his maw with one long, powerful shove, knotting his sore jaw, as she finally, mercifully released the pressure on his veins, causing a thick white ropes to shoot up through her translucent bulk, followed by another, and another, each held in place by her viscous internal fluids, like a display. She giggled as his cumshot nearly spilled up to her head, not constrained by any internal structures such as a womb. His moans choked out around his duplicate, stifled until he was finally done, and finally completely emptied out. She pulled her tail out of his mouth, quickly reverting to her presentable form, giving a few more experimental sucks on his cock. She got off the bed and presented her newly empowered form to him, laden with heavy musculature as well as greatly enlarged assets. She pressed her big breasts together with her elbows as he whimpered weakly.

"You filled me up so good, in more ways than once, mm, good boy, this'll last me a long time."

She stroked his softening shaft as he lay there, immobilized.

"Now you look so weak, so tiny. You wouldn't want me to leave you, would you? Lets get you back on your schedule, get you nice and big again, howabout, by this time next month?"