Addiction - Chapter Nineteen: Risk and Reward

Story by Rufus01 on SoFurry

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#19 of Addiction

Welcome to act three of my novel "Addiction". Dustin and Alex have spent the last six months building their relationship. Friendship turned into a crush, a crush exploded into full blown romance. This would all be fine and good if it weren't for a problem. Alex and Dustin are siblings. Of course my loyal readers know that. They also know that these two love birds have behaved somewhat foolishly in the past. Luckily they've become somewhat more responsible in the last two chapters. Dustin scored some condoms from a friend of a friend, but after two chapters and a lot of off screen fucking, their supply seems to be running low. All the while they're growing increasingly closer and more comfortable around each other as a couple. They've even tied the knot, so to speak. They've also managed to keep their taboo love under wraps. One would think blue skies await these two. What could possibly go wrong?

This is a work of fiction that will contain graphic incest between consenting adult characters. All characters are 100% fictional. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

If there is one thing worse than unprotected sex, it's inconsistent use of protection. They both have a tendency to end in the same way, only the later may result in a moment of delusion. So, after about a month's worth of safe sex, these two have finally run out of condoms. Desperate and horny these two are relapsing into bad habits. They have the house to themselves. They're trying their hardest to balance work and school. All in all they're acting quite responsible, but when it comes to their sexual habits, it's clear they're nothing more than children, no matter what their driver's licenses say. Maturity doesn't come with your 18th birthday; it's earned through life and life experiences. Alex and Dustin might just have to learn the hard way if they keep this up. Will Alex and Dustin score more condoms before it's too late? Did Dustin just give Alex his pup? Even if they got lucky this time, how long will it be before Alex conceives her brother's child if they keep barebacking like this? Stay tuned for this and the next chapter of "Addiction"!

Thumbnail by DogBoneArtWork over on IB; DogBone They did terrific work.

Special thanks goes to my mate who diligently edits every chapter. As one can tell Addiction is getting long and weird. Imagine what my poor fox goes through.

On the count of us traveling to Chicago for MWFF 2015, there will be NO NEW CHAPTER NEXT WEEK! Chapter 20 will be out 12/13/15. The good news is that chapter 20 is illustrated, also by the wonderful DogBone If you can't wait, I'm pre-selling coming chapters for 2$ each. Or come say hi at MFF. We'll be staying in the Hyatt O'Hare.


Chapter Nineteen

Risk and Reward


Rufus Quentin

December 18, 1998 - January 1, 1999

I stood with my muzzle pointing into the biting cold, waiting for the bus on the curb just off of campus. I could feel the wind whip my fur and cut into every sliver of exposed skin. I dug my paws into the deep pockets of my surplus West German army coat and did my best to wrap the camo cloth around me as tight as I could. It wasn't helping. A tear stung in the corner of my eye even though I was content, very content. The last of my exams were over. I had a good feeling about them. Just one more semester to go and I would be free. Fuck, I thought to myself, barely able to comprehend the thought. Christmas was just five days away.

Where had the time gone? Wasn't it just September? Didn't I just hop off the bus, following Dustin on the covert route into our school building? What were our problems back then? A broken car and the worries about what our friends might think seeing us taking the bus. How silly. How trivial I was. "Don't despair, the worst is yet to come," I remember telling myself. Indeed, I thought, and the worst might very well still be on the way.

"Hey," said a voice behind me.

"Hey Joshua," I said, turning to face the short little mutt behind me. He was a junior, I think, although he had the look of a perpetual freshman. His parentage couldn't easily be identified, though I assumed that either a parent or grandparent had been a golden retriever. We'd become bus-stop-buddies of sorts during the semester, especially after Dustin meandered away to work. I liked this pup for some odd reason. He reminded me of me. He came from a family of similar means. He didn't have a car, but he had a head on his shoulders. In fact we shared some classes this year.

"How are you?" He asked. I could tell he was shivering.

"Cold," I said and gestured that fact with my arms crossed across my chest.

"Me too," he said.

"I hope the bus gets here soon," I said, making for banal small talk.

The mutt just nodded. He fell silent for a while and we both just waited in the cold, "What do you think about Mr. Peterson's final?" He eventually asked.

"Hard," I said.

"Yea," he continued, "I honestly don't know where the quotes came from."

"One was De Quincey. The rest I'm not sure about. Attributed them to Hazlitt and the other one to Keats. Though I'm not sure about the other ones."

"Number two had to be Hazlitt. He was the 'farmer poet' right? There are a lot of pastoral themes in his writing, unlike the other two who just valorize those things at times, but only in reference to the sublime. That was the jist of my essay at least."

"You're a smart kid," I said.

He just awkwardly smiled. "I like Hazlitt a lot. Kinda identify with him."

"Me too," I said, not offering any kind of explanation.

"Hey," Joshua said, somewhat meek, then again, everything he did seemed meek.

"What?" I said, perking my ears in his direction.

"What are you doing during break?"

"Me?" I said. "I haven't really thought that through. Family stuff around Christmas. Then? Who knows?"

"Wanna hang out?" He blurted.

My ears flicked. I didn't know what to say. What was this kid asking anyway? Did I just get asked on a date? "We'll see." I said to the mutt's discernable disappointment. I've been on that side of 'we'll see' enough times to know it's a polite way of saying no. I felt like a bastard. It had to be done for complex reasons. Maybe without Dustin things would have happened differently. I probably could have taken the hit to my pride and social status and said yes to this underclassmen, 'could' being the operative term. Could I overcome my pride without the life lessons learned from Dustin? Where would I be without him? Where would I be without his imprints?

Joshua grew quiet and stayed that way.

Shoulder to shoulder we waited in the cold for the imminent arrival of the bus, peering down the road and wishing for it to appear from beyond the bend. We sat together on the route home just as wordless and as tired. I said goodbye to my mutt friend when it came his turn to get off for the much longer connection to his home near the Kentucky border. I waved as he stood on the curb. He waved back and then he was gone. In another life perhaps...

