
Story by TicklishFurry on SoFurry

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~ It didn't end there~

Moonlight entered from a small window to the big dungeon where Tendo was panting and whining. Mr. Love got tired of tickling and teasing after three hard hours, so he hid inside its box again. The dark grey wolf was too weak to pull the chains which held his arms above his body. Sweat dripped from his chin and soles and his wet tongue hanged out. The white-grey wolf who stood in fron of him had a big toothed smile on his face. Nathan grabbed the soft chin and, taking advantage of the open mouth, he pressed his own lips againts Tendo's. His tongue rubbed and explored his mouth, feeling his mouth.Tendo, exhausted, could just stared at the wolf's eyes, confused by the kiss, but he couldn't fight back. After that, Nathan untied his ankles, letting the helpless guy almost reach the floor with his toes. His bulgue throbbed in horniness under his underwear.

Suddenly Nathan adopted a serious expression. He began stroking the wet and soft body, taking all the sweat on his palms. Tendo couldn't talk yet, he just panted and murred, not knowing what was going on. Five minutes passed and the white-grey wolf took away all the sweat from the bound one, and he slipped down both underwear. Their cocks throbbed on the air. Slowly he lifted up Tendo's legs, getting ready. Before Tendo could react, Nathan entered into the wolf's hole, moaning softly. The young wolf gasped and panted in pleasure, squirming weakly. Nathan started thrusting slowly, going in and out. Both wolves moaned lustfully, sweat dripping from their bodies. Tendo's ears leaned down, moaning loudly with his mouth hanging open. Nathan thrusted faster and harder, gripping his prey tighter and leaking pre cum inside. Tendo could just moan and pant, his cock throbbed needely for attention while Nathan speeded up his moves. When they felt close to the climax, the dominant wolf leaned forward and licked up his body, from his chest till the neck. He bited it roughly, causing Tendo to gasp and scream softly.

It was close, just a few more seconds, he continued thrusting and suddenly his lips caressed the neck of the helpless wolf. Tendo blushed deeply and screammed of pleasure, he came and moaned loudly while his captor groaned of pleasure. It was done, both wolves had their pleasure. But it all went black for the young wolf, who passed out after he stopped moaning.

Nathan then untied and carried him in the living room, leaving the tired wolf resting on the sofa.

When Tendo woke up, he rubbed his face. He was now dressed and dried, and confused as well. Looking around he found the wolf with purple eyes sitting on a couch, reading a book with a blue cover. He noticed Tendo was awake and approeached him with a soft smile.

--Oh so you're awake --He said, kneeling down.

--W-where am I? --Tendo asked, scared by the other wolf's presence.

--What do you mean?--Nathan giggled, rubbing his legs--. You still in my house.

Tendo reached over and noticed that it was the same furniture of the house. So it might be a room under the house. When he looked at the wolf, he was now over him, smiling and giggling. The dark grey wolf tried to roll away but there wasn't anywhere to escape. He thought Nathan was about to do something to him. But instead the white-grey wolf huggled him tenderly, rubbing his head. The confused wolf wondered why he was doing that. Maybe Nathan was crazy?.

--W-what are you doing? --Tendo asked again, blushing a little.

--What? Can't I cuddle my pet?-- Nathan giggled and kissed Tendo's forehead

Tendo squirmed a little, blushing more and trying to think about that word. "`Pet?" he thought to himself. When did he become a pet? And why?.

--W-wait! I'm not your pet!

--Of course you are

Nathan licked his nose, making the young wolf feel a little embarrassed. He then moved to his feet, holding Tendo's ankles together with his strong arm. Nathan slid a claw up his left sole, making the little wolf giggle and curl his toes.

--W-wait what will you do...?-- he tried to escape

--I will show you, my pet, how to be good-- and he started scratching one of his soles with his sharp claws

Tendo laughed loudly and curled his toes, trying to escape as the white-grey wolf tortured his sensitive feet. The wolf begged, laughed, screammed for mercy. But Nathan didn't stop until thirty minutes had passed. Tendo's soles were all red and wet from the sweat. Tears fell down from his eyes of laughter, and his ears leaned down, feeling submissive.

--P-please...-- Tendo begged-- no more...

Nathan smiled warmly and rubbed the sored paws, giving them a nice massage. The poor wolf murred loudly and relaxed himself, breathing deeply.

When Tendo thought it was done, Nathan resumed the feet tickling again. His claws moved up and down over the soft soles, scratching his arches and heels. Also he used his fluffy tail to brush the toes and between them as well. The laughing wolf screamed and blushed. He wanted to escape but something made him stay there, suffering. More tears fell down his red cheeks, unable to hold it back.

--GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA-- he screamed and howled of laughter.

When it ended, Tendo was really tired and weak. Sweating and wiping the tears the dark grey wolf blushed. Nathan noticed a bulge under his pants, and he grinned. When the red wolf tried to curl, the strong one held him down, rubbing the hardening bulgue, making Tendo pant and moan softly.

--Be a good pet... and I'll be a good owner

After that Nathan licked the wolf's neck. Tendo closed his eyes and gasped, moaning a bit louder. He then moved his tongue up and kissed him, wiggling their tongues againts each other.

Tendo, confused, hugged the white wolf. And they stayed there, hugging, pet and owner.


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