I got home about an hour later. The last mile felt grueling. A brisk breeze cut through my jacket and fur, unhampered by the leafless limbs of trees. Up on the hills it always felt a little bit cooler. It looked as if it would snow any moment, but it didn't. Maybe I saw a flurry or two, but that could have been my imagination. "Fuck this," I kept saying to myself, shivering with my paws in my pockets, feeling my toes grow numb on the freezing ground. "How the hell am I gonna make it through the winter like this?"

I swear, the most releasing thing I felt in a long time was walking through my front door. I felt like I could just collapse into a little puddle of euphoria right there between the front door and the stairway. Dustin greeted me as I was unbundling. I expected him to still be at work. I called him out on it right away.

"Taking a break. I'm going in again tonight," he said. "Business picks up the later it gets, especially around this time of year."

"Gotcha," I said, pulling off my gloves and hanging up my jacket.

"Besides," he said, "I have a present for you. A Christmas present. I figured I'd give it to you early because I don't think I can hide it for very long."

"What is it?"

"It's a fucking surprise!"

"I got a present for you too," I said, "everything's taken care of."

"Awesome," he said, "but please don't feel bad if I blow you away."

"Should I go get mine? If you're gonna show me yours early, I'll show you mine?"

"That's how it always starts doesn't it? Sure. Go get it. Meet me in the garage."

I walked upstairs and went for my room. I kept Dustin's present under my bed in a simply wrapped box. I'd rescued one of Dustin's jeans jackets, one he liked and wore close to the point of disintegration. I retailored it, keeping true to the rather attractive wear lines and patination. I added some fabric here and there, a patch, a stitch, to give it new life. I even learned how to silkscreen in art class. My idea of a Japanese black pine was now emblazoned on the back. It was an original piece now. I hoped he'd like it. I worked hard on determining a style he'd wear. I brought the box down and walked to the garage. The door was closed and music played on the radio on the other side, country, which was one of just three stations we had.

What I saw stunned me. There was a maroon 1984 Ford LTD Crown Victoria sharing the garage with the Datsun. Nothing really computed at first. I had my questions, such as, "Why is there Crown Vic in our garage," and "How the fuck did it get here?"

"You like it?" Dustin said, standing near the workbench.

"Like what?"

"The Crown fucking Vic!"

"What?" I said, still in disbelief.

"Let me break this down. I got you," Dustin pointed at me. "That fucking car," he pointed at the auto, "for fucking Christmas. Happy fucking holidays."

"Fuck," I said and leaned against the workbench.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Does it work?"

"Yes it fucking works. How the fuck do you think it got here? Fucking Santa Claus? Here, I'll show you." Dustin grabbed a bangle of keys off the bench and briskly strode to the car. He opened it, put the keys in the ignition and turned the starter. It hopped on immediately and purred away. "See," he said, from the driver's side.

"I don't fucking believe it," I said.

"Believe it," he said after turning the Crown Vic off just as smoothly and climbing out.

"Where the fuck did you get it?"

"You remember Mrs. Cathcart?"

"Fourth grade teacher?"

"Her husband passed away this summer. She's been meaning to sell it. She took it to Sam's this afternoon, but didn't like the deal he gave her. Well, she recognized me behind the gun counter and we got to chatting. Asked me what the fuck I'm doing there. I say, hey, got car trouble at home. Plus I'm saving up for college, which thanks to you ain't a lie. She says, oh fuck, you need to go to fucking college. You're a smart boy you are. Here, why don't you buy this car? That way you can save what you earn for books and tuition. I say, well, I'd love to, but I'm fucking broke. She says, that doesn't matter, here, I'll sell you the car for a fucking dollar. A dollar. One fucking dollar. I say, sold! She gives me the pink slip and I count two quarters, three dimes, and four nickels together. Here you fucking go," he said and tossed me the keys.

The keys missed. They bounced off the wall past my outstretched paw and landed by my feet. Luckily I sank to the ground, fighting the urge to cry. I hated myself for it and sucked it all back in after just a moment, but by then the fur on either side of my muzzle had already absorbed the tears and made it obvious. I picked up the keys and sniffled. Dustin walked over to me. He seemed to have lost his edge.

"You okay?" He said a moment later.

"I'm fine," I said, "I just can't believe this is happening."

"Me neither," he said, "we owe Mrs. Cathcart something fierce."

I nodded.

"But this ain't the best of it," Dustin said.

"What could possibly top this?"

"Watch," he said, "and get in."

Dustin turned to the Datsun and opened up the passenger side door. He got in and scooted across the bench seat until he sat behind the wheel. It took me a moment but I got back to my feet and followed my brother. I hiked myself in beside him and sat there waiting for the newest revelation.

"Turn it," he said, gesturing at the ignition.

"You didn't," I said.

"Just fucking turn it," he said.

I reached out and turned the key. Low and behold the Datsun turned over. A low rumble reverberated beneath me and resonated throughout the entire cabin. The familiar sound, the relieving sound of the old truck coming to life entered my ears and went through my body. Needless to say, fresh tears coursed down my cheeks. I dried them off with my flannel sleeves before they could get noticed. Dustin turned the ignition off and everything grew silent. I still had a lot of questions, but for the moment, things had yet to sink in.

"I don't trust the truck yet," Dustin said, "which is why I'm offering you the Vic. I know you have your heart set on the Datsun, but given the circumstances, winter is a much worse time to get stuck on the road."

I nodded and understood completely. I tried to blink out the blurriness out of my vision, but couldn't. Fucking Dustin.

"You okay with that? I donno if the truck will ever be reliable, but at least it's running."

"I understand," I said and looked toward my brother, "I love you so fucking much."

"I know," he said, "I figured you would."

I chuckled a little bit and swallowed the proverbial lump in my throat. "My present is shit compared to this."

"What you get me?"

I handed him the box with his, technically recycled, jacket. He pulled a folding knife out of his pocket and surgically cut the ribbon and tape. He just tore off the paper. Under the lid he found his old, or technically Nate's old, jacket. The few improvements and alterations seemed paltry compared to what he had managed.

"Nice," he said, pulling it out and unfurling it behind the steering wheel. "This is mine isn't it? Was wondering what happened to it? Ah yea, it was falling apart," he tugged at it. "Feels new. And I like the patches."

"You hate it don't you?"

"Come on? This is my favorite jacket! You gave it another ten years of life."

"It's nothing compared to this."

"Just got lucky is all. Glad I was working today. It's just chance. Yea, I figured I'd be pulling the ultimate one-up on you. But when someone offers you a car for a buck, you take it. I just got the Dat to work two days ago, and even then I didn't expect it to work today. Might not work tomorrow."

"It hasn't sunk in yet," I said.

"It hasn't for me either," Dustin confessed.

I turned to Dustin and looked him in the eye. He could clearly see the lines of wet fur beneath my eyes. I felt ashamed. Dustin scooted closer and I inched nearer to him. I tilted my head. He did the same. We kissed there in the truck, in our garage. I didn't want to repay my brother; I just wanted to experience him. Had he given me anything, even just a fucking card, I would have loved him just the same. Some music played on the radio, music I didn't like, but it didn't matter. We soon engrossed ourselves in a passionate make out session, one with a clear trajectory.

I didn't mind when one of Dustin's paws snuck up under my shirt, nor did it offend me when the other inched up my thigh. I even parted my legs for my brother when his palm came to rest below my fly as if claiming what resided beneath the denim of my stride. The possessive grab compelled me to scoot nearer and to feel the warm and dominant body of of another rough collie as close as could be. I'll confess my paws reached out and grabbed cloth, fingers sinking into what lay beneath. I wished there weren't a layer of clothes separating my paw-pads from what I wanted to feel, namely the nude fur of my sibling.

Sometime during our heated kiss my ears perked to the sound of my descending zipper. After that things grew tumultuous. Dustin tried to pull my flannel and t-shirt off at the same time. He didn't even bother to unbutton it; he just tried to tug them up my torso and clumsily pull them off my shoulders. Our muzzles parted, but found each other as rapidly as possible after one shred of clothing left my back and after another left Dustin's. In the end we struggled in the cramped truck cabin in the process of undressing, flailing against the roof, dashboard and steering wheel. Clothes left us as if they were on fire. I heard some threads in my underwear tear as my brother vigorously pulled those off my legs. I robbed my brother of his undergarments in much the same fashion, grabbing them down his thighs and depriving him of them by flinging them out the door.

We soon wiggled naked on a nest of discarded clothes, trying to get into a position we didn't seem to agree on. Dustin's paw made a bee-line between my legs, covering my freshly exposed sliver in a greedy attempt to feel up his sister's private parts. My trembling paws took hold of my brother's plump sheath nearly as quickly. I took delight in finding him firm and peeking, and did my best to stroke him even more aroused. Dustin murred into the kiss and so did I. My tail thumped left to right on the canvas seat and dashboard as I bucked and invitingly ground my sex against my brother's paw and he thrust his length through my grasp.

We kissed each other feverishly past the point our breathing accelerated to make a deep tongue kiss impractical. Soon countless pecks and nibbles cascaded down each other's muzzles, chins, and necks, as we clung to each other's bodies. Dustin's finger stirred between my labia and my paw traveled his increasingly erect cock. I'd already decided I wanted to straddle my brother and replace his wiggling finger with the much more appropriate appendage knotting up in my paw. Dustin seemed at least in partial agreement of that plan. He tugged me and I tugged him in another direction. We bumped against the seat and dashboard. My elbow accidentally honked the horn and my brother knocked his head against the door with a thump that sounded like it hurt.

It was a playful little snuggle struggle, but I felt myself losing. I ended up flipped over onto my belly. My tail end pointed at my brother. His paws seized my hips and gruffly tugged me into the position in which I could expect to get fucked. He corrected my rebelliousness with a firm command of my nude body. Dustin flinched as my wagging trail repeatedly swatted him in the muzzle, my last cheeky line of defense. I hardly had control over it given my excitement. He authoritatively grabbed and pinned it down as he adjusted his positioning. This wasn't what I expected but good enough, I thought to myself as my muzzle turned past my shoulder and I watched my naked sibling take the spot I offered him beneath my raised tail.

"You ready?" Dustin said, kneeling and hunched over behind me, spying upon my exposed tail-hole and aroused vulva.

I nodded affirmatively, straining to look over my shoulder. Apparently we were going to go bare this time. According to my mental records we'd used the last few condoms anyway. There was no point in putting a chill on things to send Dustin upstairs on a wild goose chase for more. If he wanted to cum in me, well, that's just the responsibility I had to take. Gratitude had nothing to do with it. I wanted it.

"Gawd, I love you Alex," my brother said as he took hold of his knot and directed his canine cock toward my sex. I felt the pointy, up-curved tip sliding along my vulva, picking up my slickness for the final plunge. I awaited that moment with all possible anticipation. It was hard to keep from pressing back and grinding against him. I felt incredibly turned on and equally shameless about it. I angled up and brought a paw to my labia and spread them, showing my sibling precisely where he could find my vaginal opening. I grunted feeling my vagina fill a tad too quickly with a stiff rough collie erection. Luckily I'd been aroused just long and hard enough to make that first eager insertion not entirely unpleasant.

"You okay?" Dustin whispered down at me, gazing at first to where his dark-pink, vein speckled cock disappeared into my body, then up my back towards my muzzle.

"Yea," I huffed over my shoulder and wiggled back at him, relishing the sensation of my vaginal walls unable to flex shut on the warm, hard, canine obstruction.

Dustin gave me a few seconds to adjust. I eagerly pushed my butt against him until I felt my labia spreading against his knot as much as they were able, telling him I didn't need the thoughtfulness. Seconds later Dustin's hips hammered away at me. There was no lead-up time, no build up, just immediate and hard sex. Sure I felt sore in the beginning, but after a moment it was pure and utter bliss. My clenched fangs slowly relaxed. The grunts coming from me lost their harsh edge and started to sound more like confessions of pleasure. Indeed that's what I started to feel. My hips rose and angled appropriately, bucking backward to show my brother exactly where, how often and how hard he could shove his cock. I had no complaints.

I lay, propped on my elbows, rocking with the motions forced upon me from behind, staring out into the garage through the open passenger side door. My muzzle hung partly open, tongue hanging from between my fangs as my brother repeatedly stuffed my vagina full with his canine cock. Rapid breaths, inhalations, and the occasional and unladylike grunt vented passed my lips. I looked over my shoulder every so often, but Dustin seemed too engrossed to pay me much heed. He simply wore a stern expression, features straining from one moment to the next under his efforts. He drove his hips forward against my presented butt and plunged his knotted cock deep into my sex, no doubt enjoying the view of bareback incest from above. His ears bent on the roof of the car and his tail wagged out of the driver's side window as we fucked. The truck rocked under our bodies. I could hear the suspension suffering.

Dustin made love to me fast and relentless, occasionally hilting me for pauses just long enough to let me feel his stiff cock throb within the embrace of my vaginal walls. The accompanying jets of canine precum perceptibly splashed as deep as the entrance to my womb. His paws held me tight and pulled me into his incoming bucks. It amazed me how his touch could come across so authoritative one moment, and so comforting the next. It didn't take me long to realize that this would just be a quicky. As such I changed my task from long-haul mutually assured pleasure, to considering it a challenge to see just how quickly I could get Dustin to spill his seed.

"You feel so fucking amazing Alex," he said, growing more vocal as my efforts no doubt paid off. "So fucking sexy," he vented, sliding his paw up my spine and grabbing a bushel of fur at the small of my back, assuring I wouldn't get away. "Shit, I fucking love you," he huffed, demonstrating the depth of his affections with ceaseless humps, the likes of which triggered a wave of bliss up my spine that wasn't just caused by the stimulation. His profanity strewn compliments grew more and more lewd and incomprehensible. Sex talk will never be Shakespeare. It's about pushing buttons, and well, Dustin knew mine by heart. Near the end the two of us demonstrated just how eager rough collies could fuck.

"I'm gunna," Dustin finally huffed, showing no signs of slowing down or wanting to prolong things for sake of a concurrent orgasm. I knew him well enough to recognize that his warnings doubled as a plea. He wanted to finish inside me again. Whenever we were safe about it he wouldn't say a word, he would silently cum and be done all in the safety of a condom. He repeatedly thrust into me, obediently waiting for the words of permission that would bring us both the mutually craved relief. How easy for him, how easy for us both it would have been to just go balls deep and claim accident, but no, Dustin was a meticulously conscientious lover.

I only had a few seconds to think, not long enough really, distracted by the naked collie cock hilting my vagina twice a second. Every pass transmitted a steady stream of disconcerting goodness, a low, promising vibration deep in my lower abdomen, one I feared losing. I was nowhere near close, coherent enough to know the risks and have power over my choices. I did the calculations between gasps and grunts, rocking under the barrage from behind. I'd say three weeks going on four passed since my last period. I was due for another any day now, thanks to the pack of condoms Dustin acquired. The end of the cycle was safe, or so I heard, but could I trust my memory?

I arched my butt up twice toward my brother, who'd already entered into his home stretch, signaling in lue of words I didn't want to utter that I was fair to claim. I felt more lucid than usual during Dustin's last moment and mentally crossed a pair of fingers. I clung to the upholstery, slowly getting pushed across the bench seating by a barrage of knot slaps upon my wet and swollen vulva. I heard my brother sigh and vent the familiar breaths of climax onto my mane. He had found what he was after. His knot struck home a final time hard enough to force a grunt out of my muzzle. His hips grew flush with my butt, pressing without withdrawing. A drop of drool landed on my shoulder. I could feel it; the throbbing of Dustin's manhood against my lips and within my sex. Several waves of hot breath coursed over my mane and between my ears before I could perceive the added slickness spreading between my brother's twitching cock and my bare vaginal walls.

My claws punctured new holes into the bench seating. I breathed quick, taking in the scent of dust, oil, and upholstery, trying not to think of how many asses sat over the years on the spot just inches away from my nose. I guess we were taking risks again, I thought as my brother continued to press against me, dumping all the sperm he could muster at the gates of my womb. Safe sex was fun while it lasted. I'd almost forgotten the anxieties that were sure to follow as soon as the endorphins wore off. For the moment I was complicit, whispering a sultry "good boy," while Dustin painted my cervix white.

When the panting behind me slowed, the paws that had taken a resolute hold on me relaxed, Dustin began to caress my naked body, following my flanks and spine in an impromptu massage. I murred and let go of the seat, crossing my arms beneath my chin. My body tingled as aroused as ever. My ears spun like antenna, anxious and eager for all sensation. I got to feel Dustin soften within me again, slipping through the fresh coat of incestuous semen. He did his best to keep himself in me, but without a tie our union ended rather quickly. He slipped out a moment later to synchronous gasps from us both.

Dustin got off me and slipped out of the truck. I had some trouble regaining my footing since having sperm in one's vagina tends to make the simplest movements just a bit troublesome. I achingly followed with weak and trembling limbs, well aware that that an automobile is ergonomically not the best place to make love. Absconding to the bedroom ranked number two on the day's list of should-haves, right after consummating unprotected sex. The cold concrete of the garage floor greeted my foot-pads after I carefully shimmied myself to the ground, doing my best to avoid adding sperm to the many stains on the truck's canvas seats. A glance back informed that I'd already failed at that task. A Jackson Pollock of dog cum was busy seeping into the upholstery.

My brother and I eyed each other's bodies and smiled at one another. His knotted and slick cock hung limp from his sheath, prominent against his white underbelly. A faint chuckle came from him and I voiced a similar giggle, the kind I always found myself unable to repress when we got a glimpse of each other disheveled and post coital. He took the few steps over toward me. I let myself become pinned against the Datsun. We proceeded to kiss for a protracted moment. All the while I felt cum trickling down my inner thigh. My paw took hold of my siblings cock and stroked the soft appendage, hoping for the moment Dustin would have another round in him, one that would let me get off too. My arousal was nowhere near stilled.

"Did you?" My brother asked, breaking the kiss. His paws ran up my flanks and I shivered, suffering from the hypersensitivity of horniness.

I shook my head and felt my ears warm with blood flow.

Dustin ushered me back to the truck's door. He did his best to lift me back onto the seat, but I slyly helped to make him feel stronger. This brought him eye level to my presented sex. My knees coincidentally spread, giving a clear view of everything he wanted to see including the damage. His paw reached out and spread my matted pubic fur, fingers parted my slick vulva. Translucent threads of semen cooled between my folds. From his up close vantage he could no doubt spot the little pool of white tinted essence gathering just inside my tunnel.

"I'm messy," I warned, stating the obvious as it dawned on me what intentions Dustin may have harbored. We both watched those few drops of Dustin's sperm trickle from my vaginal opening and slowly ooze from my vulva, only to catch in the furs between my pussy and tail-hole.

"I can see that," he said in a sing-song emergence of his accent, rescuing that viscous steam of rough collie producing substance with a knuckle and ushering it back into my unprotected sex, stirring it in with all the rest precisely where it could take effect. I felt myself blush as I let Dustin play with me so dangerously. My mate had certain privileges.

What he did next surprised me, if only very slightly. I didn't think he'd ever do it. I blinked, saw and felt my brother's nose pressed against my pubic fuzz, no doubt eager to take in the taste and scent of inseminated collie vagina. His whiskers bristled among the fur of my inner thigh. Dustin kissed my cum-marked sex as if indifferent to his own flavors and musk, which I knew from experience could overpower in seconds. His open eyes peered up my body long enough to catch my surprise. I voiced an audible gasp, and whispered my brother's name as if scolding him. I watched my brother's eyes close, no doubt pleased to have gotten me off guard. From that instant on Dustin began making out with my vulva, mouthing and nibbling labia flavored of dog cum. It didn't take more to rekindle my excitement.

Dustin's tongue joined in, lapping my aroused vulva. Hot breath vented upon my sticky folds from nostrils coated in a sheen of our combined fluids. He quickly had me cleaned of the semen clinging to my outer folds, darting his tongue through my labia and beneath my clitoral hood, until he seemed certain not a trace remained. Both Dustin's paws returned to my inner thighs, coming to a rest near my warm sex. His thumbs spread my lips and made it easier for him to concentrate on my vaginal canal, where he dumped the majority of his precariously potent seed. I felt his tongue wiggling within my passage and arched my hips up at him in a not entirely voluntary action. I kept bucking toward Dustin, feeling him taste parts of me he seldom reached with his muzzle alone. He'd probably cum too deep to clean me all the way out, but that fact ceased to matter. Dustin did a fine job and it had me squirming in ecstasy in no time.

My paw came to rest on his scalp. Minor ministrations nudged him where to go. He cleaned me out as well as he could to my considerable pleasure. Every twist of his tongue, every hot exhalation, and every prod of his nose and twitch of his whiskers inched me closer. I watched him, staring down my body between my breasts, eagerly appraising all my brother's actions. My hips bucked up on their own accord, grinding my sex upon his muzzle, encouraging him to kiss me precisely where he liked to most. Gasps left my rapidly refilling lungs. His tongue sparked that illicit tingle, the familiar bubble of internal pressure. My brother concentrated on that deep spot with the tip of his tongue as if he could picture it as well as I did.

"Dusty," I vented, just as he unlocked the most successful sequence of sensations yet. My hips bucked up and my belly tensed, waiting for the imminent burst. Dustin's ears perked, but he said nothing. His concentration ran too deep. The loudest gasp left my lips a second later. I tugged Dustin closer and bucked a final time, forcing my brother upon my rapidly twitching sex. A high-pitch yelp escaped my muzzle. Bliss throbbed through me. My clit jerked upon Dustin's nose.

As I panted and felt the pounding of my heartbeat ring in my ears my climax diminished. The last little twitches echoed in my belly and the post-orgasmic euphoria replaced all eagerness with a sense of contentedness. I let Dustin go, but he seemed less than eager to quit stirring the sperm around deep in my vagina. I had to wiggle away to get his tongue out of me. He smiled and licked his own essence off his nose. I gave his muzzle a quick, rewarding caress and leaned down to kiss him. He bore the intimate scents of us both.

"Dirty dog," I said, looking down at him. I had myself convinced I would always be the only one on earth to indulge Dustin the way I did. I also assumed I'd never find anyone else so attentive.

He just shook his head, perhaps a bit embarrassed himself. I've never seen my brother blush, but I could have sworn I'd noticed some pink around his nose, but that could have been the lighting. Dustin hoisted himself back into the cab with me, crawling over my naked body back to the driver's side. He reclined with his dirty foot-paws on the dashboard. I reclined in the same way in a typical wide-kneed male pose, keeping one foot-paw on the glove compartment and let the other hang out the window. We both panted away our excitement until we breathed normally again. His slick canine cock dangled out of his sheath and hung somewhat limp off to his side. I felt inclined to take hold of my sibling's cock and protect it from the cold. Dustin placed his paw over beside my wrist and hummed the tone of a very satisfied, lucky man, a king of his own garage.

"How was it?" I asked, referring to the obvious.

"Pretty hot," he said, and chuckled for a brief instant.

"Ha,ha, you're gay for tasting cum."

"I think there's an exception when it's your own and it's oozing out of your girlfriend's pussy," Dustin said and smirked.

"I figured it'd be a matter of time before you did that. I know how much you like to give me these," I said, half-heartedly pointing between my legs.

"Speaking of which, you safe?"

"Too late for that question now, ain't it? But yea, I'll be fine. It's getting close to the end of the month," I said, hoping that my fertile window had indeed run it's course. Strangely I wasn't as nervous about taking a load as just a few weeks before, though that could have been the sexual high. Experience was teaching me a misleading lesson.

"Good," he said.

"I can't believe you got me a car," I said, looking out the driver's side window at the roof of the Crown Vic.

"I can't believe it either," he said, wearily turning his head to me. Our gazes crossed.

"I hope you don't mind it's a maroon Crown Vic."

"I love it, Dusty, could be pink for all I care."

"It'll get you through college, I think. Its high mileage, but below 100k. I checked it out. Hoses and belts look okay. New tires. Clean in and out. You'll be fine with it. Count it as your birthday, Christmas, and graduation present rolled into one."

"You'll be okay with the Datsun?"

"Yea. It's still your car too. You can drive it whenever you want," Dustin paused, reaching out and wistfully touching the steering wheel. "You know my Christmas present was just going to be the fact I got this thing to run."

"That would have been an amazing present just by itself," I said.

"I felt like I was cheating you out on a gift though, since I benefit from it running as much as you."

"That would have been just fine, to be honest."

"This way, we won't have to fight about rides," Dustin said. "Like we used to."

"Things worked out," I replied.

"They did, didn't they?"

"They do, and they will. We're due for some good luck."

"Shit yea," he said, "but looking back I'd say it was a pretty good fall, even with the bus."

"What would have happened if it didn't break down back then?"

"Who knows," he said, staring pensively out the windshield at the closed garage door.

"It's cold," I said, though I wasn't shivering.

"Yea it is," he agreed. "What the fuck did you do to my underwear?"

"I'll tell you in a minute," I said, leaning over my brother's lap. I reaffirmed my hold of his knotted, sperm slick cock and directed his canine point towards my muzzle. "When I'm done thanking you."


"Good god, your brother must really love you," my father said to my amusement after finishing his inspection of the Crown Vic occupying his garage. I couldn't hide my embarrassment as my dad walked past me back into the house. "Drive it safe, kiddo," he said in passing. If only he knew.

Christmas was a fine affair. Dad and Brandon came back from Charleston. Nathan joined us from Charlotte. I got to meet his wife Cloe for the first time, a slender and elegant rough collie with roots in the north. She was an urbanite and relatively uncomfortable there in the middle of no-where, more so when the alcohol started flowing and my dad and older brothers devolved into the hicks they could be when three or more of them got together in full reemergence of their southern drawl. We befriended one another pretty quick, since I was the only one not drinking or occasionally going out back to celebrate the birth of the savior by unloading a box of ammo into our hillside. She commented on my maturity and breadth of knowledge. We talked a lot about college; where to go, and how to pay for it. It felt refreshing to have someone to talk to that wasn't my brother, who could carry out a conversation without the banalities of high school life and gossipy relationships.

Two days after Christmas my family started to leave again. Nathan and his wife left first since they had the longest drive ahead of them. Later in the day my dad left for Charleston. His work didn't give him more than four days off. Brandon left the next day. Then the house was empty again, save for Dustin and I. It was nice to have the house full of life again. It brought back some of the nostalgia and mixed memories, some anecdotes of a more innocent time before Dustin and I began to threaten our family's stability by our convoluted affairs. My brother and I acted perfectly well while our family was back. We swept through every room of the house before they came, preening out every possible shred of evidence that may suggest that we were more than what we had been. When they were around we barely spoke. At the dinner table with everybody around, we didn't even make eye contact. During the day we were so busy it didn't even matter, only at night I missed the security of sharing my tiny cramped bed with Dustin, a luxury those few weeks of having the house to ourselves spoiled me with.

Only after we sent Brandon back out on the road, and were sure that he'd made it far enough down the road did we dare to rekindle our unspoken and nameless practice. The moment our paths crossed and the stillness of our empty house sank in I became aware of the taboos that would surely find us. Find us they did in abundance. There wasn't much else to do besides explore each other. We didn't get a white Christmas, hell, we never did. We just made love while the rain and sleet pattered against our bedroom windows. We spent almost the entire week between Christmas and New Year playing super Nintendo in our boxers while a cold front brought freezing rain to the valley our house stood.

Though it may be too much information for these pages, I recall that my period started around the day after Christmas. While hardly something worth celebrating or even worth mentioning, the silver lining of it became more than evident. It meant our foolishness hadn't resulted in any consequences, and wouldn't despite the inconsistent use of protection. And while that afforded as good an opportunity as any to rethink things and take stock of more responsible practices, it also meant I had a small window of days I knew I couldn't get pregnant. That was something to look forward to. Indeed we exploited that little loophole in my body's mechanics to the best of our ability.

I felt better by New Year's Eve, which was a good thing since I'd been invited to a party at Bryn's and Dustin too mentioned his intention to go out with his friends and shoot guns and fireworks by the creek. I showered and psyched myself up for a night with my friends, but subconsciously I dragged my feet. Dustin too procrastinated the hours away, showing only a half-hearted intention to leave. We ended up tangled on the couch together, watching the year in review on television. During the next commercial, we kept saying, we'd finally get up and leave. Then it was after eleven and to the sounds of fireworks and gunfire throughout the valley as our neighbors zealously celebrated the next time zone's entry into the New Year, we decided that there was no point in going out at all.

We watched the ball drop at Times Square together on our old, 1970s wood paneled television set. My brother's arm wrapped around me and cupped my breast. The popping of firearms and other explosives echoed in our ears like a distant, yet encroaching, war zone. I felt anxious and Dustin seemed that way too. What were we missing out on? What would we have missed out on had we left? I still felt warm and comfortable right there against my brother and consoled myself with the fact that that togetherness was more meaningful than whatever waited for us out in the cold. Even in our remote location we could feel the energy in the homes of friends and revelers out there celebrating the great and limitless optimism the next three hundred and sixty five days had to offer, a notch closer to the millennium and the great utopia that waited for us on the other side of the year two thousand.

"What's your New Year's resolution?" Dustin asked, softly whispering into my ear as we watched the confetti rain upon New York.

"I can't tell you, or else it won't come true."

"That's when you blow out candles on your birthday cake. You can tell people your resolution."

I hummed pensively. I couldn't tell Dustin that I'd already decided that my resolution was to employ consistent and more effective safe sex practices in the coming year. "I guess I'll just resolve to do what I do every year. Get good grades. Eat healthier. The usual." I paused. "Oh, and get the fuck out of West Virginia."

"Figures," Dustin mumbled.

"How about you."

"Haven't thought of one."

"You gotta have one."

"I guess I'll cut out bad habits."

"Like boning your sister?" I jested and wiggled my tail end against him. "That's a pretty bad habit. Can you be vaguer? They're more effective the clearer they are."

Dustin chuckled and hugged me tighter, reaffirming his hold on my breast. "Eh, maybe next year I'll give that up." He too paused and emitted a pensive hum. "Maybe pot. Haven't smoked that in months anyway."

"That's a good one," I said.

"I'll keep my grades up too, I guess," Dustin continued.

"Good," I mumbled.

Dustin kissed me on the back of the neck. He kept his nose pressed in my mane. Every breath he took reminded me of his presence by that pleasant dissipation of warmth through my fur. That wasn't very long after we'd decided to call it an early night and go upstairs, after Dustin waylaid me outside the bathroom and pinned me to the hallway wall for a lengthy kiss, where we tacitly agreed to have the first sex of the New Year. Dustin pressed all my buttons like only he could ever do so well, demonstrating all the passion he was capable of. He'd become so skilled at wearing down my reservations. Now that I had none everything he did had a new effect, one that stoked the passions and unwieldy emotions like those in the early days of a romance known from experience.

My brother undid my jeans and slipped his paw down the front of my boxers, sinking his fingertips into the coarser patch of my pubic fur. Dustin played with my intimate tufts before descending south to seize my aroused pussy beneath his paw-pads. When we both became too hot to continue I followed him to his bedroom. There he stripped me and I stripped him, wrestling in the occasional kiss and caress of each other's genitals. I landed on my back on his bed. Dustin pounced upon me. His increasingly damp fingers teased my clit through my hood, making me needier than I'd already become. He awoke a rare mood I seldom felt proud of, but one from which he would surely benefit. I took his cock into my paws. He shared his flavors with me in a long kiss as I obsessively reacquainted myself with my brother's canine cock and balls. I could relish the feeling of his masculinity and the virile bucks he sent through my grasp.

"Do we have any condoms left?" I asked, playing responsible even while caressing the ridges of my brother's up-curved glans with the naughtiest of thoughts. I correctly figured now that my period was waning we should start suiting up again.

"Nada," my brother said to my disappointment. Indeed I remember him declaring we were using the last one well before Christmas. I'd hoped he'd been able to source some others. I guess not. His ears swept back as if the truth meant I would deny him.

I paused a moment, hummed a tone of pleasure as Dustin resumed his exploration and wiggled a finger into my vaginal entrance as if to trigger a bout of selective amnesia. It worked. "That's okay," I huffed, casually forgetting that my flow had stopped. "I'm still on my, you know."

"Good to know," Dustin said, regaining his confidence like the flip of a light switch. His finger pressed knuckle deep into me and wiggled about my wet passage, exploring my vaginal depths with a deliberate, lewd caress.

I stroked my brother with both paws, no less eagerly and perversely re-familiarizing myself with the example of my breed's cock. When I had Dustin's shaft and knot lubricated in a slick coat of collie pre I flipped him on his back and pinned his body between my knees. A sly smile graced my features. I kept my secret New Year's resolution until about 2:10 A.M. on January first. That was when my anxious paws directed my brother's length to my awaiting sex. I gasped as I sunk down and permitted Dustin's bare cock back into my warm vagina. Dustin let out a very pleased hum and stroked my flanks in appreciation. In a minute I was rising and sinking, closing my eyes, and moment by moment giving up control over my body. I couldn't stifle the meek sounds coming from me. My muscles and my brother's guidance showed me what to do. The feelings deep in my pussy dictated the next gyration and sexual flourish I needed to perform.

Dustin expertly manipulated my moving frame, hammering his knot against my sex from below. He kept a strong hold on my waist, clutching the fur and the flesh beneath. I clung to the warm male body beneath me, the body of my brother with equal possessiveness. My spine arched and my tail twitched in acceptance of those countless genital uniting cycles. I let Dustin guide me along his shaft, enjoying his expert instruction and the feeling of his uniquely canine tip smoothly parting my vaginal walls multiple times a second. No matter how eager we moved the intervals between the pressure of a knot against my vulva and the feeling of a collie's dick fully occupying my intimate passage seemed interminable.

Should I open my eyes, I could see my brother looking up at me and my bouncing breasts with a sly mixture of awe and perversion. Every blink became a visual reminder of the taboo, every hilting descent a more tactile one. Near the end I barely moved. I merely had to press down and accept the rapid barrage of bucks from below. Dustin panted upward upon my muzzle as he edged himself ever closer and painted my vaginal walls slick with canine pre in the process. I could sense his intentions change and his movements grow delightfully self-serving. Try as he might we both understood that the tight embrace of my warm, wet, and notably unprotected body would rob him of his ability to hold out, especially since the invitation to mark me had been thrown out there. It was my subtle role in the affair not to cut him any slack either. Indeed I fucked Dustin employing every weapon in my body's arsenal to get him to cum.

For all he knew I was still on my period. Unless I said anything the withdrawal conversation wouldn't take place. Close enough, I figured in my last seconds of coherence, just before the emotional and physical concoction of closeness and collie cock thrust me into the flutter of climax. I yelped and reaffirmed my hold on the tense body beneath me, buckling over and venting soft high-pitched moans as the anticipated, relieving contractions pulsed through my lower belly. Then came the genital throbbing, bliss filled moment of amnesia.

A few wet slaps later and Dustin followed my lead. He slammed upward and tugged me down with all his strength. "Fuck Alex," Dustin sternly vented in the first of many sultry sighs as if scolding me for barebacking him all the way into his orgasm. My brother's hips repeatedly pushed upward between my thighs, elevating me ever so slightly despite his paw's strength. Each resolute buck and every shuddering exhalation made it crystal clear my sibling was underway sperming within me. I could feel my labia stretch around his knot. Any more force and it would have slipped in. My nerves soon broadcast the distinctive pulse of a dog's cock deep inside my vagina and my passage flexed upon an increasingly slick and slippery appendage for the rare and illicit sensations that made all the risk worthwhile, at least for the moment.

A few glances confirmed the damage. I had finished and so did he. My brother's caress assuaged my concerns and brought a smile to my muzzle. I leaned down to him and let a few brief licks and pecks show my appreciation. Dustin chuckled under the onslaught, repeatedly telling me to stop in his unrestrained southern accent. All the while cloudy white rivulets of spermy substance trickled down my brother's knot, marking him as badly as he marked me. Instances like that always left a distinct impression. For years I could recall the nights that ended unprotected and there were too many.

I giggled as my panting slowed down and wiggled on my brother's knot, sharing with him the slickness of the added lubricant, confirming, as if we needed confirmation, of the utmost intimacy of our deeds. I stared at Dustin sly and accusatory, as if reprimanding the dog for the inconvenience of giving me a vagina full of cum. It may have been dangerous, but at that age I couldn't think of a greater, more honest way of saying "I love you" than vigorously pinning my brother between my thighs, or crossing my ankles behind his back as he thrust himself into his moment, and in doing so wordlessly accepting the ultimate taboo.

Dustin chuckled too and caressed my flank. He surprised me with a last buck, one that let me feel how deep he'd marked. He seemed completely unrepentant of the mess he made of me.

"Happy New Year," I said as I gazed down lovingly at Dustin. His body almost glowed in the dim light of his nightstand lamp and the Christmas lights I hadn't gotten around to taking down.

"Happy New Year." He replied. The weight of his paws, light as they were, kept me precisely where he wanted me.

"I love you," I said, feeling the words roll off my tongue. By this point the words could not possibly be truer.

"I love you too sis," he said and I knew by intuition that he meant them as much as I did. I lay down and buried my muzzle in my brother's mane, breathing deep of his scents. We lay there motionless until late in the night, long after his cock slipped free and cum stopped oozing from my spent sex.

We woke up on New Year's morning around the same time. The scents and stickiness from the night before clung to us like invisible reminders of passion and taboo. Dustin prodded me with his morning wood which began an episode of mutual teasing, culminating with my brother giving my clit a firm rub down and me reminding him of how pleasant my warm vulva felt sliding against his cock-tip. "Come on, just the tip," my brother repeatedly jested as our tease increased in suggestiveness. I feigned reluctance for as long as I could, but in the end I permitted his preing canine point into my opening and updated Dustin's memory of what the first inch of my vagina felt like wrapped around his ridges. And as every act that begins with the reassurance of "just the tip" I ended up indulging my brother with one inch after the other until I essentially gave him a refresher on full blown bareback sex.

I cooed with my cheek against the pillow, angling my body in full acceptance of this escalation. Dustin slowly sent his unprotected shaft through my folds and the added slickness of what collie seed hadn't absorbed into my body overnight. I pushed back and welcomed the strike of his sticky knot upon my vulva. Soon Dustin showed me all the virility he was capable of and I, legs splayed and my paw between my legs taking over for Dustin's fingering, lay butt up enjoying every second of my brother's attempts to convince me how worthy he was of everything I let, and conceivably would let him do. As I fingered myself close to the second climax of the year a stray thought hit me. "Was it, honestly, safe for him to cum in me, now that I was in a new cycle?" That weakened voice of reason asked in the back of my head. "Sure, why not," I answered and conveniently turned that part of my mind off.

With that I permitted myself to fall into a carefree climax. Dustin did too a few minutes after my spasms died down, grabbing me and pulling me into those nice and vigorous bucks he saved for the very end. We both murred and simultaneously grabbed each other as close as possible when it became clear he was cumming. His knot forcefully united with my vulva for that last, toe-curling push. The hot slickness of dog cum soothed my sore and abused sex as it splashed into its deepest crevices in tune with his throbbing dick. I wiggled back and accepted the dangerous internal onslaught, whispering my sibling's name as he came in me. My ears demurely swept back, listing for the equally erogenous sounds my brother vented as he got off. A smile of satisfaction crossed my muzzle, one that only such an ill-advised intimate moment could bring.

We ended up lying shoulder to shoulder on the cramped twin bed, watching, or at least staring, at the rose parade on my brother's tiny television set. His paw rested on my lower belly near the new home of his sperm and mine kept his knot warm. My left leg draped over his right. I was happy, very happy, riding the endorphins of sex. I could feel the most recent dose my brother's cum trickling from my loose and tender vagina to my substantial pleasure. "You're definitely on a new cycle now," that voice of reason reminded me. "You can't keep doing this. It could take. It could be taking right now."

"I know," I thought, "but it's early yet. Things should be alright."

"You're cutting it close," was the last thing that voice told me. Those words, however, repeated again and again beneath my ears.

How long do sperm live anyway? I wondered. Seventy two hours? Sure there were millions of them currently besieging my cervix, but nothing was waiting for them on the other side, or was there? They'll all be dead by the time there is. Besides, it wasn't like we tied. Didn't eighth-grade sex-ed confirm that the chances were lower if no tie happened? That was at least one rule we hadn't broken yet. Relax, I informed myself. It couldn't happen to me.

I leaned over and kissed Dustin on the cheek. He hummed and let his paw slip down my pubic mound. His finger tip began to stir the evidence of incest between my aroused, slick labia. I could see the blood returning to my brother's cock and feel it grow as firm as ever beneath my paw-pads. I made the mistake of passing on a few strokes. I guess that translated into "I'm ready" in guy language. When the parade and its banal narration ceased to interest him, he turned to his side and flipped me over. "That's right," I thought to myself, "He's an eighteen year old. He'll never be more virile than now." I turned my muzzle over my shoulder and whimpered wearily but invariably acquiescent as Dustin repositioned, but it wasn't as if I really wanted to stop him. "This will be the last time." I thought to myself, "No tie. It's too early anyway. Tomorrow it will be more risky. Sometime soon we'll drive out and get some condoms. We have cars now, we can do it. We can drive all the way to Ashland if need be, somewhere where nobody knows us. Oh god, I hope that none of this sticks.